
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Day 51 of the Dead

It is the Wednesday before thanksgiving.  i woke up to what could only be described as a wall of clouds around 3 sides of the house.  There could be rain today and there will be increasing cold..
Over 450 intensity minutes, 3 weeks worth, in 3 days, all my steps and floors; this place is good for my mind and my health; although dead.   Today I go see the eye doctor again, the last time before thanksgiving.  No telling what will happen there, it is unlikely to be good, but if it is not bad that is ok.
I find myself dreading the long weekend.  The work I've done the last two days was only adequate, not nearly enough even though I still have time.  I must not get complacent, there is no room for that.
I am waiting for several responses.  Those could help things.  The primary two or three or four depending on how you count them should come soon enough.  I had to buy out my cousin and that moved forward today, there being nothing left for me to do but wait and pay the taxes next month.  Don't let me forget that.  I suppose I can wait till after the formal close which I assume will be this week, although if it were in December it would not shock or disturb me.  I hope I don't have to own it for long; but I am not pleased with the lack of progress.
You do not see this, but if you did this is what I would say. If you still love me, even a little, you need to read the first story in the book that was waiting for me when I arrived here, Mysteries and Miracles of new Mexico by Jack Kutz.  it's worth reading, in its way; but mainly I love sharing the irony of the world with you, good and bad and while you have moved on, like the ghost that I apparently am, I wander the earth in search of what we had together and my science which might save mankind one day or perhaps more accurately it could were it not for the irony that accompanies me wherever I turn.

This is a sunrise I mentioned a day or two ago.  

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