
Monday, May 9, 2016

AuT and the death ray

I have not posted to this in some time, but the work on Volume one continues apace.  Today, again, events of living took the place of working, making the target date of the 15th that much more distance.  The end of the month, however, is still within reason.  I need to begin on the cover soon, assuming I do not begin with the existing cover for the rough draft which has grown on me despite it's inadequacies, for it reflects the genesis of the project.  When love was grand and success ephemeral.  Success of a sort, the theory being capable of legitimate publication, has been achieved.  Personal success, well, when I sell my death ray to north korea, and you know I'll eventually make one, you'll have no one but yourselves to blame.
I have, after all, offered my theory for free, and in a consoidated form to an audience which has turned a jaundiced eye, with few exceptions.  Indeed, until volume 1 is finished, even I have recommended against its subscription.  But that, with many other things, will change soon, change coming faster and faster, another hurdle having been cleared today.  But enough of that, indeed I have offered  my services as a speaker and that of the leading scientist for fundamental quantum theory in existence if my theory  is correct and you can see from what has been disclosed that it is correct that it makes all prior theories the work of cave-men and you know who you are. Not that you are not smarter than I, but that you have not come up with my theory which renders other theories, not obsolete, but as the study of shadows are to the study of shapes.  And I thank you for paving the road on which I trave and on which you travel with me, but what ho!  The great theortition offers his services for trade, for an income and none is offered, not the chance, which you will regret one day to hear me speak.  You will say, yes, I remember that.
I in my own way have asked nothing more than the bare minimum necessary to fully develop AuT, even offering to speak for nothing more than a modest stypend, a pass to the local swimming pool, transportation and room and board, but what I'm met with are zombie physicists, the walking dead of the physics world, with their dead theories, left with only the animation of a corpse after the more fundamental conceptual work which I alone, sadly alone, have developed.
Ok, so if I have not earned the right, at least in my opinion, to have a  post occasionally dedicated to the comic, then my ancestors have secured that right to me.  That doesn't mean the death ray won't be for sale to the highest bidder. Certainly I'm taking reasonable, non-refundable options on it presently if anyone  is offering; but what anyone who understands the theory realizes is that whatever I have done, I alerady did and will do over and over again into eternity so it hardly matters, except that I expect someone, if I come up with a way to weaponize the complete lack of randomness, to pay handsomely for it (over and over again into eternity as long as the solution to x is whatever it turns out to be).
The book will come, I ask you indulgence.  I will certainly be hungry when it happens, perhaps homeless, the wandering vagabond in tattered garb with a sign that says, "will lecture on quantum mechanics for food...and other items relegated to small print".
For now, begone, do your great things while I finish mine, for great as you will be, my theory will bring us all low, in retrospect if not in realitty.

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