
Monday, December 31, 2012

Coffee 16-The key to elemental physics-happy new year

As those of you who keep up already know, I am no fan of string theory and I'm beginning to doubt holographic physics except as a nice model for understanding the time dimension physical model.
Lest you get your feelings hurt, I also question the time space model since I consider the model to be properly determined only in terms of time, space being a mere manifestation of the sequential nature of time.
The question of whether time expands, is an infinitely thin expanding bubble or, as I would suspect, that it is not expanding, but that expansion is also a manifestation of the linear nature of time as we observe it.
Likewise, rather than seeing matter as taking up "space" as is the case with string theory and other theories, I suspect that matter and it's twin brother energy as nothing more than the tendency of time to return to the singularity from which it springs.
The parts of physics that are keys to this are (1) what is g-space; that is when we go back to the big bang (the beginning the linear appearance of time giving rise to the appearance of space as we experience it); what happens before that.  The question of why time exists and what the singularity from which time springs or from where it is manifested, which should be the same thing as what existed immediately before what we call the big bang, that is what is 14 billion years ago.
Without a complete understanding of what exists before 14 billion years ago, physics is just a method of explainging what we believe percieve, i.e. the practical application of time-space.  While critical to a practical understaning of things; it is only a tool, just like newtonian physics is a tool to understand what is manifested by the Einstinian time-space universe.
Happy New Year

Coffee 17

Getting close to end of this count down. Listened to radio show about excessive caffeine, heart issues and moderation of caffeine and felt gratified especially regarding the headaches and weening talk I relegated to others. Two days to new years.  10 days since the end of the world.  Mere hours till the so-called fiscal cliff or what I call, proof positive that term limits are required to straighten out congress as well as taking away all of their self-serving benefits.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The new education-one more step technology takes to reshape or tear down the social fabric

coffee 18-an early morning break

Taking a break from discussing how to get the morons out of congress and stop the Chinese takeover of american industry...or am I?
Was up early (with no coffee now for 42 days), had a great breakfast and had a very long walk (I walk these empty streets, playing through headphones) with a short drive in the middle. 
It was nice to be out in the cold before anyone else was up and to see what there was to see.
Did some light par-cor (or however you spell it) including a jump over a 10 foot fence; one of the highlights of the walk.
Another was seeing the area of the second touchdown of the first Chirstmas tornado which you can see at this blog!  There were large sheets of debris in the trees which was funny (if it isn't your debris or tree of course).

Second touchdown of first Christmas tornado

Wild bananas and colored leaves

Friday, December 28, 2012

coffee 19-congressional idiots driving us off fiscal cliff

Those of you who read my blog (or my books) know that congress is screwed up because there are no term limits and that this creates this bizarre system of entitlement where everyone is afraid, yes AFRAID, to act.  If they knew their jobs were temporary, that they would have to return to public life instead of inspiring fear and dependency to keep their jobs, then they could act in conjunction with real patriotic interests and not the idiotic, hyper politicized, single issue mentalities that they govern with.
The time for changing government is here.
The rules for this can be found within this blog and in "China's weaponized economy".  We are in a lot of trouble and we cannot wait.
It is the system, not the individual who are at fault, but any system which corrupts so thoroughly must be changed and it must happen fast or we are doomed because of the internal and national challenges (including the undiscovered guerrilla war with China) facing us.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

coffee 20-congressional reform-overthrowing a congress incapable of handling the fiscal cliff (not government) using the states

As I mentioned, here is the information on how to overthrow congress (not the government) on this, my 40th day without coffee or tea.  This is a simple matter, described in a mere three paragraphs.  I have copied the CRA below.  More information can be found in "China's Weaponized Economy" available on Amazon


Taking back jobs and taking back government are intertwined.  We do not need to march on Washington.  Instead, the call must start at the state level.  Instead of marching one million men to Washington, we need to march one million men to each of the state capitals.  That is where Washington took our power, and that is where we must go to take it back.  If the state governments are brought in line, even congress cannot withstand the combined might of the republic.

Only as a last result should the people pass the laws themselves.  The republic, made up of fifty states, must mandate the change.  Then Congress must be given the chance to enact the necessary reforms.  If they fail, they can be replaced by the republic, for without the states behind them, Congress is nothing but a collection of aging, corrupt professional politicians holding strings to a puppet which no longer exists.

