
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

the poem after the last poem ever

I'll write another poem nevermore
so don't expect to see anymore
there will no notes of rhyme
anywhere nor on your door
never again will you hear of me
my songs of longing and love for thee
it should be a relief to you
you will not read this under a tree

Monday, April 29, 2013

I've written all the love poems there are

I've written you all the poems I have in me
I written everything that can be written about love
And I wrote them all to you
And what is it you wanted after all
a love based on friendship
or did you want one based on passion
what is it you really expect from me
someone who would be there to support you
and someone for you to support in turn
two people who are both better together
to make the world and each other something more
or someone to pound on you mercilessly
night after night for hours at a time
to kiss you lightly and wrap arms around gently
till something rose between us too strong to resist
and didn't we have both for a time
and which is really love
or is real love a little of both
but that is something we'll never know
because I've written all the poems there are
there is not another poem in me

Sunday, April 28, 2013

faster than light travel and the twenty physicists

While we wait for the events necessary to discuss faster than light travel, I will discuss why it is taking so long.  As has been previously mentioned, the secrets of apparent faster than light travel will be discussed after 20 physicists from 20 countries acknowledge an interest or I run out of other things I wish to say on this point, whichever comes first.
Now on to why it hasn't come yet.
First, there is a certain incredulity associated with the idea that faster than light travel (apparent) is both easy and obvious.
Second, while widely read (compared to what I would have expected) around the world, the poetry is probably of as much interest to the gentle (or warlike in case of china and north korea-please forgive this pun, neither country is more warlike than the country which spends a plurality of gdp on "defense" which is brutally applied.  The war of china, is just more effective-see china's weaponized economy available on amazon) reader as faster than light travel; although next time you are stuck at a traffic light you might want to consider asking your local neighborhood physicists what they are waiting for.
Third, the physicists who are required from the requisite 20 countries are mired in their well earned egocentric studies, correctly assuming they already know where this is leading from the information already provided.
Fourth, well, I could go on and on about this but I have other fish to fry to make a literary banquet.  I am off to start preparing that feast for the morning; I suggest you get on your way to yours.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

From what stuff are dreams made-the hologram g-space

The singularity is where everything happens at once according to Einstein, but once you add time it becomes something magical.  The fact that magic is indistinguishable from science-at least according to Arthur C. Clark-implies that magic exists within the singularity.
So the series on the E-Hologram universe will explore the stuff from which dreams are made (our lives), talk about the magic of g-space and discuss the stuff of the physicist's dreams.  We will discuss whether, if everything happens at once in the hologram universe, whether it is possible to change the outcomes, at least of some levels.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hologram etime vs space Time-wall street journal

Theory of Einstein's Proved Right—Again
As those who read this blog know my thesis is that Einstein predicted this correctly and the only exception of e-hologram theory-the application of hologram theory to Einstein's theory is that space can be eliminated since space only exists as a result of the application of time to the singularity where in Einstein's parlance "everything happens at once".
Hence hologram theory and general relativity have their origins in Einstein and both are consistent.
This means that the vast distances of space are an illusion which is more or less intuitive in the study of black holes and the statement in this article that under general relativity that in a black hole you approach infinite gravity (ergo the elimination of time from the singularity) and infinite density (i.e. everything collapses to a singularity (not multiple singularities separated by large distances which is counterintuitive once you get past Newtonian physics.)
These concepts should be consistent with general relativity because they do not deny space time but merely hold that space is an illusion which is observed at high gravity and predicted in theory.
This wall store the article doesn't discuss this and, of course, my discussion stops here since to go further would covers faster than light apparent travel which is the subject of the Friedlander challenge.  See prior posts for more info.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The lost years exile from home

It was bad for him living in the lonely house, far away from anyone he knew.  Worse still the living conditions were unfair.  He shared a room with his father while his sister had a room of her own, although she was thrown between his strange room with his father and the grandparents room.  His brother had a "wing" built onto the house where in time, he would face a bizarre type of corruption at only 11 years of age.  But even that was far off.
An adult would wonder about this arrangement.  Was it that his father was worried about him or did his father need someone there? Either way it was a strange way to live.  Long after this the strange life of father would result in the father's early death at his own hand.  How many days and ho many minutes or hours did the father hold that pistol before he had the nerve to shut off his pain forever.  What thoughts did he have of his family, those who loved and depended on him as he held the heavy key to escape his pain, it's cylinders filled with instant relief; but only for those with the nerve to pull the trigger.
But it was only a place for weekends and holidays as it would turn out.  Those weekends would be lonely affairs and those two years would be among the worst of his life; although at the end there would be a very strange transformation.  But this is not about the transformation, this is about the lost years.
Without any real information, he was taken to a dormatory.  it wasn't even out of town.

For the next two years while most other children would have breakfast at home, even with a family that didn't pay much attention to one another, he would eat his meals in a dining room.  He would march to it and if truth be told, the food was good a plentiful.
But others would get home for dinner, sometimes just take out from a McDonalds, and sit around the dining room and eat with their families who would laugh and fight, talk and watch television.  But he would not.  He would not sit down one school night with a family for two long years, not one breakfast maybe never again.

B.G. Wang-How I won the war with America

Yes, the story of how I came to be in America from a small village in China is an interesting one and begins my young life of espionage, but it will come later.  You must understand that I had no specific training on how to overthrow America.  Then I was only a child, not the man you see before you now.  I was small as many Chinese are and thin. My English was heavily accented; the product of a single American teacher, a coward perhaps, who had fled the fighting of WWII before even Bataan to live with his lover in her remote village.  But he was a smart man who mastered chinese and taught us children well the knowledge of the great eastern sages, Mao, Sun Tzu, Confucius, Siddhartha and others as well as the lesser sages of the West, Stalin, Lenin, Franklin and Marx.
But his was a single voice and was tainted by the voices of dozens of family and friends, now mere wraiths in the fog of time.
I was alone and found myself in a port city of San Francisco.  Then it was a great city; the Oakland factories turning out goods that sailed around the world, not the warehouse for Chinese goods that it would become from my efforts.  It was young and beautiful and the people worked hard.  It was a mighty challenge to think I was sent alone here to overthrow this country which extended so far to the east it seemed to go on forever and appeared so rich from my vantage point.  The poorest man on the street seemed to drive a large car and have rolls of the green dollars that were so valuable.  The people all worked hard at the factories which had plenty of work.  And in this, I was to see the great weakness of the country which I was soon to exploit.
There are people coming, I must leave, but I will return.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

3 of (3) weapons of creation-How to convert T space to God space-question of the day

3 of 3
You thought, perhaps this would never come, but here it is.
Note that the faster than light travel may never come, but i refer you back to the requirements to get that information, the physics community apparently very unconcerned with these tidbits of speculation.
We observe fundamental particles and these are given "spin" to define their relationship, but spin is not the appropriate term in some respects.  We are talking about various tendencies to return to G-space from the projection along time perceived as dimension and movement, knowing movement to be an illusion because of black holes.
Why not have just a homogeneous type of matter?  Indeed there is no reason why not to, so you have to look at what happens to create matter.  There may be multiple types of time where one type of time is homogeneous and only a very defective time gives rise to something like our universe.
Even though tendency and time do not exist in multiple dimensions, matter, the display of tendency on time, does exists on different dimensions.  Space-time doesn't exist in this model since space is just a function of the projection of tendencies which have already happened over time.  The same is matter which has no dimension except for that which is apparent because of the time attached to matter.
Worse still, there is no attachment of time to matter in the sense that we understand attachment, because matter and time have no dimension as we understand it.
Dimensions and space itself as well as the differentiation of matter is similar to the display of color by using different colored dots to create a television projection.  The tendencies must come back to the singlarity along different time lines which might come in threes since we experience time along at least three dimensions.
Unfotunately, these dimensions do not exist.  Under acceleration, they begin to separate the time from one another.  In a super-collider where these types of particles are observed, we are moving matter fast enough so that these changes (imagine a movie moving a different speeds for different characters) cloud the fundamental nature of the particles so that you might observe movement outside of time which would mean at the level of G-space.

