
Saturday, February 28, 2015



The science fiction of all quantum mechanics and indeed in Zeno’s paradox from 2500 years prior, is that on close examination the foundation of the universe begins to fall apart.  The fact that a “perfect circle” is impossible to draw is only an indication, the more important aspect of this is that there is a number instrumental in the drawing of the perfect circle that does not exist.  Quantum phenomenal explain how this is possible, but the inability to split a Planck length diameter in halve to get a radius shows the system has its problems.

Whether you go all the way back to the singularity, have an intermediary stage defined by the hologram or eliminate reality completely using a simulation or matrix analysis, the theories all come together at certain levels.  The theory which supplies the best framework for either the origin of the process involved, the mechanism for the process involved and which allows the maximum amount of manipulation is the winner of the contest.  In this way NLC both wins and loses.  NLC explains phenomena well and thereby provides a framework for manipulation; but if accepted, it means that we have no “true” control.  However, on close examination, the same is true about the other theories.

EHT started with some really rough ideas for the framework, NLT provided some ideas about the process.  Both had in common the lack of true randomness.  There are several reasons to rejects aspects of the simulation, matrix or hologram and to accept others.  A simulation is too complicated, because it provides for some background control, meaning that there has to be a more complicated universe which generates the simulation.  NLC does provide a background to generate perceived linearity which is much like a simulation, but the NLC background need not be more complicated than a singularity which eliminates any other complications and reduces the universe itself to a point, dimensionless and timeless, from which the illusion of linearity is derived.  Given the difficulty in otherwise defining the universe, a point universe where everything happens at once as predicted indirectly by Einstein seems as likely as a true linear universe where events follow.  That is, a still picture is much more simple than a motion picture.  ***
It helps to put this in perspective.  Let's talk about some large things and some small things.  ADP to ADT, the Krebs cycle is an interesting thing in that the use of these two chemicals, not always together, is the source of all living power on earth.  If there's an exception I don't know about, fine, but if not, there you have it.  What is important in this is that amid the insanely complex miasma of life on this planet, there is consistency in an area.  
This simplicity of and incredibly complex organization of the small things in the universe is worth remembering.  It is worth noting that the "random" change which led to everything from dinosaurs to the bubonic plague is the result of a chemical process that we now can manipulate to make apples that don't turn brown.  If we can change “apparent” randomness for a purpose, then it is predictable.
 In all of the universe, ignoring ct5 and higher states and ct3 and lower states everything is made up a group of elements that fit on a chart that can be hung on a door.   That, however, is nothing, because all of those elements are made up of a single thing, energy, which despite its many forms is just what it is (ct2 and 3).

This easy transition to complexity starting with the large and going backwards is the very suggestion of information theory, supporting both NLC and simulation theory.  The fact that we can start with ridiculously (from our perspective) simple information (plus/minus) and transition to fairly simple energy and from that to the complexities of matter and the presumably greater complexity of the ct5 states indicates that we can start with something which appears so simple (information bits) and end up with an entire universe.   

The Horror

I woke today to a thought
and the more I thought
the worse it grew
and yet it was not
a thought of something horrible
it was a thought of kindness
of friendship and compassion
and yet it involves such sacrifice
that my mind rebelled against it
refused to even acknowledge it
it suggested the universe
is even more cruel
more ironically malicious
than ever i imagined it to be
it was the rejection of a loving god
and yet it was all about love
it was a thought which bore
unhappiness no matter what the outcome
whether good or terrible
it was a thought grown
from my attempts to find
the essence of my own soul
to find the kindness, patience
understanding and self sacrifice
which is supposed to be so noble
but after waking I saw it
for what it really is
a mockery, a false goal
a mirage promising respite
but holding only alkaline poison
and that was not enough
because it stays mocking me
threatening the very essence
of what I am
with what I want

Thursday, February 26, 2015

my road to virtue and back Chapter 13-before dispair

This is a confusing post.  I wouldn't read it till its edited if I were you, but I'm not you.
I have to eat what you might call a "purge" diet because I at so badly today.  That translate in this case to apple and banana slices with water.  This was my resolution as that horrible food was churning in my stomach as I swam a desultory 2500 yards.
I have had a hiatus from swimming, so I was happy to get that far and still have some energy left over.  Once started I forced myself to finish, so part of this post will be on not quitting.  Quitting is causing a lot of these problems.  Trying to find peace is different from quitting.  I am experimenting with finding the soul which I will discuss in some details in the coming posts, for better or worse many of my notes were left behind.  But I have learned a lot about accepting a situation UNTIL it can be changed, not quitting.  That doesn't rule out exploring alternatives, pursuing alternatives, but that is not quitting.  But I've said quitting too much, probably giving the wrong impression.  I am not sure that pursuit of the soul, for example, requires sinking with a ship, but this ship is not completely without buoyancy.
This is the detour.
I'm not comfortable with delay, but it has to do with the present being part with the past and that is true even of the future.  It is a given that you can't change the past, that doesn't have to be resaid a thousand times, but if it is, no significant loss results.
Part of not abandoning the ship, is dealing with conflict.  Conflict, one must assume, is not something to soul would be comfortable.
This is not an area where rules I understand apply, but apparently their are some fairly simple rules for getting in touch with your soul.  Getting rid of conflicts seems to be in order, but I'm not sure if I really care.
Maybe a list of possible conflicts are in order.
Conflicts in goals.
conflicts in desires
conflicts of interest
conflicts in choices.   The conflict between love and duty.
Getting in touch with the soul doesn't mean dealing with conflict, directly.  IT involves being honest, with yourself first, with everyone else afterwards.
And what is love.  Jacki Kennedy said “The first time, you marry for love; the second, for money; and the third, for companionship.”   How'd you like to be her third husband?  Not that there is a problem with companionship, that's perhaps one of the most important things.
That's one of the things from my notes, to determine what you want from relationships.  But did that have to do with figuring out how to get in touch with my soul or did that have to do with leadership.
Perhaps conflicts of what you need are in order.  Food and shelter, a feeling of safety, a feeling of accomplishment, spiritual fulfillment.
That's part of the soul and leadership apparently.  It all runs together, maybe I should listen to things twice.  But the conflict part, that was really there.  Conflict resolution is about fulfilling the needs.  Safety and security, I went to the red cross and helped them know where to send people who called them in need of heat and shelter.  Yeah, that was me providing safety and security, felt good.  So what does a leader do to those who need this, (1) bring the fears into the open, explain the need not to be afraid and share the strength of the strong with the weak.  That's leadership.
Success-feelings of inadequacy, reinforce the victories, envision the possibilities.
To  cooperate, what kind of need is that?  Jealousy is one of the bad things that prevents it.  Sharing emotions, sharing vision, there must be more to it that that.
The need to nurture and be nurtured.  Ah, there's the rub.  That's the one we should deal with.  And how do we deal with that one, by abandoning those who seek to share with us?  Not so sure that's the one.  Showing that you care, in public where appropriate and in private.
The need to be creative and grow: blue sky sessions, being inclusive without openly challenging those who are included.
Wait a second, these must be things about being a good leader, not things about finding the soul.  I'm just getting farther away.
Cooperation and team spirity, the antithesis of apathy-nurturing, coming up with moral values that are reflected by what you do, not what you say, ah that's familiar.
Spirit of fulfillment: empathize, not criticise, a physical sense of closeness,   Then we're back to paying attention, seeing and hearing-body language-show you care and understand the context of the other person's concerns, disclose what you need to of yourself, allow yourself to be vulnerable, yeah, how about that one.
The ways you listen: body, mind, hear and soul
Emotionally bond, how do i feel, how do they feel.
It's only a start, I'll have to rewrite this blog.  What is it about, leadership or everything vs love?

