
Friday, May 31, 2013

editing blogs

Blogs are not tweets.
They can be written and having been written can be re-written to take into account the notation of grammatical errors or new discoveries or even personal growth.  They are chapters in a book which are rewritten as the editorial whim passes.  I make no apologies for correcting a thought, even though it is completely different or taking a post accidentally published and converting it back to draft format.
That being said, I am consolidating material today and do not know when I will return to mainstream blog except to edit and reorder information.  And I may change this blog because I decide to move forward.
I am very much at a cross roads mentality today which I will not try to explain...or again I very well might.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Italian Opera

D'Annuzio was involved in Italian Opera and supported facism before withdrawing from politics for a life of drugs and debauchery.   I have not discovered whether the second abysynthian war affected this, but I need to add some opera to the second edition of "The first battlefield of wwii".
Opera was a big part of Italy during this time period. 
Italian gave us "piano"-sing, I think it means; and primavera-spring as well as phrases like "oppresso d'amor di piacere, il popol de' vivi s'addorme and l'ebbrezze perdute (not to be confused with pan perdu from the French, always with the food).
Not all Italian opera speaks to me; perhaps not much.
Some does
La luttuosa tenebra
una storia di morte
racconta alle cardenie smorte?
forse perche una pioggia
di soave rugiade
entro socchiusi petali cade
su l'ascose miserie
E su l'ebbrezze perdute,
sui muti sogni e l'ansie mute
su le fugaci giole
che il disinganno infrange
la note le sue lacrime piange
That is by Negri.

I feel like I wrote this but I did not:
E mezzanotte,
e l'ora passa frattanto,
e sola qui sulle piume
ancora veglio ed attend in van
That's by Leopardi

And this, this is something only one other would understand in context
ba iami sempre come mi baciavi
la prima volta che ti strinsi al core!
Oh, Su le fugaci gioie
che il disinganno infrange

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wang discusses China drones-china's weaponized economy.

Taking a break from my discussion of how I single handedly won the war with the United States, to point out the results.  Mobile Mines play a big role in World War C; the fictional book behind the Rhetoric in China's Weaponized Economy, both available on Amazon.
China's Drone Program Appears To Be Moving Into Overdrive
As you must see if only china makes miniaturized parts, only China will be in a position to make these small drones which will be used as weapons.  When the time comes to fight this war and you ask your country why it cannot fight a modern war.  When you look for allies, you will wonder why they all turn to the country that supplies all of the goods they need to maintain their standards of living.
Your technologies have allowed us to move everything to China and supply you from there.  When you became dependent on China, China owned you.   And that was done by me, B.G. Wang, "in your face" as you say in your country.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

what is more important, time or space in defining the universe

This is a good question, but is largely answered in prior blogs.
The only thing that really matters is time because space is an illusion in this theory.
While there is much to be said for space as a practical necessity with or without time, there is no justification for this position.
I imagine the universe as coming from a singularity drop into a sea of time and burning into space more than I can see all that space somehow existing without time.
Perhaps this will be the explanation.  Instead of their being a place full of space, there is a space full of time.  There is no space as we know it, only time as we experience it.
Somehow, without space, into this sea of awareness the singularity is dropped and begins to dissolve; expanding into the universe we experience.

infinite series, infinity, dark matter, anti matter, curved space, origins and what's next

There are a number of equivalents to cover in trying to make a theory.
The beauty of "creating the illusion of space using time" is that you can neatly wrap just about everything up by making it part of the illusion. While that makes the theory easy to scoff at, the fact that the issues such as infinite series, infinity, and origin questions exist even in Newtonian (and pre-Newtonian) physics and that such illusory concepts as dark matter/energy (or something which fills the observations of dm/e), anti matter, and curved space are observed in our universe shows that to scoff at anything is only "scoffitry" (the art of scoffing) and not valid criticisms.
The only valid criticisms are those which substitute something which explains what is scoffed at.  This does not mean that the substitute has to be valid.  Any theory that doesn't fully explain Origins is doomed from the outset and everything else leaves us back at the physics equivalent of stone tools.
Origins, being the place where the universe makes sense at a fundamental level, are the penultimate questions to be answered and e-hologram theory doesn't even get close to that issue.  Origins require we default to something we call god (for now at least) and even the god-like "awareness" envisioned as a possibility of e-hologram theory only explains the type of god that we experience and not the type that would be behind the design of the singularity itself.
In fact, origins have been envisioned as an infinite series which (as will be explained later) have features which allow them to curve in on themselves in e-hologram theory (e.g 22/7; all black holes going back to the same singularity, etc).  Infinite series (other than pi) are well known, for example cutting the distance of anything in half continuously (e.g.-cross a vector half way, then cross the next half half way; define a circle by an infinite series of sides merging to becoming circular and starting at 1 (diameter), 2 (perpendicular diameters), triangle, square, etc).
And of course origins.  If the universe comes from the big bang, the big bang comes from the singularity, where does the singularity come from and once you find that, where does it originate and on and on.  In fact, the infinite series of creation justifies the circular argument of the universe existing by virtue of awareness because it comes back onitself, a snake eating its tail.  In such a universe, infinite series would be expected as reflections of creation (irregular numbers like pi for example) but that is just an observation and not a solution.  God is not a solution because you have to decide where god comes from and it is not scientific to say he was always there, because we have already established a theory where time is only a function of our universe and therefore irrelevant to g-space.
I scoffitise myself. 
So I will table origins as a thing of itself and discuss the other aspects of observed space as part of a hologram universe, but later.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

what love is

I know what love is
it isn't a sunny day
it isn't a beautiful girl
it isn't you leaving
love isn't rejection
of what we care about
and I would know
for I know what love is
it isn't late night conversations
staying up till dawn
the hours spent together
talking of things which matter
and those which don't
of what we'll never know
with anyone else
it isn't the time
close friends spend apart
the poems that I write
to someone besides you
nor is it the thoughts
of what might have been
if you were not in them
it isn't the children
that we'll never have
nor the time together
which we will not spend
it isn't the missed opportunities
of moment spent with you
love isn't memories
we have of separation
it isn't the lovers we have
with whom we are not in love
it isn't even the arguments
the moral disagreement
the anger and jealousy
which we do not have
nor even the hatred
which you feel when
you think about me
all of these things
I know are not love
because I know what love is
the early morning light
that isn't in your eyes
the musky clean smell
that isn't in your hair
the soft touch
that isn't from your hands
the gentle melody
that comes off another's tongue
all of these things
are not what love is
I know what love is
and it not here without you

conservation of time as an equivalent of conservation of mass and energy

In traditional physics while you can exchange and change matter and energy, in any closed system; including the universe, there is conservation of mass and energy.
The equivalent in e-hologram theory approaches several thorny issues and one which we haven't gotten to yet and will not get to in this blog in its entirety.
I'm going to refer to this as conservation of time which is a theory, but not a stable of e-hologram theory.
First-matter and energy are tendencies to which time has attached in the singularity giving them the appearance of vectors (or dimension).  The singularity allows for everything to happen at once until time is added so in order to have conservation of mass/energy in our universe, there must be a set amount of time.  Since there is a finite amount of time, it must be conserved.
Time does, however, allow for increases in dimension which means in our universe time can stretch.  Not all time stretches the same amount and dimension requires that time stretch at different rates and without friction which is logical since friction is a function of matter rubbing against matter which cannot happen in the singularity since there is no dimension and hence contact is impossible.
Friction and all interactive forces, must be related to gravity which is the tendency of matter and energy to surrender time.
Energy has less frictional aspects, so it can be seen as (1) having less time or (2) having time which has stretch so far or retracted so far (one is just the opposite of the other to us) that it does not have the same tendency to combine with adjacent time.  This stretching or retracting requires a much deeper analysis that a Sunday afternoon blog allows so we will come back to it later.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

the speed of light is irrelevant because time controls dimension in e-hologram theory