Well, someone should be paying attention. Creation is the Ultimate weapon. This is just as it should be.  But is it something we can use?  Isn't that a star trek episode?

If everything was created and everything in its path replaced, you have a weapon and you are in a star trek movie.  However, the E- hologram universe is less violent, because there is no real destruction, just the release of events along time.  Everything being projected onto time, there being no real matter or dimensions, merely an engraving on time of those things.

In Witten's String Universe, there is violence (in dimensions we do not even experience).  Time was violently separated from the singularity in the parlance of E-space.   You can call the event whatever you like, but the big bang was an explosion much larger than any reasonable weapon. If gravity is the function the projection of matter onto this time on which everything is displayed in some fashion then that was also created; certainly time was applied to the singularity if not created in the big bang.

Looks like you'll have to wait for 4 of 3 to see the finish of this discussion.

overuse of the word perfect

How do you love the perfect person
Do you wait for the perfect situation
Live alone until you make it happen
Wait until perfect conditions
create a moment of complete bliss
or do you grasp every second together
wrapped in the passion of the moment
and leave perfection for  the perfectionist
How do you show if you're in love
Do you wait for everything to be perfect
ot do you take every minute
and try to share it with the perfect person
And what is the price of either choice
If either means you might never share
the perfect moment with the perfect person

Saturday, April 20, 2013

the treehouse

Love lives in a tree house
with candles on the table
a fresh cantaloupe cut
soft skin on warm silk
cool breezes pass windows
green branches, cool water
birds live in and out
all this without me

How I won the war with America-B.G. Wang, esq

Wang here again.  I am sorry that I am not able to make more regular appearances on this space, but when you have overthrow the most powerful country in the world for a dictatorship that has abandoned and turned on you for the benefit of a corrupt politician who has used you for your entire life and who has the resources of China to bring to bear against you; you must take your time when you steal it.
This is what my patrons in China have forgotten:
Every country that wants to rule the world needs a B.G. Wang.
I will get back shortly to my story of how I and I alone, China's B.G. Wang, overthrew the United States.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

job world vs spring break-update on various

I know you are waiting for the third in a series Hologram Lecture.  That has been put on hold by a recent dark matter diversion which has everyone looking in the wrong direction again.  How long must I put up with this!
Terrorism reared its ugly, wrong-godded head in the United States again but it is everywhere.  We are taking turns with domestic terrorism and foreign terrorism and I'll use this opportunity to talk about gun control.
First, let me say that a back ground check every once in a while never killed anyone.  On the other hand, governments have killed more of their own citizens than the crazies with guns.  I dare say things might eventually get to the point where we're all wearing six guns if things keep deteriorating, but downtown new york would still be safer than downtown anywhere in Syria.  While assault weapons in the hands of wackos are going to kill a lot of people, if you have an unarmed population, you're putting your safety in the hands of government and the armenian death marches, the holocaust and the russian purges of the false communism of Lenin and Stalin and the American wars against the native americans show that governments are the danger to large blocks of the population and not the one or two nuts with guns, nor the crazies with their bombs.  This does not mean that we shouldn't take down the bastards who kill using bomb just like we shouldn't treat someone who does mass murder as crazy just because they are.  Revenge isn't built into our minds because it's a survival trait to kill, it's built into it to cull the population of those who take away more than they contribute.
If we can ever figure out a way to disarm our governments and the crazies with their bombs and agendas, maybe we need to disarm the public, but not necessarily today.
I hope everyone has a peaceful night tonight, but somewhere out there a government is killing more people than all the religious zealots.  And truth be known, if the USA had not so badly abused our role as world leader especially towards the middle east, we probably wouldn't be in this jar of ethical pickles.  We can make amends and if we don't we'll fade against a wall of China.
More on this later.

Can the US government be trusted with making foreign policy decisions?

The only obvious answer to this question is no.  There are several reasons for this, but the underlying and fundamental reason is that no one knows who is making the policy.  It can be argued that the president plays a critical role, but he is totally at the mercy of the information he gets from sources that are poorly coordinated, understood and regulated.  Congress plays a role, but as a group they are buffoons which is a really fun word that is over-used except when referring to Congress.  Note that any individual Congressman is no more likely to be a buffoon than I am (which doesn't improve their image much); but the system corrupts them (see either China's Weaponized Economy or World War C for a discussion of this and the following discussion on intelligence).

Another problem which affects all of these groups is that they think only with immediate or short term intelligence and any policy decision which doesn't take into account long term survival is "optimistically" base.  Indeed history shows that very minor changes and even changes wrought by individuals have far reaching consequences.  In the broadest sense, everything that we are today is the result of a snap decision made by a chauffeur in Serbia in the 1930's.  If that isn't random, than butterfly wings don't cause hurricanes.

Yet another problem is that these groups are hamstrung by convention.  We are forced into positions based on politics rather than pure logic and necessarily so given the effect of human emotion on events.  However, this is problematic.  Profiling is a necessary tool in sorting through groups and we are constantly profiled by advertisers, internet service providers, our governments and each other.  However in this country we have to limit how profiling is used in the interest of parity.  This is not necessarily a bad idea, but it defies logic in some situations and is such a vague concept that it hampers action in favor of "hair splitting".  At some point logic gives way to political correctness.  A green man holds up a liquor store.  In the round up of suspects, 10 are green, 90 are not.  Do you let the 90 go or is that profiling?  It's a ridiculous example but if all 10 greenies are suspects because the only information you have is that they are green where does this leave you?

Conventions only apply to our public faces.  In private, as individuals and governments we profile consciouly or not.  The cosmetics industry would be in trouble if we did not.  Our government and its agencies are the same way.  This means under our "fair system" we are two faced and we can never know which face is making the decision and trust is out of the question in such a scenario.

Despite the absurdity, these are some of the limitations on our foreign policy makers and we cannot trust ourselves nor can we trust our shadow governments.  There are some limited solutions to this, but those will wait for another day, although the framework can be found in CWE).  In the end we have to decide how to work with an imperfect decision making process and this makes fundamentals like short term and long term planning for all the major decisions advisable.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

is it too late-a poem

Is it too late for us
I waited too long to ask you
and you said no when you should have yes
the world has changed around us
the carefree days are leaves
in an ancient winter wind
already blown into oblivion
did our love die with the dried leaves
or can we rekindle those fires
with the art and music that burns our fingers
the things that we are able to do for others
and the things you are still able to do to me
and I hope I can still make your heart quicken
as you make mine strong
whenever i hear your name
or is it just the ghost of you
on the cold night wind

Who is the real enemy in the War with China?

