
Saturday, February 25, 2017

AuT-pp 17 converging and diverging infinite series without convergence

Space has built in convergence (0,1,1,0,1,1,0)  Whether you have a single space solution in the algorithm or thousands, they all converge on zero. Divergence is having two going to positive results while only one goes negative at any one time overall, but they still converge towards zero.
This algorithmic effect of the F-series is carried over in the infinite converging series that makes up dimensional space, but it is fundamentally different as well as being a precursor.
The "geo" function which involves the evolving solution of pi suggests the following:
Pi is F(n)!; that is it is the sum of a function of n over all the individual values of n in the universe for different informational (ct) states.
This may be seen as follows (except that space doesn't have dimension and hence the function is found a a precursor to the other functions):
n/n^0+/-2! or
1/(1)+1/3-1/5...  If you look at this in terms of space it makes sense using the f-series 0,1,1....(2,3,5,8).  The reason is that you have zero (irrelevant in our math, but critical for purposes of the built in convergence) then you have 1 (1/n^0+1) and then you have 1 again (1/[n^0+(1+1)]) then you have convergence which results in the negative as the two 1(s) go to zero).  This hold true in subsequent geometric functions:
4+4/3-4/5 (our version of pi)
5+5/3-5/5...(ct5 or black hole pi)
In each case these go out based on the proximity (in order not distance) of the solutions of the various informational states making up pi.
This solution carries over as convergenece for higher states as the amount of information increases which we refer to as converging and diverging infinite series leading to a universe with compresssion plus divergent (decompression) states.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Aut pp part 16

As I get ready to publish the first of the short volumes, I find myself making corrections that are profound but simple.  Such is the post which follows.
I was challenged by a swimmer of near equal ability; a rarity.  Faster when I started, about the same when I was warmed up, but not able to sustain the hard pace of 200 ims, settling instead for the less challenging 100 ims.  It was a good 2800 yards but an appointment with Shakespear (the dead Jewish one) kept me from putting in the last 200 ims that would have taken me to 1200.
I'm sipping a glass of wine now no longer subject to the hurry of the day, wondering just how to adjust to what will be a very busy and complicated tomorrow when I go to the west coast to ply my wares.

Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT) in a paragraph: The basics of Algorithm Universe theory, and of this inquiry, are (1) All linearity is the result of algorithm solutions yielding information based mathematical solutions baed on a changing single variable where each state is derived from  prior states, probably in the nature of adding the two prior states varied according to the changing single variable with all solutions being derived in a time free, dimensionless state.  Elements bearing repetition are: (2) that this state can be represented by a single variable algorithm, and (3) that space and time occur because of the relative changes between different concentrations of information, resulting from of sequential solutions to that algorithm.
(4) A corollary is that dimensional aspects of the universe and forces (dimension, energy, gravity, clock time) are created in (a) conserved, (b) consecutive, (c) exponentially separate quantum state groupings based on the accumulated solutions of prior time states and (d) an evolving definition of curvature.
A new nomenclature was developed to describe these features.
AuT is specifically the study of fixed quantum coordinates as the origin of all space-time phenomena.
The stacking of sequentially spiraled and offset universe solutions allows for time ordered solutions defining locations which remain relatively constant while allowing for a constant recalculation of points within the quantum universes reflected as movement when x changes. This can designated as (F(U)) where F stands for the Fibonacci series (F-series), U stands for the entire universe of information changed according to the F-series model including individual spirals increasing in size with corresponding compression to control the total amount of information from exceeding the converging series parameters inherent in the mathematics.  A feature of the F-series is that the more coordinates that change at once do not have an effect on the solution of each separate coordinate.  That is the F-series for 1 is 1, 2,3,5 and for 11 it is 11,22,33,55 and this process yields compression that is observed according to the general model F(n)^(2^n).

Thursday, February 23, 2017

In honor of the new planets

I'm going to take a short break from physics to post a chapter from my book which I finished yesterday.  It's off to a reader for comments, then back to me for one last read through.

There is a footnote which I cannot explain since it doesn't appear in the original.  The Duex ex Machina of this book (one of them at least) is the return of a spaceship sent to explore nearby planets for a place to live.  So the news today makes that part a little more plausable.