As has previously been mentioned since dimension is a function of time, the speed of light is irrelevant; being an artificial construct tied to time and not to any other parameter.
dt=d/v  v=m/s
With a change in velocity, the relative speed (general relativity) where the two objects start at the same point and move directly apart from one another yields the equation (based on the speed of light) is w=(v(a,x)-v(b,x)/((1)-v(a,x)*v(b,x)/c^2). 
v(a,x) is the velocity of matter "a" going in the x vector).  We can use a single vector by virtue of the movement directly away from one another.
The problem you run into is that as the velocities approach the speed of light, the formula goes to infinity and hence the artificial limitation on change in velocity).  1-1=zero and w goes to infinity.
Light is a speed also, however.  We have already determined that as velocities are based on time (m/s) the application to a limit (light speed) based upon time is based on the application of the vector (three vectors in our space) by time.
The speed of light becomes one of the circular arguments of time.  Time cannot yield a vector at greater than the meters/time.  The circular argument of awareness creating time is no different than the circular argument that time yields speeds no greater than a certain vector at a rate set by the very item that adds the vector.
Now, eliminating time is required for the theory of e-hologram to have potential.  Likewise, the relativity observed when two times are moving at different velocities must be accounted for.
Fortunately, this is a strength and not a weakness of e-hologram theory.  To understand this we must understand that if gravity is the tendency to give up time, then any gravity source (from a black hole where time has been given back to a single mass of the smallest size must have at its core a dimensionless quality and no time.
This means that in the equation te=(t1+t2)/2 and dt=dt/sqr((1-(v^2/c^2)) [the inverse equation of the velocity equation above) is also dependent on time and light speed which are variable being only a function of time.
Time dilation (that change in time due to velocity) can be seen to be a function of velocity distance along one or more vector and the artificial light limit (c) along that same vector (light is taken as being the same along all vectors in order to get division by zero which is the same thing, although I will get no closer, as stripping time.  That is, when you manipulate the vector (irregardless of time) you can get to infinity the same as if you manipulate time; that is if you go from the distance light travels per hour to 2 times that vector in the same time period you accomplish the same acceleration as if you halve the time in the determination of light's maximum speed. 
There is nothing intuitive about the speed limit except when you plug it into equations solving for time which all incorrectly assume that time is not a variable while distance is IF you accept that dimension is a function of time which is both intuitive (you can't travel any distance per hour without the hour to do it in) and you can see both time and distance stripped from matter in black holes.
The limitation of light speed therefore is a function of how much dimension can be added within time and you are back to a circular argument whenever you try to define either one.  This means any limit on light speed is merely a definitional limit of time which in turn is not a constant of the universe, but is instead a constant of the application of time to the singularity.  The two are equivalents, but if you add time back at a black hole from where it is being stripped you end up not back where the singularity began, but at the location in space where the matter began to lose time but with the clock changed, that is the higher gravity slows down time just as relative velocities due which is a function, in this theory, of time begin stripped and then being allowed to reattach to matter.  At these high gravities, you also observe relativity in the reduction of dimension which is expected when time is removed if distance vectors (space) is just a function of time.
This means that we observe in the real universe time being removed from matter at which point the time stops relative to time outside of the gravity or velocity and it being returned without a loss of coordinates in space.  This "locational memory" of time, at least when not completely stripped from a tendency give space the illusion of fabric (space time) but it is a function of awareness or time since it can be removed and take you completely out of space, at least almost, and returned to place you within the fabric much like data stored at different geographic locations on a hard drive can lead to letters appearing together in a blog.  The corollary, of course, is the explanation of how to achieve faster than light travel (apparent); but that, alas, is a discussion which is withheld waiting for a condition precedent, so I will leave you to ponder wherever this evening takes you.

why are old fashions still trendy

What is the allure of a 1930's trench coat?  Why do we make sleeveless vests with pockets and cargo pants even today?
Fashions change, unfortunately for some of us.
Before going on, let me digress and say that fashion has nothing to do with anything that I know of.  I just had this thought and decided to put it in my blog amid the morbidly sanguine poetry that I write to someone who will not ever read it and the discussions of fundamental universe theory when I'm not turning my blog over to the cunning Wang who led the war against the US that led to china's dominance embodied in World War C and China's Weaponized economy.
Anyway, the answer is that these old designs had function.  The trench coat was designed with an eye towards survival in the harshest conditions imaginable.  The same can be said of cargo pants and sleeveless vests even thought the circumstances are different (deserts and abroad on the sea).
There were other fashions that will come and go with the whims and passions of designers, but functional clothing, particularly those tied to some romantic endeavor will always hold our imaginations.
Who doesn't want to stand on the tarmac with their one true love and let them go for some higher purpose (casablanca).  Who doesn't want to cross their dessert with a beautiful woman who wants to find herself more than the treasure on the other side?  Who doesn't see romance in the soldier, sitting in a trench trying to shield the paper from the rain and tears while writing a letter to the one who is left behind and who may never even get those words of timeless love?

Friday, May 24, 2013

with one hour to live, how do I handle all the time on my hands

I have one hour left to live
who can I call to tell goodbye
I have one day to live
who can I ask for forgiveness
I have one week to live
How can I explain my life
I have one month to live
who can I help to go on
I have six months to live
who can I comfort
I have one year to live
what can I finish
I have two years to live
how can I help mankind
be better after I am gone
I have my whole life ahead of me
however long it is
How do I want to spend it
How can I make it richer
Who do I befriend
and how can I share with them
why do I waste the minutes
the hours and the days
when they aren't spent well
and how do I protect those
who I have wronged
in the short time left
how do I better those
who will be here after me
how do I love those
who are ready to love me
we all live and only live
from one minute to the next
with only one minute left
how do I handle
all the time on my hands

a journey to the source of time and awareness in e-hologram theory

One of the most endearing aspects of e-hologram theory to me is the ability to have a self serving circular argument that gives rise to self awareness in the singularity which in turn gives rise to time.  This is both highly irregular and unsatisfying even among unsatisfying theories of matter and space that led to the propositions embodied in e-hologram theory.  It is, however, endearing.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
Un-succinctly put: Everything that has, is or will happen has happened in a singularity.  The singularity is poorly defined only by what is absent: (1) dimension (as we understand it) and (2) time (as we experience it).  The parenthetical is given because under the theory, time is necessary to give dimension (as we experience it) and hence until time is added to the singularity it is a point under our theory of geometry.  Therefore, when we strip away time (black hole) we strip away dimension and therefore all black holes go to the same point, the singularity, no matter how far apart they are.  This, of course, makes faster than light travel intuitive; but that topic is reserved.  The "E" in e-hologram theory comes from Einstein who laid the groundwork for the theory by stating "The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once" thereby implying that in the absence of time, things do happen at once in some sense.  The next "leap of faith" is not a discussion of what the tendencies are that would happen sequentially when time is added although that is what this blog entry will concentrate on.  Instead, the next leap is that "awareness" is time.  This awareness is not the awareness that we experience except in the abstract and that must be discussed in more detail.  Since all awareness past, present and future is present in the singularity, this awareness leads to at least one universe of the type we experience giving it time and therefore dimension.  Let us dig a bit deeper.
It is possible that "tendencies" in the singularity allow for events to happen in an infinite variety.  This is the argument that if a line is drawn in every direction, it is not a line at all but a ball and therefore a singularity with no lines embodies the same properties that the ball does.  This is the argument that infinitely small (1/infinity) is the same as infinity/1.  Both take you wherever you want to go and no where so to speak.  While you might say that physics argues against one or the other, you would be wrong because physics argues in favor of both unless the universe is finite which it may well be when you use traditional models.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
If you go to the edge of the universe and go past it, you have an infinite universe.  If you are unable to go past the edge, you have a finite universe.  Likewise, if you view the smallest diameter in the universe and bi-sect it, you have an infinite universe.  The discreditable model holds that the universe "gobbles up" space and that just past the edge is a different type of space.  The e-hologram equivalent is that if you go to the edge of the universe, you have gone to the edge of time.  You can certainly go past that edge unless time stops for some reason (or it is stripped away) in which case you find yourself back at the singularity.  An explanation is in order to move forward.
Time is attached to tendencies in order to form the fabric of the universe.  This "fabric" is a dimensional framework some perturbations of which are matter and some are energy; some are visible (normal) and some are not (dark).  The difference between what is what and where it is is a function of the time attached to it.  An explanation is in order in order to understand faster than light travel, but I digress.  Instead, let's get back to the point of awareness giving rise to time and the infinite possibilities in the tendencies of the singularity.
Singularities are hot once time is added.  Well, at least when our time is added to it.  We know this because of the tremendous heat at the big bang.  The reason is that heat is movement and if time is added to all tendencies at one time, a tremendous concentration of movement occurs as space is added to all of the tendencies at one time and we can see one feature of time as we experience it (for other times would certainly be experienced in other ways) is that it adds dimension gradually (hence we experience a universe which gradually expanded as time adds dimension to the fabric of the universe which we experience as three dimensional "space-time" even though it is only time plus tendencies.  But how to get time out of a singularity made up of tendencies?  An explanation is in order to move forward.
We can assume that the tendencies are tendencies for anything to happen.  We can assume that the tendencies are effectively a single tendency for a single thing to happen since it is in a singularity.  Since the singularity tendency is without dimension or time initially it happens all at once.  If it is a tendency for a single thing to happen an infinite number of ways, it can and our existence argues it did give rise to the universe we experience and I have no more control over what is written here than rock in orbit in space has over its orbit.  This infinitely limited approach is entirely logical.  But using our infinity arguments, this is the same as saying that there are an infinite number of possible results of the tendency and our universe is only one.  This is true whether there is one tendency or an infinite number of tendencies.  While a more detailed explanation than the one given above would be illuminating; it will have to wait.
In the infinite variety of outcomes of tendency in the singularity; one (and only one for you) tendency gives rise to intelligence as we know it (throughout time and throughout the universe) and the concentration of this intelligence in the one outcome of the singularity which we experience gives rise to awareness which, in turn, we experience as time which gives rise to the dimensions which we also experience.  This means that without a circular argument (except to the extent that infinity is circular which it is but we accept infinity since we cannot locate the finite in the universe) we are one with the intelligence that gives rise to time which is a nice touch even though we are only a tiny part of the one since our past thoughts, present thoughts and future thoughts and all other thought gives rise to this.  As has been alluded to and will be the subject of future entries, this renders morality of thought a function of our universe.  It is entirely possible that without morality there would not be enough intelligence to give rise to awareness which would prevent the singularity from being exposed to time as we know it.  Hence, it is arguable that there is a high degree of morality built not only into evolution (where cooperation is necessary to survive) but also into time itself because the awareness required to give rise to time and the universe we experience as a result must be significant in such a large universe which as a strictly circular but logical argument means that the awareness must arise from a cooperative nature which implies some form of morality.  An explanation of what this morality becomes is in order and we will cover that later along with the 10 commandments and as many as might be necessary to arrive at where we are today.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

