
Monday, August 31, 2015

A world of places

I suppose this sounds like the beginning of one of my posts, but it's just about lunch.

The world is full of beautiful places.  Sometimes, you know they are there for 50 years and never stop to eat lunch looking at one.  Vagabonds, of those of us who aspire to be such, probably have more opportunity to see beauty than the captains of industry who might own the places.
It is, of course, as much about who you sit with when you feel the breeze coming off this river, but the next best thing, far the next of course, is to be there alone, where only the wind shares the secrets of your eyes and heart.

nlc-first part of the discussion of ct3

This in another long and tortured section re-written to contain up to date, what shall I call them, musings? Theories?
I started this two days ago, but have been deathly ill with dizziness (not really deathly, but miserable).
I think its a combination of lack of sleep and the heat.  The heat has broken somewhat, the sleep will never come again.  Even this morning I was out working even as the world did its rocking horse moves on my inner ears.  Maybe its swimming too.  I should cut back on swimming, but it is so frigging hot.  It cools me off.  It gives me time to think while I burn off frustration.  That, of course, cannot help my inner ear.
 Then there is food.  I've been eating all manner of food.  Where are those healthy meals we once shared, where is that sleep punctuated only by the assurances that you remained next to me (not that you were always there, you were also sleepless, drifting around at night like some ethereal spirit, too beautiful to be of the earth, even at night.)
Then there is my vision, eyesight which seems to be as erratic as my sense of balance.
I've only been through half of this section, but this morning neither my memory, my eyes nor my sense of balance allow me to continue..
This isn't a mystery novel, and it is probably hard to digest in big pieces.  This will be important later,so for the moment....

3) CT(3) goes linear: If there is a time, that is a point along the algorithm solution (which we call a point along the spiral) where ct3 going linear happens for the first time, it is possible.  A spiral, then another that forms a right angle and this third spiral may (mathematically) come off of the primary spiral or off of the secondary spiral.  The visual 3 dimensional universe that we experience suggests the former, that is, two spirals coming off of the same “thread” of the primary spiral.  It appears, from a modeling standpoint that these two spirals “spiral” around the central thread possibly coming back to it if “decompression,” e.g. nuclear fission (vs fusion which is compression), occurs.
This suggests that when the secondary spirals come in to the primary spiral a multitude of new lines must come off (not as space, necessarily for reasons that will be clear from a consideration of what is occurring, but certainly space seems to be generated in explosions between otherwise compressed spirals.  In fact, you see at the final spiral down this type of outward spreading lines to get back to the point of the origin of linearity, but all we see of it, is energy and the creation of the space remains shrouded except in the presence of gravity and its effects.  The length (distance or time being the same) of the transition and its perceived limits are calculable accurately only using the ideas behind the spiral equation that gives both life and death to the universe, to the extent something stagnant can have both life and death.  While I will not in this chapter attempt to run the equations of linearity, tracing the movement of the outermost energies in a trajectory using the spiral equation to the point where the minimum length exists yields a framework for this calculation and also for the speed with which compression of “dark matter space” to energy and matter occurs.
*The following comes largely from the post: NLC-spirals Archimedes and logarithmic; fibrucci series part 1.*
Light speed, if the distance from the point of origin is taken into account, defines how far photonic energy has traveled, the first light being from the first compression states.  Because photonic forces would be generated from the first compression states, light would follow immediately upon the full “decompression of the spiral and the very first steps of compression.  Each movement along the spiral results in a single photon being generated.  If, as speculated here, there are spiral threads corresponding to each point in space (when all the information in the universe is uncompressed) then each movement inward of each of these points in space would result in one photon of light.  However, if each movement only results in a single point of compression for all of the time threads, then each quantum moment would result in one photon of light.
What we would have to see initially is large amounts of the conversion of space to light.  Estimating (below) that each quantum moment is an “instant” equal to 1.07x10^39th of a second, the the light generated at this early stage of the universe (presumably from a coordinate state at the very center of our universe, equal to 1.07x10^39 photons every second and this “energy” generation would remain constant throughout the universe until today.  The “dark energy” represented by this transition  eventually gets replaced by more observable phenomena which is the higher states of compression.
The spontaneous conversion of space to photonic energy is not observed, but at the early stages of the universe huge quantities of information had to be so converted and it is, perhaps continuing at the center of the universe.  Whether conditions can be reproduced at a higher spiral state, that is whether we can do this in a laboratory, remains to be seen.  While the spontaneous creation of light is given “god-like” attributes, basic theory shows it to be what we’d consider a low compression (1 to 2) transition, the fact is that very little light would be generated by a single transition (one photon of light, presumable) and this might go unnoticed in light of other compression states which are ongoing.
Another suggestion is that light may only compress from space at very high compression states (ctx-1, for example where x is total compression).  This is beginning to sound very familiar, of course, in both recent steady state universe models and 5,000 year old religious models. However, the methodology of reaching the same place is a little different.  In this model, the algorithm expressing the singularity shows that at a compression state of x-1, the remaining space has begun to collapse into the highly concentrated high compression states and suddenly can convert directly to photonic energy and you have, of course, a very bright, highly concentrated conversion of space to light.  Where then does the remaining space come from to form the new universe?  One suggestion is that it comes from the very high concentration non-space portion so that these portions (the space and the high clock time states) exchange places.
Light speed is not a true speed limit since there is no actual change in the universe.  Instead, it reflects the amount of change in a single direction from one quantum moment to the next.  We experience a large amount of this change directly in the spin of the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe itself.  The remainder of the change (always in one direction) must come from spin or some other hard to observe change.  Spin might be a very gradual spiral, so gradual as to match the higher time states life span.
In this way, the spin can be seen as the visible representation of the higher compression spirals that are required to make up matter.  If you think about it, it can send chills up your spine, well, perhaps not.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Love is about being fixated on things
I will not apologize for clinging too strongly
I will not apologize for the stupidity
that too often accompanies my love

If anything, I would apologize
that I have not sacrificed more
that more risks were not taken
that I prioritize anything else

I am beguiled that I hurt
but love is a conqueror
only confessing to crimes
that hurt the lovers

we have been the victim
we have been the perpetrator
humiliated and beaten
yet we somehow continue to love

I stood out your door screaming
when you weren't at home
I called and hung up
when you answered