Somewhere, in an earlier post for a week or two ago, you'll find the first chapter.  When you're writing, it's a good idea if every chapter tells a story.  It's 78,000 words and I expect based on historical records it will be just over 80,000 words when I finish editing (much shorter than Sprials, btw but interestingly prior books on spirals have been longer and shorter and the next summary book so far is looking to come in at under 25,000 words.

book 3 Starts this way: Chapter 1

Present Day Earth, 1000 years after the great collapse

Dewayne Johnson woke up with the twilight of dawn shivering slightly.   He is too thirsty to take time to coax the fire back to life.  He has a sip from the precious small store of water and a cold breakfast of dried meat just to have something to chew.  He is a modern man, but he carries a spear and wears a loin cloth.  The small bag he carries has little room or weight as befits someone who must carry all of his possessions on his back.
He is cold, despite the coming heat that he knows is coming with sun, so after the quick meal, he is running through the suburbs of a crumbling city.  
Grass and trees, large and small bushes grow through the road.  There should be small ponds and streams this time of year, but they are all dried up.[p1]    Even when the streams have water, they are little more than rivulets in what used to be concrete gutters.  It is the dry season in a multiyear drought.  In these conditions, when they can be found, rivers are streams, streams are stagnant ponds.  The small ponds are cracked, dried up mud.  Dewayne’s dark skin doesn’t burn easily in the sun, but he has been thirsty, constantly searching for water this hunt.  He wonders if he will be able to find enough water to survive the trip back to the village where he started.
The day started cool, but the sun is quickly rising in a cloudless sky and the heat will soon be terrific and unrelenting.  Even in his prime, accustomed as he is to these conditions, Dewayne is uncertain if he will make it back to civilization if he doesn’t find water.
He steps carefully because even this far out from the city center there are slivers of glass and rusted metal that would easily cut through his moccasins.  The potential death that could follow would be long and painful, dying of thirst or hunger unable to walk or perhaps the longer death from an infection.
 There are periodic deep rumbling sounds resulting from deteriorating structures, as window, shingles, roofs, walls or even entire buildings fall.  What used to pass as roads in the city are clogged with debris which have merged into hills.  Large and small bushes and trees sprout from these debris-hills, making them beautiful but treacherous in their instability.
He is hunting this morning, but later he may be running from something. There were few large animals after the collapse, but they eventually came back from the woods to occupy the cities, abandoned to plague, war, depopulation and the general failure of power, information, social order and industry.  It is hard to say which blow came down harder so long after the collapse.
For a time, the cities were full of marauders, but they eventually moved out and became civilized again.  It happened after they ran out of victims, when the food supplies and weapons ran out and when the deteriorating condition of the buildings made them too dangerous. 
Dewayne was an outsider from an early age, uncomfortable in the new city states, and their outlying communities, the so-called “Collectives” which buffered the cities from each other.  The city-states were hard on people with their rationing and regulated life styles and their clinging by their fingernails to the trappings of civilization and the ancient technologies and weapons they hoped would protect them from each other.
Dewayne was also a conflicted man.  He was educated, but he turned his back on civilization because it was too restrictive.  The need for society of others dragged him back to the collective, but his inability to conform dragged him away again.  During the current drought, which has been around for so many years he has lost track, food was rationed.  Hunger and a nervous unrest drove him from the Collective where he was raised, always at the mercy of the administrators, tolerated only so long as he could produce what they considered sufficient and fed if the excess was sufficient to include him.  If he brought food back, more often than not, his absence and these trips outside of the collective were tolerated. 
On rare occasion, Dewayne ran into similar spirits from other collectives.  On even more rare occasions he came across an individual who had escaped completely, but they rarely survived for long alone and it was impossible to form a confederation without coming under the protection or threat of a city-state.
He came here for the wilderness, but at times, even the dead city seemed to close in on him.   It was as if the ghosts of the past were here, waiting for him to make some mistake that would allow them to hold him here against his will and forever.
If he was successful, he would sell whatever game he brought back, for when the crops failed in the Collective, people starved, not only in the Collective; but also in the outlying communities that depended on the city for protection and ultimately the cities themselves. 
Dewayne lived in the more independent communities surrounding the City, but he did not like the forced agrarian labor.  It offended him that someone of his intellectual skills was considered too untrained and too untrainable for the skilled positions in the cities.  Despite his wide range of technical knowledge, Dewayne had mastered nothing.  He had taken to hunting and trading which failed to satisfy either his aspirations nor his need to be alone.
Technical weapons were outlawed to prevent insurrection, but spears worked well enough for defense. 
Traps were the only effective method of hunting.  It took less than a week to find game trails and lay the traps out before he came back around to see whether he would be successful or not.  He carried a machete, beat out of the rusting steel of the buildings around him for close work and a similar homemade knife for butchering.  Today, he as he circled the city he would run out of water.  If he didn’t find more water, tomorrow he would have to turn back and see whether he could make it back or not.
The Collectives were worse for the poorest, but even the rich, the city dwellers, the governors and the director himself faced the chance of plague, malaria, dysentery and the like, diseases known and unknown, manmade and acts of god.  The poisons from the last of the wars killed directly and over time.  The world had been at war with the remainder of the human population for some time.
For all the fear they inspired, if it didn’t rain, the ruling class died like everyone else. 
The sun cracked the eastern sky behind him.  The crumbling buildings of the abandoned city before him cast long shadows away from him.  He looked back at the rising sun, welcoming the light and feeling the rising warmth. 
As he turned back, Dewayne saw a shooting star in the still dark part of the sky but it doesn’t disappear.   It grows brighter with each moment.  He gawks. He has seen many shooting stars, there are no city lights to dim the night sky except within the city itself.  There is something different about this one.  It casts an unnatural light and seems to drift towards the city.  He is tempted to run, but hesitates.  If it is one of the ancient missiles, running would do not good.   Where would he run to, and why?
He wondered if anyone else would see it.  He is quite a distance from the last outpost of civilization.  He follows the trajectory.  He realizes that it is a trajectory.  His heart beats faster.  There is a sonic boom and he crouches down in reaction dropping the spear and covering his ears.  A sympathetic building in response to the shockwave gives way and falls with a thundering roll, it lasts for a long time.  Maybe it is 2 buildings or 3.  Dewayne cannot see the collapse through the intervening woods but he notices the star is dropping in the direction of the city.  
It isn’t a missile, he thinks, it is slowing down.  It is a spaceship.  He has never actually seen one, but he is certain this is what a spaceship would look like, how it would act.
He has seen satellites crash before, but this is not a satellite.  There is a thruster slowing its descent, the source of the strange light.  The engines seem to stutter, then a parachute deploys.  It could still be a missile, some missiles used parachutes, but why would anyone attack an empty city?
Where is it going, he wonders?   Will it crash?  He does a quick catalog.  The most likely landing site in that direction is the ancient airport.  A spaceship would land at an airport, wouldn’t it? 
The airport is on the far side of the city, its runways filled with thorny bushes; but that would not be visible from space.  If he goes to the airport, and expects to make it today, he must travel through several miles of overgrown city, there will be wild dogs, maybe hogs, even a bear or big cat.  Worse still, there is falling debris and the sharp objects which litter what used to be streets, now clogged with traps and pitfalls.  It is not safe.  In the suburbs, the collapsed buildings are low, there is not so much glass or sharp, rusted metal.  He wants to go back to the Collective first and get help, but even if he ran the whole way it would take a full day to get there.  By then…  What?  What would happen by then?
He makes up his mind and starts an unhurried jog towards the city in the direction of the airport.  He’s done this before, but never alone. 

