
Thursday, July 31, 2014

NLT-the next thing 44 TIME ORBITS WITH PI:

Occasionally I get to some information that isn't finished (obviously the theory would be vastly different if it was finished and I wouldn't be looking for a grant to finish it).  My point of reference is the field equations which took 10 years to finish and this theory represents the equivalent of "the idea" of putting together the field equations.  This is one such entry which is intriguing, but requires more data to finish it.
The name is pretty good and I'd like to keep it since it sounds like something you order in some outer space diner.
I have thought a lot more about dogs civilizing man and perhaps it was dogs cleaning cooking elements that eventually led to washing machines since they seem particularly well suited to this.  Gross as it sounds, i suspect its more sanitary to have a dog clean a cooking utensil than to leave it with more than dog spit to grow bacteria.
I've also been thinking of the village that Lief Ericson built when sailing from Greenland to Canada and how different things might have turned out if the winters had not gotten so bitter and forced both those outposts to be abandoned.   I suppose the thanksgiving dinner would be pickled herring.  And that got me thinking of what was going to happen in the next climate change if humans didn't figure out a way to act with intelligence and I again realized the futility of solving the problems of the universe.
But I have other, bigger problems that affect me today, the next 14 days are going to get very strange indeed, so lets talk about the interaction between spin and non-linearity.

TIME ORBITS WITH PI: Time orbits allow for the initial transition to be to gravity and the following transitions to be forces which either extend above the gravitational force or represent returns of the gravitational force to non-linearity.  The equation assumes that all of the forces remain in place (the extend above option) but preceding dimensional elements go negative giving rise to forces at certain compressions (exponential changes in the rate of common coordinate change) and reduction in other coordinate states to allow for the conservation of time.  Time coordinate changes get closer (x1 to x2 gets closer together) but fast time compressional changes of other points continue within the same matrix of coordinate changes.  The complex relationship that indicates that what we see as compression is actually expansion is covered in the anti-entropy discussion is ignored for now.
The transition in question involves the exponential sequence 10^8 to 10^16.  This is the measure of compression shown above.
The transition changes in either direction: e=mc^2 where c^2 is not only a speed but also a compression change.  The prior transition being ph(photonic energy)^8=Qe where Q represents the quantity of energy involved in the transition, of course.  While it might make sense to look at another, more simple transition first, we have to pick a transition so we will pick the one we are most familiar with.
Coordinate changes occur at a speed between coordinate changes where x,y,z CT3 slow to below light speed transitions and CT4.  That is the speed changes “slow down” when compression increases proportionately.  That is, space is much more compressed and speeds are slowed in the other direction, the exact opposite.
CT3 goes negative in the movement from matter to energy, CT4 goes to zero in the transition of matter to energy and CT3 goes positive.  This means one form of dimension time (space points) transforms into force characteristics as the other begins to change.  CT4 takes on dimension characteristics, in this case as matter, where CT3 points go negative and become force characteristics of non-linear time expression.  It this case, we are “accepting” that NLT is the state of things and linearity just a method of playing them out.
In the transition from CT4 to CT5, CT4 will change into a force characteristic and CT5 will go linear.  Compression will occur at the scale of 10^32.   More equations will follow.
At the change from CT3 to CT4 the resulting equation includes rotation about a point.  At the initial point where the energy level is low (negative CT3 low and therefore low energy states) to rotational change would be low.  As negative energy gets higher (more negative) for a point the rotational coordinates change more quickly.
          Spin in NLT is more like spin than in any other mathematical model, but it is still tied directly to predestined coordinate change.
          Spin in NLT is the ability of coordinate change to occur around one or more points.  Unlike the “spin” attached to fundamental particle theories, this is true “change of coordinates” about a predetermined point.  As such, it is predictable that CT4 is the first type of clock time where (1) standard clock time can be observed and (2) where there is angular momentum.  Quantum gravity exists before CT4, photonic and wave energy forms exist before CT4.  Angular momentum does not exist before CT4.
          The Heisenberg uncertainty principle defines limits in traditional physics that do not apply in NLT theory.  The equation for rotation of this type is L(angular momentum)=r (position vector) x (cross product) p (linear momentum).  The simplified angular momentum is a function of dimension, however, which is not a part of NLT.  The reason the equation changes with NLT is that using the quantum size of matter, i.e. the quantum state of matter, there is no “change” in distance to get a moment, there is no distance to get to the angle of the angular momentum.  So what would this look like with the equations we have?
P=CT(0) +CT1^1/2+CT2^1/4+CT3^1/8+CT4^1/16 (note we don’t have to work with CT5 since it is not necessary to have spin.
Even for a single Clock time your equations look something like this P=((t-y)/t)DA-(t-y/t)FA)dt=((t-y)/t)DA+((t-x)D(A-1) or P=[(t/(t-y))DA+(t/(t-x)D(A-1)]dt=[((t/(t-y))D(A)+t/(t-x)D(A-1)+t/(t-z)(D(A-2)+t/(t-u)(D(A-3)]dt or

 for CT(1) ((CT(t)dt=t^n^2)*(x+t) + (t^n^2)*(t’^n^2)*(x-t) where x is one of three dimensional coordinate changes, t is gravitational force time and t’ is photonic force time, the equation requiring solution for all three dimensions.   You have to look at the time coordinate changes not just as x, but as x, y, and z; but with angular momentum you would have a constant coordinate change about a constant state concentration of energy coordinates, presumably along the 10^16 compression quantization.  The exact nature of this equation is beyond the scope of this chapter.  However, you have some interesting equations, for example the circumference (2piR) around which the angular momentum is calculated is defined by an equation 2xpixP (as defined above).

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Now it is time to go into some of the equations which you probably thought were not forthcoming, but only because you fail to realize that despite the incredulous nature of what has already been said, there is more to follow.  I cut the poem and am posting separately as it is a bit too far removed from non linear time theory

PART 2 EQUATION: Critical to this (change of time coordinate changes into negative coordinate changes and energy) is that DA-1 does not go positive until DA goes negative.  Hence DA must have an equation in it that stays at zero (or in a negative state meaning it is some form of energy) state and goes positive with a similar equation within DA that could well be x-t for y,y-t for z, etc,which would mean that DA approaches zero as D(A-1) goes positive and as t/(t-y) goes to infinity.  It complicated conceptually, but allowing for different states (orbits) represented by DA states from x, y, z and u.

We're going to add one element to this, the movement from CT0 to CT1 which generates a negative time coordinate which is different from the others because rather than movement from one coordinate state to another, it moves from non-linearity to linearity, it represents the force of gravity and would be added to the others here as -(DA+1).

