
Sunday, May 29, 2016

aut-2 days- what is right and wrong with Einstein's math

Oh my god!  Really?  The don't even know what it is but it's the reason time "moves"?  Truly, if there is a god and if time is what these people think it is, then god causes them to print articles like this to aggravate me.   
Oh so something you don't even understand moves time forward?  How convenient.  And I suppose your steam trains are powered by fairy dust and happy thoughts!
I will not say that AuT answers all the questions.  The whole idea of g-space is as complicated as anything in pre AuT physics.  At least, however, the theory is not full of banalities.   It isn't all about false assumptions that I have corrected.
Dark energy moves time, indeed, the reason the donkey moves is because the cart is pushing him!

There are two days before Spirals in Amber goes to the publisher.
2.5 years in, AuT is not complete.  There are some chapters which will leave the reader saying, 'you could have done a little more here.'  When you figure out the fundamental nature of the universe, you can finish everything at once.  For me, well I've decided even this treatise needed to be broken in half but more importantly it has to be finished.
So the first 30 pages or so are more clean than the rest, there are some inconsistencies and many places where conceptually the problem is set out with a conceptual answer, but everything isn't finished, words and drawings for equations.  But it is all here and its all for you!
Einstein left unified field theory to me, even though it isn't a field at all...ah so that's why it was so hard to find...and this post embodies one of the areas where if I was actually getting grants, like those I've pointed out are wasted, I could have finished by now, but instead I have to spend most of my time scraping in the dust for food like a chicken on a poor ranch; a blind chicken at that.
One of the most difficult issues was connectivity but the so called F(n) function (n, n-1,n-2) allowed for the universe to be tied together in terms of history and locationally in quantum moments by tying quantum results past to present and building on the last solution.  So the universe can be tied together.
But in the end there nothing else in my world, no blind chickens, no math and no quantum answers, it is just you and me


