
Monday, August 16, 2021

24 days and a wake up. todo

The picture is a sad one, the balloons were all filled the first day of school, large with promise, now looking mostly sad and deflated.
The news is grim.  The  sad metaphor of women`s education in Afghanistan; such smart and proud younger women, the children who will never know what it is to learn.
I figured out the solution too late to suggest it.  They should have trained and armed all of the women and put them in charge of the military.
Instead, one of so many stupid religions based on concepts of god will ruin countless lives; a religion which is not one of those which I would like to believe could be true but which are rendered meaningless by mathematics; which I should add, do not eliminate a godlike presence; just one that provides us with a free will to chose to follow it or which cares what our cares are; although there is a logical path which I do not plan to go into which reads like this: if the god of gspace decides how the universe unfolds based on the controlling mathematics thereby giving rise to all of our beliefs and actions, by continuing to run the algorithm does that mean that god cares about our little part of the universe as a logical consequence?
The storms are falling apart or going where they do the least harm, for the moment; but covid continues to ravage plans and the economy helped by stupidity which is hard to understand for anyone other than those half educated Afghanistan women who are seeing their futures crushed in the name of radical Islamic doctrine.
I had increasingly bizarre dreams last night.
I was at a railroad yard trying to get home, witnessed an attempted theft (vs robbery) where I appeared too poor to rob I can only imagine, then found myself in a weirdly abandoned, canivalistic center in an otherwise dark area, walking distance from the rail line with an empty but well lit Denny's of all places, and no direct way to get to an airport (this is strangely consistent with the silver city trip where there is no mass transit between el paso airport and silver city, how weird is that, although you can take a bus to a middle of nowhere town and then try to get a cab etc to silver city; so not so weird i'd dream this; in trying unsuccessfully to go back to a deeper sleep I dreamt of being with what may have been a family in a run down shack, rented for the night from some person who had made a great deal of money on such rentals, without proper bedding or heat and with a floor that sagged dangerously and from there went to a court room to support another attorney who had been called before a now dead judge for some reason and it turned out that there were many people, some doing menial work practice who were being asked to prove they were doing sufficient public service work or being assigned to practice doing it.
All very weird and from that, I woke finally without the possibility of going back to sleep at 5:00 am and got up to feed the cats and drink coffee and write down my dreams before I forgot them, although first I answered some emails.
You might think with the trip coming up and all that the todo would refer to a list I was making March 3, 2014, but it included only this strange list of words which mean nothing to me today; you have disappeared again and I am sad but very busy.

peace with prosperity critical mass of development computers develop more than us late arrival

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