
Sunday, March 29, 2020

day 116 of the covid 19 apocalypse, gravity and space time, 16 days since the gym closed

Had a nice long bike ride on day 110, was cold or at least cool and it rained on me a little, but i was dressed for it and got a little sun later in the day doing pool maintenance.
The temp is 74-76  and will probably be ok to swim in at least during the warmer part of the day.  Hoping it wont trigger some cold type of thing and the feelings of many are that we have a low grade something, perhaps exhaustion or psychosomatic illness, but a something lingering.
It does not help that while some of the stories are heartwarming, some are infuriating and some terrifying.
Of course death has many faces and this pandemic face is one which our ancestors would recognize.  This perhaps is a time to look back at the stories of the plague and see them through new eyes, I think of the plague year, one of the better stories, more realistic.  i suppose historical would be the right word.  I suppose I should reread it, its on my kindle.
Yesterday had a nice 2000 yard swim with the full range of im.  First time in 17 days if you ignore a 500 yard workout when the water was still too cold.
I have miserably failed to follow through with the ab work, but I did some this morning.

Here is the answer to the question of the week and the rebuttal of the old science.
Are gravity and space-time the same thing?
A lot of my "fair use" work comes from this guy: Viktor T. Toth, IT pro, part-time physicist
Answered April 29, 2019 · Upvoted by Stephen Selipsky, ex-particle theorist; Stanford Ph.D., research at CERN, BU, Yale

) (for Old) The equation is Einstein’s field equation for gravitation:


The tensor equation; both sides of the equation represent quantities arranged in  4×4  matrix form.

N (new-AuT):  So there is a lot to pick apart here.  The first is that gravity and time are dimensional effect from the changing underlying quantum count, the denominator of pi and the compression/decompression equation.  So all 3, time, dimension, space are the same thing, this dimensional effect.

O-Both sides are quantities that vary from point to point in space and from moment to moment in time. The left-hand side is constructed from the so-called metric of spacetime; the right-hand side represents matter.

N-Space time again is a mix of pre-time and post-time dimensional effects primarily in the ct1-ct3 range with a little bit of early ct4 transitional states gumming up the works because of our limited perspective tied to post photon phenomena and a misunderstanding of pre-photon, but post ct3 phenomena.
The right had side representing "matter" is a complete waste of time because what is being called matter are "effects" from ct4 transitional states permuted by ct4-ct5 transitional states, which clouds what we call matter just like those pesky low ct4 transitional states cloud what he's calling space-time.

O The factor  8πG  is just a constant factor. The quantity  Tμν,  the stress-energy-momentum tensor, describes the density, pressure, momentum, and shear stresses of arbitrary forms of matter. Implied in this form is that gravity only depends on these quantities and not, e.g., the electric charge, color, smell, whatever of matter. This is the weak equivalence principle in action: namely that gravity affects all objects equally, without regard as to their material composition.

N-Pi is not a constant.  It varies with compression.  G is a fake constant representing ct1-ct2 net folding.  Density, pressure and momentum are all fairly distinct but capable of solution to a common form.
a) Density-This is the amount of compression in a matrix
b) P-Another measure of the amount of compression in a matrix
c) momentum-this is the relative exchange of higher compression to lower compression within a larger matrix, lower compression states being associated with movement at post ct3 levels which is confusion for several reasons which require more time than I have here, but think of this as the underlying basic and see the books for more detail: All points are frozen for any value of x.  Over any period of time there pre-time and post-time changes.  If one picks a matrix, it is constantly shedding and taking on information as it compresses and decompresses if it is at the size where the old science uses mass.  The net information over time (very high values of x at high compression states) includes either net compression (slowing down) or net decompression (viewed as speeding up)

The rest of the old time discussion is just a diversion into how complicated it is to try to use old definitions to explain what the new science dictates.  The old science is counter-intuitive and misleading, the new science is sickeningly simple and intuitive once you throw out the old, incorrect definitions.

