
Monday, May 26, 2014

The Failure of Einstein Field Equations- Dimensions in Non-Linear Time

Alas, no poetry this morning.
A fundamental aspect of non-linear time is that it uses Einstein's own theories (albeit turned on their head a bit) in order to give a perspective where there is a different result (apparent, not actual-which I"ll have to explain) to observations in a relativistic universe.
Just as Newtonian Physics (Galliliean Physics might be equally applicable as a name) works in gross terms within a gravity well, so does relativity in a macroscopic universe scale.  It is an actual, repeatable result.  However, relativity begins to break down as time and space are eliminated because the variables on which it is built break down into their component parts.  While the actual results are the same, the apparent way they are displayed must be different, that is the perspective changes the fundamental field equations so that the same perspective yields the same results, but a different perspective yields a different result in theory although not in practice unless there are multiple outcomes in the universe.  This will take a moment to explain.  We can call this Parmenidean Physics (PP) or Non-linear time (NLT), it's sort of the same thing, NLT is merely PP from the perspective of greater knowledge (or less depending on how you view my work).
To understand this conceptually we will use a simple Newtonian problem.
W=Fcos(a)x where W=work, F is force at an angle(a) and x is a vector.  To simplify the equation, well have the Force acting straight down on an object which is resting on the ground, i.e. gravity.  In such a case, the vector x is zero.  If we tilt the angle a so that the object moves, we still have a component of the force which is acting down, but in such as case cos(a)=0 even though x takes a positive value (assuming that there is enough force to move the object).
In NLT (or PP), however, you have a new concept added.  The new concept is that every aspect of the equation is broken down into changing time coordinates.  That is an object at rest is never really at rest in the universe, if it were completely at rest the universe would not have to move by it, because it would cease to be relevant to the changing coordinates any more than a data point on a screen remains relevant after the screen has changed without including that data point.
This takes the simple equation and changes it something like this:
W=d(t1)cos(a)d(t2) where dt1 and dt2 represent gross changes in time related to Force only.  These change notwithstanding the fact that in traditional physics (even relativistic physics) d(t2) doesn't change if the force is coming straight down on the object and hence there is not "actual" movement.  In the NLT universe there is apparent movement since everything is changing lest it drop out of the universe completely.
If this makes you uncomfortable, we're going to have a problem with cos(a)=zero where the force is exerting itself straight down.  Why, you ask as you cling to your Pythagorean life raft?
The answer is that the angle itself is changing in NLT because it is a moving angle and not a static angle.  This doesn't move the block any more from the standpoint of actual movement, but from the standpoint of the NLT universe, the force either has to cease to exist or it has to change coordinates.
This does not mean that the Field equations cease to exist in NLT or that they give different actual results, but it does mean there is a "super perspective" from which they are constantly changing to remain relevant in the universe.
The "gross scale" changes are not relevant but they make a nice analogy.  The Force equation (work equation) given above takes place in a spinning universe so obviously the points of reference change.  Under the concept of time becoming Non-Linear (as in black holes) you can find points where these equations become irrelevant to the universe, i.e. fields cease to exist.  The "gravity" fields of black holes which are fundamental to our universe in this theory merely reflect that without time the black holes would be gone completely so they are only gradually dropping out of the universe, their dt's are going to zero but never arrive.
These types of apparent change (which is not observed in a Linear Universe-actual change) are fundamental in a Non-linear universe (where everything happens at once without dimension according to Einstein-its no wonder it took 10 years to define the field equations since they are inconsistent with his own observations of the underlying origin of the universe) are because the linear universe where things do not happen at once is non-static but necessarily travel and alter according to the apparent (not necessarily actual) movement along time of everything.  All things are coordinate change whether force or matter and in this observation, it becomes easier to look at forces and the anti-forces (matter and anti-matter being the alternative view) as being different perspectives of coordinate change from a common non-linear framework.
Confused?  Just wait!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thank you for breaking my heart

Here's the poem
that i promised you
that you wouldn't like
but with deep affection you take
the good which is very good
and the bad which is very bad
so thank you for being there
and breaking my heart for
Suffering is the source of art
Only the greatest love
can yield the greatest expression
which artists give as art
others by jumping off buildings
less metaphorical escapes
most artists need a series of lovers
because one is not enough
to hone their art to the sharpest edge
to slit allegorical wrists
but other artists
have no match like you
the whole universe
pale next to your sparkling eyes
the hottest sun
cold compared to your passion
thank you for being cold
for your selfishness
for bringing me to the edge
of madness, regret and despair
and pushing me over the edge
with your knowing, thin smile
for opening before me
the abyss within which
there is so much
for only absolute black
holds the secrets
of pure light
and only the perfect mate
can open the door
to perfect darkness
shove me inside
lock the door behind me
take my heart
and break it again
dance on the pieces
kill me one self inflicted cut at a time
deny me the joy of living
so that i  bleed
my poor poetry for you
over the floor
of these pages
and the last drop
of my wrecked life
will add a little color
to your world
a brighter red
coming from
such a fresh wound
that cannot heal

The case for mental research

The idea of conducting an economic war of paper is much less expensive than a single court trial.  While the USA battles China in the world court, China undermines the US economy using a militarized economy.  Weaponized can be equated to monetizing.  Both are methods of accelerating an instant result by the allocation of resources.  The Court systems will be rubble or at least bankrupt long before they achieve results against an economic army.
This is true of super collider research facilities.  Until the fundamental research is in place, you don't really know what you are looking for or how to build for it.  A detailed math paper is a pittance compared to the cost of a single mile of buried high powered electromagnets to say nothing of the people who run, maintain them, and examine their results.
The area I live on is the fringe of society.  The outlying nether regions where thinkers have to cling tenaciously to their ideas which fritter away under examination.  They can only be protected by constantly sharpening the tools of the mind on the rough surfaces to smooth them against the constant wear and tear of criticism.
Welcome to the twilight zone of science and history.  It is not like the fictional twilight zone, because it requires intellectual merit and not merely art.  The wild flights of thought are only relevant as long as serve some broader purpose and are supported by the new science they seek to create.  The theories are fictions looking for a fact on which to cling, like someone lonely looking for anyone to hold onto; rather than two people who have decided they are in love and know they mean to be together; at least till the next fact tears them in different directions.
All science is fleeting subject to the next overturned leaf, the next smallest microscopic view, the next better theory, the next step back or forward in time; all history subject to revision, a new interpretation of events, a new tomb uncovered, a new love letter found; and  all love subject to a deeper scrutiny when circumstances change, when age dulls the body and familiarity and age replace passion.
The fringes are the place to be, love burns brightest on the edges, the future and past merge here, science burning on the very edges where oxygen reaches carbon before it cools and crumbles like ash.
Come live with me on the edge of history, creation and love.  There will be plenty of time for ash when we are buried, lonely and apart in our separate, graves; unmarked by time.