my road to virtue and back Chapter 12-before dispair

It turns out the tea I drink in the morning isn't totally decaffeinated.  It's close, but then I suspect in our world of dark fancy chocolates and clear caffeinated drinks, we shouldn't be surprised and I'm not sure that I care of that this betrayal matters in light of all the others in my life.
There is a caff-o-meter on BIGELOW teas (not the other brands I use) that shows coffee at 100-120 mg (I've had stronger), black tea at a third of that, great tea falling on either side of black tea, and the decaf chai that I drink at a whopping 1-8 mg.  Herbal teas are alleged to have none, but who knows what those herb are up to.
I long ago stopped putting milk in my coffee, something I sniffed out, something for the amateur coffee drinkers of the world.  But when you drink chai, it's often de riguer to add sweetener and milk, so I add honey which I've always thought without reason to have magical qualities and a little milk which perhaps makes it more coffee like with its 1% of the caffeine.
My dreams are obvious, trying to get somewhere by going into increasingly tight rooms, through more narrow and blocked doors.  Dreams of riots driving people from their homes which will never sell, set as they are against wall to keep out what?
I see the world clearly at 3am when I am up and no one else is.  It is interesting to be on this side of virtue.  Having come from a lack of virtue, achieving it to some extent and now being on the other side.  I am in my meetings trying to deal with my realities, my problems, the last of them shuffling forward like beggers asking for their part, too numerous to deal with them all, I must pick and chose among them.
The Soul of leadership is perhaps too good a name.  I was misled by my own interest, soul-less leadership.  This book harkens back to virtue and forces me to look to see whether or not to become what I want to be I must return to virtue and that means that to get what I want I have to go back to something I turned my back on.  It is ironic.
I'm not sure how spiritual and how factual this is yet.  So far it seems very informal, much like my diary book on self improvement.  Uneducated, a layman's guide to some spiritual mumbo-jumbo leadership.  And yet there are hints to a deeper, more researched approach in the asides about Ghandi, someone who must be always at the back of every modern Indiaman's mind.   Ghandi's leadership apparently came on a train where he was forced to surrender his first class ticket because of his non-white status and his willingness to be beaten rather than result to useless force which might justify the beating or cowardly surrender.  So perhaps this will teach me not to be cowardly or perhaps I will find the alternative too difficult to obtain, enlightenment of my soul too difficult with the surrounding dark things which have yet to be defined which limit my access to my own soul.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

NLC-solving for pi in a non-linear space-part one from the third edition

When we look at NLC we come up with some unusual formula for the universe which are a function of information and not actual locations.  When we look at pi (and there are many different ways to look at pi) we find ourselves, for example, looking at a convergent infinite series of the type:
pi=4/1-4/3+4/5-4/7+4/9-4/11 etc
There are other ways of showing this through equations which converge quicker and integration of change e.g.
pi=2xint(from -1 to 1) or (1-x2)^1/2dx
This is not considered coincidentally similar to the equations of clock times going positive and negative and just as we have multiple orbit types and phase changes in NLT, so we find an equation for pi that reflects a phase change.
In this example, pi is represented by the same type of “informational” bit transformation: 4/2^n transitioning to 4/2*n from 0 to infinity.  There are several places for this phase changes, the most suggested by non-linearity is when you go from n=0 to n=1, although it could be at n=3.  Either way you would have 4/1-4/2+4/4-4/6,etc.  The transition, however, can be viewed differently if you want to accept orbits as pointed out below.
One question of linearity is why don't forces cancel out the corresponding dimensional aspects and take everything back to a non-linear state?  The best answer is that we exist in a non linear state, but we have linear states at quantum “points”, even if they are largely illusory.  This proposition assumes that at any point in time, we exist with a prepackaged past and future, and that all of these points in time (quantum points, of course) exist at once.
 A longer discussion will follow where we see this type of stepped transition in irrational (or non-linear) numbers such as pi which can only be calculated by way of example.  4/1-4/3+4/4/5-4/7.  Nothing this transition is also a function of 2, and if there are “orbits” associated with the calculation of pi, which would provide a vehicle for a fixed solution, that “orbital” change occurs at the point here 2^n transitions from n=0 to n=1, the 0 element being the first orbit, the n=1 being the second so that the solution in terms of orbits looks like this: 4/2^0-4/2^1*2+4/2^1*3-4/2^1*4, etc where the transition from 0 to 1 represents a phase transition.  Phase transitions are reflected in time dilation as will be discussed further. 

Using the idea of phase transitions, you can arrive at pi being the sum from n=zero to infinity of 4/(2^n’)*n noting that there may also be a summation of n’ associated with certain changes in n, in this case n=0 to n=1.  There is no reason why there cannot be other phase changes before or after the n’0 to n’1, the next one looking something like this: 4/2^2*x where x may start over as 1 or x may be some other function.  At what point in the solution this phase change would occur is important in solving pi and it represents the transition from an irrational number with no solution in ct4 to an irrational number with a solution, presumably in CT3 or lower, perhaps only present in ct1 where there is, after all, no true clock time because there is only one coordinate change at once and the most likely place, based on time dilation and gravity where you would expect to find these types of transitions.

my road to virtue and back 11

When I started reading Chopra's book, listening to it actually, "the soul of leadership" I thought I was actually looking more at leadership than at the soul.  At first, the thick Indian accent made me feel like I was making a mistake.  As I've "forced" myself to listen further, however, I realize that if I'm to get anything from this, I must be willing to listen to his philosophy that spiritualism and leadership have common origins.  He is gracious enough not to force religion on the listener, although the level of spiritualilty is inconsistent with a purely logical approach.

The first lesson is in being mindful of surroundings of different levels of mindfulness, both conscious and the uncounscious mindfulness of this "soul" that makes it into the title of his book, the former leading to the consciousness of the later.

It also has to do with not judging results, accepting them as part of surroundings and not a series of victories and defeats.

If asked about Non-linearity, I would say it provides for a religious foundation without mandating it.  It allows for various forms of a god without discovering a god that extends past a logical explanation.  For that reason, I feel I can go on.

Perhaps if it is a good enough lesson, I will find myself in the high desert mountains with you, as I so often picture, but instead of with backpacking equipment I will be wearing nothing but a lungi (look it up) although I think I may be more of a dhoti man.

But Chopra appears to have almost western goals in mind.  He talks at once about national leadership but then he talks about obtaining venture capital and running a business.  If I can allow him his "soul" then perhaps whatever surrounds it may be profitable from a spiritual standpoint or perhaps the practical aspects will be dominant.

For now, I am looking a the room and taking it in.  Taking in the past and the present and seeing what my soul will do with it.

And apparently we place roadblocks between ourselves and our souls.  As I go forward, I will learn what these roadblocks are and see if I can tear them down, but I haven't gotten to that yet, other than knowing if I look and listen to what is around me, to what is said, the environment where it is said, then my soul can hear it if I don't put judgement in its way.  But I am not a whole cd in yet so there must be something more.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


What I'm doing here is posting some of the chapters that are more interesting from the newest edition.  What is happening is that I'm getting closer and closer to what I need to have this book read correctly.  It changes some of my original calculations, but it seems to be more on point.
There is a certain lack of novelty in NLT.  Fate is prediction, prediction is predestination, predestination is non-linearity.
It does remain possible that the universe is re-writable, but it only makes sense that it can be rewritten at the initiation or by an act of some creature of non-linearity.
If it were provable with sufficient certainty, it is questionable whether a society that understood it could survive.  In its own dogmatist, Non-linearity is more hostile than any homecidal califate or exclusionary fundamentalist.  The same can be said, identically, about fatalism, so this is not a new concept.  If there is any novelty, it is the provision of a model which better explains fatalism.  It accepts control over day to day affairs, and then confirms no only that we are locked into a matrix, but that even our attempts to break it down and understand it are already finished.  The only question is, having accepted it as fate, why do we remain motivated to finish things, to start things.  It can be said this is the pre-programmed human spirit, or it could just be the effect of doubt upon all things, another item of spirit, questioning reality.