The apocalypse of science as it were.
This song came on while I was riding my bike, it had a different ring to it these days:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 109, the contemplation chair and the absence of fields and the fake nobel prize

Its a cool grey 61 degrees, warm by many standards.
I am outside, cold with a blanket over my legs like an old man.  The idea of a contemplation chair I have stolen from a friend who noted the lack on condensation trails from airplanes from his yard.  I do contemplate and regularly sit out here in all weather to do it, often with fingers too stiff from the cold to type.
I had an Illiad dream last night, hard to believe since i was up every 30 minutes to an hour.
By 6am, I was ready to give up; but a charlie horse, barely caught in time (by flexing my foot) propelled me out even quicker than I was ready.
I am oustide with a sweatshirt, hood and blanket, knowing this seasonable weather may set back swimming a day or two.  In other parts of the country it is snowing, so this is not bad.
The ski lifts are closed and look abandoned and, like everything else, slightly apocalyptic and distopian.
The daily bike rides, though not challenging, are keeping at least the lower part of my body in something resembling shape.  The upper part, meh.  I have not done a set of weights in over a week and while I have done 3 pullups here and there and sets of 25 pushups here and there, I have not gotten into an upper body routine.  I guess I am hoping not so much for the pool to get warmer but for myself to brave that cold water.  My outside timer has also died and needs to be replaced, but it made it through a cold winter when the inside pool was closed for maintenance and I swam in the often over heated, often underheated outdoor pool, often in a cool rain.
Here is a link to a photo from the closed library, so many little things.

I keep planning to follow up with the board for the homeless charity I am on.  We canceled our meeting last Tuesday and no one has taken the important step of dealing with this continuing problem which must be taking on ominous ramifications.  After this blog post or during it, perhaps.

I am in a weird place .  While hardly fair, nothing in the universe is fair, I consider myself to be the leading quantum physicist in the world, not because I deserve it, but because I figured out how the universe opwerates below the level of thermodynamics.  And...
I have figured out what fields are and what they are not which brings me to the physics part of this post.
And so we reach the O-old and N-new physics.

O- in quantum field theory, all fields are present everywhere. N information is folded and what we call "everywhere" is where this information is folded enough to give the impression of what we  consider space, ct1-ct3.  Fields are merely the ct3-4 transition states, especially the early ones, witin the less dense space.
O-The distinguishing characteristic of the Higgs field after electroweak symmetry breaking is that its “vacuum expectation value” (v.e.v.) is nonzero, hence particles that interact with the Higgs field effectively interact with the vacuum, even when the Higgs field is free of “excitations” (no actual Higgs particles are present.) N-say what?  This is all just nonsense. VEV is the pre AuT estimation of the direction of compression of a matrix, but there is an aspect of true science here, because everytihng interacts and, in fact, the 'particle' refefrred to is actually made up of the lower information states and necessarily interacts with them, although the neutron function of the strong force which is only defined by AuT and at that in the unpubliished patents is different.
O-only about 1% of the masses of these protons and neutrons is due to their constituent quarks. The remaining 99% is due to the strong force binding energy; N-Mass is worth thinking about, but only in terms of what it represents and this is compression state.

O- gravity is not about rest mass. It is about all forms of energy, including rest mass.  N-this is largely accurate as far as it goes, but it is important to note that what AUT has shown is the relationship, fairly complex in that it has multiple parts (compression and direction of compression) of the pre-time and post time features of compression which is largely a function of the amount of ct1-ct3 free within a matrix and the rate at which that ct1-ct3 is changing within the matrix as compared to other things, but correctly this old science recognizes the interconnection between all forms of information.
O- rest mass is not conserved, energy is. So even if a physical process were to cause the Higgs v.e.v. to vanish, it would just mean that the energy in the form of rest mass is converted into some other form of energy; however, insofar as gravitation is concerned, the same amount of energy remains. N-Energy is not conserved, since energy is a ratio of pre-time to post time states, ct1-3 and early ct4 transition states to higher compression ct4 transition states along with the change rate within the particular matrix.  It is quite different math, but it doesn't prevent the hint of accuracy to remain.

There is no “fabric of spacetime”. It is a colorful expression used by science writers (and sometimes, sadly, bona fide scientists) but it is deeply misleading. No equation (within mainstream physics) describes any such “fabric”.
There is matter and there is the gravitational field. On account of being universal (affecting all objects the same way) the gravitational field determines the geometric relationship between objects (which is what leads to the misguided metaphor.)
When objects move… relative to what? Now that we established that there is no “fabric”, let’s remember the basic tenet of relativity theory: (inertial) motion is always relative. So an object that moves relative to you may be at rest relative to me. Its gravitational field may be changing over time as seen by you, but it is a static field as far as I am concerned. So there is no “moving dent”. Just a static field. And the fact that you are moving relative to me and the object makes no difference.
As to why we cannot move at, or faster than, the speed of light, it is a consequence of the fact that the speed of light in relativity theory is an invariant. That is to say, something moving at the (vacuum) speed of light moves at that speed for all observers. So imagine that you are an observer who is actually moving at the speed of light. Your speed, then, is the speed of light for all observers, including yourself. Yet relative to yourself, you are always at rest. Being both at rest and moving at the speed of light at the same time is an obvious contradiction. Similarly, if something moves faster than light, its motion is faster than light for all observers. So if you were moving faster than light, then relative to yourself, you’d be simultaneously at rest and moving faster than light. Again, an impossibility.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 108

