
Sunday, May 1, 2022


May 1, May day.

I got a second booster yesterday.  it was the first one that hurt when i got it (needle size?) and my arm is not as sore this morning.  Storms may interfere with swimming, we need the rain.

My property is cut, i hope that helps it sell, it is 350 per cut but that should lead to a fairly normal looking place.  A surprising number of trees still up.

I did not wake as much as i usually did last night, maybe two or three times the whole night.  At first there were no dreams, then a dream about two people riding motorcycles through some weird mashup of india,, italy and war torn china, strange roads and trails, strange buildings; i cannot remember the purpose or the desination this morning only that i walked into some weird building at the end a cross between a parking garage, a hospital and an office building. Slaves.

The dream that preceded waking up, involved a grocey story trying to buy groceries for this home but with you and someone else, a nice looking tall person who i cannot identify today.  Getting separated as i had to go  back and leaving you with the nicelooking person to check out with the things that were bought and going back to get food items that did not exist, called in from home, a solid garlic ball for grating, small, I'll formed,n rotten bananas, getting to the checkout and you were already gone.

From this I woke up to feeling that something had broken between us; that we were finally separted in a way that did not have a path back to where we were.  All the months and agonies had finally constructed a wall. Why my arm doesnt hurt so bad, perhpas something else hurts worse.

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