
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Making poems from e-mail messages

I have been gone longer than usual.
Non-linear information theory is not on hold, but instead is in full "third edition" mode.
Non-linear information theory is a better name, I have decided for non-linear time theory despite the massive confusion it will cause.
The work on the "transitional states" of information (dimension, mass, charge, etc) to come up with a concise explanation of exponential growth requires something completely different, but then that would be non-linear...information theory.
Writers record for the future.  Inventors invent and I am an inventor.  But writers do something different.  I am a writer too.
It's critical to record feelings and human interaction.  There is also the recording of insights, real and imagined insights.
We have to put aside self consciousness and embarrassment, unless we are writing on those.  We must under any circumstances allow the fear and joy to swirl out of our minds and onto the pages.
There is too much to share and to many reasons to deny sharing.
I sit waiting for the buy to leave to take me to where you are waiting.
I'm layingdown now waiting for the storms which are finally pounding new Orleans thinking of nights passions of long nights past even my musings of you coming as poetry.
There are so many things that I want to do to make this world a greater place.  I am there is the issue of when and how to seize my own future.  At my age, that isn't so much to lay a'hold of.  It is not complicated for me.  For Paine it was complicated.  I have gazed into the abyss personally, and what I am today with all my potential the result of the time I have spent in the valleys of shadows and not the tiems when I was on top of the mountains looking over the valleys.  The only real hope for greatness lies in the valleys for people like me, people who are unable to rise except when we are forced to our knees before the face of eternity.  Thomas Pain(e) had to go to America, in the words of the book, The Promised land of final refuge, lost causes, second chances and childhood Dreams. 

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