Irony and repitition are built into the quantum system.
That is where reincarnation comes from, if not what it is.
But it is imperfect repetition and imperfect irony, so things repeat after a fashion and sometimees the result is not as ironicly obvious as we would think.
When you tag someone boomer to belittle them, you reduce them from equals to objects.  If you call me a boomer, you might as well call me a Jew or give an epitath to someone based on skin color or country of origin.  Its not a problem, it is done throughout history, but that is the point I am trying to make.
Your (our if you ignore generational divides) resentment is both justified and mandated by nature.
The irony of Wild in the Streets is that it reduces the elderly to objects just as boomer did, albeit one being fictional and distopian and the other being the present. The brilliance, if the last scene still exists as it does in my memory, is that it shows the cycle repeating itself, the grinding under of youth by older people, the seeds of resentment that ultimately leads to rebellion.
This is not something new.  It appears in the Illiad, the earliest western literature.  The book begins with a short lecture on how to deal with the plague esconsed with a scene where the, presumably, elder menelaous takes Achilles female prize sending the later into a resentment fueled sulk which almost ends the Achean expedentiary force and about which the entire story is built.  Sadly Achilles never gets a chance, even in the Oddysey, to step on the crawfish.
It is mathematically delicious.
Lets get a little technical.
A series of self building or generating (i.e. one naturally leading to the creation of the next) iterated equations beginning with n+1 yields the following compression.
This drawing which shows the very first big bang, at least dimensionally over the first 5000  changes in x and defining 25 million points after a fashion at least, embodies both of those concepts in a way which is so easily seen that were I to explain it again, you would get it instantly, but if you wish to do that you must read one of the books and perhaps all of the blog posts from the last eight months.  It is as much as I can do, I will tell you.

Want to see that picture repeated in nature?

See the tree?  sweet, to use the vernacular of the day.

Boomer is exactly the term they would have used in Wild in the Streets, except the boomers barely existed, they were so early they had not been named yet, and yet the boomers were the ones who were wild in the streets.  How ironic that we are now dealing with the copy cat boomers. \/ /\ /
I said Algorithm Universe Theory, i should have said Algorithm Universe Model.

I have a hundred things to do during this period of "inactivity" and I'm not even using my imagination yet.
It is exhausting.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

day 106 and a little physics to pass the time

what a difference a week makes.  i wrote my best friend and said that i have read a lot of apocalypse books but have not thought i would live through one since i was a teenager.  to put it in perspective, thoughts of nuclear war dwarf the present unpleasantness and my personal chaos of the last 10 years seems worse than what is going on now  so far...but just wait, right.
i am up at 4 but went to sleep early so i am guessing i am close to the recommended sleep.  I have been working tirelessly up till today sourcing hazmat gear and getting it in solicitation form for the government.  I need to call bob about factoring today and do some regional work.
I have a lot of concerns which i am not going to voice here but there are regions of mylife that face a great deal of disarray.  For the moment i have my coffee, my tablet, my physics and my books as well as enough work to keep me occupied through the day.
i also have a week or two worth of coffee.
Why a run on toilet paper and not coffeee?
The stores here are picked over but fine.  not much tp, but a roll of paper towels here and there.
Understandably physics is taking a back seat, but as  things quiet down i plan to get back to the newest and most applicable work as i steam towards practical applications of a new science.
Using o=old and n=new here is my work de jour for your post apocalyptic pleasure (YOU Mocked my zombie books, who is laughing now-answer, the zombies)
At the end of the day i feel a little (psychosomatic?) sickly; but in the morning i feel fine.  ok, i had my coffee in the empty communal hot tub; but with a  lot of water to stay hydrated.


O-Time is what you measure with a clock.
Space is what you measure with a meter stick.
N-Neither answer is right.  Time is a function of pre-time dimensional stop frame animation and dimension arises from non-dimensional information alignment.  They are two sides of the same coin...the same thing.
o-The magnitudes of the quantities that you obtain through these measurements are determined by a field called the metric.
This metric is not directly visible, the same way the electromagnetic field is not directly visible, but it can be observed through its effects. Specifically, if the metric changes, it changes what clocks and meter sticks measure.
The metric changes in the presence of mass-energy.
In turn, the motion of mass-energy, such as material particles, is determined by the metric.
N-i like the phrase "the metrix", its like the matrix; but more acurate. The difference between the words and the given definition is interesting.  It is not a field, exactly.  a field is nothing more than pretime higher dimensional states, those above ct3 but below ct4t9 for example.  Now these include ct3, 2 and 1; but the word field instructs the reader t o ignore those.  In fact the true metric is a matrix of folded information, mostly pretime, but the coexistence of states make the analysis more interesting

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Day 102 of Z-C apocalypse:space-time-gravity one

I watched a beautiful snowfall on the internet, reminding us that the universe marches on even as other things  grind to a halt.