The requirements y,x,z and u represent changes in sets of coordinates (x,y,z) which change and compress, go linear positively and result in positive equations t-coordinate and negative equations of t-coordinate with a zero state and a 1/t-x) transitional point between the two so that the transitions as x approaches t so that the transition point cannot occur evenly (which is why you cannot accelerate to the speed of light to turn matter into energy even though the transition is seen to occur.

The additive quality reflects the observed phenomena that clock times are conserved.  The functions DA to DA-3 represent the exponential nature of compression changes at transitions.  These compressions are referred to as scale but are important here only to reflect that there are transitional issues other than just the movement from one clock time to another.

The spin state reflected above includes what are referred to as “time orbits” which occur without dimensional characteristics.  In this case you have points equal to dimensional changes and force changes and for there you move to points equal to dimensional changes less negative dimensional changes.  While the mathematics is not yet fully resolved, this process assumes that there is merely a negative time change absent compression.

The equation may look something like this P=CT1(t/t-x)DA+CT2(t/t-y)D(A+1)(t-x/t)+CT3.  To take this through CT5 is a fairly complicated exercise incorporating the other elements (t-z/t) and (t-u/t) just to name two.  To scale it correctly and taking out all of the equation specifics it would look something like this:  P=CT(0) +CT1^1/2+CT2^1/4+CT3^1/8+CT4^1/16+CT5^1/32 etc-assuming the sequential nature of this linearity continues.

cool, quiet mornings

It is cool this morning.  The hottest days of summer are ahead, but today you could easily imagine that fall was here.  The pool is a light blue, as clear as the air.  The trees are full of different shades of green with spots of color darting through them.  Yesterday a parking lot was full of sea-gulls which must be a sign of something, perhaps a storm coming, global warming or hungry seagulls.
Even though I am near the center of a city, the yard is so deep that there is only a sliver through which I can see adjoining houses in the distance, perhaps a quarter mile off.  If I was going to stay here, I'd plant a tree there, perhaps a magnolia, and the house would be totally isolated except for the sounds of the city which are muffled like the wind that blows over a mountain.
I have been living a quiet life, perhaps too quiet.  I find myself rarely wanting to talk to anyone.  I think of my friend moving to a 900 square foot house in Montana and I am jealous that he has someone he could live there with, or at least that he thinks he could live there with.    I share my quiet with no one and it is too real.
This dilapidated mansion gets a new roof this week, perhaps starting today.  The story is that the huge oaks overhanging the front kept the delivery truck out yesterday and they need to come up with some way to bring the materials in lower.  It made sense to pass that expense, the roof, on to the next buyer, but when you can see the sky through the attic, things have to be done and I'm tired of the rain coming in when it storms at night.
I have my two projects well underway in writing.  The second edition of China's weaponized economy and the second edition of the Einstein Hologram Universe.  It is hard to pick those up again and do more without doing more research on the one and stepping back on the other.  I wonder if our economy will have time to collapse and to what purpose in such a wild and warlike place.  The new insights this gives to me only makes me morose.
I want to pick up a fun story and write it, not necessarily a happy story, I did, after all just read "The good soldier" which can hardly be called happy.  Just something where the outcome can be what I want it to be and not for a reason something where I can leave words out so that the reader...  I want to leave all the pain and heartache and go into the high desert where I don't know anyone, where I can hike far and can explore the quiet.  Where I can get bored and decide what it means if I don't..

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

NLT 4 Dante vs NLT-4

We were, during the last post, getting ready to discuss Dante's 7 deadly sins; gluttony (that one of mine), wrath (not so much, but enough to be condemned), sloth (guilty), avarice (perhaps the worse because I don't see it in myself), lust (of course), envy (I envy those who don't need to envy), pride (perhaps nothing would be accomplished if people did not take pride in their work, what type of list is this anyway?).  I see much more logic in the original Greek list.
The sins of cheaters, hoarders, adulterers and the like, those are sins I can sink my teeth in, that I can condemn myself for, although I fail to understand how they can be completely separated one from the other.
I swam again today
the pizza i ate for lunch
like a lead weight
all the more reason
i thought of a pizza
many years ago
that I should have forgot
eating with
a starving friend
like me today
with no time
for anything else
and eating was all we had
and so i tried
swimming myself to death
not letting up
despite the pizza
until the pain left
and there was nothing
no part of me left
only the water
and the pain
my constant companion
i used to have a lover
not to long ago
not someone you sleep with
a true lover
now i have a roommate
and i should not be jealous
some people have less
but i failed
to swim myself to death
in the end too tired
too many responsibilities
death will come soon enough
it it patient
it will wait for me
perhaps it will give me time
after a suitable period of mourning
to get a lover
if there can be
or maybe it
will not
give me time
or love
to each his own
heaven or hell
to manufacture
out of life

It's time to talk of the afterlife, in fact.
I heard it said that somewhere our universe is sitting on a third grader's shelf, a school project that received a "C".
That idea is not so hard to reconcile with Non linear time, once we give up our ideas of dimension.  It is not totally different from the idea that we are just a marble to some other type of existence.  NLT provides a stranger version both with more potential for good and evil.
While NLT cannot rule out the third grader, EHT suggests that we, the composite intellect of the universe (past present and future) create the universe from the infinite intelligence formed when all time goes non linear and therefor all thought exists in a singularity without time or dimension separating it.  It is intringuing (the amount of the intelligence represented thereby in a single second is calculated in the Einstein Hologram Universe for anyone interested.  It may appear in one of the blog entries here.
NLT doesn't necessarily adopt that, there being problems with intelligence without a frame of reference in which to have a thought held.  Even if our brains only hold one thought "at a time" there still has to be that time to hold it.
Instead, NLT argues that intelligence, even self awareness, is a function of some preconceived set of events, we think therefore thought is a projection of non linearity in a linear format.  In the words of Einstein, the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once, or everything happens at once and time is the manifestation of linearity.
Every day can be hell and every day can be precious.  They can be both, but its much better that they be one or the other than that they be neither; but that is the possible nature of NLT.  EHT is much kinder and equally likely in many respects.


Page 30 of the paper.  I warned you that you might be a little disappointed by the proof; but this is only page 30 and there are 24 pages yet to go and this derives from the earlier posts.
There are some weird aspects of NLT.  While it only goes back to CT0, it is entirely possible there are dimensional components that we cannot understand going forward and back.  For example, if you look at components after CT5 (black hole concentration) the "space" between black holes is like the space between atoms.  The Universes would be, to the next higher level of concentration as we are to atoms which would mean there would be more universes than there are stars in the sky and we would be as inconsequential to their day to day affairs as the stray atom or the quantum of time making a quantum space.  And that is a likely result in NLT.  But what happens when you go smaller.  It is easy to get to successively larger concentration states (towards infinity) but how do you get smaller than CT0?  The idea is that there will be dimensional states that we cannot comprehend, like distance without time or time without distance.  There could be concentration states going in the other direction that are so different from what we expect that a discussion of those requires a point of reference as novel as NLT is to traditional physics.
And yet it means absolutely nothing without you.  Anyway, the "proof" which, I'm afraid, is not a proof at all.  It is, in context, intuitive.

