
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 146 of CV19 apocalypse and no place for old men

I need to speak with someone about the weather.   It is not cooperating or obeying forecasts the way it should.
This post is not a movie review.  I was lucky enough to be run over by a car a couple of days ago on my bike.  Well the car was not originally on my bike, I was.  Lucky because I can write about it.  It was the equivalent of playing all 4 quarters in a full contact football game but compressed into 5 seconds.  Not something for older people like me.
I have abrasions, contusions and  sinister injuries.  Everyone says I have not fully felt it yet; yeah when I was hit by a car I didn't feel it.  You might ask how it happened, and I have recreated it for your entertainment.  The car came from behind (hence I saw it the same time that it hit me) crossing 3 lanes to get into a driveway that I was riding up to, deciding to pass through the yard I was in in route to the destination.  Either the driver did not see me or was just in a mood.  I tend to think the former. It is not the first time I have been run over and the people involved always seem surprised that they hit me and somewhat surprised that I tend to realign the distorted parts of the bike and ride or push it off with assurances that they haven't got me yet.
I think the universe occasionally wants to remind me that I occupy my little place at its sufferance.  If it decides, it can snuff me out, without warning, change the vertical or the horizontal, blur the picture and leave me hobbling around in whatever form it deems appropriate.
And, no, you cannot ask any questions about this.  just assume i have been disfigured beyond all recognition (which is not true, although if you saw me after my youngest bike crash and after the most recent one you would say those two versions of me were not even the same species.)  But I digress.
In the AuT universe, there is no blame for human error, or even malevolent intent.  It all is programmed into the system.  Is the universe telling me I am working too fast or not fast enough?  Neither, it does not care a whit or perhaps it cares about all whits, in my case even nit-whits.

The daily physics lesson.

Today I will deal with an OLD (O) NEW (N) discussion which you have to follow some past blogs if you dont know where I am going.  I am too close to death today with too many damaged parts to cover it, even though it would have taken fewer words than explaining why I am not covering it.  I will also spare you video, much as I would like to show my distorted form.

O- “expansion of spacetime” is not a meaningful expression in the context of cosmological physics."
"N"  Spacetime is expanding.
O"The governing equations, the so-called Friedmann equations, which are really Einstein’s field equations applied to the case of a cosmos that is homogeneous and isotropic, do not discuss spacetime.
They do discuss two things: the density of matter, and a component characterizing the so-called metric, aka. the gravitational field."

N-In AuT there is no spacetime.  Time is a result of early dimensional change.  There are no fields, fields are the application of dimensional changes of various types expressed, often distorted by their multiple positions, over time. They contain "energy" which turns out to be...well read the books if you're interested.

O-As this component also happens to characterize how the typical scale between particles of matter changes over time, it is often called the scale factor. This leads to the erroneous idea that since “scale” changes, spacetime changes. That is not the case unless we consider the metric itself part of spacetime. That is not an illegitimate view, but it goes contrary to Einstein’s own views...gravitation is viewed as an interaction in the context of quantum field theory.

N-Scale is totally misused in the old science.  Spacetime does change, gravity is not an interaction but a net dimensional effect.
O-The expansion of the cosmos does not require energy. The expansion means that things are flying apart. Things are flying apart because (as far as we can go back with reliable physics) things were always flying apart.
N-where to start with the total BS of the prior art?  The universe is moving apart (right now) because there is a net decompression of ct2 into ct1.  The universe according to the more reliable physics of AuT moves apart and together and while the increase in information means it is constantly increasing in the amount of information; in terms of size, not so much.

O-  Gravity can slow things down, when dark energy dominates, gravity will act as though it was repulsive.
N- This is right after a fashion, except we're talking about net folding vs unfolding, but bravo; and I'd call this a post AuT perspective the way its worded to some extent.

O-The motion of matter changes over time, but any resulting change in energy has a corresponding change in gravitational potential energy, not to mention the energy content of the gravitational field itself, such that the overall balance remains the same.
N-there is no balance, this paragraph loses all meaning and destroys the insight of the prior paragraph which out of context is pretty darn close to reality.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 145 of the covid 19 apocalypse and where mad scientists come from

I'm going to go on a bitter, self-serving rant, is that news?  It is, however, presented as entertainment and a public service announcement.  No real people are intended to be offended by this.
The better question might be what's not wrong with it.  First it isn't anything, second, the fundamental theory is already done and its actually a model which can be discerned with little difficulty from this blog (or the published papers).  And yet they write about crackpot ideas from people just because...what?  They have money and a cool name?

"One day they will all pay," so goes the one line that identifies someone as a mad scientist.
"We meet at last, Austin Powers, James Bond, etc" is also a good line, but not of the same caliber.
Where do mad scientists come from?  I have this theory, they received one too many form letters from Venture Capitalists.

For today's lesson, I will be dissecting the "detailed response" I was assured would be coming from, the fictitious name I'm giving to an otherwise anonymous  group whose claim to fame seems to be their database of connections and their method of establishing "warm connections" which I have not warmed up to yet.