The live stream of italy, Venice is empty, but just as beautiful.  New york is not so beautiful and not so empty, but empty enough to be strange.  The "big freak out" will soon pass.

Being an old hand at disasters, I stocked up early and I'm glad that happened.   That doesn't mean I'm ready, it just means that I did a lot before all the toilet paper sold out.  I'm sure in a month I'll be out of toilet paper and wondering why I did not do more; but I don't get the toilet paper thing.
I did want to buy a little more liquid soap, we'll see how that goes.

I understand we are at the 3rd mutation of the virus, but that is silly since viruses are like people, all a little different from one another.  I've heard many truths and falsehoods about this thing and many confirmed and unconfirmed things.  Mass graves in Iran, confirmed; triage to see who will live or die in Italy, unconfirmed.  Toilet paper shortages, confirmed.

On Friday I went to the gym only to see it had closed "until further notice" due to the virus.  I have a picture of the sign.
I've said that all the end of the world movies start this way; but that's not true.  Some of them start with the old signs blowing across deserted streets.
I'm the ghost in the background, Friday the thirteenth, ready to go swimming, locked out.

So for this weekend, it's been long walks and yardwork.  I keep telling myself this is a great opportunity to get my abs where they need to be, catch up on yoga and other stretching, etc.
Today I did a few minutes of plank, its a start.

 The pool is up to almost 70 which at the hottest point in the day will be warm enough for swimming and then there will be that, painful, but cold swimming.

I'm working on my physics project, primarily doing editing and not new work although Friday I started recording the next video on time.

Let me tell you about the intersection of gravity, space and time which I have now determined to mathematical certainty.

The pre-aut idea is that space, time and gravity are all different things, although space-time is a thing made up of space and time.
The correct view is that space is the pre-time aspects of the universe and time is stop frame animation made up of the first three compression states which have quantum change, but not time in the sense that we define it.

The picture above shows the big bang for the first 5000 quantum changes representing a quantum 25 million bit grid.  The key elements are (1) this is a fractal so that it provides the groundwork for all other changes.  The up and down action, the beginnings of curvature.  While this doesn't show the second and third compression states, those have been prepared.  This is just the first two compression states plotted against the quantum count (going up to 5000 which generates a 5000x5000 point grid, hence the 25 million square grid work.
This also represents the force of gravity which is nothing more complicated than the folding of one state ct1 into ct2.  I use the term folding which you can see above.  However, there is a lot going on in the background.  The "positive" or "negative" values are summed to get the grid points shown.  As can be seen, they are discrete and increase to a point where they then begin to go down.  The size of growth increases constantly reflecting the increase of information, but fractal math ensures that the initial pattern is repeated so that all of the features of folding, curvature, increasing length, compression, decompression (net valuation) and inflection point are preserved.  From this early pattern which is not fundamental, although very far before anything we have ever used before, all force, dimension, time and space arise.
One fold is essentially the equivalent of one dimension and we exist in a three-four dimensional state where the 4th dimension is viewed clearly when discussing black holes.
There is much more to this:

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

corona zombie apocalypse day 91-morning and whats really important

so its early, still dark outside.  I reflect back a week ago when I was on my way to Washington for a first hand glimpse of the apocalypse.  That did not happen. I started this when I had an aborted two hour layover on the way back if i made it; something to dread and look forward to.

yesterday i only had minimal exercise (a bike ride and two sets of weights) and this morning only minimal coffee so i am halfway  to being a zombie myself.  There were interesting health warnings at the gym.

This whole thing looks like a horror movie, but its really not.  Yes, old people die.  Newsflash?  I'm not being callous, I'm an old guy, but death is just one of those things that happens.  Fortunately, it seems very likely that a form of reincarnation is a physics reality:

This book needs some help, btw.

I also have over 100 pages of physics technology to go through over the balance of the week when distractions will be minimized.

There  is no shortage of stuff to do and stuff i am waiting to hear about.

Watching the news, I suppose this will be the sequel to the new orleans river zombie typed in real time.

Quantum physics is not about discrete positions.