Forces are progressively dimensional in NLT even though all forms of CT have full coordinate sets.  This is the first thing we have to accept in order to get an understanding.
Second we have to harken back to the sequential nature of the progression from CT0 to CT4.  We don't have to look beyond CT4 to get our proof.  This sequential nature will also allow us to understand how we can have multiple different forces in the transition from CT3 to CT4 without having an intervening force state, namely by the effect of forces from CT1-CT2-CT3 on the CT3 to CT4 force states.
The proof relies on factors that have already given and many of you have properly guessed how the proof occurs.  In order to understand, let's start by discussing the forces themselves.  The answer will immediately suggest itself and I will write it out.
Photons are point forces, electromagnetic energy is a wave type force, the spin forces hold matter together (the strong and weak nuclear forces).  Within EME we have several variations, but they can only be generally dealt with without getting into a much longer discussion.  Wave functions can be displayed as two dimensional waves, just as photons can be displayed as one dimensional "packets" of light.  The spin forces exist within the matrix of matter.  Gravity, as has been pointed out, appears to pull back to the non-linear form of time and hence has no real dimension, it is an anti-dimension force.  Hence the answer is suggested and essentially given; but for those of you who want to see it written out:
CT0 to CT1 requires that CT0 goes negative and is the force of gravity.  The force of gravity is without any dimension.
CT1 goes to CT2 and negative CT1 which is a one dimensional clock time so the energy form generated; photons; must be one dimensional and that is observed.
CT2 goes to CT3 and negative CT2 and wave forms of energy result which are two dimensional and form by the combination of CT1 negatives and CT2 negatives.
CT3 goes to CT4 plus negative CT3 and we have the resulting three dimensional nuclear forces.  

Because CT2 forces interact with negative CT1 they can vary in the wave forms observed.  Because CT3 forces are affected by both CT2 and CT1 forces, they can have even greater variation without having to have additional clock time "orbits" or "states" and in effect the "orbits" are affected by the amount of combination in theory.

Monday, July 28, 2014


There was one more short post I think helps before getting to the proof, so sue me.
Originally NLT started as an attempt to reconcile paradox within existing fundamental physics frameworks.  As such my early work dealt with trying to solve math equations (such as the field equations) using concepts in the Einstein Hologram Universe.  That led to Non-linear time concepts.  I've been developing those concepts independently for some months, derailed though I might otherwise be, I've somehow muddled to this point.
Eventually, soon, I'll have to get back to developing the field equations, and other misdirections of physics using NLT theories and only then can we really start to move forward.
Today is my board meeting for the homeless. How I feel for the madness of the homeless and the draw of the lifestyle of the road with its freedoms, adverntures, dangers, and tie to our not too distant predecessors; the true hunter, gatherers.  The merger of two homeless entities raises the most bizarre issues; how do you house the facilities for the homeless, mad, shelterless, cold, hot, hungry, free because they have nothing.
But before that, I will have several new concepts of NLT as well as a page of notes that have to go somewhere, so be patient with me, or don't.

HOW WE GET MULTIPLE DIFFERENT FORCES WITH A SINGLE COORDINATE CHANGEIf forces are negative coordinate changes of time; the idea is that CT1 can remain as CT2 goes move negative because of the conservation of time the not all have to change; one can go more negative as the other stops going negative.  Multiple forces as ct3 to ct4 are possible because more than one force in a series can change.  For example, CT1 goes more negative to affect one change, CT2 goes more negative to effect a second change, and the original change is CT3 going negative alone associated with a “changed time orbit”.


We're only one post away from the proof of energy being negative.  The proof may be disappointing, but one of the good things about NLT is that it is intuitive rather than counter-intuitive although it occasionally seems like my brain is being stretch out of whack to make one point or another.
A lot of these entries were written a long time ago (relatively speaking) and are less than perfectly aligned as a result, much like my life.
I spoke with a friend of mine who was selling his office building and his home and moving to Montana to live in a 900 square foot house.  I would do that with the right person, perhaps I will, but first, I will deliver the proof that energy is negative time states; but first one last predecessor post on spin states.

HIGH CONCENTRATION STATES: PROTON AND ELECTRON II. The idea here is that all planck length particles have the ability to rotate about an axis (spin); but the minimum size for any subatomic particle is: 1.6x10^-35 meters (not to be confused with grams used above).
When you look at the theoretical mass of a plank length sub-atomic particle you begin to wonder if you're seeing staged coordinate change and this naturally leads to the question of why changes occur.
First remember that CT1-CT3 have not gone away, only gone negative.  Also they are going negative at different scales CT1 having started first is far more negative than CT3 which is a quantum latecomer to negative change.  It is further important to note that while we're using numbers to model this, numbers are creatures of linear space and NLT abhors linear space.
We have 3 charge states (at least) that we can look at:
1) negative-least concentration of CT4, CT3 not as negative as a result; rate change in dimensions highest
2) positive-higher concentration of CT4, CT3 more negative; rate change relatively low
3) Neutral-combined electron and protron
Complicating the analysis is that like with all other rate changes, the rate change of these sub-atomic particles, but still particles, is affected by vibrational rate changes which can be called heat (or warmth for those of us who care) KE = 1/2 m v^2.
The idea that you should be building  is that if you were above to concentrate electrons on the scale of 10^5 and slow the rate change; you could, in theory change the charge and structure of electrons to that of protons.  For those of you who just coughed your coffee through your noses; I'm not saying you can do this, there is an issue of conservation of charge to be dealt with,

Instead what we are looking at is an exchange of energy (here we're going to accept that energy (ke in this case) is negative CT1-CT3 which is being exchanged for changes in CT4 coordinates.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

