
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 123 of the covid appocalypse, space and DEVS

Yesterday I decided to treat the yard for mosquitoes to make the home a little more livable.  It was effective, even though the chemicals used were old.  I have a bad bite, revenge is mine.
I had a dry cough last night, probably every night, but I feel fine today.
Quarantine comes from the Italian Quarantina which means 40 days, the period of quarantine from the black plague according to a late night show.  We are treating covid with science from the 1400(s), perhaps earlier.

Yesterday I went for a long bike ride.  It was nice, roads largely empty, a stranded cruise ship.
The streets of venice are empty, the streets of the rest of the world are beginning to empty.  I have transit papers.

Today's physics lesson is an interesting one, because it shows everything wrong with Pre-AuT physics.  My mathematician friend is working on this, and he actually knows the answer to the extent he has read my work which is a weird thing.

My patents are being examined.  Also a weird thing.  There are covid 19 delays, the are factories being retooled, there is a may 20 deadline that may no longer mean anything, and there is the science that underlies everything.

I avoid politics mostly as you have noticed.  In these heady times, it is a temptation, but the reason we act so stupidly as a group is because of the underlying nature of reality.  AuT is predictive, the claims address that.  They cover the issue of a world which is totally deterministic and quantum.

There is a tv series which is about this.  It is fiction, science fiction perhaps, but it is based on my science.  Devs is the name.  It is interesting to see you work portrayed as science fiction.  That is covered by other posts and will be covered by other posts, but in this case we just want to talk generally about space and why no one understands it.  Well, no one but those who read my work.

I'm only going to mock this article, not discuss it in detail.  To get into the details would waste time and require a devolution before evolution.  Venice is empty, but space is not.

I have my zombie apocolypse book, finished but unpolished I will now have to re-write as a reaction to the vaccine developed for the covid virus.  I have so much to do and I am constsantly interrupted and distracted.

So if you want to know the old view of space, you can find a discussion of it here.
This is not the worst discussion ever because it attempts to talk about space in terms of purity and pollution.  The rivers of venice are as clean as they've been in 100 years, but they are still polluted compared to their pristine existence at the time they were first settled, then things got worse, then a little better, and better still now.

Science is still polluted.
Space is the first three compression states.  how strong is space?  It is impenetrable.  That is what AuT says that pre-AuT has no clue of.  This article addresses everything from the middle place instead of the beginning.

Now two years ago, I was ahead of this, but I had problems because I refused to name space clearly for what it was, the combination of early compression states, instead calling space the first state, ct1.  Ct2 and 3 had names but they were conceptual and largely irrelevant.  Part of the problem was zeroing in on what time was, for even though I knew what acceleration was, there were wrinkles in the definition of time.

Space and space-time are pre-aut concepts, but time is a thing to us, we can track it and discuss what it was and what it is now.
Space time, the great Einsteinian misunderstanding.  It is impossible to work in these conditions, I have to get up early to get anywhere with this.  But Einstein was wrong and I am right and there is nothing you can do about that.

So lets talk about space time in the right way and first let us ignore everything but the conceptual framework around the article cited.  That is that space can be viewed differently because of the forces present. 
What AuT explains is that force is a result of compression and since there are 2 large, and multiple transitional, compression between space and time as we experience, there are many aspects of force which we experience incorrectly.
The universe is shaped like a frisbee because at its edges it begins to flatten out due to a lack of compression.  At the center of galaxies and the universe itself there are transitioning high compression states that give the impression of space as it is discussed in the article, the unwinding space that we think allows for frictionless movement,when what we're really seeing is a pre-ordained unwinding or winding depending on location within the matrix.  That discussion is fairly complex but critical to a complete understanding.  Gravity is winding, anti-gravity or dark energy is unwinding and they exist together and have great consistency due to the high values of fpix at our place in the universe.  The books cover this, perhaps a reason to look at the very long compilation books because while they do so inaccurately, the do so more thoroughly.
So the most dense space is ct1 and it controls everything else.  It defines movement.
Then ct2 compressed from ct1 yields gravity and as it unfolds, dark energy/a-g.
Then there is ct3 which is a denser form of gravity and as that transitions to ct4, we develop time and the great break between AuT and pre-Aut math.
Once time is eliminated except as an effect, the true nature of space and time become clear and the nonsense in these articles that pre-date aut becomes nonsense instead of illusion.

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