I am not the enemy of China.  You might think that since they have declared war on my country that I would rally to the flag; but that assumes you have not read "China's Weaponized Economy".  This does not mean I am the ally of China.
In fact, China is acting to the deteriment of the entire world as they move towards world dominance to an unprecedented extent.  At the same time, their underlying philosopichal approach is so far ahead of the remainder of the world, that despite their recklessness, their model has to be largely adopted (with modifications) for us to survive, assuming survival is possible and survival being defined (in terms of hologram universe theory) as maintaining a forward thinking, evolutionary state for our current consciousness in a living continum for the sake of biological imperatives; i.e. something akin to the role given to us in the bible; be fruitfud and multiply (not just multiply, but do it in a positive and rational and artistic manner).
Again, this is not the adoption of religion or any particular religion, just a recognition that there is a certain logic which can be derived from many things depending on your point of view, but I digress.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

world war c-the identity of Russia and America

There are no natural enemies among men (ok, ok "people").  We make enemies based on our artificial prejudices.
That being said we have many artificial prejudices.
In the world of artifice, prejudice both weakens and strengthens us as a species.  That is natural selection necessarily built in a need for us to fight and we would not have advanced to this point without that, nor will we likely survive because of it.
It is one premise that we must go on in spite of these battles that are forced upon us so I am continuing the portions of this blog related to both World War C (the current ongoing economic and largely unrecognized war with china-and the book by the same name), physics, the carrying of Big Wang's story and the other items (such as the ongoing targeted poetry writings-you are only partially correct in thinking the target is to undermine the art of poetry).
In line with both continuing and discussing prejudice I will mention that artifice has created a very strong ally in the past and present between Russia and the Russian Citizen and US.  We both have had difficulties, past and present, with corrupt governments.  Perhaps the most insightful thing ever written (The President's Analyst for you non-movie people) about our relationshis is that every year the USSR gets more democratic and the US gets more authoritarian so that eventually we have to meet in the middle (although it is possible if term limits (see China's Weaponized Economy for more on this) aren't put into place we'll pass Russia before we have time to meet in the middle.  In addition to our movement towards one another, we are both melting pot societies.  While Russia's melting pot is less diverse (a major weakness in their country is their inability to assimilate as broadly as we can) we both have diverse populations.  We both run tremendous risks associated with having our technologies undermined. Russia internalized and institutionalized their manufacturing too much and we gave ours away to China.  Worse still, now China controls all the technology of manufacturing on a large scale and both Russia and the United States (as well as the balance of Europe) stands precariously close to ending up with third world economies with no purpose other than to supply raw materials to China (see World War C for the natural result).
While the US has made itself the easier target because of the dependency on greed and the inability of the government (because of corruption, primarily brought on by the un-natural election process without term limits) to protect US manufacturing from the Chinese Economic Onslaught, Russia is much closer to China and therefore is more likely to be undermined as is Europe by the rising manufacturing army that China represents.
This provides us with a unique (although very temporary) advantage which will be lost in 5 years (maybe less maybe more, but 5's a pretty good target).  As a group (Russia, Europe and the United States, we can work towards goals of sustainable areas (sustainable in terms of manufacturing and population density) both for ourselves and those countries that we can ally with based on having long term intelligence goals (see China's weaponized economy for a detailed discussion of short and long term intelligence goals and how China has used those to defeat the western countries in the current economic war).
Still waiting to get enough physicists on board to have the detailed discusion of faster than light travel.  I am now convinced that physicists are bound and determined to live out their lives without this fairly mundane undertaking.  I mention this only because it is indicative of the problems we have with our current stalling developmental economy (our intelligencia as it were) which is being destroyed by the loss of manufacturing which is the application of technology and therefore the fuel for it.

Monday, April 15, 2013

world war c-terrorism and optimism

The way to win against terrorism is to recognize it for what it is and go on with life.
You can mourn and you should mourn.  You can support those that are injured.
Most certainly you should hunt down and punish (waterboarding doesn't sound so bad today does it?) the murderers. 
But most importantly you should put terrorism in its box and lock it away.  It is one or several people; an organization that has such little power that the only way it can hurt you is by taking your focus away from life.
3 people died and over one hundred were injured, some permanently and terribly maimed.  But if today was an average day, over 100 died in automobile accidents.  This is terrible only because the murderers were such evil people, who harm the innocent to get attention and to distract us.
We are at war with huge forces today.  Perhaps one day people can learn to live together and not as savages, but not today.  Bombs are going off all over the world.  If we give the terrorists what they want (and assuredly the television shows will do just that) then the terrorist win.
If we mourn, but put things in perspective; if we dedicate ourselves to making our economy stronger, our communities stronger and let our enemies know that they can strike as often as they can but we will hunt them down but not at the expense of growing as a people, then the terrorists can be kept where they belong, as a minor enemy and, eventually, we will overcome them.
The true challenge of terrorism is to rise against the weakness in ourselves that attracts the terrorists and gives them power.  If we rise far enough, the terrorists become nothing more than crazy people taking out their rage on the innocent.  That means we must strive to be better indivdually and as a nation and must redouble those efforts in the face of each new attack.  We must teach the terrorists that we are better than they are and if we cannot do that, then we have to ask who the right enemy is and see whether there is some lesson to be learned from the random harm done. 
I am not in particular favor of torture to prevent terrorism, because we need to strive to be something better than the terrorists.  I recognize that in the face of organized guerilla warfare, which is what this is, make no bones about that, we must be able to use the weapons of our enemies against them and in our defense.  I believe that we need to be som much better than our enemies, that we can shame them into withdrawing their attacks and that is where we might fail in this country.
In the end, it comes down to the same thing.  We must recognize all of our enemies-this small cell with their bombs are at the low end of the scale in my opinion.  More importantly, we must make ourselves stronger so that our enemies lose their ability to distract us and so they recognize us as a manufacturing power-house (which we were but are not); innovators with an eye toward the future (which we were, but are not); leaders to make the entire world a better place (which we have almost never been if at all) and a people willing to take on the hard jobs because we are strong people (which we might be if we have the right leadership-which we do not have).
I wish everyone well tonight, those in the USA and those who are outside the USA.  I also hope that the US will show that its people can rise to the challenge to show that freedom can exist with ability to grow as a people and not to fall into decay.  Find comfort in the fact that we are only here for a short time and the gift of the window of life is the ability to do good and the challenges like those faced today in Boston increase our opportunities in this regard, and do not lessen them.

All these blogs are rough drafts and only reflect the opinions of the author for the moment.  I feel for the losses to those who were hurt or suffered loss to their loved ones.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Losing my mind-BG Wang

B.G. Wang here again.
I picked a pretty bad time to lose my mind, but I'm afraid that seems to be the way things are for me.  I've lost my place in the world, so it's only natural I should become disoriented.  I remember a lot about how the mind can get lost.
Schema are a way your brain has of organizing things and right now it seems like mine have been jumbled.
I am not quite remembering things and I am not sure if the memories are mine or if they belong to someone else.  There is a contest that someone else was in but I cannot remember if they won or lost and i cannot remember who that was and whether the contest was real or not.
I don't know if it was designed.  The partial victory I remember is separated by some kind of electric shock between the reality and the fantasy.
 I know someone told me about it but I cannot remember who.
It is something I remember very well, the description of what happened to someone else, remembering something and then something happens, what I don't remember, and then the memory changes in some way, but not just the memory but the reality.
The contest step...I don't remember.  Was it dream or reality.   I remember a contest it must be real but why is it so hard to remember
I can't remember what I did to win but I know I did it.   Can it be just the dream and do I remember it so well it has become real?
But China won the war with the United States and I was the one who made that happen.  And it all started in a small port in California. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A poem a day