NLT-Dante vs NLT 3

There is so little that I can write compared to what I want to write.  I have a million things to say that have to go unsaid.  So what you see here is a two dimensional rendition of a three dimensional world.  My hands are tied by you and by time.
There is very little to be said for dwelling on the afterlife, but having started down that road; maybe I should finish, maybe I should not.
If I seem mad, maybe its just you only see part of me.
Is there Speigel's redemption for me or just doom.  Is there redemption for you?  You can read on and decide for yourself, I think there will only be two more entries on the afterlife once we get there.
Speigel talks about the "achetypal hero journey".  I apparently don't qualify, but I've spoken before of Don Quixote and perhaps he was not qualified either.  The journey described is "separation, trial, victory, return, and reintegration."  I've experienced separation, certainly trial, but victory?  No that is not for me.  Can you experience return or reintegration without victory?  I think not.
As the guide and one of the damned, I don't know what my role should be.  In this Aeneid there will be no questioning the dead, but then again; maybe that is what this is all about.  Perhaps it is best to say that in NLT I am already dead, not yet born and missing all over again the target that seemed so close.  Once I walked away from my destiny because it refused me, the second time it seemed within my grasp; but disappeared like a mist when the sun hits it.   Will there ever be another chance?  So in this death, birth, death again universe; perhaps you are listening to the dead, posts that have been written by one long dead, life, age, blindness, death, the words then reach out to you.
So who is the questioner?  In the epics, it is the hero, so I have to leave it to you to ask the questions, the silent reader.
In the epics there is a limited time, the guide rushing the hero through hades; as if there is a bus to catch at the end.  I am in no rush, because there is nothing at the end of this journey for me but more of the same, but redemption may be there for you and I will address that when we get to the lowest level of my hell.  But maybe I will never reach there, for my time is limited and seems more every day going by a day lost forever, just as you are lost forever.  So don't let me waste your time, but let me move apace.
There is much discussion of how to speak to the dead and what is building knowledge based on the past but listening to the dead?  And if we can listen, who is to say we cannot ask questions and get answers.
Like Aneids, my hell is for the saint and sinner alike.  I will discuss how it will be different; as Virgil said "We suffer each his own shade" but we share the shade, or perhap we should share it, only you can explain why we don't.  What is the difference, in the end, between the sinner and the victim?  And who, in our case is the victim?  We all think we know, we all think we understand so much, but in NLT, we don't understand at all, we are all powerful, but powerless, more like the quadriplegic than Hercules.  Dante is right, the hell we suffer corresponds to the sins but who is to say what is a sin and what is not?  What if the choices are to sin against self or another, the choice between others.
Are you going to be able to accept that you will be the same sinner and the same victim all over again?  Is an understanding of the afterlife worth that?  Virgil's people apparently believed in reincarnation, but it is something both greater and worse.
Is it possible that we could all suffer the same, when we suffer different amounts in life?  It seems impossible, but so do many things in the universe.  And how do we find redemption in this life for the next if we don't have to die in grace?  There is an answer, I think.  But the answer will have to wait, I have given all I can give for now; my energy lost in my own personal hell, wait and you will learn about redemption, I cannot continue to wait for it, but perhaps you can.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

NLT-Dante's inferno vs 2

I swam in the dark the other night
I was totally alone
No one was there
no one to speak to
not even light
other than the darkness
that follows dusk
The mind could see
in the swirling waters
in the absence of light
the masking of sound
the mind moves on its on
all the horrors are there
achievements and failures
the mouth cannot speak
even breath is regulated
by the presence
or absence of water
and i thought
what is it i have to say
what defense do i offer
to the crimes
i did not commit
and what do i offer
for those i did
in the thin dark of night
and thickness of the water
I try to move my mind
on from here to somewhere else
I look ahead of myself
and i ask what is it
that is left for me to say
that is left of me at all
the steady movement
the pumping of arms, legs
lungs and heart
and i search
my soul
what i find
is a terrible emptiness
I have nothing
left to say
left to give
i who have
so much
to give
to say
to want
my offences
my wants
my passions
my dreams
my wager
of mind
the mind
the heart
the soul
or not
or defenseless
justice determined
an end
a death
resulting in
except pain
sans words
sans desires
sans all
what is left
to say
but I do
have more to say
more to give
do what i will
what i cannot do
i will try
and go down trying
go down dying
not to die
but for what i believe in
who i believe in
for there is death
and there is the afterlife
that awaits
more hell than heaven
the only mitigation
not surrendering
or trying to find
despite everything

It is possible according to Dante and Virgil to visit hell, but not necessarily to escape.  Going to hell, at least part of the way, during life is preordained under Non-linear time theory.  You have gone, you will go through the afterlife, at least part of it.  You are going.  Funny to think reading this is hell.
To the extent it follows Einstein Hologram theory, Non-linear time theory agrees.
There are stories, more fantasy than history of rescue from hell:. Not possible under nlt theory.  You can, perhaps mediate hell through events or the right person.  I heard a quote from an actor who died and who said he regretted nothing in life.  Does he escape hell?  Perhaps, but that's uncertain.  That is something I will discuss in due course, but this will not be just two posts.  It could be, but it serves a purpose for me if not for you.
What do we know, before NLT about the afterlife.  Not what are we taught, not what do we hope for, but what do we actually know?
You can never completely escape the afterlife.  That is all.
We are about to see how much more we know afterwards, the terrible knowledge that Non linear time theory gives us.

NLT-the next thing Part 40 TRAPPED CT STATES

I'm slowly going blind.  It seems fitting.  The closer I get to being shut out from being able to see in this world, the more clearly the world of physics seems to open before me.  But there is only a limited time to capture it.  I feel it is unlikely if I cannot type that I would be able to communicate well; nor without the ability to make notes and write out equations can physics be adequately pursued.  It seems like a long process, I hope it is.  One eye is now constantly bloodshot.  I used to see old people with eyes like mine with a sense of revulsion, and of course I feel a sense of revulsion when I look into the mirror having little to do with my eyes.  But the mind plays tricks, it shifts blame according the needs of self preservation.  The more moral we are the less we do wrong, but the more moral we want to be the harder it is to accept the excuses made in the mirrors for our conduct.  Still, I could make the case today for my relative innocence, but it is not going to help to have excuses in this life when trapped in the afterlife.
I don't have my notes on the afterlife with me, there was a computer crash and today will be filled with efforts to deal more or less efficiently with that.  Fear not, everything is backed up a hundred different ways in a hundred different places, the technology seeming to provide peace of mind, but only to the unwitting.  The more intelligent we are the more we know the limits and the futility of protecting our legacies, protecting ourselves.  But since I don't have my notes, we'll continue with Non-linear time theory outside of the afterlife which is physics, of course, but not necessarily part of the overall discussion we are having.
Before we get to the second part of the high concentration states (before getting to the proofs for energy being negative time coordinate states) we're going to take a moment to discuss what happens within higher time states. In order to do that we're going to look at concentrations in terms of "known quantities", quantities being those things like mass and dimension that we associate with linearity.
One problem with math models that needs to be kept in mind is that it is a "representation" of something real.  We can talk about the trajectory of canon balls, but that representation is not particularly relevant if you are in the path of one.  While my purpose is to help you (well help me, you're just along for the ride, I suppose) understand the origins of "linear" time and space and perhaps get a glimpse into non-linearity; the model is just that.  It is as much philosophical as physics to discuss what these things are.  The material the universe is made of is likely to be something that can be called non-linear time brought to linearity; but that doesn't change what it is.  We can talk about different clock times, different time orbits, positive and negative time, energy and dimensional characteristics but it gets us no closer to a real understanding of them.  Our ancestors breaking rocks understood this as well as I do and Parminides 2500 years ago saw the universe fail before the application of logic and close examination long before atoms were understood (or we thought we understood them); long before observations confirmed the existence of singularities, long before the idea of a relativistic universe.
But the Greeks are all gone now, gone Parminides, gone Zeno who attempted to explain, however inadequately, what Parminides saw, gone all Greeks.  All that is left is a void and this discussion of trapped CT states.

