
Friday, May 27, 2016

AuT-4 days, the History lesson

The publication of AuG remains on track.  It could actually be sent to print today, but in honor of the many breakthroughs I commissioned an artist to do the cover.  It is 5:00 in the morning, bear with me.

While I am waiting for the art work, I'm cleaning up 20 pages at a time.  The first 20 are done and I've started on the second 20.  While there is some greatly improved summary work in the first 20 pages, I found this short historical paragraph which needed to be updated and thought I'd share it this morning.

I will admit that while I now have all the pieces of the formula and have even made a stab at putting them together for the basic algorithm, a lot of the math remains tied up in drawings and words which serve the purpose of bridging some more complicated math.  I put up a chalkboard, but as of today, there isn't much on it, even what I know.  The reason?  It's too small.  I need a bigger chalkboard. It's always something.
I enjoy explaining things to people who are open to explanations.  It's reasonable to have prejudices, preconceived notions.  They get in the way.  A lot of people are interested, but not open.  If you have a sense of humor, you'll understand that I say, in explaining this to someone one on one, "I'm the only one who knows what happened before the big bang, but now you'll know too."  It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, it's just fun to say it.  It sounds personal, intimate.  That is why this theory exists, why it grows. It is intimate.  While love as a force in the universe seems something of a stretch, love like all other emotions are built from the same fabric, arises from the same alorithm, as every other force.  This theory is as much about love as any of the poems I wrote, it was written as a love letter.  If the theory is as durable as anything else, then perhaps love is too.


     AuT began as “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It was refined in “Non-Linear Time Theory.” That title was abandoned as being confusing given an unrelated model by that name and a determination that coordinate change and not time was the key element to an NLC, Non-linear coordinate, universe.  The determination that coordinates were only results from a fixed algorithm led to the new name and Non-linear no longer applied as smoothly to a universe where all solutions existed at once to a relatively simple math problem with a single variable.  Algorithm Universe Theory was the result. 

Most of the work originally was to reconcile NLT with string theory; mainly showing that NLC gives more flexibility to explain universe phenomena.  It is not necessary to force NLC into the math of String and M theory; but a shortcut to the non-dimensional analysis is to solve existing equations for a non-dimensional environment.

     The development of NLT has occurred relatively quickly since September 1, 2012 when an initial blog entry discussing Hawkin’s book on the Hologram Universe said it was apparent that something much more elegant was happening than a projected hologram, an idea which was memorialized a year later in a work which raised the questions that led to the theory embodied herein, “The Einstein Hologram Universe” which sought to reconcile Hologram theory with something that was, at that time, to ephemeral to fully differentiate from existing theory.

      While many of the breakthroughs were conceptualized, a clear understanding of what black holes were, for example were not made.  Worse still, a blockade remained at the point of “the big bang” which has now been torn down and a universe exponentially older has been revealed, the big bang resolved into an event of relative insignificance.  A lot of science fiction will have to be rewritten.

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