summer morning

It is summer time of the morning
it is neither cool nor warm
not bright nor night
the soul opens
towards the east
like a budding flower
searching for something
which it cannot define
except for the poets
it knows it will find there
it would be perfect
if I had a lover
and I hope my love
has one today
to share the daybreak
with such promise
for tranquility
should be shared
with the memory
of a night together
intertwined and now spent
and who am i
to harbor anger
to be jealous
of the happiness of others
which i scorn
for reasons
I cannot explain
even to myself
even with all lines
all the time alone
without my lover
on summer mornings

Saturday, May 24, 2014

the house

Where are you tomorrow
When are we going to be
Slave to the streets of time
Tortured by the choices
Freely made they imprison
What is self if not the obligation
To be wherever you want
What is obligation but a lock
On the door of the dungeon 
where desire is housed

my time

The early mornings are the only time
Quiet and alone
Time to wait to act
Everything asleep
except the birds
singing for who knows what reason
sometimes it is so still
and other times
the tops of the trees sway
to hidden breezes
that never reach the ground
sometimes they move
all the way to the bushes
all swaying
reminding me of the way you move
the gentleness
the rhythm
it is early in the morning
too early to worry
about the things that don't let me sleep
the sun has not lit
the waving tree tops
the waves of anguish
have not reached me
the breeze cools my fever
it is still my time

Friday, May 23, 2014

The BP-Deep Horizon and the Causation flaw in the PSC approach, the missing proof

One doesn't have to look far to see what BP has accomplished with its appeals, nor for the lost opportunities squandered by the PSC as they drool over the enormous fee they have earned when and if this is finalized.
BP is saving hundreds of millions of dollars in interest if nothing else.  The challenge is to either overthrow the settlement or add a term (causation by something other than mathematical examination) to the claims process.
The beauty of the settlement (which BP clearly accepted) was that it took an enormous group of claims which were too bulky for any court system to handle and turned it in a manageable math problem.  Certainly half of those who had valid, provable claims were excluded lowering BP's liability in half.  The others only had to get their act together to get paid and since perhaps 30-40% would never do that, the half was cut in half again, or almost so. In addition, the payments to the remaining parties were limited to only the immediate economic losses during the spill with limited multiples to those most directly affected.  So far, so good.  BP vastly limited its exposure and the cost of litigation, the economies were given a boost of income even though it was rather randomly handed out, essentially a mardi gras parade settlement.  If you were standing in the right place, you catch a bag of beads, if not, you might walk away with nothing.  Under any circumstances it was a settlement and not a full remedy for those harmed.  Only BP and Steering committee were assured an adequate remedy.
But the tough issue, that of the standard for causation under the OPA was avoided till later, much later as it turned out.  BP watched the essentially satiated PSC and saw an opportunity to delay this further by taking up the current appeal which makes sense anyway to BP.  If they can limit the reach of class actions (not just this one but all of them) to one where each settlement is required to include a causation requirement independent of any formula (other than a formula which legally proves causation) then they accomplish several things.  First they either destroy or cripple the settlement, second they eliminate another huge swath of clients too worn out to prove causation otherwise whether they can as a practical matter or not, and third they defend businesses against far reaching settlements in any class action.  Little can be done at this stage to prevent this, a provision for testing certain cases should have been written into the original settlement which was at best a haphazard affair, but which served the purpose of making resolution of the covered classes possible.
So where is the biggest "Screw up" to the non-covered classes?  This was a great opportunity to have the standard of causation defined.  After all, BP is asking that cases be tested for causation.  You'd think someone on the PSC would be smart enough to ask the appellate and trial courts if it should not have been required to have BP state what standard they were requesting, right?  In case you're wondering, I did just that, albeit later in the process than I should have, even including some documentation on how causation should be determined.  You can find that earlier in this blog, but an updated write up will be coming.
Now the question is whether it is too late to raise this issue and the answer in my opinion is that it is not.  First, it can be argued that BP's appeal is not ripe as they failed to include this crucial issue.  Second, the PSC can still state what it thinks the Supreme court should do if it remands as to causation and get the supreme court to at least look at the question.  Third, the issue can be raised at the district court level.
Why is this so important if the PSC's primary position is that (under the agreement and Lexmark) Article III doesn't require proof of causation as to every plaintiff (BP eviscerates their own settlement by saying it does, but since when does going back on an agreement render a foreign company more non-american than it already is)?  First, the PSC may lose.  If they do, in the present posture, the case goes back to the district court and the case begins its second round of appeal, this time including the causation issue which will slowly be decided at each level.  Second, is that since BP didn't give a standard, their appeal may not even be ready for the supreme court to hear.  If this is the case, the supreme court can remand the case to determine what the standard is which will accelerate the resolution of the remaining class claims.  Finally, justice is denied for the non-class cases (as well as the unpaid class claimants) because so much time has been lost in these appeals and in the slow pace in which the non-class cases are being handled.  This case was largely overwhelming originally, so the delay for a couple of years made sense, but thereafter the delays are the result of something else.  Perhaps it is greed, the PSC's need to control minutely and at the very top every aspect of recovery.  Certainly the PSC is big enough to split up the cases among its members and try enough of them to determine what the standard is for appeal, but this would mean parceling out the responsibility and, more importantly, the power concentrated at the point of the PSC.  To some extent it appears like the case is being handled like a two car collision, when, arguably, it should be divided among people who can handle the individual pieces of the litigation at the same time.  But these decisions are not the decisions of the PSC alone.  The court and even BP necessarily have to have a role.  For now, the case is being kept before one court system and by two justices.  But it is no longer so complicated that those parties cannot change the course of the litigation and begin the process of bringing justice to those who are denied.  The question is whether the parties involved have the vision and wisdom to expand the scope of the litigation beyond the tunnel vision that is represented by the concentration of power in a few attorneys' hands on either side.  This concentration favors BP since its costs are only the costs of supporting the concentrated force on these narrow issues and it puts off resolution at least one day for each day that the concentration remains in place.  It also demoralizes those who are not served by the concentrated focus of this case on one issue at a time by a handful of attorneys.  Hence, BP cannot be expected to change this.  The PSC is not overly worried since they have an enormous fee and can wait to feast again much later.  Hence the need for change needs to come from those parties who are denied justice and whether they can organize enough to effect a broadened view of the litigation is uncertain.  Certainly my attempts to get the crucial issue of causation up before the court have fell on ears deaf for reasons I do not fully understand.