Anyway, they had this quick decision thing and they sent out this response showing they have their heads up their ass and would like nothing better than to find the next ticktok or facebook and just grind out more money from someone else's idea and wouldn't know a true game changer for humanity if it bit them on that aforementioned ass hard enough to burst their hemorrhoids.

Let's bisection a form letter, my comments (angry ramblings of a senile homeless man) are underlined.  This is an actual letter.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent, although no one is innocent) and it comes from a specific vc group, but it could come from any one of them, I may make this into a series

Thank you for applying to OUR POMPOUS ORGANIZATION  by sending us a Company Brief  Right out of the Box...  "Thank you?"  For what?  As will be shown, what these do-nothing leeches are saying they didn't have time to look closely at anything.  Its a fishing expedition.  How about "Who can we take advantage of?  Not you, apparently.  Why are you wasting our precious time, our time being more valuable than yours because we invested or invented an app that lets people share pictures of monkeys"  That would be less disingenuous.
Unfortunately, we're still not going to pursue discussions at this time for an investment.  "Still?"  What the fuck does that refer to?   You can see the "care and attention" they give to this.  Their site does allow me to see that they spent 7 whole minutes looking at it.  The time video is 9 minutes and that is just one thing, the biggest thing ever in physics in many ways, but just one thing.  I'd be amazed if the response wasn't triggered by an algorithm they ran. 
 And unfortunate?  They mean this to me, but they are the form letter writers who just want a free ride for cash, hardly unfortunate for me.  And what is this about "at this time..."  It sounds like they have some problems knowing how little I give a rat's ass.
With applications from so many strong teams, we will undoubtedly miss a few great companies so we encourage you to maintain your enthusiasm for what you're building. F-k you.  Do I need your encouragement to be enthusiastic about my project.  I've solved the frigging space time continuum.  What have you guys done?  Oh yeah, made a bunch of money off some dumb apps that don't make any money but allow users to share photos of the founders scratching their asses.
As Founders, that is what sustained us through the many ups and downs. I seriously doubt they were sustained with anything other than luck and taking advantage of other more gifted, but less financially savvy programmers, but what do I know what sustained them or if they are really founders or if they even know what that word means in this day and age.
And now as VCs, though our least favorite part of the job is saying no, we believe strongly in a quick decision to maximize your valuable time.  As if these guys who have no idea what we've done have any consideration about "our valuable time," when clearly they gave all of 7 minutes to a new physics...
Below are resources we’ve built that we hope are helpful to you and your team: is a place to get introduced to more targeted VC's through the people who already know and support you.
You can use your XXX URL for other investors. We’ve seen that sending your Brief XXX through warm intros you find on can make a big difference, yeah, thanks a lot for all the warmth in your form letter.
I wish you all the best, As if they give a rat's ass about me!

The theme is that you get enough rejection with a science like this, you eventually build a giant laser in your garage and then its up to Austin Powers or James Bond to shut you down before you destroy the moon. Eventually, I'll build a fusion reactor in my garage and we'll see how long it takes to get from there to the giant laser.  But there is another story.

The world is going to come out of this CV-19 shut down needing something that is going to crack the world wide open.  The modern equivalent of bronze age science to a tin and copper world; relativity to a Newtonian world; the internet to a desktop computer world.

I'm clearing out the garage just in case.

Last but not least here are a couple of articles I just want to touch on:
This is a stupid article which confuses everything and promises nothing.  AuT requires an uneven expansion, but one which is highly regulated despite the regional disparities.  They don't even know what the universe looks like and they're making judgement calls about its expansion based on a single observation from a single location as if that meant anything.

This is a principle of AuT and that other scientists are seeing it from other perspectives is just a little irritating since they should be noting, as previously theorized and mathematically proven by AuT, but whatever.

Now where is that information I've been drafting on building giant lasers...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

day 136of the covid apocalypse live video on the series being produced

I am waiting for it to rain and expecting to try to swim even though the water temperature is too low.  I don't know what I weigh today and the short bike ride yesterday only barely qualifies as exercise.  I have no reason to be excited today as the first deadline in September looms large, the February deadline is not too far off.
I am not anywhere near a panicky position as I have been in the not too distant past, but there are many things for me to do, including the May deadline which I feel fairly good about, but which would be much easier to face if things would pick up.

I am going to edit this video, probably reshoot it with a headset for quality; but in the interest of experimenting with what is available, I am including the rough draft.

A much better, but still relatively poor quality video (the time video) is here:  (ACCELERATED 1.25:1 because I respect your time and don't mind sounding like a drugged chipmonk.):

I have completely upended physics, but I am working witha very small base of followers compared to those who reject my model because they are afraid to embrace change.
The battles I am fighting right now are too numerous to list, but suffice it to say that ignorance and prejudice are alive and well in the world. #newsflash.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 133 of the covid apocalypse-The time Video

Day 133. 171.6 pounds, ah the joys of famine.
A good, bracing 2000 yards two days ago, 74 degrees, cool and breezy.  Yesterday was a short bike ride, but qualified as exercise.

As expected, is very cold this morning relatively speaking.

I recorded the first part of the Time speech which is a pretty incredible thing to be able to do..