 [p1]There should be small ponds and streams but there are none.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

AuT pp Grant15 (thru pp28)

2700 yards last night, hard to believe, considering how I felt how cold I was.  Today has dawned rainy.
I have been busy, perhaps too busy lately.  I'm not sleeping right now, a little too displaced, a little too much going on.
You have to focus your time on things and I'm not focused.
Why do things appear solid is addressed in the book, but it all beings in how information is presented in a complicated fashion.
I did, however, tonight finish a book I started 50 years ago.  I do have to read through it one more time, but I finished and I am happy that it only lacks matters of form.  Notes on Venus.  You hopefully will be able to buy in March 10.  Start saving now.
Now I can get back to my next physics book and porn.

26.      The complexity of the universe arises from compression states and from the individual spirals being out of alignment.   At inflection points compression and anti-gravity features, if any, change to discharge, decompression and entropy.; but the underlying super order remains.
27.      Our place in the universe appears to be 12 billion years after the end of the last large overlap and subsequent inflection point (the so called big bang) and therefore we exist during the decompression stage, but there are isolated overlapping compression and decompressing states throughout the universe at all times whether during a net (or main) compression or net (or main) decompression stage of the primary spiral or spirals leading to a big-bang type event.  This is observed e.g. by fission or fusion at the CT3-4 interface.
a.       The concept of a year can only exist as a relative time state so it is not directly related to the value of x.

28.       A big smash precedes each big bang as the average of spiral interactions yields a net collision state or compression state of spirals at an inflection point.  In this type of universe, it is unlikely all the stars ever go out once they are formed, many are forming and many are going out during the lengthy process.  Just as we exist now in a ct5 state, it is likely that in a more massive, longer run universe other people or our descendants (unlikely) will live as ct4 entities in ct 6,7, 8 and higher universes.  The idea of a singularity at each pre-big bang inflection point is contraindicated.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The failure of democrat-cy

Anyone who talks with me knows what I'm about to say already, so you can stop reading.
Those of you who want to know about the mysteries of physics should just go out and buy my book already, but I'll get back to that.