The less offensive things
like substituting books on tape
for your voice on long walks
writing letters I never sent

but love makes life
as it makes humiliation
the pleasure demands
the price of the pain

so I cannot be ashamed
of the things I did for love
regretting only the foolhardy
which I haven't done yet

nlc-preparing to edit ct3

I am up before the sun rises again.  The new light of morning conjures visions of how you looked early in the morning.  Breath comes difficultly as if an emphysema or heart failure accompanies these thoughts.  I listened to a description of how people are killed with a cocktail of narcotics, the first ones attempting to put the person to sleep so deeply that no pain can be felt, the last one to stop the heart so suddenly to deaden the pain, denying the condemned even the last minute of life, of pain, before he is killed.  So instead, the well meaning lawyers stretch out the execution, allowing glimmers of hope, a lasts minute reprieve, escape, a more painful, natural death within bars and thick walls enjoying hours of torture awaiting finality.  I understand.
It is time to take up the next section.  This, being a continuation of the prior should go much quicker.  The problem before was incorporating so much new theory, and even then the equations (posted earlier) that might help understand the algorithms were not incorporated except by reference.
I see the spirals as a sheet folded in on itself.  At each movement inward, each quantum length or quantum time on 'thread' of the sheet is crowded out and must ride on top of the next adjacent thread.  There are, in such a scenario, two choices, which means there must be some additional element to the algorithm in such a model to have this type of choice made.  The underlying information, of course, is fixed in a singularity.  The algorithm merely plays the fixed dimensionless singularity.  The singularity can, however, be viewed as all dimensions and times for us, as well as dimensionless because dimension and time mean nothing in that environment.  Even the algorithm doesn't change this.  The so called "big bang" which is described as moving time to its maximum state of disorder before the spiral re-compresses it is fixed and timeless just as the spiral back is.  Each quantum point along it may be viewed.  While it was mentioned as a possible playing of the universe in reverse, from each point along it, the spiral would appear the same, since movement along any part of the algorithm is only an issue of perspective, not of actual change.
It is beautiful, and like the condemned man's life, if makes pointless the waiting.  It makes the holding out of hope in place of finality all the more painful.
It is cold this morning, almost uncomfortably so.  Soon the heat of the waning summer will come forth and provide a comfort from the morning chill and then replace it with its own painful heat.  A storm, of sorts, is in the gulf this morning.  It offers nothing but relief from drought and rain.  Rain has always been a comfort to me, an excuse not to act as I hide from its wetness, from the living movement even the quietest rain has.

Friday, August 28, 2015

sleepless visions

So much happens late at night
while the innocent sleep
I miss nothing
I sit awake
kept restless
by the things I see
within my own mind
things invisible
Despite waking morning
before the sun rose
before even dawn
brightened the sky
The near full moon
which lit the early night
was by then gone
leaving an unnatural darkness
which provided me no shade
no shadow, no place to hide
from the light in my head
sleepless in morning
just as I am sleepless tonight
working outside at dawn
working inside in evening
despite the darkness
despite blindness
except for my visions
everything blends together
except for my passions
which remain undiminished
time doesn't cool them
they burn unabated
act they scream
I remain motionless
they scream louder
scarred sleep, scared sleep
I move around blindly
the darkness complete
except for the visions
I try to describe them
but they remain illusive
except to me
I see them clearly
what they demand
and demanding
they deny me sleep
and you deny me
there is nothing
of the dawn
silent, lightless
in your absence
there can be no light
nor peace

NLC-the tortured discussion of CT2

 This took a very long time.  If the remaining chapters take this long and if I wait till this is finished as I have hoped, it would, apparently take forever.  What am I to do?
The spiral universe is a lonely place, but I watch my old movies, I read my old books, and I wonder why I am held back by an ironic universe, what purpose can it have for this other than for me to finish this work?  That is, of course, too self centered.  Instead is my unwillingness to take advantage of the illusion of self determination without an excuse.
I have sought many an excuse and continue to do so.  It makes things which are not completely necessary conditional, like the finishing of this work, the success of an application, the agreement to undertake and undertaking, the ability to transition with some sense of innocence.
However, I am not innocent.  I have not been innocent for a long time and it is a travesty for me to seek absolution with so much blood on my hands.
Even as a young person, before I was a man, I was guilty of murdering friendships for selfish motives.  My intent is irrelevant, the outcome whether from incompetence or inexperience was the same, blood on my hands, over the years, coating the old blood always fresh.  And it continues, the blood no sooner dries than I add a fresh coat and even now, trading friendships for my needs, consuming them as a forest fire consumes trees.Enough!  I still love, but my movements leave a trail of pain, my heart is a mirror, wearing the scars of every heart I have sundered.
Fear me, the consumer of souls; consuming them without even trying, often without knowing, as if I was led by an unknown, poorly understood instinct.
Perhaps that is my theory, a static universe, consuming everyone's soul at once, as if the crime of one soul, one friendship at a time is not enough.