The science appears even in the earliest peer review articles, but I did not have the overall understanding to put it all together.
For a couple of months this video peculated in my brain, now it is ready, as a first draft and after a fashion.

Here are some highlights from the video, why include them?  I don't know.  I'm also including some commentary which is not in the video.

For all recorded history, man has been fascinated by time.  Stonehenge, before recorded history was a calendar.  The obelisks of Egypt were used to track the hours of the day.  I didn't know this about the obelisks, should have known it.  I'm going to add it into the next edit of the book.

Time has always been mysterious, people have discussed moving back and forth in it, but no one, until AuT, knew what it was.  AuT explains why it only goes one way and what, exactly it is.
To understand time, you must first understand dimension.

There are three states of dimensional building that are pre-time and the preponderance of these pre-time elements in photons makes photons appear time free and the squeezing out of these elements makes black hole appear to be outside of time, but that is an illusion.

How do we know the AuT definition of time, as a stop frame animation set out in AuT is accurate?
First, time and space are interchangeable. Duh!  They have to be the same thing.
Second, the math of gravity and dimensional compression work.
We see the relevant compression in the form of the denominator of pi, we see the effects of spiral compression and decompression at every level of the universe, adding an unexpected degree of accuracy to Marcus Vetruvius' concept of man.

Gravity appears instantaneous and universally in range because it occurs in a pre-time state.
The dimensional changes giving rise to time occur in a pre-time environment without dimension which allows all points in the universe to change together based on a single variable x.

This is not included in the video but is a thing.  The suspected forces appear, as if by mathematical magic in the ratio of pi(-1) to pi(1) as 256:27; the former being the compression number and the later being the compression number for x-1.
Matching gravity to the energy mass conversion, not viewed as a force, but clearly something relevant.  Ct4-5 transitions correspond perfectly, the other forces, less so, although the involved transitional states offer explanations which are suggestive.
We also see it in the mass of a neutron to black hole and in the electron to the neutron.  Even the proton ends up being relatively easy to explain.

HERE'S THE VIDEO, 9 MINUTES ACCELERATED 1.25:1 because I respect your time and don't mind sounding like a drugged chipmonk.

(It ends with something akin to: Read any of the books for christ's sake); which doesn't necessarily explain time, but does show there are three pre-time states ct1-3; and the appearance (and disappearance with acceleration) of time corresponds perfectly with this model, photons being essentially ct4 transitional states that are mostly pre-time in makeup.

And this "closing argument":

More information on the math and results can be found in the audio and written books under the title Algorithm Universe, including an Audio Book on Amazon.  These do not include the advances after February of 2019; but the basic math and structure of the model are given in those books.
What are the ramifications of this new science?  What falls aside is the standard model and relativity, two casualties of approximation replaced by the certainty of AuT.

It affects everything from new information on the function of the atom up through all of chemistry and physics.  It allows us to view the past and the future in a new and more precise way.  It goes so far as to define our relationship with the gods that we have designed over the years and to glimpse into g-space and see how the universe functions in the province of god.
It doesn't just allow us to understand time, it allows us to potentially control all aspects of the universe.

Anyway, here is some Pre-AuT nonsense that I have to read...

Here's a guy who is working to do what AuT has already done.  I wonder what he'd think if he knew he was wasting his time?
Science News: Stephen Wolfram’s hypergraph project aims for a fundamental theory of physics.
One more idiotic story on someone theorizing what AuT has already determined, published and patented!  I will say this, at least he has the right idea, that Max Nathan already had, that AUT first put forth 7 years ago, but the right idea.

Here's a group of guys who are working to do what AuT has already done.  I wonder what he'd think if he knew he was wasting his time?
Here's a guy with a big magnet.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 130 of the CV 19 apocalypse and the true nature of time

This is the real narrative on time.

Before I get to the real bull malarky (no more malarky) of pre-AuT time, let me pause and say that I mentioned I would slowly starve to death while being the most brilliant physicist alive because I don't have a degree.
Fortunately, in doing so I will not only pass my target weight, but achieve my secondary target weight, well ahead of schedule if today's weigh in at 173.8 (1.2 pounds below target and a mere 3.8 pounds above what I consider to be my optimal weight) is any indication.
Yesterday, in the absence of warm water, I rode yet again.  I fear, speculate and am essentially sure that at least part of the weight loss is loss of weight lifting upper body weight which can only partially be limited by swimming which is coming in a two swims a week on average.

I am going to my first post apocalypse funeral today.  At least all my suits fit.

Enough about reality, lets talk about the real time definition, the one that kills all the time travel books and all of the god myths at the same time.

How do we know the AuT definition of time, as a stop frame animation set out in AuT is accurate?
First, time and space are interchangeable. Duh!  They have to be the same thing.
Second, the math of gravity and dimensional compression work.  (Read one of the books for christ's sake); which doesn't necessarily explain time, but does show there are three pre-time states ct1-3; and the appearance (and disappearance with acceleration) of time corresponds perfectly with this model, photons being essentially ct4 transitional states that are mostly pre-time in makeup.

