
Monday, September 23, 2019

The last days of the New Orleans zombie, Charge 2, ionic/convalent and Rotting

So the screenplay has a name.
Two days of 2200 yard swims (1200 im) after a 33 minute stair, 2 sets of weights workout; then another 32 minute stair and 3 sets of weights workout then a swim tonight.
Weight at 176 this am seemed a little high under the circumstances.  I am having weight problems, portion size problems.
I am also having rot problems.
The environment is rotten, there are things in my life which are rotting.
And there there is this.
My hammock is so moss covered as to be unusable, at least estetically.
I have a chair swing which was set up to take in when not in use, but it was let out and now is in tatters.
It is as if my life is rotting around me.
I have been gathering stones from the yard, but many are too large and buried too deeply to easily gather up.
While some trees have been cut away, there are two dead trees standing and several that have fallen over that yet live but need to be converted to firewood.
There was a time when I would have had greater energy regarding these things.  I would have found my pri-bars, saws and shovels and gone about the business of cleaning these things up.
I know the source of many of these problems, but not all of them.
I have been working hard on science, pushing so deeply the mud threatens to swallow me.
I think many of my drawings have to change to reflect the fractal nature of things and I see the combinations coming to light in ways that surprise me, but should not.
I am approaching the 1/3 limit in the editing of the science of nostradamus.  It is something of a struggle, it needs a lot more work than I had hoped for.

But let's talk about charge, covalent bonds and the like.
In the last post we defined some things and that set us to looking at other things and these pictures showed up.
Figure 1
This first one shows the result of the application of AuT to observed phenomena.  It also shows an overlap which is very important.  The overlap, 1/2 of the two arms, forms a specific grouping, a central compression circle with two half circles (1/2 the diameter) on either side.

Figure 2
 This figure shows how in a bar spiral galaxy that same internal pattern is presented.  Fractally, if it was absent it would be cause for concern.  The overlapping area is in the region of the galactic core, jsut as it is the human core in the trademark (first picture) above.  what is significant about this is that it suggests that an atomic core must follow the same rule fractally with exponentially less compression; but with a more perfect appearance.
This woudl be a neutron core (big circle) surrounded by a proton core (smaller two circles) followed by the electron in the form of the spiral arms.
While there are traces of a third and fourth arm, but primary spiral arms are only two in number, one coming off of each of what we are calling the half circles.
figure 3
This view of ionic bonding (it could also be covalent) may not withstand the first two pictures, becuase what they suggest is that the hydrogen atom would look like this:
Figure 4
In this very rough drawing, you have the red as one electron and the blue as the other.  Overlaping the middle you have (1) for hydrogen the large inner circle radiating the two arms.  In Helium, you have the inner circle represeenting the province taken over by the neutrons and the two hydrogens occupy the half circle from "between which" the two electron clouds extend.
This gives a much different view of balance than the view given by Figure 3, but it suggests something that is facinating.  While the green circle becomes avalable as the next core from which the 8 electron shell arms can be built, it can readily bee seen that there is another location (the 2:2 location of the f-series) within the green arm which is available for this purpose.
Figure 5
You can see this to soem extent in this extended drawing, which shows how the size of the area for each successive arm building can be expanded based on the Fibonacci series.  In this case the base A, base B and Base C locations all provide for expanding growth of electron shell origins which can achieve differing levels of compression (2 electrons shown as the two primary arms with 8 for the A-A, 8 for the B-B and then whatever for the shells which are further out, all built outward according to a common inner fractal arm.
Since there are 2:8:8 this suggests that the number of lesser circles defined by the b-b and c-c elements are 2^3 features which is potentially troubling snce a 2^2 and 2^3 feature would be more in line with the underlying mathematical structure.  The better idea is that there is somehow room, given the two arms of 2^2 and 2^2 on each of the two arms which only have 2^1 electrons in the arrangement shown.  This can be easily drawn, but there is more than one way to do this; but we are doing fractals.
Figure 6

Figure 7
Figure 8 or Figure 7 reimagined

Above (figure 6) you can see the center which have the overlap and two arms.  Then you see half of the pair coming off 2 of each of two arms and then you can two more.  This is fractal design and it works up to a point.
The two parts, the five.4 t6 and the fractal arrangement suggested work together.
The following two figures show different ways of approaching graphically the outer orbitals of atoms which will bear further consideration in the posts that follow.