Russia and China-natural tendencies of weaponized economies and shifting powers

Russia-China mega gas deal: Is it a pipeline too far for Moscow? - Christian Science Monitor shared via

This story is indicative of the growing power of china which is also reflected in their ability to influence and essentially attack (see the drilling rig in Vietnam) their neighbors while the rest of the world stands by helpless.

The shift in allegiance from the USA to China of Russia and, ultimately, the rest of the world, is the natural result of going towards the entity that can do the most for you and which offers the most protection and is, after all, the biggest market for products.

This access to the China market with its glut of dollars and manufacturing, stolen from the West due to incompetent, corrupt governments, will accelerate the shift of alliance as a weakened Europe, currently Russia's best market, increasingly becomes beholden to the Eastern Powers of Russia and China.

The importance of directing attention to the issues addressed in China's Weaponized Economy become more pronounced as the disaster represented by the failure to do so previously looms larger and comes closer.

Missing posts-the current climate of blogging

There is only so much that one person can do, or stand to do.
At current an effort to massively overhaul the second edition of China's Weaponized Economy is underway.  The previous posting on the grant proposal is well into its lengthy second edition with all the missing pieces steadily being included and the application of generally accepted economic methodologies being included in principle if not with specific equations and underlying terminology.
At the same time, the new, largely revolutionary concepts in non-linear time theory will be organized for similar exploitation, subsequent to the completion of the analysis of why the US gave up its economic might to the Chinese in outline form.  It is noted that the origin of CWE was pre-2010 and that the first publication was in 2011 so we are essentially updating something that was originally raised 3 years ago and fully refined in 2011-2012 but has not been further developed outside the original work in the detail required.
This time frame also marks the development of Non-linear time theory which originated in 2012 in detail as E-H-T and in 2013 slowly began its transformation into its present state only this year.
Other developments are too numerous to post during this sleepless morning which shares itself with too many other, prior sleepless mornings, but at least, stepping outside to write this, it is not so cold or so hot this early, that it is impossible to write nor avoid the cool unhealthy airs of morning and the noise of the birds and insects that have this time of day to themselves..

Sunday, May 18, 2014


How many times I sacrificed my nights
to watch the oldest on the stage
How many days did spend waiting
outside rehearsal halls and driving
and how many sets were built

how much heartache I had
watching the middle struggle
moving from joyful child
alive in his own world
till he conquered the outside

The youngest I remember
racing through cold wind
screaming in joy on a bike
when did that happy child
change to the class leader

And so I sacrificed my life
just to be there for all of you
putting what i wanted on hold
Burying my desires to attend them
realizing I will not regret it

non-linear time theory-dimensionless equivalence

The equations for equivalence are relatively simple:
/If B is more than one item, A=B+C, A=B*C, etc.  The laws of dimensional mathematics allow for infinite permutations.  For example, if B in the first example is written out, it may look like this:B=mc^2 and would therefore mean a=e for mass m (plus or minus permutations written out as constants. for example, if the mass has momentum (defined here as change in relative time coordinates,) then (pc^2)^1/2 fills the role of C in the second equation and it looks like this: E^2=(mc^2)^2 + pc^2) where p is the momentum of the mass which in turn is m*v (mass times velocity) so the equation looks like e^2=(mc^2)*2 + (m*v*c)^2 which begins to look a lot like a integration solution for the sum of the parts which change in coordinates according to time (time coordinate being inherent in both velocity (meters/sec) and in the speed of light and, by the nature of this formula in mass.
When used in Non-linear time theory, this equation changes further because forces are included in the equation.
QIQe (a fundamental particle of energy)=E(mc^2 plus or minus momentum)+Tc where Tc is clock time.
QIQs (a fundamental particle of space)=QIQe+Te where Te is Time expressed as nuclear force (electromagnetism or nuclear forces or both)
QIQt (a fundamental particle of non-spatial time-e.g. two dimensional space time)=QIQs+Tg which is gravity expressed by time.
The order may or may not be accurate, although it can be determined according to some of the prior disclosures.
For zero momentum, the equation may look as follows:
QIQt=mc^2+Tg +Te+Tc.  Since c=m/s it can be seen that time appears in all portions of the equation on the right which would be expected of this solution since all things must be related to time plus some constant.  This oversimplification shows that as Tc increases, for example, Te or Tg must decrease (or QIQt must change).  It should be noted that Tg, Te and Tc are necessarily formula that represent a change in time coordinates and are, to the extent that you force them into a three dimensional framework, different dimensions of time..
To take them from dimensions to coordinate changes alone, the equation could look like this: Tg(x), Te(x,y), Tc(x,y,z); or Tg(x), Te(y), Tc(z); or Tg(x,y,z), Te(x,y,z), Tc(x,y,z) where x, y and z are conserved relative to one another.  Under any circumstances, to have relevance in the universe the coordinates need to change so any of these are a measure of dt (the change of time) and not just time with static coordinates where dt=0 is non-linear time by definition.
This looks very much like multi-dimensional time as it should, but it is not the complete equation.  The difference is largely semantic, but dimensional time would be dx, dy, dz, this only reflects a change in a constant, t which is defined as being expressed in at least one dimension; but dimensions necessarily do not exist except as an expression of the change in time in one or more of its forms.
Critical in the analysis for our purposes today is that there need only be one form of non-linear time, a single point of non-linear time, which is expressed differently giving the appearance of dimension (and therefore linearity) where dimension and linearity do not really exist within this one point.
Hence the equations of QIQ above relate to a single body (a point body existing without linear time or dimension) which is repeatedly expressing itself in terms of linearity for every "point" within the universe.  While we struggle with this conceptually, arguing in our limited perspective that this makes for a "very busy" point, the fact that the point exists without time or dimension means it can work very casually.  The thing that is very active is merely the expression or linearity which does not exist in the perspective of the point even thought the entire universe created by this expression is, necessarily, in "motion" or a change in time coordinates in order to be perceived as non-linear (compare super-massive black holes where at least some of the universe is going non-linear, but neither adding nor subtracting from the one origin QIQ.
Perhaps you think I am digressing too far from the questions of dimensional equivalence, however just the opposite is the case.  A non-linear universe (like the one theoretically giving rise to ours) would, from our perspective at least, be a single point, non-linear in dimension and time, where everything happens at once, where dt=0.  At dt^1, the universe begins to happen so that the expression of dimension look essentially like the integration from zero to some number (possibly infinity) (QIQ) dt where QIQ is defined above and where dt may be broken out as dtx,dty,dtz and further broken down according to the forces created if one is not inherent in each coordinate change.
While three coordinate changes are used, there is no requirement that it be limited in a theoretical model since to the single non-dimensional point of origin, 10 dimensions are no less significant than 1,2 or 3 since it exists without them.  The only possible limitation is that as additional dimensional times are added, others must be reduced and whether this reduction can go on to infinity without having some strange theoretical effect is the subject of another chapter.