So having done that, lets talk about the bull shit that is the prior art starting with the question of quantum gravity which AuT provides in detail but for which I do not yet have a single accolade, well I do have a print out from a presentation at a small physics conference.

The Old (O) stuff will come from Richard Muller, Prof Physics, UCBerkeley, author of "Now—The Physics of Time" (2016) a book which has about as much relevance post AuT to physics as "Hop on Pop."
Answered December 19, 2015 · Upvoted by Anshuman Kumar Srivastava, PhD in photonics, Bachelors and Masters in physics

O-"We don't need a theory of quantum gravity. The reason that so many theorists are working on it is that their intuition tells them that a quantum theory of gravity should exist..."
N-Duh, it is already laid out in this book:

O-"All other forces in physics have been demonstrated to require quantization. So maybe gravity too."
N-  That is only right to the extent that ct state completion reflects a discrete shift in applicable ct state, in fact all the forces, to some extent the 3 transition gravity force, can be broken down into the other ct states.

O- "Einstein showed that we can understand everything we know about gravity today from geometry. That is not true of any other force. So maybe the theorists are wasting their time; gravity may turn out to be the only "force" in physics that is not quantum in nature."

N-Oh, he started out so well, of course gravity and geometry are the same since dimension arises from folding and the first stage of folding is gravity, but then he just goes off into pre-AuT bull shit.

It's also in this book in Audio Form:

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Day 129 CV19 apocalypse a dealing with old science bs post

I did not weigh myself today. After a long bikeride, a long walk and a short bike ride I should have, I suppose.  IT is cloudy and windy, muggy but not too warm this morning as I sit with a sweatshirt and drink my coffee this morning
it is stormy enough toquestion what iwill be doing tody.  i havent looked into things like pool temperature which i suspect may be fairly high and spots of sunlight are predicted so we will see.
There are loud noises of trrucks backing in the distance.  It is easter sunday, so I  wonder what that means.  I think food delivery, particularly in perilous times, remains important and does not wait for superstition.
God becomes much less important in an i/mediate sense in a deterministic universe.
I-mediate or i/mediate or immediate; god does no day to day mediation.
You go about your programmed activities, I write what i was destined to write a thousand trillion tillion trillion and so on changes ago, time being so un-a-part of the true universe as to have no signficance whatsoever.
I suppose we can start a countdown to 52020 now.  Its still over 30 days and what does that deadline mean anyway?
I decided to pickup the DOE Fission grant which is a very cool area because it deals with a different, but closely related process to the original fusion grant and it’s a lot bigger.
I am working on the next patent which would be a great place to work together, but I don’t expect anything these days.
If you have seen the course, the development of dimension is laid out in a way that is easy to see and understand.
This post is about a partially resolved issue in the science
The idea of a photon as energy in the old science, vrs the photon as a representation of states with more pre-time elements is simply facinating.
Imagine how little effect time has once you can reduce it to a dimensional effect.  Time travel and other romantic nonsense is sadly lost, but our ability to manipulate space, time and energy are much greater.   
I am not thrilled to be killing traditional god and time travel romance and the continuing ignorance which will eventually be lost does not bother me as much as it would if I did not love the idea of time travel, multi dimensions and other preaut concepts which seem so beautiful but turn out to be fantasies, no better than trolls living under bridges, they turn out to be just homeless people.
There is a science discussion of the photon I want to revisit here along with charge.
There are some semi-stable transition states I work with based on the base 3/6 system of ct3-4 transitions (1,1,2,3,5... where the base 3 yields ct4t3,t6,t9,t12 and t15 states all of which appear surprisingly well beginning at t12.
The question becomes what is the roll of t6, t9 and t12 building blocks (there are approximately six of these making up the next state because of the base six aspect, at least in electrons which are 5-6 t12 states instead of a t13) in photonic and electromagnetic phenomena.  Beginning at the electron we can see t12 states as the building block with crude preAuT science; but that science has to give way to math and rough estimates below t12.
The neutrino mass corresponding closely to t6, suggests a photon as t9, the absorption into an electron shell suggests a t12 change.  The whole idea of electromagnetism and photonic light works well with these features up to a  point and the exchange between the proton and electron can be seen as a stable exchange of these states which might all be involved, but the charge element has to be one just as the photon element has to be one.
Traditionally the idea of an imature photon being electromagnetism works well with either a t12 or t9 state.  Having a dissassociated t12 state at the carrier or charge effects (keeping in mind it is surrounded by a cloud of lower states) is attractive although the balanced process of absorption and spew between the electron and the proton and energized orbits all counsel caution in making hard assertions.