TRAPPED CT STATES: While in lower concentration states, we will obviously have CT1 and CT2 states within the same space. In the high Concentration states of CT4, the amount of dimensional change within gravitational matrix is significantly higher.
Remember in earlier discussions, expansion of space was predicted to occur only outside of gravity wells where conversion of matter and energy to space could appear (if and only if spatial expansion occurs. Similarly here we are looking at a situation within large concentrations where CT1, CT2 and CT3 states are effectively trapped within the matrix of particles, that is they undergo dimensional coordinate changes consistent with the CT4 state items with which they are in proximity.
To understand this we need to look at some additional measurements and we’re going to examine something “huge”, the Hydrogen atom, to do this. First, however, we’re going to stick with the individual particles. We’re going to look at Planck length (above) a little more; and fundamental particles. and can be viewed as a reference
Despite the enormous (relative) size of fundamental particles, as we break them down, we end up with sizes where dimensional features begin to break down (see the size requirements of electrons, for example).
There are at least 16 predicted fundamental particles. Since NLT doesn’t care about fundamental particles as particles, the number and type is largely an unnecessary fiction, but like the larger particles, an important fiction. The “17th” fundamental particle, the “higgs boson” doesn’t exist in NLT and isn’t a fiction worth considering (in NLT).
While mass and size are irrelevant in NLT theory for some purposes, they do reflect concentration levels. Most fundamental particles are considered are weight
Before we get to the fundamental particles, we start with Planck Length
Length mass Time
PL=5.4x10^-44 5.4x10^-44seconds (shortest meaningful time) Planck Time
FP= 10^-19 to-21 10^-35to-37 (these are conceptual only for discussion for fundamental particles)
E=5.6x10-15 9.11x10^-31kg

P=10^-14m 1.673x10^-27kg

Photonic energy 5x10^-19 (joules)
Elemental charge 1.6x10^-19 coulombs) (electron/proton)
I added the minimum time size since that is what we’re mainly talking about and this is a scale issue, but you cannot look at a fraction of a second and expect it to have any relevance to any other dimensional component; but we’ll get back to this later so it’s included here.
What we’re looking towards is the amount of “space” operating time coordinate change allowing (or requiring) additional coordinate change states (CT0-CT3) exist within CT4 space.

For these purposes. What we are looking at is (going backwards from matter) a scale change of 10^16^8^4^2 or 10^30 but if we’re looking at meters specifically we are looking at planck length which is 10^-44 compared with 10^-15 of 10^-29 separation states just within an electron. Likewise any CT4 state has room for 10^-30 CT1 states. The similarity of scales is predicted given the foundation of NLT, but it’s always good to see traditional physics line up in terms of scale with NLT (and a bit staggering).
Next we get to the second part of high concentration states and the application of these ideas.

Friday, July 25, 2014

NLT-Dante's Inferno vs NLT theory 1 of 2

For those of you who are just hanging around waiting for the proof that forces are negative energy states, it will be around the third or forth entry once I get back to that part of this discussion. You can use the opportunity while you are waiting to figure it out yourself if you'd like, all the pieces have been presented.  It is a truly staggering result of Non-linear time Theory.  For those who just want to know how NLT works with the universe we live in, you're welcome to read on or not.
Dante used a dream to take a trip down a largely Greek inspired Hades of Virgil, replete with Greek Heroes at their appointed stations.  It would be more appropriate to write this in prose; but I will not.  I can, at least, adopt the use of Dante and Virgil as guides, albeith through the eyes of someone else. I think its only appropriate that some of my source material, my "guide" would come from MIT, a bastion of what I can only call "pre Non-linear time" physicists.
Dante had Virgil, Virgil had a Sybil.  You do not even have a vestige of humanity to accompany you, apparently.  You only have me for a guide, despised, spineless, and saddled with a knowledge of the afterlife, the hell that is waiting for me,  that only saddens me more.  In other words, the perfect guide to take you through hell.
My version of hell is quite different from that of Dante and Virgil.  Aside from the fact that my afterlife is primarily based on Physics, Einstein, Hologram theory and the like; mine is factual in nature.  There are many unknowns, but of almost a certainty, mine is real.
Unfortunately, the philosophy department of MIT is incorrect and we can know about the afterlife and it is predictably not pleasant, at least not for those of us who take crimes against ourselves and others into the afterlife.  That is those of us who have made our own lives and those who we love the most into living hells have a particularly hard time facing the reality of hell. But if you want to hear about it, to accompany me and Speigel in the footsteps of Virgil and Dante and the Sybil of Aeneid.  Don't let me stop you.
 I don't plan on picking on Speigel's work, by the way, but only will point out what has already been discussed in arriving at the afterlife which has been discussed before.  If you want more information, more math as it were, most of this was developed for the Einstein Hologram Universe, which took a more positive approach which matched my time and opportunities at the time, Alas Babylon, gone forever.
The timing, relative to that of Parminides (450 BC), of the source work, Virgil's Aeneid, is worth a passing reference.  Virgil's work apparently originated between 19 and 29 BC.  That means that it was close enough (500 years) to Parminides work so that some of that more ancient Greeks wisdom should still have been in tact rather than the ragged tatters left to us today.  The fact that both are Greek works, of course they are both Greek works, is worth discussing.  Since Dante's version is little more than the Westernization, the Christianized version of the original, it is perhaps too far from the Greek roots of Parminides and Virgil to be of much use, but it is the best known and as a reference for today's more accurate version, it is worth keeping.
The importance of both old versions, in my opinion, is the recognition that the acts of life are reflected in the effects on death; the dead, in my case the living dead, "separated based on their defining actions"; a concept which my version of hell will develop in terms of cognition, joinder of remote experience, sharing of experience and the like, but which is otherwise be appropriate.
The idea of splitting sinners by Virgil based on "Incontenance, violence, fraud and betrayal" is amusingly inconsistent with NLT/EHT and unamusingly disturbing to me.  How many of those hells do I belong in, how many have you condemned me to and in how many parts would I have to be torn asunder to fit in them all; which piece of me would have to suffer each death.  Of course death is less violent in Aeneid's 4 than Dante's 7 deadly sins in terms of the pieces I'd be cut.
But this is not an epic journey, unfortunately.  It is a physics paper.  Unlike the other two it is based on mathematical principles and it is a real hell for me which exists for those of us destined to occupy it.
The heaven or hell you create for yourself is what you are living at this minute.  IT is not something for the future, it is something of the present.  While not all of the answers are given; at least the multiple theoretical, but the short version in NLT is that the after life is what we are currently living, have lived, what have
But it is late, tomorrow will be plenty of time to continue the exploration of hell.