wang returns to explain how he won the war for china 2 of 3

Wang here, rehashing the history of how I overthrew your country.  How China overthrew your country through me.
It wasn't just that your country was run by greedy men.  Greedy politicians and short sited men, some not so greedy, but none able to see past the next year.  But it wasn't just greed and short sightedness.
I was wrong I had not yet figured out what was missing. 
The gas crises, the car market.  Your industry refused to build a small car to help the lowest men, the ones that the China's Wang saw as the secret to power, but why?  What was I missing?
While the Japanese car model would allow me to prove how vulnerable were a short sited people and I was able to thereby improve the long site of my own government.  Yes, because of its BG Wang, China was able to develop long term intelligence.
But it wasn't just greed or short sightedness.  What was missing?
I would find the missing part and in my next entry, I will tell you what was missing.

faithless lovers

Who needs faithless love
and the faithless lovers
that go hand in hand
only with each other
where are the days
when lovers stand by
each other against all odds
did lovers become smart
or did we get too much freedom
who needs loveless freedom
and the loveless free men
that go hand in hand
with other free men
free because they are
only faithless lovers

tonight again it comes
the disconnecting
reality loosens its grip
memories shift between
what really happened
and the realm of dreams
the future and the past
shift positions
it matters little
where things belong
because reality again
has become unstuck
will this be the time
when it doesn't end
when reality dissolves
and all that is left
are memories
which no longer
connect us together

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

kinds of relationships; stifling love

We want the kind of relationships that make us happy
there are times when you feel deeply but are unhappy
some amount of unhappiness in life is acceptable
but misery, a relationship that makes you miserable is no good at all
You want the kind of relationship that makes you accomplish things
If your relationship make you dull and uninteresting it is no good
a relationship built on someone else's life is stifling
eventually it kills the lovers and kills the dependent first
building things based on our relationships can be good
but the individual lives should remain despite the joining together
we should want the kind of relationship that makes others happy
our lovers most of all, but those who see it should smile
if your relationship frustrates those you know, it is broken
and yet we often love deepest with an unhappy type of love
especially if we believe that the target of our affection is deserving
but in the end it comes back to whether the relationship is a happy one
for everyone involved, for true love should have mutuality
a relationship where one person is the slave to the other
will eventually hurt both people enslaving one and degrading the other
Selfish love will eventually give way to outside passions
the selfish lover will move on in time and find solace in another
real love never goes away, it only goes below the surface and simmers
will i always love you, find you in the taste of coffee in the morning
the smell of flowers, the beauty of a moment far away from you
will you always be there just below the surface, never quite gone
waiting for some trigger to bring the picture of you
in front of everything else in life, like some allergy of the heart
or will you one day be lost in oblivion, an unwanted peace at last
a love that was not real and not really there after all

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

wang returns to explain how he won the war for china 1 of 2

Wang time is running short.  Quick must I finish my tale, the BG Wang tale of how your country failed.
Where do I start from where I was, a BG Wang, lost in a vast country with no resources and a seemingly impossible task.  How to overthrow the United States.
Ah, but your country was run by greedy men.  Greedy politicians and short sited men, some not so greedy, but none able to see past the next year.  Even Russia, poor, short sited Russia was able to put forth a 5 year plan, although their politicians were even more entrenched and therefore more corrupt than yours.
I figured out the method was hidden in this, the secret of how to defeat the country, but I needed proof.  The gas crises pointed the way.  Your country controlled the car market.  But you refused to build a small car to help the lowest men, the ones that the China's Wang saw as the secret to power.
The Japanese car model would allow me to prove how vulnerable were a short sited people and I was able to thereby improve the long site of my own government.  Yes, because of its BG Wang, China was able to develop long term intelligence.

Monday, May 20, 2013

oklahoma tornado and long term intelligence.

We're no strangers to natural disasters.
There are those made by man (bp) and those made by nature (Katrina and the Moore tornado).
They have different effects on different people.
Imagine those who have lost everything and what they need.
Offering to recover hard disks (for personal and business needs) will come later
For now it is a matter with providing a place for people to take what they have left
To make sure people have a way to get together, cell service, housing-both immediate and long term
Then time goes on and the immediate needs turn into long term needs
Jobs need to be rebuilt, insurance claims need to be settled, people need to be buried
eventually life goes on
lessons are learned, but what are the lessons
we need to be mentally and physically prepared to lose everything, although how is that possible.
all of these disasters are preparing us for bigger disasters to come
will we learn from them or will we just address them as they come.
we must both fill the needs of those suffering today
and we should consider how to deal with the needs of those in the future.
One of the questions I ask is can we separate intelligence according to time.
Is there a short term intelligence that cares for those today; a medium term intelligence that prepares for the next tornado, hurricane or earthquake.  Is there a long term intelligence that recognizes dangers outside of the immediate threats but which threaten us nonetheless.
the answers to these challenges are far removed from one another and far removed from what we face today and perhaps what we will face tomorrow.
Thankfully, this disaster was not as personal as it could have been and as much as some others for me, but what of the people in Moore and their families.

Hawking misses his own mark shooting for dark matter and dark energy and misses hologram

Stephen Hawking sees universe's 'dark side' as next breakthrough hunt -
For those of you who have been following this blog throughout, you will be reminded that Hawkings book on the hologram universe according to string theory was instrumental in formulating conceptually E-hologram theory which is largely the combination of string hologram theory with the Einstein concept that the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.  The only other items that are essential to this are that matter and energy break down on small scale analysis and time disappears into black holes.  The attempt to find a relationship of these concepts brings us to a singularity where things happen at once and the tendencies when combined with time yiled our universe.  Likewise, at high gravity, time is stripped and these tendencies return to the singularity.  This in turn requires that all gravity wells (black holes especially) return to the same singularity which in turn means that "gravity" is only the tendancy of time to be stripped from tendencies and return  to the singularity.  This indicates that time is attached and that in all probability we exist within the singularity with only the appearance of dimension.  Dimension as well as velocity are merely functions of time.  You cannot travel along a vector (creating a dimension) without time so existence within the singularity with the appearance of dimension from the addition of time seems intuitive under this theory.
Any search for dark matter and dark energy that doesn't focus on time will not likely yield results.
Dark matter can be several things (previously discussed) e-hologram theory.  None of these things can be "seen" unless you use e-hologram theories to look for them which are suggested above. 
Some examples of potential dark matter would be:
1) the same tendencies with time with different dimensions (if even one were missing it might be invisible to us and if they were all different they would be invisible)
2) The singularity to which time is not attached at all.
3) The portions of the singularity which have not happened yet but which are tendencies none-the-less

By concentrating on "matter" and "energy" dark matter/energy achieves an undeserved mysteriousness.  The real mysteries are 1) what is time and 2) what is the least in e-hologram Theory.  If this theory holds true, those who look for dark matter and dark energy are doomed because they are looking for something which they cannot see using matter and energy measurements.