Today's post will be about politics

I'm not "worried" today about the politicians in office because I just finished reading Hamilton and apparently this country has always been disfunctional.  What a relief.
Trump isn't the first insane leaning president who spent more time on vacation than working (Adams?) What a relief.
I might agree that this rises to the level of a 4 year constitutional crisis, but the the real crises lies in how the country reacts.  Polarization is really not the issue.

The destruction of the "obvious environment" is a pretty good example of why this rises to a crisis.  I think you can take global warming either way.  It isn't that "climate change" doesn't exist.  We should prepare for climate change like we should prepare for a meteor impact.  We can and therefore we should work towards dealing with these problems.  Unlike many, I'm not as worried about global warming as I am about global cooling.  As an intelligent species I think we have a chance of surviving significant 2 or 3 degree global warming.  I think the equally likely global cooling will kill us all.  A single supervolcano eruption, inevitable, or a meteor impact, less inevitable, will do the trick and we're all dead.  Doesn't mean we want to ignore the other side of climate change, just means it less of a crisis than the pollution of our rivers and soil.  The Roman with their lead based water system learned this the hard way.  I suppose we will also.

Anyway, this isn't about any of that.

Trump is a gift to the democrats which they are, must I say it, too prejudiced to take advantage of.  They are taking the republican bate and moving to the left.  What's wrong with that?
The democrats have been offered the center.  They won't take it.  It's so obvious, it's like a pie in the face, but the democratic party will, instead move to the left.
Complete open boarders?  Tolerance of religions of conquest? Artificially high minimum wages?  Free healthcare for everyone?  Environment over business? Individual Freedom...or is it over regulation that we really love?
Some of these are good ideas (healthcare without the insurance industry taking the biggest cut isn't a terrible idea) you can take any of these too far.
You need to protect the american technology and in order to do that you have to protect the jobs.  The next war won't be won by whoever has the biggest ships, but instead by whoever has the smallest drones and the smartest computers and for now, all that technology has been given, for christ's sake-given!, to the Chinese.Bīngbáo kǎisǎ tóngzhì.
There is a middle ground, the middle.
Well these are all conceptually interesting ideas; but they are left wing.  The left is the left, the right is the right, but elections are won in the middle.  The middle is not left or right.
What is a middle platform?
Roe vs Wade.  That's the middle.  Women's bodies are sort of their own.  Hey, don't blame me, I wasn't on the supreme court.
I think all the regs ought to be subject to automatic cancellation (including tax code) unless the congress reasserts them.  I'm not sure this is left or right, but the cfr is too long.

The youth want socialism, as if that ever worked.  I think we should remember that only greed really motivates people.  Sure, I'm altruistic and I give away my physics, but in the end isn't it all about selling books and giving lectures or at least winning the nobel prize?  But putting aside the practicality of it, if you really want to win you have to give up your far left ideals, not because they don't work, but because you need to take the middle to win.
Trump can take whatever he wants because he doesn't have an (sane) agenda, but the Republican party has offered the middle on a silver platter to whoever wants to take it.  And the Democrats, that conglomeration of mush that is everyone else in America (besides those like me who don't give damn and the right wing Republicans who seem to care too much about stupid things, the other republicans want the middle ground too) instead of jumping to the middle, keep moving farther to the left.

Friday, February 17, 2017

AuT pp Grant14 (thru pp25)

We've passed the halfway mark in the nutshell series.  I hope you're enjoying this and I invite you to download what you want, but why not buy the book, the edited version of the craziness of the real universe?

I know you are reading this for the physics, but before it became mainstream, I discussedd in a publication the way that china had weaponized their economy.
However, there's more.  It also covers the issue of term limits which might be the thing that could limit corruption in the country.
It's a studied read and some of it probably appears here.
Now that's all pretty deep.  Physics, geopolitics, term limits.  But I also put up a post about science fiction and I'm thinking I may put some excerpts from my romance novel series.

Ok, enough of all of that.  Over half way through this section.  Keep those comments coming, or start them coming, whatever.

24.      There is no one Big Bang: A big bang is merely the change from 51% compressed to 51% (1 quantum more than 50%) decompressed where compression refers to alignment of state and/or alignment of overlap for a given solution of x towards overlap or away from overlap.  The expansion of the universe is driven by this solution as will the ultimate compression before the next expansion state.  The point of change from an expanding to a compressing universe is nothing more than the average inflection point for linear offset intersecting spirals solved as moving away from or towards one another. This suggests decompression/expansion would decrease from the initial high speed before dropping eventually to a non-expansion at an inflection point. 