In NLT some of these CT(2) points will never combine, will never have CT3, F3 changes (or any higher changes) but have coordinate changes in three dimensions (x,y and z).  This will remain as photonic light and will have coordinate changes of CT2 and negative CT1 only two coordinates at a time and existing as a point with a clock time point of reference represented by the second change in coordinates simultaneously.  Dimensional coordinate changes are fastest for those where force features are less concentrated.
Time changes are isolated without a functional point of reference in space, CT1.  Space doesn’t “look” like anything because space only has a single coordinate change at once and that appears to be nothing more than time changing.  While one coordinate at a time sounds irrational in space-time, NLC doesn’t have true space-time, it only involves changing coordinates in a non-linear matrix.  One can imagine that in matter, for example, you could isolate the “time component” of the 4 coordinate changes and it would appear to be space.  It would NOT, however, look like time which is something altogether different, being nothing more than the gradual movement in changing coordinates back to a non-linear state as part of an infinite series as discussed with more specificity below.

Monday, February 23, 2015

NLT-time, how boring is that?

As I sit here impressed that a bureaucratic function could stop the pursuit of this "time shattering" conceptual framework of reality I am also mindful of how irrelevant our personal frames of reference are.
As you know, in addition to correctly defining the universe (in terms of change perceived in a singularity without change for those of you who are just tuning in) I also feel free to rant about anything that comes to mind.
Today my rant will be without much directly.  It would be a random rant, but I have disproved randomness, so it will just be confusing.
I'm suffering from writer's block represented by too much b-s type work.

      It will be argued from CT1 forward that the universe is created by a “compression” of time coordinates. That is, we know that energy “slows coordinate change” in the “lower clock times” and “compresses” or “concentrates” to form matter.  Matter can be defined as energy having consistent coordinate changes in 4 coordinates or more generally as informational coordinate changes in 4 coordinates.  We can speculate that gravitational time (CT1) combines to form photons when CT2 goes non-linear so that photons can be defined as informational states where 2 coordinates change consistently in informational coordinates. 

      If one accepts dimension, this is less likely.  If space exists, then all gravity points P(CT1(D1(x,y,z), F1(x,y,z)) occupy the same place where x is changing, but none of the other coordinates.  P stands for a gravitational point here.  D1 is the one dimensional characteristic features and F1 the corresponding force features.  There is nothing to combine.  But if space doesn’t exist, you can have multiple one dimensional points changing simultaneously one coordinate (x,y or z, etc) at a time.  
Acceleration is defined in terms of T plus deltaT, that is time plus whatever change in time occurs.  In NLT we are primarily concerned with deltaT.  We only perceive deltaT which is why it is most important.  We cannot, however, ignore T.  The reason is that T is a set of coordinates that deltaT "originates" from.  While T exists in a singularity and has no real position in space, it does define where delta T will be perceived in the space-time matrix.  This inter-relationship itself is important, but we'll come back to it.
Delta T is also important in non-quantum, non-NLT physics, as it is used in acceleration.  The change in distance (coordinates) divided by the second derivative change in time (m/s/s) defines acceleartion.  That is a=(m/s)dt and in this simple equation NLT is hiding, waiting to pounce if we only look for it.
The first derivative is the change in distance over time; the derivative of mdt.
What is wrong with that.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to start a blank day

I'm starting a self help book.  I have the idea all worked out in my mind and when I jotted it down it seemed to work in its own quirky way.

The idea is to see if it works, if it helps me through my days and if it does, well and good.  If it doesn't then it doesn't.  I will not bore you with the details as there are few details.  It came to me in a dream and I'm sure it follows the pattern of all other poorly researched self books that are ineffective because they have no expertise about them.

I've never found a self help book I could read, so I designed one that needed little or no reading.

I started it because today, with everything that I have to do my mind was a total blank page.  Luckily, I had the idea for the book yesterday, made some notes and now I am on my way.  One page finished.  Lightening in a bottle.

I think a big part of the self help book has to do with needing a mindless project to go with all the other projects we have to improve or at least express ourselves.

I do some of the things a self help person should do already, the "easy" ones for me.  I play music, but not enough, I exercise, probably enough most times.  I don't control my own destiny and if I ever do confront my fears, it is too indirectly and without getting to the core of the problem, without pulling myself out from under my preconceived notions of what I should be doing.

That is how you start a blank day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 21 and Nostradamus

Today is the 21rst day without coffee or any other caffeine if you exclude the 1% in the decafinated tea I'm drinking or that which makes its way into every day foods by the artifice of processing.  It also happens to be Ash Wednesday, I think.  It dawned cold and clear.
I had two easy days this week in terms of the work I "had" to do and that is  behind me now.  I have several projects that await my attention, all of them lengthy.
The next 7 days are the most crucial in terms of pacing myself because they will lay the groundwork for what happens in the next five.  At least for today, that all seems to be moving forward according to plan.
I don't have a writing schedule set up.  I have a long list of writing projects that continue to grow, not the least of which is my self help book which is the most meaningless one and the shortest and hence probably the first that will get done.
  I'm going to have to take writing as it comes along the next 7 days, dealing with the so called emergencies first, the work I have to do second and writing if possible.
It occurs to me that in NLC, there are no emergencies.  Everything happens according to its allotted time and we assign values to it based only on our experiences with linearity.  Equanimity in the face of what appears to be disaster should be relatively easy even if it isn't.
I was also thinking that exact prognostication is impossible.  Perhaps that is why Nostradamus wrote in riddles.  Had he been too precise, his work could not be published.  If we were able, for example, to predict with accuracy that we would get up on one side of the bed, then we'd merely need to get up on the other in order to disprove predestination.  In this way, we only have enough information to get approximate, or statistical chances of an event.  Statistically, I get up on the south-west side of the bed, but on any given day I could move in any direction given the right set of factors. It isn't true choice, but it seems to be.  The work I do today will be chosen, so for all practical reasons choice does exist.
Three weeks.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

the less noble side of things

We are defined by our actions
Not by how much we love
although it is important to love
but we are what we do

to protect ourselves
to protect our images
to protect each other
to protect love

There are noble things in the world
That is true enough of inanimate love
The love of peace or mankind
but love is love no matter what

There is nothing worse
a person who protects himself
not protecting what is really important
not a peacemaker but a coward

There are no compromises in love
there is betrayal and duplicity
that exist outside of love
which is defined by fidelity

What does this say about my love
what does this say about me
am I capable of dishonesty
or am I capable of consistency

The middle ground we stand on
a quicksand of infidelity
it holds no promise of the future
except for a shared curse

Do we fear too much to love
our weakness overcome by passion
how can we ask anyone to stand by
and face a nonexistent future.