You can see the misdirection in the article.  Black holes do not "swallow" anything.  All they do is concentrate gravity enough so that it succeeds in stripping time (and therefore dimension) from what would otherwise be seen as matter or energy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

a life of color

life can be pale
or full of color
both have been
one brightens
the other lengthens
quickly days pass
how few are colored
to some easily come
tantalizingly they fail
coming, quickly gone
color fades to dusk
full life gave way
bow to life and time
once hard bodies
despite our efforts
turn soft and tired
too few times
we shared them
we don't paint together
regretful of opportunities
sorry for shared pain
would that the colors
strengthen us again
bad choices are made
trading love for duty
laughter for drudgery
why do we trade
rainbows for shadows
of what we should be

E-Hologram theory-the environment that gives rise to time and singularity

This entry is the second of 2 (well it actually ended up 2 plus a half) dealing superficially with time in the e-hologram universe.  From these three entries we will get to an examination of the different types of time, how time attaches to tendencies to give them dimension and gravity and what fluctuations of this process give rise to dark matter and dark energy.
Matter as static tendency; energy as non-static tendency:  Since matter and energy are the same and since they can be exchanged readily (at least at the nuclear level in bombs and suns) we can surmise that both result from the attachment of time to tendencies in the singularity.  Hence, at the singularity level they are almost identical.  We also know that as relative velocities (different times) approach the speed of light, matter appears to be energy.
This apparent disparity must be resolved in e-hologram theory.  Therefore, time must be static energy and energy must be time where the speed of the time has been accelerated by time along a dimensional path defined by time.
In order to understand this better, you might want to look at the discussion earlier of how time gives rise to dimension since this means there may be one time with "defective" tendencies that give rise to different dimensions at different orientations (axis) or there may be (at least) 3 times which together give dimension.  Both of these models have counterpart or support in o-space.  Relative velocity giving rise to the appearance of energy suggests different dimensions and dark matter/energy gives rise to the possibility that time can exist without all of the dimensions attached which make it impossible for us to "see" it even though the "tendency" to return to the singularity allows us to recognize the "gravity". The possibility of time without dimension means that time and dimension may be separated also.  This would mean that Einstein was mistaken to some extent in the original concepts that added to string-hologram theory give ruse to e-hologram theory but einstein did not, during his lifetime, get past the existence of time and dimension even though he envisioned "multiple" singularities.  That is, he failed to acknowledge in depth, the idea that space is an illusion (albeit a pretty impressive one) and that all the singularities were in fact a single singularity where time was being stripped (or if we end up there where dimension is being stripped and time may continue to attach).
The troubling concept of separating time from dimension is really only troubling because it refutes the E-hologram concept that the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once (Einstein).  The elimination of this concept means that events happen sequentially in the singularity and that adding "dimension" which is something different from time gives rise to gravity.  This does nothing more than split what has previously been called "time" into two (or 4 if you would) different parts and it complicates the analysis because we have established that dimension (via velocity) is defined by time and hence there has to be an interaction between dimension and time to give rise to the uinverse.  This apparent problem, actually suggests a solution, however.  This allows us to view "tendencies" in e-hologram theory as "dimensions" which have fallen in together as a result of not having time.  The linear movement along time of these dimension-tendencies are matter, energy and o-space in general.
We will have to get to the intriguing concept that matter and energy are interchangeable at the singularity when we get to the discussion of apparent faster than light travel although we may touch on it as we have here in other discussions.
Since this is only superficial, before going over this in depth, let's look at dark matter mathematically.
If we assume that attaching o-time (the time we experience) to dimensions in the singularity gives rise to o-space and that we only experience fewer dimensions (time attached to zero, one and two dimension-tendencies) which allows that there may be other times with more dimensions that we are not affected by to prevent movement towards infinity, dark matter/energy would be 3 times non-dark matter/energy.  However if we are dealing with statistical probabilities, this number grows at least close to what we observe.  That is the tendency of something to move in no direction, one of two directions (one dimension), two of four directions (two dimensions) gives rise to 10 or 11 (no direction may be ignored) possibilities (tendencies) so that we end up with 10 times the factor in o-space.  Of course if we are affected by different tendencies in o-space we have three of six direction and we are only living in one of these 18 possibilities without adding other dimensions but there are reasons which will have to wait why we might experience the lesser dimensions and not the equal dimensions.  The main reason, is that as soon as we go a different velocity in any direction we are in a different time altogether.  That means that the awareness that gives rise to our time is not present.  This is something more than a butterfly's flapping its wings to give rise to a hurricane; it is two separate butterflies flapping in two separate directions occupying the same time and dimensions.  It cannot really happen in space as we experience it.
However, if we look at time as "building" o-space from its several dimension, we have: 1) the singularity with everything happening at once; 2) a on dimensional existence with an on/off type setting (although with time there is a velocity component which allows infinite possibilities along this on-off setting over time (on now or on in 5 minutes-only possible with time); then a second dimension is added with the different movements possible and finally the third axis of dimension is added.
For those who insist on there being multiple dimensions, you can envision during this process that along each axis as it is added an infinite number of combinations is possible, but only by having different velocity components which means different times.

Friday, May 17, 2013

pocket time and sequential time: equivalents in expanding uinverse 1.5 of 2

This is a continuation of the discussion of the e-hologram universe models of universe expansion.
Dark energy (invisible energy) is given credit for expansion of the universe and the equivalent for dark energy (like dark matter) in e-hologram theory would be time and its influence on the singularity or perhaps energy inherent in tendency in the singularity without time, therefore without dimension and therefor invisible or aspects of the singularity with different time, out of sync time or damaged time which is a subset of a catch all "different time" or d-time.

E-hologram theory provides several discomforting alternatives which will be discussed here.  A short discussion of the non-hologram theories is set out, but there is little in non-hologram theories that adds to the e-hologram theories for dark matter and dark energy which are "easily" theorized in e-hologram theory; albeit with the same type of choices as are available in non-hologram theory.

Non-hologram models concentrate on dark matter driven theories, but the universe is theorized as having 4 possibilities which are (1) A steady state universe which has been expanding and will eventually stop and shrink back, (2) A non-steady state universe which expands and then stops expanding but doesn't shrink back, (3) A universe which continues to expand without acceleration and (4) the observed universe which expands at an ever accelerating rate.

Each of these models and even e-hologram theory to some extent find the universe expanding from a singularity or big bang.  E-hologram theory "differs" by arguing the singularity continues to exist and as is oft repeated, black holes almost require this to be the case.  Eventually we may discuss some alternatives, but time-singularity concepts make more intuitive sense once we get past our prejudices tied to our own perceptions of the universe which result from the attachment of time to tendencies in the singularity.

Since e-hologram theory leans heavily in favor of time being attached to tendencies or "burning tendencies" to create matter and energy which are reflected in gravity, the next logical step after determining gravity (largely the tendency of tendencies to give up time) is a discussion of how time might attach to the singularity to render o-space (our universe).

Theories of Time attached to Tendencies.

Several theories are suggested which will be discussed briefly in this blog entry and then will be further defined where appropriate in subsequent blogs:
1) Finite time deprivation-predicted mathematically:  This theory is that time is finite.  This differs from the broad concept of "quantum time" vs "cloud time" discussed earlier.  Just as a review; quantum time attaches time in quantum limits (as far as we can perceive since there is no space and hence no separation only different times are separated from one another) to tendencies to produce gravity (manifested by energy and matter in o-space).  Cloud time assumes that time attaches as a diffuse application to all tendencies in the singularity to produce a matter specific time.  Relativity supports either theory to some extent although the separation of clocks as relative velocities increase gives some weight to quantum time.  This is more than offset by the elastic nature of these changes which are more indicative of the ability of time to be surrendered (as at black hole type gravities).
Under the theory of Finite time, the singularity is expressed for a period of time and then the time will run out.
One or more times might affect space (as discussed more below) so that times may radiate against  the singularity to produce multiple universes (like the sun shining on the earth's surface) slightly out of sync with one another or there might be a single time against a single singularity (like showing a movie once) or any number of variations (quantum or otherwise).  Quantum theories begin to disappear (wave function replaces it) as time is released since it is impossible to separate events, velocities, dimensions cease to exist, etc without time.)

2) Time loop-This would imply that time is continuous and would either loop back on itself or possibly just reach the end and start again at the beginning& time change or time degredation and elastic time-we get to a certain point and everything snaps back and perhaps runs in reverse to that point since it is time driven and not gravity driven conceptually).

3) Constant expansion as an e-hologram alternative-This assumes that time can continue indefinitely.
The Big Bang without Singularity finds this happening with "mysterious" dark energy driving the expansion.  There are (as disclosed earlier) several "relatively simple" explanations of dark energy in e-hologram theory (from an accumulation of matter in subsequent adjacent separate time (universes created by different times attached to the singularity) universes to defective time energies in our universe (where time is either attached without enough dimensions for us to perceive them except as to their tendency to give up the time and return to the singularity) to singularity tendencies to which time is not attached but which effect our universe merely by their proximity (they are in the same singularity or point) to events which have time attached.

4) Pustule time: Time as consciousness or otherwise could (in theory) appear like pustules along event lines (the way a tendency appears once time is attached).  In e-hologram theory the singularity continues to exist, but time is attached and the tendency of matter to surrender that time is perceived as gravity.  One alternative is that everything in o-space has time attached or exists in a single infinitely thin time cloud.   Another alternative is that time merely gives perspective with which to observe the rest of the singularity.  That would mean that the rest of the singularity does not have time attached to it, but only appears based on the bubble of consciousness from which we observe it being exposed to time. 
While counter-intuitive, it is intuitive (although hardly proved) that consciousness of some form (presumably because all intelligence in the universe past, present and future is sufficient to achieve this "awareness")  gives rise to time and this is discussed in earlier blog entries.  One possibility is that time only exists during the limited periods in our universe when there is sufficient awareness to make that possible, but that would require that time exists within the singularity in one form and that awareness makes it exist in the form we experience (dimension & gravity) which is an intriguing alternative since it doesn't require time to be added although and instead only requires that dimension and gravity be added to time.
In pocket time theory, on earth we may have sufficient consciousness to form a pocket of time and everything we see (that has already happened) is not affected by time in that sense unless we can somehow carry our consciousness in sufficient "mass" to affect it.  While some form of "awareness" or consciousness may lead to time, this postule theory probably takes that too far.  The more intuitive approach is that the singularity has all thought and therefore is self enabling for all times from the big bang to the end.