Non-linear time-the matter anti-matter conundrum

If we look at matter/energy/space and the forces associated (gravity/nuclear forces/clock time) that are associated with these, we can see that in every case the force is closely associated in proximity to the fundamental quantum in question (QIQ).
Hence, for purposes of further defining the equation (which doesn't change) for any QIQ, it looks something like this:
Q=(t1(x,y,z), tf1(x,y,z)) with tf being the associated force.  For this equation we can assume there is just as much t1 and tf1 if we want to maintain symmetry.
At certain concentrations of Q you move from space and gravity QIQ to energy QIQ so the equation looks something like this:
Q2=Q1a+Q1b+Q1c, etc where (x,y,z) for each Q1 is at a sufficient concentration, that is where they are the same, and where their rate of change (dt where t is not clock time, but the rate of change of x,y,z as pure coordinates) are the same in each "dimension" so that they particles are in the same place for purposes of changing from space to energy.  You will have an identical transformation where the change is from energy to matter except it will be Q3=Q2a,+Q2b,etc where Q2a=Q1a+Q1b,etc.
Therefore it can be implied that as the rate of change for forces (tf1(x,y,z)) becomes identical, the forces transform and tf1 (gravity) changes to tf1(electromagnetic) with an overall conservation between these forces (they cannot increase logically since they require the same QIQ to exist so they must stay proportional.  However, this is not necessarily what is observed.
While we believe there is conservation of the forces, some of the earlier observations make this concept of conservation and origin coupled with conservation necessary as well as logical, particularly of clock time, indicate that while clock time has to be part of this equation since each QIQ has its own clock time that only becomes significant when the rate of change slows to less than the speed of light upon sufficient concentrations of the magnitude of c^2.
Hence the conundrums of conservation of mass and force are solved and the only question is what the manifestations of t1 and tf1 change upon concentrations of Q, but that is a different conundrum which will come later.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

non-linear time theory-dimensionless coordinate theory

The idea of dimensionless coordinates is related to the idea that a single point generates all of space time simultaneously.  This is not only possible, but likely and reflected in quantum theory which is not otherwise explained by other theories.  Theories explain quantum mechanics and theory but not "why" quantum exists.  The idea of everything being generated by a single point "sequentially" even though the sequences occur in our "linear view" at the same time necessarily requires that at some fundamental level everything is quantized relative to this single point of origin or, if you would prefer, a single point of time which is useful in acronyms.
While thus explaining the origin of quantum physics, the origin of this quantum point where time is non linear and therefore everything happens at once is a more delicate question.  In the prior entry, the discussion centered on the relationship of non-linear time and multi-dimensional time showing them to be different points of view of the same thing; but yielding radically different conceptual frameworks which should, mathematically be related.
It was also touched on that coordinates of time, conserved relative to one another, give rise to both the forces and the substance of the universe.  Previously it was discussed that these forces and substances were possibly matter and anti-matter relative to one another reflected to some extent in the destruction of linear time as matter is sufficiently compressed to collapse in black holes or, more properly for this discussion, "gravity wells" (a/k/a "time wells" where time and space go to zero coordinate changes, delta(t)=0).  That is a sufficient concentration of matter gives rise to a concentration of gravity which combine to stop the linearity of time.  This concept allows one method for solving the question of "what happened to all the anti-matter in the universe".  The answer being it is still there in the form of "forces" such as gravity, electromagnetic force, clock time and the like.
While strictly speaking NLT doesn't require anti-matter as an explanation, it doesn't require it be ruled out either.  The quantum forces that act on a single point of time or "SPOT" (you were probably looking for that) could easily generate matter and forces or matter and anti-matter or just one or just the other.  It is useful to think of the SPOT as generating both at the same time (matter and forces) from our sense of symmetry, but symmetry is not a requirement of fundamental physics even if it happens to be the way that fundamental physics occurs.
Many scientists would look at SPOT and say "See Spot run in different way, perhaps an infinite number of ways; our universe existing only because Spot runs in a way that provides for symmetry as we understand it, the so called we exist because we have to exist."
I would posit that the correct way to read this is "See Spot run the only way he can run because there is only one way for coordinates to change, everything happens at once and Spot running is only the expression of this in a linear form."  In fact, crazy as it may seem, perhaps the other dimensions of these classical theorists (like Hawkins) would be ones where things happened randomly, where one minute you'd be reading this and the next...