my road to virtue and back Chapter 10-before dispair

When I was younger I used to read for hours, maybe days at a time.  pausing only slightly to take naps.  In military school i would, after lights out, hide under the sheets with a book and flashlight, not concerned with the morning or the world outside of the book I was reading.
Responsibility prevents that now, prevented that and even suicide, although it can be said that you've accomplished everything your going to accomplish before you die.  The occasional artist or homosexual scientist who is discovered more or less after their death belies this, but generally it is true.  In this day, if I were to carve my words into stone, after the next apocalypse, I would achieve some level of fame, people of the future wondering why such a mediocre person was memorialized.
Part of my programming was the need based on the view of my grandfather and father to leave the family a quantum leap richer than the generation before, the primary thing that would ensure I was never happy in life.  My neurotic compulsion always keyed genetically to that rather than to any other, more important feature of life.  It is odd, because the patriarch of the new world came over essentially penniless and settled in the least likely of places and founded a business that can only be described in terms of what it wasn't; an easy life.  I do not know enough about whether he was happy or not, whether he questioned every wrong turn, I suppose in the beginning he could always say, I least I got out of Europe, to a new world, the land of hope, opportunity and last resorts.  There was nowhere for me to go.
I felt deep inside, as I still feel.  If I could just fulfill this quantum leap in wealth, then I could go on with my own life.  This I could start living instead of my grandfather, my father, maybe even my great grandfather living my life for me.
Perhaps it is time to talk of the real estate investment, stucco and palm trees, pools that were more ornamental than functional.  The functional pools would come later, with their own loads of corruption.  The brief success of achieving the quantum leap forward followed by the exponential leap back.
When I set out to write this I was on the run for attempted murder, my own.  I had not overtly killed myself.  I had taken no steps in that direction, but I had wished it on myself.  The pain of the loss was too great to bear, the uncertainty of the future too dire.  Kahlil Gibran argues "Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother."  That is what led me to nearly murder myself, that and the terrible pain associated with misplaced criteria.  
The source of pain only matters at the moment.  It is, in fact, a shifting thing.  Being alive necessarily involves pain, but only when you focus on it does it have the opportunity to route deep and begin to control life rather than spice it up.  It is like the border between just enough jalapenos and too many. 
I could take it back to that one summer day in June, I think it was June, when things were uncertain, but not painful.
When I went on the run, i had the look of a convict about me.   I was uncertain about my appearance which I might make good or leave be for days at a time.
I am keeping a record of the things I am not writing and expecting more than I am hearing.
The book progresses, because it must progress, emotion buried in exhaustion of mind, spirit and body.
The eye of consciousness must be made to look coldly on events lest the days be lost, even if all beauty in the day is lost, the time itself must be preserved.

Non-Random Randomness and another copy catxx

None of these "copy cats" is really a copy.  It's just interesting to see the different approaches that are taken to the mathematical concept of predestination.

Are You Living in a Simulation?

I'm not a big fan of the simulation/matrix concept although you'd think I was a pretty big fan of the hologram universe.  The real problem with most of these is the failure to supply an adequate framework for either the origin of the process involved or the mechanism for the process involved.

EHT started with some really rough ideas for the framework, NLT provided some ideas about the process.  Both had in common the lack of true randomness.  Having read this simulation argument, I will apply logic to it and prove based on the concepts embodied, that we don't live in a simulation and that there is only a single universe, not multiple universes and you can disagree with what I say strongly as it rarely matters much, my theory being what it is, if I'm right, I'm not happy about it so I win either way, it just happens that I am right.

First let's talk about some large things and some small things.  ADP to ADT, the Krebb cycle (excuse me Mr. Krebb for mispelling your name) is an interesting thing in that the use of these two chemicals, not always together, is the source of all living power on earth.  /if there's an exception I don't know about, fine, but if not, there you have it.  What is important in this is that amid the insanely complex miasma of life on this planet, there is consistency in an area.   In all of the universe, ignoring ct5 and higher states and ct3 and lower states everything is made up a group of elements that fit on a chart that can be hung on a door.  Just wait and I'll put up a blog post on the new version.  That, however, is nothing, because all of those elements are made up of a single thing, energy, which despite its many forms is just what it is, (ct2 and 3) but something very malleable to things in ct4, both human and bacterial.  This simplicity of and incredibly complex organization is worth remembering.  It is worth noting that the "random" change which led to everything from dinosaurs to the bubonic plague
is the result of a chemical process that we now can manipulate to make apples that don't turn brown (which will probably lead to something that will make the black death look like a head cold).

Let's now look at something very large, the universe, past, present and future.  This represents a huge amount of information, but a determinable amount of information (given the life of the universe) in at least an approximate form.  We also have developed so much information processing capability that we take for granted the movement of what would have been the entire reservoir of human information 100 years ago so often that we can no longer print our encyclopedias or even our dictionaries because they would be too long and would change too regularly for the printed version to keep up.  Information, then can multiply to whatever size it needs to without causing a systemic overload insofar as the universe itself is concerned but remains finite in a universe which does not go on forever but there is an incredible amount of complexity in a universe which HAS NO REASON TO EXIST.  There really isn't a reason for all of this.  We generally accept it blindly because we have no choice, we exist therefore we exist as it were, whether we're a matrix, a hologram or a singularity.

If the laws of the universe (physics, chemistry, etc) allow for the prediction of any isolated events with certainty, which they do, then a patter exists, even if it is too complicated for us to understand, and with infinite time and computing power and technological advancement without resort to witchcraft or religion which woudl allow for prediction, even accepting timelessness.

That everything "will" happen a given way makes it equally likely that it has happened already and that we are only experiencing this set of events in a false linearity  It is equally likely one way or the other, there being no reason, no net change in information going from a continuous series of events to all the events happening together.  Its the same amount of information, the same amount of energy can be conserved, the rules being the same whether it plays out once or is frozen in time playing out altogether.  It is no different from having a book on a chess game and playing the chess game in the book out.  While the amount of information in playing it is complicated the events, the game itself is the same unless it is varied and the book, if complicated enough, would replicate the events of the game.  We would't say the book ceases to exist only because it isn't be read or that only one word at a time is read and having read it, we wouldn't say that the pages in the book have traveled to the past.

A single universe as complicated as this one is is statistically more likely than multiple universe each one equally complicated so that two would be twice as complex.  If predictability according to the rules of physics applies to the multiple universes, then if both start at the same point, they would go to an identical point later on.  True randomness cannot exist without some force outside of physics, some change in information according to some greater source.  You will always act the exact same way from the same point.  If you were able to determine the future with precision, you could change the rules, but in every universe, you would have to change them the same way.  Random number generators use a process to "create randomness" and the laws of physics allow this to be replicated if identical circumstances apply.  The universe is too precise, even in its complexity, to be totally random, even if the complexity is so great that we cannot figure out the pattern on a sufficiently grand scale.

We therefore do not likely live in simulation, but in a singularity, the most simple explanation for the universe where everything happens in a predetermined way is because everything happens at once, there is no ability for variation unless something outside of the singularity changes it.  The only way to vary our universe is if there is a being which exists outside of the universe.  God, if you will, can change the data, but if it does so, then the book of chess has been rewritten and remains the same otherwise except for the part which has been varied.  The amount of energy necessary to transition the universe from one place to another with a jump such as this at a single point would be enormous if it was done on any scale. The death of a single bacteria would not necessarily change everything, but imagine what it would be like if ceaser were killed as an infant.  World history would have a huge gap that would echo down the ages because the other events would continue to exist notwithstanding this one event.  It is similar to a situation where you took the book on the chess game and mixed the pieces up, in the next chapter they would be back to where they started, the chapter.  Such a universe would have a logical flaw in it that would be obvious.  The lack of such flaws indicates that predictability is carved into the universe and that no force outside of the universe affects it, although one can imagine it possible just as one can imagine the defective chapter in the book.  Perhaps praying has a place in a NLC universe, but if it does, it is mathematically sound only if there are multiple ways to approach time and dimension.  That however, remains both possible and difficult to comprehend given the model for time and dimension of NLC.  It isn't impossible, but it makes a little sense as does a universe which exists and we are almost stuck with accepting that.  Almost.

And if the perception of change is where we exist, the perhaps the vibrations we experience on either side of the oblivion of everything happening at once was caused by god bumping into the singularity.

Monday, February 16, 2015

my road and on relationships and stepped transactions-some notes


One question of linearity is why don't forces cancel out the corresponding dimensional aspects and take everything back to a non-linear state?  The best answer is that we exist in a non linear state, but we have linear states at quantum “points”, even if they are largely illusory.  This proposition assumes that at any point in time, we exist with a prepackaged past and future, and that all of these points in time (quantum points, of course) exist at once.