So with this in mind, here is a discussion for the day:
Electrons carry electric charge which is to say the ct4 transition state seen as charge in abs and spew is part of the electron cloud. The EM field is a cloud of these states and lesser states spread out around other compression states, such as atoms or molecules.
            Electric charge is the source of the electromagnetic field. In a quantum field theory, this interaction between the electronic field and the electromagnetic field comes in set chunks, set units at any given frequency/energy. Therefore, whenever an electron interacts with the electromagnetic field, this interaction is in the form of emitting or absorbing such a unit, or quantum, of electromagnetic field energy. That quantum is known as the photon which being quantum is likely a t12, t9 or t6 unit state.
            Some insight is available from observations.  Neutrinos are 1/500,000th of an electron mass.  This difference between 10^5 and 10^6 suggests a neutrino is NOT an uncharged electron, but is instead a t6 state creation, possibly approximately 6 t-6 state.  There are no bosons, of course; so when we talk of an electron “emitting a neutrino” what we are really talking about is an electron losing a t-6 state so that the remaining material has insufficient t-6 to continue exhibiting charge, but the mass would largely remain the same unless the entire particle fell apart as mostly pre-time, therefore mostly energy.
            Electron neutrinos do not interact with (emit or absorb) photons at all because they are effectively too small to do that; perhaps being photon component t6 states.
            The “so-called” W-boson is the left over electron short of its t6(?) states which suggests that perhaps the t6 states are the carriers of charge.
This is worth considering on a galactic scale.
So you have a galaxy of fairly tight spiral arms (2) around a black hole. It is very time dependent so everything happens slow as molassas compared to the fractally smaller and less time dependent electron.
Something (we will call it an interloper state) comes into the spiral which is large enough to shift the spirals outward, the equivalent of an excited electron shell.  What is it?  It is actually a collection of things.  Assume a minimum size galaxy around a neutron star instead of a core of black holes so we we are really talking about a Hydrogen equivalent.  This interloper state is not just a big star, it is a collection of things, a solar system perhaps would  be enough, but it addes momentum and destabilization to the neutron star galaxy and is only rebalanced when a like state is ejected or the interloper state passes through.  It must be big enough to provide long term destabilization of the neutron star galaxy and no so big as to change its structure.
  The uncharged electron can absorb photons, probably gaining back their ability to exhibit charge.
AuT has a number of "Stability factors" from the math:  These features all come from the lowest state ct1 to the next state ct2 for compression, or more precisely just ct1 folding and unfolding; but since the universe is fractal these qualities applie more or less exactly (slower because of time involvement, but mathematically at similar, exponentially different rates allowing for the greater complexity at higher compression states):
Raw data (sum of fuse lengths, direction of compression, decompression, etc)
   One can look at a Data point vrs value of sum of data for a matrix (matrix being defined as a region of compressed ct states so you can have a ct5 region, a ct4 region, a ct3 region, a ct4t12 region, etc depending on how much compression you want to look at)
   One can look at the Inflection point for a matrix vs value of the inflection point, the inflection point is where the energy changes, the value of the inflection point is how much data has to change before that energy change occurs.
  In charting points, Abs (Inflection point height) is 2x the number where it appears at many locations, notably at compression states but also otherwise at each negative inflection point.  You need to look at the charts of absorpotion and spew or the math that generates them if you can picture math results.
  For positive inflection points, the abs height-1=2*(number of inflection point-1)
     This suggests a point of origin for the sin equation.

There are processed data charts (sum of positive or negative)
First # of pt vs value of sum (of just +/- without fuse)
No of pt is value of sum^2 for stable trasitions (2,4,8,16 and also 2^n) and also for 1 and 3 and 9 and 27 which are 3^n)
These are all observed mathematically in geometry as they need to be lest the model exhibit inconsistency and you can see these in the early work showning sin1 to sin-1 for example.

Second flips:
At ALL points (not just 2f(n)^2^n) the of inflection point is (value of infl)^2; abs value of inflection point and also abs value of inflection point is 2^n for stable points
Note that for stable points, the first “value of sum”=value of location^2 and this applies also for the 3,9,27 set tying the inflection point to the stability by squares of the number of the point and the value at that number.
Ask yourself, does compression increase because 16 is first number above 8?                           
so next one is above 16, e.g. 32?                             
End of sets

Lets do an old vrs new lesson since its easter and I have killed that aspect of god pretty much.

The Quora question is the relationship of mass on spacetime.
The Old science comes from:
Viktor T. Toth, IT pro, part-time physicist
Answered Dec 25 · Upvoted by Frederic Rachford, PhD Physics, Case Western Reserve University (1975) and Jesse Raffield, Master's degree in physics
O-electromagnetism is a field
N-nonsense, EM is an exchange of ct states with mostly pre-time features so field approximations are relevant, but misleading.

O-talk of "light rays" and "matter" are mentioned.
N-bastardizations or true quantum, fractal phenomena.

O-The way matter responds to the presence of an electromagnetic field is determined by its charge
N-Fractal ct4-5 compression states include ct4T states which contain the fractal component viewed as charge which is shared when the ct4-5 state is stable, but in the presence of other concentrations, it extends outward, just like two galaxies approaching one another begin to combine long before the cores approach.

O- the magnitude of the force the field exerts on matter is relatd to charge and inertia, N- roughly acurate

O- The resulting “charge-to-mass ratio”, and therefore, the manner in which an object responds to the electromagnetic field, depends on the material properties of the object. N-material properties is a compression function, but its similar ineffect

O-In the theory of gravitation, we can also speak of a field that exists on its own: the gravitational field. (The gravitational equivalent of rays of light is gravitational waves.)  N-gravity is merely ct1-ct2 folding, the lowest order of space is ct1, the highest true space is ct3, although certain aspects of ct4 transition states are seen as space.

