If anyone runs against republicans, they should have at least one ad which plays that horrid recording everyone has of the children (pro-publica's audio) along with the picture of trump and the candidate.
I'm not a big trump hater, some of his stuff is insane and some makes sense to me, and while this goes beyond what anyone can justify so does dumping plastic and carbon into the oceans in quantities that are going to kill everyone.
Perhaps the idea here is that most of what we do to kill each other and ourselves is complicated by laziness (mainly), dishonesty (second), greed (third or maybe first), scale, ignorance (maybe this is first) or just complexity. Lots of complicated issues, but this one is not as complicated as the rest. Trumps children and grand children live in luxury which is part of capitalism; but you can't take a position of power and make something like this imbalance happen when you literally have you childre defecate into golden toilets, it is just contrary to everything. There may always be poverty, but you cannot inflict pain on children, incapable of crime as I understand the law. I might add that declaring war on Canada, Mexico and Western Europe is a little screwed up, but we know what we have there in Washington whether, whether you argue the top is the most rotten or not, and you can find all the rot you want at most levels of government. It would be nice if there was someone there who had the moral authority to question this.
Perhaps the worst part is that this could actually be to redirect people from the crimes that were committed around the election, giving you an idea of how bad those must have been.
And I said it was contrary to everything. That is not exactly right and AuT pardons our sins as the sins of the universe. I call it super symmetry because it eliminates thermodynamics, but it is by design an asymetrical system. A symetrical universe would be boring, keeping with the rant, say Mike Pense in front of a white wall. The VP has said nothing and hence serves the role as silent acquisition in the litany of sins.
But we were talking about the universe. AuT is pretty much mathematical proof that faith is insignificant and therefore a caring god is unlikely and if you need proof, listen to the tape, look at the smiling politicians justifying it and the lying politicians who deflect responsibility for it. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll meet them in hell and change my mind. Unfortunately, that's unlikely.
If there were anything more important than you, it would be this broad problem and the more narrow part of it, but I cannot think anything is more important than you.
We're supposed to be talking about time here.
"In theory" needs to be added to all discussions about quantum change and theories are subject to discussion and revision. The view of time has changed as the rate of movement and the effects of compression have changed.
With AuT time is different from change.
We discussed dimension which can be expressed as a massively entangled string.
We can trace change from time free embodiments in space through time dependent sates and even into time independent states like neutrons and black holes. Time has a rate tied to the effect of quantum changes in x (1,2,3,etc) on fpix solutions where each fpix transition occurs at a different rate, but where common solutions can exist over very large changes in x.
What this simplified figure represents is two protons and two electrons; or Helium. It follows a single quantum of space identified initially as ct1a. This unentangled ct1a is being pulled towards linearity as the net value of changes towards or away from compression (entangled) changes. By definition, this ct1a defines a tiny part of the separation of higher ct states (ct2,3,4,etc). As it is pulled by decompression it gets dragged through the knots of higher compression and at ct1b it is shown entering the matrix of a proton. At this point, CT1b, it may well substitute for another ct1 state and become part of the compression, but it no longer separates the Helium matrix from surrounding space, it has become part of the matrix and therefore becomes a feature of time and not separation. At ct1c our entangled ct1 is shown being dragged through and thereby altering a free ct3 state which is made up of ct2 states which in turn are made up of ct1 states.
Given the scale of compression, this ct1 state has only a minor effect, if any, on the organization of the ct3, but each ct3 is made up of 4.3x10^8 ct1 states and perhaps as many or more free ct1 states like this one. Moreover, while we are following a single ct1, the number of ct1 changes occuring over even a small number of changes in x is very large and there are 10^44 changes in x every second so this is a very dramatic and dynamic event at the scale where we observe; but at the quantum level this is non-dimensional and only reflects ct1 states gradually changing from positive to negative values and being solved in an order.
So at ct3 we are observing the "time effect" as the ct3 matrix is altered slightly at both the atomic and molecular level. This same ct1 can be seen effecting these changes throughout the molecule at many different places and it may double back any number of times as it moves from entanglement to linearity. So a ct1d it has exited the molecular matrix and once again is part of the separation. Ct1a and ct1d reflect two parts of the velocity equation. Whether these are viewed as acceleration or deceleration depends on the relative observation as separating or removing separation from the observer's point of view.
It can be seen that the speed of the changes in position of ct1 are a function of the speed with which the regional changes from positive to negative occur and how these changes interact with the changes in charge of this ct1.
Time is the effect of these ct1 states moving within the ct4-5 transitional state, velocity is the effect of the ct1 states moving outside of the matrix.
While an isolated matrix is shown, the overall matrix of a planet with helium as a part, would share a general commonality of time although regionally it varies.
Time can be related to change by these transitions, but time is not a part of the underlying change and does not even exist except at high levels of compression where the number of exit ct1 states is greater than those entangled and only as averages given the large number of changes occurring together.
Next, the ratio
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author's Amazon page at: https://www.amazon.com/author/frzmn and
the author's Facebook page for more links and articles at https://www.facebook.com/frzmn1 or
@frzmn1 which include the blog which has 5 years of development of the theory
is you feel like slogging through that.
Video overviews can be found on this Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCxK8BwhzafIi1Jd0yE8mQXQ
The videos are surprisingly up to date. For the one on compression deals with how the
folding occurs in detail. And this is my
blog which takes an often tongue in cheek approach. https://gmfbooks.blogspot.com/Video overviews can be found on this Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCxK8BwhzafIi1Jd0yE8mQXQ
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