5) Constant repetitive time: Time may happen over and over again.  It may "radiate" from the equivalent of a sun (without distance) against the singularity.  Remember that while dinosaurs still roam the earth in e-hologram theory, it is an earth (if we could see it) that is 65 billion years behind us and getting ready to be hit by the yucatan asteroid which thankfully is an equal distance behind us.

If time is repetitive, then out of sync universes could provide plenty of energy to force the universe outward against the gravity of all these universes.  The equations (rough) are actually fairly simple.  You integrate all the universes from the location of the 'big bang' to the present average distance of the universe (all matter) from that location dividing the total by some factor to show they weaken as the get farther from o-time in o-space and then you look at the expansion of the universe against the perceived gravity and you have the force generated by these sequential times as the equivalent of dark energy.

These types of solutions already exist for dark energy, so you are basically looking at an equivalent.  But since time is the one ingredient that gives space dimension (and therefore existence) spending a lot of "time" discussing the equivalents based on time makes sense.

Since time is limited and there are other things to cover, we'll stop here and as we get deeper into the 5 types listed above; other time parameters can be discussed.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

equivalent theories of the expanding universe one of two

There are many issues I want to address.
There is a significant post W wants to put up relative to the War with China, a discussion of the food network's program on octopus preparation in Greece which might never be published, and several pending blogs relative to certain non-historical events, but those get tabled this afternoon in favor of a short discussion of various models of universal expansion.
Dark energy (invisible energy) is given credit for expansion of the universe and the equivalent for dark energy (like dark matter) in e-hologram theory would be time and its influence on the singularity or perhaps energy inherent in tendancy in the singularity without time, therefore without dimension and therefor invisible.
Since both dark matter and energy would require time to have an effect, it can potentially be seen, as previously alluded to, as being effected by the dispersion effect of time.  That is, if time is attached to all energy and matter to give the appearance of dimension and separation from the singularity and if time for proximate items tends to blend together than some residual effect for tendencies which do not have time in the singularity might be "energized" or "matterized" for purposes of having gravity and effect in the apparent o-space.
Note that the merits and de-merits of time as quantized to matter and the associated concept of time as being dispersible have not been discussed in detail yet and are refuted in part by relativity somewhat given the fact that a speeding missle through space would have a different time than the surrounding space apparently.
  Since time gives dimension in the theory, expansion resulting from the process of adding dimension to the universe is almost implicit since dimension implies movement and movement is heat.  However, this blog does not rely only on equivalence.  It instead is just a point of discussion.
Without getting into the Hubble's law too far, we know that the radius of the universe (and the energy contained for that matter) is time dependent and the velocity of expansion is a function of the change in time (all velocities depend on a change in time, of course).
Under non-hologram theory there are three models.  e-hologram theory provides a few discomforting alternatives which will be discussed (finite time deprivation-predicted mathematically & time loop & time change or time degredation and elastic time-we get to a certain point and everything snaps back and perhaps runs in reverse to that point since it is time driven and not gravity driven conceptually).
The basic non-hologram models are (1) A steady state universe which has been expanding and will eventually stop and shrink back, (2) A non-steady state universe which expands and then stops expanding but doesn't shrink back, (3) A universe which continues to expand without acceleration and (4) the observed universe which expands at an ever accelerating rate.
Each of these models and even e-hologram theory to some extent find the universe expanding from a singularity or big bang.  E-hologram theory only argues the singularity exists and, as is oft repeated, black holes almost require it.
There are problems with all steady state string universes.
The steady state universes don't end correctly.
Biblical Creation is close to the universe and those who designed the model had lots of time to think about it.  No prior knowledge polluted their view, but as long as they said "light" and not "time" there are conceptual problems.  Also, they were willing to stop their investigation at "god" without asking where god came from much as many physicists today try to pin down matter (strings, waves, particles) without trying to figure out where matter comes from.  While even this investigation begins to break down when we get to "awareness" creating time as a possibility it readily accepts that unless we are dealing with the day to day requirements of Newtonian physics (which are the most important concerns for day to day problems) it does attempt to define time, matter, dimension and singularity in terms of their basic units.  Unfortunately, even these "basic units" arguments begins to get circular.  They leave open the question of what environment gives rise to the singularity and the question of what time is and what time is not.
We will deal with the equivalent options provided by e-hologram theory (as set out briefly above) in the second installment with a focus on:
Constant expansion vs e-hologram alternatives.
Big Bang without Singularity vs with singularity (e-hologram theory)

Giving up on lover

I'm not going to give up on love
I think it has some sort of place
And if I  ever figure it out
I will write a paper on it
I gave up on poetry a long time ago
Many things are worse than heartbreak
And if I ever figure one out
Well, I'll never figure that out
but if I do I'll write a paper
you need to have something
from or with your lover
hope for the future
no matter how bad it is today
you have to feel safe
you have to have fun
and you have to get laid
or you have to be too old
and then you should be dead
You can't wait forever
Some things are worse than despair
things like waiting forever
because life is not about waiting
no one should have to do that

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to see the edge of creation

don't pretend to understand me
only the tortured mind
is open to the unknown
I see your universe because
my own lies in ruins

don't pretend to follow me
one who gives up hope
rejects petty pandering
the edge of creation to you
is only a place I can jump

I don't want your worries
your problems are not mine
I do not care for you future
what I see is too bleak
to care if you go on or fail

I see the end of things
The end of you and me
and having seen our end
the crumbling world
clears the views

Speed of light explained in e-hologram universe

One of the benefits of e-hologram theory is that it allows for at least one not completely circular explanations (well it's pretty circular) for the limitation of light speed and, as promised here, is one version of how that limitation applies.

To begin, we'll go back to the beginning, the big bang, where time begins for the singularity.
It is significant that the biblical version of this even is "let there be light" instead of the correct "let there be time" because one gives evidence of the other.

The "correct" explanation of light speed as a maximum must be tied to time and the exact reason for this may or may not relate to the existence of time as a result of the universe becoming self-aware as a result of the amount of intelligence embodied without time in the singularity.

In "our" time, thought is governed by...electrical impulses.  These in turn are limited by the speed of light.  Hence, time based on awareness would be limited by the type of awareness in existence in the singularity.

Awareness, however, is only a "method" of arriving at the answer which is really tied to how time displays dimension which in turn yields speed.  The real limitation can come from any similar feature of the singularity and our universe which self define the universe in the same fashion that this type of "awareness" does.  That is, since the universe is nothing more than a display of the singularity, the singularity or time must take all of their limitations from the universe in turn if everything happens at once in the singularity (whether as potential or actual tendency) which is what separates e-hologram theory form s-hologram theory in principle.

Now that we've failed to give a Nobel prize to Bill Murray, maybe we should look to George Lucas.  The reason is that the extinction of a large amount of intelligence would have an effect on the overall awareness in the universe at a specific moment.  It would not affect the total awareness, however, because the singularity would embody all awareness at all time at all places in a single point since there is neither dimension nor time in the singularity.  One method of changing time might involve slowing or speeding the speed of awareness in the universe although to have a measurable effect the data sample would have to be enormous, at least in theory.

Alas, since there are no "moments" in the singularity, the aberration in "the force" or "the awareness" in the universe would probably not be affected by a single planet of people in a universe filled with peopled planets, so we had best hold off in making an award, sorry George.  You can find solace with Bill.

Now as to the circular nature of this argument, it can be said that "light speed" defines "awareness" and if "awareness" is a function of awareness in the singularity, light speed should fluctuate in both equally, the answer is that the speed is relative.  It matters little if it speeds up in the singularity or the universe because if it speeds up in one, it speeds the other.  The speed of light therefore is an artificial construction of the universe which is self limiting.

Now many of you are shaking your heads because the "awareness" factor for creating "time" within the singularity is a singular weak position.  This is admittedly true.  It is one "off shoot" of the theory that allows a fantastic (as in fantasy) idea like god become justifiable based on a model of pure physical theory.  The awareness argument is also circular because it assumes enough potential events of awareness in the singularity to create an overall awareness to create time and this begs the question of how such awareness begins in the first place without some outside force to "create" the singularity.

The discussion of how the singularity is created must be addressed eventually, but not today.  Let it be enough to acknowledge that the singularity must exist, must have come into existence and is no less plausible because we cannot comprehend evolution or combination without time or space as we understand it.  Going from the universe that we have to the singularity is only one step inward into an onion that is infinitely layered in all probability and hence we must decide whether Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones should share the Nobel Prize.  That will have to wait for another blog.