If I wrote you a poem
Everytime I thoughtof you
No one could speak
all the words would be used
If I could describe now
How beautiful you are
The flowers wouldn't bloom
The Sun would not rise or set
And our painters brushes
Would lie dry
For fear of comparison
If I could only hold you again
Without breaking your heart
I would be able to sleep again
The night holds no peace
For the heart broken lover
Who lies in bed praying for morning
Which holds nosalvation
Regret and jealousy
My only companions
Who fire my mind
And leave my bed cold
While I think of the plans
I made for us turning to dust
In the wreckage
Of my broken heart

tracking love

I'm monintoring love
instead of living it
All of the anxiety
None of the touching
all of the sharing
none of the passion
spring has come
to everyone in love
everyone except me
for i am in love
one piece at a time
building a future
without building
the present
we have all the feeling
without the sweat
all of the excitement
we are one together
but we are not
enjoy what you have
with someone else
I want you tonight
every day apart is agony
and maybe you want me
but I'm tracking love

world war c - China's economic shutdown

This entry will discuss what an Asian economic shutdown will look like.  It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.  The triggering event will be nothing more than a decision by China that USA policies driven by weak politicians and mindless policies and the current economic war will be helpless in the face of independent action by China.
I will discuss superficially the role of the Asian Axis of countries. China can, at any time, do this unilaterally because (a) The USA has become totally dependent on them for manufacturing and (b) they can shut down commerce because of their proximity and military parity with the US.
I expect that it will be some short period of time (5 years maybe) before this happens, but it's time to prepare now (as if our congress could prepare for a broken toilet).
It is likely that once it becomes obvious to even the static rulers in Congress, there will be increasing shows of force as China flexes its muscles as world dominance requires practice.
You can see this in the news today.  With the puppet regime of North Korea pretending to threaten the world (note that the closest target if they really wanted to hurt the world woudl be the manufacturing empire of China.  they cannot even threaten that; even this farce has its limits.  But even so, China can mobilize and flex its muscles and the rest of world applauds what should be sending alarm bells through their militaries. 
But the military threat is so small compared to the economic threat which is all around us every day, that the fear this should inspire is like a candle held up in front of the sun.

World War C/China's Weaponized Economy

How I won the war with the United States-B.G. Wang

Ah so-I am back on track
The circumstances of my being wisked away from my comfortable home in the mountains and finding myself in the forbidden city i will save for later.
For now, I will tell you that I found myself sitting in front of the person who I will name later.  Me BG Wang, but a child still, sitting before one of the minor politburo of the Grand Chinese Ruling Counsel of the Chinese Communist Party in what I was sure must be the largest city in the world.  It was not at the time, but it soon would be the center of the world.
"You see, Wang" he was saying-and I was not even capable of hearing at the time I was so out of sorts with this series of events, "this man Nixon, who is but a temporary ruler in the United States is opening his country up to us. Do you know what that means?"
I realize now he was trying to make sure I was paying attention, like a teacher who calls on his students.  At the time, however, I was in awe, in fear.  I did not know at the time what a pig this man was and what he would become and what he would do to me and my family and what I would be forced to do for him (overthrow the United States) and without getting credit for it.  I did not realize that this man who I held above all other men was nothing more than a minor government official who I would raise through my actions alone to be a major figure in the Communist Party which itself would be corrupted under his influence.
"Well, answer me Wang! Or should I throw you in the Hunan river with the other silent Carp."
"I do not understand what it means," I stuttered in my most humble voice dropping my child's eyes to the top of his desk where rice grains from his last meal were mixed with what I now know to be irrelevant papers with ink stains on them and stains from the liquor he already was sneaking into his office.
"Oh how can they do this to me," he said referring to his surperiors I now suppose.  "They send me an idiot boy to do a man's work.  I will not be held responsible for this failure I tell you."
Then he looked back at me as if remembering I was there.  "It means, Wang the Carp, that the Americans are opening their country up to their biggest enemy, the only enemy ever to defeat them.  We did defeat them in Korea you know?"
I realized he was waiting for a reply. "I do know that"
"Do you know that we hold Korea so we have a wedge into their alliance?  No, you would not know that and it is better you do not.  You will undoubtedly blurt out everything you know to the first person you meet in America."
One thing pierced my consciousness.  He was saying I would be in America!  How many years of training would this involve, I wondered, when would I see my family again.
As if reading my mind he said, "You will sail for Japan and then America within the week.  There it will be your job to figure out how to overthrow the United States and you will report back to me."
"But.." I stammered.  He glowered down at me. I could not think of what to say and with tears in my eyes I said the only thing that came to mind, "I am just a child!"
"Ha!  A child. They send me a child to do a man's work.  But do this you will or your entire family will suffer, indeed they will be put to death if you fail."

Friday, April 12, 2013

How I won the war with the United States-Chapter 2

Hi Wang here.
What a scary time this is for me.
While you are sitting their comfortably reading on your Chinese phone (look on it, you'll find China's name somewhere, I assure you); I am forced to deal with the reality that China already dominates the United States in the only way that matters (manufacturing and economically) and that I am target number one for at least one person in China.
See anyone here is forfeit for a price.  The government can be bought to take me down even cheaper than the hired killer, but I am forfeit to both.  Before they get me, however, I will tell you my story, how I single handedly won the war between China and the United States.
I am going to explain how I got to this place and for those of you who cannot wait, I suggest reading "China's Weaponized Economy" to understand the past and reading "World War C" to see the future.  First, let me tell you why it was so easy to beat the United States.
The people of the United States are one dimensional.  All they see is one issue.  The are pro-abortion or anti-abortion.  They don't really care about reasons that might shift them from one position to the other.  They are pro they are con.  You might ask how I feel about abortion.  I don't know how I feel about abortion.  No one has taken the time to explain both sides and you cannot convince by being dogmatic, you lead by listening.
The people of the united states are for immigration, they are against immigration.  I presume that means that some are glad they are here and others want to turn the land back over to the buffallo (even the Indians immigrated from somewhere).  They don't ask, how can immigration make them stronger, how controls can make them stronger.  They don't even know the reasons for why they hate immigration and I was an immigrant.  Well, I was a spy, but I was a stranger in a strange land and I shared that common bond that refugees and immigrants have when they leave what is comfortable and what they love to move to another country (although most don't come with the express purpose of overthrowing the country).
The people of the united states are for television.  No, there is no one in the US who is against television.  You may use your video device besides your tv, but you would no-more work without going home to your tv than you would think of holding your breath till the next day.  The people of the US are for free time.  They do not understand the concept of working constantly to achieve a goal.
They have no focus, no concept of history, no long term planning and only care about money.  These are the tools I used to defeat them.
But i digress.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Right and Wrong in the BP settlement
Frivolous payouts and neglected deserving claims are all part and parcel of this unique, brokered settlment.
Those who have valid claims that will never be paid, will have to hope that the trickle down theory applies to their claims.  Likewise those who get a windfall because of the simple mathematics are the beneficiaries of what bp calls and unintended windfall and what is really just a mathematical numbers game where BP now is having second thoughts.
The "trick" that BP played was to focus the attention of the majority of claimants onto the settlement and thereby avoid many of the more legitimate, but excluded claims.  These excluded claims include many who are just as deserving as those injured on the exploding well, but who fall into a classification where they cannot collect merely by filing a claim (see the prior blog on this subject to see what's left to them, if anything).
In this way BP hoped to avoid much of the potential fall out to large claimants while restricting their liability to a very focused time period.
BP made almost half a trillion dollars last year and is "valued at" around 130 billion dollars.  Aside from valid claims for reasonable amounts, the face claims (which may or maynot be reasonable) from states and municipalities which should be "consistent" with the claims of their constituents but since when has a government balanced the needs of the constituents against collecting money (except in rhetoric and certain election years)?  In their defence, these government entities cannot be charged with far reaching planning type intelligence (see China's Weaponized Economy for more on this).  It isn't in their nature and they have to take the advice of their counsel.
The balance is between forcing BP into a chapter 11 vrs getting a balanced return on the vast economic damage which to some extent must be envisioned in these dangerous undertakings.  It must also be balanced against the vast incomes.  If they paid 1/3 of one year's gross income (a reach based on present claims) that might not be out of line considering the personal losses.
The problem is that it is difficult to find balance in this shifting and oily environment.