CT2-NLC a spiral explanation of the one source universe

  The spiral can only compress one coordinate per quantum space which means that the initial compression can only be compression of a scale of 1, 2^1 (one data point) to 2^2 (two data points).  
This compression continues as the solution to the equation y=2^x as x increases linearly in whole numbers (0,1,2,3, etc).  Gravity, is the force corresponding to y=2^0=1.   All points
Negative time is the decrease linearly from zero -1,-2,etc which suggests the theoretical solution- ½; ¼;1/8th;1/16th;etc.  This is significant because the use of negative numbers outside of the result (by having it as a factor) eliminates some problems that will be addressed in the section below regarding time dilation which is seen, especially at the ct1-ct0 and ct4-ct5 event horizons. *It remains the principle of NLC that time is illusional and that each quantum time continues to co-exist with each other quantum time.  Dimensional and force characteristics experienced in any quantum time are a function of the interplay between one fixed quantum time point and the prior and following quantum point times.  The total amount of information remains constant, but the exact arrangement changes based on fixed quantum changes at different locations in the algorithm based spiral.*
CT(2) goes linear: This is the next step in compression.  In the first edition (the Einstein Hologram Universe), it was theorized that this might be the first time when we would have “the expansion of the universe into two dimensions.”  *Under NLC all expansion occurs initially and only compression follows for both time and dimension.  However the idea of spirals coming off of the primary spiral suggests that a form of multiple linearity actually can occur with each successive stage of compression.  As such you have a master spiral the size of the universe (in increments of quantum length) and sub spirals whose length is governed by the amount of “time” they exist.  For example, certain such spirals might last almost as long as the universe, some of these inner ct2 quantum energy spirals, while others, fusing and this fissioning, like those at Hiroshima, might last a considerably shorter period of time and have a shorter length as a result.  This model helps to explain why it is more difficult to have conversions of the fundamental spirals, they are necessarily so long that altering them or converting them would require acting on a long, fixed spiral, something impossible for anything without actual self-determination which we are denied by virtue of the physics of the spiral universe.  The continuing compression required by the spiral means that as the center approaches, more and more compression is a necessity and the spirals will become more permanent.
This, then, gives us the first one source model of the universe (suggested by the interchangeability of energy and matter) where that source is information (time coordinates, c) and where the display algorithm is a series of compressing spirals running in a single direction which explains why the universe appears in motion even though the theory holds that everything exists within a fixed singularity without dimension (or time) and that the spirals are merely a function of the display of apparent linearity.*
After the “Great Spiral”, in NLT, at least, there is the initial “moment” moving along the Great Spiral when two time coordinates are forced together as r (the radius of the spiral) decreases incrementally and CT(2) goes linear, *as a spiral off the spiral for a combination of two data points caused by the decrease of one quantum distance along the Great Spiral as it spirals down to complete singularity where all data points are changing together where all of the spirals have come back to the singularity*.  There is no “additional time” generated, at least not of necessity.  All the time in the singularity continues to exist there.
If “space” is CT(1), then it would be wrong to say that “…space can now form, but is so concentrated that it exists only in two dimensions because only two of the three dimensional coordinates are changing at once.”  However, it is likely that if linearity starts at a moment, then there could be a moment when this situation would exist.
*Illusory Vibration could come from looking forward from a quantum moment and looking backwards from a quantum moment.  Looking forward would generate one set of phenomena, dimensional characteristics, looking backwards, another, force set of phenomena from the perspective of the quantum point of observation.*
On feature of the algorithm for displaying fixed information which is reflected in the equations identified as CT2 is that two coordinates can change at once because of the shared space along the spiral and the related compression of data (ct1-2^1 to ct2-2^2).  This allows for exponentially greater information to be displayed at the one point where ct2 occurs over ct1.
It is theorized that the traditional view of the coordinates as being along separate axis is incorrect.  This requires a view of dimensions where the expression of change and not dimension occurs.  For example, as information from a data source is processed, it can, by virtue of the process, be displayed as anything, color, sound, or picture for example.  The variation is controlled by the mechanism by which the fixed information is displayed.  If we are only looking at one “bit” at a time (2^1) there is a minimum amount of information that can be displayed.  If two bits are processed at once (2^2) then the corresponding amount of information is exponentially greater, but the total amount of information is unvaried.
The information is fixed in a singularity without dimension.  An algorithm expresses the information in a form that appears to be along a spiral (viewed from within the spiral of information).   The purpose of the algorithm is to give a beginning and an end to the information just as a movie plays from beginning to end.  Unlike a traditional movie, this one varies in complexity from a state of complete disorganization, back to a state of complete organization.  This does not, however, affect the singularity, but is only a method of expressing it.
It is therefore as predictable as physics that a given outcome will occur, there is no potential for varying the movie unless the singularity is varied in the primary embodiment.  In the earlier embodiment, however, it was speculated that the spiral could vary, even to the point of varying the shape of the spiral, which would allow for different incomes based on a set amount of data.  This alternative view is worth considerable attention because it would provide that the information can be expressed using different algorithms to give different result even in a universe where the amount of information is finite. (The exact amount of information is estimated later, but is a function of the total gravity of the universe, each quantum of time/gravity/data-interchangeable references to the same thing) totaling to the total amount of information.
Information at any point along the spiral can be discussed in terms of the nature of “x” as a function of the equation x=2^n.  In this equation, so far, as n starts as 1, x is represented by nothing other than space.  The amount of x, x(tot) has a cognizable amount of gravity in our current universe because the transition from x=2^0 to x=2^1 is viewed as the point where gravity is created.  Since all the information is available at any point along the spiral irregardless of combination or compression, the total amount of gravity and the total amount of change are unvaried as the spiral moves is followed inward.
Again, while we can envision mathematically a spiral algorithm, actual movement is absent.  Also, X(tot) never changes.  This means that the amount of combination must match the increased amount of change possible in order that nothing be invented or lost.  One can imagine information being lost from the spiral, but one cannot imagine information being lost from a singularity.  Since the spiral is only a formula for expressing linearity from an singularity without linearity no information is lost unless the “rules of the spiral” say it is lost and there is no basis for such a determination.
For this reason, we can change the exponential rate of change at any point along the spiral, but whatever is the stuff of the singularity, the total amount of change, the total stuff, remains constant.  What changes is the number of coordinates of X that can change simultaneously at a rate corresponding to compression but equalling the change before compression at any one point along the primary spiral.
For those who don’t think the evidence supports the spiral algorithm (circles, string theory, spirals within spirals in the universe, the seeming progression of pi, time and compression) remember that it is merely one algorithm.  The pi, infinite series algorithm which is used herein is vibrational in nature as it moves inexorably towards a solution based on a sum total of information and it is nice to have that type of solution when dimensional and force characteristics appear to be two sides of a similar equation (one the plus, the other the minus) or to each have the aspects of the plus and minus portions.  Indeed, the existence of time quanta on either side of the present appears to hold evidence of the vibrational nature of the solution.  But you don’t have to like it, it doesn’t have to exist, there is some algorithm, but it remains possible (doubtfully so in a physics driven universe) that there is even a series of different algorithms, but that would require a change in physics along the way and even the possibility of some form of randomness which is counterintuitive to an Einstein, everything happens at once, universe.
More important, perhaps, is the equation which governs the “pre” and “post” change components.
X(current)=X(future - change in compression) =X(past+change in compression)  The perceived changes in either direction are critical to our “perceived” self determination.
Therefore x(tot) if all of x is ct0=xct0 but it becomes x(tot)=+xct1+xct2+xct3 when some of x is of a ct1 or higher state.  Also x(tot)=xct0+xc1+xc2 in the situation discussed in this section where ct2 has gone linear if some information is lost from the spiral, but xct(0) should be zero, that is no information is lost back to the singularity until all of the information has returned to non-linearity at perfect compression.        
X(current)=x(past) + (xchange)=x(future)-x(change)
The “position” of x can be anywhere (along the spiral) and the only change is in the state of x relative to how many bits of information in x can change at once for each point along the primary spiral.  Further, you can determine where you are on the spiral by the amount of combination since one combination occurs at each point along the spiral.
Because x does not change, and because of observed phenomena discussed below, it also must be that x is conserved, so as one coordinate change is added (as n increase in the function 2^n) the total rate of change over the universe should remain the same meaning that each “bit” or coordinate has to change slower.
Getting to the original point, we like to think in terms of dimensions, but the actual dimensions appear to be misleading.  While things move in 3 dimensions the change that leads to this appears to occur in coordinates without reference to a specific dimension or location.  We know that standard clock time is no different than any other coordinate change, but we also know that because of conservation of coordinate change that clock time slows as other, non-clock coordinate changes increase in rate.
The corresponding force for CT2 is a one directional force which is theorized to be photonic.  It is likely that two sets of coordinates go linear at the same time which allows for a one directional force for the first time.  This is not a time based force, but is positional.  The force arises from the perceived movement from a point in the spiral in either direction, but if at the point of origin, the force merges with the “space” spiral, the so-called primary spiral, and ceases to be determinable.   
These two time coordinate states (CT1 and CT2) are visible to us, but we don’t understand what we are seeing unless we understand what we are looking act.  Space, for example, appears invisible, even though it represents the same informational change along the spiral as the more “solid” informational changes. It is the first place where a divide is possible and things can exist in two separate places, remembering that only the “change” is visible or even relevant to other linear entities.  Without the perspective of movement along the spiral, existence would be static.  Space has no dimensional movement, for example, and therefore appears empty even though it is made dof the same coordinates as everything else.
If we are to assume that a time period exists where only ct1 and ct2 exist, then during this period there is no ability for a traditional explosion because everything is restricted into a single line, but there is no reason why force vectors cannot extend in an infinite circle just as you can draw an infinite number of lines outward from a point on a sheet of paper. This would be a big bang in 2 dimensions and is covered immediately following in a short section on running the spiral in reverse.
CT1 points are used to create CT(2) vectors and later conversions indicate that 10^2 is the “conversion ratio” or “compression ratio” of points in CT1 to vectors in CT2 using the sequential acceleration concept above.  This is predicted in the concept of “exponential compression.”
Next, of course, will come ct(2) vectors to ct(3) waves having a compression factor of 10^4.
Photons (ct2) are point forces and are theorized to be connected to CT2 going negative, that is the process of looking back along the spiral.  This is not actual movement, but is, instead, the perception of the prior quantum time along the vector which is a point environment (ct1) as only one time coordinate at a time can change and compression is represented by 10^1.  This pattern which continues is the strongest indicator that forces are a negative, a reflection of the lower clock times.
Gravity moves only along the primary spiral and has no dimensional features that we observe just as space has no dimensional features that we observe despite both being present on the spiral algorithm.
Photons can be said to require movement in at least two dimensions to exist. While it is arguable that photons can only combine in at least two dimensions, it is likely that dimensional coordinates exist without clock time (CT not SCT) in multiple dimensions since two dimensional photons can move throughout three dimensional space. CT(0)dt=(CT(0)+CT(1)+CT(2))dt.  This suggests that changes, coordinate changes function as multi-dimensional features in the algorithm.
This is the most difficult feature of multi dimensional coordinate change that exists.  One coordinate changing at a time makes sense with 3 dimensions, but what about ct4, 5, etc where changes are occurring at a point in 3 dimensional space, but in more than 3 coordinates at once?  The two obvious choices are that they change in those other dimensions, but we cannot see them (which leaves questions about HOW those changes affect the conserved speed of change) or the more likely alternative that they can only change in one dimension for ct1, only 2 for ct2, etc; but that the universe changes around them in the other coordinates where they would otherwise be fixed.  This is a function of the algorithm which creates the illusion of a projection of different features of the Einstein singularity.
Photons are one dimensional force aspects and it can be seen that “force aspects” of space-time trail one dimension behind “spatial aspects.”  This is the idea of CT1 going negative to form photonic energy and CT0 going negative to form gravitational energy.  Using the fixed spiral model these are forces that represent the change in position from one quantum length along the “primary spiral” to the next.  Wave energies will be movement along both the primary and secondary spirals, of course, with the total movement along both being equal to one move along the primary spiral but of multiple data points on different spirals.  None of the spirals can double back but spirals can rise and fall against the next lower spiral.
 Coordinate change is always conserved. Again, a function is suggested for CT(1) taken to the next state, ct(2):
((CT(t)dt=t^n^2)*(x+t) + (t^n^2)*(t’^n^2)*(x-t)
In spiral terms
Spiral(total change)=SC(1) + SC(2)*2^2.  For higher states you’d have + SC(3)*2^4 etc where each spiral change is the distance equation along the spiral which you’ll find in prior posts.  The idea is that each SC(x+1) comes off of and parallels the lower state spiral, but in quantity exponentially greater (2^n+1) than the lower state.
***In the CT equation x is one of three dimensional coordinate changes, t is gravitational force time and t’ is photonic force time, the equation requiring solution for all three dimensions.  In the SC example, SC is the spiral equation and you’re just looking at positional changes along the spiral where dimensions are not relevant.  
In either, there can be  a negative state generated as force and a positive state generated as a type of point in the universe.  In the Coordinate Change example this is the x-t equation, but in the SC equation the forces are all static and it’s a perspective question.   The force equation could be either be incorporated (no negative equation) or SC(F)=SC2-SC(1)*½.  The problem with having forces as incorporated lies in the problem of gravity. Gravity pulls towards non-linearity, it suggests that gravity is the tendency to move backwards on the spiral, and the other forces, if related, should be the tendency to move backwards along other spirals off the primary spiral each being proportionately (exponentially) because of the amount of compression in the movement.  For reasons that will be clear from the discussion, it is harder to reverse gravity because it is on the primary spiral.  The lesser spirals allow movement according to relative slowing of one coordinate in favor of another (apparent dimensional movement) while along the primary spiral no such relative coordinate change is possible because only one coordinate changes at a time preventing even illusory time change although, presumably, negative gravity would result in time travel.
The problem with the earlier analysis of information is that it doesn’t hold true, at least not in an obvious way.  Ct0 as movement in a negative state is gravity, ct1 in its negative state is photonic.  Ct1 in its positive state is space.  Ct2 in its positive state  would have to have some separate existence which is not observed.  If forced at gun-point to give it such a designation, I would probably say it is an altered “space” state that allows for photonic energy to exist and is not observed separately from space.  There are reasons to believe (as set out in the section on time dilation) that even matter might fall into this categorization.
Since this formula is not complete, its history is not tracked here for subsequent linearity steps (ct3, ct4, etc).
Every transition from one state to the next must occur at a quantum moment because one spiral has to leave the prior spiral at that point.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