Just as Newtonian-Galilean Physics works in gross terms within a gravity well, so does relativity within the “middle range” of a macroscopic universe.  Both generate repeatable result.  However, relativity breaks down as time and space are eliminated because the variables on which it is built break down into their component parts.   Also relativity requires a separation of time from dimension which is clearly absent in a non-linear environment.
            AuT replaces Relativity at the quantum level.  However, it does not render relativity irrelevant to us.  Instead, it explains why relativity exists.
            There is no reason to disprove accurate formulation in the name of the concepts of NLC. AuT is forced to be consistent with observed phenomena.  It is a quantum analysis that explains what is behind observed phenomena on a quantum level.
There are massive inaccuracies in the linear system.  The most recent pre-AuT idea that there would be a particulate universe, as opposed to an information based universe is absurd because the particles would be separated by something and space would be infinitely divisible.  AuT abhors the infinite. 
There are all of these consequent absurdities.  For example, there is no reason to look for a Higgs Boson or a Black hole until you know what you are looking for yet millions are spent looking for the Higgs Boson which doesn’t exist.  The time spent examining black holes fails to recognize what is being seen, instead imagining it is “hidden” within an event horizon when it is far from the most dense object in the system even though from our perspective it may look dense.  The density of ct6 might hide it completely unless we know what to look for.
In NLC a black hole is there but if they really want to test a theory, they should look for the black hole for what it is, a system of 5 time coordinates changing together which appears to disappear for the same reason that space appears invisible, because the rate of change is so foreign to us.
            The Higgs boson doesn’t exist because gravity is a force that comes from the perceived linearity of one directional change in the universe.  There is no particle to find. Gravity is the perceived effect of linearity moving “forward” along a long spiral or the tendency towards non-linearity represented by the solution of the algorithm toward overlap so no Higgs Boson exists.
            We don't see the higher forms of time compression (those involving multiple times (past, present and future) because the rate of change is so vastly different from ours that they disappear from our relative view.  We do see the results of Non-linear change.
            AuT explains that Relativity is an effect, not a cause.
            AuT disagrees with specific conclusions.  First, everyone does not have their own time.  That is absurd in AuT.  All coordinates have a certain state as they appear in linearity but each coordinate state is linear, each changes at exactly the same rate because change depends on a single variable.  What Relativity calls “time dilation” is only the conservation of change.  If two coordinates are changing at once, they change at an exponentially slower speed than one and exponentially faster than 3 based on their qualities as informational bits (2^n) relative to a third point of view.  Time dilation exists, but the sum of all time within any system remains constant, the rate of dimensional change (sum total) remains the same.  Systems in this statement, merely refers to compression states where, until they are separated by distance, speed or rate change along any one or more coordinate, they share a common rate for each coordinate. The spiral on spiral model allows a way to envision this as spirals appearing, not to move relative to one another, because they “ride” on a spiral and change just as a rider need not take a step to move on a horse.
            Another place with imperfect agreement is with the interchange of mass and energy.  While necessarily both are the same, they are also the same as space and black holes, but all are different not because of features but because of the number of coordinates changing at once and therefore the rate of change of any one coordinate at once. At any point where one coordinate changes at a speed sufficient to cut out another coordinate change relative to a lower time state (because of the conservation of change requirement governed by the speed of light number) a phase shift occurs.  Nothing else happens, just the compression equation shifts relative to each.  Eventually they should all catch up with one another just like every horse eventually finishes a race.
A third related problem is the increase in mass with velocity due to adding "energy" in the form of movement to the non-moving mass.  Under relativity, the increased mass is because of the relationship of mass to energy.  Energy and mass are combined to increase the total mass under Relativity.  
            In NLC changing coordinates as mass represents transitional states of different time coordinates and this shows the relationship between time dilation and the mass energy conversion.  What is being done is not an "increase" in mass through the addition of energy.   In NLC you are increasing the amount of change along some coordinates at the expense of others. There is no increase in mass in the system.  The amount of informational change is not a mirror image of mass or energy.
            (4) Informational changes are static and move in only one direction (forward or back).
            The amount of change of two systems interacting (one changing at one rate combining with one changing at the other rate) results in the same net effect.  However, while the rate of time change along any one axis varies, the mass of the object does not change for the object any more than the weight of the earth varies as it moves through the universe.  
            Quantum movement from the singularity is from one fixed point to another only in one direction for all points.
            Changes that result when two masses combine are in a limited range (defined by the f(n) function in quantum instances.  In such a system, the total amount of change does not vary.  It may express itself in different formats, primarily, if not exclusively mass to energy or mass to dark matter depending on the level of concentration which is to say the level of coordinate change for the higher spiral systems.
            Rate of change is limited by the speed with which any one coordinate can change which provides that at the rate of the speed of light, no acceleration is possible because energy and mass interchange at this point.  Mass continues to remain the same.  In relativity, the interpretation of this data is that the mass has "increased" to the point where there is not enough energy to provide additional acceleration.  In a NLC analysis, coming to the exact same result unrelated to mass, although the results are the same within the middle range (MR).  At MR you would begin to move to a pre-linear state.  That being impossible, because everything happens there at once, no transition beyond this rate of change is possible.  Put another way, at the speed of light, the rate of change would vary on bit of information to another and this is impossible without introducing an additional variable into the solution.
            One coordinate is changing so fast that others must stop shifting because of the total conserved rate change limit at these speeds and you either get a shift to the next informational “orbit” of compression or you shift down to non-linearity.  This is also tied to the types of ct states solved in common using the f(n) function.  This is covered in detail in a later post.
