
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

philosophy and NLC trois

rambling, rambling
Finished my evening constitutional.  Though it is still cool, summer is coming, the heat of a super heated world already flooding the west.  I could feel it and I want to swim and not be out when the heat finally comes to stay.  Thought of many things in the uncertain future.  It is always a mystery to plan for the future when the present is all we can hope to have any command.  Rambling rambling.  What about Monday with its limited promise yet to be recognized though it is Wednesday?  The highpoint of the evening, if you ignore some rather interesting stories that strangely parallel mine, perhaps a little more dearly, and that I have already retold with my own embellishment, perhaps was the Dewers and water, a lot of water with just the scotch to flavor it, or perhaps just the opposite, I forget.  It was not a good evening, too much time to think, very busy, but too much time to think.  The mistakes made in its wake, already compounding, compounding.
Solving pi with finality, that's something that needed doing.  Impossible with linearity, but what is a circle without dimension, how can you travel round and round if there is no time in which to do it.  Pi proves that.  If there is no perfect circle, that requires the smallest point cannot exist, and pi cannot be solved because it is, by nature, a non linear number because you constantly approach the solution but cannot arrive at it without running out of "twos" to add.  Irrational?  Hardly.  You are irrational, They should be called non-linear numbers, but then no one knew of non-linearity before me, rambling again.
Is NLC merely my way of shirking responsibility?  It fails miserably.  The music assignment and the lesson I found to answer it swirl in my mind.  All the information there at my finger tips, but how to bring it to my mind and then back again.  Practice, scales, keys.  That is what they are, keys.  The keys to music.  In the key of g doesn't mean how its defined.  It is truely a key, a solution to a particular puzzle.  rambling It fails because whether initiative is real or false, we have the ability to believe we can choose which is, after all the same as choice.  We come back to the all powerful creator, one who can make the entire universe into a movie, a super director who need not rely on the actors because even their fundamental quirks and quarks are under his direction, following a set of rules he set which are fixed in stone by virtue of their being fixed in eternity.
We're back to eternity again.  A lifetime apart, no a minute apart is eternity.  A lifetime apart is hell, not eternity.  The moral compass shifts slightly, the key being to contribute to society, but what society, which over which other.  The deist has no religious society, so it is something roman perhaps?  Greek?  Yes, that would be it.  The birthplace of democracy, of sorts, of the search for wisdom and truth, both very unfortunately things of linearity.  Or are there non-linear truths other than the existence of non-linearity itself.  I'm not sure if deism can substitute for religion, leaving aside for a moment the ugly side of religion, the jealous killing of everyone not of the same faith, the crusades of each of them.  Deism has to provide the society, the place for children to gather and be taught some basis for morality, the place for people to be joined.  There are too many deists, it would seem, no one gets married any longer.
Where are you, what are you thinking?  What am I thinking?  What am I doing?  To what end to what point, rambling on to nothing.

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