They must give up their prerogatives, they must give up their stolen monies, they must atone for their violation of trust, and they must put in place an organized system for stepping down, a system of extended terms and term limits and begin the process of establishing a system which prevents failures of leadership of the type which have brought this country to the brink of disaster.
Congressional Reform Act—Men of the Guillotine
1) Term Limits: The following will apply after passage by fifty percent of those entitled to vote:
A. Two five-year Senate and House terms
B. At the end of each term or when replaced, a congressman is entitled to up to one year of paid consulting, exclusive of any other employment, for his replacement unless or until his replacement rejects his employment.  During this time, the consultant ex-congressman must pay his own expenses and has no access to the capital except as provided by his replacement.  His pay is set by congress at no more than his salary when in office.
2. No Tenure/No Pension:
A Congressman collects up to one-year salary while serving as consultant under 1(B) until terminated.  After the end of that one year or upon termination from that position by his replacement, he/she collects six months of his salary during the time when he/she is resettling.
3. Congress (past, present and future) participates in Social Security or other retirement held by the rest of the general population.  No federal retirement applies, and all funds in the Congressional retirement funds move to the Social Security system.
4. Congressional pay raises:
Congressional pay will fall proportionately with GDP but rise only by constitutional amendment or vote of 90 percent of each house and only for congressmen entering after the vote, except that it will not fall below the lowest state congressional pay for state congress nor be higher than the highest state congressional pay plus 10 percent.
6. Congress participates in the same healthcare system as the American people and may pay for any other health care from their salary.
7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void.
9. Lobbyist:
No Congressman may act as a lobbyist while receiving money under any provision of the law or for four years thereafter. A congressman may run for congress again after a period off of seven years unless they serve as a lobbyist, in which case they may run seven years after they last serve

coffee 21-congressional reform act-yesterday's blog

I skipped yesterday, but I also skipped coffee.
Today I will post yesterday and today's blog entries.
It is 12/27/12 so this blog is dedicated to 12/26/12
As we approach Government budget cuts (the so-called fiscal cliff) it is increasingly apparent that the reforms called for in "Trust, How we lost the war with China" and in "China's weaponized economy" are increasingly important.
In this blog I will set out those reforms and in today's blog i will set out the method for effectuating those reforms between Now and March 10 of next year.
There should be enough anger to generate some interest in this conceputally.
A list of supporting quotes appears in an earlier blog entry.
Hey! I haven't had coffee or tea in 40 days!  I declare my independence (at last for 10 more days) from congress and caffiene.

Congressional Reform Act—Men of the Guillotine

1) Term Limits: The following will apply after passage by fifty percent of those entitled to vote:

A. Two five-year Senate and House terms

B. At the end of each term or when replaced, a congressman is entitled to up to one year of paid consulting, exclusive of any other employment, for his replacement unless or until his replacement rejects his employment.  During this time, the consultant ex-congressman must pay his own expenses and has no access to the capital except as provided by his replacement.  His pay is set by congress at no more than his salary when in office.

2. No Tenure/No Pension:

A Congressman collects up to one-year salary while serving as consultant under 1(B) until terminated.  After the end of that one year or upon termination from that position by his replacement, he/she collects six months of his salary during the time when he/she is resettling.

3. Congress (past, present and future) participates in Social Security or other retirement held by the rest of the general population.  No federal retirement applies, and all funds in the Congressional retirement funds move to the Social Security system.

4. Congressional pay raises:

Congressional pay will fall proportionately with GDP but rise only by constitutional amendment or vote of 90 percent of each house and only for congressmen entering after the vote, except that it will not fall below the lowest state congressional pay for state congress nor be higher than the highest state congressional pay plus 10 percent.

6. Congress participates in the same healthcare system as the American people and may pay for any other health care from their salary.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void.

9. Lobbyist:

No Congressman may act as a lobbyist while receiving money under any provision of the law or for four years thereafter. A congressman may run for congress again after a period off of seven years unless they serve as a lobbyist, in which case they may run seven years after they last serve

The Guillotine:

The Guillotine does not represent the desire to overthrow the government or cut off the heads of men, even if they were considered corrupt or even to cut off their benefits.  Instead, it is to cut off only those things that tend to make the system of government by and for the people function incorrectly and which weaken the United States to its enemies.


This law is valid notwithstanding executive, legislative, or judicial decision under the following provisions of law:

1.                  The constitution states it is by “We the people,” which implies that any provision to the contrary is invalid.

2.                  The declaration of independence recognizes the right of people “to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,” and it is inherent in this that they can amend those bonds.

3.                  Because political establishments are “deriving their powers from the consent of the governed…whenever any form of government becomes destructive,” it is inherently within the power of the governed to change the laws.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

coffee-22-don't read this blog entry

This is just so I don't lose count.
This is just a way of marking my place
it is Christmas Day, there is some really interesting weather (tornados on the ground and sirens blaring) and every reason to have an interesting blog entry, but there isn't one.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

coffee 23-Time and space: just one or many

There is much to be said of time so I'm going to take this day before Christmas Eve 2012 (and two days after the end of the word and 37 days since my last cup of coffee and a predicted at least 23 before I have it again to discuss time and all of its permutations, one permutation at a time.
The two issues addressed in this issue are whether everything has happened at once and is merely expressed over time, or whether there is the ability to change the way that things happen over one or more "time bubbles"  I tink the idea of time "bubbles" comes from the fact that the universe appears to expand, but that accepts "space - time" as opposed to a singlure dimension of time, infinitely thin and perhaps infinitely small where space is merely a singularity expressed in terms of distance as we move over this thin (infinitely thin) slice of time.
If we accept the apparently original theory that matter (and it's twin sibling energy) is merely the tendency of matter to return to the singularity and if we further accept that this tendency is realized or almost realized at black holes; this would argue that there is a single time (everything happens at once).  But we could also look at this singularity to which things apparently millions of light years apart (only an appearance because of how time works as display mechinism) fall into as a source of events as opposed to events which happen.
In this way, the singularity may be a source of a type of heat and and the way the fuel is applied can change the way it is burned.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