China, the peace-talker, mobilizes forces
For more information please read "China's Weaponized Economy" or "World War C" available from Amazon and other sources
What do the recent comments of China's new Primier and the mobilization adjacent to saber rattling North Korea tell us.
Given the dictates in "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu it tells us almost nothing.  The corrollary to "Appear weak when strong and strong when weak" is to "Talk peace when preparing for war, and talk war when preparing for peace".
An earlier blog "Arghhh WSJ" discusses this in some depth.  The bottom line is that whatever China says about peace and imports, their goal is to deplete their enemies' ability to conduct war by taking over the manufacturing which supports weapons of war for whatever long term purpose they would have (See WWC for one scenario). This includes emasculating the economies of their enemies to their own enrichment which the have done exceedingly well in the case of the United States, Western Europe and threaten to do to Russia and many of the Eastern countries.
There are two reasons for the mobilization discussed above.  On,e which the west repeatedly falls for, is to support China's southern border to allow them to repel a NKG attack (really, who is dumb enough to believe that can happen!  Even the Rand Corporation wouldn't buy that load of hokum-this is meant in jest, although the RC's failure to pick up on China's weaponized economy makes you wonder who is running things there-i.e. do they fail to pick it up or are they hiding it for some reason?).
The only obvious reason for this, is to prevent their puppet state (see earlier blog entry) from being overrun by a vengeful West (or South Korea).  One can almost see them flexing their muscle and "insisting" that hostilities be stopped to "protect our southern border" from possible spill over.  I am glad I had such a delicious omelet this morning (mushroom, green onion, mexican cheese and salsa) since the thought of this would otherwise turn my stomach.  The thought that might otherwise ruin my breakfast is that the west, and the USA congress in particular, would fall for such an obvious fabrication.

embrace regret

All the things I should have done
All the things I failed to do
All the roads I failed to take
All the choices made me quake
Because of me you are not here
Because of you I live in fear
All of these things made me
I embrace them
because without them I don't exist
The other life is someone else
I will never be them
I cannot live their life
My life is one of terrible remorse
I regret the love i did not get
The chances I did not take
the risks where I failed
Where I was born
and where i will die
even though i am not there yet
I regret all of these things
the choices that failed to come to me
the opportunities that failed
those failures made me who i am
the sun shines on my face
it will never shine on the other one
the one where things happened
that person can never feel my pain or joy
that person cannot sit and worry
about all of the things they failed to do
nor can they rejoice in their great success
or the little things that make me smile
there is only me
i embrace regret
i am the only one who can

Saturday, April 6, 2013

how I won the war with the united states Chapter 1 by B.G. Wang

Ah-So Chapter 1

Thanks to Mr. Greg for allowing me to use his blog to tell my story.

You might ask why I use his internet-diary for this purpose.  It is a fair question.

First let me say that I am hiding now from China.  For despite my success in representing my empire, I am persona non-grata in China and I will tell you why in due time.

Mr. Greg wrote "China's Weaponized Economy" and "World War C" so he has already disclosed the results of that war, so it does not hurt him for me to discuss this here.  He is already far past the harm I can do.  I will not claim credit for his work, but I will not deny playing a substantial part therein.  There it is, I am not as grateful as I should be.

I am BG Wang, but you can call me B.G. or just B.  I was born in a small village in China in 1960.

It was a strange place to be born, to you but to me it was home.  The exact village is not important.  It was a mountainous region and I grew up in communism at its most authoritarian.  People were routinely imprisoned or killed for acts of non-patriotism.  But this was not such a problem in our village.  We were far apart and that is part of the reason why my story begins there.

There was a deserter from the US military who had married a young woman from our village during World War II.  He taught at the school and insisted that we learn English and so early in life I began the study of English.  I sometimes imagine how different my life would have been if he had taught Russian instead.

Alas, my poor teacher and many who I loved were killed as a part of the Chinese government's program to overthrow the united states, but that would be many years in the future.

China in 1960 was a very populous country, but very primitive.  Our technologies were imported and we had to spend a lot of time keeping them up.  However, keep them up we did. Manufacture, albeit on a primitive level we did.  And we were a wise and industrious people.  We were an obedient people for through many generations those who did not obey died.  And we were a war-like people although our war-like tendencies were of a very devious nature as our history is of dynasties at war with one another and with the outside world.

Everything is my early life was good except for  a bully named Chow who becomes my step father and abandons me at a port in American.  That story will come later, and for now all the main characters in my early life are dead except for my "controller" who is corrupt with geisha girls and  opiates and alcohol and cigarettes and all of the other sins of the west.

My family is far beyond his reach now and I will not let that bloated turd take credit for my victory And you stupid Americans are already dead and for that matter so am I.

But this book is not about some future tragedy, it is about how I, single handedly, won the war with China...for China.  This war is about how I defeated the United States leaving China as the sole super power.

Next will be what I call Chapter 2.
B.G. Wang.

(2) of (3) weapons of creation-How to convert T space to G space-question of the day

 2 of 3
Before continuing with this discussion of the most dangerous application of this theory, I want to mention that several people have asked for graphics, so I've included a picture with me and one of the few physicists who will listen to my theories.  I'm the one without the bike helmet.

We observe fundamental particles and these are given "spin" to define their relationship, and spin may be the appropriate term for time as applied to tendencies.  We are talking about various tendencies to return to G-space from the projection along time.

Before moving on, we can ask, why not have just a homogeneous type of matter?  Indeed there is no reason why not to, so we can discuss what happens to create matter.

Matter exists on different times (space-time doesn't exist in this model since space is just a function of the projection over time as is matter).  Somehow there are various types of time applied to tendencies, similar to the display of color by using different colored dots to create a television projection.  In addition, the tendencies are displayed on time along at least three dimensions.

Unfortunately, even these dimensions do not exist.  Worse still, under acceleration, they begin to separate from time from one another.

In a super-collider where these types of particles are observed, we are moving matter fast enough so that these changes (imagine a movie moving a different speeds for different characters) cloud the fundamental nature of the particles so that you might observe movement outside of time which would mean at the level of G-space.

Well, someone should be paying attention. Creation is the Ultimate weapon. This is just as it should be.  But is it something we can use?  Isn't that a star trek episode?

If everything was created and everything in its path replaced, you have a weapon.  This is the current model of the universe in creation.  There is a less violent E- hologram universe, because there is no real destruction, just the release of events along time.  Everything being projected onto time, there being no real matter or dimensions, merely an engraving on time of those things.  You can strip time but you cannot destroy it by having another time come over it.

In our String Universe, there was violence.  Either Time was violently separated from the singularity in my parlance or time was attached to tendencies within the singularity.   You can call the event whatever you like, but the big bang was an explosion much larger than any earthly weapon and something happened in the singularity to create this effect.

If gravity is the function the projection of matter onto this time on which everything is displayed in some fashion then that was also created as well as a possible anti-gravity.

The question of weaponizing space conversion is the question of nuclear war on steroids.  Before discussing this in detail, it is good to remember Truman's quote on nuclear weapons-they are designed to kill populations, not armies.

This is the experiment that should be considered carefully.

Obviously if you get a-hold of G-space and you figure out how to ignite it (release time or start burning tendencies with time) you can get all the anti-gravity and T-space (o-space) you want because all the g-space is in one place (the singularity) even though you get an apparent spread using time which I've explained as promised previously to the extent you haven't already figured it out.