O-The gravitational field is also sourced by matter, but it is sourced by another property of matter: its “stress-energy-momentum”. This is a complicated quantity, not a simple number, but a thing that encodes the mass-energy, momentum, even internal stresses of matter, though in everyday cases, only mass matters; the contributions of the other quantities are minuscule. It so happens that this same “stress-energy-momentum” is also the source of inertia. So the gravitational “charge-to-mass ratio” is always the same, for all forms of matter. Therefore, the manner in which an object responds to a gravitational field does NOT depend on the material properties of the object.
N-This is horse manure, even though on a gross scale accurate.  Matter decompressing is anti-gravitational, a rocket leaving the earth is an example where underlying decompression is reflected on a gross scale, we send the rocket into space because the underlying summetry requires that amount of decompression which is the hardest aspect of AuT to accept and I only accept it as a likely explanation.  What is really being ignored is the  grand scale, the movement of the entire universe involved in this gravitational effect of ct1-ct2 winding and unwinding.

O-Every force can be represented using geometry. But in the case of electromagnetism, different, incompatible geometries would be needed to characterize the motion of charged vs. uncharged particles, particles of the same charge but different mass, etc. That is because they have different charge-to-mass ratios.
N-Forces are all fractal compression changes, you can see this in the charts which align gravity with the other forces merely using the F-series compression function.  Why no one saw this before AuT is a mystery as deep as any other in terms of human frailty.

O-In the case of gravity, this is not a problem. The ratio is the same for everything, so only one geometry is needed. In fact, it is the only geometry that we can observe, since our instruments, even ourselves are made of matter that has the same gravitational “charge-to-mass ratio”.
N-this is not a great way to speak of it.  What AUT would say is that gravity being a net fundamental quantity, it is at the base of all forces and all dimensional change so its geometry is more simple, 0 to 1 dimension as opposed to 2 to 1 and 0 dimensional change and the more complicated changes that follow.  The old art does not understand dark energy (unfolding) and the changing nature, albeit very slow, of gravity in any matrix.

O-So it makes sense to identify the one-and-only geometry that we can observe around us as the geometry of spacetime. And yes, this geometry is indeed determined, in part, by the presence of masses (or more generally, stress-energy-momentum quantities.
And it kind of works the other way around, too, though not exactly as suggested in the question. The geometry of spacetime does not determine the mass (or stress-energy-momentum) of matter; it does, however, determine how matter moves.
N-This is a complete mishmash of everything.  Space, time and matter are all informational constructs and geometries exist together (0-4, time is not the 4th, the 4th is the continued compression you see finalized in black holes and the universe of black holes is combinining into a 5th dimension which the old art inexplicably lumps into space time, presumably due to a failure to recognize succesive exponential compression).

In other words, the old art is a lot of bull shit because the prior art has its head up its whatever and one day it will take it out and say, ahhh, the fractal, true quantum, determinative world of AuT.  We knew it all along, give the nobel prize to someone else.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day 128 of Covid apocalypse

I was .2 pounds "under" my target weight two mornings in a row, before dropping a full pound today.  I will come out of this very fit, perhaps dead.  My personal life is being destroyed, it is so far off the rails that I do not think there are any rails left.
Some say it is day 28, but they are ignoring the realities which seem to date back to November in truth, even before my date of origin.
I took two days off from my daily bike ride to swim before the storms and cold front moved in and at 74 degrees it was bracing, but with the sun not uncomfortable.
Yesterday, everything went wrong, business seemed to fall apart despite promises of renewed effort and I got a flat tire on the way home which I was only able to partially patch.
The empty streets of the world played on my YouTube video feed.  The South Koreans are seeing reinfection in people who recovered from the covid 19 and long term effect post recovery problems continue to surface.  I have a dry cough, I suppose I've had it for a month, a year, my entire life.  My first cousin died. It doesn't seem real.
My sleep schedule is off, I am up at 4:30 am, I go to sleep early.  It is causing problems, more precisely it is magnifying problems.  I am ready to move on despite being under quarantine.    
I figured out how to do backgrounds on zoom, well worth the upgrade (the solution).  I was happy about this and then my cousin died.
The physics continues to progress.  I am making significant strides forward, the term determinant universe has entered the lexicon even though it has always been a part of this model, it gives a dry, prior art feel to the concept which is post relativistic.
I have destroyed Einstein's work and reanimated the work of Zeno and Parmenides, I have found the underlying symmetry and it is so ugly in certain respects that its beauty is hidden.  It is the colorful pattern of the poisonous snake.

My eyes are getting worse.  There is little reason to go out for treatment because there is little that can be done.  It is hard to work.

The old art from a prior post: "Even the complex equations of quantum electrodynamics reduced themselves to simple pictures, which we now call Feynman diagrams. Feynman wondered if the solution, his diagrams, were in some way more fundamental than the quantum electrodynamics that he used to derive them."