coffee 24-one day after the end of the world

Existence after the end of the world seems surprisingly similar to that of before the end of the world.
Homemade whole wheat biscuits.
I will eventually get back to writing something with meaning.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

coffee 25

35 days with coffee.  Does the world end tomorrow?  really?  why not on a weekend?
Anyway, there is not much chance statistically that tomorrow will be the end of the world, but if it is, there will not be much time for gloating by those who espouse those theories.
I will finish my big project in the morning which will change my world, and isn't change the destruction of one thing in favor of another and isn't even moment in time at the apparent expense of the moment before?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

coffee 26/mayan calendar 2-no fear associated with fiscal cliffs

If I am happy with you and happy without you I'm just happy
If I'm frustrated with and frustrated without you I'm frustrated
I have less than 4 weeks to go before I need to worry about drinking coffee.
Hope is the ability to laugh about the potential of doomsday.  Therefore I hope that I'll get some coffee (if I so desire) in 26 days and I laugh about the remote possibility that a random event on a calendar will prevent that.
I will not let the government scare me by saying they are too incompetent to make a budget. We go off the so called cliff in 14 days it just means that branches of government will be forced to do what the vast majority of their constituents do every day... make sacrifices to deal with money issues. This is why congressional reforms are so critical. Term limits-

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Love and power

We are owned by our possessions. This is why wealthy individuals are empowered by becoming charitable.  Misers are increasingly owned by their assets until they are eventually caged by them.
By giving up our possessions we are empowered with freedom.  This applies to the people we own as well as the inanimate objects.This does not mean the benefits outweigh the costs, it just means that the more you are able to surrender your possessions, the less they own you.  
If we accept the need for other people, the need for love, what is suggested by this, what type of relationship is good in light of this, is it slavery, freedom or some combination of the two.
I deny the idea that this suggests two people cannot be together but it might mean that there is a balance between freedom and love or perhaps an interplay that is required for a healthy relationship
Two people (or more) can add to each others freedom or can reduce it.
Empowerment comes from one persons irregardless of the other.  You must give up you possessions to be empowered, you must reject the binds of society.  What do you have to do with someone you love?
Love means trusting someone.  Freedom is not inconsistent with trust, they are very different.  If you don't allow yourself to trust, you protect yourself and your freedom, but you give up love.  Is that better or is it better to accept the possibility of intense pain in exchange for the surrender to love.If I am happy with you and happy without you I'm just happy
If I'm frustrated with and frustrated without you I'm frustrated
This is not clear to me, so I will have to wait till I have a moment of greater clarity, so more on this later.

Monday, December 17, 2012

coffee 27-revolution as necessity, not choice

Well, I can almost start a countdown, there being 33 days of no coffee behind me.  The Mayan Calendar runs out in 4 days, my patience is completely exhausted, so let me through out another number.
The oldest congressman-88 years old, has died.  I do not plan on harping on the average age of our congress.  It is a national tragedy of sorts, balanced to some extent with wisdom, but as you know if you've read my blogs, I greatly discount the value of this "wisdom" and acknowledge that both Reagan and Obama came in as green as new tomatoes and cleaned up a mess left by circumstances or their predecessor.
It is hard to imagine an institution less caring than our government.  That is the reason that an occasional revolution is a necessity, not a choice.

coffee 28-The eternal horns of dilemmas

4 weeks.  Time flying by quickly now.  Hard to keep track of it.
Count down to holidays also coming.  8 days.  End of world (again!) 4 days. So we have several half way points coming, some more relevant than others.
Talked tonight of my dilemma and realized there were bigger dilemmas out there.
There are times I think that I can find a time of peace and enjoyment, but I see that even the places I look for peace have their own conditions their own requirements.  Is there something in the universe that pulls us in that way.  Some principle of entropy that says when we look for peace there will be conditions that will deny it, make it something where there is no true or lasting peace.
I want to talk a bit about the unity of people and the requirements they make upon one another.  To exercise your will against someone else is a form of tyranny.  To have expectations about someone else is to beg for disappointment.  Yet we have expectations of one another and we all seek to get what we want sometimes at the expense of another's freedom.  It is not enough to want the same thing at one point without submission of principles, one to another, our way or we react with anger or despair.
Everything about our body works by diffusion (muscles, nerve cells, fluid, oxygen transfer), and yet we continually seek to control others.  Is it possible to release ourselves by releasing others?   When I was set free, when I learned the lessons that what does not kill me makes me stronger/stranger in the sense I was better or more interesting/funnier they were at times when I released everything, released everyone, even myself.  I set myself free in each instance, usually under unbearable outside pressures, and in that I was able to rise about the things that brought me down.
In future blogs I will try to discuss in more detail the principle of release and how it leads incongruously to power.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