some collected thoughts on reading

You know you're reading too much when:

All the books we own, both read and unread are the fullest expression of self we have at our disposal...but with each passing year, and with each whimsical purchase, our libraries become more and more able to ridicule who we are, whether we read the books or not-Nick Hornby

Leave me alone to mourn the deaths of fictional characters I have become overly attached too-unknown tweet post

A story can be like a mad, lovely visitor with whom you spend a rather exciting weekend lorrie moore

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.  Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  Grouch Marx

I like the sound of facts, but I don't care about them as facts.  I like them as texture. Kay ryan

I may be legally an adult but don't be fooled.  I have no idea what the hell i'm doing.-unknown tweet

It's all who you lay down with at night that matters.  It takes a while to figure that out.  From a sad movie.

writing comes from reading and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.  anne proulx

a book can be represented as a conversation with one's demon-patrick o'brian

NLC-will Hawkins and Trump catch up...would they want to?

This (information below from Hawkins) will sound a lot like a spiral on top of a spiral or the compression of data.  One can forgive Hawkins for not knowing as much as me about linearity and black holes because for whatever reason he doesn't read my books or blog (although he probably should).

The point is, other than being trapped in a spiral, believing in dimensions that don't exist, Hawkins continues to "spiral in" to where I've already gotten.  I understand your hesitance, but the next post which is an excruciating rewrite of the one source universe (in the book below) will provide further guidance, although you can find everything, very roughly put, in NLT and, of course, throughout this blog if you're interested in what post-Hawkins physics looks like.  And, of course, NLC is, sadly, a much unhappier view of things in many ways than the Alice in Wonderland version of the universe that predates it (Hawkins as the mad hatter?)

