
Sunday, August 31, 2014

The coming terrorist attacks and tolerant agnostissism

I often feel like I can see the future, not in the clear sense, but in a general way.  For those of you who are skeptical, turn on your televisions, or type "the future" into your search bar and click on images and you'll see the future.  Global warming, supernova, war, age and death, suffering.    Somewhere in there, you might find happiness.  Only when you see happiness are you seeing something which is not inevitable. Other times, it seems like what I thought I saw won't happen at all.  At those times, the things that I write begin to lose their meaning, even to me.  I assume it lost its meaning to you long ago, that all the views are merely because Non-Linear time theory is so clever that you read it despite the certainty you have that I must have stolen it from someone else (Parminides?) or perhaps the people who read it are random access, the person who typed "predestination" or "quantum mechanics" today and accidentally clicked their mouse below the Wikipedia entry; and who quickly clicked out lest they accidentally get some original thought.
I did, for the longest time, see a future, but it has disappeared this morning.  Did it change?  Am I wrong about predestination, the lack of dice in the universe, are we some slot machine like the multi-dimensional theorists would have me believe?  Or am I just tired, my eyes sore from the chlorine, the struggle to remain viable for a little longer.
I'd stop reading now, but I did this blog the other day and whether it should be finished or not, I'm going to publish it this morning.

Intellectually, there are two extremes, broadly speaking to the response to the inevitable terrorism.  My favorite is the pre-emptive strike although that has more ramifications than can easily be set out (although I will attempt to do so).  The other is to absorb the punch (if possible) and then act (retaliate or absorb additional abuse).  The Chinese are hiding from the intrigue, apparently the can, selling their products to both sides (indirectly in the case of the terrorists and not weapons necessarily, but the minutia of war, cell phones, back packs, etc).  All that plundered wealth of the terrorists has to go somewhere and the USA purchases from China are far too thoroughly covered elsewhere to appear here.
The preemptive strike can be anything from politically diffusing the situation (good luck with that one) to all out war.  The USA is in the middle, killing using technology, the cyborg killers.  The "clean war" path, as long as our hands are not dirty, it seems to be relatively acceptable to the majority.   In either case you need to come up with a set of concrete goals and to do this you should apply the three forms of intelligence.  Otherwise, you are killing merely because you are picking one side to be the winner.  In this case, we have picked one side to be the winner.  The ones who are not cutting other people's heads off (at least not on facebook).

One problem is that we don't have any experience in applying three types of intelligence to political acts.  As shown by the B-C war discussed previously, sometimes there is little more than emotion applied to problem with no overt intelligence at all which brings us to this point.  We do have experience to some extent with an analysis of historical events but we never break them into three elements (short, medium and long term results) for purposes of study and this is critical.
Another problem is coming up with solutions that make sense.  For this purpose we need to decide what our goals are, what our beliefs are.  For this we need to decide what the west is.  While we have the whole J-C religious thing, the west is too tolerant for our goals to be based on that.

The traditional East-West Religious war was relatively simple, each trying to destroy the other, the weaker barely holding out and The Turkey-Greek-Middle East block being at the striking point of the conflict, the center moving eastward or westward as if by some moral tide, sometimes because of religion and sometime because that location seems barren enough that neither side can plant a set of beliefs that firmly takes root; changing hands and becoming, of necessity by natural selection, more and more warlike and even intractable.

  In fact, the only place where there was ever any agreement was "the jewish problem", a general intent to wipe out the Jews, which turned out to be a relatively poor idea historically; and for whatever reasons has not occurred, at least not yet.  It should be noted that the Jews as a race historically seem to originate largely from the working class of the ancient Egyptian empire, probably a collection of the workers from Egypt, Greece and other places within hailing distance of that ancient empire drawn by the availability of food and work and run off when the work ran out or escaping from slavery depending on which version of history you chose (they actually overlap if you read them carefully) and therefore largely arabic in origin.  Imagine that, arabic peoples killing one another!  The kidnapping of jews, particularly women, during the crusades, led to the westernization of the jewish people.  Origins aside, for whatever reason everyone seemed to agree in the past that there was some problem with them which is hard to fully appreciate today other than their poor decisions relative to real estate.  I think it was a Jewish person who first said, "location, location, location" not because of anything other than the repetitive nature lends itself to some sort of cultural exchange where one person is trying to convince the other.  "Its location that makes the middle east such a peaceful place to settle, Mort, location, location, location."  And Israel, indeed the entire middle east has been peaceful in the past.  It seems like only when people from outside come into the middle east does it erupt, like an ant bed, quiet until you put a stick in, and the violent and deadly.  But I take the rare digression.

This is about how the west should reply to the inevitable terrorist attacks, wherever they originate.
The new West is a tolerant agnosticism (TA) so we need to know what set of goals or choices are consistent with a TA philosophy.

One idea relative to this is that we wipe out everyone who is not tolerant, the unstated goal of the current "clean war".  While not particularly forgiving it starts out somewhat logical.   On the other hand this is the ultimate hypocrisy.  Tolerance has its limits.  How about the right of the radicals of all religions to force their beliefs, on pain of death, on their neighbors?  That is, after all, what the current battle is about.  I've heard more noble explanations, to fight the existing power structure (partially true, if you accept the idea that one tyrant is better than another), to bring power and wealth to the leaders of the current war (always true, alas), but on paper, anyway, this is another religious war where the winner kills everyone who disagrees or makes their lives so miserable that they leave if they have anywhere to go (been there done that).