War With China-The role of incompetence and congress

This is from "China's Weaponized Economy"
The transfer of technology and manufacturing to china is a war, it is a studied and systematic undertaking.  If this is not a product of decades, at least at some point, it has become intentional.  
China is conducting war.  The US government is guilty of gross incompetence if not treason for failing to recognize this or take action.
Education will go with the money and the technology.  It is the schools where the scholarly, soothing catchphrases which calmed a nervous population originated.  Instead of screaming warnings, there were platitudes because the intelligence of the scholars did not go out far enough.  
There was no lack of wisdom, no lack of learning, just too much focus on one area of study, too short term an analysis within that area of study.  Perhaps the moral is that every writing of economics should have a section dedicated to the effect on war and extremely long term intelligence or even medium or short term intelligence.  
This soothing propaganda, originated in the United States by people who were patriotic.  They embraced  the movement of jobs and manufacturing to China and made it seem  safe, insulated.  But Martin Niemöller warned “First they came for the communists…then the Jews, then they came for me…”  Now, the communists have come after the schools.
Of course, the only challenge to our way of life and our schools in not the Chinese.  They are only the most immediate. What we need to do use long term intelligence and not just immediate intelligence or our war with China will have no meaning.  But more on this later.
Our leaders are foolish.  
Even I prevaricated working to make this a better product and trying to address this more intelligently as the industries were taken, the jobs of various groups, the cheap plastics makers, the machine tool makers, the spare parts, and eventually the schools all started to move overseas.  
But our leaders, hired out as leaders.  They failed to raise the hue and cry even in the face of this mortal disaster.  Term limits are only one answer, the current congress must be replaced and ill gotten gains must be examined.  Any group that has raided trust funds to maintain a fiction on their people should not be treated with great deference in their retirements or in their work.
More on this latter.

coffee 29-downhill

Now I am dealing with the downhill portion of this.  Of course if the mayan catastrophe theorists are correct, I only have to make it six days.  I tend to think we are talking about 29 days.
There are only the same 29 days left for presentment cases (baring many many unlikely exceptions which should be likely but are not).
One question which I occasionally think about is what happens afterwards?  Do I order tea with lunch again (that has often been the thing I miss most, especially on hot days which there have been few during this period).  Do I have a cup of coffee every morning?  As a treat?
As i have said in the past, I am not anti-coffee.  Quite the contrary.  I have always enjoyed coffee, but I have taken periods away from it.  This time in particular it seems like it was helpful to clear my mind and my soul.
There are many things which keep me from perfect health.  A lack of coffee as well as coffee itself.
So I do know (mayan calendar withstanding) that I will have another cup of coffee, a glass of iced tea; but I don't know which.
Here are some thoughts for today:
If you give up something for health and then take it back are you giving up on the health for the thing
If the thing you give us is a necessary part of health are you denying health for health
How long can you go without something before you have to replace it for something else
If you give up something for so long that it becomes irrelevant for the purpose of having it
how can you explain that in term of saving it and what happens if you replace health with love

Saturday, December 15, 2012

coffee 30-war with china

The half way point
Doesn't that say enough?  30 days without coffee. That is really not a big deal as fate would have it.
30 days, more or less, from the deadline to do presentments.  that is a very short time frame.
6 days to the end of the mayan calendar (this millenia).
For the future of essays, one theory is that if we can pay people not to work in this country, we can compete with any labor in the world.  Both presidential candidates surrendered this issue during the presidential debates because they are obsessed with getting votes and not ruling effectively and because they fail to realize we are at war with china (See China's Weaponized Economy for more information on this issue-available on Amazon or the essays herein).
During World War II we showed it was possible to concentrate labor where it was needed without any force, even without encouragement; just by offering assembly line work.
These are the reasons why we can compete, the reasons why we need to are covered in CWE and will be covered here later over time.

Friday, December 14, 2012

coffee 31

Some days I miss coffee more than others.  Some days I don't miss it at all.
What are the things we miss every day, even when we have it
These are the important things in life
Oxygen is one, of course.  It is sorely missed when it is not there.
Beauty is another.  The beauty of someone else, the beauty of the world around us.
Who has lived in a place that was or that they considered ugly?  Who has escaped for a brief
moment from uglyness and found themselves transfixed and perhaps transformed by a sight of great beauty?  We should, perhaps, feel most sorry for those who toil their lives away without this experience.

Estoppel, the appearance of conspiracy and the BP Oil Spill settlement

First, at the outset, let me say that I am not alleging any type of conspiracy of intent.  Nor am I indicating that BP has not stepped up to the plate so far in this matter.  While their response was unorganized, especially at the beginning (given the risks involved they should have had a better approach in place) they have come in with their counsel and organized things.  Also, while I intend to point out shortcomings in the settlement process, I am not arguing with the settlement in so far as it goes.
I am not condemning the process nor the administrative people, from the judge up or down who run this process.  I am not condemning BP or the attorneys on either side who are included in the up and down process referred to above.  I am, personally, deeply indebted to the attorneys and BP, to the court that forced these issues forward.  Perhaps everyone, even those who are poorly compensated (or not compensated) by the settlement owe a debt in some respects.  This process has brought a broad remedy to so many people outside of the OPA
In fact, part of the estoppel is argued to come from the fact that the parties have thrown the OPA to the winds, not just here, but in other cases.