Before proving that Clock time negatives are forces and that forces are the true dimensional characteristics of clock time I suppose I should continue with the discussion of high concentration spin states of protons and electrons.
The reason is NOT that we have to have a firm foundation before pulling the rug out from underneath it and we don't have to show that behind the mirror there is more than a wizard pulling levers.  The background for the proof has already been given.
Even so, it doesn't make too much sense to just skip ahead and the possibility of confusing everything is too great if I jump around more than is done.
I do plan on taking a break to describe a hell that is much worse than that imagined by Dante, but that will have to wait, at least a little while.  Non Linear time theory, like life, has its definition of hell, I have been given all too much of a preview, and possibly that of heaven.

HIGH CONCENTRATION SPIN STATES-PROTONS & ELECTRONS 1: We have arrived at observable combination states at spin as compared to the much lower concentration states of CT1-CT3. Angular momentum is a function of gravity and is, in theory, present in all forms of NLT (perceived space, energy and matter).
While rotations about a universal axis is predicted by gravitational features, rotation around a force driven axis (FDA) is only seen in CT4 concentrations and states.  However, the size of the axis can vary and the explanation has to cover different forms of matter, and NLT allows for that; although that is a part of the discussion of the proof of clock time negatives giving rise to force. 
In High Concentration states (matter) we have charge (a force state of clock time) and particles (a dimensional state). There is conservation of dimensional coordinate change in NLT and this conservation extends over the various forms of clock time.
An electron has relatively large coordinate change about the axis while the proton has relatively slow coordinate change.  As expected, in this exchange you see higher concentrations of clock time coordinated change with the proton.  And the factor of concentration, both surprisingly and non surprisingly is (mass/length).
e=9x10^-31 kg//5.6x10^-15m (this length is based on the size necessary to carry charge and not based on observation)
p=1.7x10^-27kg (and the same, of course) to this scale/decimal point for a neutron)/2x10-14m Note that there is some "disagreement" or "variation" at these scales in measurements due to relativistic factors and 10^-15/10^14 size is as likely; non linear time theory allows that diameter is a fiction and fluctuates depending on the rate of change of coordinates.  It might be said that traditional physics is baffled by the change in diameter on these scales; but one set of explanations is the equivalent of the other.  Here there is roughly a 10^5 difference in mass (e to P or N); i.e. there is no clock time shifting but there is a transition in charge as well as the rate of coordinate change.
If you refer to earlier disclosures, you'll note that charge is a force characteristic tied to dimensional characters of time, just as gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear.  This is similar but not identical to the concept that the electron "carries" the charge and is more like the idea of a boson or charged quark carrying the force; i.e. it is a different tool for viewing the same thing.
In terms of length, there is less of a difference; perhaps a factor of 10; perhaps nothing. Difference in length is a dimensional characteristic which is a fiction in NLT, but an important fiction but is a trade off (in NLT) between coordinate change and compression, a concept previously discussed but the application of which will have to wait.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

NLT the next step 39 morality-nlt/eht theory

I know I should be on to my proofs, but you have little understanding of the problems I face, the hardships that affect me, the pain that I cause myself, the pain that I cause others that comes back to me 100 fold.  I am considered a monster, but I am not only a monster.  Yes, I have let my own needs cloud my judgment, but I have also let the needs of others interrupt my own life.  Why is that so hard to understand, why is it so hard for me to live with the consequences of my actions?  Should I be angry at myself for loving so deeply or for denying the love?  Either is a horror, one to me one to another.  The past is written, but what of the future, what of tomorrow, the next day, August and September, not yet written but rushing towards us like a freight train, me standing, apparently frozen, on the twin tracks of despair and regret?

Morality is a part of both Non linear time and Einstein Hologram theory.  Both involve predestination based on the actions that we feel we are free to take.  The fact that we cannot be stopped by our actions, but only harmed by taking the wrong actions creates an imperative much greater than pure free will, despite the indications to the the contrary.

Einstein hologram theory and Non-linear Time theory have a point of intersection in predestination, although the approach of NLT is that you have just an appearance of self determination while EHT at least leaves open the possibility of actual variation, that our "group intelligence" creates the pre-existent all at once universe which is, after all a form of self determination; i.e. we are all part of the god who created the universe; and quantum theory means we may each be that god.

If I am a god, I am a poor one that deserves the fate he suffers.


The E-H-U theory concept that linearity is caused by thought in an uncomfortable circular argument provides a basis for morality that is profound.

If the good and evil of the universe result from our thoughts, and their existence all at once (without separating time or dimension) in the singularity; then the good or bad you think; therefore the good and bad that you do; that which you are sincere about most particularly, affects those around you, those who existed before you, those who come after you.

And this is not just an earthly concern. The moral love and compassion affect the alien in a galaxy that without E-H-U theory you could never hope to reach. And yet in E-H-U theory, you reach it constantly. If you don't know how, that's what the Einstein Hologram Universe answers; and I'm no longer sure how that line of inquiry survives the mathematical analysis of non-linear time theory.  As long as both accept the Einsteinian concept of everything happening at once, there is the possibility that portions of both co-exist..

Early on I discussed the creation of a device that would allow delving into the singularity to allow reaching across the "non-existent" void that separates us. What would such a device do in a predestination universe?  It raises the possibility of a universe where everything happens at once until linearity is applied, but if we can go back in time and drop a hint necessarily we have the ability to change the predestined universe.  Even if we cannot, it still makes sense that we have some effect on the universe by our decisions even if they are already predetermined for us.

Can we expect a more benevolent universe when we are evolved for survival and where we have never risen above the need to take from one another, from selfishness, from avarice, from genocide? And what good
would the power to change the universe, to traverse it instantly since the space is but an illusion, if we set its parameters with our consciousness and if our consciousness is unconscionable.  It is not for me to open these doors for myself, they should only be open to others.