Will come back to that later, here is the picture I promised:

Friday, April 5, 2013

(1) of (3) Weapons of creation-converting G space to T-space

As mentioned, if we are only manifestations (via gravity) of the tendency of time to return to G-space several things become self evident: (1) We can, as observed, affect time across long distance as well as move from wave to particle forms (since both are just reflections of gravity); (2) it is possible to go from O-space (or T space) to G space and it is possible (as every minute we experience shows) to go in a non-violent way from G space via project to T-Space; and (3) we are not even in T-space, but instead we are just a projection from G-space and (4) you can violently create T-Space from G-space in a fashion which is destructive to everything in T-Space.
One thing is not immediately evident which is why there are multiple fundamental particles, but that answer is cleverly and in retrospect, not surprisingly be a function of simple 3 dimensional geometry.
Sadly, this means that the Higgs Boson may or may not be necessary. It also means that our observations of fundamental particles is necessarily flawed unless there is a different structure to the universe.
I posit that we exist in G-space. If not, unless you can probe past T-Space to G-Space and then figure out how G-space (a singularity where everything happens at once and time is folded back into the fabric) exists you are really just sitting in a corner counting fleas, so to speak.
This is the reason why G-space is given that designation. Without a simple explanation of something so difficult to justify, difficult even if you accept our universe which is the projection over time of at least a part of G-space, that explanations of how our universe derives from the projection of G-space onto time is largely irrelevant. I refer back to the story of the blind men trying to identify the elephant (the one at the tail says it's a rope, the one at the leg-pillar, the one at the side-wall and the one at the trunk-snake) except that we are looking at the smallest part of the smallest hair on the tail until we can get past G-Space to what exists around and in addition to G-space and why G-space exists at all.
We have to come back to that, I'm afraid. The purpose for this entry is to touch on why there are multiple fundamental particles. As indicated above, the number determined by examination of "matter" and "energy" is fairly irrelevant (not from a physic point of view, but from the point of view of a more fundamental discussion of T-Space (a projection). We are, for example, as individual critically affected by matter and energy, but in G-space those are irrelevant considerations since they exist without the projection of time. You cannot be hit by something that cannot change position, so there is no threat from a weapon except to someone in T-Space and we're all experiencing life at least like we are in T-Space.
As a side note, anyone that wants to look at T-space and G-space can speculate that someone who was in G-space decided to throw out time and watch things happen and that individual in G-space would know everything that happened. Moreover, if that individual created G-space before throwing out time to watch things happen, would have actually made everything happen. For those of you who have a difficult time with this, think in terms of someone who makes a movie (knowing everything that is going to happen) and then projects it on a screen to watch it. It's fairly explicable if strange.

Why I'm (not) rooting for China! The NKG-China War against the west

Note- for details, see World War C (fiction) or China's Weaponized Economy (non-fiction)
We are a little past the crossroads, but I'm not just rooting for the winner.
China openly enslaves its people, as opposed to the United States which does it with more subtlty and unconsciously; China shows more short term intelligence than the rest of the world combined.
But China still is autocratic.  Their lack of long term intelligence (reflected in their embracing pollution to win the war with the west, might lead to the destruction of life on the planet earlier than it would otherwise last.
One has to admire how far ahead of the United States their espionage state has risen.  The fact that most of the world (and apparently the Rand Corporation) is blissfully ignorant of what is going on does not endear me to the West.  It does make me sad some times that i was not born of China.  It is a type of warrior state that I think I could have done great good for.  Not that I could do a better job of waging the war, but perhaps I could focus their attention more on long term intelligence (assuming they do not have some information which renders their reckless approach more logical than I see).  Of course, it could be that the very polution that seems such an "Achilles Heel" is in fact more of a "smoke" screen (ah, the puns we are forced to accept in English with all of its figures of speech).
China creates the appearance of coincidence and legitimacy by only acting outwardly through surrogates. Increasing paranoia might take this (1) to NKG, (2) middle eastern (and other) terrorist, (3) terrorist states (or those like Iran that are openly hostile) and so forth.  You could even go to those "single issue voter" concepts of abortion, religion, immigration, gun control, etc and look for subtle pushes from China; although I think US citizens are so corrupted by their self importance (as a group, not you) that they would come up with these distractions that keep them from looking at the critical issues of all out economic war without any help form China.  Perhaps China just does what it can to prevent the war from kicking the politicians and the radicals on either side of these issues too hard in the face (clearly they are being kicked hard enough in the fact to lose their entire economies).
And the fact that the West is so corrupted by self importance makes me long for those steep hills and deep valleys that make the borders between China and North Korea so ethereal and beautiful and impart such deep wisdom on the descendants of the Hun and monk who live there.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

god sees gravity-if there is one

I'd like to explain everything here-well, everything except faster than light (apparent) travel, but it is so painfully obvious, so let's take a diversion and go further in the g-space.
It is entirely possible that in a perfect universe that it be appear more like a solid ball.  In our universe, defective time involves dark matter that should otherwise be solid.  The defective qualities in our universe, if by design of a god (one or more) would indicate that the defective quality allows it to occur under the influence of time in the way that we experience it.  This could be explained (as easily and logically as any other explanation) by the analogy of time to light in film.
The tendency to return to the singularity is experienced as gravity.  It is very easy to imagine a teenage god, making out with its date, spilling the equivalent of popcorn while we imagine our lives as something more than just the entertainment of the moment for some being whose ability to understand and create so exceeds our own.  In such a scenario, perhaps the stars of the show are the collapsed stars where the most gravity is experienced in a concentrated form, where the most time is given up by the most matter.
It is entirely too consistent to imagine cognizants of this fact by those who dwell in the desert.  As explained earlier, since we exist in g-space (where everthing happens at once) the ability to know what happened in the past and the future in our universe is axiomatic.
This means that as long as something of the origin of the universe was included in the singularity, then our ability to comprehend it would be totally consistent with everything else.  We know that those who live a monastic life somehow have better access to this and we know that life in the desert tends to establish this type of introspection.  The reasons for this are signficant, but must be explored later.
In the interim, I will explain at some point in the future embrasing regret in light of this universal concept.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The lost tooth and coward assailant the lost years

He would live the rest of his life without a tooth, lost in an act of childhood violence.
Later in life he would learn who the assailant was, but long after they were no longer the children.
There was violence to face however and there would be violence in the future from the same assailant.  All part of the lost years.
His mothers body was not cold in the grave when this happened.  It was at a children's school and all the players were children.  10 or 11 years of age.  The coward assailant was no more than that, the victim the same.
It took place in a bathroom.  He did not yet wear glasses although very soon he would need thick reading glasses.  Somehow he found himself bent over, his back to the room.  Years later an adult would learn the name of the assailant.  By the time he learned his name, the relationship would have changed from one of two children who fought (well one was a bully, the other one wasn't really involved in the world enough to fight and didn't understand the reasons for the bully to have singled him out and even the adult would never be clear on this) to two adults.  One who knew the other's secret and wondered why the other never saw fit to appologize or acknowledge the terrible wrong done in youth.  But in truth the event that was to be so traumatic and so transforative that was about to happen, would also ultimately give the thin reed of a child an inner strength which would be a bar as light as a memory and and as strong as iron when he was forced to face the world years later and would perhaps be the source of the most transformative moment of his young life, but that was far, far in the future.
For now without even knowing he had been pushed he was slammed into a corner wall, one of his two buck front teeth, lying on the floor in a thick saliva-blood.  Him looking at it numbly, wondering what had happened.  The coward assailant vanishing, though not completely innocently.
The rest of the adventure was something of a blur.  An older person would know to put the tooth in milk, or if not available water, but the child and those around him knew nothing, not even the adults and the toothless child held the tooth dying in his hand while he waited in the principle office and then his father was there, having come from work.   Only an adult years later would wonder what the father had heard on the phone, what he had felt, then he was at the dentist's office who took the tooth and forced it back into place where it would, for a time rot, but what would actually happen involved much more time and is farther off.
next-a strange new place

What is the size range to search for quantum time? Wrong!