CWE is much less a "triumph" but I only mention it here because I was after China long before Trump made it a  press issue and I think my insight into the process is several years ahead of Trump, the news talking heads and the other lackeys.  That being said, I'm sure some of them have more time to write, better access to data, education and other irrelevant (to me anyway) advantages, but just remember that I (and you by extension) were here first.  Not sure if I should feel gratified or embarrassed on this one.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A leap of faith

I stand at the chasm
the far side shrouded
you think I want to hear
what lies through the fog
assuage my fears
but you are wrong
jumping into the fog
is what has to be done
I cannot be a coward
and be worthy
of the safe landing
or the alternative that waits
everything in life boils
and I have slain so many
all the old dragon lie at my feet
no longer am i bound
by those chains and teeth
i have faced so many dangers
together and alone
all that remains for me
is the leap of faith

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

NLC and the power of love

If I can figure out NLC using the power of love
and it is certainly a work driven by love
does that mean that love can drive the universe
the need to reach out is so great
that it finds creativity in the impossible
so why not find that it creates
despite predestination,
the rules of physics.
and I have taken another opportunity forward
and giving my speech yesterday
in the big swampy
especially now in the anniversary
when all the things that brought me together
play on the radio, as well as in my mind
I'm thinking that perhaps the stars will align
and i will do all of the things
i said needed to do
and, of course,
nothing will come of it.

When first I met Your glance and knew That life had found me- -and Death too . . .
—Edgar Lee Masters, "Bring Me a Unicorn," quoted in Anne Morrow's diary, December 28, 1927

Sunday, August 23, 2015

phatoms and now

Right now in this moment
comes together the past
Right now in this moment
we do what makes the future
right now in this moment
I think about you and wonder
right now in this moment
I am in love with a phantom
right now in this moment
life is both real and an illsion
right now in this moment
it is our moment to seize
right now in this moment
we design our future
we make choices
we take roads
and we destroy bridges
right now in this moment
I think about you
I treasure the moments
I cling to the memories
I pray for the future
and every moment before
and every moment after

Saturday, August 22, 2015

nlc-more on the illusory power of self determination in a fixed spiral universe

Having disproved organized religion mathematically (although very far from disproving the existence of god) I want to go on to discuss how important self determination and how irrelevant regret even though the former is illusory and the event leading to the latter are fixed in eternity.
I suppose to some extent I have revived the god of lucretius, but in another i have done just the opposite.  God need not care about us at all, because we are only acting according to the laws of physics which, according to NLC means that everything that will happen has already happened and this leads inexorably to everything happening at once and therefore continuing to happen into eternity although it did take some time to get there.  Certainly any man-made religion based on events withing the fixed, non-varying time continuum of the fixed spiral universe woudl involve nothing more than pre-destined, already occurred events.  No "faith" based religion would be relevant to a god who designed in advance.  At the same time, counter to lucretius, if there is a god designed universe, than all the minutia was designed in advanced.  Such a god would be interested in every event, but having designed it, would have very little interest in "faith" because it could put as much faith forward as it wanted in whatever religion it wanted.  To think that by following some other pre-programmed mime that you were somehow acting outside of the programming is as absurd as true self determination, that is determination based on a universe with randomness that excludes physics/mathematics.
Now, that being said, it is equally important to understand the importance of the illusion of self determination.
Everything you've ever done wrong, had to happen.  No reason to feel guilt or remorse.  If you're reading this on your death bed, after some horrible humiliation, on your way to the electric chair, doesn't matter.  All that led to that was going to happen according to the laws of physics just as everything that follows will.  But now, having been forced by physics to realize this, the next moments, at least in an illusory sense, are yours to do whatever you want with.  You have no regret about the past which had to happen.  The future, if every moment is fixed, will exist into eternity, imagine what you can do with any moment, no matter what your situation.  Since only the moment matters, it doesn't matter what the consequences are of acting correctly, your fear of the future is as irrelevant as your fear of the past.  Both are fixed, both largely irrelevant.
Even if you are to die in hours, you have moments which are yours forever.  You can share whatever is there to be shared, do whatever you need to do.  You can do what you know is right, or you can just think on what is right until you come up with it.  You can share wisdom (like me) or not if that's what is right.
You could, for example, forgive me.  You could call me.  Of course, you could never call me too, that's something.  And imagine how confused the designer of the universe would be if for just an instant everyone were to love rather than hate their enemies.  We cannot do that unless we are programmed to do it according to physics, but imagine how confusing it would be anyway.

Friday, August 21, 2015

NLC and the good living

The idea of a stagnant universe makes action much more important even while rendering action irrelevant.  I woke up and for two hours have been outside in the cold shade of a middle country fall morning.
After moving into the sun, I'm now defrosting, the heavy long sleeve shirt coming off.  It would be peaceful, fit my pensive mood if I could just cut the wires to the pa system which is blaring canned music for the enjoyment of no one, as no one else is here to enjoy it.
I have more freedom of movement than I've had in a long time.  I have, once again the bon-vivant moment sans only the continuing income which should come well within the time frame I'm operating in.  Yet, still I allow myself to be held by artificial walls of societal barb wire and a false responsibility to things which take me away from what I think is important.
My vision has kept me from writing, although I will, eventually, have to steel myself and get the work of NLC finished.  I had hoped to do this in the rockies and may still do that, although I'm not so likely.  In fact, every passing day makes it less likely and  by next week it will probably fade, leaving open the octopus coast as a viable option.  I am sorry if the references are too obscure,  it is getting later in the morning but my mind is mired in the early morning when I was writing my thoughts in my personal scrawl in a ledger which even I cannot read.
I have so many unrecorded "epiphanies" related to NLC, perhaps lost forever.  One of them relates to the hidden movement (spinning) which fills in the place between the movement we observe and the speed of light.  This spinning is a spiral down to a place related to the informational constants (plank features, total information features, minimum size of theuniverse) the "lost part" being the idea of spin as well as the spin being a spiral which appears to go on forever (instead of being quantized) with the same pi-solution which I"ve set out previously.  The idea behind this is that in a quantized static universe, quantum changes on a very, very small scale have nothing to do with actual movement,but to the extent movement is visualized as part of the algorithm giving rise to visibility, that movement is in only one direction for all dimensions (not just time) which was one of the many breakthroughs which puts NLC "light-years" ahead of all other quantum theories.
I am ready to act on my bon-vivant status, and yet I have not yet done so.  Nevertheless, I've been swimming 2500 yards plus almost every day, missing only the rare days when storms or physical exhaustion or, as today, travel,prevents it.  When the time comes, I want to be as ready as possible.
For now, however, it is important that the theory be finished as soon as possible.