There is, it seems, a moral imperative in the Einstein Hologram Universe. We must both master it to survive, and master ourselves to make it worthwhile. And if this theory were possible, the most unlikely of circular arguments, "Time is linear because those of us who live in linear time think it is" and if the linearity results from the concentrated consciousness of all intelligence, past present and future concentrated in a singularity without space or time then does this not suggest a moral imperative.

It suggests that all of the intelligence in the universe is what we perceive as god, we represent the smallest fraction of this concentrated intelligence, diluted by our past, our future and the past, present and future of intelligences within time that we can only consider as statistical probabilities. But the very linearity of time in this example, suggest they exist, that they co-exist; at least in the singularity where they necessarily all come together.

So when you consider your obligations to your neighbor, your friends, you lover, even yourself; remember that the universe requires a certain amount of hostility to exist, we are able to consider these esoteric ideas because our ancestors wielded spears, stones, guns and missiles. But for all of that and for the continued need for that, what does the morality of a shared consciousness require of us.

Still waiting for NLT-Fireships

I know it's wrong not to just continue the posts, but there are issues much greater than the structure of the universe at work.  NLT provides a series of explanations for concepts which cannot be solved using traditional mathematics.  While it is built on concepts envisioned by Einstein, even so, its hard to get too excited about NLT.  While the results are nothing short of remarkable; the idea that everything is only the linear display of events that have already occurred in a singularity is demoralizing for anyone who ignored their responsibilities who sinned.  I consider my actions to largely be based on a sense of responsibility.  It is often a balancing act and I rarely seem to pick the right thing.  The obligations I meet seem pretty hollow.  The balance seems to often be based on values that are not shared.  When I think of the things I've failed to do, the things I need to do that I will never do, the things I've done that I cannot get back.  And if I pledged myself to do the right thing from this point forward, to recapture my life, I would only be doing what is mandated by the science of Non-linear time, what is a moral imperative of physics; actually an imperative of an intelligent life.  Instead, I continue to make the same mistakes, to do the wrong things.  I sell out myself and those who depend on me, including you.
So if it seems like I'm not getting to the posts as quickly as I can (spoiler alert, I prove negative time states give rise to specific energy states), think of how poorly your decisions have been.  Think of the things you have done wrong, the things you continue to do wrong.  You are destroying the world, I have destroyed my world and that of others.  There is so much I still have time to fix, and yet I don't have the personal strength to deal with those things I was able to do in the past, nor properly plan for the future. So we are both in this together.  I've burned down my cities and you've burned yours.   In the words of Ford Maddox,  "Here then were two noble natures, drifting down life like fireships afloat on a lagoon and causing miseries, heartaches agony of the mind and death.  and they themselves steadily deteriorated. and why?for what purpose?to point what lesson? it is all a darkness."  Perhaps it is too much to say I have a noble nature; perhaps it is too much to expect someone who knows better, to do the right thing and allow a claim of nobility.  I am, I suppose, the ignoble fire ship.  And you, I have no proof that you have done anything wrong, that you have not lived up to your moral imperatives.  So perhaps I am just a lonely fireship, floating alone on my lagoon, leaving a wake of misery and darkness.  And the lesson, is that it is not too late to start doing the right thing in the future, and every moment that goes by without the right moral path, whatever the right thing to do is, in not doing it, is lost forever.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A reprieve from NLT

You might not want to read this post, although the next 4 or 5 posts on non-linear time will be almost as earth shattering as the early posts which "rediscovered" Einstein's theory that the universe is non-linear and therefore everything happens at once in a dimensionless singularity.  But you'll have to wait for that, who knows I may get bored and discouraged and never put it up at all (the good news is even the most thick headed physicist can take what's already been posted and finish it out, albeit without the panache that I might provide.
But today, I am discouraged.  I don't care if I get the Nobel prize or not, since if I'm going to get it apparently I already have and if I'm not going to get it; my theories are to know purpose, just a waste of your time.  Perhaps some setting would be appropriate.  I finally managed to slip under the thunderstorms every day and get in 3200 yards which would otherwise be invigorating, but I have no purpose for it now, I might as well have been sitting in a dark closet alone with my thoughts for an hour, alright an hour and 10 minutes.  I'm sitting and writing this while eating my dinner which is rotting cherries which are on the boarder of poisonous, but actually quite sweet in a half rotten sort of way.  Normally this would bother me, but in my current mood I'd just as well die of food poisoning.
My current book (the one i am reading) on the Atlantic ocean is wonderfully full of tidbits and I just learned as much as I've ever known about "Americo Vespucci (or however his name is mis-spelled) someone who I previously misunderstood.  Of course, the western hemisphere should properly be called Vin-land; but that would just upset the french, nothing quite as scary as an angry frenchman, oui?
Anyway, Americo was an adventurer and scoundrel who also wrote a pamphlet on a subject he knew very little about other than his very limited personal observations (apparently a racy 30 page thing) where he correctly put together that Vinland was a massive continent, thereby eventually, through the efforts of others resulting in the hemisphere being misnamed America.  However, I feel Americo was something of a kindred spirit, misunderstood much like I am, he was referred to in later life as a pimp.  Of course he is guilty of his sins, historical or not and I am guilty of mine, whether real or imagined and there are plenty of both; perhaps my greatest crime being that of self preservation and an attempt to make everyone happy which has predictable results.
Of course, I've already made all the mistakes I've ever made if I'm right and if not, why is everyone reading this?  If you read the next posts on NLT, you'll see some of why you're reading it; others will be disillusioned.
That is the real insight into me, by the way.  The part about needing to make everyone happen.  The psychologists among you now can figure out all of the problems with me.  It certainly explains my clownish (boorish if you must) behavior.  It doesn't mean I don't care, it just means if you get too close to me you won't care whether I do or not.
Oh but I am no robot, and certain no hero.  No there is too much of the self preservationist in me.  I understood too well and sympathized too much with the villains in Titanic (the ones that were real and the ones that were not).  And of course the coward dies a thousand deaths, the hero only once.
But I've got to get back to my bowl of rotten cherries and perhaps preparing for the next NLT posts if the cherries do not kill me, if I'm unlucky enough to escape that.

nlt the next step 38-angular momentum, gravity, electrons and protons and charge

While I strive for consistency, as with any rough and developmental work, there are going to be bumps, realignment, wrong assumptions, dead end paths, changing time frames (how ironic) and the like.  Those always get more glaring as we arrive closer to the ends of analysis, closer to what we know and in this case we "know" large particle science (protons, electrons, etc).  I've given up looking for positive feedback and understanding, and instead will just present what we have, continue on as I have no real alternative to continue on (or drop the whole damn thing which might be a good suggestion, but as impossible for me as the next good suggestion) and you will, if you stay with me, see bizarre and unexpected confluences of results.  Time is an enemy, it is given to us in limited amounts and its history fixes our actions in ways we do not like especially if we're unwilling to change, like putting this forth in pieces instead of all at once.  As we examine it in retrospect, it inserts often unwanted and unexpected changes, like replacing the European discovery of America by Spain with European vikings 400 years before (if you can call discovering Canada discovering America (just a joke there) and, of course, keeping in mind that the hemisphere was well colonized and discovered before any of these arrivals by European/Asians from the Western side of Canada thousands of yeas earlier.  If you don't like it, you can wait for the finished version.  If it hurts to much mentally to follow, so much the better for you if you stop.  "Any great grief, the the grief itself man have gone, leaves in its place a train of horrors, of misery and despair." F. Maddox Ford, The good Soldier.