Chapter 16

Levee storm doors close sealing off the city

Dr. Chang from Memphis drives across the lake, the water is high on the bridge.  They were stopping cars from going over the long causeway from the north side of lake Ponchetrain to New Orleans but he zoomed around the roadblock and no one chased him.  In his rearview mirror, he saw an officer waving at him wildly and another with both hands on his hips and looked back just in time to prevent his car from crashing into the concrete sidewalls.
On his radio, the news is talking about vagrants who have been attacking tourists.
Oh god, I may be too late. 
Just as he exits the bridge, he hears sirens.  On the other side of the bridge, police cruisers sit on an empty bridge going north with their blue lights flashing.  He hears someone yelling and passes by someone who had to jump out of his path.
He looks behind him.  Large metal doors, as tall as a house are closing the gaps between the levees that are normally open to the lake.  The storm, of course.  They are closing the bridge and the gaps in the levee in case the river rises.  What next, he wonders out loud?

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Charge-the core of understanding between ionic and covalent strengths

There is a great deal of insight that comes from charge.
This takes us to science that appears in the patents, but not in this blog.
It quickly gets us somewhere fairly specific.
The idea that protons and electrons spew and absorb the same feature despite the compression difference is intersting.
The fact that a different type of absorption of spew occurs at the neutron is also relevant to the insight.
This takes us to ionic and covalent bonds, something that is covered in the patents, but not here, at least not in the same detail.
In order to give some context, photons are given the features of t6 and electrons the feature of t12.
In this way, charge becomes the net absorption or spew of t6 and orbitals are the arrangement of t12 states, remembering that an electron is 5.4 (roughly) t12 states meaning that an electron contains vast quantities of pre-t12 states, but all of which together are not equal to one half of a t12 state, also 5 t11 states by way of reference as an approximate.
When we talk about ionic and convalent, we are talking about the sharing of t6 states, possibly 5 plus in a single photon as the ionic portion and the sharing of t12 states for the covalent.
Based on our force equations, we would see an order of magnitude between these of 10^6.
What observation tells us is this:
Ionic lattice energies typically fall in the range of 600–4000 kJ/mol (some even higher), covalent bond dissociation energies are typically between 150–400 kJ/mol for single bonds.
This raises a number of questions.  One is that the ionic bond would initially appear to be the weaker of the two based on force considerations.  The second is that while a factor of 5-10 (or more) energies are shown, the scales are not that much higher.  Is it a logarithmic solution instead of an exponential one?  What are the factors that give rise to the bonds?
To begin we have to look at the new model, where the electron is not a fundamental particle, which would be absurd, but is instead a largely pre-time collection of particles.
Ct4 transitional states are responsible for both.
These are also superimposed over ct4-5 transitional states.
Ionic and convalent bonds are creatures of atoms, although Hydrogen, the pre-atoms also have covalent bonds.  In AuT, the "electron shell filling" is replaced with a core fractal structure in the nucleus (two protons) surrounded by a corresponding stable fractal shell, two 5.4 t12 spirals feeding off of one another and the core protons which, while heavier, are exponentially smaller due to compressive energies.  Because the electron components are too small to see, we only see them as net effects, part of the wave particle duality feature of electrons.
Molecues are co-valent in nature, shared electrons which in this case means shared fractal structures of t12 states (mostly) rather than shared orbitals.  The main difference between molecules and Hydrogens lies in the core of neutrons which give strucure to the protons, but this difference is enough to allow the distinction of Hydrogen Bonds outside of the stronger co\valent molecular bonds.

Ionic matrix share something stronger, but it still is the absorption and spew of t6 associated with charge.  In this case the factal structures affected are not in the electron fractal, but between teh electron fractal and the proton fractal.  What this means is that even though the absorption and spew is of a lower ct state of enormous magnitude, the compression involved is exponentially higher.