Monday, August 17, 2015

screw up

There are a lot of screw ups in my life.
as there are in yours
Hooking up with the wrong person
Not hooking up with the right one.
Financial screw ups
Even now when things appear lined up again
some of the numbers
the financial ones,
seem to be wrong.
What's with that?
And yet, while gasping for air
on so many levels
day in and day out
often involving real air
worrying about choices
those made in the past
and those yet to be made
those which are not mine
but those who depend on me
cause me worry
about what I am to do
whether on time or too late
wondering if I am exercising enough
eating right, too much or not enough
the future past the present
the huge amount of work I have to do
and the possibility of getting everything done
on time or too late
for what I want
perhaps what I need
even with all of that
for a short moment
 I am breathing easy
when I worry about what is
and what is not yet
I can say that when I look at the immediate
I can breath deeply
everything is done
everything is paid for
there are opportunities
for freedom even
the woods are dark and deep
and I have miles to go
so many obligations
so much a stretch of my abilities
but they are things I can do
they are things I have to do
some I will finish
so will have to wait
and together
they and the unknown
will form my future
I have to make choices
pursue this or drop that
but they are now my choices
now more than ever
I have an initial group
which is as much as i can do
what I have to do
what has to be done
my legacy work
the work to pay for the legacy work
and there are the emotional choices
for better or worse
those I want
and those I need
but for the moment
all will have to wait
for sleep requires me
and for now I have my tea
which I will sit and sip
and hope that these words
find fertile soil

Saturday, August 15, 2015

NLC-me and you fixed together or apart

I'm working hard to get this edition, now over 300 pages finished.
AS teh storm washes over me, I think how this isolated place is conducive to finishing this work.  I am, as I implied, working hard to go out west, to the point where I may have to take unilateral steps. I'm waiting for other work to be done, but I'm also working hard to do my own.  
There are two ways for the work to occur, the set path and the independent path and that applies to my actions as well as the choices open to those who work with me.
How grand it would be, however, to take a Mark Twain adventure and no time would be better than now when I have such an twainian opportunity with such a twainian outcome.  I must continue to work towards that because it would also give me time to finish.
I will lay out some of what is new, below, but first I have to say that as the waves of a storm build, so does my sense of separation, but the flames which represent my feelings, as much as the spiral the algorithm of NLC, have not abated in the slightest.  It is, I fear of a match with the antiquated presentation found in "if winter comes".
And my mathematics, philosophy is the wrong word, dictates that we are fixed, either together or apart.  I betray not myself, by mathematics itself, every day we wake up apart, every night we do not sleep together, every story we do not share, every conservation lost in a fixed eternity to the universe.  Can there be a god that finds anything more interesting than when we are together, or one so cruel to envision a perfect universe where we are apart.

On feature of the algorithm for displaying fixed information which is reflected in the equations identified as CT2 is that two coordinates can change at once because of the shared space along the spiral and the related compression of data (ct1-2^1 to ct2-2^2).  This allows for exponentially greater information to be displayed at the one point where ct2 occurs over ct1.
It is theorized that the traditional view of the coordinates as being along separate axis is incorrect.  This requires a view of dimensions where the expression of change and not dimension occurs.  For example, as information from a data source is processed, it can, by virtue of the process, be displayed as anything, color, sound, or picture for example.  The variation is controlled by the mechanism by which the fixed information is displayed.  If we are only looking at one “bit” at a time (2^1) there is a minimum amount of information that can be displayed.  If two bits are processed at once (2^2) then the corresponding amount of information is exponentially greater, but the total amount of information is unvaried. 
The information is fixed in a singularity without dimension.  An algorithm expresses the information in a form that appears to be along a spiral (viewed from within the spiral of information).   The purpose of the algorithm is to give a beginning and an end to the information just as a movie plays from beginning to end.  Unlike a traditional movie, this one varies in complexity from a state of complete disorganization, back to a state of complete organization.  This does not, however, affect the singularity, but is only a method of expressing it.
It is therefore as predictable as physics that a given outcome will occur, there is no potential for varying the movie unless the singularity is varied in the primary embodiment.  In the earlier embodiment, however, it was speculated that the spiral could vary, even to the point of varying the shape of the spiral, which would allow for different incomes based on a set amount of data.  This alternative view is worth considerable attention because it would provide that the information can be expressed using different algorithms to give different result even in a universe where the amount of information is finite. (The exact amount of information is estimated later, but is a function of the total gravity of the universe, each quantum of time/gravity/data-interchangeable references to the same thing) totaling to the total amount of information.
Information at any point along the spiral can be discussed in terms of the nature of “x” as a function of the equation x=2^n.  In this equation, so far, as n starts as 1, x is represented by nothing other than space.  The amount of x, x(tot) has a cognizable amount of gravity in our current universe because the transition from x=2^0 to x=2^1 is viewed as the point where gravity is created.  Since all the information is available at any point along the spiral irregardless of combination or compression, the total amount of gravity and the total amount of change are unvaried as the spiral moves is followed inward.
Again, while we can envision mathematically a spiral algorithm, actual movement is absent.  Also, X(tot) never changes.  This means that the amount of combination must match the increased amount of change possible in order that nothing be invented or lost.  One can imagine information being lost from the spiral, but one cannot imagine information being lost from a singularity.  Since the spiral is only a formula for expressing linearity from an singularity without linearity no information is lost unless the “rules of the spiral” say it is lost.

For this reason, we can change the exponential value of change, but whatever is the stuff of the singularity, it remains constant.  What changes is the number of coordinates of X that can change simultaneously at a rate corresponding to compression.  

storms in the distance

You need the ocean to see storms in the distance.  Sitting in the city, unless you are on the edge of a hill, and perhaps not even then, can you see the distances that allow you a radar-like view of all the different clouds that tell of an approaching storm.
The ocean portrays the sky and the land only does that at historic disasters.
The mixture of so many different forms of chaos are in my memories and the storms over the ocean.  They come at me remorselessly, they are my life, your life, the life of everyone.
For the moment, I feel the false sense of being safe and dry.  It seems like all the barriers are of my own making.  I am between the coming storms and those that threatened to sink my small boat.  I am between those that you with your skillful sailing caused me to survive and those which I will face without you in the future which I perceive in the distance.
For the moment, I am in that middle ground where I can decide which way to go.  I am bound by my prejudices, by those children's rat lines which I've done so much to care for, rebinding them with the sinews of our hearts, by my uncertainty of the past and the storms of the future.
The fortress I built with your hands is so strong, the mortar is bound by the blood we shared.  And yet  fortresses can only keep out what is healthy and fresh, they are designed to allow whatever is inside to fester.  They lock us into the past.  Growth is slow, it can only happen by an extension of new walls, more importantly by breaching down the old walls.  If we are to grow, if I am to find you again, I must walk out from the fortress which seems so safe.  The fortress contains only the damp memories of the storms of the past.  Living lies in the storms of the future, and ships eventually sink and become fortresses on the shifting sands till the storms of the future breach the walls we hid behind.