We are going to start looking at large particles (i.e. CT4 states) in NLT, high concentration spin states,  concentrations of multiple time states within a confined set of coordinates  and trapped time states which are resulting structures from time orbits.
Angular momentum is a function of gravity and is, in theory, present in all forms of nlt (perceived space, energy and matter).
Rotation around an axis is only seen in CT4 concentrations and states.  However, the size of the axis can vary and the explanation has to cover different forms of matter, and NLT allows for that.
As is known, there is conservation of dimensional coordinate change in NLT and this conservation extends over the various forms of clock time.
An electron has massive coordinate change about the axis while the proton has relatively slow coordinate change.  As expected, in this exchange you see higher concentrations of clock time coordinated change with the proton.  And the factor of concentration, both surprisingly and non surprisingly is.
e=9x10^-31 kg//5.6x10^-15m (this length is based on the size necessary to carry charge and not based on observation)
p=1.7x10^-27kg (and the same, of course) to this scale/decimal point for a neutron)/2x10-14m (Note that there is some disagreement and 10^-15 is as likely; non linear time theory allows that diameter is a fiction and fluctuates depending on the rate of change of coordinates, traditional physicists are baffled by the change in diameter on these scales)
or roughly a 10^5 difference; i.e. there is no clock time shifting but there is a transition in charge as well as the rate of coordinate change.
The idea here is that all planck length particles have the ability to rotate about an axis (spin); but the minimum size for any subatomic particle is: 1.6x10^-35 meters (not to be confused with grams used above).
When you look at the theoretical mass of a plank length sub-atomic particle you begin to wonder if you're seeing staged coordinate change and this naturally leads to the question of why changes occur.
First remember that CT1-CT3 have not gone away, only gone negative.  Also they are going negative at different scales CT1 having started first is far more negative than CT3 which is a quantum latecomer to negative change.  It is further important to note that while we're using numbers to model this, numbers are creatures of linear space and NLT abhors linear space.
We have 3 charge states (at least) that we can look at:
1) negative-least concentration of CT4, CT3 not as negative as a result; rate change in dimensions highest
2) positive-higher concentration of CT4, CT3 more negative; rate change relatively low
3) Neutral-combined electron and protron
Complicating the analysis is that like with all other rate changes, the rate change of these sub-atomic particles, but still particles, is affected by vibrational rate changes which can be called heat (or warmth for those of us who care) KE = 1/2 m v^2.
The idea that you should be building  is that if you were above to concentrate electrons on the scale of 10^5 and slow the rate change; you could, in theory change the charge and structure of electrons to that of protons.  For those of you who just coughed your coffee through your noses; I'm not saying you can do this, there is an issue of conservation of charge to be dealt with.   You can, of course, in NLT change electrons to anything else.
For the moment what we are looking at is an exchange of energy (here we're going to accept that energy (ke in this case) is negative CT1-CT3 which is being exchanged for changes in CT4 coordinates.
To be continued...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

NLT-the next step Part 37:rotational 2

RETURN TO NEGATIVE TIME MOVEMENT TO UNDERSTAND ANTI-SPIN STATES AT THE CT3-CT4 TRANSITION: We are now going to look again at the conceptual possibility that force is merely negative dimensional states at the point of rotational movement.  First we need to understand spin states.  Spin is a concept that exists outside of NLT, but it is vastly different in a dimensional universe where things can actually rotate.  What is spin in a NLT universe.  The answer must have to do with changing time coordinates around other CT states, that is CT4 is the ability to create coordinate changes in what is perceived as a circular framework, it is the incorporation of pi but it is rotation in the truest sense.  Instead of moving linearly in every direction including curved directions, it has the coordinate changes of an axis about which the individual (as opposed to combined) quanta rotate.
While large scale rotation of energy about a central gravity source is observed, the roation of individual energy quanta is not necessarily observed.
Gravity exists outside of CT4 so it cannot merely be a bending type of coordinate change.  However, unique to matter is coordinate change about a point.  So CT4 should include in their equation state pi, the rotational movement imperative.  Geometry must exist outside of CT4 since all of the coordinates exist, but rotation around a point does not exist outside of matter, so coordinate change around a point must be a part of the CT3-CT4 transition.  The ability of energy to rotate is always accompanied by matter in some form but the discussion of the interaction of CT4 state dimensional elements and CT3 state dimensional elements is outside of this entry.
The spin state is CT4. The anti-forces are considered to be negative time states.  We are going to take the original simplified equation used earlier and flip them on their heads a bit in order to get the right changes: P=((t/t-y))DA-(t/t-y)FA)dt for each point.  The difference between this an the original equation is that (t-y)/t as y approaches y the size of P approaches infinity.  This makes no sense at all if you think in terms of straight entropy since speeds are dropping but if we look in terms of reverse entropy, if we accept that speeds are the opposite of traditional growth, then as t/t-y gets closer to infinity, the compression increases and the speeds decrease according to the demands of NLT.
This basic equation can be expanded so that P=[(t/(t-y))DA+(t/(t-x)D(A-1)]dt=[((t/(t-y))D(A)+t/(t-x)D(A-1)+t/(t-z)(D(A-2)+t/(t-u)(D(A-3)]dt which can be thought of as CT1+CT2+CT3+CT4. Note that only time transitions matter since non-transitional clock time represents the state where everything happens at once without dimension. 
Critical to this is that DA-1 does not go positive until DA goes negative.  Hence DA must have an equation in it that stays at zero (or in a negative state meaning it is some form of energy) state and goes positive with a similar equation within DA that could well be x-t for y,y-t for z, etc,which would mean that DA approaches zero as D(A-1) goes positive and as t/(t-y) goes to infinity.  It complicated conceptually, but allowing for different states (orbits) represented by DA states from x, y, z and u.