To use the galactic example, one can see it in this way:
A spiral galaxy has two arms which serve to balance the core of black holes.  Each of these arms represents a higher fractal form of an electron.  One can see that the galaxy appears more balanced with two of these arms than one; otherwise the "center" of gravity, the center of ct1-2 interactin would be offset and rotational unwinding would be irregular.  If one were to speed up this process, the galaxy could be expected to fall apart, the same being ture of the smaller fractal.
The arrangement of the two arms involves an enormous amount of information but is fractally the same as the arrangement of the two electrons around the hydrogen two proton core.
Lets new go towards the center of the galaxy.  Now we are looking at ionic features, the highly compressed exchange of information at the interface of arms with the core.  In a true ionic exchange, the exchange is between the arms and cores of different galaxies.  What this indicates, however, is that the amount of compression between these two is very high and the factal balance is at least potentially less important in more complex galaxies than in the interaction between the cores and the shells.

This sharing between cores, as opposed to the sharing of outer shells, can be compared to the accumulation of gravitational force which makes it appear very large in the aggregate although it is very small individually.  It mght also be compared to dark energy, the negative form of gravity which gives the overall entropy to the universe even though locally net features allow for greater organization.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The invitation

It would be better for reveryone if my physics was not right.
I look for places where randomness would fit it, the enormous potential that exists a higher ct states almost demands it.  The problem is that the potential falls apart at the quantum level.
To understand this, you can consider a molecular reaction at the ct4-5 level where relative compression states vary greatly, electrons in constant motion absorbing and regurgitating ct1-early ct3-4 states while interacting together and with the spew of multiple nuclei.
The exact moment of compression or decompression in such an environment is impossible to calculate.  Indeed, Schrodinger's approximation are a way to average this in such a way as to get even a cursory grasp.
How in such an envirnoment can a single, relatlively simple equation hold up?
The answer is terrifyingly simple.   Everything happening in that complex environment is merely reflecting what that simple equation is doing in a time and dimension free environment according to a very rigid set of rules and possibly the rigid 256:27 ratio suggested by the sinpi-1 to sinpi1 solution.
That is the problem, at the quantum level with 10^150 points in various states of flux, but having massive continuity due to solution order and high fuse values, you end up with exactly what we observe, something largely consistent, but impossible to accurately gauge at the high compression levels where time exists.
It destroys the magic of creation, the hopes and dreams of science and personality, not in the expression of the person as a whole, but the actual personality, it takes away the genius that brought it into the light, my genius if you must.

I am working on the new audio book, the first chapter is posted a post or two back.

An invitaton was sent to submit an aritlce.  The part on time is the first section of the book, although reading and editing will take some time...and I have a fiction book I want to audio-ize also.

But let's talk about that article for a moment.
An overview of one element of this longer article was submitted and was questioned because of the following features: ",,,articles must be of high quality and scientific interest, and be recognised as an important contribution to the literature."
This is something only to be corrected with the entire article, but I want to stay focused and wonder if it is worth the trouble.

I mention this because I think it is worth considering whether this work, albeit produced over 7 years, fits these criteria.  Is it better to suffer the slings and arrows, as Shakespeare asked?  My suggestion is that inherent bias against new models is the primary problem with the time article. The objection to the article had no mathematical basis, the article itself, while very focused has a very specific mathematical basis and addresses any number of otherwise mysterious features of the universe. 

If the objection had been "The math appears "too simple" to support a complex universe," I wold have agreed and lamented the truth and falsity of that claim.
That was not the problem, the problem was that "rigorours" understanding of the model has to occur after it is understood and, in this case, no one even tried.

 However, the math is "observed" throughout the universe and the results are hard to rebut.  Since the model defines all features of the universe from gravity to black holes to time it is important and should be of interest.  It is radical, in its underlying simplicity and its bredth, but it is probably correct because the universe necessarily must arise from relatively simple phenomena in order to fit without "our logic system."  That being said, while this article clearly defines what "hidden variables" control the universe, there is a second layer hiding behind this article.  That is the layer where the quantum count arises, where it is maintained and where the results are remembered.