Herein lies the true issue, the one where you see the current struggle.  It is not about the ability of the west to wipe out one group or the other in the middle east (or at least cripple them so badly that they can be ignored for a while) instead it is about deciding who we are, the long term "who" not the current "who".  This is why you see all the flag waving, all the judeo-christian harping, even all the "peaceful muslimism".  Different groups are sticking their toes in the water, "aren't we this?  aren't we that?"

You might think I'm going to provide an answer, but perhaps not today.   We are, by virtue of our current philosophy, Tolerant Agnostics, but we can move away from that at an instant.  It only takes a few planes loaded with terrorist bent on destroying a concrete symbol of our success to do that, to turn us into flag waving avenging angels.  But if we figure out what we are, then perhaps the next time we can apply some intelligent design to our response, rather than just kicking the ant bed and then sitting in it and waiting to see if the ants bite or not.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

NLT the next thing 66 -opening statements part 3 wave particle duality

The rains come at last
the storm winds
drive the darkness
the sky fills
with boiling clouds
reminding me of you anger
bolts or accusation
true and false
the the memories
dropping from the sky
each one hits
cold and hard
remember me
no remember me
and they all join
soaking me
impossible to ignore
cold shivering
wanting to dry
wanting to drown
waiting, wondering
for what
will never come again

NLT renders intuitive all of the mysteries of other theories.  While the specific mechanisms for the function remain illusive; only time will provide all of the answers.  An example is in order.
While Quantum mechanics recognizes wave particle duality it doesn't provide a ready explanation.  In NLT it is easy to explain this transition as we go from CT1 to CT3 states.
The transition might seem extreme, one clock time state to the other, but in this case we know the ct1 to ct2 transition is only a 10^4 concentration state (to photonic, quantum states) and 10^8 for photonic to CT3.  This means that while the transition from matter to energy requires the expenditure (in one direction or the other) at very high magnitudes (10^16) for other wave functions it is substantially less.

It can be seen whether the transitions occur or not that time states (those represented as space, those as photonic energy, those as wave energy and even the highly compressed states represented by matter and black holes (theorized) all exist together leading to the concept of "time orbits".  In such a case it is not only likely, but intuitive that you would see multiple states upon close examination and that the less compression required, the easier the transition between states would be.
This in turn allows for speculation that upon proper examination you would see duality between the states of matter and energy which appears to be the case and is at least likely in fusion reactions and fission.  However it remains to be determined how much the states interchange and how much the co-existence of one or the other is merely a matter of proximity.
The need to study NLT is nothing less than the need to study what is unknown to other theories of physics.

The coming terrorist attacks and China

China remains strangely absent from the middle east stage and this is no accident.  They have their terrorists, but those terrorists are largely defined by the label "patriotic terrorists".  They are not (yet) the target of a group that seeks to eliminate everyone who doesn't think the same way.
The muslim religion is a "c-religion" in that it seeks converts.  The Radical muslim element can be referred to as an RC-religion; in that it seeks converts who submit or have to eliminated from the general population in some way.  The followers of Mohammad are not alone in the C-religion category, most religions have that.  Most religions have at one time or another been RC-religions.
Another element of the M religion is that its origins are result based.  It doesn't seek to explain the unexplained but instead seeks to control a group of people utilizing a belief set.  Again, the M religion is not alone in this, perhaps this is primary difference between "religion" and "scientific theory".  Both provide explanations, but one ties it to a system of actions and the other merely tells you what the results of your actions will be.  EHT (slightly more than NLT) is a type of bridge between the two, but it doesn't really have a set of rules as it talks about the results of taking one path or another in a hologram environment where everything is predestined anyway.
Getting back to the point of control, RC-M is an extreme example, but Mormonism is a fairly extreme example of a C type religion, its belief set being built entirely around getting a specific result rather than rational observation or historical practice.  Christianity and Judiaism are historical practice examples and the Muslim religion and Mormonism have steadily acquired a herstorical perspective, the primary difference between the 4 today being that there were better records kept for the more recent two religions which means we are better able to understand the "crowd control" intentions of the original prophets of each.
As the RC-M group has become fairly well entrenched and established its own country and government (note this happened before on a smaller scale in Afganistan to the same end result) we can be fairly certain that increased efforts to seek converts and to eliminate non-believers, the infidels, (even over the current ideas of confiscation, increased taxation and execution we witness today) and that as long as the "so called" "West" determines that it doesn't want to buy into a designer religion (one designed to incorporate a certain set of beliefs different from the sets the West already has at least); there will be terrorist attacks.
When one country attacks another, however, it is an act of war and not terrorism even if the weapons used are weapons of terror (V-2/V-1 rockets being examples that followed dirigibles).
We know what happens when we give knee jerk (emphasis on "jerk" in my opinion) responses.  That is when we fail to use the three types of intelligence (immediate, medium term, long term) and the related historical perspective.  Instead of solving the problem, we destabilize things and make them worse.  The same thing happened in World War I and a slightly better job was done in WWII, at least from our perspective.  Whatever Bush II's strengths and weaknesses, the invasion of Iraq will be viewed historically as the father of all cluster fucks.  I'm not saying that I didn't want to go out and kick someone in the shins responsible for the trade towers attacks (or much, much worse); merely that doing that without thinking it out was idiotic an killing a stable government off in the most unstable regions of the world so that the angry ants could take over has turned out to be a really bad idea.  Someone (Bush gets all the blame, but Cheny was probably up to his neck in the process) failed to understand the historical and psychological mindset of the people in the region and probably had little understanding of the C-M or RC-M religious aspects.
Soon, we can expect a well funded "country" or "group of countries" with the agenda of eliminating competition (religious competition and in this case religion includes philosophical practices) to launch increasingly organized and effective attacks against the West generally and the United States in particular.  This will, of necessity, expedite the transition of world economic dominance to China, but that is another question and that issue is covered already in China's weaponized economy, and this is more focused on those attack and not the entire geo-political outcome.
This issue was recently highlighted when Obama more or less admitted that he didn't have a clue as to what we were doing which is a bit of a disingenuous interpretation of his remarks.  After all, this problem is largely the result of Bush policies that he was handed and however much he is bankrupting the country and fumbling the football that is the middle east he was handed a plate of lemons and whether he can turn them into lemonade or not remains to be seen.  Reagan and Clinton both were able to make lemonade in such a situation, Reagan doing so perhaps more elegantly, but it isn't a political thing, its a leadership question.
However, I'm not going to discuss leadership styles, merely the fact that we know we are facing an increasingly well organized "enemy" of western type religions (if we all convert to the Muslim faith today, we eliminate the need for terrorism, but we have to buy into a control based religion and might as well lock ourselves in prison cells like so many "Otis Cambells" (you younger people will have to look that one up).  This doesn't mean that the M religion has always been like that or that it is entirely like that today (only the RC-M elements fall into that category) and during the Christian error of RC-C the muslims were the protectors of science and history; but we're talking today and we're talking about what RC-M will do.
The West is Judeo-Christian based and aspires to tolerance while the RC-M is an offshoot (like mormonism) and is an intolerant branch (there are plenty of intolerant groups in the west, of course, most notably the Nazis, although they are far from alone in this regard).
The west has to come up with some answers to Obama.  One idea is to follow the Bush-Cheney/WWI  method, let them attack us and then get so angry we lash out indiscriminately and hope for a good result.  It is, of course, theorized that in WWII we let the Axis powers attack first, but the response was possibly better designed.
No, the better course is to recognize that war takes many forms.  We are at war with China, perhaps, and we are at war with a hostile universe (most assuredly it will win at some point in time) and we are at war with our different religions.  It is unfair to say we are at war with just the RC-M group although they will certainly be the ones to launch the next attack.  Indeed, it is hard to write this fast enough to get ahead of that event, but the war is somewhat different.  We have a mixed bag of beliefs in the west with fading dominance of the J-C type and a fact based ascendant agnosticism.  What is a country that doesn't want to suffer mind control and intellectual paralysis to do?
That will be the subject of the next entry on this, which will, sadly, perhaps follow and not lead the coming terrorist attacks.

NLT the next thing 65-opening statements-Part 2

I want to spend a moment talking about Yes Man, the film adaptation of Danny Wallace's book of the same name.  I like some of Carey's stuff.  Certainly not all of it, but enough to think he's got talent.  I'll stop short of saying I love Deschenal, because love means something different, but she acts quirky enough to be quirky and she is talented, like Carrey and maybe I like everything she's been in because I haven't see it all.
However, this has more to do with saying yes to life than a critical review of the movie or the actors.
I have said yes to life several time, I survive today not because of my unwillingness to die; but instead I live off of remnants of living from when I did say yes to life, something I've done far less than half the time, but the strength of it has kept me alive nevertheless.
Life asks us all the time to show courage, to act on the basis of courage.  Only when we do so does it reward or punish us, equally in turn, with pain or pleasure, with life.  When we act for courage we hold out our hands to those who are drowning in ignorance, but what does that mean with we withdraw our hands?  I am outside of your reference, I am holding out my hand asking you to help me take the next step, to see what lies beyond NLT, to enter into g-space and look around.
I am arrogant, I am humbled by life.  It is not that I think I am smart, or clever; certainly not so much as those I would lecture on physics, but genius is often the ability to seize on an accident rather than stepping over it and continuing in mediocrity.  You gave me that power, the moments spent with you were so precious that everything that happened in them, whether accident or intent was to be savored, preserved.  I'm lying on the floor, my hands soaked with the blood of the innocents, wondering where I went wrong.  And yet when I think of you, even your memory, the acts of courage before the cowardice, the universe opens before my darkening gaze, and I forget about the wet sins soaking my soiled underclothes and see beyond everyone else.

NLT is about origins and solutions.  It has been stated that NLT starts at non-linearity and moves outward from a specific starting point which gives it an advantage over other theories which haven't been able to get to the starting point.  It isn't "the beginning"; but it is a mathematically understandable point before the "big bang"
The examination of our origin in a two dimensional hologram is an example of the difference between observation from CT4 and an attempt to theorize an observation from CT0.  There is no explanation in the former of why there is a holographic image.  EHT said that everything happens at once and that this had to come from a singularity without time.  NLT took the leap that said that the singularity had time, but it was non-linear and went further to indicate that everything we experience, from dimension to energy to time itself is merely an expression of different phases of time.  In this way it was able to provide fundamental answers to many questions that kept the SHT based scientists baffled..
Because NLT starts from a pre-space/time point it gives insights which are not available to other theories.  Since relativity, is essentially about having different viewpoints based on having the ability to have a different perspective, this provides a novel perspective and gives novel insights.
So what are the novel perspectives, and why is it critical to continue breaking out when everyone else is tunneling in?
NLT has  already yielded answers to the origin of space time, quantum phenomena, quantum time giving rise to quantum gravity, the origin of force, the transitions of time dimensional coordinates to the different force and dimensional states we experience, explanations of why we experience clock time and why it disappears at the speed of light, the exponential growth of clock time concentration and the reasons for the perception of speed, an explanation of why we can predict clock time 5, the successor of standard clock time that allow us to have self awareness, the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter gravitational forces, the reasons why we should doubt the expansion of the universe and an explanation of what would be the driving force of dark energy if it did exist (however unlikely that appears to me now), and the list goes on.  More importantly it suggests both the same weakness that SHT suggests chains our actions, predestination, but also holds out a reason to believe we may be empowered with the ability to do define the predestined outcomes and why we should have the courage to overcome our fears, and why we had better heed this lest we live an eternity in a hell of our own making.  There is the promise of a power in NLT that both dwarfs us and possibly arms us with the power of gods.
At some point in time it will be necessary for me to take the next step, a quantum leap.  One quantum leap was jumping from space-time to NLT.  The next quantum step will be stepping off NLT to what comes before and defining the environment call g-space in EHT, the environment where there is no time and no dimension which is within the grasp of those who reach out with courage.

Friday, August 29, 2014

NLT the next thing 64-opening statements-Part 1

The storms are coming.  I can feel them in the air.  There is a coolness of air coming from high in the atmosphere, a wind blowing as if from a far distance, suggesting origins in a gale.  The sea is hot and full of storms, a sea that at any time can organize and is constantly on the move.  I hate the rain, it reminds me of what I lost and I love the rain for the memories that wash over me, hurting me and reminding me that there is beauty and healing even from those who lay down in the dust.

You know, occasionally we do things that might be misinterpreted.  If I were smarter or more clever then you might assume that my reference to String Hologram Theory by an acronym (SHT) was one letter off from a derogatory reference.  While I certainly invite the disdain of the Traditional Physics Cabal (TPC) with my writing style, I willingly admit that everything I write began with SHT and might end up as SHT, but I wax pun-etic; I am far beyond SHT and anyone who reads this understands that while my theories leaves me up to my neck in SHT, my concepts look farther than SHT into the origins of space time and the universe.  If you find my ideas full of SHT it is only because you are stuck in the SHT view of things.

OPENING STATEMENTS: Part 1 NLT is a critical study of quantum theory and is specifically the study of quantum time as an origin for space-time phenomena.
The idea that the universe we experience is the projection of a hologram was established several years back.  For a more complete history, see "The Einstein Hologram Universe."
NLT is two steps past standard hologram theory, also called "string hologram theory".  While it makes sense to "jump to the conclusion" that if we are in a hologram (a three dimensional representation of two dimensions) then the hologram must be a projection from one dimension and that in turn is a projection of a non-dimensional environment; the derivation of NLT is more complicated and this analysis is less intuitive until the answer is given.  After all, SHT is actually little more than the "rediscovery" of what Parminides realized 2500 years ago.  The quantum shift 2500 years ago was the recognition that the universe of space time had logical inconsistencies that could not be resolved as long as one insisted on viewing space-time as a pre-requisite; and even SHT failed to recognize that Parminides was far ahead of the SHT theorists.
The first step in getting from Hologram theory to NLT was the determination that everything happens at once in the absence of time.  This in turn led to the concept that time had both linear and non-linear attributes.  What we call time was in fact merely linear time.  The next step in the progression was the determination that time had different "phases".  Several analogies were then formed to describe the features of these time phases, numbering them (clock time 1, clock time 2, etc); looking at them as orbits or states; developing the inter-relational aspects (conservation of time, dimensional change-speed, expression, and exponential compression) and finally the process of beginning to explain these relationships and how the were derived.
  While one might say that this is inherent in string hologram theory (called SHT to distinguish it from EHT) this is not true.  The problem that SHT had was its failure to realize that there could be an existence outside of space time which is the primary reason that the process of going from two dimensions to zero dimensions (a non-space-time environment) was not intuitive.
It  was, however, a concept that predated Hologram theory (Einstein's) that allowed this step, but even Einstein could not surrender space-time, despite having essentially stated that it did not exist.
NLT has several benefits over SHT.  The first is that it explains the universe of space time more completely.  Another is that it gives a basis for quantum theories.  A complete list of the benefits requires a full reading of "Non-Linear Time Theory" and even that list is necessarily a work in progress.

Now available-edited from Amazon:

NLT the next thing: 63 The two faces of Black Holes

I leave out the words "in theory".  It gets sort of redundant and tears up the flow.  Everything in NLT is new except for the fact that it builds on things which are already known.  Perhaps "new" and "theoretical" are the wrong words to use.  Perhaps it would be better to say that people have been staking these blocks the same way for 2500 years (at least) and that I am restacking them in a slightly different way, but that is what "theory" usually is. Every once in a while we make quantum leaps in our stacks.  There is Parminides who voiced the failure of perception to define the illusory universe, the first of our ancestors (alas un-named) to perceive the super-order requirement of the universe-predestination or god/gods, and perhaps Moses recognizing a type of "singularity" super order that defies perception but somehow controls our fate, the first of the quantum superstate theory.  Then there is the long list of known and unknown physicists (in this case ending with me, but certainly not ended) who gave us quantum, relativity, and a whole host of explanations perhaps if you don't like ending with me, ending with Hawkins who didn't invent Hologram Theory but who explained it sufficiently broadly to allow the NLT stacking of the same blocks in the unique way they are stacked.
For those of you who have read the Einstein Hologram Universe, you know that traditional physicists are a few steps behind me.  First they need to work out their hologram concept and get to the singularity and then they need to move on to Non-linear time.
This article shows that those of you who read my work are actually two steps of traditional mathematicians and perhaps before NLT becomes commonplace there will be a third level.  For now, look at where everyone else is and pat yourself of the back for reading this tripe.


The two faces of Black Holes
But this chapter is about the two faces of black holes and that brings us back to theory vs fact.  In a Parmidean universe, there are precious few "facts".  For something to truly survive as a "fact" you have to be able to trace it back and while NLT starts in the "pre-universe" and moves outward; the second we try to "look around" in the "pre-universe" (non-linear universe) we run into the same problems that everyone else has run into since the scientist we'll call "UG" decided that there must be something more than what we perceive with our hands and created the predecessor of the god of Moses, Christ and Mohammad (apparently all the same quantum god, albeit with different rules for different peoples).  The problem I refer to, of course, is that someone had to create the Einsteinian "place" where time is non-linear and everything happens at once without dimension," the proverbial C+ science grade of some pre-celestial third grader.  The problem, of course, is not fully defining the environment of NLT, a challenge, but one that NLT theory may be up for in terms of theory, at least, but instead asking, "ok, we know all about NLT, but how did NLT come to exist and what is "next to this singularity" what makes up the proverbial god or third grader.  So all fact is fantasy, or all fact is theory if you would.  While we must rely on facts as we presume them, NLT and predestination, as much fact as the next thing, indicate that the "facts" are irrelevant.  Say you want to build a smart phone.  Under the theories of NLT and predestination you've already done it.  "Facts" that you have to rely on to construct it are nothing more than things which have already happened displayed with linearity.  And you don't need NLT to prove this.  The very "facts" (physics, math, chemistry) that you use to build your phone require this to be the case, otherwise phones would randomly work, there would be a set of dice to the universe, you'd go back to one of the "primitive" pre-NLT theories where the are all these multiple universe where each one resulted from a different dice role.  This is not to say that there are not an infinite number of third graders making an infinite number of C+ science projects, but only recognizes that our particular universe is merely the "projection" of non-linearity on a singularity.  The fact that there may be other third graders or that the third grader may have moved on to the 4th grade means that all "facts" in our universe are merely theories, which brings us, not surprisingly, to the two faces of black holes.
The first face of a black holes is the traditional face, that NLT saw as a final victory of "gravity" over linearity.  This was the snake eating itself theory (SEIT) of NLT which survives to this day.  Time and space appear to disappear, all black holes can be "seen" to the extent that we see anything going back to a non-linear state and we are back at NLT.  It is a great picture and one of the foundational blocks of Non-linear time theory.
Unfortunately, NLT has a tendency to undermine its own foundation, at least from our point of reference.
Remember, this chapter is a continuation of the chapter discussing what is the higher energy state.  So when we look at "black holes" we can, under the SEIT version of things say that black holes represent a "return" to the original state of "potential".
Unfortunately, while solving equations for NLT, we came up with the exponential compression model which was also suggested by none other than our "friend" the black hole.  With friends like that around, you had better have a couple of buddies who are physicists.
This second face of black holes suggests that black holes are merely the next level of exponential compression (another coordinate is changing at the same time as the others) and we can expect a type of "super standard watch time".  This suggests that you have infinite levels of exponential compression (ILEC).  ILEC suggests that our universe is one of an infinite number of universes and that somewhere out there you have "people" made up of CT5 who look at CT4 (us) and lower states and bemoan the fate of any "being" who can only think in 4 dimensions, who can only hold one thought at a time.  These CT5 people, in turn, are frowned upon by CT6 people and so on and so forth.
Which third grader is greater in such a scenario?  The third grader who made NLT and put it on a shelf (getting a C-plus grade from...what?) or the third grader made up of CT5, CT6 or CTinfinity who is looking backwards?  Are any of these third graders free from pre-desitinaiton?  Certainly the "math and physics" vary slightly as we go to higher and higher CT states, but all are still functions of a single point, a single state of non-linearity creating everything.
And this brings us back to "energy states".  If ILEC trumps SEIT then are black holes to be considered less energetic?  Black holes are gobbling up everything in our universe, apparently even space (although under ILEC space is merely one component within the CT5 state represented by black holes) but are they also some "less energetic state?"
It all brings us to the next chapter.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

the ungifted

I struggled through 3000 yards.
Its not that I haven't been exercising
I have been crazy active
but this is the first 3000 this week
and only 2700 yards the last
I was struck today by the ear disease
and sleep is some word in a dictionary
poorly understood with no frame of reference
Things seem somehow different now
So much more alone
clinging to vision, yet sightless
the world distracted by clouds of dots
there is a weakness behind the power
and the length of my exertions
the greek warrior princess, far past her prime
dying of long healed wounds
I reach out to the image and its vanishes
there some are so many gifted people
i really want to spend my time with gifted people
The way it used to be
alas to do that you must be gifted
my gifts have all turned on me
There are so many ways to be gifted
I want all of them, selfish, jealous
Music, creativity, success, cleverness
I have brushed against them all
none of them rubbed off on me
all merely too thin layers of my flesh
worn holes in my cornea and self esteem
And yet there is a side of me
that wants to go somewhere quiet
Where I can spend whats left to me
alone with my thoughts
and perhaps the two are not mutually exclusive
Perhaps the key to sharing time with the gifted
is not caring about what your are
or who you are with
but being the best you can be there
My mind has been racing,
obsessed with the changes
and yet I am reading an ancient book
about the fall of the rome
and the rise of man against the sea
there is so much to say,
so much to write
to preserve for no one
to explain to you
there is so much to do,
so many requirements of my time
and I have spent two weeks away
and everyone wants part of my time today
I'll travel to my meetings
I'll take my calls
I will try to figure out how to handle
all these conflicting needs
and wonder what those with the gifts
to go through life with elegance
together with the the other gifted
will be doing today instead

NLT the next thing 62 Correlation of Compression and Higher Clock Time States

Correlation of Compression and Higher Clock Time States
How does compression coordinate with higher Clock time States?
The answer to this is intuitive in NLT.
First let's talk about what higher clocks states represent.  
CT1(x,y,z)dt (one coordinate change at a time at a high rate of speed.  This is "unique" because no energy is generated; the force, instead, is gravity.  Lengthy discussion of this process predates this chapter3
CT2(x,y,z)dt (two coordinate changes at once, slower change for each clock time) high compression state.  This is also unique in that it is the first force generating stage of "maturing" clock time, creating photonic light which is the first recognized and studied form of clock time.  It should be noted that "space" has also been studied and space is a creation (theorized, anyway) of CT1 states; but because no one knew how to study it before NLT; it was always given a "mystical" quality-not there, but very complicated at the same time when, in fact, it is every bit as complicated but also sort of mundane-a very limited form of linear clock time.
In CT3 three coordinate changes happen together, since the coordinate changes are happening together, the ability of the two states to change together and at a slower rate allows for the appearance of compression and exponentially greater compression, in this case on the exponential scale of 10^4 for CT2 and 10^8 for CT3 states.  A comparable "slowing" of the change in the rate of time change corresponds to this change.
The most important question today is whether the NLT state is the more stable state and the increasing clock time states reflect destabilization or whether the opposite is true.
Either possibility is right, perhaps simultaneously.  This matter could be the subject of an entire paper, but it is important to understand why either approach is correct.
NLT state is a bomb waiting to explode.  Everything is happening at once, the amount of force involved, the amount of potential energy is phenomenal...but nothing is linear.  We go from this state, where nothing is linear to the pre-photonic energy level of CT1.  From our perspective, everything here is happening "super fast."  If CT3 is reflected in light speed coordinate changes, imagine the speed with which CT1 changes (so quickly that we do not perceive it). Changes of one coordinate at a time (CT1) are so fast that we cannot perceive them from CT4 and they appear as space between other clock time dimensional states.  True energy in the form of photons requires movement along two dimensional coordinates of CT2 and therefore the only perceivable force is gravity, the CT0 negative state if you accept that energies are negative lower clock time states; which corresponds to the tendency of CT1 to go non-linear.  This in turn indicates that negative CT1 is the tendency of wave energy forms to go photonic, to lose their linearity and wave energy forms the tendency of matter to go back to a CT2 state which is very much what happens within that transition.
So from this standpoint, we see "energy" increasing as we move towards non-linearity and from our "ancient" perspective of linearity we give that a higher energy state.  However, there is another viewpoint.  More CT changes occur at once and there is greater compression (remember compression here is merely the allowed common coordinate changes that appear more likely when more dimensions coordinates (x,y,z, etc) can change at once).  While we perceive a "slowing" from the speed of light downward to CT4 states, in fact it is merely the addition of a more complicated time (CT4 in this case).  Hence if we only look at Clock time states we might say that the level of "clock energy" involved or the "higher state time orbit" involved is higher even though what we call energy appears lowers.   The stick on the ground has more potential energy we say, than the stick on fire which has more energy.  However, what we are really looking at is the transition of clock time states; not the nuclear transition, but the release of CT3 states within a matrix of CT4 states.  Still with me?

Next: The two faces of Black Holes


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

NLT the next thing 61 FORCE AS NEGATIVE TIME

Hurry, hurry.  Death is waiting for me.   I don't have time to dawdle, as you apparently do.  You have your own reasons to rush around.
  Hurry away from me, as I hurry to finish the work before death comes.  Hurry to read it, as I hurry to write it, hurry to create it, hurry to steal it, hurry to use it to kill one another, but don't hurry to love, no that would be something to savor, like a small glass of a good wine, or a cigarette or a cup of coffee after a long period of abstinence.
I know all about coffee, and love and loss and abstinence.
I don't have the time for your rejection, only for you, and I don't have that so whatever time I have is meaningless.  Read on.

FORCE AS NEGATIVE TIME: Only because it fits, Force is theorized as negative time and can be explained as time traveling backwards in such a case towards non-linearity. That is, to make time linear you must split it into forward moving coordinate time and backwards moving force coordinates.  The alternative is merely to define Force as a separate feature of time, but it is easier to imagine making time linear by splitting it into equal parts of forward and rearward time which continue to interact.
This means a point in time can be described as:
P(t-1/t(x,y,z)- F-1/t(x,y,z))dt; (t2-2/t2(x,y,z);F2-2(x,y,z))dt; etc or
P(t-1/t(x,y,z-;F-x/t(x,y,z)dt;t2-2/t2(x,y,z);F-X/t(x,y,z) where when t=1 it changes to t2 and F changes to F2.  Note that in the broader equation x, y, and z are substituted for the simplification of 1,2 and 3 just to show the sequential nature of time states.
As the change in time increases, different times go to zero and following times become operative.  The basic equation for this is known at t-x/t where x approaches t.  Perhaps as time goes negative going to the next time, it becomes the force:
1-t/t changes to 2-t/t +-F to 3-t/t +F+F1 which F and F1 increases in strength and negativity as t increases past each positive time.
Another way to look at it is (t1-3, t2-2,t3-1,t4-0)/t - F1*t1 equation,f2*t2-2),f3*t3-1;F4*t4)
As rates of change increase or decrease as rates match up t goes to its maximum or zero state; but it is because it is a playing of events and not random events to the matching it is an effect and not a cause.
Do you get T1 to stay at zero or does T1 stay in place (as shown by the maintenance of gravity) but only that it is relatively so small compared to t2, t3 being comparably greater than t2 that it becomes unimportant.
That is as t=1 then it skips to t2 which as it gets to 2 skips to t3 but only by concentrating or dispersing so that gravity remains but is nothing compared to photonic energy, photons remains but are nothing compared to electromagnetic; emag remains the same but is nothing compared to matter, etc.
The scales, after all, theoretically and observationally (to the extent we observe them) increase exponentially (2,4,8,16,32,etc-assuming there is an etc).
The exponential factors of CT1 compressions to CT2 by a factor of 10^4, for example are not include in teh representations above, but are inherent in any discussion of separate time state and negative CT1 would be smaller by this factor, less compressed by this fact although the amount of any energy state, that is the total amount of any lower CT state is expected to be greater than the amount of the next higher CT state notwithstanding the high levels of compession just as the amount of matter in CT5 (theorized) in black holes is relatively small compared to the amounts of all other CT state forms (dimensional/positive and energy/negative).
          If force is an anti-time and whole time affects track dimensional and the coordinate changes are in the opposite direction, how come the two appear together?  The reason is that direction and location are an illusion so a single point can go in opposite directions and still affect each other as if they remained together.  
Hurry, the next chapter is coming, the end is near.

NLT-The next thing 60 End Game

I couldn't write for the last few days and still can't, but I have to get this work finished, so I have forced myself back to the computer.  Sometimes, I feel like, well unlike you, well some of you anyway.  I feel like I am dead.  And what is life, but a series of little births and deaths.  It is easier to live again when you are young;  but as time goes by it gets harder, the deaths become longer and longer until they are strung together for eternity.
My heart beats strong, but sometimes breath comes hard and, mostly, my vision is dim.
Some days I am not fully conscious of the world around me.   But I am a very busy dead person.
This morning I watched the day lighten as I had work to do outside. It was burning hot, again; even early. Yesterday, in the waning heat, I took down several large branches, in some cases having to climb with a chain saw, not a safe thing.  I had to use a gas powered chain saw, a device which makes this work more dangerous but otherwise nearly impossible for me in this heat.  It wasn't the safest thing I've done
but I have a house to sell.  In addition some of the branches pissed me off.
I took down a fence today and moved the equivalent of several trees building a pile of branches, and filling part of the front yard as I staged the larger branches for moving the day before the tree removal trucks come; which should be after this heat wave breaks; of course it will still be far from cool.  The larger pieces of wood have been cut up to be split after they age for a while..
After 4 hours of work, part of it in near dark, the fence needed to be put back in place, the tools needed to be cleaned and put up.
The extreme heat, and the exercise left me thirsty, and a modest case of heat stroke.  I have little interest in what happens next, but here is what happens next.


There is no one end game of NLT, but one has already been suggested.  You might still be asking why bother if everything is predestined.  The answer here is the same as the answer to why we have apparent, if not real, consciousness.  Whether you accept pre-destination or not, it is clear that from a very practical sense (and practical is a word that only appears to have meaning when time goes non-linear, but given the inevitiability of death has no meaning there either) we have the ability to manipulate the universe.  Yes, we've done it already (predestination), but we have that ability, none the less.  We also know that we can change coordinates at a high rate of speed by eliminating the number of coordinates that change at once (or slow them down considerably by adding another if we go from CT4 to CT5).   While we have a very high rate 10^16 of acceleration going from 4 changes at once to 3 (CT4 to CT3) additional scales exist which indicate that potentially a speed far in excess of the speed of light is possible, a instantaneous change in coordinates, even a near lightspeed acceleration would be a vast improvement.  And here is where the manipulation of pre-destination gets really interesting. ct1(x,y,z etc)dt; ct2(x,y,z,etc)dtdt'
Let's assume for the sake of argument that Einstein and Logic dictate the universe which means that everything can be predicted and therefore everything is predestined.  Let us then assume, also based on Einstein and logic, that everything has happened at once and we are only the expression of linearity of that in linear form.  Let us further assume (see the entries on self-determination and empowerment in a non-linear universe) that we have, by virtue of our "illusory self awareness" to ability to conduct "illusory manipulation of clock time" which we show every time we gather a pile of stones together and on a grander scale when we set off atomic bombs.
Well then, that means that we can change the way that clock time changes (see the atomic bomb) accelerate to at least light speeds, and then by virtue of the aspects of everything being predestined, change coordinates back to CT4 and find ourselves somewhere far away very quickly if not instantaneously (see the e-mails on everything being in the same place at CT0).
It's not a bad end-game.  It is a very practical description of the functioning of a "star trek style 'transporter.'"  The idea is that it is not just a method of changing matter, it is not just a matter of changing time alone, it is a function of changing non-linearity.  And if we can change non-linearity to manipulate linear clock time, what else might we be able to change?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

China Heat-more on chinese attacks, the signs of the coming conflict; the fourth dimension of intelligence

"The Theologian, says Gibbon, may indulge the pleasing task of describing religion as she descended from heaven, arrayed in her native purity, a more melancholy duty is imposed upon the historian -he (should be he or she) must discover the inevitable mixture of error and corruption which she (religious anthropomorphism) contracted in a long residence upon the earth among a weak and degenerate race of beings."  From "The rise and fall of the Roman empire" (interpretations added).

