
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

NLT the next step Part 14-Paradox 2

Here shall I close my trustworthy speech and thought about the truth.
Henceforward learn the opinions of mortals,
giving ear to the deceptive ordering of my words.
Mortals have settled in their minds to speak of two forms, one of which
they should have left out, and that is where they go astray from the truth.

They have assigned an opposite
substance to each, and marks distinct from one another. To the
one they allot the fire of heaven, light, thin, in every direction
the same as itself, but not the same as the other. The other is
opposite to it, dark night, a compact and heavy body. Of these

I tell thee the whole arrangement as it seems to men,
in order that no mortal may surpass thee in knowledge.
Parminedes, 500 b.c. (more or less)

PARADOX 2: How can you have time coordinates without falling into the trap of “space-time” set by Einstein?  You have “one dimensional time” with coordinates corresponding to a location in space.  This location remains constant, or more specifically changes consistently, for each subsequent dimension of change. There are, therefore, locational coordinates that represent points in space NLT says do not exist.
At the first stages of the universe (CT(0)-CT(2)), there is no distance based on traditional physics which claims that there is a big bang singularity which should not happen until you get to CT(3).  At CT(0) no coordinates should be different for any point because everything is in a single point.  How do you get multiple points sufficient for even the 10^2 scale concentrations? 
Coordinate changes must occur for any Point (P) to be relevant to the perceived universe, but there is no perceived reference point for the change to originate if there are not multiple dimensional coordinates possible, nor is there ability to build separate points to the critical mass necessary to start coordinate change without some differentiation of the coordinates. 

If conservation applies, the near dimensionless world of CT(1) must contain sufficient coordinate change to subsequently populate the entire CT(1-5) universe.

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