If I was in charge of the nobel prize for literature, it is very likely LS would be in the running for great works of literature containing 5 words or less.  I think I should have named this one "jerking your time" or something.  Anyway, some people have the turn of the phrase some do not.
My readers are whining about the unobservability of time if it attaches to tendencies to give matter dimension and to propel it (apparent, not actual-see the discussion of black holes) from the singularity.
First, as pointed out before, we do see a reflection of it in our study of gravitons.  But while our search for this missing (and very irrelevant in hologram theory) particle takes us ever smaller; if instead we are looking for the hologram equivalent (time) we will never see it based on distance because time gives the appearance of dimension to tendencies and by itself has not connection with space.  To some extent, it is space, but not in the absence of tendencies.
The most obvious place to find time (at least by its absence) is in black holes where it is stripped off and perhaps where it migrates or is rejuvenated in the radiations from those objects.
Temporary black holes (if they really exist and are not something else) might also yield clues to the nature of time.  The good news is that time is all around us.  It's not like the elusive dark matter (which is probably also all around us-see the discussion previously about time going in alternative dimensions or being attached differently to different tendencies).  If you are reading this, the distance between the print and your eye is a function of the time difference between the time attached to the computer screen and the time in your retina that is picking it up.  Likewise, if we are in the singularity as appears likely (that is all time and therefore all dimension is merely an illusion in the singularity) then there is not real distance or dimension there, but instead some feature of time causes the appearance of separation and this appearance can be easily manipuated (this is the discussion awaiting 20 physicists-see the great contest blogs) and we know it's easy even without me explaining it since all black holes lead back to the same singularity.  that means faster than light travel (apparent) occurs at every black hole all the time which renders faster than light travel pretty ho-hum in our universe.  If you have (as you do) black holes separated by a million light years, then travel a million times faster than light happens constantly within the known universe.  What could be more boring than that!  Here we are complaining about how long it takes to get to the moon or mars when black holes make a much longer trip instantly!
That's a clue but the way, so I'll move on and leave you to ponder it out yourselves if you insist on doing it and when you're bouncing across the universe faster (apparent) than light, you can say you figured it out on your own, ha!
Now as I've mentioned the foundation for this hologram theory in in the 1930's and 40's.  Hence while it might be called new Hologram theory (compared to old hologram theory developed in the 1990's which is still stuck on strings and space-time and looking smaller and smaller and expecting to find something there and perplexed that Planck is mathematically right and observationally wrong).  This inconsistency is only appropriate given ancient-new hologram theory's foundation (Einstein started it so let's just call it E-H theory. since it being both younger and older than new hologram theory makes just conceptualizing it sort of nauseating) and the fact that it is based on throwing everything out with the dishwater except for time and a singularity.  E-Hologram theory is much more religious and spiritual in nature since time travel, seeing into the future, faster than light travel, and past lives is almost axiomatic (and common) and it readily lends itself to some concept of diety since as we move deeper into the singularity we discover that it is something which has no dimension as we experience it but has the ability (at least once you add a drop or two of time) of being as big as all creation.
I have some other stuff to write, but these are all good questions and one day enough people will ask the right one and I'll give some practical answers.

differences between tendencies and matter

One recurring question is whether it makes a difference between talking about tendencies and matter.  After all, matter when taken to a small enough particle size turn into something else (strings, holographic projections from two dimensions, etc). It can be properly argued that this is merely a symantic difference and I agree with that position.  Note this same argument applies to energy since energy and matter are interchangeable at least at this level.
The fundamental concept difference, however, allows us to identify dark matter and dark energy which is the majority of the universe and even come up with interesting theories explaining those within the context of a common framework.  This fundamental concept can be worded several ways, but the easiest is to state there is no space in the sense that we expeience it.  Matter requires space to exist so we hold dearly onto our concepts of space while similtaneously stretching it beyond our experience (multiple universes, multiple realities, etc).  What this means is that while we reject the idea that space is an illusion (despite objective evidence-discussed previously-showing it is) we readily accept the bizarre multi-dimension/multi universe models with hardly a qualm. 
It is, after all difficult to reject reality as being an illusion, but it is not a true illusion, it is merely that there is only time and not space time and that time gives us the appearance of dimension.  Again, this difference is largely symantic, but it is critical in allowing for faster than light travel (an every day occurence as black holes fall to a common singularity) and the discussion of how to achieve that outside of black holes which I am still not going to describe pending the challenge being fulfilled (see prior entries). 
The main point of reference that this takes us to is allow us to work from the framework that we are in g-space which gives us the ability to examine it more closely.  As long as we are trying to travel to the edge of the universe, what we're really doing is going out to the most distant phase shift of time and beyond that would be the singularity not some vast void or other universes; and yes that same singularity within each black hole and the same one we're in right now!
Now not all of the problems are solved.  For example, dark matter while nothing more than tendency might be tendency with defective time (only one of the four prongs) or it may have different prongs (same time, but different dimensions) which would explain its elusive nature.
Eventually we must come to grips with whether time comes with multiple dimensions included or whether there are multiple times attached to each particle.  Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) there is evidence for either and both have intuitive support.

Arghhh! The WSJ's 4 "end game" scenarios for North Korea

If you have not read my posts relative this this, you may want to go back.  Today, there is the WSJ perspective.  If I seem like I'm screaming in agony at the stupidity that rules this country (even at the Wall Street Journal level) please read "China's weaponized Economy" or "World War C" and you'll understand my frustration.  Scott Harold (Rand Corp)-His reasons for the current unrest in North Korea:
1) Controversy to extract economic concessions (oil/food)
2) Test the new prime minister of sk
3) increase domestic legit of new ruler
4) prelude to war-unlikely
Ok, I'll admit everyone at the Rand Corporation is smarter than I am and knows more facts. 
North Korea is more than a rouge nation.  It's a handfull of guys who get everything they want and basically hold their populations as slave labor.  This is not altogether non-existent elsewhere and it's also the model in China and was, to a large extent, the model of communist Russia and continues, particularly in locallized areas, within the US (Want to see an example in your community, go to the government where too many employees are being paid too much-check this link if you want to see the statistics on US enslavement by just the regional governments:  Politicians pay their croonies (school boards, municiple employees, etc) to keep them in power at the expense of everyone else, occasionally getting in a stink for throwing lavish parties or going on expensive trips at their population's expense. 
Now none of these groups is declaring war (although I think Oregon would like to declare war on California to keep them from moving north) on their southern neighbors.  You do see (and will continue to see a growing rash) of municiple bankruptcies to force financial concessions-1) reduce pensions, further enslaving their populations by enslaving their own ex-employees and 2) bond concessions (The Troika could learn a thing or two  from Stockton and Birmingham) but you would see more of the North Korean model if that was the end game.
Come on, guys (at Rand).  China using Korea as a puppet state to distract, drain and test the west may be a little extreme to you; but NKG would not last 60 days if the Chinese let their people know they could be free of tyrany.  Get with program.
While the level of slavery practiced in California is not as open or as intrusive as the slavery in North Korea, you don't endanger your slave state just to make a point. If the NKG were to suddenly get some conscience and decide to free their people it would be one thing, but they have no interest in that.  They wouldn't endanger their relationship with China and the South Koreans are not yet smart enough to realize that they could overthrow NKG's government (redundant?) merely by providing free internet service to North Korea (I'm sure some south korean's slapping his head righ now saying "duhhh!"
The end game has to be tied to maintaining power and that has to be tied to maintaining their unique relationship with the superpower to the North...of North Korea.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

