
Saturday, May 3, 2014

China's Weaponized economy-how we lost the war with china

I've been working on the second edition of this book.  I suppose I could call it the "I told you so" edition; but the truth is that anyone with their head not within another bodily orifice could have seen this.  I only wrote what should have been obvious.
The causes and effects are being set out more clearly in the second edition, but not too much is added.
Perhaps the one insight in the entire publication has to do with short term, medium, and long term intelligence.  This new policy perspective might have some legs.
And perhaps the biggest insight was to determine that humans, as a species, have so little intelligence.  While individuals are capable of intelligence, as a group, we are not.  What is it about the masses that raises the lowest common denominator to the point of controlling everyone?
Well, I'm out of control; but that's not necessarily a good thing.
The reason our war with china was lost is because of many factors, but they can be summarized under the conceptual framework of the lack of intelligence in large groups, in particular the congress, but the congress is only a reflection of the entire body politic of this country.
As we race towards Armageddon, why are we focused on the desires of the idiots?

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