When the settlement was reached, it contained certain provisions which had within them a certain suggestion of corruption of the system.  This is not to say they were inappropriate or that the parties that entered into these negotiations with strict time limits had the time to consider the full ramifications of every part of the settlement.  If they had more time, perhaps the suggestion of a certain lack of caring might be appropriate, but as this is viewed from the present, with ample time to consider what the documents say and what they leave out; it is unfair to accuse someone who did a job.
The settlement isn't perfect, even for those it seeks to protect.  By necessity certain groups were excluded in order to avoid difficult questions of proof.  That is the nature of settlement.
It is the process of exclusion, the process of opting out that is the subject of this essay and how that was handled and how it was not handled.  It should be noted that the "system" for resolving class issues was followed.  There is not question about corrupting the system.  This is an essay on the results of taking short cuts, perhaps necessitated by circumstances and what appears in retrospect.
It is tied to the presentment requirement which only someone who read the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) would know about, it is tied to the opportunities wasted to educate, it is tied to the way monies were paid and the conditions tied to the settlement.  So let us discuss those briefly.
Opportunities Lost and omissions:  The plaintiffs in this case filed several class actions which were extremely important for both sides to get to a remedy.  However, these actions give the appearance of "tolling" the statute of limitations.  They indicate to the public that they are represented and that their counsel is looking out for them. 
Ignorance of the law is no defense, normally.  Estoppel, however, can present a defense and I suggest one may have been created with the suggestions and waivers and lost opportunities which are discussed below.  The OPA requires presentment, apparently, at least for a trust fund, a delay of 90 days and then suit. This moves the statute of limitations from 4/20/13 to 1/18/13 effectively for those not covered by the class action settlement. 
If the OPA is stretched (as it apparently has been, correctly or not in the past) to have presentment as a requirement and if the OPA is the only remedy (which appears to be the position of the court, correctly or not) that broadly applies; then I suggest that there should have been a disclaimer to this effect in every mass mailing to the public. The omission  of the presentment followed by suit provisions arguably, should create an estoppel.  The very fact that presentment then suit is not required in the class settlement might bolster this estoppel argument.
Monies Paid: The class representatives are the best attorneys in the country (along with some others). They are above reproach in many ways, but their very skill as litigators means that we should examine omissions more carefully.  These attorneys were given a "well earned" fee of 600 million dollars.  In an unprecedented moved, 75 million was paid in advance of the settlement.  In another unprecedented move, much to the credit of BP and plaintiff's counsel, payments on the settlement began before it was even approved!  That alone should atone for any omission, but this isn't about atonement, it is about appearance.  The attorneys therefore had great incentive to have this settlement move forward.
Conditions tied to the settlement:  There was (literally) a sealed envelope containing a number.  This number was the number of people who would have to opt out for the settlement to be withdrawn.  This is an entirely reasonable thing.  The judge worked very hard to get the parties to agree, walking a tightrope which few can appreciate.  Solomon understood it, those who wrote of him saw it.  The rest of us merely judge from ivory towers.  The judge, the attorneys, and BP had a huge issue to deal with.  The billions paid, the billions to be paid, the inability to "fix" what was done with money alone are incomprehensible until they get down to the level of a businessperson or developer or employee who has slaved his life to get to a place and then goes home to his/her family and says, we're moving to a shelter because no one buys anything anymore.  The entire industries that lost large portions of their infrastructure which need to be rebuilt is the subject of an entire book (China's Weaponized Economy) which I strongly suggest anyone interested in this discussion read (there is a brief paper and a short film on the subject in this blog somewhere for those who do not want to order books).  HOWEVER, this condition meant that the attorneys on the plaintiff side had created or been handed a 600 million dollar incentive for people not to know about the opt out provisions or at least that they not exercise it.  Hence, the omission of a reference to the obligations (presentment and suit) in the information sent to the public, in announcements, etc creates the appearance that those people were not served by their class counsel and that this was done for "silver" as it were.   I do not want to suggest this was the case.  In fact, I believe just the opposite.  To the extent this was done, it was an accident, to the extent not corrected, I would suggest counsel (class and otherwise) wanted to make sure a necessary remedy remained in place.  Imagine the chaos if suddenly all the class members had to do presentment!
Now this is not the first time I have raised this issue and this blog is not broadly read.  If the parties, however, realized this, or were told this and continued to fail to insist that the public be informed, the argument in favor of waiver or estoppel is increased several times.
Estoppel or Waiver of the OPA is a position, not a legal finding.
Because BP has allowed short form joinder and has also allowed that GCCF filings are a part of presentment, waiver of OPA is implied. In addition, because BP has provided in the settlement for claims in the settlement which necessarily are beyond, by more than 180 days, the presentment deadline, estoppel is implied.  The other issues raised imply this.
The question of what effect the still pending class actions have on this and the problems which are caused by this remain to be determined.  More on this later.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Coffee 32-projects in progress; a collection of quotes on revolution

2 days till the halfway point, 8 days till the mayan calendar recycles (and/or the end of the world) and 28 days without caffeine (non-ambient)
The primary matters under discussion here are:
1) The current economic war with China
2) The removal through term limits of the current corrupt government, the implementation of these concepts.
3) The implementation in Long term, short term and immediate term intelligence in government generally, economic planning and the current world war (world war c)
4) The practical application of the Hologram universe.