Friday, August 14, 2015

bitter silence

such bitter silence
assaults me here
and yet noise loud
crowd out peace
already reason fled

where stands things
now that waiting ends
a new beginning
only to wait again
where are response

where are travel
where the consent
travel plans loose
waiting only confirmation
alas or rejection

where are the letters
that should have been
written never meaning
memories more real
than enslaving walls

Beauty surrounds me
and is seen clear
without giving peace
nothing more to me
than frozen dioramas

can it be right
if it kills value
is logical sacrifice
the blood of honor
or fool's gold

Having succeeded
is meaningless
without gold value
only cold metal
warm touch absent

run or running away
towards a goal
or only escape
the western sun
calls out to me

come this way
like all the others
escaping their pain
I hold rivers of gold
and deserts of pain

I would leave the water
if I could walk with you
reaching to the blinding light
take me, take me
 even if it means death

Monday, August 10, 2015

NLC-you are here-spirals vs information done

"There swept upon him, as one reckless in sudden surge of intoxication, most passionate desire to take her in his arms, and on her lips to crush to fragments the barriers of conduct he had in damnable sophistries erected, and in her ears to breathe, "You are beloved to me!  Honour, honesty, virtue, rectitude-words,, darling, words, words, words! Beloved, let the foundations of the world go spinning, so we have love."  From "If Winter Comes"

The universe only spins based on the application of algorithms to a fixed system.  Spiral math and information theory are clearly critical to the analysis of NLC, but their interaction is far from clear.
I have, however, deduced from your silence that you want me to indicate, at least roughly, where we appear on the spiral.  I will do so in this post.
As a quick review, NLC requires that the universe be fixed (unchanging) and that it be a singularity where an algorithm of spirals of one change at a time are combined (compression) to form exponentially higher algorithm (2^x where x is the number of combining spirals) where all dimensions (time is the illusory one) move in only one direction and perceived two directional movement is merely the relative slowing of one dimension in favor of another where all change is conserved.
Black matter/energy is nothing more than space so what they say is "unobserved" is actually hiding in plain sight.  It is information which is changing at such a high rate (one coordinate changing as fast as 4 coordinates for matter-us) that we don't see it, just as black holes are changing so slow we don't observe them directly (5 coordinates at once).
So the approximate location of where we are on the spiral is pretty easy to come by.
I'll use this (very inaccurate in most ways as it is obsessed with space time as are all pre NLC theories) article to give us our basic numbers:
Unfortunately, there are several numbers in this which causes me to give several answers to where we are.  I.E. we're either here or there, but we're not everywhere.  Well, technically we are everywhere, but where we are right this second is only a couple of place:
First the pure matter argument:
5% us (everything but dark stuff)
27% dark matter
This would put us somewhere behind (less than) the 1/6 point on the spiral.  This "rough estimate" is based on the fact that some compression has affected 1/6th of the total information of the universe.  We're really much closer to the beginning even in this estimate than the end because the level of compression (going towards 100% where everything happens at once) is done in stages, but at the stage we are at, we're closer to the 1/6th point as we are to anything beyond it.  This is not "true movement" because it's only an algorithm of what already has happened, but if you were to graph the algorithm, that's where we'd be.  Probably closer to 1% of the way out given the amount of compression left for us to go through to get to the higher compression states, but that's a more detailed analysis.
5% us
27% dark matter
68% dark energy
This puts us 5% of the way or less, presumably much less since the dark energy component of space would be less organized, less ready to become compressed information under the other guidelines.  Applying the same idea that our compression is far from complete (we are 2^4, complete compression is 2^x where x =all the information in the universe at any quantum moment) we're far less than 1% of the way to the end, but it's up there.
Anyway, you asked.  You are here.

Monday Morning-first day last equations

This the the first full week when I wake up without the need to run through the lists of what can be and what cannot be; of thinking of time limits but old habits die hard and even the rich kill themselves when they realize what is and is not important.  I do know, better than most, perhaps even better than anyone, a claim that very few can make, and yet I don't obtain what is most important nor did I when it was possible.  I have doomed myself and everyone around me, but at the same time, the chains that bound me are loosed and the results of that not yet certain.
Perhaps the answer is in the book, I thought when I began this post you would be more entertained, you'd certainly be, if I only typed in here that highlighted text which says so much about where we are today and the hell that awaits us.  The only question is how we will be when we face it.  But this is communication, not entertainment.
I should be working more directly on finishing a spiral in amber, it is now going well having tied up several loose ends, but the math, while relatively just a matter of putting together pieces which are already laid out remains daunting.  The math of stacked spirals coupled with exponential change, the e=mc^2 of true quantum mechanics, still a thousand miles from what really matters which may not be in the cards, but either a dead end or a change of the game and I believe there are too many consistencies for it not to be the latter.  It would seem that I can challenge my old friend, who knows me not.
And of course, I have a plan now, wouldn't you like to know what it is.  It is vastly different from the prior plan but still much the same.  IT also requires that the math be finished, the book published.
But not this morning.  It is enough that you know what I am doing, the actual work being relatively simple.  How you ask?
It is clearish (not quite clear) that the math for the spiral (not, alas, the archemedian?) has a definitive length and that spirals can stack and unstack only with great energy or, energy being irrelevant, great effort and the accumulation of information.  It is also clear clearish, that the stacked spiral is equal in size to the exponential increase in concentration giving the spirals a size of sorts, and the decrease of concentration going the other way.
It is clear that movement of all dimensions is in one direction and that the direction is towards complete concentration, a state where everything happens at Einstein's once.
That is enough to lay out the basic mathematical principles of the spiral-amber universe where every morning apart is apart forever.
I am working outside, the overcast and shade will soon be overwhelmed by the sun and I will have to retreat.  For now, I share my computer is a nearly translucent green spider, beside me is a blue jay feather its colors seem to mimic those of an aileron against a wing and I wonder what purpose those colors worked for the jay before he shed it.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

in sickness

i wonder if it is possible that having tried for so long to get to this point where before health was so important that being finally released i am now to suffer the loss of it and the indignity of illness.  if i go no further i have accomplished much and leave much still done.  the dying scream i am not ready yet, mocked by youth.  the unfirm plead to the firm who cannot help whatever their inclination.
i am poisoned and suffer from strain and infidelity, from passions gone ary like a train engine barreling off the track into a chasm.  is it any wonder with my conflicts and missteps my passion and sacrifice of others as well as myself that my insides should turn on me even as my eyes repay betrayal in kind.  come on illness and even death, inevitably you define my end whether today or tomorrow one more day without you is an eternity the moment to live for is to embrace you one more time or the point is lost

will you dance with me

I've been reading  a book that I like quite a bit.  Although every time I think that perhaps I can write, that perhaps I have a bit of talent or creativity, I pick up a book like this and realize that everything I want to write, has been written better, and long ago by someone else.  If winter comes.
There it is.
I'm not supposed to post poems.  I should be serious and stick to physics or write nothing at all which I did for a time and will do again.  But I like to write poems, those strange unremitting things which don't rhyme that I call poetry that tell what I think unclearly, but with more clarity than I could write in prose.