Let's look at one of those diagrams from Wikipedia:

 AuT suggests that the Feynman diagrams are incomplete and approximations relevant only for certain states of compression; but that the alternative anti-Feynman states can be easily calculated depending on features of AuT.  That has little to do with what we are seeing in these diagrams where there is an accuracy which is unintended and an inaccuracy which is obvious.
The photon is exponentially smaller than the electron, a 10^12 composite (composed of ct12 elements primarily just as a galaxy is primarily black hole ct5) electron vrs a 10^9 or 10^6 composite photon; the arguments in favor of one or the other appear in different papers and it does not matter.
Annihilation of information does not appear, although certainly any time that information changes from a post time state to a pre-time state, ct4t6 and higher to a ct3 or lower state it would look like annihilation to a pre-aut scientist.
As the only living true post aut scientist it is a frustrating and lonely place to live.

I am leaning towards spending more time on my pre-covid work; I have done what I can for now in the post-covid work and it wants to eat up all of my time without promising much more.  I'd like to do the zombie re-write book and publish it, I'd like to finish editing the science of Nostradamus and while I am working on the next edition of the patented science, I would like to spend more time on it.  I have picked up the funding work, but that is slow and the true deadline is a month off to hear about the grant which was so important a month ago and now seems so uncertain, like the future.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

love in the time of the apocalypse Day 124

I typed and lost this post once.

There are many types of love, those forced together, those separated; those who do not or cannot meet and those that brave the quarantine in search of comfort.  I went a little further the first time I wrote this, a tale of two cities opening, but that was lost.  Does it matter how much of what I write continues or is lost?

I weighed in at long last post apocalypse and was only 1 pound over my start up weight.  I guess those daily bike rides must be working.  I don't mind telling you it was something of a relief since my normal workout schedule is basically in the toilet and the bike rides are easier than the stair workouts from which my feet are still not recovered.

There was a break in swimming because the temperatures dropped, but I think today the water will be back up to a chilly, but comfortably for swimming hard 76 degrees (was 74 yesterday but I didn't swim).

Of course it could be the diet of rat and rusty canned goods.  That isn't true, of course and disingenuous to those who are eating bats in China.  Yesterday I was able to buy TP without fighting off an elderly lady with a cane or taking the last roll in the city.  The world is slowly going off a cliff and returning to normal at the same time.

Now among the many projects which have been withering on the vine is my zombie apocalypse, new Orleans flood book.  That being said, it continues to come true and now that it is loosely finished I have to re-write it to follow the covid 19 thing.
I already wrote the story above in fiction and my words are slowly coming true.  Stay tuned.

Let's go backwards in science.

We can start with the cosmological useful application of the model.  I wrote a book about how spin and spew work together.

In places like Venus where spin is reduced the spew is less visible, dispersed and not woven together but it is still there.

            Spin would accelerate the spew of Venus outward and create a weave at the resulting poles because spin is a pre-time change feature which controls the spew just like stirring a glass of water creates a funnel.

            Spin Venus, get spew from the resulting poles.  Target the spin of the earth in direction or speed, change the spew, change the temperature.

Let's move back a step.

My brilliant mathematician friend is writing a paper on "understanding information in the geometry of space-time and cosmology."
It will be interesting to see how long it takes for his model to devolve into AuT.  I suspect not long.
The course for the members of the team actually shows the derivation of space as we perceive it which is a nice and very new feature.  Sadly, AuT is also suffering from neglect, but the solution from the equation forward rather than the observed universe backwards appears more or less in tact in the lesson.

Another step backwards

I talked about the movement of objects through space.  The false old physics theory that an object in perfect space would move infinitely once accelerated compared to the information model which explains why the solar system must move in the observed Fibonacci curves through space as the fabric of the universe unwinds or decompresses along Fibonacci or F-series lines.
That alone would be enough, but AuT goes further back, showing the relationship of the denominator of pi to compression and the generation of information in the form which we observe.
I even relearned visual basic to draw this over the first 5000 points, the first 25 million grid view of the universe.

And finally, back to the beginning, g-space.

The physics lesson today addresses "the relevance of the Collatz conjecture" which might be a rendition of hidden variable theory for all mathematics.  This comes from the quora discussion by
Richard Muller, Prof Physics, UC Berkeley, author "Now, The Physics of Time"
Answered August 19, 2016 · Upvoted by Vance Faber, Ph. D. Mathematics and Arohan Paul, Msc Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (2019)

"This conjecture hints that there is something very fundamental we don’t know in math, even in such a simple mathematical construct as the integers."

Hidden variable theory is fairly simple by comparison, the variables merely being dimensional changes hidden behind time.  This conjecture is a little more fundamental and can be compared to the discussions of g-space where the information logic embodied in our universe is built and where some other logic exists which allows for the count to happen in the absence of time and for fuse lengths to be tracked, remembered if you would.  The mind of god in the religious sense.