25.      The 90 degree turns of the intersecting F-series linear spiral model can also be defined in terms of numeric solution.  It remains possible that there are compression and decompression states only, a vibrational system instead of an intersecting spiral model although the net result is the same.  The initial model for intersecting positive and negative spirals is suggested by the converging nature of pi, compression, decompression and possibly parallel states although parallel states are not observed for offset intersecting spirals.  The model suggests “Overlap” occurs during every 2nd F-series solution, an odd/neutral/even analysis also supported by the origin model for information theory. This eliminates the dimensional model and allows a solution to pi only based on the total amount of information. That is, instead of solving for some “irrational pi infinite converging series,” the solution is based on the quantum amount of information.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

AuT pp Grant13

I saw my eye doctor yesterday.  It is strange to be able to see and know that one day you may not, just as it is strange to think that you live one day and die the next.
I saw the beauty of the mirrored surface of the water as I swam today, barely finishing 2700 yards, fighting against insanity and death with every stroke.  So far, so good.
I have seen the afterlife just as I have looked behind the curtain and seen the universe butt naked.
It doesn't matter.  Before AuT the idea of an afterlife was a religious event.    Now we know that we live on in the spirals that were part of us and in the fact that the future is built on whatever it is that we are or were.
Of all the people that see all of the things that are not there, I am perhaps the most mad and the least, and for the same reason, the same vision.  And in my case the same lack of vision.

22.      Compression can be modeled with the rough general formula C(t)=E(1-e^-t/RC) and decompression is defined by D(t)=QRCe^-t/RC.  Finding the right, precise formula is a critical part of the undertaking.   The model selected is similar to the rough early models for S-series compression.  It has to provide for inflection points and vary based on dimension free elements.  Looking into models available from observed phenomena yielded the capacitance model as the closest to the desired convergent outcome.
a.        Decompression is affected by “stable” compression, but the definition of stability is fluid.  To the extent this is covered by the D(t) formula it takes into account F(n-2,n-1,n-adding those)^2^n for those accumulations of spirals where partial stability is attained due to alignment over a long period of time as a result of aligned spirals over a long period of time at the higher ct states.  

23.      Converging spirals: The total information solution to pi (limiting the converging series to a finite number) is preserved based on averaging the results of linear spirals together without needing to solve for an infinite series; i.e. solving for an infinite series at quantum points.  All change is quantum and the expression of the solutions can be solved as diverging and converging offset ‘linear’ F-series spirals which intersect at points of compression and at certain levels of compression, where the “majority” of points for a given state are compressed, afterwards there is a state of decompression (as little as 51% (or 50.00001%, etc) defining average inflection points.  A stutter, where it goes to net inflection more than once before going to the next state is possible, but unlikely.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

AuT Grant proposal 12

I'll get to some science fiction soon enough, for the moment it is science alone.
I am tired now, having gone for a long bike ride and having lifted weights.  I am disappointed with the things around me, but my heart is full after speaking with you.
I don't have that feeling of contentment that I should have after such a full day, but only because there is so much that is missing, and I both know and don't know what I"m looking for; but I don't have it.

20.      The scale assures that a distant high ct state (e.g. ct5) has a greater effect than adjacent or intermediary states(e.g. ct1, 2, 3 or 4) at least relative to that same high state.  Space has no separation so unless a solutions have a greater effect, pi isn’t significant as an effect.  Other ct states have separation based on relative solutions to ct1.  Both the timing of the solution and the offset and the stacking figure into to curvature equation.  The deep curvature we see around planets and black holes is because of greater solution density over a certain number of stacked spiral solutions (i.e. time).
a.       1-x proximate distance x convention 1
b.      2 Proximate class of solution due to cycling, compression and spiraling all according to F-series mathematics with the number of coordinates changing at once reflected by 11 (11,22,33,etc) ^4
c.       Coordinates changing at once: 3 111 yielding an information compression scale of ^8 with the F-series made up according to the value (3) of n.
d.      4 1111 ^16 (10^(2^4))
e.       5 11111 ^32 (16^(2^5)
21.      Capacitance and the Big Bangs: The rough model equation presently used for NET overlap derives loosely from the voltage capacitance equation is of the type: V=I(tot(ctx))(1-e^t/rc) where rc represents the forces leading to compression, the limits on carrier stacking and the ability to maintain carrier stacking between carrier state changes (as opposed to resistance and capacitance) and ctx is related to the total amount of information available for compression at any quantum point, possibly without.  Distance and  inclusion of historical states which don’t significantly affect this solution become critical in large scale solutions.