E-hologram equivalents to String Theory-vibrating strings in multiple dimensions

One possible equivalent derives from the nature of matter in the singularity as tendencies (or probabilities) for things to happen which are given dimension as a result of the addition of time.
These tendencies, once time is added, assume a linear quality outside of dimension which we experience as time which is why we often confuse it with another dimension.
If we look at time as burning along the life of a tendency and giving off dimension as it does so, we end up with the appearance of a string which is vibrating in three dimensions.  The difference is that the lengths immediately drop to infinitely small after time passes.
A very rough math model  for measurement of these "strings" along one axis would look like this:
a*1/b*i)+a*1/(c*I)+a*1+a*1/(d*I)+a*1/(e*I) where I is infinity and a is the length in our universe and b-e are numbers which could decrease in size from their proximity to o-space so that the string length is infinitely small except at the time when its measured in "o-space" time where it has its full measurement. 
There is a better exponential equation expression for b-e (which will be discussed below as 1+c/x as x goes from 1/c to c-or 1/I to I here) in this equation to provide greater mathematical clarity, but the basic point is that from our perspective it goes to zero in length, but if it is gradual, it gives rise to one of the possible dark matter theories which is these "fading" (at least in size) times.  How it gradually disappears (not necessarily shortening in our universe, perhaps just shortening in the amount of gravity it has, would be important IF this is a solution to dark matter.
Of course, except where b-e approach infinity; the only number in the series that is "real" is "a*1" so the "solution" suggests it is not the correct one; but the function of time as an infinitely thin universe touching on every tendency along the time-line length of the tendency means that some similar equation for time and tendency is relevant and we do end up with strings which "vibrate" in the sense that they come in at a linear series of "points" along their length to our universe disappearing from dimensions as we see them immediately afterwards.
Unfortunately, time would have to be infinitely slowed to see the process and we can only slow time along the speed of light which indicates that I in the equation above might have c substituted in some fashion which would indicate that it would be possible to observe the vibration, at least in theory (allow some substitution of c for I which is also counter-intuitive and artificially inserts the speed of light into the equation.  In fact, time has some interesting application to the linear nature of time, but that will have to wait for a separate blog. 
If the additive nature of time applied (allowing past tendencies to "lose dimension" and therefore discretely disappear, it would mean that time was discrete (quantum) and not linear which is also counter-intuitive but is as likely as the next thing in some respects.

Monday, May 13, 2013

hologram equivalents to the string universe

Should we expect many e-hologram equivalents?  We must, and this means that the two theories will meet somewhere of necessity or we are merely a dream and we are both more and less than a dream.  The strength of e-hologram theory will rest on the concepts developed for e-hologram theory making more sense and being more applicable than those for other theories.
I have shown that e-hologram theory provides a basis for what we observe and what we take on faith.
It allows for us to see into the future and perhaps it will ultimately allow us to change it.
The biggest objection to e-hologram theory lies in acceptance of the Einstein singularity.  However, recognizing the statistical improbability of existence, let along consciousness, any predecessor is equally plausible and it remains only for us to draw inferences that lead from the implausible choices to our recognizable existence.
For now we have many more probabilities for dark matter utilizing e-hologram theory than any other, many otherwise non-intuitive outcomes become intuitive and faith and the occult are given a basis in physics which while not necessarily a good thing, is nonetheless made plausible for those who feel the need to reconcile those things (Nostradamus, God and such) with natural principles.

love with flame

love is a flame
that burns hottest when it is gone
Love is light
that leaves you dark
My world in flames
burned to the ground
by your faithless love
Without you near me
I live in darkness

Would that I be made
of such stuff as stone
an not made for you
therefore in our absence
no purpose is for me
that my heart
could be hard as a rock
but love has melted it
life is a burning puddle

I am the undead
alive but with no life
I have everything
but it has no value to me
because when you left me
you took the world
everything around
is nothing to me

beauty no longer
colors my paths
once sustaining love
burns my mind
dark daylight
and sleepless night
love's light
has left me blind

china's bg wang is back to explain how he won the war

BG Wang here again.
What is all this about people being holograms?
You will die just as quickly from shrapnel from Chinese mobile mines when the time comes (for more on this you may see World War C available on Amazon).
But that is your problem.  I am back to continue my explanation of how china with nothing more than a Wang destroyed your country.
As you will remember, I arrived on your shores with nothing and apparently I will leave this world with nothing, but my story will go on.  Be patient and the whole back story will be clear.  The one who was sent to make sure I succeeded and who made my life so miserable that I took myself to the very bottom of your society; perhaps subconsciously I knew the way to build China up and the way to destroy your country would start at the bottom.
What I found at the bottom of the USA when Nixon opened the doorway to china was a strong manufacturing and work based poverty.  These neighborhood manufacturers, led to neighborhood businesses and these local business provided a step between the ruling class and the poorest men in the street and everyone knew their place and they knew that if they were lucky and took advantage of that luck then they could move up that ladder and take their family with them.  This, I thought, must be taken by china.
But how was this to happen?
Then I noticed something else, there was a small group of people who having earned through war or otherwise a break from this constant toil.  They were a worm to the rest of society.  They were envied, but they were the unhappiest of the entire society, their lives empty.  And the germ came into my mind.  If I could empower this group then perhaps that worm would allow me to undermine the wall.  I would become an economic sapper.  Undermining the economy as a real sapper would undermine a wall.  Wang-sap would overthrow the country.
But Wang-sap would do more than just topple the economic wall, I would ensure the pieces fell onto the fertile ground of China.
Of course, at this point in time, the idea was just a germ; hidden by my own coveting of the power of this manufacturing giant, for the manufacturing must be stolen to make my idea and no amount of undermining would be effective if I could not somehow ship all these corner businesses to China.  And when I earned a dollar, which was worth all my fortune and all my village's fortune, I saw how this could be done and I, China's Wang, would single handed overthrow your country and leave you bankrupt which you are.
If only that had been a Wang in China to prevent the squandering of what I did I would not be on the run from my own country and be a homeless Wang, a Wang alone.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

5 Courage

I've skipped the coffee series for more of these numbered and republished poems. I seem to be adding two for each one that is numbered but that is your fault love who burns hotly and obscures logic with these clouds of words

Life is a series of opportunities
to live with fear
or act with courage
the choice recurs daily

I saw something brave
I saw someone in love
take a stand for pride
walked away

What choices are made
some made out of courage
others made in fear
what if they were different

What was I willing
to give up for you
and you for me
fear or courage

fear of patience
courage not to wait
action before thought
or love before action

both have shared
both have seen
both have loved
and we have lied

lied for love
and lies for fear
honestly spoken
as a show of courage

events are played out
having been written
in fear or courage
only we change

the past is our cage
the future is freedom
we cannot change past
unless we can change time

brave enough to reject
feelings of love
you think an illusion
courage to kill it

the stake is driven
into love's heart
The courage was there
to jump on the sword

Time will heal
a false love
but will anything
repair the pieces

but crippling time
doesn't cripple courage
which you have
and I must learn

dark matter: if space is just a manifestation of time, what is the goo between stars in "empty" space

Eventually, we will go over the things which we "know" or which are "intuitive" in the e-hologram model, but for now, let us just cover issues as they come up.
One good thing about e-hologram theory is that it provides lots of answers to the question of what occupies a vacuum.  One reason, of course, is that there is no vacuum required.
Space (and all dimension) is a function of time which is inherent in all of our math.  For example, e=mc^2 has the speed of light in it which includes time.
But however you view this, how do you explain the movement of on block of matter/energy with one time (common to block) moving through a vacuum which must have some aspects of space and therefore must have several independent times (obviously any particle in a complete "vacuum" would have separate time from the space itself).
Time may or may not be a type of awareness, although that appears to be relevant.  Space may or may not be a function of time, but that appears to be foundational to e-hologram theory, otherwise you have space time and we lose a block of unified field theory.  We cannot unify other forces with gravity if gravity is not the tendency of matter/probability/etc to return to the hologram.  Without this or another unifying principle we might as well talk about loops and stings and we don't ever get past o-space.
We cannot fully comprehend in this blog entry what time is, but there are some things which we know.  To understand what e-hologram theory says about time we need to cover what we know about time.
First, time is effected by both gravity and space; or, in e-hologram theory, gravity and space are a function of time.  In E-relativity "relative velocity" and "increasing gravity" "slow time".  This is why you eventually expect to stop aging as you drop into a black hole.  If you accept that gravity is the tendency to give up time and that time is fully stripped in a black hole, then you can see gravity removing time gradually which has the effect of slowing time relatively but only for objects falling into the time stripping gravity.  The question that is asked by this is why does the tendency to remove time slow it relative to unstripped time.  Likewise, why does relative speed have the same effect.  Relative speed indicates the same effect as giving up time which should be consistent with hologram concepts.
E-hologram theory makes this more intuitive because speed, being a function of dimensions, doesn't exist in the hologram.  Therefore, time doesn't change, instead the dimensions change.
Let's look at some equations: Time dilation (Lorentz):
TD=1/sqr(1-v2/c2)).  The difficulty of measuring TD being a function of the large size of c^2.
Velocity is a relative concept (the difference in speed between the two observers).  In e-hologram theory V^2 can be further reduced as (t1(vector1)-t2(vector1))^2 which are the dimensional differences along one vector of two different times to define the "times" (time 1 and time 2) attached to the different observational points.  This means that time dilation can be defined in terms of two separate times with light being defined in term of time.  The solution approaches infinity as v approaches the speed of light and if it were to surpass the speed of light time would run backwards which is where a lot of time travel stuff comes from and is why I speak in terms of "apparent" rather than actual faster than light travel.  The reason to substitute t1 and t2 for velocity is because this allows us to cut out impossible variations and it helps to explain the constancy of light and the failure to be able to combine the speeds of matter with the speed of light to get light to go faster (light has its own time, t3 which can vary in theory but it isn't additive to mass times)
Likewise light (without mass) can be affected by gravity (relativistic-ally) because time
attaches discretely to matter (and perhaps non-discretely) to energy and time may be stripped from either (as seen at black holes) and hence both would show gravity; the tendency to give up the time in e-hologram theory. 
This is the concept of blended time where there is the tendency of masses in proximity to share the same time is not supported by light because time would tend to slow by mass.  Time would become the same for mass which is combined (hence the whole planet has the same, blended time) and light would slow in proximity to mass.  If this were true for energy, then as light passes through matter, the times of the light and the times of matter tend to combine and perhaps this is shown by absorption and emission, although other explanations seem better.
Light may be a wave, but the time may be discrete (or light may be photons and time may be discrete) allowing for duality of light and may also allow for the treatment of matter in the same fashion.
The question of dark matter can be at least one of four things:
1) it may be singularity with a different time, but in proximity to the tie we live in;
2) it may be "damaged/different/defective" time with different dimensions;
3) it may be the singularity itself; that is it may be tendency/possibility to which time hasn't attached
4) it may be tendency after time has moved on to the next tendency
All of these are different sides of the same coin.
The exact nature of dark matter, The question of how time attaches to light or matter will have to wait till later.

