
Saturday, January 1, 2022

DAY 1 2022

my watch says so far I have over 500 intensity minutes this week, but all of it comes from walking after wednesday. it also says i have one month to finish my next project, as a vacation on the watch, but in reality, anything but a vacation.

I may sound like i am complaining; but i feel close to 100 percent today, pretty much for the first time since getting sick so long ago.  Perhaps just in time to get covid, but that is for the future.A cough or two, but no wracking coughs and while I was tired, who wasn't tired.  I'm sure you stayed up all night having sex and drinking.  My eve was nice enough, nothing like that.

  I did get in the 68 degree, global warming unseasonably cold pool, just to get out something that had fallen in, was probably too cold to swim and it will get cold for at least a couple of days, but was interesting, invigorating after a long, hot walk.  No swimming in earnest till Monday and that plus the lack of sleep, did not sleep well last night, means I need to recover, although 20 minutes of meditation seem to have helped as did getting a headstart on the work the next 31 days.

My goal for this week has to be getting a usable draft put together of the paper due 2/3/22.  this is hardly an impossible task, but it represents months of work and a lot that was conceptualized only in the last couple of weeks.  On the bright side, much of the work is finished and it does double duty to work on the newer portions, for deadlines that come shortly after the deadline and will not wait.

The starting point, well underway, but far from done, is the set of claims which includes much of the new information in their current form, eventually this 24 page document must be reduced to a couple of pages, the rest going into a 92 page document which, together with the 65 pages of drawings must eventually be reduced to a 100 page and 30 page form; a daunting task.  

My hope is to have the 100 page first draft finished at the end of next week, the 30 page version the week after and to file the longer version the week after that and, in the fourth week of January to finish filing the 30 page version, a calendar of events which is impossible even without other work, but which I must endeavor to do anyway.  The first step, taking an evolving group of 181 pages and getting it down to 100 pages.  This is not, however, the first step of the first step, which is to take the 24 page document and reducing it to perhaps 5 or 6 pages while putting the rest with the evolving 92 page document.  In practice that is underway, with 9 pages being claims of varying degrees of polish which need ultimately to be reduced to 2 or 3; and the rest being loosely organized in sections and edited down less than I'd like, but still there and this remaining 15 or so pages may act as some sort of buffer from which to organize the 92 page document once it is better coordinated with the claims.

After that, the critical 10 pages of drawings has to be winnowed out of 65 pages which will be closer to 75 pages when drawings from the other two documents are moved in that direction and numbering has to be addressed which comes from a list which already has 547 entries and only scratches the surface of the last 12 months of work.

There is nothing personal in these goals, but there is little room for anything personal.  I plan to begin swimming again Monday when I hope the cold will keep the pool from being crowded.  Until then I am enjoying the first days when I do not feel sick by walking and dealing with chores around the house, like cutting the base of the vines that were choking the 10 year old W- pine tree.

I have more of this to do on my land, but not sure I have a vehicle to get on it, nor do i know what the access looks like.  It is time to change the listing, although whether today or in 30 days I do not yet know.  I worked on that too during the days leading up to new years eve.  It has not been a quiet time.

You don't want to hear about all of that, of course you have equally daunting challenges; you're not listening anyway, not reading between the lines and if you did you would come to the wrong conclusions, a lifetime of needing to explain that isn't immediately available.

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