I listen to music
and i think
about what would it be
if you were with me
what would you think
of the songs I spin
would you fill my dream
and would you dance with me.
to the upbeat sad songs
that so many like
but no one understands
the same way
why can't I
every morning
turn on my music
and dance with you

Saturday, August 8, 2015

blogs and bonnets

I'm not at all happy with my blog.
I find my theory elegant, intuitive and complete; but vastly unsatisfying.  I feel like a character in a movie who suddenly realizes he is in a movie. That is nothing more than the tag line of a woody Allen movie and realizing that I fear that god is woody Allen, or at least has his personality.
Then there is so much sentimentalization.  I tire myself with my tirades about love, about anger, about peace and war, my separating people into groups when they are nothing more than spiral bounds.  That last based on my musings that if they had an appearance, the initial great spiral would look much like the front of a bonnet.  As it spiraled down, strands of the bonnet would overlap, then overlap again, rarely becoming a part of the inevitable movement of bonnet from start to finish, raveling, then raveling again to make room for the ever decreasing size of the arc that was formed.  spiraling down to one completely unraveled mass at which point it would be at its most organized.  And woody allen would look on and say, at this point, you will realize you are in a movie and you will write a dissatisfying blog about it.
I think my insomnia reflects my desire to be up before the sun rises, so I can see the very special light that lights the top of the trees while it is so cool.  So that I can feel the mariner's breeze that carries ships out of the port early in the morning when it first stirs the branches.  So I can be alone with the sounds of nature before the people ruin them, in my enormous yard which keeps out the sights of other people but cannot quite hide their noise except for this early in the "day" when the only people who share the world with me are mariners of sailing ships bound for distant lands, fast food workers, and the night shifts at factors and bars weary to get home, And I feel with them, the desperation of the fast food worker, the weariness of never getting home again; home not being this grand and quiet yard before the sun has lit the tops of the trees, but where you lie with someone else, perhaps woody allen himself.  Action, camera, light the tops of the trees, let the breeze blow the ships out to sea, they too will have no home.

Friday, August 7, 2015

friday morning

It's Thursday night and I am tired, but in all but the final steps and the necessary waiting time and normal precautions I have succeeded at last at chasing the wolves form the door.  While their eyes gleam from without, the bigger issues now can be addressed.
One more long day tomorrow, but already I feel I can rest a little.
I have a great deal to do this weekend, but I have, to a large extent put things on hold, while the irrelevant successes of the last years of struggle recede for a moment, yielding their place to the things that really matter..
Today I will work as hard as possible, there is yet one thing to finish before moving on and it gets more complicated, it is like the herculean dragon that grows two heads for each one cut off; but it is a dragon of my mind.
I have to tune my guitar, I have to drink my coffee, I have  to swim, I have.  Ridding, running, swimming, drinking, writing, faster, harder, drowning out everything.
Swimming, drugs, work, all these things I use to crowd you out of my mind but you always come back, splintering the walls I erect.  Indeed what is the monster, except proof that love is the strongest force, save irony, in the universe.  For I have done what no one else could do for one reason only, so that I could scream I love you louder than anyone else.
I love those who I have brought into this tragedy, those few friends that I've had the opportunity to share my days with, and you.
You deny it to protect yourself from the betrayal, and yet you know it as well as I.  The power of love if not its fidelity.  And what is love other than the recognition of how much one person means to another, and what is the ultimate irony if it is not me, the idiot savant, the idiot servant, to the idol that is as cold to me as stone.
It gives me the power to see what no one else can see, even as it blinds me to everything else in the world.
How believable the complexity of our world, for what else would someone do than to make such an entertainment with all its richness, its pain, its irony.  Great books rarely have happy endings, and so we have our endings.
I see so clearly everything, and yet I have done nothing to seize the trailing rope from the fast moving ship.  I watch it take its cargo towards the setting sun, the cold moon, the cold water rises to engulf me.
I love you, I love, oh how I love you, and I've never seen better days.  The end is near.

Are there better days?  I cannot believe they exist for me, I cannot hope that I will suddenly change and become something that I have never been.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday Morning NLC a spiral explanation of the one source universe part 1

Another night of insomnia.  How long can this go on?  I should find something to carve the days into, like a castaway.
To the south enormous billowing thunderheads break up an otherwise blue sky, spread across the sky like the monoliths of Stonehenge.  You can see the power of rain and thunder held in their massive size and folds even though they are white and quiet in the early morning light.
My desk at work is littered with the debris of mankind.  A wooden spoon from Africa, a stone hand ax from Nevada, an electric screwdriver from China.
What does all of this mean?  Why am I given so much insight into things and why am I rewarded with paralysis and nights without even the peace of oblivion.

NLC a spiral explanation of the one source universe

      This compression is the solution to the equation y=2^x as x increases linearly in whole numbers (0,1,2,3, etc).  Gravity, is the portion of this equation y=2^0=1. 
Negative time is the decrease linearly from zero -1,-2,etc which suggests the theoretical solution- ½; ¼;1/8th;1/16th;etc.  This is significant because the use of negative numbers outside of the result (by having it as a factor) eliminates some problems that will be addressed in the section below regarding time dilation which is seen, especially at the ct1-ct0 and ct4-ct5 event horizons.
CT(2) goes linear: This is the next step in NLT.  In the first edition (the Einstein Hologram Universe), it was theorized that this might be the first time when we would have “the expansion of the universe into two dimensions.”  *Under NLC all expansion occurs initially, however the idea of spirals coming off of the primary spiral suggests that a form of multiple linearity actually can occur with each successive stage of compression.  As such you have a master spiral the size of the universe (in increments of quantum length) and sub spirals whose length is governed by the amount of “time” they exist.  For example, certain such spirals might last almost as long as the universe, some of these inner ct2 quantum energy spirals, while others, fusing and this fissioning, like those at Hiroshima, might last a considerably shorter period of time and have a shorter length as a result.  This model helps to explain why it is more difficult to have conversions of the fundamental spirals, they are necessarily so long that altering them or converting them would require acting on a long, fixed spiral, something impossible for anything without actual self-determination which we are denied by virtue of the physics of the spiral universe.
This, then, gives us the first one source model of the universe (suggested by the interchangeability of energy and matter) where that source is information (time coordinates, c) and where the display mechanism is a series of compressing spirals running in a single direction which explains why the universe must constantly appear in motion even though the theory holds that everything exists within a fixed singularity without dimension (or time) and that the spirals are merely a function of the display of apparent linearity.*
Therefore after the “Great Spiral”, in NLT, at least, there is the initial “moment” when CT(2) goes linear, *a spiral off the spiral for a combination of two data points caused by the decrease of one quantum distance along the Great Spiral as it spirals down to complete singularity where all data points are changing together where all of the spirals have come back to the singularity*.  There is no “additional time” generated, at least not of necessity.  All the time in the singularity continues to exist there.
If “space” is CT(1), then it would be wrong to say that “…space can now form, but is so concentrated that it exists only in two dimensions because only two of the three dimensional coordinates are changing at once.”  However, it is likely that if linearity starts at a moment, then there would be a moment when this situation could exist.