a.       part of the solution.; V would represent the amount of compression within the parameters set and I(tot) is the total amount of information and where there. There is such an equation for each type of information in the prior state so in a ct5 universe x would change between ct1 and 5.  T is a function of length along the intersecting spirals being compressed.  Since compression is both effectively localized and diffused over each quantum universe the solution is a sum total for quantum points and not an overall equation although for general purposes it can be defined for net effects. Discharge and decompression would similarly be defined by V=I(tot(ctx))*V(x)/RC)*e^-t/rc where v(x) is based on the amount of compression before the overlap ends and t is the length of the spiral after the overlap. R and C represents position related variable unrelated to their value in electric circuits but the nomenclature is kept merely to make the origin of the model more clear.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

AuT Grant pp 11

Life is not a simple thing.  It has been, in the past both more complicated and less.  It reflects the underlying universe.  It is occasionally more simple than more complicated but it is headed both toward complete chaos and when the chaos reaches a crescendo perhaps it will disappear completely.

17.      Linear vs Curves, The universe is made up of linear algorithm solutions.  Curves appear from averaging solutions of offset intersecting linear algorithms.  

18.      Pi is defined as a converging series, but it can be solved for any location and any value of x in AuT because the limit on the total amount of information in the universe is the limit to how far the series must be solved after which the continuing solution is irrelevant.

19.      The universe has no curves.  For the inflection point of the “most recent” big bang, a curve works better for a big bang type result.  The linear F-series works better to define the period of overlap and the resulting amount of compression/capacitance and decompression/discharge yielding big bang inflection points and big contraction inflection points.  The gradual change in inflection points between multiple spirals (the actual number is comprehensible mathematically and is calculated in the book, but the number is very large equal to the total quantum bits in the universe at any quantum point or for any value of x) yields the illusory curve of space time so the combination of the two (linear and average linear to arrive at curvature with space) provides a mechanism to suit giving linear solutions a curved appearance, but only to the point where pi is no longer solved.   (Curved space-time) It does show how a series of offset linear spirals may be solved at a point (at the bottom) giving the gradual impression of pi defined by a converging series.  While this picture represents “different” ct states converging, it is likely that the same convergence occurs with every single quantum point of, for example space.  Convergence occurs with every single quantum point of, for example space.  The “distance” we experience of space would be a function of where they come in on the curve.  The fact that the “separationSeparation” is on the scale of 10^-39th (the minimum value of time as we experience it) would make the separation too small for us to observe and despite this easily visualized separation (because there are so few points shown converging) the result is the “feel” of continuous space and curvature.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Notes on Venus

I watched a well thought out video by Anonymous about Trump which was a little on the paranoid side but sufficiently well researched and well thought out to be worthwhile.  It's not exactly the zombie apocalypse yet, but I'm sure that's coming.  Maybe people will get bit and turn into Trump, that would be really scary.

Anyway, you probably think I do nothing besides swimming and solving the background, what's behind the mirror, in the universe.
But of course I do other things too.
I'm almost finished with this book and I'd like some editorial comment on the forward which I'm not particularly happy with.  Something I think I should just leave it off, but it provides a certain foreshadowing which I think makes the complex story that follows a little more interesting.
This is the story I've worked on for decades although I've published many books.
This is just at 70,000 words and will probably be around 80 when it's published.  It's finished but needs another read through.
I thought you could use something to read that was thought provoking but not physics.