Not to make to fine a point of it, in a fractal model the NS is like a proton and the BH is like a neurtron.  We can infer the universe is fractal because of the presence of multiple iterated equations, the denominator of pi, the gold ratio, 2^n; iterated equations giving rise to fractals.
Since Neutrons hold atoms together through the absorption of space (which is many different things after a fashion) for one not to increase in size it must radiate something.  The same fractal requirements say that the BH does the same thing.
Magnetic fields suggest that space is absorbed and pre-photons are spewed by planets, stars, neutron stars, pre-photons being a transitional state between ct3 and ct4 the most dense form of space before transitional states between ct3 and ct4.
Charge appears nothing more than matching absorption and spew of two very different ct states, but it also may involves other states being absorbed and spewed which have no charge characteristics and this is almost certainly the case, of course, under the model (see the old audio book below for more on this).
BH spew plasma and neutrons spew something which is a less compressed state of matter but somewhat theoretical in nature, something you would think would be more dense than pre-photons, but not giving the effect of charge; although an argument exists it is more dense than information, but less dense than pre-photons, what I would call ct3, for exampele.  This would also work fairly well for a BH, although the plasma ejection of BH suggest the former result.
The pre-photons are what the standard model associates with magnetic fields, but energy (as opposed to force) is only pre-time changes in information seen from a  post time perspective.  This is a concept I am still getting my hands around.

One more supporting article, they are getting plagiarism and copyright infringement.  For the moment, this article is so wrong and confused that it cannot be held accountable for anything other than being an embarassment in light of AuT

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Christmas trees

The benefits of a largely vegetarian diet
And stress

The world is like a christmas tree in the dark.
When you are there, the tree is lighted
And when you are gone
the power is off and lights are out

Love is you
in the room
when you are gone
so it is

The universe on the other hand is a  mystery
But it is a mystery with a couple of very clear clues.
One clue is the denominator of pi which is ubiquitous.
Another is the golden ratio
The third is the relationship between the first two.
All of these things force the universe into a fractal model.

That is so obvious that I have to wonder what is going on here.
I have some publication questions
I get proposals, double blind
but does publication even matter at this point
Perhaps patents matter, I'm not sure.

I have insights at times, but I forget them as often as I remember to write them down.
Sometimes I put things that are not relevant to physics.
My poems to you? No, that is physics.
I write this because I forgot something insightful that came from somewhere.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Spirals, Quantum Mechanics and Chapter 14

Why spirals?
Spirals are a secondary effect, but they were the initial model.  Where did they come from?  Early in the process I was looking for a fractal model, not calling it fractal, but instead something that would explain quantum curvature.  Gravity is not a straight line force, but is, instead, a spiral force.  Hence it was selected because the first model was a spiral model.
The use of fibonacci spirals was initially just one of several spiral models, but it gradually took hold due to its observation in nature and its alignment with mathematics.
Modern physics has spent so much time coming up with complex explanations, when a simple one comes along they choke on it.
I am happy to choke the greater physics community and I don't expect them to come around any time soon, it is a process where the further I go, the more significant things get.
Since...well since people sensed time they have wondered what it was.
Fate plays a big roll also, the fickle finger which having written,a time thing, moves on, another time thing.
People have called time many things, a dimension, an illusion, something that can go in both directions.
But in a true Quantum Universe, time is something very different and this was an early observation of AuT, you can find it by searching the early posts concerning the einstein hologram universe (EHU or EHT) where it seemed likely that all time states had to change at the same time...and yet time differed as shown by things like time dilation.  Indeed the differentiation of time change was almost necessary to the changes in dimensional state having their various effects and yet those two thing were so different and so inconsistent.
Probabilities over time further complicated the analysis.

There are two problems discussed:
separate rules for how quantum objects behave when we’re not looking at them, and how they behave when they are being observed.
Aut explains this by showing that what we call "observation" is actually separating pre-time changes into 2 things: 1) energy 2) net positon.  Everything else about this is absurd.  AuT explains this in the most recent books, but a new book on time and atomic structure will be coming out soon that goes into detail on both and will include an audio edition.  Interested?  Let me know.