non-linear time theory-dimensionless space-more on the goals of grants

As has been previously mentioned, non-linear time theory skirts very close to multi-dimensional time theory.
The fact is that non-linear time theory expresses itself in different time dimensions which give rise to different "forces" of time.
Those forces are dimension, energy, the so-called 'energy forces' (electromagnetisim, strong and weak forces), gravity, and matter/clock time.
The conservation of time as reflected in the conservation of mass and energy dictates that space (and any dimensional resident of space) must arise from some coordinate change in time and space can most easily be identified in terms of coordinates.  Since space and time are necessarily conserved, proportional one to the other, this means that time coordinates being grouped according to the creation of various aspects of "space/time" have multiple dimensional time characteristics which were apparent even before the comparisons to multi-dimensional time theories.
Fundamentally, however, non-linear time theory requires mathematics which deny dimensions.  The problem with existing multi-dimensional time is that it remains "dimensional".  The difference is subtle and one of position.  Multi-dimensional time, for example, presumes space and forces of space with or without time.  Non-linear time theory recognizes that the fundamental building block of space/time is non-dimensional time.  Multi-dimensional time theory sees a steady state universe as being possible, Non-linear Time theory sees a universe which exists without dimensional qualities.  It exists because it has always existed.  The perceived change in the universe is much like a light shined on different parts of a stage, or like the different frames of film (so much so that one reflects favorable as a representation of the other).  In a film, however, you use light to move between frames and mechanics to move the film before the light.  NLT is more like a digital movie, the coordinates of each successive frame are located, the other aspects of space/time are then expressed.  Hence you have some locators in NLT, it is "put together" in some fashion that allows expression of linearity, and then you have other coordinates associated with each of these locators conserved relative to each other that allow the expression of everything else in space.
This is, because of the absence of "real space" fairly easy to express:
A1=A(T1 (tx, ty,tz); T1',T1",etc); A2=A(T2 (tx,ty,tz),T2',T2",etc) where there is conservation (proportionately associated) between T,T',T" and subsequent proportionality of time.
LikewiseT1 is shown with coordinates of space (noting that in theory NLT recognizes Times preceding the big bang where tx is linear, but ty and tz are not and then where tx,ty are linear before tz becomes linear.  T1' and T" are not shown with x,y,z coordinates; but they do have multiple coordinates which are reflected in the "forces" which make them up.  These forces are expressed sequentially see prior entries showing the potential for 1) space and gravity, 2) energy and nuclear forces, 3) matter and clock time, for example, but not necessarily in that order).
The expression of linearity in terms of sequences tied to both spatial and clock coordinates (at least outside of black holes and other non-linear places) gives rise to space time as we perceive it; but should not be confused with space time as a fundamental framework for purposes of a mathematical analysis which  is seductive, but inconsistent with close analysis of the universe.
Linearity as we perceive it is not required by NLT but is required by the rules of the perceived universe.  Just as a film may be "cut up" and displayed in slide formats in any order; or as different places in digital media may be expressed in random order; so our universe can be displayed in a non-sequential fashion.
Something happens with time that allows the expression of linearity that we experience, but this "order" is not a "requirement" any more than the digitized sequential film is required to be expressed sequentially.  The key then to NLT is that while we "experience" space-time (the sequential expression of Non-linear Time); space time coordinates need not be sequential.  While this conjures ideas of time travel, it actually indicates just the opposite.  While the possibility of "viewing" different places in time and space without regard to separation (for example you can theoretically see the big bang as it happens from within the coordinates in NLT which would be a goal of NLT in terms of practical application) but you cannot change it any more than you could change a single frame of a film just by virtue of being able to view it as a slide.  This analysis means that even what we perceive as self awareness or self determination is nothing more than an illusion of the expression of NLT in a linear format.
There is a more intriguing concept.  There is no-absolute condition in this regard.  If you look at the slides as "digital" in nature, it is possible that there is some way in which you could go into the programming and change the code.  This means even if there is no "true" self awareness or self determination that forces exist outside of linear time that would permit the coordinates of the universe to be altered.  To the extent you want to jump into the pews of "old time religion" something (or god) had the ability to assemble the universe in a non-linear format from the standpoint of non-linearity (of either dimension or space), the so-called dimensionless void of pre-space time.  This isn't the void of space, this is the void of non-dimension, non-linear time where everything happens at once.
If we "crack the code" of Non-linear time, if we hack the universe, then we not only have the ability to change our coordinates moving at will between coordinates in time and space, but we could change outcomes.  While this is seductive, it would give us true self determination which is contraindicated even though we recoil against being slaves to non-linearity where "everything happens at once".
NLT theory must be reconciled with multi-dimensional time, quantum and relativistic theories to have relevance and hence does not stand totally apart from those theories.  Just because space-time is an illusion of non-linear time doesn't change the fact that NLT is an illusion of space time from a relativistic framework.
The key to all of these theories is one of perspective but the story of the blind men and the elephant show the importance of looking at the universe through every perspective and not just those which make us (or the physics cabal if you will pardon a pun being inserted into a serious conversation) comfortable.

Friday, May 16, 2014

It isn't all good

We say we are fine
Everything is really
The day dawns bright
bringing a glow to our skin
the night embraces us
with its mellowing shades
But there comes a time
When we have to ask
is it really all fine today
so many unknowns
we live only to turn
self aware dust bunnies
waiting to change
happy only in the moment
except these moments alone
we hope when things change
they will allow us time
enjoying our passions
knowing they will wither with time
and all the time we are not together
It is not all fine at all 

non linear time and multi dimensional time equations-the grant proposal for discussion

Non linear time is the non-dimensional formulation of multi dimensional time of Gavin Wince.  Hence, what we are looking to do is take these equations and write them for a non-dimensional concept.
After all, multi-dimensional time requires multiple dimensions.  While Gavin Wince has some ground breaking mathematics, the problem that he has is that while he's answering a lot of problems with mathematics, the bottom line is that his mathematics remains grounded in dimensional analysis which isn't really an answer for Non-linear time theory where there is no dimension.
While a great deal of time has been spent looking at problems with traditional theories and re-writing them for non-linear time; backing into the same solutions that you see with Gavin Wince's work so the next step is to take his work and figure out what it looks like without dimension.
Gavin Wince's film shows how Time dimensions can be used to explain the same phenomena as Non-linear time which makes these two theories somewhat equivalent, although not identical.

