
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

23 days: Spacetime gravity waves and fster than light expansion

I slept easily till 5:30 this morning.  I did not swim or get any hard exercise yesterday.  While I have exercised almost every day for months, my goal of concentrating on my core to eliminate the vestiges of a "gut" in favor of whatever 6-pack concept I could develop in that period of time has largely been ignored.
Yesterday was no exception even though I watched some stomach toning exercises.  If I'm doing (as I did yesterday without hard exercise) 40-50 minutes a day of high intensity exercise (walking up a steep hill in heat and 100% humidity pulling along a heavy dog apparently qualified); it has to have at least some minimal effects there; but it clearly is not enough.
Yesterday, at least, I did portion control on my eating; but its too little too late if I want to have a better body than the one I had 10 days ago when all of this started.  10 days is an approximation, it may have been 20; perhaps you can help with that.
I could easily spend 5 minutes right now doing core work, even a minute or two of plank; so time is not an excuse.  I will try to focus on this today just as I ate an apple for the first time in several days, an inexplicable thing to stop eating.  I am uncertain what is going on with me, I seem to be very unstuck and distracted.  Yesterday I also shredded some paperwork which was too bulky to deal with otherwise as I prepare to leave.
I continue to be interested in getting the patent done in the next 3 weeks; but it seems increasingly unlikely.  It is all I can do to focus on the grant work that I have to do which, while integral to the patent work, is separate.  I fear that project will travel with me to the desert.  That is not a serious problem.  If I am settled in by the middle of the month, I will still have 30 days to finish what can be a fairly easy project, perhaps one taking only 30 days or so.  I also have arranged for some drafting help at a very low cost and several things have happened recently which make that sort of extravagance easier; while the last couple of big things seem to be dragging on interminably.  It reminds me that the project in the north of the adjoining state threatens to become a distraction just when I need to focus on it again.  I'll know more about that by Thursday, I think.
I'm breathing a little harder.  I had to get up, so I did a minute of plank.  It was not hard, if I am breathing hard, it is a good type of breathing hard.  I do need to get at least 5 or 10 minutes of that type of core work a day, it doesn't take much out of me and while it is hard to call this a start, it is noteworthy in that it is a start of sorts.  Who am I doing it for?  Maybe just for me, the crazy person in the desert; on the bright side I now only need to do this for 23 days instead of the 43 days it should have been with results that I would be starting to see now.  Most of me is where it needs to be already so if I focus on this one part, I may within the few days left, be able to make this work.
Today I will finish two LOI type documents with any luck; one requires showing some balance in a RE drawing and eliminating a potential partner; the other requires adding to the team which has grown explosively and far bigger than I intended and addressing a slew of suggestions.  Both can be finished although it will take a few hours of uninterrupted work and then there are others.  At some point, I need to collect everything and put it together for that patent; but for the moment I am focused just on getting what I can out of the office so I can focus on the other without the distraction of these deadlines, knowing there are other, similar grants that I have not begun to look at which will expand the scope of this already expansive pct.  On the bright side, other than having too many potential claims, the initial disclosure part is being drafted for both aspects at the same time which is why the looming deadline does not worry me too much.  At the same time, I must be mindful of the core work and how fast the days pass when I wait.
One thing about the weird model of the neutron backbone as a tinker toy experience is that massive structures would exist out side of the main body of the MW galaxy.
This particular article (published long after the tinker toy model came out last year) seems to back that up; but in a way that is not necessarily pleasing to the senses.
The idea of the black hole backbone to the entire galaxy is complicated because minimum size black holes hide within planetary and solar bodies making them a part of the visible galaxy as opposed to independent structures, just as the neutron backbone is surrounded by other states of necessity since "empty space" is not a thing.

Let's go back to March of 2014.  Again I find myself with a post that says almost nothing.  In the next few posts, I will have the "draft count" drop below 280, although I have added one with the book I am writing.  I am hesitant to publish the first chapter because it contains offensive material in it; but I will come back to that.

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