The other problem is that we don’t agree on what it is that quantum theory actually describes, (the example is "an electron in terms of a “wave function,” which collects the superposition of all the possible measurement outcomes into a single mathematical object"). This, again is pre-AuT nonsense since AuT describes why this is the case.

Well enough nonsense, on to..nonsense

Chapter 14

Action levee overflows

 “I was watching the news, there was no problem near the city.
No, but you can see the bridge is acting like an underwater dam.    The water is almost over the levee.
A radio crackles.  Yes, what is it
You better come here boss, we’re at the 5-mile maker above the city.
I’m almost there.”  Climbing into a heavy-duty golf cart, the coast guard captain signals his lieutenant.   Let’s go.
After turning a corner, they come to a rare site, water is flowing over the top of the levee.  It’s not too bad, I am sure the pumps can handle it.
It begins to rain, fat droplets.  The lieutenant gets under the roof of the cart, but the captain stands there as the rain increases looking at the steady flow of water over the top of the levee.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The muffin Man chapter 15

So some of you wonder, did I stop working out?  Did I get fat?
The answer is no, although I have gone from the 174 plus back to the 175-176 range although I have been able to get to  173 and change.
I am on my second cup of coffee which I badly needed today.
I have a lot planned and I did not swim yesterday.
Today should be a gym day, that takes me to 1:00 because it opens late because of god.
Well, not god, the superstitious belief system which runs our world.
If AuT is taken to its logical end; religion dies. 
That is not a good or bad thing; it is a wonderful and horrible thing.
It frees us from nonsense, eliminates large quantities of false evil; but it takes away purpose and morality.
But that is what AuT is, after a fashion.  It is the death of randomness.  it is an extreme and, can I say that word is no longer relevant, depressing result.
The only issue that remains after aut is can we control ct1 changes, for if we cannot, then we cannot change ct2, 3 or 4...except as part of the strange feedback loop that is energy and to a greater extent life.  We affect ct...4 transtion states, probably not 1,2 or 3 although that remains to be seen with certainty and thereby achieve what we call self-control, consciousness, self determination...exccept that we don't.
You can say this:  "We expllode a bomb, we increase space locally, we effect ct1."  That is a lie, however.  I would have dwelt on that philosophically before, but now I see that what we call space, is actually ct1-early ct4 transition states.  Do we, when we explode a bomb get to ct3?  Perhaps not, perhaps we don't even get close to ct1,2 and 3.  Perhaps the "space" we work with is ct4 transitions states below ct4t6, the proposed photon state; understanding that it could easily be an even higher transition state.  If that is as far down as we can get, then life is meaningless.  I type for no better reason than that the universe demands it of me and those who jihad and killing based on the least of things, ignorance and superstition.  That last, at least, is certainly true as much as I would like it to be different.
The more I know about the universe, the less of it I control.  That is a curious thing.
And yet, there is zero meaning unless we can get to ct1, although ct3 would make me god.
We'll see.
Until then there are "utility issues" that I have to address.
I am a chemist, the source of many of my problems.  Should have gotten a physics degree I suppose, but chemistry can be called applied physics, just as chemical engineering can be called applied chemistry, mechanical engineer applied chem e, etc; or you can go the other way and say that math is theoretical physcis.  I have a lot of math in my pocket, don't believe me?  Turn me upside down and shake me.
But we were talkign applied this or that.
Covalent bonds vs stable fractal structures
The first problem that has to be addressed is the structure of the electron and the electron stable.
The easy covalent concept looks at a simplification of this process where the electrons move.
Filling the outer 8 electron shell is the easiest to view.
What about ionic bonds?
This idea is that electrons are lost by one and gained by another.
Again there is a fractal structure that makes sense at the proton level which forces the stability at the electron level.  It is not "shells" that define the stability, it is the shape of the shells pulling these electron shells together.
This is a net spew and absorption issue vrs a fractal structure.