Notes from Venus

          I don’t appear in the beginning of the last two books because I was dead long before those stories begin, but I am there if you look for me.
I was long dead before the second book even begins, but even though I was long dead, I am the hero in the end where I was present despite my death.  If you stay with me I will take you to Venus. 
You can call me Prototype 1 or P-1. 
          This story begins on Earth and ends on Venus. 
          Book 1 starts 10,000 years before Great collapse, Book 2 starts shortly before the Great Collapse, and Book 3 starts 1000 years after the Great Collapse.  Even a robot cannot survive for that length of time, but a robot can be reincarnated from memories, because history doesn’t die, it merely gets buried under the present.  There is a non-fiction book, referred to throughout this novel, called Spirals in Amber which explains that concept mathematically and in detail.
          Like all stories in real life, everyone dies in the end, hero and villain; but what matters to you the reader, is the living and everyone is alive for some of the time in this story.
          No one talks about going to Venus, even though Venus is only 10% smaller than Earth.  The problems with Venus are the reason why it is so attractive.  It has a thick atmosphere, a very thick, high pressure atmosphere.  Because of the heat resulting from its proximity to the sun, its atmosphere has never developed.  That undeveloped atmosphere is 90 times as thick as the atmosphere of earth, a high-pressure cooker mix of poisonous gases; carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.  But it’s poisonous nature hides its value to nascent life.
          To see what I mean, read on, you’ll see.
          This history, of necessity, covers a period of Ten thousand years and to make it easy for someone who isn’t a robot to follow I round up the dates to the nearest thousand years.
          The process to make the 864 degree hell that was the surface of Venus into a livable planet was measured in millennia. 
          As if those problems were not enough, life on Venus would have to deal with the long days and nights, 243 earth days for a single rotation of the second planet.
          You have questions and I have answers.  What are we going to have to do in order to deal with all that excess atmosphere?  How do create a stable environment, even temporarily, for such a large surface area?  How can you move a planet, essentially the size of earth, from its original orbit into a more earthlike orbit?
          Book three begins 1000 years after the great collapse.  Earthlings are trying to recover from the massive failures brought on by bad governments, overpopulation, climate change, disease, the overreliance on delicate technologies, and new, unforeseen weapons like me.   The fall of the great civilization decimated the population and almost destroyed civilization entirely. 
          Earth has lost contact with Venus for a thousand years and the results of the experiment are shrouded in the technology that shields the surface of Venus from the direct rays of the sun.  There has been no chance to find out what happened and why the terraforming process was never finished.
          Then, as things happen in these stories, an interstellar ship sent to find an earthlike planet out of the solar system before the collapse of the Earth civilization returns.  With its arrival, there is another chance to trigger the Triad and move Venus to a stable orbit.  But no one knows what they will find on Venus after a thousand years.  Will the Triad of Venus, which I will explain in due time, still function?  Will the colonists be friendly?  It is unlikely that they will even be alive.  Will the atmosphere be cool enough to do the work necessary to fire the Triad?  Will it be breathable after 1000 years?

          There is only one chance to find out and it is a one-way trip.  Is it a suicide mission for the astronauts?  Almost certainly the answer is yes.  One thing is clear.  If they do not die, they will have one last chance to TERRAFORM VENUS.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

AuT pp10

So this is a short post because I'm behind in putting the pictures up.  If I continue this list the next one wouldn't make much sense.  Obviously I'm not spending much time on this now that the grant is out, but as a starving physicst I have other obligations to tend to.
I left work today, hoping to go swimming before things deteriorate or I got too tired, but I had a flat tire so now I'm trespassing on a hotel and waiting for the flat to get fixed.
I need a short break before beginning with the short updated book set, book 1 being about 30% written already and in pretty final form.  Everything is in book that is already published, albeit a little rough around the edges and missing some of the minor details that have been developed since; so you can hardly complain very much or perhaps you can.
Dark Times
I don't expect much from the grant.  If the universe decides to step out from behind the curtain something will happen there, it's not out of my hands, but I have to move on.

What follows is a cotinuation of the prior list, maybe the numbering is screwed up, but I don't have time to fix it right now.  I think it starts with the first post that the last post ended with.  I underlined some changes from the book to put it into perspective.

14.      Time and dimensional characteristics of higher ct states (ct2-photon, 3-wave energy, 4-matter, 5-black hole material) are based on relative changes to space (ct1) and also relative to each other.
15.      The converging series are represented by a change from compression states to decompression states that reflect moves towards or away from higher compressed states while steadily increasing the amount of information and the amount of net compression over time but with varying increases or decreases in compression locally according to a process matching the evolving value of pi and potentially modeled on offset, intersecting F-series spirals.

16.      For intersecting spiral models, the spiral sin function [F Series Function] which can be solved as x goes from zero to infinity but for smaller spirals presumably stopping at a fixed number of spirals from 1 to the highest number for the universe under regard based on the maximum value of x being solved for in the algorithm at any quantum state of the universe   As with other Lorentz type functions, these models are a function of “proximity” (Order of solution and degree of intersection of spirals yields proximity in AuT).  A distinct coordinate is solved for each value of x for each linear-F-series spiral sin function (LFSSSF) which sequentially (as x changes sequentially) define all quantum points in our universe at any quantum moment.  The LFSSSF near present x value and levels of concentrating being: sum xI(from 0 to T)[(gsin(pi/2x)x(FseriesFunction)^2^x)+(-gsin(pi/2x(xFseriesFunction)^2^x)]dx where the Fseries Function is equal to sum(n,n-1,n-2).).) and where pi evolves according to a Lorentz type equation of the type observed for time dilation discussed in more detail below.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

AuT-The hand and the humans

I need some positive reviews of my theory from different parts of the world.  I'm not sure that is too much to ask.  I think there's some room in the comments section.
Some modest approvals would be greatly appreciated.  Something like, "I have read Spirals in Amber and the blog extensively and I can say without reservation that the theory is (insert word for game-changing theory) and that the author is one of the great minds of the post Sumerian world."
I don't really see where it's too much to ask.
I just need something for the beginning of the books or maybe the back cover.