Quantum physics, fundamentally, is about Nature being represented not by numbers but by so-called noncommuting variables, which obey different rules of mathematics.  This is stupid and wrong, we merely missed what they are doing because pre-AuT math is obsessed with time which is not change and therefore is a misconception.

Pre AuT, the quantum system can only be described in classical terms as being in many (potentially infinitely many) states at once.  The stupidity of this in light of the simple explanation shows the genius and simplicity of AuT.

Pre-AuT, the first quantum discoveries concerned the discrete energy levels (not positions) found in atoms. But AuT shows that these are net pre-time solutions and not quantum at all in the sense that AuT provides quantum everything, change, curvature (i.e. solved pi value), etc.

None of this has anything to do with the continuous nature of the underlying spacetime manifold. The old people who are going to die alleged that quantum field theory (the moronic current model) happens to work just fine on a curved spacetime background. This is so the "just fine" thing that has led to so much wasted time.

And everyone says the wrong thing, like saying "what’s this we keep reading about, quantum physics being incompatible with general relativity?"  I roll my eyes and say, "AuT is so far ahead of general relativity that they only reason to mention relativity is as a historical wrong term on the road to physics.

Anyway, these issues have been answered, but I do have a very long way to go.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A sense of balance

Yesterday I had a pleasant walk then swam 2000 yards in an open pool, 1000 im, but only 200 ims which are nice back to back, but not as impressive as the 400 ims that I am coming down from after a couple of months in a more limited swim environment.

I am preparing to go to Idaho, a trip which will almost certainly involve psychological if not physical aspects of the corona virus.  Oh no, we're all going to die again.
Death is viewed so much more cleanly in the Illiad where everyone has a speech to make before they are killed and the violence and sex is relatively graphic; but the main thing is that they accept its inevitability.  I'm close to where hector is killed and dragged around the city, I remember that much.  For some reason I thought he killed Ajax first, but that appears unlikely from the current perspective.

AuT broke the code, and by that I mean figured out the hidden variables in hidden variable theory and normally in my posts I spend most of my article discussion pointing out how absurd current science is compared to AuT.  In this issue things won't change much, but I will point out a couple of articles which are worth some interest.
This is the "duh" article of the series whose only redemption is to show that AuT is right, a galaxy sized (or bigger) inflection point.  Enough said, read the books below for more info.
This piece of pre-aut crap (the source tells it all because they actually have aut in their archives) talks about why there is matter and the search for new physics (aka their ability to figure out that they already have a submission of the science or that they read it) discusses the misconception of anti-matter.  AuT describes why there is matter and antimatter by defining the nature of compression and decompression.
There is, however, a tiny ray of validity to the question if not the reasoning of these "stone age" physicists.
First, AuT clearly shows the absorption and spew, hence the ability albeit rare, of the neutron to spew higher ct states.  Normally the neutron (for reasons sadly only in the patents) spews pre time states that are not charge obvious, but which give rise to the strong force effect.  For more on this order the books.  What they are seeing here is the equivalent of a black hole spewing a star which also happens occasionally and for the same reason, lower ct states can push out orbiting/partially absorbed higher states that are otherwise trapped.  Don't worry, they will catch up in time and claim someone else invented it, but we're already way past that.
In another place, they are talking about why fpix, a much better question.  There is some chick and egg thought here because the count naturally gives rise to fseries which may mean that there is some count pressure for fpix to exist to give rise to fseries or even from fseries before fpix.  It is a complex analysis, not complicated complex, but logically following a Stygian knot which I have sought, sadly, to most cut through like the doomed, young king Alexander.  There is a why there and a question on the existence of those things that exist without time which brings us to the next and final article to be discussed.

And finally another "just plain wrong" article which shows the importance of AuT.

This article discusses the "superposition of states, with, for example, a 50% chance of being oriented "up" and a 50% chance of being oriented "down."" which is not a thing because like the top article they are merely in a state of compression or decompression and because there is a net effect in a system, like the large big bang system, they have a greater tendency in one direction or another, the average being a schrodinger approximation, an cat which is viewed only from a distance sleeping, is it alive or dead or both at once?  It's just asleep, but soon it will awake towards compression or decompression it matters not except in the AuT interpretation.

The article incorrectly states "quantum particles can be created in states that always correspond to one another — so if one shows an "up" orientation, the other will be "down" — a phenomenon that Schrödinger called entanglement." which is more non-sense, but is important because in aut there is a new feature that has been discovered, covered in patents only (sadly so you will not see it here) which explains this phenomena in a much better fashion.

Alas, the sadness that the failure to accept my work means it remains hidden from you.
A tear forms in my eyes, alas babylon.

Not enough?  Get educated: