
Monday, May 30, 2016

AuT-0 days forward

So, still waiting for the art work.  I may be a little disappointed there.  I am, however, ready to publish.  The book is relatively complete.  Some things will have to wait for Volume II.  It's late here, but sleeplessness has its advantages.  I can start with my last day before publication posts.

I need a new forward. The original forward for the published rough draft is bogged down in apologies for printing a rough draft before it was ready, but when you're 3 years ahead of everyone else, well you want to make sure nothing is stolen from your blog posts and put out there as original work by someone else.

So, for those of you who have read everything posted so far, I invite your comments.  All over the world people read this thing, but never any comments.  Go figure.

This book defines the origin of quantum phenomena in terms of AuT, quantum and macro phenomena based on a single variable intersecting spiral algorithm model with exponential compression.
This is the forth  edition of this theory and the first relatively complete model.
The most surprising results are an explanation of the (1) big bang as one of a long series of similar  intermediary events, (2) how history is possible in a non-linear environment and (3) why history fades and (4) an explanation of the natures of space and higher information states beginning with black holes.
These features alone set AuT as the standard for the examination of quantum mechanics, but there are other surprising results.
The list of features explained includes (1) the origin of space time, (2) the origin of quantum phenomena, (3) an explanation of of dark matter and quantum gravity, (4) the relationship of gravity to what was previously described as dark energy, (5) and explanation of dark energy along with the an explanation of expansion and contraction of the universe at inflection points, (6) the origin and solution of space curvature.
The theory begins to explain (1) time dilation, (2) the conversion of time dimensional coordinates to the different force and dimensional states we experience, (3) how we experience clock time; (4) how speed in general and light speed are generated in a non-linear environment; (5) why we perceive exponential growth of clock time concentration, 
The theory does too much, but the reason is that other theories were looking for the wrong answers.  Once you start looking for the right data, it turns out that it was there all the time.

AuT-One Day-being two or three states at once

One day till publication of Spirals in Amber.  Actually, the publication process only begins on the 1rst, when the book goes to the publisher so another day or two may pass before its available.  I'm wondering if the artwork will be ready.  If not, there will be more delays, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

I haven't decided today which post to put up.  The fact that we actually do exist in multiple states made me save that article, but they're not really on the right path.  Eventually everyone will be familiar with my work and Schrodinger's cat can have peace outside of a box, curled up on top of Schrodinger's clean laundry like it should.

So instead of a post this morning, I will write the same memorial that many others have written better than me.

I want to take a second to say that it was the legal system that killed the gorilla in Cincinnati.  Yes, the lack of natural selection in the human species over the last few thousand years played a prominent role, but parents and kids will always do stupid things.  Natural selection is not that good. And yes, the zoo should have had an electric fence with enough juice to turn back the combined stupidity of the human race, but let's face it, that much electricity would have killed the kid anyway (although the gorilla would still be alive).  However, the legal system killed the gorilla in the end.  The child was fine.  Gorillas don't kill children, even ones that fail the family intelligence test.  What was going on in the mind of the gorilla?  Maybe he was wondering how he could barter the child for a ticket to Africa or a few moments of peace every week, Perhaps he was enjoying the notariety.  Perhaps the public would have killed the child with their voyeurism.  It's not like everyone took a deep breath and counted to 10.  Whose to say what had happened if they had ignored the gorilla or at least pretended to, instead of making monkeys of themselves...well technically we are monkeys.  But the public didn't have the chance to kill the child, although they participated in the death of the gorilla by "cheering it on."  I doubt the Gorilla had any interest in killing the child.  The zoo officials probably knew this. But they also knew if they didn't kill the gorilla, everyone involved would have been in court for the next 50 years if the child suffered the least injury.  Perhaps manslaughter charges would have been brought.  So, in the end, the Gorilla was put to death for playing with another monkey that had fallen in his cage by the legal system in abstentia.  And the balance of value of life between everything else in the world and people was maintained.  Since that valuation will eventually kill all of us, including that child, justice will be done in the end.  Perhaps natural selection is just taking its time.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

aut-2 days- what is right and wrong with Einstein's math

Oh my god!  Really?  The don't even know what it is but it's the reason time "moves"?  Truly, if there is a god and if time is what these people think it is, then god causes them to print articles like this to aggravate me.   
Oh so something you don't even understand moves time forward?  How convenient.  And I suppose your steam trains are powered by fairy dust and happy thoughts!
I will not say that AuT answers all the questions.  The whole idea of g-space is as complicated as anything in pre AuT physics.  At least, however, the theory is not full of banalities.   It isn't all about false assumptions that I have corrected.
Dark energy moves time, indeed, the reason the donkey moves is because the cart is pushing him!

There are two days before Spirals in Amber goes to the publisher.
2.5 years in, AuT is not complete.  There are some chapters which will leave the reader saying, 'you could have done a little more here.'  When you figure out the fundamental nature of the universe, you can finish everything at once.  For me, well I've decided even this treatise needed to be broken in half but more importantly it has to be finished.
So the first 30 pages or so are more clean than the rest, there are some inconsistencies and many places where conceptually the problem is set out with a conceptual answer, but everything isn't finished, words and drawings for equations.  But it is all here and its all for you!
Einstein left unified field theory to me, even though it isn't a field at all...ah so that's why it was so hard to find...and this post embodies one of the areas where if I was actually getting grants, like those I've pointed out are wasted, I could have finished by now, but instead I have to spend most of my time scraping in the dust for food like a chicken on a poor ranch; a blind chicken at that.
One of the most difficult issues was connectivity but the so called F(n) function (n, n-1,n-2) allowed for the universe to be tied together in terms of history and locationally in quantum moments by tying quantum results past to present and building on the last solution.  So the universe can be tied together.
But in the end there nothing else in my world, no blind chickens, no math and no quantum answers, it is just you and me


Just as Newtonian-Galilean Physics works in gross terms within a gravity well, so does relativity within the “middle range” of a macroscopic universe.  Both generate repeatable result.  However, relativity breaks down as time and space are eliminated because the variables on which it is built break down into their component parts.   Also relativity requires a separation of time from dimension which is clearly absent in a non-linear environment.
            AuT replaces Relativity at the quantum level.  However, it does not render relativity irrelevant to us.  Instead, it explains why relativity exists.
            There is no reason to disprove accurate formulation in the name of the concepts of NLC. AuT is forced to be consistent with observed phenomena.  It is a quantum analysis that explains what is behind observed phenomena on a quantum level.
There are massive inaccuracies in the linear system.  The most recent pre-AuT idea that there would be a particulate universe, as opposed to an information based universe is absurd because the particles would be separated by something and space would be infinitely divisible.  AuT abhors the infinite. 
There are all of these consequent absurdities.  For example, there is no reason to look for a Higgs Boson or a Black hole until you know what you are looking for yet millions are spent looking for the Higgs Boson which doesn’t exist.  The time spent examining black holes fails to recognize what is being seen, instead imagining it is “hidden” within an event horizon when it is far from the most dense object in the system even though from our perspective it may look dense.  The density of ct6 might hide it completely unless we know what to look for.
In NLC a black hole is there but if they really want to test a theory, they should look for the black hole for what it is, a system of 5 time coordinates changing together which appears to disappear for the same reason that space appears invisible, because the rate of change is so foreign to us.
            The Higgs boson doesn’t exist because gravity is a force that comes from the perceived linearity of one directional change in the universe.  There is no particle to find. Gravity is the perceived effect of linearity moving “forward” along a long spiral or the tendency towards non-linearity represented by the solution of the algorithm toward overlap so no Higgs Boson exists.
            We don't see the higher forms of time compression (those involving multiple times (past, present and future) because the rate of change is so vastly different from ours that they disappear from our relative view.  We do see the results of Non-linear change.
            AuT explains that Relativity is an effect, not a cause.
            AuT disagrees with specific conclusions.  First, everyone does not have their own time.  That is absurd in AuT.  All coordinates have a certain state as they appear in linearity but each coordinate state is linear, each changes at exactly the same rate because change depends on a single variable.  What Relativity calls “time dilation” is only the conservation of change.  If two coordinates are changing at once, they change at an exponentially slower speed than one and exponentially faster than 3 based on their qualities as informational bits (2^n) relative to a third point of view.  Time dilation exists, but the sum of all time within any system remains constant, the rate of dimensional change (sum total) remains the same.  Systems in this statement, merely refers to compression states where, until they are separated by distance, speed or rate change along any one or more coordinate, they share a common rate for each coordinate. The spiral on spiral model allows a way to envision this as spirals appearing, not to move relative to one another, because they “ride” on a spiral and change just as a rider need not take a step to move on a horse.
            Another place with imperfect agreement is with the interchange of mass and energy.  While necessarily both are the same, they are also the same as space and black holes, but all are different not because of features but because of the number of coordinates changing at once and therefore the rate of change of any one coordinate at once. At any point where one coordinate changes at a speed sufficient to cut out another coordinate change relative to a lower time state (because of the conservation of change requirement governed by the speed of light number) a phase shift occurs.  Nothing else happens, just the compression equation shifts relative to each.  Eventually they should all catch up with one another just like every horse eventually finishes a race.
A third related problem is the increase in mass with velocity due to adding "energy" in the form of movement to the non-moving mass.  Under relativity, the increased mass is because of the relationship of mass to energy.  Energy and mass are combined to increase the total mass under Relativity.  
            In NLC changing coordinates as mass represents transitional states of different time coordinates and this shows the relationship between time dilation and the mass energy conversion.  What is being done is not an "increase" in mass through the addition of energy.   In NLC you are increasing the amount of change along some coordinates at the expense of others. There is no increase in mass in the system.  The amount of informational change is not a mirror image of mass or energy.
            (4) Informational changes are static and move in only one direction (forward or back).
            The amount of change of two systems interacting (one changing at one rate combining with one changing at the other rate) results in the same net effect.  However, while the rate of time change along any one axis varies, the mass of the object does not change for the object any more than the weight of the earth varies as it moves through the universe.  
            Quantum movement from the singularity is from one fixed point to another only in one direction for all points.
            Changes that result when two masses combine are in a limited range (defined by the f(n) function in quantum instances.  In such a system, the total amount of change does not vary.  It may express itself in different formats, primarily, if not exclusively mass to energy or mass to dark matter depending on the level of concentration which is to say the level of coordinate change for the higher spiral systems.
            Rate of change is limited by the speed with which any one coordinate can change which provides that at the rate of the speed of light, no acceleration is possible because energy and mass interchange at this point.  Mass continues to remain the same.  In relativity, the interpretation of this data is that the mass has "increased" to the point where there is not enough energy to provide additional acceleration.  In a NLC analysis, coming to the exact same result unrelated to mass, although the results are the same within the middle range (MR).  At MR you would begin to move to a pre-linear state.  That being impossible, because everything happens there at once, no transition beyond this rate of change is possible.  Put another way, at the speed of light, the rate of change would vary on bit of information to another and this is impossible without introducing an additional variable into the solution.
            One coordinate is changing so fast that others must stop shifting because of the total conserved rate change limit at these speeds and you either get a shift to the next informational “orbit” of compression or you shift down to non-linearity.  This is also tied to the types of ct states solved in common using the f(n) function.  This is covered in detail in a later post.
            The speed of light is the speed of all particle changes and exceeding it is nothing more than the amount of change necessary to return to the prior state.   It may be thought that instead of speeding up to light speed, you are actually slowing down as you accelerate towards non-linearity in all secondary coordinates but one along a primary coordinate relative to all the others.  Two coordinates at the same solution point have a more difficult time than one interacting with sequential space or ct1 states at the same time.  Obviously this gets exponentially harder the more states changing together at a time, there is no room for the common interaction with adjoining ct1 states unless the higher state begins to break up.  If there is greater concentration as a result of gravity, more ct1 states are compressed into the same solution area so the relative change increases.  It is a proximity solution, for this reason all other factors begin the same a ct1 state will change faster than a ct4 state.
 As has been indicated, all change is in one direction.  We work within a middle range where we can, as a result of the physics which controls our actions, able to slow down or speed up, relative to secondary spirals/coordinates, change within this narrow range.
            Relativity envisions a fixed space-time; a fabric.  AuT proves that time and space are illusory.  They are manifestations of a fixed system which does not change except as a solution to a single variable in an algorithm that has no time and no dimension.  The singularity is the only "fabric" and it exists in a non-linear format.  Our universe is nothing more than the illusory expression of this singularity and saying that our universe is a fabric is like saying the movie playing on the screen is the same as the background where the actors are filmed to create the movie.  The later has actual fabric, the former does not.  Every moment, in its entirety exists forever, every quantum moment includes the entirety of time and space just as for every point the algorithm contains its past and future in its entirety depending on which x is being solved for in any quantum moment.  The order of the solution is not even relevant.  
            Gravity has nothing to do with the change in space time “fabric” since no fabric exists.  Instead Gravity is the force “generated” (the force perceived) when time is viewed as linear in NLC for each coordinate in a universe made up of a very large, but not infinite, number of coordinates.  Certain solutions to the algorithm generate anti-gravity for the same quantum bit of information.  Other solutions apparently generate neither gravity nor anti-gravity and these are the most common solutions.
            The display of the universe is apparently controlled by having decompressive spirals separated by compressive spirals in a web.  The most pronounced effect of having three universes at a time F(n)=F(n), n-1,n-2 is the have 3 dimensional effect and the history effect.
            Time may result from CT5 even though matter is CT4, because only with CT5 is a point of reference created. This point of reference diminishes at the change from CT4 to CT3, by one spiral group. In relativity, space time is changed (bent) by gravity.  In NLC the amount of gravity (positive or negative) represents the amount of linearity in a system.  Since linearity is illusory, gravity can be seen much like the effect of lighting a slide.  The slide itself hasn’t changed. One can see this quality of intersection spirals where spirals overlap at collisions (figure 2). 
            This raises the question of why gravity from one body effects forces and other gravitational bodies and the concept is that it involves sharing time states in various ways. The further apart the fewer of the spirals overlap. The closer in proximity, the more they overlap.  Since gravity is a function of linearity, linearity between bodies is greater depending on proximity.  This should be the same for all time states.  In exponentially higher time states, black holes, the amount of overlap is greater and since all other time states around them are also compressed the increase extends over a wider area and the interactions are greater.
            The solution to the algorithm compresses temporarily and with greater stability clock time states.  The big bang represents a maximum average compression and an inflection point for a given period.  This results in pockets of compression amid a general decompression of the universe.
            While compression and decompression occur throughout the model, the reasons for concentrations within the general state of decompression; concentrations of matter represent places within the model where more compression is present than otherwise and the display is consistent in this regard.
The quantum movement of the universe looks like a very complicated spider web of concentrating states connected by concentrating spirals amid a general expansion otherwise post big bang with the spider web of spirals concentrating in the temporarily compressed states with varying degrees of stability based on the exponential compression as a result.
There is more “anti-gravity” the state being net decompressed, but the decompression algorithms are not properly mapped because of a scientific prejudice in favor of compression and because being within a block of stable compression states, net compressive spiral movement, we are not directly affected by the forces outside of our compression where anti-gravity, spiral solutions away from the point of intersection, predominate.
When the universe "creates" linearity, a quantum of gravity exists for each quantum of information.  The information itself can be broken into different coordinates which have a fixed sum rate of change.  As space-time, the rate of change is very fast, it exponentially slows down as more coordinates change at once relative to the base of ct1 states.  To maintain the decrease in rate change, to stabilize it, concentrations occur and between concentrations rate changes are shared.
             The Einstein universe is a universe of cause and effect.   The existence of true randomness is no more likely, but the NLC universe adds a wrinkle in that everything is not just preordained, but it happens whenever x has a particular value the same way at the same point.  This changes the nature of force or at least the way we should look at force.  We have, up till now, looked at force as a tool.  If we are part of the same fixed timeline, then we are as much a part of the force as the force itself, and the mass energy equation assures us this is not an unexpected result.  This insight should increase the amount of effect we can extend over the universe, even as it renders the idea of manipulation irrelevant.
            As has been said, all change is in one direction.  We work within a middle range of spirals where we can, as a result of the physics which controls our actions, to slow down or speed up relative to a group of primary spirals within this narrow range.   To give the impression of Standard Clock Time (SCT) and to make changes in direction by slowing down change in one direction relative to another with the relative position being a higher spiral.
    Equation solving involves elimination of time in equations and the consequent revelation that dimension is a function of the linearity of time. This is the presumption, by Einstein, that everything can happen at once which necessarily means that everything happens without the separation of time and dimension. Solving to eliminate time, then, is also solving to eliminate dimension.

There are no gaps in space and real movement would result in gaps in information. Randomness to the movement would also result in gaps in information. The logical conclusion is that the entire universe must be a point universe and must be fixed in terms of what happens next.  The illusion of connection is made by building one universe with the prior state.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

AuT-3 days U!

Time grows short. 3 days.  These posts from the new book can only, at this point in time, whet the appetite for the rest.  There are always delays, events demand my time.  The future beckons.  Come to me it calls from the west.  But I don't know what is there, what waits for me, if anything.

None of us know the answer to this.  The future calls to all of us, not letting on it's secrets, the door is open, but we cannot see through it clearly, but we are compelled to step forward whether we want to or not. And if we knew, could we bear to step through?  

This is one of my favorite chapters from the new book.  There is a twist.  It is subtle but will answer a question you have been asking as you read everything going forward. Aha, you will say.  There it is! I move forward blindly, hoping and tentative, take one more step with me.

     EINSTEIN AND AUG-Universe Factorial

     AuG uses Einstein concepts[1] in order to move the perspective of the universe from “after the big bang” to “before the creation of linearity.” The original theory, the Einstein Hologram Universe, had two basic principles.  Succinctly:  Everything that has happened is happening or will happen has happened in a singularity.  The singularity was poorly defined; it is now understood better but remains largely intangible using our dimensional perspective.  What is g-space that it allows for this type of creation? Is the universe momentary awareness of an equation by some dimensionless entity?  Is there a god that lives in a timeless, spaceless environment looking at the results of various algorithms and if so does wouldn’t such a god think much differently than us since every thought would cover what we think of as eternity? 
It is possible, at least now that we know what to look for, that theoretical answers can be given to these questions, but we can also define g-space by what is absent: (1) dimension (as we understand it) and (2) time (as we experience it).  Under the original theory, linear time is necessary to give dimension (as we experience it).  Until time was “added” to the singularity it was seen as a point under our theory of geometry.  In the words of EHT, “time yields dimension.”  See pages 43-58 of “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”
      Early in the transition from EHT to AuT the transition of states became important. Originally this was seen as “concentration” Space → energy; Energy → matter.  However, under further analysis, the idea of a coordinate based system showed that any space time based system had flaws.  A vibration based, dual coordinate system (one of dimensional characteristics and the other of force characteristics) evolved because it was consistent with observations. However, it was immediately obvious that any movement (vibration, etc.) was inconsistent with fixed quantum points and dimension and force with fictions of observing from the view of prior and subsequent points.
The result was a system of quantum universes where each subsequent set of data was built on top of the one before it so that “history” was built into the solution of the algorithm.  Since each subsequent universe was built on top of the one immediately preceding it, a historical perspective was present notwithstanding the fact that this was merely a factorial algorithm (U!).  This result is consistent with the F-series method which uses the prior two solutions to arrive at the current solution, the prior two universes being added to arrive at the current universe.
This also gives, for the first time, a basis for the n, n-1 plus n-2 in the compression formula.  You will recall that the formula is F(n)^2^x where x is the compression state for n.  This can be expressed in terms of scale as: (n+n-1+n-2)^2^x to give scale to compression changes.  For e=mc^2 this is where c^2 comes from.  It is the scale of 5+3+2 (the three F series numbers making up the series (the current=sum of the last two) ^8 where x=8.  The compression level for black holes can be calculated with observed accuracy as (8+5+3)16.  Ct6 would be (13+8+5)^32 and so on.  There doesn’t appear to be enough compression in the algorithm to arrive at ct6 yet, but super-massive black holes come close.
The most pronounced effect to us of the scale function (n+n-1+n-2) is to yield the illusion of 3 dimensions, 1 for each of the universes.  If function did not require dropping a spiral universe at each stage, the universe would have so much information that the density would oppress us, we would get too solid with too many dimensions.  The old universes do not disappear, of course, they are merely not solved for.
In AuT we don’t accept a universe which allows for infinite series and unsolvable equations, instead we have a quantum single coordinate change universe with a minimum change (quantum change) between points in one direction and consequently a minimum distance in space, gravity and linear time.  Further, perceived change is observed in only one direction[2].  Even in the “magic 3 dimensions” we move in, there is change in only one direction, the relative change giving the appearance of different speeds for different dimensional elements a red herring for pre-AuT physicists like illusory self-determination.
It is predicted in NLT theory that zero, pi (and other irrational numbers and infinite series) have a solution, albeit one tied to a dimensionless environment.
      Mathematical solutions showed that coordinate states “spiraled” towards non-linearity based on a fixed direction of change for all coordinates.  Despite the need to refine the understanding, it was apparent in this early evolution that compression led to our conception of CT4, the movement of one set of coordinates relative to another, referred to as standard clock time (SCT), starting when energy (e) turns into matter (m) or possibly in the presence of Ct5 for reasons explained in more detail herein.  This implies that something (clock time 2) starts when space turns into energy.  Since there was a gap, it was apparent that there must be a middle state change (CT3) where something, in this case quantum energy (photonic energy) changes to multi-dimensional energy (wave energy).
This, in turn implied that something (clock time 1) starts when non-linear time (CT0) goes linear to create dimension and what we perceive as space.  
Until NLC abandoned dimensions in favor of perceived one directional coordinate change NLC attempted to assign features to each of these clock times.  In several embodiments: 1) Each dimension we experience is merely movement along one of the clock times or 2) The other clock times function apart (like other dimensions) or 3) We experience all 3 clock times but do not realize it, they all appear to be our single clock time or 4) there is no separate axis for each separate coordinate change and dimensions are merely a function of how the coordinates change.
Under any of these, clock time dimensions were conserved.  Some other explanation was required to explain what we experience as time and dimension.  Clock times and dimensional changes are no longer seen to “arise,” but only to be “perceived” from a non-linear system, but this perceived change is what we experience and gives us our perception of self-determination.  In this “perceived” universe, it appears that dimensional characteristics and force come into existence at the same time, and appear to become linear consecutively, one at a time.  The reason that we perceive linearity, hidden in the F series and the “forced” solution for the F(n) equation (n,n-1,n-2), was that each universe was built based on a one unit offset from the two previous, a build out from the F-series function that defined the spirals.
            The display of the universe is apparently controlled by having decompressive spirals separated by compressive spirals in a web. Outside of the compressive states are the decompressive states, much greater in quantity forcing the universe apart.  Pockets of decompressive forces are seen as, for example, fission within the compressive states but is rare enough it is not properly recognized as anti-gravity.

[1]“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Einstein
[2] Technically, it is in two directions, what we see as moving forward in time and going back in time, but there are a series of quantum moments and each is fixed.

Friday, May 27, 2016

AuT and Copernicus-The origin of history

The light of the morning is touching the tops of the tallest trees.  The neighboring trees are still dark, Only the very tops lit with a florescent sunlight.  I think about my artist waiting for the perfect light and I think, there it is, in the tops of those trees.
Then, however, I read this article and realize I'm in a world full of idiots and the effect is ruined.
I know how Copernicus felt before he was excommunicated.  He'd write all this stuff about the earth rotating about the sun and then go to a cocktail party and someone would start talking about the sun going around the earth and not even mention his solution despite the clarity he'd bring to the conversation.  I suppose the excommunication must have been something of a relief.
The whole idea of projection, however, was raised in this article and my theory, of course, can explain all of these things and largely does (June 1-wait for it).
An analysis of the building function of the universe yields a reason why the hologram appeared mathematically at the event horizon.  It required no (zero) changes in the theory, it merely added clarity to what has already been written.  "History" is the shadow that has to be explained with quantum phenomena.  That is, in a universe where everything is a fixed solution to a single variable algorithm the quantum states shouldn't allow viewing history.  It does, however.  How?
The answer is that history is merely the result was a system of quantum universes where each subsequent set of data was built on top of the one before it so that “history” was built into the solution of the algorithm.  Since each subsequent universe was built on top of the one immediately preceding it, a historical perspective was present notwithstanding the fact that this was merely a factorial algorithm (U!).  This result is consistent with the F-series method which uses the prior two solutions to arrive at the current solution, the prior two universes being added to arrive at the current universe.
What happens at the event horizon?  Nothing.  It isn't even an event horizon, you can land on a frigging black hole if you want, because it isn't a singularity, it just has more concentrated informational changes. Does that affect the interaction?  Sure it does.  We're moving so fast relative to it, that we look like energy to it, more like energy than energy looks to us because of the exponential nature of compression.  So what happens when an electron hits matter.  Nothing special.  Does the matter become more special?  Does the black hole?  No.  No Hawking, No Bekenstein, No Pranzetti. 
I need to find where Copernicus goes after work, I need a drink. 

AuT-4 days, the History lesson

The publication of AuG remains on track.  It could actually be sent to print today, but in honor of the many breakthroughs I commissioned an artist to do the cover.  It is 5:00 in the morning, bear with me.

While I am waiting for the art work, I'm cleaning up 20 pages at a time.  The first 20 are done and I've started on the second 20.  While there is some greatly improved summary work in the first 20 pages, I found this short historical paragraph which needed to be updated and thought I'd share it this morning.

I will admit that while I now have all the pieces of the formula and have even made a stab at putting them together for the basic algorithm, a lot of the math remains tied up in drawings and words which serve the purpose of bridging some more complicated math.  I put up a chalkboard, but as of today, there isn't much on it, even what I know.  The reason?  It's too small.  I need a bigger chalkboard. It's always something.
I enjoy explaining things to people who are open to explanations.  It's reasonable to have prejudices, preconceived notions.  They get in the way.  A lot of people are interested, but not open.  If you have a sense of humor, you'll understand that I say, in explaining this to someone one on one, "I'm the only one who knows what happened before the big bang, but now you'll know too."  It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, it's just fun to say it.  It sounds personal, intimate.  That is why this theory exists, why it grows. It is intimate.  While love as a force in the universe seems something of a stretch, love like all other emotions are built from the same fabric, arises from the same alorithm, as every other force.  This theory is as much about love as any of the poems I wrote, it was written as a love letter.  If the theory is as durable as anything else, then perhaps love is too.


     AuT began as “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It was refined in “Non-Linear Time Theory.” That title was abandoned as being confusing given an unrelated model by that name and a determination that coordinate change and not time was the key element to an NLC, Non-linear coordinate, universe.  The determination that coordinates were only results from a fixed algorithm led to the new name and Non-linear no longer applied as smoothly to a universe where all solutions existed at once to a relatively simple math problem with a single variable.  Algorithm Universe Theory was the result. 

Most of the work originally was to reconcile NLT with string theory; mainly showing that NLC gives more flexibility to explain universe phenomena.  It is not necessary to force NLC into the math of String and M theory; but a shortcut to the non-dimensional analysis is to solve existing equations for a non-dimensional environment.

     The development of NLT has occurred relatively quickly since September 1, 2012 when an initial blog entry discussing Hawkin’s book on the Hologram Universe said it was apparent that something much more elegant was happening than a projected hologram, an idea which was memorialized a year later in a work which raised the questions that led to the theory embodied herein, “The Einstein Hologram Universe” which sought to reconcile Hologram theory with something that was, at that time, to ephemeral to fully differentiate from existing theory.

      While many of the breakthroughs were conceptualized, a clear understanding of what black holes were, for example were not made.  Worse still, a blockade remained at the point of “the big bang” which has now been torn down and a universe exponentially older has been revealed, the big bang resolved into an event of relative insignificance.  A lot of science fiction will have to be rewritten.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

AuT-Tuesday evening-6 days

At 3:30 today, after 32 days without coffee I have a publication ready manuscript.  It's far from perfect, but the theory is clearly set out as far as it is developed today
The next few days will be spent cleaning it up in a very general sense, adding drawing numbers, getting rid of the most obnoxious format problems.  At 330 pages it's 200 pages too long, probably it will eventually be edited by half once the redundancy is eliminated, but for the moment a lot of words have to substitute for the weakness in some of the math.
But the math isn't weak conceptually and concepts are stronger than everything that precedes it.
But since 9/12/13, the date of publication of the EHT, this has evolved from a grand-breaking concept, albeit grounded far too heavily in prior theory, to a unique theory which essentially does away with prior physics except as a reflection of a more resilient mathematical foundation and proof.
Once this is out of the way, at least for a time it will be set down to deal with the minutia of life.  That will be harder to deal with.  But it is now reasonable to say that by June 1 copies of the book will be available from Amazon for volume 1 which is half of the original book which was much longer and much more eratic.

Even the cover of that volume is rough.  I'm not sure what to do about this cover.  Putting galaxies is so pre-AuT theory and conveys the wrong impression.
I will also change the name to a more descritive "Spirals in Amber"
The most dangerous book on quantum mechanics ever written.  Powered by irony and love, Spirals in Amber.
The first book, which is now eclipsed will be 3 years old in September.
It had a better cover.  The prior covers serve no purpose.  Even the drawings of spirals only highlight the irregularities between this theory and others. How do I capture something that has stripped the big bang naked, rendered it an inconsequential mathematical event, one of many  inflection points.  It is not longer "the big bang" it is "the latest inflection point average."
Even before the big bang was eliminated as a spatial event of great consequence the theory flipped space time  and relativity over.  Relativity took 10 years to define from the rough concept that corresponds to what this work was two and a half   years ago. But in those two an half years the theory has overturned relativity.  It not only stripped away the fog that we believed made things visible, the AuT renders everything meaningless in a way it's never been meaningless before merely by setting out the proper mathematical proofs.
One thing I plan to do while I work on the cover is to edit the first 28 pages.   It' would be too much to rewrite them, but they can be edited.   The book can be published, perhaps with some help the cover can be done tomorrow.  It doesn't have to be complicated, perhaps simplicity would tell a better story.
I would tell you now to do what I could not tell you before,  however much I wanted to because it would have been unfair.
Wait for It.

AuT spatial mitosis-6 days

I'm trying to force myself to keep on this schedule.  Time is short for so many reasons and the distractions, the requirements of the day are intense.  Spatial Mitosis is worth a brief digression, not because the concept is new, it's given before without a name, but parts of it are achieving a certain clarity.  This is an excerpt from a chapter on the subject.
There is no randomness to algorithm transitions, but the absence of a homogeneous environment means that the aberrations in the answers to the simple equation must be enormous to allow the appearance of randomness and the richness of the illusion.  This is presumably caused primarily by having the spirals offset from one another so the solution for each is slightly out of alignment with the solution for another, but all solved for a single x.
The capacitance and compression portions of the algorithm complete the complexity matrix.  It is noted that the outermost “space/ct1” spiral universe is homogeneous until compression.  At this stage, since all states are the same, the misalignment has a minimal but it is enough to allow for the initial compression sets that provide for the big bang.  An “evolving” algorithm may take considerable time, however, before it introduces the xsin(pi/x2) solution.  An evolving algorithm would have very line linear non-spirals until some event caused them to take on the intersecting spiral mechanism.  While it’s easy to argue this would be the effect of the anti-spirals (linear f-series “intersecting” spirals) the only “effect” the anti-spirals would have would be a function of the algorithm.  There is no physics as we understand it to cause the change.

Whether linear or not, it is assumed that each spiral set is off in size by one quantum length from the generating spiral, the spiral giving rise through some quantum mitosis or cell splitting, the offset being the result of being generated subsequent to the first, generating spiral which continues its quantum change.  However, it is possible that only ct1 can undergo this process and that all of the universe except that part which is space had to form in advance of the first compression state.  This provides an infinite series of sort, since as the amount of space decreases relative to other ct1 states, the amount of mitosis or at least the percentage of mitosis would decrease.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

AuT-the difference 7 days pre-publication-Bozos

The difference between AuT and "theories" is that AuT is right and the others are merely attempts to fit observations into some sort of consistent framework.
The reason that physicists will resist AuT is because they have to admit that everything they've studied is a shadow.  The physics before me was tied to looking at illusions.  They are the pre-capernican savages refusing to believe the earth isn't the center of the universe.  The savages of today have to accept that they've been looking at the wrong thing.  All their billion dollar grants and nobel prizes were awarded for mistakes and missteps.
Sorry, but it did take me quite a while to figure it out so I'm no better than anyone else, just right.  And all the things that are important in life, I've failed at so it's not like I'm some prize either. Just right.
As was stated by the far seeing "Firesign Theater", "We're all Bozos, but there are no Bozon's on this bus." (or something like that).  Watch the video, really worth it, I like 5:37.

AuT-Prepublication phase

we are one breath away from oblivion.
I am in the final stages of editing now.  I cannot say that I'll finish this before I go blind no one knows that  I can't say that I'll finish it at all.  However, I am close.
 The most recent posts have been incorporated and the only large part is editing down 41 pages that were done between the most recent entries that I finished over the weekend and those that were in the very rough, but now edited draft.  The book could use a rewrite from the beginning, but that will not happen before publication.  Even so, I've moved the more important paragraphs or at least the more recent ones to the beginning.
This is Volume 1 and while Volume 2 will deal more completely with the equations, most of the basics are there.  If Volume 1 could another edit, Volume 2 needs to be rewritten in its entirety.  I will take the first edition out of print when Volume 2 is finished so that anyone who wants to see a rough version of Volume 2 can.
I have not shared how to see in the future, btw.  Whether I will take that disappointing methodology and include it or not remains uncertain and don't feel left out.  It would probably not allow you to get winning lottery tickets, but it was unexpectedly effective in writing this treatise.
     Preliminary to paring Volume down, perhaps in a few months or perhaps never, to a 50 page document, it is ready to go to print and will, with luck, be available in June for purchase.  What a great read just in time for the summer.
I don't need to edit these 41 pages, I could even leave them out entirely, but with limited effort I can edit them down, perhaps in half,perhaps less, i intend to go through them and leave in anything that will be helpful to an understanding of the "true" or perhaps better named "the non-shadow universe" which I have uncovered.
The moon is out this early in the morning, the sun has not yet risen, but its light has woken the day.  I have mentioned to forces before that allowed me to do what I have done in the past.  They are not the forces of nature as we accept them, they are the equally strong and more refined forces of poetry and heartbreak which are themselves shadows of the shadow forces. Those forces of human thought remain very strong for me but I understand them better, for spiritual forces are shadows just as strong and with the same basis as physical forces just as coincidence and randomness can be traced back to the mathematics of AuT.
GF-One week pre-publication 5/24/16

Monday, May 23, 2016

AuT The most dangerous physics text and the averaged inflection point

Perhaps the most dangerous physics paper ever written because it strips bear the universe down to its bones which are not pretty.  It eliminates randomness and self determination in their entirety rendering the scope of human endeavor .
Even a discussion of light speed is irrelevant since that is a speed infinitely slow compared to the speed at which the algorithm works by definition which is the logical proof, if not the mathematical one, that light speed is only the distance between quantum changes.  It is the difference between x=1 and x=2, nothing more or less.  The difference between x=1 and x=3 is double light speed.  Since all solutions exist simultaneously, you have the distance between infinitely distant solution simultaneously proven.
For example, looking at the direction of travel of the spirals and talking about our perception of time, you see our time as going in one direction.   However, the algorithm solution of quantum moments means the direction of travel is irrelevant because there is no true "movement" in either direction.   There is only a solution when x is larger or smaller.
What this means is that Algorithm theory, as it must if Einstein was close to right when he said the only reason for time was so everything didn't happen at once, then the algorithm solves for any time at any x.  This means, that Einstein was not exactly right.  Time doesn't exist for that purpose because time is only discreet solutions for x and the order that those appear does not affect the algorithm at all.  You can solve for x = 1 or 5 zillion and get a relevant solution regardless of any other solution.
In this way, AuT solves the problem of how you can have an infinite number of spirals and yet solve for any specific moment in any of the spirals which is the same as solving for them all at once since they exist outside of time.
The model includes several features that give us experience, but what we see as the direction of travel of time is not one of them.
The energy of the big bang appears to be an instantaneous solution point where, for example, the direction of a curve, the inflection point of the average of all spirals, changes or where a solution goes from positive to negative.  
The energy built during the frictional type of overlay of oppositely traveling arms of the primary spiral for our universe changes.  The next larger universe will have a different primary spiral but will incorporate ours in its solution.  During this process spiral arms are loaded onto each other as part of the solution and that certain sub-universes are aligned to create higher ct states (at least 5, possibly even 6 at the last 'big overlap bang') and that at the end of this process, the capacitance that had not achieved stability was released (1) in the form recognized as cosmic background radiation and (2) in ongoing changes in organization of the universe essentially as entropy, but with names like randomness and fission included.  Likewise, there is an amount of organization possible within the framework of the lower ct states that gets the names of fusion and coincidence. 
The fact that the primary spiral is made of an average of all the small spirals in this model would account for the curved surface of space-time and also yield a single inflection point giving the illusion of a single big bang at any averaged inflection point.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Aut-randomness, coincidence and quantum entanglement

Volume 1 has reached 350 pages.  I am fuming.  Here I am trying to cut this down and it keeps growing.  It is a monster, but the entire discussion of capacitance, even at this early stage is important to an understanding of the simultaneous and ongoing compression/decompression phenomena that define our experience. I do see a 50 page summary in what I'm editing this weekend, but I don't see publishing it out of context yet.
So I'm thinking of 3 volumes instead of two and later a cut down version of 50 pages or less.  A little irritating.  But in the interest of going beyond just disorganized blog posts, I am still planning, hopefully by the end of the month, to post Volume 1 and after that I will have to aggressively try to generate some sort of pamphlet to par this thing down to a few pages, certainly any theory can be covered in 50 pages.  The extra bulk needed to justify the assumptions and short cuts which might only take 10 pages would drive it up to 50, but that may months off and something will be done soon.
Eventually I need to eliminate some of the parentheticals (Mark Twain says that parentheticals are only for people who don't understand grammar-haha).
But it is Sunday  The most misleading part of the world is the illusion of self determination.  I watched a video of a slaughter house and the number of dead in this particular one shows me how on a daily basis the life that we want to hold so dear in ourselves is otherwise ignored.
Our place in the universe is as easily solved with a single algorithm as with all of our self importance.  We are killers and destroyers and only create in fits and starts and eventually bend creation to destruction again.  This does not justify some grand view of ourselves that disproves quantum algorithm changes.
Just as the F-series evolves, so might the algorithm.  If one wants to accept a god (and no earthly religions can even come close because they rely on true self-determination and randomness) then perhaps the algorithm is an evolving thought.  Since any moment in the universe can be created merely by solving for x, so too can we perceive the instant (or instants since one is really too short to perceive) even if it is merely a fleeting fancy in the mind of the great mathematician.
As I have mentioned, AuT must, since it is right, provide an explanation for observed phenomena.  In the example of the "finding" of the HIggs Boson" for example, the explanation of AuT was that the "finding" was a flawed observation which, of course, turned out to be correct.
While the connection between "false randomness", the "illusion of coincidence" and "quantum entanglement" is set out in more detail in the book version, a connection with quantum entanglement is worth discussing where an article points back to AuT as an explanation.
I used in the last post one of a couple of methods of explaining quantum entanglement.  In that possible method, the common spiral link pulling differing particles back together.  The other primary method has to do with positive and negative spirals giving rise to a connection, the one positive to the other negative.  Either of these can potentially be explained by reference to solutions inherent in the algorithm.  They both have their strengths and weaknesses in this explanation.  The positive and negative are most easily tied because one solution is necessarily (well according to theory so far necessarily) opposite but equal to the other and even intersecting during certain times.
The other explanation allows the equivalence to be produced at one point in time and then carried across the universe for as long as one spiral holds a conglomeration of points together, the connection remains like a telegraph line tying two remote towns together in the old west.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

AuT-The complete elimination of pi

Linear vs Curves, the compromise is a waste of thought and serves no purpose in AuT.
Pi is so clearly a non-event, that the only issue is why pay any attention to it as some sort of pre-AuT museum piece and how best to explain its complete elimination. Not partial elimination, complete elimination.  I am done with pi, you should be also.  If you bake me a pie it should be square.
 A curve works better for a big bang type result.  The linear F-series works better to define the period of overlap and the resulting amount of compression/capacitance and decompression/discharge.  The gradual change between multiple universe yields an illusory curve so the combination of the two provides a mechanism to suit giving linear solutions a curved appearance, but only to the point where pi is no longer solved.  

In this way the total information solution to pi is preserved based on averaging the results of linear spirals together to even out the answers.  All change is quantum and the expression of the solutions can be solved as intersecting F-series spirals which intersect at points of compression and a certain levels of compression, where the “majority” of points for a given state are compressed, afterwards there is a state of decompression (as little as 51% (or 50.00001%, etc) afterwards which we interpret as a big bang but is merely the change from 51% compressed to 51% decompressed where compression refers to alignment of state and/or alignment of overlap for a given solution of x.  The 90 degree turn can also be defined in terms of numeric position.  That would be “overlap occurs at every 2nd F-series solution. This eliminates the dimensional model and is the key to solving pi based on the total amount of information. That is, instead of solving for some stupid pi infinite series as is done in pre-AuT math, the solution is based on the total amount of information and the number of “averaged turns” or “averaged overlaps defined by every other F-series” where there is a very large, but finite number of turns. Or overlaps.  Pi becomes nothing more than an approximation of this average or 90 degree quantum terms which appears curved due to averaging.  There is no curve or pi in the AuT universe and if there was, you'd throw it at my face.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Aut Post intro 1

I'm going to start this post off with a personal reflection. Last night, I was far from home, and yet surprisingly close.  Perhaps closer than far away.  That is not even relevant to the post, but I was with someone, a younger person in transit between the farther home and the other side of the world, a place she will be leaving for soon enough, already gone for me.  But what happened at dinner is worth recording for the sake of AuT and spiral theory.  For coincidence is an important element of this science.   I say science, because what I am going to talk about is, in my opinion, as much science as it is about something deeper, more personal.
Anyway, in picking out a place to eat, I left the decision to my passenger and she took two methods and in the one ultimately decided on there were 5 choices.  Two were quickly dispelled for reasons of coincidence (Jerusalem Artichokes and the problems with traveling after eating mexican food).  Of the 3 remaining, perhaps the most unlikely was chosen and it was determined to wait for 45 mintues for that one.
If all of those "coincidences"" had not lined up, then my companion would not have run into a friend who was there from Houston as a result of an entirely different set of circumstances.  And yet the person who was the reason for the 5 choices, was the "big sister" of  the person who arrived at the same place for reasons which were entirely outside of the reasons why we arrived there.
So what does this have to do with physics?  When one has a theory of physics which relates to intersecting solutions, and where individual changes, what AuT calls the source of apparent randomness, in spiral state changes can separate states to allow the various appearances of what we improperly call randomness, they also remain tied by their common intersections giving rise to what we call coincidence.
But there is more to this than coincidence, there is also a type of predestination which I believe, whether it is logic or wishful thinking, that must tie me together with another, that must make us spiral back together no matter how far the choices of fate may separate me today, so close and yet so far.

AuT-bunking and de-bunking anti matter and gravity
Ever since Copernicus determined the earth was not the center of the universe and Kant envisioned his space islands, our current galaxies we have rethought our size and place in the universe.  AuT goes a little further, breaking our existence into imperceptible 10^-47 instances or solutions to x.  The solidity, indeed the linearity of the universe only appears to us and our machines because the quantum instant is so small and the amount of quantum points so large for any quantum instant that they appear solid to our perception at what on a quantum level would be seen as imperceptibly fast or slow relatively speaking. 
Gravity is an effect of the transition from one solution to the next, it arises from quantum changes in linearity and mathematical solutions indicate that these primary changes interact based on a decrease in relative movement associated with compression.
AUT envisions G-space as a potentiality space without dimension, a place where algorithms may be expressed.  It is critical to understand that in our universe this changes perception from a non-dimensional algorithm to a representation of a linear environment as a two state mathematical solution.  
This solution is, for lack of a better reference, a "yes/no" or 1/-1 solution.  Both of these solutions have their attractions.  Yes/no is a primary, indivisible logic and 1/-1 suggests the theoretical model of two opposite intersecting spirals.
The 0/1 solution is not workable because the end result originally is nothing/linearity.  This might be a predecessor state that changes, it evolves, to a 1/-1 model, the intersecting spiral model being one of the closest models to what is observed so far.  The result as it is developed is more of a paired model.  yes/no vrs no/yes.  This is true because both intersecting lines should be made of complete data points.  
Stacking of complete yes/no and no/yes pairs would allow for more complexity, e.g. (ct2):
y/n:n/y, y/n:y/n, n/y,n/y, n/y:n/y and the same increase in the level of complexity (exponential increase) at each subsequent time state.  In this model between yes and no or between 1 and -1 there is gravity.  The separation from maybe to yes/no yields a solution, a spatial solution if you must, that is filled by gravity.
The two spiral model suggests an arrangement “driven” by the algorithm which means that for each quantum change (a 10^-47th part of a second and a 10^100th part of a single quantum instant for the designation might be entropy since it is solution driven much as entropy, although entropy might better be defined as the instant when the change occurs for a quantum spiral (one 10^-100th) changes from gravitational to anti-gravitational.
The spiral model suggests that in the future, the amount of gravity driven solution (solving for the algorithms moving inward should increase to the point where it reverses the net direction of the universe.

This reverses the direction of the entire universe and it means there can be gravity and there can be anti-gravity.  In the course of events there can be a tearing apart and a bringing together, this can translate to events of individuals.
  It is theorized that the amount of anti-gravity is so large at the quantum instants after the “latest” big bang that it is overwhelming the force of gravity.  This has been incorrectly designated as dark energy, but a better description is that it is the reflection of the solutions to algorithms explaining a direction opposing the direction in which gravity is explained.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

AuT-Intro in parts: Forward Part 3

Three. In dimension changes or movements are all in one direction. Since they are static, the appearance of movement is illusory, but no dimensions move in multiple directions. What we perceive as dimensional coordinates changing in multiple directions (x,y and z axis changes, up/down; left/right; faster/slower) are merely the relative slowing down or speeding up of a constant rate change relative to other lines between conserved coordinate sets.  Acceleration and dimensional movement are both illusions because all change is based on the quantum change of a single variable (x) to a single algorithm.
Four. AUT, or Non Linear Coordinate Theory (NLC), sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for an independent predecessor, string hologram theory.  
AuT discloses a universe different from anything we experience but which explains our experience. It eliminates traditional views of space and time.  It uses relativity to explain our perception of dimension but fundamentally it eliminates relativity.  While earlier versions correctly predicted that the Higgs Boson did not exist, this version eliminates even gravity and mass except as reflections of a richer and more predictable background.  It replaces probability with certainty where apparent randomness is defined by predictable, certain quantum changes to the solution to the algorithm.
Space-time limitations are replaced with more severe limits.  This is not an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time. Time and distance have no independent existence. We exist in the non-linear quantum moments that are solutions to algorithms at given points.  Our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are illusion.  Every moment exists simultaneously with every other one quantum moment point with every other quantum point.
Our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are an illusion.  These illusory acts of self-determination do not allow us to change a single dimension, we cannot slow them down, we only experience a relative slowing in a very narrow range primarily between space phenomena and black hole phenomena.  

AuT strengthens the corollary in Physics which dictates that we do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us in a way that includes thought.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.

AuT-Intro in parts: Forward Part 2

Here's something from an earlier post:  Imagine how stupid you will feel when someone asks you one day if you passed the opportunity to have me speak before your learned group before I got too old to lecture in German or Spanish and you explain that you were just too conceited to take someone who was clearly so much more clever seriously.  And at such a low cost (a modest stipend, a pool pass, a warmish place to lay my head and a modest repast).  Yes indeed, you will have much to answer for, I fear.

Imagine how stupid I feel.  It's easy for you, whoever you've been with last, you're fine with that.  Me, I never change, I am as constant as the rules of mathematics.  It's Sunday morning.  I have a cup of hot irish breakfast tea and some worthwhile work to do.  It will have to be enough for now.

One of the great things about being 3-5 years ahead of everyone else is that I get to share certain things for the first time.  But this is merely edited work from earlier.  Some of it will come out long and some short.  This one is short.

Two. While it would be relatively trivial to replace all uses of NLC with AUT, the two ae used interchangeably.  There are subtle but significant difference between NLC as a theory and AuT as a theory.

In NLC “all” coordinates are static, but the exist in a fixed state.  In AUT the coordinates do not exist at all.  Instead, in AUT there is only an algorithm which “would” solve for the coordinates whenever a solution is sought, whenever a value for x is given.  In both all the events exist at once, but in AUT they exist only as potential solutions, not actual solutions, of the algorithms that define the universe.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

AuT-Intro in parts: Forward Part 1

As we rocket towards the publication date (target 6/1/16) I'm going to share the introduction in small, digestible parts.  This theory, though the first correct theory of QM, is hard to accept for reasons discussed in prior posts.  However, it is hoped when presented as a whole, that the obviousness of the solution (and brilliance of the author) will be indisputable.  Otherwise, well otherwise, life might have some true meaning.  Imagine that.

This book is the first completed edition of AUT, previously referred to as NLC.  The name Algorithm Universe Theory is more descriptive than the Non-linear coordinate theory name because coordinates do not exist in a durable form.  While even durability is questionable, the most durable element, perhaps the only durable element is the underlying algorithm from which our perception of reality is derived.  This is not, however, a fanciful theory.  It is based on observation and solves problems which prior quantum theories fail to answer.

In an algorithm universe and in a coordinate change universe, time is not a separate dimension in any fashion, instead it is merely the ability to observe the change in coordinates from one of at least two separate fixed quantum states.  In the most likely example, these states are defined by the quantum change in a single variable.  X=1,2,etc.  For any value of x the entire universe is defined.  There are no 1.5 variations in this universe because the change in value of x is quantum.  It is not a length which can be divided, so it functions as a quantum movement from one bit of information to various increases.  There are no halves.  Each x is merely the answer, yes or no.  In the universe, this question is asked many times, but the number is specific for any fixed quantum moment which allows for a solution defining existence as we experience it.