I was looking for a quote (below) from Jefferson (a patriot) and Hitler (also a patriot, but ultimately a psychopath; but only dangerous when he found power without limits) and found a collection of quotes justifying the non-violent overthrow of the corrupting influences of a series of interminable successive terms for congress.  Oddly, while hitler was extensively quoted I had to find the quote I was looking for elsewhere.

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" 
 -- Thomas Jefferson

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its
 -- Thomas Paine

"Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because 
 we don’t want to know."
 -- Aldous Huxley
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the
 federal government are few and defined. Those which are to
 remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
 -- James Madison said in the Federalist Papers, No. 45

"So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom,
 those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active
 and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any
 number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon
 sleeping men."
 -- Voltaire, 1764
"When once a republic is corrupted there is no possibility of
 remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the
 corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other
 correction is either useless or a new evil."
 –- Thomas Jefferson on the necessity of the impeachment
    provisions to our Constitution
"The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm but
 because of those who look at it without doing anything."
 -- Albert Einstein
"Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect
 liberty when the government's purposes are beneficent. Men
 born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their
 liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty
 lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning
 but without understanding."
 -- Justice Louis Brandeis
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
 -- Thomas Jefferson
"When the people fear their government, there is Tyranny;
 when the government fears the people, there is Liberty."
 -- Thomas Jefferson

"You only have the freedoms you are willing to fight and die for."
 -- Thomas Jefferson

"Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later."
 -- Benjamin Franklin
"When even one American -- who has done nothing wrong --
 is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth,
 then all Americans are in peril."
 -- Harry S. Truman
"The Greatest Enemy Of Knowledge Is Not Ignorance...
 ...It Is The Illusion Of Knowledge"
 -- Stephen Hawking
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
 -- James A. Garfield quotes (American President (20), 1831-1881)

"We the People are the rightful masters of both congress and
 the courts -- not to overthrow the Constitution, but to
 overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
 -- Abraham Lincoln
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will
 make violent revolution inevitable."
 -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is
 also what it takes to sit down and listen.
 -- Sir Winston Churchill
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip  
 the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is 
 indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just 
 as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached 
 a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has 
 closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of 
 the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and 
 blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto 
 the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I 
 have done. And I am Caesar."
 -- Julius Caesar
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
 -- Howard Zinn
"To criticize one's country is to do it a service .... Criticism,
 in short, is more than a right; it is an act of patriotism - a
 higher form of patriotism, I believe, than the familiar rituals
 and national adulation."
 -- U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright

"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
 to not question your government is unpatriotic."
 -- Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.)
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely
 believe they are free."
 -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"The problems in the world today are so enormous they cannot 
 be solved with the level of thinking that created them."
 -- Albert Einstein
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing 
 invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them
 under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,
 to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for 
 their future security."
 -- "The Declaration of Independence"
"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the 
 alibi of tyrants."
 -- Albert Camus
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for
 lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
 -- Benjamin Franklin
"All war is based on deception" 
 -- Sun Tzu
Thanks to
Lastly: When a Government leads a country to ruin, not only is it a right, but it is a duty for every citizen to rebel. (Hitler, Mein Kampf.) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

coffee 33 dark nights

Only 3 days to the halfway point (60 days without coffee). 11 days till the mayan calendar winds down (this millinea anyway).

Dark night dark thoughts
I was forced to give you up
when you challenged me
I lie here sleepless
Thinking of your dark surface
I remember how smooth it felt
As I rolled it between my fingers
how your hidden tendrals
wrapped around my heart
and the pain and bleeding
when i had to rip them loose
And now how many others
will share your warmth
the sweet bitterness of your taste
which i find myself denied
i allow myself to think about you
what it would be like to be with you again
for a brief moment i am transported back
then i am forced to face the truth
knowing that everyone else shares you
and the night is filled with darkness
because the light of day
will certainly dawn without you

(it's about the coffee, :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The middle east in the war against China's weaponized economy

The role of themiddle east may not be as simple as one would imagine
today, with a corrupt US government and a non-manufacturing society one would naturally expect to find enemies, particularly in Iran.
But if the USA returned to manufacturing and moved away from the terminal consumer based system it is possible that many of our enemies over there could be won over.  The populations would see what some call the Great Satan as a refomed demon, particularly if we showed the population (as opposed to a government possibly more corrupt than ours) that we were using the long term in telligence concepts embodied in "China's Weaponized Economy"-the book, not china. More on this later.

coffee 34-the united states of what running the place

Bitter?  Like a 5 cent cup of coffee I'm bitter.
I live in the united states of what(?) running the place
We are outsource our frigging manufacturing to our biggest potential enemy
and have so few jobs left over that my friend who a frigging master electricians
thinks it makes sense to get food stamps.
The frigging presidential candidates say we can't compete with china to make things
(what type of frigging surrender thought is that?) but we can afford to pay master
electricians not to work?
I cover this in the book "China's weaponized economy" but do you really need to
read it in a book to see what a problem we've made with these endless
consecutive terms? 