TDT (three dimensional time) of Wince is largely the equivalent of Multiple time coordinates and in fact, like all other physics, the differences are largely a matter of perspective .  NLT denies the existence of space except as a function of time, TDT says there are three dimensions of both.  This is essentially a statement of the same thing, from different perspectives.

I have spent quite a lot of time attempting to reconcile NLT with string theory (mainly showing string theory doesn't work as well) and trying to force it into the math of String and M theory and postulating how NLT can explain things like expansion (in a universe without real dimension), dark matter and dark energy.
Most of the concepts, however, dovetail much better with Multi-dimensional time theory since they are largely equivalent (time with multiple coordinates which come into play in stages are pretty much multi-dimensional time if you look at it that way).

There is so much rich material there, however, that it might even stave off publication of the second edition.  However, Multi dimensional time doesn't recognize that dimension is merely a function of time, although it does define mass the same way as NLT (in terms of solving for time) and makes excellent arguments for many of the proportional relationships.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two is the heavy relationship of NLT on the ability of time to be non linear and therefore without dimension, but the ideas of a steady state universe without expansion takes a lot of pressure on NLT if that were in fact the case (although it basically means they chapters on expansion have to be re-written as a) expansion and b) non-expansion.  In point of fact, multi-dimensional time allows for black holes to function as places where time goes non-linear and nothing else which is something of a relief, and allowing for multiple dimensions vs multiple coordinate times to work opens some intringuing possibilities.  NLT looks at the forces we experience as the opposite of or "anti-matter state" of matter, energy, space, etc.  The explanation of what gives rise to these forces, is not so well defined. Enter multi-dimensional time which has matter and anti-matter co-existing, but anti-matter with a "negative time" and matter with a "positvie time"  The existence of something in the same place as matter but with negative time is an excellent springboard for figuring where these forces come from.  For example, the tendency of the two times to come together (negative and positive) would easily explain something like gravity and with a little imagination even things electromagnetic forces. Hence the two theories come together to make something greater than either one alone.

But more on this as time allows.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Fantasma

sleep is oblivion
or as close as we can get
while clinging to the mortal thread
treasured for what it should be
populated by fantasma
of the past and the future
the nightmare of waking
portrayed by the dead
full of willing lovers
ready to turn into demons
just like those of daylight
reflections of reality
with the monsters of childhood
metamorphosed for our age
no longer recognized
as those of the sleepless babe
who met them first
before running for comfort
dressed in flannel and fur boots
hinting we are incomplete
not ready for the final sleep
perhaps that is their purpose
to make us all aware
that however much we crave it
oblivion contains its own horrors

Friday, May 9, 2014

with you and without you

I' alone with you
and I'm alone without you
when i'm with you
or when i'm not
i'm afraid of losing you
because i don't see you
or you get to know me too well
how can life be happy
when it has to
either have you in it
with the fear of losing you
or not having you in it at all

Thursday, May 8, 2014

China's Weaponized Economy-Grant proposal open for comment

A detailed outline of the project can be found I the book: China’s Weaponized Economy published 2012.
The basic concept is that it is possible to use an economy for a weapon and that steps must be taken by any government which hopes to survive against a like economy using their economy in this fashion.  The grant takes the position that, intentionally or accidently, that China has weaponized its economy and is using this weapon to undermine the economy of the United States.  The project can be looked upon as a defense manual.
The initial draft was published in order to make the ideas available but they have not been fully documented and events since 2012 have shown that the assessments in the book are largely accurate.
It is considered, by the author and others, that this matter requires considerable attention.  The purpose of the grant it to provide funding for research and a second, better organized, written, updated copy of China’s Weaponized economy.
A single part time research assistant for 12 months and the writer’s salary are envisioned.  Thereafter a professional editor is envisioned for 6 months.
The most potent weapon in any active military situation is the underlying economy of the combatant. In the past, the concept of weaponizing an economy has been restricted to earmarking various portions of the economy towards defense and in protecting limited resources which are considered critical.

The idea of using an economy as a “peace time” long term tool to destroy or cripple enemy combatants and to defend an economy from a concerted attack of this nature is novel.  Conceptually, many of the ideas developed within the context of the book incorporate ideas or show the use of ideas developed in the Art of War which is primary source material for the work.  While it is fully explored conceptually in China’s Weaponized economy, it is not fully developed.  It is, however, possibly the most important defensive work of our time.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Putin, Psychology and European war