A longer discussion will follow where we see this type of stepped transition in irrational (or non-linear) numbers such as pi which can only be calculated by way of example.  4/1-4/3+4/4/5-4/7.  Nothing this transition is also a function of 2 (4/2^0-4/2^1*2+4/2^1*3 where the transition from 0 to 1 represents a phase transition.  Phase transitions are reflected in time dilation as will be discussed further.  Using the idea of phase transitions, you can arrive at pi being the sum from n=zero to infinity of 4/(2^n’)*n noting that there may also be a summation of n’ associated with certain changes in n, in this case n=0 to n=1.  There is no reason why there cannot be other phase changes before or after the n’0 to n’1.

One answer suggested by the math is that Forces (F) are from a lower dimensional state.  That is gravity, which effects CT1 dimensional characteristics is a CT0 force, Photonic energy which is a feature of CT2 is a CT1 force characteristic.  Following the model of Non linear numbers (irrational numbers) like pi this would yield an equation for any Point (P)=ct(0)-ct1+ct2-ct3 etc where each clock time represents a number which approaches, but never reaches a solution which is consistent with the approach previously derived by compression also using a factor of 2.  Instead of 4/(2^n’)*n; the equation is loosely seen at x^2^n as n increases from 0 to infinity.

Expanding the equation to take into account non-linear (or irrataional) numbers:
(x/n)*10^2^n-x/n*10^2^n+x/n*10^2^n.   If appropriate n may be replaced by 2 times n.  Likewise, you can have a phase change which would alter the equation.  One place where this could happen is where n=0 in the first part of the equation (x/0)*10^2^0.  In this case, there are two possible solutions present.  The first is that there is, for example, a reverse phase change (from 1 then to match the second n)  An alternative would use the alternate values for zero derived for non-linear time which are discussed below.

Likewise, it could mimic the pi equation:

((x/2^n’)*n)*10^2^n-(x/2^n’)*10^2^n+etc where x is some constant and n’ goes through a phase change at n’=0.  The same type of phase change in such a case is expected at the ct4-ct5 interface based on an analysis of time dilation as will be discussed in more detail later.

Does this make me wise or brilliant?  No, it only makes me inquisitive.  For it to seem brilliant, someone else has to accept it.  And that brings us to companionship.

Companionship, that is probably the foundation for any relationship.  This varies depending on the depth of the relationship.  The degree of the relationship, however, is not totally dependent on the companionship.  There are two versions of companionship, in such a judgement, that given by physical presence and that given by emotional fantasy, the idea of being together, of being joined in a common undertaking, in the most committed of relationships, an exclusive undertaking.  The best friend, the mate.

Consistency is a large part of the commonality portion of companionship. What is an inconsistent relationship other than a habitat for doubt and mistrust.  If you cannot trust the underpinnings of a relationship, it is hardly well grounded for the future.

Such a relationship provides no solice, no increase in the sense of security or self worth.  If you're constantly threatened with being cut off, put in an attic, or merely out to pasture, you cannot let yourself go.

What do we need from the relationship?  We need someone who gives advice and doesn't judge too harshly. Now judgments of harshness vary with the circumstances.  Someone involved in a betrayal should not expect to be judged lightly, but in the best of relationships, there is the ability to talk.

Every attorney needs another attorney they can talk to, for example.  And everyone who is not an attorney needs someone who they can talk to without being judged except for their own merit.
Then there is comfort.  This is a little different between measured judgement.  This is taking someone who is blameworthy or merely unfortunate, and providing them with a gentle ear, physical contact without expectation of any return.  

Everyone of my generation raised in the united states is haunted by the video of the baby monkey clinging to the fur covered wire framework, leaving only to eat.   Perhaps the psychologists who filmed this little bit of horror can be excused from hell for showing what mad and uncaring creatures we are, we wild apes whose teeth are not as ferocious because our brains are our teeth and are all the more horrible for being hidden from view.  The listening and the freely given touch of softness perhaps is the most important thing in any real relationship, more important than providing food and shelter, although I am free of that desire.

Motivation is another thing that is important in a relationship.  The ability to inspire one another with goals.  This is not essential to a relationship, but is essential to a good relationship.  What good is being with someone if they motivate you towards dispair if they leave you without the desire to accomplish things.  This translates into a positive life direction, mentally and physically. 

 To accomplish great things, to stay in shape, and to find joy in life, to find joy in each other.   To some extent, this means inspiring risk, and this brings us back to consistency, because how can we ask someone to risk everything on a relationship if it is not consistent, to risk anything of consequence on it?

The relationship you have with yourself is a big part of that.  This is what is the subject of self-help.  If you don't inspire yourself to grow, to exercise, to take chances.  And growing is as complicated as anything in definition.  It includes being daring, being inquisitive, being generous, being self depricating, modest and proud at the same time, it includes working towards intellectual achievement, not just education, it involves not being limited by artificial criteria like your current ability or your age or infirmities past problems with relationships.  It involves being the person you would want to partner with whether it is yourself or someone else.  

A relationship should make you feel better about yourself.  If it someone else or yourself, it should point out your accomplishments and minimize your failures and perhaps point out that every moment is about living and not the past, perhaps the future has to play into it, despite the fact it is only a potential, but mostly about the present.   IT should give your expectations of greatness without requiring success.  It means balancing what you are told with what your values are.

A relationship should calm your fears.  Fear is the greatest harm in the world, the source of doubt.  Fear of change, fear to love given the dangers involved.  Fear is the opposite of companionship.  You can be with someone and scared of them and there is no value in it.  If the relationship doesn't calm your fears, it is the wire frame with the food, but without the reassurance.

So here is a checklist starter:
1) living life without fear
2) doing the right thing
3) 30/60/90
play a song on an instrument
tell someone you love them
accomplish an exercise goal
write something or make an oral history
act without fear
live life outside of work
find ways for work to be fulfilling

philosophy and NLC cinq Pi and the circle towards singularity.

This is the second to the last post on this subject, although there are volumes remaining to be written on this issue.  I had several dreams last night.  One that sticks with me is that I was kayaking to an old house for some reason, something to do with selling it I think, a house that wasn't on the water.  Once in the middle of a wide, red-mud river swollen by a recent storm it occurred to me that I had forgotten a paddle.  There was something about rapids and the uncertainty of the path which was heavily wooded, not at all neighboroodish and i thought ineffectively of using my hands as paddles or to somehow steer myself, separated forever by the current from where I started my dream, but then there was another person kayaking beside me, whether they had a paddle or not is uncertain and then I came to the house in a line of houses and I drifted right up to the door, or what I thought was the house, because when I went in there were people moving into the house and I began to prevaricate about the reason I was there. I did not question how in the middle of the flooded river I'd come to the door and you would think my gratitude for that, escaping the wildish river, would have been enough, but for some reason I felt compelled to try to stick with the original, very confusing story. And then finally I realized it wasn't the right house and I was lost. There was something about looking for a paddle.
I didn't want to wake up this morning.  The world seemed too hostile. There was another dream about driving and a car with two lovers in it who were paying no attention to where they were going in their infatuation with one another, continually running off the country roads, spinning out into open fields not even seeming to notice what was happening as I drove wondering how to avoid the inevitable crash even as I was compelled by and jealous of their oblivion in the face of one another.
Well, some dreams are more obvious than others and I had to wake up and continue my paddle-less trip to the rapids.

For Non Linear time, we can modify this to add the "missing element" which is discussed in an earlier post which is the multidimensional function of zero.  What we're going to do next is look at the "change" perception of a point which will be referred to merely as a point for ease of typing.

First, note that pi is, like NLC, a function of 2 (4/2^0-4/2^1*2+4/2^1*3 where the transition from 0 to 1 represents a phase transition.  Phase transitions are reflected in time dilation as will be discussed further and have been previously addressed if you look at earlier posts, but I'd wait for the next edition since it will be a slightly more clear discussion.  Using the idea of phase transitions, you can arrive at pi being the sum from n=zero to infinity of 4/(2^n’)*n noting that there may also be a summation of n’ associated with certain changes in n, in this case n=0 to n=1.  There is no reason why there cannot be other phase changes before or after the n’0 to n’1.