Monday, December 10, 2012

coffee 35-the war with china on Monday and the united states of moron corrupt politicians

Well, the half way mark is getting closer
then it will be downhill
speaking of not thinking things through
what a brilliant idea going into the holidays
Fortunately, there is hot chocolate and hot water
The coffee is only a psychological crutch
a fun one, but hardly necessary (espcecially after 25 days)
Unfotunately, today feels like a monday
why do mondays get such a bad rap.
The holidays have disappointed me
I feel like the character in the movie
s the only one who could see aliens
Everything I want to buy is made in China
Our enemies brag about their aliance with China (Iran)
And yet we outsource all of our manufacturing to them
We are so screwed and we're ruled by idiots with blinders on
so busy arguing about petty partisian issues they don't see we're at war.
Am I the only one who is this frustrated?
I live in the United States of moron corrupt politicians, gag

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Europes Role in the USA war with China

Just as the USA has suffered from bad government
so too has europe been misled by the Chinese Economic War Machine
Remember, this is not about hating China
It is not about shooting Chinese
It is about recognizing that China is seeking to disarm the USA and... Europe
The lack of economic conditions and jobs in Europe is based on the same bad policies the USA faces
In fact, European "socialism" (the entitlement society being "forced on the populace") is the same as the USA entitlement society and both need to make sure to fix their systems so that workers have greater benefits than non-workers.  More on this can be found in the book "China's Weaponized Economy" available on amazon.
While I deal more particularly with the USA, the role of Europe is equally important.   This is not just about protect USA technology and jobs.  It is about Western Civilization.  It is about bringing manufacturing to communities along with stores.  Europe in many ways is a great model, have learned how to deal with limited resources and how to manage areas to protect their integrity in the face of growing technologies and the growth of city centers.  This is also covered more detail in the book, but the original words and music presentation reproduced within these pages also covers this.
Working together on this will be a critical part of recapturing these industries.
More on this later.

Coffee 36-party on

This is a late post, but still on the 36th day.
11 days till the mayan calendar stops working
Can't happen soon enough (we either get on with everything or it doesn't matter
Like new years' it is a chance to focus on what is important
where would you want to be at the end of the world
more importantly what would you want to do first
I'm afraid that I am focused on delaying that date as long as possible
Much too focused to even consider that it is for nothing
but for the Carpe Diem Crowd, "party on". :)

more bad news on the war with china-USA loses another technology leader to Chinese

Congress continues to sleep, focused on keeping their jobs and making a political circus of the countries problems along with the president.  Meanwhile, the Chinese have taken more US jobs and a key technology industry.
Try to go and buy cookware without a made in China sticker. The USA has a government full of fools and we are going to suffer greatly if we do not act on the with urgency.
Wanxiang America, the U.S. arm of a Chinese automotive parts giant, won the bidding for a bankrupt Massachusetts-based lithium battery manufacturer that was once hailed as a cornerstone of President Obama’s quest for American dominance in electric vehicles and battery technology.
A123 Systems announced Sunday that Wanxiang would pay $256.6 million for all of A123’s technology, its manufacturing facilities in the United States and China, and its contracts with utilities seeking grid storage and automakers seeking batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles.

American International Group becoming Chinese International Group in unsurprising transfer of assets as USA continues to sink relative to America. - ‎1 hour ago‎
American International Group on Sunday said it would sell up to 90 percent of its ILFC airplane leasing business to a Chinese consortium led by New China Trust in a deal that values ILFC at $5.28 billion.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