            The speed of light is the speed of all particle changes and exceeding it is nothing more than the amount of change necessary to return to the prior state.   It may be thought that instead of speeding up to light speed, you are actually slowing down as you accelerate towards non-linearity in all secondary coordinates but one along a primary coordinate relative to all the others.  Two coordinates at the same solution point have a more difficult time than one interacting with sequential space or ct1 states at the same time.  Obviously this gets exponentially harder the more states changing together at a time, there is no room for the common interaction with adjoining ct1 states unless the higher state begins to break up.  If there is greater concentration as a result of gravity, more ct1 states are compressed into the same solution area so the relative change increases.  It is a proximity solution, for this reason all other factors begin the same a ct1 state will change faster than a ct4 state.
 As has been indicated, all change is in one direction.  We work within a middle range where we can, as a result of the physics which controls our actions, able to slow down or speed up, relative to secondary spirals/coordinates, change within this narrow range.
            Relativity envisions a fixed space-time; a fabric.  AuT proves that time and space are illusory.  They are manifestations of a fixed system which does not change except as a solution to a single variable in an algorithm that has no time and no dimension.  The singularity is the only "fabric" and it exists in a non-linear format.  Our universe is nothing more than the illusory expression of this singularity and saying that our universe is a fabric is like saying the movie playing on the screen is the same as the background where the actors are filmed to create the movie.  The later has actual fabric, the former does not.  Every moment, in its entirety exists forever, every quantum moment includes the entirety of time and space just as for every point the algorithm contains its past and future in its entirety depending on which x is being solved for in any quantum moment.  The order of the solution is not even relevant.  
            Gravity has nothing to do with the change in space time “fabric” since no fabric exists.  Instead Gravity is the force “generated” (the force perceived) when time is viewed as linear in NLC for each coordinate in a universe made up of a very large, but not infinite, number of coordinates.  Certain solutions to the algorithm generate anti-gravity for the same quantum bit of information.  Other solutions apparently generate neither gravity nor anti-gravity and these are the most common solutions.
            The display of the universe is apparently controlled by having decompressive spirals separated by compressive spirals in a web.  The most pronounced effect of having three universes at a time F(n)=F(n), n-1,n-2 is the have 3 dimensional effect and the history effect.
            Time may result from CT5 even though matter is CT4, because only with CT5 is a point of reference created. This point of reference diminishes at the change from CT4 to CT3, by one spiral group. In relativity, space time is changed (bent) by gravity.  In NLC the amount of gravity (positive or negative) represents the amount of linearity in a system.  Since linearity is illusory, gravity can be seen much like the effect of lighting a slide.  The slide itself hasn’t changed. One can see this quality of intersection spirals where spirals overlap at collisions (figure 2). 
            This raises the question of why gravity from one body effects forces and other gravitational bodies and the concept is that it involves sharing time states in various ways. The further apart the fewer of the spirals overlap. The closer in proximity, the more they overlap.  Since gravity is a function of linearity, linearity between bodies is greater depending on proximity.  This should be the same for all time states.  In exponentially higher time states, black holes, the amount of overlap is greater and since all other time states around them are also compressed the increase extends over a wider area and the interactions are greater.
            The solution to the algorithm compresses temporarily and with greater stability clock time states.  The big bang represents a maximum average compression and an inflection point for a given period.  This results in pockets of compression amid a general decompression of the universe.
            While compression and decompression occur throughout the model, the reasons for concentrations within the general state of decompression; concentrations of matter represent places within the model where more compression is present than otherwise and the display is consistent in this regard.
The quantum movement of the universe looks like a very complicated spider web of concentrating states connected by concentrating spirals amid a general expansion otherwise post big bang with the spider web of spirals concentrating in the temporarily compressed states with varying degrees of stability based on the exponential compression as a result.
There is more “anti-gravity” the state being net decompressed, but the decompression algorithms are not properly mapped because of a scientific prejudice in favor of compression and because being within a block of stable compression states, net compressive spiral movement, we are not directly affected by the forces outside of our compression where anti-gravity, spiral solutions away from the point of intersection, predominate.
When the universe "creates" linearity, a quantum of gravity exists for each quantum of information.  The information itself can be broken into different coordinates which have a fixed sum rate of change.  As space-time, the rate of change is very fast, it exponentially slows down as more coordinates change at once relative to the base of ct1 states.  To maintain the decrease in rate change, to stabilize it, concentrations occur and between concentrations rate changes are shared.
             The Einstein universe is a universe of cause and effect.   The existence of true randomness is no more likely, but the NLC universe adds a wrinkle in that everything is not just preordained, but it happens whenever x has a particular value the same way at the same point.  This changes the nature of force or at least the way we should look at force.  We have, up till now, looked at force as a tool.  If we are part of the same fixed timeline, then we are as much a part of the force as the force itself, and the mass energy equation assures us this is not an unexpected result.  This insight should increase the amount of effect we can extend over the universe, even as it renders the idea of manipulation irrelevant.
            As has been said, all change is in one direction.  We work within a middle range of spirals where we can, as a result of the physics which controls our actions, to slow down or speed up relative to a group of primary spirals within this narrow range.   To give the impression of Standard Clock Time (SCT) and to make changes in direction by slowing down change in one direction relative to another with the relative position being a higher spiral.
    Equation solving involves elimination of time in equations and the consequent revelation that dimension is a function of the linearity of time. This is the presumption, by Einstein, that everything can happen at once which necessarily means that everything happens without the separation of time and dimension. Solving to eliminate time, then, is also solving to eliminate dimension.

There are no gaps in space and real movement would result in gaps in information. Randomness to the movement would also result in gaps in information. The logical conclusion is that the entire universe must be a point universe and must be fixed in terms of what happens next.  The illusion of connection is made by building one universe with the prior state.

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