One question of linearity is why don't forces cancel out the corresponding dimensional aspects and take everything back to a non-linear state?  The best answer is that we exist in a non linear state, but we have linear states at quantum “points”, even if they are largely illusory.  This proposition assumes that at any point in time, we exist with a prepackaged past and future, and that all of these points in time (quantum points, of course) exist at once.

A longer discussion will follow where we see this type of stepped transition in irrational (or non-linear) numbers such as pi which can only be calculated by way of example.  4/1-4/3+4/4/5-4/7.  Nothing this transition is also a function of 2 (4/2^0-4/2^1*2+4/2^1*3 where the transition from 0 to 1 represents a phase transition.  Phase transitions are reflected in time dilation as will be discussed further.  Using the idea of phase transitions, you can arrive at pi being the sum from n=zero to infinity of 4/(2^n’)*n noting that there may also be a summation of n’ associated with certain changes in n, in this case n=0 to n=1.  There is no reason why there cannot be other phase changes before or after the n’0 to n’1.

So now comes the time to apply this to NLC.

One answer suggested by the math is that Forces (F) are from a lower dimensional state.  That is gravity, which effects CT1 dimensional characteristics is a CT0 force, Photonic energy which is a feature of CT2 is a CT1 force characteristic.  Following the model of Non linear numbers (irrational numbers) like pi this would yield an equation for any Point (P)=ct(0)-ct1+ct2-ct3 etc where each clock time represents a number which approaches, but never reaches a solution which is consistent with the approach previously derived by compression also using a factor of 2.  Instead of 4/(2^n’)*n; the equation is loosely seen at x^2^n as n increases from 0 to infinity.
Expanding the equation to take into account non-linear (or irrataional) numbers:
(x/n)*10^2^n-x/n*10^2^n+x/n*10^2^n.   If appropriate n may be replaced by 2 times n.  Likewise, you can have a phase change which would alter the equation.  One place where this could happen is where n=0 in the first part of the equation (x/0)*10^2^0.  In this case, there are two possible solutions present.  The first is that there is, for example, a reverse phase change (from 1 then to match the second n)  An alternative would use the alternate values for zero derived for non-linear time which are discussed below.
Likewise, it could mimic the pi equation:

((x/2^n’)*n)*10^2^n-(x/2^n’)*10^2^n+etc where x is some constant and n’ goes through a phase change at n’=0.  The same type of phase change in such a case is expected at the ct4-ct5 interface based on an analysis of time dilation as will be discussed in more detail below.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

philosophy and NLC quatre Pi and the circle towards singularity.

Do you ever feel that no one is taking care of you?  One of the failings of NLC is that it does not clearly provide even that safety net of last resort.  It provides a conceptual basis for an early universe but it doesn't provide for god, nor does it reject it.  You are probably thinking that god has no place in physics, but that isn't necessarily true.  EHT, for example, came up with a conceptual basis for a very intelligent type of god consistent with model of intelligence concentrated without time and space which is persuasive, even though it isn't an old testament type of god.  It is consistent with a hologram universe and more consistent with a non-linear "point" or "singularity universe.  However a predestined universe doesn't provide much help from such a god, although the theory leaves a lot of room for variation.

I didn't mean to put you on the spot.  You don't need to take this radical, if unromantic approach.  There is a need we all have to refocus things.  There is a time when we need some help and a time we need more space.The tale of two partners, the one who killed himself and the one who almost killed himself but was saved by a calming voice has a lot to teach us and I hope to write that into something more fictional than not, but it is largely my story, although I don't have the romance of the adjacent suicide, I believe that I understood both of the characters.  I have and often continue to have moments when it seems like there are too many problems to face them, but we also have to realize that life remains the only choice for oblivion.
Uncertainty has no place with spontaneity or predestination, two things otherwise opposites.
Uncertainty in a relationship can be good or bad, in predestination it is merely the inability to see the future and isn't that the same as the problems associated with relationships?  If you knew where either was going, I'm assuming that would be worse.
My cyclops story:  You'll have to wait for this.
Let's add a little math to this concept:

One question of linearity is why don't forces cancel out the corresponding dimensional aspects and take everything back to a non-linear state?  The best answer is that we exist in a non linear state, but we have linear states at quantum “points”, even if they are largely illusory.  This proposition assumes that at any point in time, we exist with a prepackaged past and future, and that all of these points in time (quantum points, of course) exist at once.  Something, we can say god if you'd like, "bumps" the singularity and causes it to vibrate, positive and negative movement.

A longer discussion will follow where we see this type of stepped transition in irrational (or non-linear) numbers such as pi which can only be calculated by way of example.  4/1-4/3+4/4/5-4/7, etc.  

For Non Linear time, we can modify this to add the "missing element" which is discussed in an earlier post:
First, note that pi is, like NLC, a function of 2 (4/2^0-4/2^1*2+4/2^1*3 where the transition from 0 to 1 represents a phase transition.  Phase transitions are reflected in time dilation as will be discussed further and have been previously addressed if you look at earlier posts, but I'd wait for the next edition since it will be a slightly more clear discussion.  Using the idea of phase transitions, you can arrive at pi being the sum from n=zero to infinity of 4/(2^n’)*n noting that there may also be a summation of n’ associated with certain changes in n, in this case n=0 to n=1.  There is no reason why there cannot be other phase changes before or after the n’0 to n’1.

The circular nature of the universe, where you have positive and negative movements of time is consistent with earlier modeling, although the methodology an reason for phase changes remains unclear.

For the moment, let it be enough to know that in an NLC universe, the possibility exists that something more is out there, although it remains largely inconsistent with linearity as we understand it for such a thing to exist outside of the singularity.  It does raise the question, if we are all part of this force, the need for kindness and understanding and a willingness to take care of each other.

I made my chai tea according to the recommendation, a little milk and honey, and it turned out very well.  As I sit and sip it, I think of how important love is, how painful and immediate its absence, how it gave me the strength, when everything else had failed to go on and how it may appear that I have turned my back on it after Valentine's day, but it remains in me like a bronze tipped spear that pierced my heart, pining me to a Greek column.

There is a little more left to go, but I told myself I'd leave to ride my bike at 9 and I'm already 15 minutes late.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

observations on valentines day

There is very little I have to say about VD, this would better be called observations on 2/14/15.
It is hard to imagine a day that started out so cold being so beautiful.  Those who face snow storms, well I am both sorry for you and jealous.
I swam a paltry 2000 yards, but in the face of such mental adversity, I feel quite good about myself. I will have to walk later anyway, so it is just as well and I have that peaceful feeling that comes after being in the water for a while.
   I have been putting together the sections of this blog dealing with pi and zero which is a complex part of the third edition of NLC.  Treating pi as a reflection of a vibrating singularity is part of this which I find potentially clever, if potentially irrelevant, the idea of pi being 4/1-4/3+4/5, etc being reflected in a NLC universe where CT=CT1-ct2+ct3-ct4 and where each clock time is a function f(2^n) so that all of clock time approaches a point of non-linearity just as pi approaches a point between 4 and 4/3, neither necessarily arriving.
There is also the idea of backing out the equation for n, 3/1-3/3 as an alternative to 4/0-4/2+4/4 for example.  The former corresponding nicely to the NLC concept of compression where 3/1 would be the part associated with ct3, 2/1-2/3 for ct2 and, of course 0/1-0/3+0/5 for non-linear time.   It makes for a mental exercise.  I wish I had more time and a better attention span.
I'm getting a little confused about my time away from coffee, speaking of attention span problems.  I am guessing that today would represent the 17th day.  That puts me a little over halfway to a month, but I think I'll have to base this on something other than time.  Whatever the point was, it isn't important as I have said before.  There is no goal associated with coffee, there is no goal whatsoever at this point in time.
In the distance over the bare trees and evergreens comes the far away sound of church bells.  For someone in love, everything reminds them of their lover.  It's not something everyone experiences.  Oh, and now there is the sound of some low power saw.  That doesn't remind me of love.  I doubt anyone would associate a whinny low power chain saw with anything masculine, feminine or loving.
I understand, from my experience with coffee and love how conditional these things can be.  I probably could drink small amounts of coffee or just have tea for lunch or a cup in the morning, but it is terribly easy to have that spill over into the excesses that left me where I am.  Of course, I can talk to people who drink coffee but I find myself somewhat disconnected if I don't at least have some water to drink at the same time.  And they seem somewhat foreign to me.  They are alert, for example.  But the point is the all or nothing mentality is rational in its irrationality to the mind versed in human understanding.  A robot could not understand the idea of cold thanksgiving leftovers rather than something gradual, the fact that the impossibility of the one has to be balanced against the pain and self control of the other..  I can't tolerate such dogmatic behavior in others, but it seems to be a part of who I am also.