e-hologram universe theory is and is not

The fundamentals of e-hologram theory stem from two basic premises and one or two corollaries.
The first is that S-hologram theory is a foundational concept that everything can come from a single projection source which is from our vantage point a singularity or point.   While the write up spends a great deal of time talking about this singularity, it may have as many dimensions as you please; but not relative to our three dimensions.
It is differentiated from "big bang" theory in that the singularity continues to exist after the big bang which means that the point did not explode, but instead began projecting itself while remaining largely intact.  Whether this means that parts of it are burning as dimensions and time or whether it's more the equivalent of a film projection are critical determinations, but not fundamentals.
The only other premise is that in the singularity everything happens at once and that only through the application of time are events separated thereby creating our view of the universe. Left open are the questions of whether everything has already happened (predetermination) or whether only possibilities are displayed (self determination or true (as compared to apparent) freedom of choice).  While the second appears to be the case, the former cannot be ruled out since it is largely the more intuitive choice and was predicted at least indirectly by Einstein.  
Another corollary is that some forms of either time travel or at least time observation are trivial  (the details and difficulties of this otherwise simple undertaking being saved per earlier blog posts because of the close connection with apparent faster than light travel).
Another corollary, which is just shy of a premise, is that space does not need to exist, but is instead a function of time.  There is no "space-time" there is only time and space is a permutation of time.  This means that it is possible that space is just an illusion which gives rise to things like apparent faster than light travel as a possibility (the details and difficulties of this otherwise simple undertaking being saved per earlier blog posts).
While much more detailed analyses are given, the basic premises are just these.  To be relevant they must explain special and general relativity; light speed and some foundational concepts for matter.  They should take some of the counter-intuitive findings of relativity and make them intuitive.  In effect, the whole idea of e-hologram theory is more to find an intuitive basis for the universe we live in by undermining further the Newtonian concepts while making those fit within the model.
It also makes a determination of what the singularity is and the environment (if that word can be used) in which the singularity exists more important.   It also makes and understanding of time more important since it is the only thing that separates us from living (completely) within the singularity.
It is a theory and it is not a true model.  It is more the idea of a model. 
It is not original.  It comes from concepts at least as old as the late 1930's and building on other current theories and observations.  It takes some "fictional concepts" and makes them intuitive (like awareness and unified intelligence or even a god-like understanding) based on scientific principles (observation, theory, testing).  
The lengthy discussions of these concepts are more to define the questions than to provide the answers.
A discussion of general relativity and special relativity focused on gravitation and velocity based time paradox will follow.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

e-hologram universe: the case for Mohammad's Father, the son and the holy prophets

As I brook no truck with organized religions, this "Sunday entry" might come across confusing.
In his book on the S-hologram theory, Hawkings avoids any mention of god.  This is not a religions statement by him but because unlike e-hologram theory, s-hologramists believe the universe should be predictable based on pure science and religion is inconsistent with that.  This is not to imply that s-hologramists are not religious; merely that they believe theories should be provable without god.
Oddly, and unintentionally, e-hologram theory allows for god and even makes a "sort of god" intuitive and perhaps even critical to the universe, at least insofar as time exists.
That doesn't mean that e-hologram theory provides a complete explanation.  Unfortunately, all theories that end with god leave off the critical analysis of "where did god come from".  Given time, perhaps I'll have some answer to serve for that too, but don't wait up.
E-hologram provides an explanation of where god comes from in o-space; but that doesn't provide a complete explanation of god, only god in one potential version of our universe where time is defined in terms of consciousness.  In fairness to s-hologram theorist (and everyone else, including me) calling consciousness of the singularity time is misleading.  Time is something much more than the fact that we can think.  After all, our thoughts require time being both electrical and chemical.  Consciousness in the singularity gives rise to time so it must be something far different.  Also while dimension is being discussed as nothing more than an offshoot of time, this is not to belittle its importance in o-space.  Also, for this argument to be logical, the singularity must truly contain everything that has happened and will happen, otherwise there would not have been enough intelligence for the singularity to become aware.  While Einstein alluded to that, it is clear that he did not have the information at that point in time to actually believe it, nor did he ascribe the importance this give to space and he was unable to include one in the other.  He was stuck with the quasi-Newtonian/relativistic "space-time" and e-singularity theory says that the space part is an illusion brought about by time applied to a singularity which has no independent dimensions.  While this sounds like Einstein logic would refute the singularity approach, just the opposite is predicted since black holes were predicted and do, in fact exist.  They are the critical link and the evidence of the singularity's ties to general relativity.  The only mistake made in traditional black hole thinking is to believe that black holes go to "different singularities" or perhaps to "different dimensions".  E-hologram theory predicts that these black holes can go to the same singularity and that this is possible because time is stripped from them, i.e. consciousness is stripped from them, i.e. dimension is stripped from them and they "appear" to drop out of the universe when all they are really doing is giving up their time.  This in turn provides support for the idea that all "gravity" and hence all "matter/energy/anything with mass" is nothing more than the tendency to return to the singularity, the tendency to give up time the tendency to give up singularity consciousness or s-awareness to coin yet another phrase to distinguish these things.
The S-hologram universe is the universe of string theory which implies a physical universe which began at the big bang and exists as time passes but does not require time to exist.  There can be no faster than light travel because time is "a dimension" among many dimension.  E-hologram theory is not tied to this dimensional concept of time and indicates that time is not a dimension, but is instead an element from which dimensions are created or appear to exist.  S-hologram theory does provide a basis for the e-hologram universe which, in turn, is a combination of Einstein concepts of time, unified field and s-hologram theory. 
The combination yields surprising results.
It allows the entire universe to be embodied without time in a singularity and allows dimension and movement to exist only artificially using something called time.  The best explanation suggested by e-hologram theory (so far) assumes that since everything exists without time in the singularity, so too does all thought and intelligence exist at once.  In this way, the "combined intelligence" of the entire e-hologram universe is able to reach a critical mass and become aware and this awareness manifests itself as time.  This "awareness" is not the same awareness that we experience in all respects, but it is essentially the same since it draws its intelligence from each intelligence in the universe; past, present and future.  For those of you shaking your heads, remember this comes at least conceptually from Einstein and I've repeated where it comes from too often to repeat it here in prior blog entries.
Since the singularity need not cease to exist in e-hologram theory (it doesn't explode, it just becomes self aware) it is possible for the "awareness" which could equate with god may continue to exist. 
The "big bang" (string hologram theory) suggests a destruction of the singularity in favor of the universe, but in e-hologram theory the big bang is nothing more than the beginning of awareness.  It is somewhat circular that awareness begins with a certain starting point and continues to where we are, but thought is often compared to a bubble.  In transcendental meditation one tool is to imagine your thoughts as bubbles floating away as you concentrate on your "mantra"; for example; on cartoons thoughts are expressed in "bubbles" emanating from the characters and all knowledge is an expanding (or deflating) bubble; even this blog is a growing surface extending from thinking of a book and a quote from Einstein on time.
If we accept the universe as a projection using "awareness time" shining through everything that has happened at once in the singularity like light through a film to project a movie; then it is possible for sages/prophets to see both the past and the future to the extent their intelligence existed in the singularity and can draw information from that origin. 
Likewise, if we continue to exist in the hologram; which is also suggested by e-hologram theory and especially black holes; then by giving up time we can go back to the hologram singularity.  Likewise if we continue to exist within the singularity; the singularity a priori would be and therefore affect the universe.  Whether awareness would allow the singularity to change itself is somewhat questionable, but a god that could see the future would have some benefits over a god that could change it.
It is not unreasonable to imagine that the "awareness" in the universe could focus on a point nor is it unreasonable to believe that it would be concentrated where intelligence was concentrated. 
One apparent, but non-existent problem with this is that if awareness is time, then how can portions of the universe far from intelligence have time?  Fortunately, singularity theory solves this problem.  Since everything is in a singularity and since the singularity is a point until time is applied, distances are irrelevant.
Hence in E-hologram theory the possibility exists for seeing the past (writing books of creation); seeing in the future (prophets); messengers from the singularity (after all, we are all messengers from the singularity if we have intelligence) and since the singularity is not destroyed by a big bang, the awareness which manifests itself as time is proof that some sort of holy force continues to "power" the universe.  The father, sons (lets be fair to every religion for the moment) and the holy ghost become intuitive in at least one version of the universe and since we experience this collectively if not individually it is one more support for an e-hologram universe although I would question whether it gives rise to a particular religion or justifies killing one another based on religious differences.
The type of god is not a controlling or formative god, but merely the awareness of all intelligence in the universe by virtue of its concentration in a spot and the rather circular argument is made that the awareness of the great void in turn creates time and "let there be light" is not so much a command but a result.  Time explodes from a point and all the potential in the singularity is projected onto this consciousness which we experience as time; in fact it is much like we are part of a dream of the singularity and that will make a good blog name (We are dreams of the singularity) much as "Mohammad and the prophets" would be a good name for a rock band.  We'll see if either catches on.
Notwithstanding the lack of a specific religion, morality is intuitive in the hologram universe; but this will have to wait for another blog.