Physics continues to chase my model:
Quantum Physics Is Fine, Human Bias About Reality Is The Real Problem
Run, run as fast as you can, you cannot catch me, I am already gone.

This remains pretty rough in patches here as I rewrite to clarify this and I am not really rewriting now as I have moved on to other things for a while.  I will be back soon enough.

Chapter 15

On the wrong side of the levee, secondary characters

Mason: “We need to get out of here.  We are slowly being poisoned by the gas.”
Dat be good, you be lettin em know boudreaux is good too, but there be no phone or transport over to dat side. 
Becky:  And if there was, we’d have to cross the levee where the gas is too thick. 
In fact, when mason looked over the levee he saw a cloud of the poison gas and dead bodies outside of the houses in a sufficiently horrific layout.  The cloud of gas was visible nearly to the top of the levee.
Is there any way over there?
There be a small piroux, but you have to be some kind of crazy to try to row it over there.

There is half of the bridge span, but the gas leak has caused everyone to evacuate.  We can go down to it and scale the bridge from the levee side and cross the bridge.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fate and climate change

Time, and therefore fate, is tied to pre-time changes in dimensional states underlying the higher dimensionsal states from which are they built.
For whatever reason, the universe picked me to disclose this science.  It could have picked the least of the physics professors in the world in which case they would have been elevated to the pinacle of their profession and showered with rewards, but it picked me.
The winner of the fickle finger of fate award.  To him goes none of the glory but all of the heartache.

People are idiots, that is why we are going to die.
We would die anyway, but not so quickly.
Or maybe not, with AuT.
We could not survive as we are, but as we could be with an understanding of the underlying science.
Perhaps our universe reflects just such a survival by a race not led by idiots, not defined by the idiocy of the mass mind.  One led by a mind like mine own, picked out by fate.

This blog should wax eloquent on this idea of fate as pre-time change, but it will not.
So what is this blog post about?  Not stupidity, but why the suggested treatmens for CO2 removal won't work.
Let us start by talking about the source of CO2 and what has worked historically.
CO2 comes from turning stored carbon into burned carbon, burning being nothing more dramatic than adding Oxygen.  A lot of this comes as cellulose, i.e. plants; a lot comes from petroleum.

Ok, what has worked historically?  Basically this is putting it back where it came from.  Trees which turn into coal or oil; but also reef systems which take it out of the ocean where most of it is going.  We can plant the crap out of forests, but 3/4 of the world is ocean and we cannot plantthe crap out of reefs.  There is not a lot of room for them and acidification of the ocean is killing what is left.  Also,they are a slow process, millions of years of work.

So how about the dumbass ideas of taking it out of the ocean or air using technology systems?  Any moron with a cursory understanding of fluid dynamics (aka unit operations) knows that it would be impossible to pass enough air or water through these systems to have a significant effect.

So what are the solutions if we are not all going to die?

1) The biological solution:  This is a combination of trees and plants, population control and man made organisms that would survive in the ocean and incorporate the carbon into shells and sink to the bottom of the ocean.  This is a near term solution that might easily backfire, but has a snowball's chance of working.

2) The high technology solution:  This is some rendition of what we are already doing with the systems that would remove carbon from the air or water; but would work.  AuT has a suggestion here, to control the earth's magnetic field to make it cooler or hotter depending on the need.  This is more sci-fi than the biological solution.

The funny thing is that neither of these is likely to be pursued in time. There will come a day when people start dying from a lack of oxygen.  Then it will become important to some people and they will go through all those things that do not work and maybe begin on the ones that do.
But it will be too late, and everyone will die.
Or maybe, just maybe, the guantlet thrown down to me will be picked up, somehow I will draw this sword from the stone that the close minded sycophants of the inteligencia have placed around it.

The unconventional, new-age ways people are getting buried

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The short definition of time with the intro

I was at 173.4 again.  Did not eat much, the heat.  Did a 1500 yard swim, a little short.  The heat is unbearable.