Friday, February 13, 2015

valentines day is for single people

This is a fine weekend to be single.  It is cold and in many places snowy.
What is better than to curl up in front of a fireplace with a glass of wine knowing, whether you are with someone or alone, that you have no responsibilities to anyone else.
And in company?  Of course, no one gets married any more.

Now I know what it is like to find the love of your life, but short of spending the day with that person, what is the value of the holiday to everyone else.  Expensive flowers, cheap candy, emotions expressed through cards, because real love is reserved for so few, those who have no impediments and who, somehow, find the right person through all the crap they otherwise have to go through.

Well, not everyone is cold.  I know those who are in the southern hemisphere would allege it is summer, but Valentine's day is historically a northern hemisphere holiday.  It is worth noting that i think at least half the time the map of the world on weather channels should be shown upside down lest we of the northern half of the planet become too smug in our beliefs of our position on what is, after all, approximately round.

Valentine's day is a crooked day, having its roots in the violation of the law to perform marriage.  There it is, marriage again.  You'd have that be the dream, but is it a dream without the right person, or is it merely something that keeps right people apart.  The right person will be there without the marriage, the single person has the chance.

And why outlaw marriage?  For the good of the (Roman) state!  So the Justification for violating the law is supposed to be love?  No, valentine's day is not about love, it is about betrayal.
Betrayal takes many forms.  It requires some sort of allegiance, Pearl Harbor was treacherous but not a betrayal if this is accepted.

True love is unavailable without betrayal to the couples of the world, ignoring for the moment those who are in love.  Once the bond is in place, marriage or relationship, a duty of sorts exists on the part of everyone to it, everyone who even knows of it and accepts it takes a small amount of responsibility for it.  Society recognizes this.  Perhaps a perversion of this very concept led to the Justinian era christian Romans placing the death penalty on homosexuality.  Perhaps, that was considered a betrayal of some unwritten commandment of god, thou shalt not bugger, something they felt must have been left off the original 10 because, perhaps it would have made the list uneven or perhaps the other one was lost with it when the original was smashed, one can imagine, though shalt take care of the planet, approach religion with some degree of logic or some such counterbalancing theme.
Perhaps it is the natural tendency to destroy what we do not understand and who would say they understand love.  I will write something on understanding and love perhaps, that would be appropriate.

Is love sacrifice or mutual support?  I was writing this earlier and it struck on a common theme, "no one is taking care of me."  And that in turn led to religion, the ultimate safety net.  When no one else is there, there is god.  "Yea though I walk through the valley of death, thou art with me, thy rod and that staff comfort me."  The one shortcoming of deism.  There is no one that loyal, no one who cares for those in the valleys.  I picture an alpine valley between mountains, where the shadows part during the middle of the day to allow a warm sun and then close and it is dark and cold; but that is not the valley of death, I suppose.  That valley must be so deep that the sun never reaches the bottom which must be either too hard or too soft, perhaps a type of shallow quicksand, the rocks ground to powder by the endless parade of humanity who have walked through it.

So who is this one lover, who I was thinking  never skyped with me.  Now if my computer monitor didn't have a camera I wouldn't think of these things, but I find myself thinking of these things and wondering what they mean.  Perhaps even the perfect love was nothing more than a figment of my imagination.  And when love is gone there is only pain, deeper than the pain of loneliness, although there is pain there.  Loneliness and doubt.  Will I ever find love?  Was there something else i should have done?

Kahlil Gibran argues "Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother."  You have to have a name like Kahlil to come up with that stuff.  Lost love is lost faith.  Lonelier than doubt.  And religion is a type of love we can have alone.  The safety net if you can find it, if you can believe in it, the last refuge of the lonely, the one who doubts, the lost lover wondering where his lost loves are on valentine's day, who they are with, what they are thinking, why is he alone.  

But the single people, they can still hope to find true love, they can pick up from where they are without worrying, they can fall in love and betray the Roman empire if they must.  They are the ones who need a holiday to strive for, so valentines day must be for them.  And let's not forget those who toil in the dirt to grow flowers, who sit at desks with candles writing sonnets to go on cards that will be sold at deep discounts on the 15th of February.  They have some artist's trivial design and words like these:

I can still see your eyes
They glow with intelligence
I remember your words
full of knowledge and wisdom
how everything about you 
is like a codex
some collection of thought
i will remember you
like the deep ocean
dark, mysterious, beautiful
never the same
seductively serene
hiding secret dangers
you taste of salt
and i am glad to know you
however superficially
irregardless of where we are
or where we will be in the future
whether i want it or not
i am, your valentine

Well, the last line is the double entendre (or however it is spelled) for the history scholars, or if not the history scholars than those who study the fables that surround history.
Valentine, after all, lies with a broken neck in a traitor's grave, and the card with sonnet will be on sale Monday.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Some early thoughts on Valentine's day

After finishing the swimming of my worst workouts in a very long time I realized that there were some things that were harder to give up than coffee.  Its not that I didn't swim hard for the short time I was in the water, but I was unable to focus or perhaps losing focus.  I was unable to find any groove, there was no mindlessness.  In the end, a pain that was intangible and outside of my body became too great, the patience of the repetitive act of swimming (breath, don't breath, breath, etc) overwhelmed by something too immediate and bitter.
Like most of you, I live my life on a sharp edge, between personal oblivion and impersonal oblivion.  It hasn't always been like that, but that is how things are now.   But there are things that make the threat of oblivion less painful to contemplate.  Now however, it is not the presence, but the absence which is a weight pushing me down, threatening to cut me in half against the razor sharp edge that is moving against life.
More alone than most, perhaps that is a choice, perhaps it was planning for something that is as close as the difference between safety and destruction, just beyond my reach, close enough to touch, but not to grasp.
It is about more than loneliness or margins, it is also about ego, the uncomfortable existence of failure in the presence of success.   It isn't a place that I have been long, but one which I have been forced to contemplate for many years.
The book I am reading is long and tedious full of information on the Roman origins, of law, of architecture, of the failure of civilization, the birth of law and pandemic.  It is not a bad book, but it touches on every aspect only so much and the purpose is unclear, like the direction of my life, crowded with choices, with disasters, but uncertain now where there was at least a goal before.
So there will be no roses for me, no relief from the nightmares that assail me, no pithy card, no suggestion of something greater to strive for.  It will happen all around me, but I will enjoy nothing but its absence.  And I will try to swim again and I will count another day without drinking coffee, an addiction that has shrunk so much in  proportion that it no longer exists.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