One of the problems with the theory is that it reduces a complex universe to a simple algorithm.  When you look at size, it's not such a big problem, but when you mine down to the details, your thoughts on reading this, the miracle of a flower, the act of painting something it becomes misleadingly suspicious.
It is also suspicious when you have to say that from any point of origin you'll end up with exactly our universe with exactly that thought, that flower and the painting in question.  Impossible?
Pre-AuT physics deals with this using random movement, entropy and the like; but it also is hiding super symmetry behind excuses because there is no clear pre-AuT super symmetry; but it's there.   It's the unwanted guest of logic which abhors predictability.  Gods and Heisenbergs hang out together in this place.  AuT just fills it and says, "You say unlikely?  I say, 'what me worry?'"
The discussion of the formula features shows how the relatively simple algorithm quickly becomes complicated due to the multiple shifting parameters in coming to a solution with a rapidly increasing number of data points and particularly given the enormous number of calculations defining a quantum moment at the value of x in a universe at the stage of ours where x is an enormous number and pi is essentially solved at high concentration areas, like in the proximity of black holes and possible ct6 states.
One need only look at one's hands to question randomness.
Look at your hand or if you don't have one look at a friend's hand.  It is pretty complicated.  It does what you want it to do.  There is no way that something like that should be right there at right this moment, possibly typing these words on this keyboard.  But how does pre-AuT science predict the hand?  Evolution relies on random chance.
Follow me here, this incredibly complicated chain of events defies Entropy, it's the opposite of entropy, it is one of an infinite choices to arrive at just these events and things at this time; but we say, ok, here it is.  It's the type of argument used to put forward religion and from a non-man made religion standpoint its not the weakest argument I've ever heard.
But AuT says there is no randomness, that this is instead just a very complicated result from a simple algorithm changing according to a fairly complicated stacking process over trillions (not billions) of years where x has grown to such a large number that it cannot be easily interpreted.
It is one of the key proofs of AuT.  Yes, we're pretty complicated, but we can almost see the super-symmetry behind what's happening around us.

You don't like what I'm doing, you think it takes too long.  Well, hard to argue with that, but I'm not sure why the algorithm didn't give me certain advantages that would have rendered this rant unnecessary.  If I'm wrong I'm just wasting the time you give me and if I'm right, I'm only human.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Aut pp 9

This is a continuation of the universe in a nutshell.
An explanation of evolution from a non-random viewpoint will be given shortly although I'm moving around quite a bit right now.
I'm not sure what my publication schedule will be but I'm looking at volume 1 of the multi volume series being published in March.
While the book has all of the basics and then some from this series of posts, the "underlined" portions below show edits in that work reflecting the ongoing nature of the work to some extent, but mainly the editing process.
It is hoped that the algorithms that explain this phenomena will be better developed over the coming months.
What are the parts of the algorithm?
     a) Defining the initial positions and changing positions of the solutions as x changes
         i) in terms of the changing value of pi
        ii) in terms of the changing position of variable length spirals
       iii) in terms of individual spiral stacking
        iv) in terms of U! stacking

That however, is in the future.  The picture that goes with the prior posts showing time dilation isn't available here, but it will appear in the short volume in March.

11.      Gravity, if a function of independent quantum states, can be used to figure out the total amount of information in the universe using a quantum value of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy defined as solutions to algorithms moving towards compression), we could figure out how far along we were on a given “average” spiral arm (made up of averaging all spiral arms) given the amount of information in each state or by the rate of converging to diverging states.
12.      Length of consistency; keeping the specific units for increasingly longer times represented by sequential quantum lengths along F-series spirals varying according to a single variable for all points in the universe (and causing the effect we call aging)while velocity and acceleration reflect the substitution of ct states reflecting spiral turns.
13.      Stacking of prior states to make a current state so that information builds according to the F-series methodology so that each universe is made up of the prior two universe solution which preserves history and perspective and position based on the order of the sequential solutions and the relative offsets of those solutions for any given value of x.

14.      Time and dimensional characteristics of higher ct states (ct2-photon, 3-wave energy, 4-matter, 5-black hole material) are based on relative changes to space (ct1) and also relative to each other.