Why count sequentially?  Why compress?  Why count at all?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 123 of the covid appocalypse, space and DEVS

Yesterday I decided to treat the yard for mosquitoes to make the home a little more livable.  It was effective, even though the chemicals used were old.  I have a bad bite, revenge is mine.
I had a dry cough last night, probably every night, but I feel fine today.
Quarantine comes from the Italian Quarantina which means 40 days, the period of quarantine from the black plague according to a late night show.  We are treating covid with science from the 1400(s), perhaps earlier.

Yesterday I went for a long bike ride.  It was nice, roads largely empty, a stranded cruise ship.
The streets of venice are empty, the streets of the rest of the world are beginning to empty.  I have transit papers.

Today's physics lesson is an interesting one, because it shows everything wrong with Pre-AuT physics.  My mathematician friend is working on this, and he actually knows the answer to the extent he has read my work which is a weird thing.

My patents are being examined.  Also a weird thing.  There are covid 19 delays, the are factories being retooled, there is a may 20 deadline that may no longer mean anything, and there is the science that underlies everything.

I avoid politics mostly as you have noticed.  In these heady times, it is a temptation, but the reason we act so stupidly as a group is because of the underlying nature of reality.  AuT is predictive, the claims address that.  They cover the issue of a world which is totally deterministic and quantum.

There is a tv series which is about this.  It is fiction, science fiction perhaps, but it is based on my science.  Devs is the name.  It is interesting to see you work portrayed as science fiction.  That is covered by other posts and will be covered by other posts, but in this case we just want to talk generally about space and why no one understands it.  Well, no one but those who read my work.

I'm only going to mock this article, not discuss it in detail.  To get into the details would waste time and require a devolution before evolution.  Venice is empty, but space is not.

I have my zombie apocolypse book, finished but unpolished I will now have to re-write as a reaction to the vaccine developed for the covid virus.  I have so much to do and I am constsantly interrupted and distracted.

So if you want to know the old view of space, you can find a discussion of it here.
This is not the worst discussion ever because it attempts to talk about space in terms of purity and pollution.  The rivers of venice are as clean as they've been in 100 years, but they are still polluted compared to their pristine existence at the time they were first settled, then things got worse, then a little better, and better still now.

Science is still polluted.
Space is the first three compression states.  how strong is space?  It is impenetrable.  That is what AuT says that pre-AuT has no clue of.  This article addresses everything from the middle place instead of the beginning.

Now two years ago, I was ahead of this, but I had problems because I refused to name space clearly for what it was, the combination of early compression states, instead calling space the first state, ct1.  Ct2 and 3 had names but they were conceptual and largely irrelevant.  Part of the problem was zeroing in on what time was, for even though I knew what acceleration was, there were wrinkles in the definition of time.

Space and space-time are pre-aut concepts, but time is a thing to us, we can track it and discuss what it was and what it is now.
Space time, the great Einsteinian misunderstanding.  It is impossible to work in these conditions, I have to get up early to get anywhere with this.  But Einstein was wrong and I am right and there is nothing you can do about that.

So lets talk about space time in the right way and first let us ignore everything but the conceptual framework around the article cited.  That is that space can be viewed differently because of the forces present. 
What AuT explains is that force is a result of compression and since there are 2 large, and multiple transitional, compression between space and time as we experience, there are many aspects of force which we experience incorrectly.
The universe is shaped like a frisbee because at its edges it begins to flatten out due to a lack of compression.  At the center of galaxies and the universe itself there are transitioning high compression states that give the impression of space as it is discussed in the article, the unwinding space that we think allows for frictionless movement,when what we're really seeing is a pre-ordained unwinding or winding depending on location within the matrix.  That discussion is fairly complex but critical to a complete understanding.  Gravity is winding, anti-gravity or dark energy is unwinding and they exist together and have great consistency due to the high values of fpix at our place in the universe.  The books cover this, perhaps a reason to look at the very long compilation books because while they do so inaccurately, the do so more thoroughly.
So the most dense space is ct1 and it controls everything else.  It defines movement.
Then ct2 compressed from ct1 yields gravity and as it unfolds, dark energy/a-g.
Then there is ct3 which is a denser form of gravity and as that transitions to ct4, we develop time and the great break between AuT and pre-Aut math.
Once time is eliminated except as an effect, the true nature of space and time become clear and the nonsense in these articles that pre-date aut becomes nonsense instead of illusion.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The F-University Covid rescue plan

The wisdom of the country is protected within the university system, both public and private.
Two weeks ago that system sent the future storage of the intelligence home, leaving the buildings empty, the classrooms silent.
In 90-180 days this nightmare will be under control and we will be wiser, much of the solution will come from that university system directly or indirectly.  It will play an enormous role in saving us and we need to save it.
There will be as much as 40 percent of the workforce displaced for a period of time.  Many will need to be retrained.  The outside system will not be able to absorb them and supporting them will be difficult.  They will not be able to afford higher education and higher education will be endangered because tuitions will be absent, in some cases the savings of the universities will be damaged.
As part of the  next recovery package, money needs to be set aside to pay for the unemployed to go back to both private and public universities for a period of 2 years to all both to recover.
That is my idea of how to take pressure off the workforce, allow the universities to recover and end the speech.
And, of course, there are geniuses like me, long out of the university system who end up being smarter than everyone else, but outliers are always present.