mother's day in the land of the damned

We live on dynamite, fuse lit
our lives must be unimportant
our role as parents pointless
so why, in the middle of the night
do i wake crying to the sound
of our unborn children crying
for the mother and father
that will never be there
to raise and comfort them

the ways we can die
are beyond count or numbers
our lives come and go
with no more affect
than a summer breeze
so why does the family
we will never have
mean so much more to me
than the transitional joy
of selfish pleasure apart

our lives are made
of split second decisions
we are not given time
to think, to plan, to love
if i chose not to lie
if you chose to change
your answer from no to yes
what would exist
it is only possibilities
in the land of the damned

you may have something
but it means nothing
in the end we are dust
and only the winds
which blow us apart care
if we smile today or cry
when i lay sleepless tonight
i will wonder why
I still love and yearn for
what we will never have
and what together means

Outline: e-hologram theory of the Universe-comprehensive chain of uncertainty

E-Hologram Theory-Chain of uncertainties for the Universe:  The list begins below

In response to the overwhelming interest, well at least the whelming interest, in the e-hologram universe model, I will take a moment to point out the chain (of uncertainties, whether intentionally omitted for a later time or because it’s just unclear) of connectivity between g-space and o-space.  I will start at the singularity (g-space-which isn’t space at all as we see it) and move outward towards o-space (which may or may not be actual space so we’ll have to include that one, har har).
In making these I am willing to depart conceptually from Einstein's hypothesis which does not require it be something different from e-hologram theory any more than Einstein's findings require a complete rejection of Newtonian physics

This is not a religious theory although it does allow for a Genesis type of god by virtue of logic, rather than by mere faith.   Instead it is designed as an intuitive theory based upon observed phenomena outside of Newtonian (i.e. day to day) physics and will at least try to make a passing bow to relativity and the various mathematical models which all try to cram Newtonian physics into a non-Newtonian environment.  This one may also as written, but it’s unintentional.  

As is clear from the list, any of these theories falls apart of necessity as we delve deeper into it.  The reason is that once we get to g-space even if we completely understand it we have to ask what’s behind g-space.  Existence is not explainable.  We should not by rights exist since a close examination of existence means that we must go further and further back till we eventually get to a place where some origin must make sense or we do not really exist which means I’m wasting time writing and you’re wasting time reading.

While I plan to head back that way and will mention it briefly, I do not plan on getting there.  We’ll just accept for the sake of argument that we do exist and since there is NO underpinning for existence we must, ipso facto, accept that no matter how little logic there is to a premise based on our perception, if it is intuitive it is as likely as the next thing.

This list is not intended to be inclusive but it will allow us to address these items one at a time in later blogs.

Anyway here we go:

1)      What is g-space made of:

a.       One singularity

                                                               i.      One universe

1.       One time

2.       Multiple times with different outcomes (helix)

3.       Multiple times with same outcome (loop)

4.       Everything happening at once pending the application of time

5.       Potential for anything to happen once time applied

b.      Multiple singularities separated by what, no space, so who knows

                                                               i.      More than one universe with 1-3 list for each

c.       Time-if you can add it , it must there

d.      Intelligence

                                                               i.      Creation of time/linearity

                                                             ii.      Possible without time

2)      Who or what made/makes g-space

a.       Is g-space a fundamental

b.      Is g-space just one more layer of non-dimensional timeless onion

                                                               i.      Super g-space

                                                             ii.      Other versions of g-space

                                                            iii.      If we are g-space (as defined below) what is g-space

3)      Potential/possibility vs tendency

a.       Tendency: Einstein-everything happens at once

                                                               i.      No self determination in reality

1.       Good

2.       Evil

b.      Potential: The potential for something to happen

                                                               i.      Potential to change events

1.       Potential good

2.       Potential evil

4)      All thought vs a thought broken out

a.       Is every intelligence in g-space by virtue of every event

b.      Is there a single intelligence that is broken up by the addition of time

5)      Time as consciousness of g-space

a.       Critical mass consciousness

                                                               i.      Did time begin when enough “events/intelligence” come to be

1.       Was it always at critical mass (time)

2.       How did it reach critical mass (how built)

b.      Constant consciousness

c.       What is this form of awareness that creates time

                                                               i.      Same as ours

                                                             ii.      Different than ours

                                                            iii.      Is ours a subset of it (Einstein)

                                                           iv.      Is it separate from ours (God)

                                                             v.      Consciousness exists in g-space and is merely applied to the singularity

6)      How many times/dimensions are there

a.       Assumes time gives apparent dimension

b.      One time with all dimensions built into it

c.       Multiple times

                                                               i.      Joined times

                                                             ii.      Separate times (proximity doesn’t join)

                                                            iii.      Blended times (proximity joins them so they are joined and not joind)

7)      How long are time dimensions

a.       One length

b.      Multiple length

8)      Gravity as a function of consciousness

a.       Tendency to return to singularity

b.      Tendency to give up time (same thing?)

9)      Actual movement from singularity vs movement from singularity

a.       Is this even a real consideration

b.      This is a real consideration

10)   Anti-gravity and dark matter

a.       Different times

                                                               i.      Different consciousness (what is this form of awareness)

                                                             ii.      Same consciousness

b.      Same Time

                                                               i.      Therefore different dimensions

1.       Invisibility of different dimensions (somehow isolated)

2.       Visibility of different dimensions (ability to travel to)

11)   Gravity as a visual tool (visual to the singularity)

a.       Does God or anyone else see it

b.      Is its visualization to the singularity merely a coincidence tied to its tendency to give up time and return to the singularity

12)   Gravity as the tendency to give up time/tendency to return to singularity

13)   Multiple forms of matter

a.       Different application of time

                                                               i.      Different dimension of time

1.       Separate dimensions

2.       Different lengths of dimension

b.      Different application of gravity

14)   Moral imperatives

a.       Our purpose in e-hologram theory

b.      The purpose of intelligence

c.       The source of good and evil

Dark Matter

The question of dark matter can be at least one of three things:
1) it may be singularity with a different time, but in proximity to the tie we live in;
2) it may be "damaged/different/defective" time with different dimensions;
3) it may be the singularity itself; that is it may be tendency/possibility to which time hasn't attached
4) it may be tendency after time has moved on to the next tendency
All of these are different sides of the same coin.
The exact nature of dark matter, The question of how time attaches to light or matter will have to wait till later.

Well, I have things to do (time) so this will not be as comprehensive as the name implies, but it’s a start and it’s hard to write around certain things (and you know what they are!).  This strange labor of love you will not understand unless you are capable of understanding love which is a chain of uncertainties of an entirely different sort.  In the second version of H.G. Well’s movie-fied “Time Machine”  heartbreak is necessary to provide the drive, the force behind invention.  Nothing is more true.  In “China’s Weaponized Economy” the need for stress to improve performance is discussed in more depth.  The deeper the depth of sadness, the closer our consciousness goes to the void.  For some, it means death and a joining to the singularity.  For others it means getting so close that the effects of the concentration of intelligence without time drives them mad.  For others it is inspiration or genius.  It is for you to determine where I am driven for few feel more deeply than me without madness.  Ah poetry, you never know if the poet is crying or laughing at you, sigh.