In a world where there are constant wars, why is it so hard to accept the possibility of war?
The idea, originally set out in China's Weaponized Economy of a failure of intelligence in groups is the likely culprit.
To understand this failing in human intelligence, it is a good idea to look at the probable causes.
There is the idea that we hide from what scares us.  That's a good place to start but it cannot be the entire answer.  Those who make guns must revel at the thought of war, at least the ones who are short sighted and miserly.
Another point is our reliance on one another.  We huddle in groups around campfires and in military formations of actual combat soldiers have to learn not to clump together.  We draw a perverse sense of safety from being together, depending on one another.
Then there are statistical concepts.  Those who would be willing to face their fears and stand apart from the crowd are few.  Those who will wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning to try to save those who sleep soundly (you know who you are) are marginalized and exist as outliers.  And they get tired of screaming "the end is near" with their real or apocryphal sign boards worn front to back.  I'm a little tired of it.
Those in power fear losing their power if they don't maintain a confident, positive message.  The last thing we want are politicians who say its hopeless.  The problem is that none of them wants to be the apocalyptic outlier and so they form a humming machine, incapable of addressing or even recognizing problems except as an averaged out group, the Naderian or Ralphian congressman screaming, "if we don't control pollution we're all going to die" ends up marginalized, sitting in his metaphorical bathtub watching the water rise, the bees die and, let's face, the end of the world coming from so many directions.  When the world ends, one imagines all of these friendless outcasts telling each other, "I told you so."  That's my plan.
In our brief existence between all the inevitable apocalypses perhaps it is better to forget everything, move to Amsterdam or Colorado, get a job as a postman, and just wait to be snuffed out.  But there is a little part of some of us, maybe even all of us, that is a part of that patriotic fever that herds us like cattle into war, but also makes us rail against the inevitable demise of our species.  That is the part that imagines us leaving this doomed world and even controlling this doomed world so it isn't doomed, at least not as quickly.
But I digress.
There are, then, only a couple of reasons that appear obvious for a lack of group intelligence and for our blindness.  There has to be something more.  Something must exist in our minds that shuts out things which are too terrible to imagine at some point in practical thinking.  Our brains must say "war is inevitable in Europe, we must plan for it or be constantly vigilant against it" and then they must say, "forget that or you'll get an ulcer.  Let's go down to the Patisserie and buy a croissant and a cafe' au lait, the Germans (or Russians) won't invade."  One has to imagine filters built in to allow us to function without paranoia, to assure ourselves that someone better informed is going to handle things, to be comfortable in the arms of someone else and the group around them, and lets face it, this time of the morning, going to the cafe for a doughnut doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Correspondence Dinner, Putin and the war in Europe

it's hard to imagine anything harder to watch than a dinner, but this one had some special speakers, so I tried to make an exception.  These things are so incredibly boring to attend and you weren't even served food; although if I remember correctly I did have a bowl of grapes.
The White house correspondent's dinner comedy was extremely risque.
Perhaps it was even a little too far even for comedy, but its good that we can laugh at ourselves with the president.
This was the "Captain Americia" is Captain "the country that owes us 1.1 trillion" to China.  While most of us cringed during this monologue;  I listened to see how much this country was recognizing through comedy what is so clear to everyone except our vapid governing body.
You can tell a lot about what's really scaring people, however, by what they don't say.
The president and the comedian in residence both were shameless when joking about race, the most cringeworthy part of the whole thing.  They joked about China and our indebtedness to them because they are too stupid to see how serious that problem is since it will enslave and bring down the western empires or could, because of their weakness lead to thermonuclear war which will kill us all and there will be no one for me to tell I told you so.  It will also render the "brilliant" physics work I"ve done pointless, and yes it's probably not brilliant and pointless anyway.
But what they didn't joke about was Putin.  The reason is that he scares the bejesus out of them and with good reason.  Putin has balls.  They may be stupid balls, but balls nonetheless.  He probably has more than his allotment of megalomania and he is stirring up a grass roots patriotism that may loop him and the other leaders into a frothy sense of destiny.
As I mentioned (and almost immediately was supported) China will use this to further undermine the US (while the US pays them and sends even more money for military build up infrastructure and technology) and will increase Russia's dependency on them.  They will be, and are, of course, the arsenal of both democracy and totalitarianism and the idiots who run the USA are led by the nose as it were by them.
So the political elite are scared to death and this certainly scares the Europeans to death because they are so close to the war zone, that it extends past their borders into the Atlantic Ocean.
We have admitted we have no "military option".  This is both the fault of the Europeans themselves and the US.  The Europeans disarmed and the USA expended its army in the desert (if you want to read how stupid and how historically predictable it was read China's Weaponized Economy or any other half written book about the middle east and Afganistan in particular) and sent all of its technology to china along with whatever credit it had left (it had long ago spent all of its money).
It isn't too late of course.  Europe can pull its trousers up and the US can adopt the policies (starting with a state constitutional convention-fixing, not over-throwing the currently entrenched congress with a constitutionally provided procedural fix) of China's Weaponized Economy; but the truth is that we are a stupid group of animals.   More like cows than what we believe we see in the mirror and we are as likely to stampede off a cliff as do anything intelligent.
But I have to be careful, lest I sound bitter and disillusioned to my readers who are, after all, the crown of creation.

The new Russian European conflict and World war C:War in Europe-Can Putin invade all of Europe III

As promised here is the next installment of China making a mockery of the US government.  Now there is a secessionist movement in several states which is really sad.  Do these state government really help themselves or anyone else?  The USA is a strong republic, its only a weak country.  The key is to strengthen state's rights through limitation on the terms and prerogatives of the politicians at the national level.  The founding fathers, incredibly insightful after having thrown off tyrannic rule and seeing the seeds of future tyranny in their own legislature wrote in the "never used" state constitutional convention to deal with this.  This IS NOT a secessionist provision, it is instead an opportunity to pass laws of the type suggested in China's Weaponized Economy for dealing with this issue.
But let's talk about Russia invading Europe.
This is really too sweet.  This is World War C (China's Weaponized Economy) in all of its glory.  This shows the brilliance of China's war compared to the idiotic wars that continue to be prosecuted with weapons by the west.
It's so hard to believe that our government could be as stupid as it is, but at the same time you really have to hand it to the Chinese who have, after all, been working on this military technology  for a few thousand years.  Only recently did they develop true economic warfare, but they used the principles in the Art of War to carry it forward.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

War in Europe-Can Putin invade all of Europe II

So, if we concede Ukraine (not that the Ukrainians would concede it), from Lviv to The Hague is only 1600 kilometers.  If the Russians went the speed limit, it would only take 14 hours to cross Europe.
I'm not sure their fighter aircraft could fly that slowly, they would cover the distance in 1/2 an hour.
That assumes there would be a reason for traveling this distance.  Berlin is around half way.  15 minutes away by fighter jet, 8 hours in a tank.
It's a lot closer than traveling across Russia which is, after all 1/6 of the earths landmass.
The concept of invasion doesn't require controlling every square foot of territory, only eliminating political organization is required and that is centralized in Europe.
It is far fetched to some, but it's happened several times with less advanced roads and slower tanks.  If you stage for Ukraine and Ukraine isn't a problem, you are staged for the rest of Europe.  It's not a complicated map.
Oh, and the next post will show that China's more than ready to step up with Cash to make up for the USA embargoes.  What effect will this have?
The new currency nations are the BRIC countries.  B-brazil, I-india, C-China...and R-Russia.  This will expedite the predicted collapse of the US Dollar (see China's weaponized economy for how this will happen).  This will make the war easier since if China and Russia work together on any level, the US will lose its manufacturing because it was outsourced to China by the idiots in charge (primarily congress).
Alas, I stand up screaming and it seems like no one listens even as everything predicted comes true.
If you feel frustrated that Russian tanks are getting ready to tear up the grass in your neighborhood, imagine how I feel since I not only warned this would happen, but told you how to prevent it.