So here is the next part which will include an answer to Tony's question as the introduction.
When I started this 7 years ago, I talked about time states. I was just mulling over things, one of the obvious ones being that there was no obvious reason for the numerator of pi to be 4. I thought, well there may be different states of time, so "clock times." As work progressed, I realized that I had no idea what I was talking about, but I still had these different conceputal frameworks, so I shortened "clock time" to "ct" so that it would not reference anything in particular. As it turns out, ct states are dimensional building blocks and they do carry features of different times, so I was wrong and right.
Xeno and Parmenides figured out that you could not have infinitely split dimension which necessarily means that the universe either has an unseen logic, or must be information based. While I use a positive/negative information system for the model, it would easily be a three or four part information system, but the positive and negative system works well. The most fundamental units are hidden even from my model. That hidden part is what people might call god, more accuartely it might be called the great information processor. This thing exists in an environment without time or dimension as we know it. We know what it does, it generates solutions to an iterated equation and remembers them. The result, in this case, is Tony, among other things.
Another mistake I made, which was only recently corrected was designating ct1 as space. In all the papers, I still use space nd ct1 together continuing the inaccuracy of the model, but at least I point it out now. Ct1 is partially pi, but with a numerator of 1 instead of 4. It is also a "pre-folding" state so that it exists only as a string of solutions to that iterated equation.
ct2 is pi with a numerator of 2 but it is folded and the nature of those folds is set out but unnecessary to an understanding of time and dimension. Since you might ask, it is basically a folding of 256:27 derived from the ratio sinpi(-1):sinpi(1). Pi-1 being pi with a numerator of -1 and pi1 being ct1.
Getting back to the point, space is not "just" ct1. Instead it is ct1-ct3 and possibly early folding of ct4. Space is a lot of stuff and for that reason when it is examined it appears to be many things, summarized in a group of effects: movement, gravity, and time for example. Anti-gravity, also called dark energy, is unfolding of ct2 to ct1 as opposed to gravity which is folding of ct1 to ct2. Hence, the universe "expands" because the net effect is an unfolding of space. What is called "the big bang" is merely when the universe went from a net folding to a net unfolding state which is something that necessarily happens because the universe is based on iterated equations with alternating postive and negative results; and this is just what iterated equations do.
The great "proof" of the model is that gravity fits perfectly with the other forces in terms of "scale" and things like black holes fit perfectly in terms of scale as ct5.
One of the "cool" things about the model is not just that it defines what a black hole is, but it also defines how much information is in a black hole and relates that to the amount of information around the black hole(s) in the form of a galaxy. When you look smaller, you can find the periodic table of the elements in the first two folds between the neutron and the black hole (ct5T1 and ct5t2 (the first two folds or transitions of the neutron towards the black hole). You can also see why a neutron is only stable within an atom and that electrons, far from being non-divisible fundamental particles, must be made up of a group of other particles. Galaxies wtihin galaxies,but each smaller galaxy having exponentially less information. You can see this in the picture that accompanies this post.
This brings me to the short definition of time which would be the totality of this post if Tony had not asked a question.
A short definition of Time
Speed and therefore energy are merely the amount of pre-time change which may be called change outside of a higher compression state.
Long before it was clear what was time or energy it became clear that all changes had to occur at the same rate. While offset fuse lengths provided some explanations it was not till the definition of time became clear that the rest of the change phenomena became clear.
What is time?
Time is a ‘frame’ of information which consists of pre-time changes. It can be further defined as ct1,2 and 3 net changes creating a dimensional framework which is a quantum bit of time before the next change in these states. That however is overly simplistic.
The reason for the over-simplification finding is that there is a type of time at ct3 comprised of ct1 and ct2 changes creating a net dimensional ct3 state. There are gradients of time with transitional states, so there is a time which is ct1,2, 3 and (for example) ct4t1-5 which creates a quantum bit for ct6 (theorized to be the photon) and another which may be the most important.
The most important is likely ct1,2,3 and ct4t1-6, photonic time; which forms the basis for our view of thermodynamics being a quantum time which could never be fully parsed, because full parsing would involve breaking it down to the ct4t1-5 variety.