dreams and the hologram universe and seeing the hologram with thought

Projected Information
The original concept is that we are a projection, a hologram onto time.
One possible corrolarly is that matter is not a projection. Matter(and therefore energy) is the manifestation of three dimensions on time.  There is no distance, since distance only exists as the manifestations of the three dimensions over time.  You cannot measure something, without going from one place to the other which requires time.
Time is infinitely thin so none of the dimensions exist except as their tendency to return from time to a singularity where everything happens at once.
If matter doesn't exist, it may be a reflection of the three displayed dimensions.  These are aberations on time.  Time expands away from a singularity beginning as so hot that the background of the energy remains shown on time to this date.  This massive energy release is the separation of time and the three dimensions and is without form acording to biblical reference and is largely consistent with current observations.  Eventually, this will coallese as black holes and fall back towards the singularity so that it is postulated that what we observe as matter is the tendency of time itself or the three dimensions displayed on time to return to the singularity which in fact they do when they get together enough.
What are dimensions in this model? 
Is the tendency along any one spacial dimension a different fundamental particle to us?
What clues are given where the migration of a tendency from one dimension of the three to the other a manifestation of force?
Our projection over time, t-space, is that of three dimensions.  In the singularity, G-space there would be no dimensions or time in our sense, yet there would be an infinite number of possible dimensions that could be projected over a any given dimension expanding outward, meaning an infinite number of possible times.
If we are only a projection or even a tendency of time or dimensions displayed on an infinitely thin time back towards the singularity, we are a reflection or less of a reflection.  Our thoughts are the thoughts of a tendency or reflection.  Do they exist as a part of the reflection or do they exist as part of the singluarity from which time has escaped.
If we can predict the future, this would suggest that thoughts and  dreams have some connection to the singularity.  Likewise if prognostication is only the application of logic to probabilities, then perhaps there is some unique life to the manifestations of the tendency of things to return as gravity to the singularity which may be for a purpose or may not be.
But otherwise, thought could possibly take us farther inside the hologram than we can otherwise experience (unless perchance we were to drop within a black hole).
As you may recall if you have followed this blog from the beginning, one of the first concepts was that prognostication (Nostradamus, not Sheridan) would be possible if we were merely a projection from a point where everything happens at once since one might go into a state, like dreams, where one was not just the projection, but was in fact at the projector, at the singularity. This would, if true, mean that in certain states, whether deep thought, dreams or perhaps the most insignificant thoughts of the most brutish of thinking things inclusive originate at the singularity and not within the hologram projected or engraved in the infinitely thin dimension of time.
Just as looking at infinitely small matter should "show" the existence of what we call matter as a tendency back to the singularity from the powerful release that sent time away from the singularity and looking at the largest concentrations of tendencies (what we observe as "collapsed matter" that is black holes where matter or the tendency has actually succeeded in reaching the singularity) so to might it be possible to achieve the same result with thoughts.  Otherwise, the thoughts are nothing more than manifestations of tendencies, the dreams of tendencies to return to the hologram as opposed to a reflection of the hologram itself.  In the former case thoughts could be weaponized, at least for purposes of intelligence, in the later, they would seem to hardly matter.

coffee 37

Still 7 days from the half way point.Weekends are bad for giving up coffee.
Today is not a good day for blogging

Friday, December 7, 2012

Dreams of Projections: thought in the hologram universe

I have been diligently working out why matter comes in different forms if they are all merely the tendency of what we see as matter or energy, the projection of the singularity in three dimensions onto time, to move into or away from the singularity.  That is the projected information seeks to return to the singularity which gives manifestations of matter and gravity allow for a unified field tied to the tendency of projected items to return to the singularity.  While we think of the singularity by nature as being the spot of the big bang, it is, in fact everywhere since there are no true dimensions, hence black holes millions of light years apart drop back to a singularity in the same spot from which the projection originates.
One line of reasoning which I've most developed is that what we call matter in its different forms travels along the three dimensions (spacial dimensions) which are experienced in the hologram.  The tendency along any one spacial dimension would be a different type of fundamental particle to us and perhaps the migration from one dimension of the three to the other would be a manifestation of force.  That the tendency might join over several dimensions and move freely between two or three gives rise to different manifestations of force.
It stands to reason that the projection over time is that of three dimensions but that in the singularity there would be without any dimensions or time in our sense, yet an infinite number of possible dimensions that could be projected over a given time expanding outward.
The more important question might be the question of what are thoughts.  This started as a question of what are the dreams of the inhabitants of the hologram, but quite naturally that leads to what are any thoughts.
This might be the most important question asked of the hologram as it could possibly take us farther inside than we can otherwise experience (unless perchance we were to drop within a black hole).
As you may recall if you have followed this blog from the beginning, one of the first concepts was that prognostication (Nostradamus, not Sheridan) would be possible if we were merely a projection from a point where everything happens at once since one might go into a state, like dreams, where one was not just the projection, but was in fact at the projector, at the singularity.  This would, if true, mean that in certain states, whether deep thought, dreams or perhaps the most insignificant thoughts of the most brutish of thinking things inclusive originate at the singularity and not within the hologram projected or engraved in the infinitely thin dimension of time.  This will require more attention than I can give now, but if thoughts come from the hologram, then what are dreams and what is hate and lonliness and love?
More on this later.

coffee 38-term limits

Interesting.  Eight days from the halfway point.
I have learned that 60 days can be a long time
It isn't waiting for the coffee, it's just counting the days one at a time.
This is a good idea however.
No tea, no coffee for a set period of time,
just working around things.

It's time to start a new countdown
although there is still the mayan calander (13 days)
The new countdown will be the countdown to start to implement term limits
For starters, however, I need to countdown to the organization date to start which I'll make January 2 so it will be within the 38 days subject to extension. We will call that 27 days from today and future coffee blogs will add details and outlines to event

Thursday, December 6, 2012

China's Weaponized Economy-How China Stole the heart and soul of america-writer's conference presentation

All of the titles except World War C are available from amazon
World War C is the second Edition of "Trust-How we lost the war with China" which is available on Amazon.
"China's weaponized economy", available on amazon is available and contains the rhetoric behind World War C without the fiction.

The link below will take you to the Words And Music Writer's conference Power Point Presentation entitled "How China Stole the Heart and Soul of America" which examines how writers can change history with rhetoric and fiction within the confines of the Chinese militarized economy in general and the war they are waging with America.  In going to solutions it also addresses congressional terms and term limits.