
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

day 25 getting close

     Well I have spent nearly an hour getting my computer up and running, getting close.  Why I do not know.  I will save my personal stuff for later as I have some.

At least now it is beginning to look like a computer.  It may end up being time to get a new computer.  While inadequate, I have a couple of backup systems that I could bring on, but I hope nothing happens in the short time left.

I have another potential invitation to new mexico, perhaps a sign i should finish what I started.  If i go it will be in the summer hot, snakes, perhaps i could take on a companion this time.  Not even sure where I would look, but if i had made any progress on my work, perhaps i would want to.  right now i do not feel like i am ready for anything other than dealing with my own internal darkness.

  I am now a mere 4 pages away from the end of the short document, much cleaners, now down to 28 pages so under the limit by quite a bit, still a little short of the claims and some that are included are far too long, but in terms of filable, I'd say for where I am here I am 4 pages away.

I am not happy because there is no word on the two possible grants which will come any day now.  I have low expectations and I do not have the incentive to continue without them.  I have taken steps to deal with the few remaining financial obligations that I have this week and I feel the odds of that occurring this year are good, not great but good.

I just finished 2000 yards, 1000 im, not a terrible clip, not great but glad I could finish after a half heavy, half salad lunch that sat in my stomach like a brick but which I was able to largely ignore as I was just that relieved to have the semi-usable draft.  I added another bit which may already be in there but which I've thought of a couple of time and pretty sure I only added for the first time just now.  It is inherent in a lot of what I am doing, but it was good to insert in and having 5 extra pages I can use is good considering the scope of things and I may pick up another page when the drawings migrate to a separate document.  There is a good day's worth of cad work renumbering things, but that process is already started and need not be as burdensome as it sounds.

I'll come back to this, right now with the time I have left today I want to look at the longer document and see if I can get to the halfway mark before I go to sleep tonight.

It started pretty well, but the swim is catching up, as is the rest of the work of the day.  I did get to page 18, cleaning up a lot in the few pages tackled, and while there remain 63 pages total, it is easier to get through it with the level of organization present in the short document as a reference.  There is more terminology to deal with, more to include in what i call KFE in the claims; but that will have to wait till after the edits, for now I am merely marking the key sections, some to be included bodily in the shorter document, some conceptually, some where key terms need to be borrowed.

My office is fully armed, as it were, and given that I feel fairly comfortable that I could leave it for an extended period of time although I do still need a long term plan for mail.

I have not heard from Virginia, although the side project that is likely outside of Virginia should progress without too much work from me over the next week, all the more reason to stop for now and come back when I'm finished with the short document and can pick up the long document again.

There are still rough edges and half a day of formatting, but the short document most recent and largely fileable edit is finished and comes in at 25 pages.

The longer document is at 63 pages without many of the drawings, but accepting that most of those are unnecessary, there is an 88 page document with most of the drawing internalized and with 12 pages of additional drawings possible if need be.  While I am starting only on page 15 of the longer document, given the less precise nature of the disclosure, it could probably be filed as a provisional, I am in a good place going into the last few days and feel like I can take a break to swim which I'd need after lunch anyway.

It is just after 2:00, a good day's work.  It doesn't change my concern about my ability to continue the project, but I have a few actual products, some too big to start with, but a couple that can be done with a relatively small grant that would have significant value.  I've gotten to page 21 of 63 in the longer document.  To do this I have accepted the drawings as being adequate, knowing I'll have to go back and correct and consolidate them or change the disclosure to eliminate them; but that has always been part of the process, to minimize and consolidate the concepts, the disclosure of them and the drawings.  The fewer drawings, the less work in correcting them, so I'll set that process aside for the moment.

That I am 1/3 of the way through is a good start given that this document is not critical and can, if necessary, be filed with some errors at this stage as long as the disclosure is sufficiently complete and the necessary corrections few enough to shorten the prosecution.  I cannot today afford to worry about what I will not have to face for at least 6 months and perhaps over a year from now and perhaps then not alone, hopefully not alone.

The swimming is catching up with me, 2000 yards with 1000 im and not as bad as I feared it would be; but the progress is good even if the time is short.  I need another day at least as good as today tomorrow and I can knock out everything but the figures in the longer document, then come back to those.  I have those printed out and organized, at least; so it will be easier to find and check them, the first item of business being to decide what to keep and what to take out.

I have finished teh day.  It is still early, almost 7.  I want to go to bed, not to sleep.  i suppose there is evidence that i am clinically depressed although i am happy enough, i am secure financially enough, smart enough not to invest even in my own stuff in anything that would take away the cushion that I have which is not enough, i suppose it is never enough and i would say the biggest  problem is you and i suppose i have noone but myself to blame for that, you would probably say that too if you saw this.  None of that makes it better and as someone who compulsively looks to fix and solve things, apparently, this is not going well. 

I have a lot of grant work to do when these edits are done.  I looked through the drawings, there are a lot i would like to keep, but 12 pages of drawings would be plenty by any standard and i feel good about finishing the edits tomorrow and maybe even marking drawings which is a find, decided, and cut and paste or delete.  I dont think i have time to get the drawings edited and numbered, but i will see and the numbering will be minimal, i think.

Even the cats are treating me like i am unhappy.  it is dark and wet and cold, but i swam, my muscles are stretched and cleaned, but you are missing from my life and i do not like it even if i deserve it.  

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