Monday, September 2, 2019

174..2 chapter 13

AuT is a pure physics model, that is it has no randomness.
You might ask, what happens when we get to the point where we can actively do the opposite of what lower, hidden states dictate.  The answer is that if they are truely hidden we cannot get that close and even if we could could, the speeds are too high for us to match them in the preAuT physics world because time is not an issue.  Finally, the universe would likely kill us rather than let that happen and it appears likely that because of the slowness to adopt and popularize AuT that is going to happen sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, between now and when we are wiped out, I weighed in at 174.2 today, as expected under the target weight.  I swam my 2200 yard work out after a fair bike ride, part of it in significant heat, so I hope to be able to sleep despite my anxiety.
The anxiety is so high it is hard to quantify.  Imagine seeing your own death and its really soon.  That is the type of thing.

My blood pressure was low again, but that doesn't make someone with my problems healthy, my vision has bothered me.  I am not able to read all of my own work, but it is one of those things which is not a choice, but a lifestyle.

The midnight sun, that is the twilight zone episode about what happens without AuT.  I cannot do a lot more than what I have already done.  You can lead the world, but you cannot fight the stupidity of a universe driven by an underlying mathematical agenda.

Chapter 13

Action-People acting weird.

A news broadcaster is standing beside the levee, dark clouds roll overhead.
The rain in the central plains will not let up, Andrea,” he tells the camera being operated on a tripod by a man in Weather channel raincoat.  “We are expecting a little rain later in the afternoon, for now its just humidity, great weather for mosquitoes.”
The cameraman gives a thumbs up, “Im going to have the camera pan out over the eerily quiet Mississippi.  After the bridge collapse and until the demolition teams get finished it is closed to all traffic.  Only the upstream ferry is running.  Algiers is closed after a railroad crash which caused the evacuation of the WestBank.”
The camera shows the water, empty of traffic, moving majestically.
“Hey!” A yell comes from off camera.  “The camera zooms back.  A man is staggering away, dazedd.  “That drunk bit me!” the announcer says incredulously.  “oh shit, cut.”
The camera goes off.  “you want me to call the police?”  The cameraman asks.
“No, its just some crazy drunk.  I better not get hepetitus, though.  Lets go to the van first aid kit and Ill put something on it.”
“Look at all those people milling about.  It’s a little early for that many drunks.  Must be a convention.”


Today is the day I get back on a schedule, although I am at his blog first.
It is cool outside.  I need to exercise, I need to get into the office.  I can ride down there and miss another day of swimming.  I am fortunately only one day off of that schedule, yesterday's jump in the pool did not qualify but I was tired, hot and dehydrated.  today is a holiday of sorts and riding in to calendar the rest of my week is logical.

I cut down a tree and another maple is attempting to grow from the stump.  I am not sure whether to give it a shot or not.  its parent did not do so well over time.
I have 4 more trees to cut down, two are dead, one is fallen over and threatens a wall and some power lines. 

I have not weighed in for quite a few days, I suspect given the limited meals I've eaten that I have not changed much; at some point in time today I will shower and it will happen.

There is a storm off the coast of florida that seems in no hurry.  I envy its langour.

Possible Detection of a Black Hole So Big It ‘Should Not Exist’

there is no reason to address the failings of preaut math.  the results of aut are that a maximum size post-black hole ct state (ct6) would contain as much information as is in the observed universe.  What this article is talking about is preaut math where a black hole is some mythical creation and not a matter of math.
16^32 vs 26^64 is the ratio of the simple black hole to the post black hole universe particle, the effect that is typically attributed the status of the singularity at the beginning of the present universe expansion.  It is not, of course, a singularity.  That would require a coincidence of state changes which is mathematically prohibited, but one can forgive the lesser scientists (mathematicians physicists, astronomers) who went bfore me and failed to discern the math that is at the core of the universe.

I am in the first third of a rewrite of Nostradamus, then I have to rewrite notes.  I need an editor; but I need to get a book successfully marketed also.  I am in the rewrite phase even as I produce my first screen play which is not named, oddly enough.  I have a lot of inventory.
I could go after a publisher to solve some of these problems, but the truth is that I am a little too busy to be worrying about a carreer change this week.