War in Europe-Can Putin Invade all of Europe?

Russia has the only army in place  in Europe of their size and stands ready to assume the army of Ukraine.  China is unlikely to enter into any conflict since it is currently engaged in a war to the death with the United States and USA involvement in Europe would only play into their hand better as would the weakening of Russia.  In point of fact, directly or indirectly, China would supply technology and equipment to both combatants and Russia would have a shorter supply chain.
Europe would not have adequate fuel supplies in the event of an evasion and Russia would.
Russia has no exposure to the north and for all intents and purposes their western borders are secure.
More importantly, they have developed a model for destabilization and invasion.  Yes, they borrowed it from Hitler, but that's not really news nor is it a problem.  These things that work tend to repeat themselves.
In times of war, intelligence shuts down and group intelligence (which isn't) takes over.  Hence, depending on what allies Russia can take on, they can count on support from their population.  In addition they have a sufficient army and plenty of aging veterans to draw down on in the event their were large casualties, which is not likely.
We are not discussing holding land, we are merely talking about invasion.
There are good roads that can support Russia's tanks.  There are good airports that can support Russian aircraft.   There is not an effective plan in place to degrade these.
Russia would have to consolidate and build up their arm under the eyes of Europe without having time for a scortched earth plan to be put in place, but they have the opportunity to do this by pretense, that is building a largely unnecessary force near Ukraine and west on the borders of Minsk and the other break away republics.
Nuclear weapons are difficult to limit and this means they favor those willing to accept limited losses.  It is unlikely that anyone would protect Europe by destroying Russia since the net effect might be Armageddon which some would pursue as a knee jerk reaction, but a Russian Europe is not half as frightening as what will happen once China has successfully defeated the United States which is equally eminent and if you don't think the war with China is real, I suggest you read China's weaponized economy.  It explains why you're sleeping through the largest and most successful military campaign of all time.
I suppose, simply put the answer is yes.

War in Europe, Lack of Group Intelligence, Economic Failure and leadership

Will there be war in Europe?  The answer is inevitable.  There is always war in Europe, but war is actually going on in Europe today, it's just a very small war.  We need to remember that the original combatants in World War II had nothing to do with the later war (whether you go back to Italy and Ethiopia or start i Austria).  Europe is the meeting of east and west, democracy and totalitarianism.  Who are the dictators?  There are several.  China is sui generis, there is the religious dictatorships and Putin's state.
Who will win?  It shouldn't be assumed to be democracy.  The side which is right doesn't win and the definition of right is not clear.
Democracy failed because the politicians were too entrenched and were not accountable for bad economic policies.  The west was too powerful and went in debt as is done regularly in the failure of democracies.  They failed to capitalize on their successes.  The outsourced to their enemies and became dependent on them for resources because it was expedient without regard to the risks.  This applies to outsourcing manufacturing to China and accepting oil from Russia, but it also includes relying on Russia for defense of its northern borders.
Co-dependence leads to peace just a MAD policies led to peace during the cold war. Dependence, however, leads to weakness and the weak are a target for the inhuman tendencies which are present in an intelligent devoid governments on both sides, but particularly in dictatorships.
we are reaping the rewards of being complacent and the weakness that follows.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

non linear time theory and multi-dimensional time-what's the difference

Recently, I became aware of multiple time theory and the elegant mathematical explanations that arise from that conceptually, the similarities and differences between changing time coordinates with conservation of change which go non-linear and multiple dimensions of time.
While attempting to put this together, it appears that the two are just a different perspective at first. but there are profound differences in the perspective. One example is that dimensions do not exist in non-linear time theory except as an expression of time and therefor relying on a tool such as multiple dimensional math to explain the phenomena suffers from the same lack of fundamental framework as attempting to rely on traditional quantum theory and space-time concepts.
Take for example the "steady-state" universe envisioned by multi dimensional time.  There are so many potential questions raised, but the one that has to be the most glaring (for NLT as well as all the others) is what existed before the steady state universe.  To "accept" is just "is" boggles the mind.  The "onion of existence" referred to previously is not peeled by any of the theories, including NLT which only takes us to an environment where non-linearity controls and perhaps einsteinian everything happening at onceism (there's a word for many things (but not necessarily everything) happening at once in english.
This environment is unimaginable to us as dimensional beings; but it is the one missing link common to multi-dimensional time theory and other space time theories.
So how are these reconciled?  Just wait!

China's Weaponized economy-how we lost the war with china

I've been working on the second edition of this book.  I suppose I could call it the "I told you so" edition; but the truth is that anyone with their head not within another bodily orifice could have seen this.  I only wrote what should have been obvious.
The causes and effects are being set out more clearly in the second edition, but not too much is added.
Perhaps the one insight in the entire publication has to do with short term, medium, and long term intelligence.  This new policy perspective might have some legs.
And perhaps the biggest insight was to determine that humans, as a species, have so little intelligence.  While individuals are capable of intelligence, as a group, we are not.  What is it about the masses that raises the lowest common denominator to the point of controlling everyone?
Well, I'm out of control; but that's not necessarily a good thing.
The reason our war with china was lost is because of many factors, but they can be summarized under the conceptual framework of the lack of intelligence in large groups, in particular the congress, but the congress is only a reflection of the entire body politic of this country.
As we race towards Armageddon, why are we focused on the desires of the idiots?