
Monday, June 13, 2022


The camera fails to capture the rose color and torn up nature of the sky after the evening thunderstorm from yesterday as dusk descended.

Yesterday after the walk and before the afternoon, I swam 2000 yards ending with over 500im for the week (1000plus a little im for swimming vs im for intensity minutes).  Everything goes back to zero today; but I don't feel compelled to get more exercise than I otherwise would today.  My glasses fogged in the humidity when I walked outside this morning, it was 80 degrees or more even though the sun wasn't out.  I doubt I'll ride my bike to work, but we'll see.  I'm ahead of a lot of things, not sure what I'll do with the rest.

Next week, after the deadlines of the 15th, I'm going to look more closely at this mail/nm issue.  I also will likely meet with realtors; a fairly significant part of dealing with the overall problems.  How different things would be, would have been if I could get some confirmation of where things stand, for better or worse.  My daydreams and my day realities are miles apart and yet sometimes i cannot tell them apart.

I have to have faith that something better is possible.  Do you or have you already found it?

Long after the deadline for rained, a thunderstorm slowly built up, adding enough water to buy another day, not a gully washer, but a significant rain, maybe a half inch or perhaps more or less who can tell but it rained at last for a few minutes and sprinkled a while afterwards, now the grass will need to be cut again..  This morning, many hours afterwards the grass was still soaking wet as if it had rained again this morning, the humidity I think.  It was just a bit of rain after all, the level just high enough so I can wait another day or two for more rain before adding water to give more rain a chance to do what the  uncooperative storm started yesterday.  

If I had something to catch the rain off the roof it would have been even better.  Cool air from heaven came with along with memories of you in the  rain and thunder. 

Mail seems to be the biggest problem with my change of location. I have dealt, on paper, with the immediate problems of extending the patents outward without affecting anything immediate.  that is something of a problem on so many levels; but at least I know what I am looking for.

Worked very hard from sunup till 3:30 and was pretty wasted, barely able to deal with calls and emails after that.  no good news.
I swam 1500 yards tonight, just to cool down, the pool was at 87 degrees when I got in.  It won't be long before it is too hot to swim in except in the mornings.  How weird things are.

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