
Sunday, August 28, 2022


 Writing on the 27th.  Sick in earnest but not too serious yet.  Still suspect dirty pool cold but same symptoms could be covid. No loss of taste but much of rest.  Have a good read, water and lemon juice. Did work just in time.

Had soft boiled eggs toast and bacon for dinner. Sorry no pictures, it was delicious. Felt better for about an hour before getting tired, back to reading, trying to stay up as late as possible so I don't wake up in the middle of the night.  Feel ok laying down. Tired with faint sore throat and dry eyes, sore muscles probably from the workout,  minor chills, green pool swimming symptoms.  Old cat peaceful asleep at end of the bed and day.

Didn't sleep well last night. Feverish. Probably ok, need covid test although this undependable. 

Well it was a clear positive so I guess I have covid.  No exercise or doctor appointment monday.  Still not to serious, but coughing a bit, isolation just me and my book.  Wish I knew what to do. 

Started coughing more laying down so I vacuum and brush pool and the cough went away till I sat back down.   The covid and probably lack of sleep and coughing makes me very tired. 

More if possible later.

No sooner than I sat down I was coughing again. The pool work was enough exercise being sick or was doubly hard. Wish I had a thermometer. 

Activities include hot soup stops coughing but it comes back when I stop and all I want to do is rest laying down. 

The coughing is the worst,  cant stop and it wears me out and makes sore throat and other apportioned worse. Sitting up doesn't stop it, only activity which is hard because I'm so tired. 

Mid-afternoon. Neither better nor worse. I hope this doesn't last all week

The best medicine is knowing you are ok, knowing you are out there.  I'd rather not be sick especially after getting a clean bill of health in my first appointment in years,  but so it goes. All the articles suggest 1 or 2 weeks without long covid.  This will be miserable for 2 weeks.  Did nothing past reading,  couldn't sleep despite being tired. I was wondering about pax, but I've had enough 🥶 colds to let my immune system ruin with this one.   Very irritating to get so sick after so many shots.   There is much to do next week but likely I will not get much done. 

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