philosophy and NLC trois

rambling, rambling
Finished my evening constitutional.  Though it is still cool, summer is coming, the heat of a super heated world already flooding the west.  I could feel it and I want to swim and not be out when the heat finally comes to stay.  Thought of many things in the uncertain future.  It is always a mystery to plan for the future when the present is all we can hope to have any command.  Rambling rambling.  What about Monday with its limited promise yet to be recognized though it is Wednesday?  The highpoint of the evening, if you ignore some rather interesting stories that strangely parallel mine, perhaps a little more dearly, and that I have already retold with my own embellishment, perhaps was the Dewers and water, a lot of water with just the scotch to flavor it, or perhaps just the opposite, I forget.  It was not a good evening, too much time to think, very busy, but too much time to think.  The mistakes made in its wake, already compounding, compounding.
Solving pi with finality, that's something that needed doing.  Impossible with linearity, but what is a circle without dimension, how can you travel round and round if there is no time in which to do it.  Pi proves that.  If there is no perfect circle, that requires the smallest point cannot exist, and pi cannot be solved because it is, by nature, a non linear number because you constantly approach the solution but cannot arrive at it without running out of "twos" to add.  Irrational?  Hardly.  You are irrational, They should be called non-linear numbers, but then no one knew of non-linearity before me, rambling again.
Is NLC merely my way of shirking responsibility?  It fails miserably.  The music assignment and the lesson I found to answer it swirl in my mind.  All the information there at my finger tips, but how to bring it to my mind and then back again.  Practice, scales, keys.  That is what they are, keys.  The keys to music.  In the key of g doesn't mean how its defined.  It is truely a key, a solution to a particular puzzle.  rambling It fails because whether initiative is real or false, we have the ability to believe we can choose which is, after all the same as choice.  We come back to the all powerful creator, one who can make the entire universe into a movie, a super director who need not rely on the actors because even their fundamental quirks and quarks are under his direction, following a set of rules he set which are fixed in stone by virtue of their being fixed in eternity.
We're back to eternity again.  A lifetime apart, no a minute apart is eternity.  A lifetime apart is hell, not eternity.  The moral compass shifts slightly, the key being to contribute to society, but what society, which over which other.  The deist has no religious society, so it is something roman perhaps?  Greek?  Yes, that would be it.  The birthplace of democracy, of sorts, of the search for wisdom and truth, both very unfortunately things of linearity.  Or are there non-linear truths other than the existence of non-linearity itself.  I'm not sure if deism can substitute for religion, leaving aside for a moment the ugly side of religion, the jealous killing of everyone not of the same faith, the crusades of each of them.  Deism has to provide the society, the place for children to gather and be taught some basis for morality, the place for people to be joined.  There are too many deists, it would seem, no one gets married any longer.
Where are you, what are you thinking?  What am I thinking?  What am I doing?  To what end to what point, rambling on to nothing.

philosophy and NLC duex

Today marks the 2 week anniversary of my latest "break" from caffeine.  The effects and much of the allure of coffee have long since become a thing of the past.  The first week is the worst, being tired, an occasional headache and having the type of symptoms associated with any change in diet and routine.  The first time after a long period of drinking coffee was more difficult and I set a more precise period to avoid coffee (60 days that stretched into 120); but having stopped, for coffee at least, and repeatedly it seems to get easier.  It remains to be seen whether my heroine addiction would be the same.  In this circumstance I did not set a time frame, perhaps suspecting correctly that not drinking coffee would be easier; but in truth events have made my decision better, the wrenching of life being much worse than coffee and thrill ride I'm on suggesting that coffee would not add the pleasant outside conversation cafe experience of staring into your eyes, assuming I would do that, but instead something more akin of staring into my own unliving skull.  But enough of that.
I am approaching an end of sorts.  My plan is to complete the third edition, all of what is written and much set out in these last few months will be included.  I would say that I am very distracted, that even editing seems nearly impossible, but I am also content that it is time to move on, at least till the 4th edition.
This is a time of great unsettlement.  Many things changing at once. But if all things happen at once and have therefore happened before, then isn't this time no different from any other time?  It somehow seems unlikely.  Each moment even if carved out of amber, continues forever and is, therefore, more precious that we can imagine, for its joy and for its pain.  Why do we squander it?  Why don't we sit together in some sort of peace and drink coffee together.  I suppose the only reason I can suggest is because I have for the moment stopped drinking coffee and do not need another reason to talk myself into it.
We be creatures of linearity and as such we change from one moment to another in our worlds.  We can recognize the timeless, while what little time we have is frittered away.
Completing things is important.  This little bit of star dust, of happenstance to be more precise, should be finished, but only for those with an eye toward knowing that which is better not known.  Living in ignorance is often less painful, their being degrees of knowledge that bring joy and additional amounts sorrow, and then back to joy again, round and round like a sine wave, but one with occasional frequency drops which can be quite significant.  Sometimes waiting makes sense.  Those who kill themselves in fits of economic panic, for example, would most likely do better given a little perspective, why the rush?
But you can wait to long, for only creatures of change have a place in an ever changing universe.  hence i should change what i write, what i do, where I look for challenges and comfort when the situation calls for it, you should also.
The universe is much too complicated to exist, the reason that NLC is so easy to accept as a theory.  That and the inconsistencies.  Irrational numbers, irrational people-you know who you are, and the like.
When you consider the universe as a moving, expanding, contracting timeless entity, the amount of information is infinite.  Creation is not necessary.  The one big flaw in primogenitor religion is that the existence and reason for existence of god has to be accepted without proof.  Even EHT didn't answer this question well.  While it allows for a very rational, physics based god derived from features of a singularity universe, it doesn't explain how a singularity universe could  come into being.  It is, therefore, more logical to reject existence, even though we experience it, than to accept it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Philosophy and NLT

We started as pre-humans, chimpanzee creatures using the tools provided by our environment, then we worked our way, or our way was worked for us, into harmonizing these tools to the needs we had, chipping rock, shaping wood, and speaking words.  We domesticated the plants and animals or they domesticated us; we came up with more words and rudimentary ways of counting the stars and the days.  We were lucky then, you and I.  We had fewer restrictions on doing what we knew we should do, we had the whole night, dark and frightening, to study the sky and to talk together.

Eventually we began to make models of the universe, some right, some wrong.  And so we come to the matter of Non-Linear Time which argues in some bizarre way that the inexplicably complex universe happens all at once and something that Einstein called space time is really something quite different, allows us to perceive this instantaneous existence in a linear fashion, the moment stretched into seconds, the seconds into years, the time apart into eternity.

You might be surprised how often people suggest the same ideas that I set out, rarely based on physics; but instead based on their religion or observation.  I should almost say never based on physics except perhaps after I tell them about my theory at which time they often look perplexed or frightened or both.  They rarely disagree, often going off on their own tangents, more often they react with a certain degree of puzzlement or talking about ideas that they have which have one parallel or another.  I hate my theory, I believe it very likely; in its own way, more likely than not.

I am a deist.  My readings of Thomas Pain(e) allow me to recognize that fact.  Abraham Lincoln and perhaps Washington were both deists.  I don't believe what they believe and I don't believe the type of god that I consider to exist to be much like what theirs would be, mine being more likely to be some self fulfilling prophecy rather than some actual creature.  The existence of life outside non-linearity seems hardly possible since one necessarily would disprove the purity of the other.  While this impurity would be reassuring in some respects, in others it would just increase the horrors of Non Linear time Coordinate theory.

What should one do with their time in a NLC universe?  The idea of living each minute as if it were your last is certainly indicated.  Doing the right thing, and even spending time determining what "right" is would be indicated.  Were we all to act as carpe diem enthusiasts hell bent on doing only what we wanted with no regard to "right or wrong" would certainly require that our days would be numbered and increasingly unpleasant.  But a plan for "responsible happiness" makes quite a bit of sense, and if one occasionally overworks, it is perhaps appropriate that they would over play on other occasions to achieve balance.  Someone told me today that I needed to make sure that I spent enough of my time on things I enjoy rather than what I needed to do.  I agree with that even while in my life I reject it, spending time on where I need to be instead of where I belong.  And if each day happens over and over again into eternity without change or hope of variation then everyday I ensure eternity is not the place where I want to spend it.  I hate my theory...or perhaps I hate my choices...or myself.