jerking off the numbers-hologram 4 point time

I don't know who Steffen Larsen is, but his comment on measuring distances below the planck length was worth preserving for future generations.  So I dedicate this entry-"jerking off the numbers" to the that eloquent quote by SL.
Four point time is what we experience in o-space.  That doesn't mean there are not dark people (dark matter people) who don't experience a different four point time in our same uinverse.  In fact there could be multiple forms of dark people who cannot see us (except for our gravity) or each other (except each other's gravity) because they have different 3 dimension points and the same time point time.
The basic theory we'll use is that there is a singularity (so called because it has no dimension in the sense that we experience it) where everything in our universe happens at once.  For the sake of simplicity I'll say that consciousness is either an illusion or that we have a bit of whoever set up the singularity that allows us to be self conscious.  This latter idea is actually important in a number of applications including the (perhaps never to be disclosed) faster than light (apparent) travel.
So what is "four point time"
Time gives dimension as discussed earlier.  Space is an illusion as everything is still in the hologram which is proven by all black holes dropping into the same singularity.  In effect they strip off time from tendencies which accumulate sufficiently for this purpose.
Time is added to dark matter/energy to accelerate that type of matter away from the singularity conceptually, not not in reality.  The "faster" things appear to move from the "center" of the universe just means that there is a greater phase shift of the time attached to the matter in question.  This follows quantum mechanical rules, but only to the same extent that the universe follows Newtonian physics (that is, it applies until it breaks down under close scrutiny, but its still useful).
Time has three effects on the tendencies to which it is attached that we recognize as four dimensions (three that can be traversed in either direction but only by using up the fourth (what we call time).  The tendencies all exist at the same time in the singularityand without dimension until time is applied.  Time was applied fairly quickly and evenly to all the tendencies that we call o-space (or the universe) and occasionally the time is stripped off and the events go back to happening all at once.
Dark Matter/Energy having gravity must by extension have at least some form of time although it may be time withoutthe same 4 prongs.  It may be that DM/DE is only missing one prong (different DM/DE tendencies could be missing different tendencies and would still be hard to recognize (in fact if they were missing two they would appear as a point if they were dimension; but if they were missing the fourth prong (the one way time) they would not appear to have any dimension at all because you need the linear time to move along to observe the other three dimensions.  DM/DE may have "broken time".
If time can be broken, it can be examined more easily because it has component parts.  Multiple universes are more unlikely in this senariou (alas) but not impossible (hurrah) because dark matter may have times that branch out and likewise it is even posible that tendencies may have different results (which would provide that we would have self determination possibly) with differently pronged time; although this would mean that the same tendencies would have different times attached to them at once which is an uncomfortable and non-intuitive result and most of the g-space hologram theory is intuitive (see the simple application of math in earlier discussions).
The measurement of matter smaller than the hypothysized planck constant is seen by SL as "jerking off the numbers" although it is practical given the enormous distances that give rise to a magnified view of something small far out in the universe would yeild a mathematical distance so measured.  But this magnification is artificial since the two events are adjacent other than the effects of time on the tendencies involved (making one set of tendencies appear far away and the other close until the tendencies approach each other (one being radiation from far away).  Times can therefore go out of phase and come back in phase relative to each other along the dimensional prongs of time.
The argument can be made that this is "jerking off" because even if  there is only time, the dimensions are merely aspects of moving along time and the change of phase of one time relative to another but the distance still exists.   However black  holes show that the distances can be stripped and tendencies come together no matter how far apart given a sufficient concentration of tendencies and this may be true with so called temporary black holes where some aspects of time are temporarly stripped off.
More on all this later and a tip of the hat to SL.

Origins and failings (alleged) of the hologram universe theory

The discussion you have been (not) following deals with an offshoot of the hologram theory of the universe.  A discussion of the early hologram theory (on which this part of the blog is based) is set out in some detail below.


This is conceived of as a "new model" sort of a 90's string theory.  This blog deals with some of its earlier origins, going back only as far as Einstein in any detail who first proposed the instant theory of the hologram uinverse (one where time-space existed which we know to be an exageration of time) was a combination of space and time which existed for limited purposes.
Modern hologram (from the nobel prize winner's perspective) largely harkens back to string theory because of the practical physicist's unwillingness to give up matter for matter's sake and space for space's sake.  This is entirely appropriate since we all keep track of time and occupy space.
The failings of the traditional hologram uinverse is that it forces dimension on g-space.  It separates black holes by large distances, in particular the "interior" of black holes.
The name "hologram" is misleading and is not used in a fashion that is consistent with anything but "projection" in classic hologram theory.
In this discussion, the projection theory is further emaciated.  Space and matter (and therefore energy) are rejected outright as parts of the perception of the universe, not to be confused with the actual universe which can only be observed at very small levels or very large levels.
Examples of large level observations are black holes, the big bang, the area immediately outside of the universe, etc. 
Examples of small are just very small things which have no actual size given the theory that all dimension comes from time, but this is a difference between traditional string theory-which says you shrink things down small enough (the plank length for example) and yoyucan't get any smaller and the universe as its actually observed which says that measurement is a function of time and therefore size doesn't exist at all except for time.
The relevance of this is that there need not be any minimum size in a hologram universe since dimension is only a function of time.  There is only the minimum amount of tendency to which time can attach itself.  This tendency at this very small level has no size at all (in theory) since size is a function of time.  Instead it is "action" oriented.  It is merely an event happening which is given shape by the addition of time and it's tendency to give up that time is gravity.

hologram universe-we are in g space of course

You knew it was coming by now.  We are in the singularity, we are in g-space (which isn't space at all).
How is the possible and how is it obvious (theoretically, of course).
1) If we can see the future and the past (not proven, but plenty of intrinsic data);
2) more importantly if black holes on opposite sides of the universe go back to the same singularity and
3) if there is no space (only time with multiple displays of dimension)
Then we must still be in non-dimensional space, the display is not out of the singularity but within it.
Time gives us the ability to "experience" o-space; but it is an illusion.  We are in Einstein's singularity where everything happens at once.  A type of "ground-hog" day but where Bill Murray makes all of the mistakes the exact same way over and over again (and me too!).  Oh no!  I'm going to make the same mistakes over and over again?!?
This is where the courage to act becomes so important. If we are in this perpetual ground-hog day, if we are basically in some type of script, read over and over again by time (or maybe just once all the way through) which is almost certainly the case if hologram physics holds up we should make the most of our time and not worry so much about what someone will think about us, but if the play is to be worthwhile one, we must do good things and improve our lot.
One way of doing this will be to get outside of the singularity (which will require more than apparent faster than light travel) but you'll have to wait till after FTLT for that little gem.
Also, just because we are a "display" on time within a singularity of something where everything has happened at once (and is happening at once without time) that does not mean the play cannot be re-written or even that we cannot do it ourselves.  I have yet to discuss the rules of g-space.  Instead the concentration has been on getting the focus back to where it needs to be...time and the singularity.  Once we quit trying to force our physics to accept space and concentrate on the substance of our observational matrix (time) we should in short order be able to get back to the singularity (assuming we really want to go there.  For g-space does exist, it is something concrete and amazing.  It may have its own type of space which we can hardly imagine (without any time or maybe with all sorts of times, times in ways we cannot fully comprehend like "backwards time", "sideways times", "un-moving time", "non-dimensional time"...well we may actually experience that with dark matter and in the linear-one way time, "two way time" with or with traffic lights and crossing guards, "malleable time" the chance to do everything right (to say yes when you should say no).
It's really a wonderful opportunity, but I have other things to do this morning.

Monday, April 1, 2013

China's Weaponized economy

While we are waiting for the requisite number of physicists to comment (excuse the pun) no one being in a hurry to hear the simplified explanation of faster than light travel; I will do my best to otherwise entertain with a global political view and additional storyline pieces.
As we move closer to the conspiratorial war with korea (see prior entries) I am spending a little more time on rhetoric and journey back to an earlier entry.
This is a link to an early edition of the first chapter of "China's Weaponized economy"
We need to be aware the unlike other wars, there exists the possibility of escalation if we do not commit enough resources, it being China's unstated goal to continue undermining western economies (make them more dependent on china) and undermine the value of western currencies (as if they needed much effort to do that with our corrupted government) and ultimately instituting a Chinese world order (see World War C or China's weaponized economy for a complete discussion of this).  The reasons for having a controlled escalation (possible with the nkg puppet state but more difficult if China was to take an active role) are discussed in prior entries.