It is hot outside.
I decided to test the heat
walking the dog
starting before sunrise
even then it was hot
the sun rose while i was out
the light it cast was red
and the temperature rose
almost one degree every minute
if the process had continued
this blog would have ended
a hint of things to come
after the walk
even after the long night
the pool was blood warm
but a wind started
and the water drying
cooled my fever
but still
the red star is rising

This post took months to put together, but it only took a short time to write.  It is basically tracking what is set out in "China's weaponized economy" and what is predicted in "World War C" using the current historical record.  Of course, I am too busy for this.  Why, I ask myself, do these things pull me away from what I want to do, and why can't you help in that regard, instead of being my enemy.  And of course you do see, and it makes no difference.  It is my own fault, my own failure to apply the different terms of intelligence, surely I am as much a slave to the faults of human nature as is the government and you should be a friend, perhaps you should be be something more, instead you are my enemies.

The ability of the owner of the reserve currency to borrow, the influx of cheap goods, and the lack of cheap labor seem to be critical to the fall of all reserve currencies; probably in that order.  It seems likely that a fourth, perhaps crucial element is a government which is so unintelligent, that it fails to recognize the problems coming and this can be described as a lack of the ability to apply short term, medium and long term intelligence as defined in China's weaponized economy to governing decisions.

But I now believe there is a fourth element -Past term intelligence:

For example, the Gulf War showed that there were problems with human nature that resulted in the inability to apply anything other than short term intelligence, otherwise the war might never have happened, the united states would be trillions of dollars richer and the middle east would have greater stability, perhaps.  But even looking ahead would not have helped without a thorough knowledge of the past; of how war among the higher apes is inevitable, and how some people are more attuned to inevitability.

The smaller conflicts are significant, but they are a part of a bigger conflict, the fall of world leaders, the shift of reserve currencies.

The fall can be orderly or chaotic.  A study is underway, by me, to determine more specifically how to manipulate this system, how to determine whether the fall will be violent or modest, which is a better model for the United States and how to ameliorate it.

In this case, we have a clear delineation of warring parties, although as with all wars, there will be side issues.  The middle east, is a side show, but it is a fuse.  The parties that began WWI were largely irrelevant to the ultimate conflict, entire races were essentially wiped out under the camouflage of the fog of war.  These things are known to occur.

The signs of the coming conflict are fairly clear.  This is a nod to my friends in China who, while ultimately are doomed to be the "enemy" in this conflict, in fact represent nothing more than the transitional piece in a chess set which results from the problems set forth above.  They can be allies if it is possible to have the three plus 1 layers of intelligence in government before the fall (unlikely given the current posture of the US government) or they may be the entity that applies this first and provides some continuity of development.

World War II showed the importance (already developed by Sun Tzu hundreds of years before) of stealth and the non-shooting war elements.  The use of these before the first shot is fired is an excellent example of how to destroy your enemy while he sleeps, but you need an enemy that is truly stupid, dead to what is clear around them.  And hence the chapter begins.

The signs of the shifting balance of power, ultimately prove too strong a temptation and the growing military might of the one, once thought weaker, begins to exert its influence, to flex its muscle, to provide more direct training and to test the resolve of its enemy.  If the enemy fails to show it is conscious, it grows more and more likely that the extent of the attacks will increase and ultimately result in a pitched battle.

The oceans and the air above them provide a neutral ground where these wars may be conducted, these pre-wars if you are naive enough to not recognize their importance as part of the continuum of the final conflict.  It is perhaps appropriate that the internet provides a new "sea of knowledge"; a new place and perhaps a more powerful place to conduct the initial, crucial first steps of the actual fighting war.

Hackers Linked to China Seen Attacking U.S., European Industry - Bloomberg shared via

Hackers steal information on key workers

Chinese fighter jet intercepted Navy sub-hunter plane in South China Sea - Los Angeles Times shared via

Philippines Renews Arbitration Push in South China Seas Dispute - Wall Street Journal shared via

The rising superpower will necessarily justify its actions, one important aspect of this justification is further camouflage of the actual shift of power, hiding the true natures of its intentions; another feature of Sun Tzu's battle plan; when you are strong appear weak; when you are weak appear strong.

And, of course, one of the key elements to the fall, a government so corrupt and entrenched, that its survival is more important to it than the mission of protecting the entity it represents.

They must be so stupid, that even when the see the signs, the fail to act, even when they know there is a danger, they must be too corrupt to respond with the three types of intelligence necessary to rise to a threat.

They must be stupid enough to be easily placated.

Don't see China as a rival, US to India - Press Trust of India shared via

The president's analyst and China

The parties must fail to recognize the dangers and fail to capitalize on the possibilities to avoid conflict.

India hails major talks with China - Channel News Asia shared via

They should not be surprised by elements of economic natural selection, if they are, they are too weak and too foolish.
Surprise rise in China's exports - The Australian shared via

There are practical, day to day effects of the shift of dominance and there is one tied more closely to the shift in manufacturing and therefore the shift of technology than any other.

The first is the shifting of alliances as countries shift towards the manufacturing, economically robust, and even less corrupt of the rival powers.

China will eventually win this battle too, but the battles have already started, the failure of the US to realize it only confirming the presence of corruption, the lack of the application of intelligence.
Remember Hong Kong

The next is the most drastic, the failure of the corrupt, short sighted economy.

The detroit disaster and the future of World-China Relations

Later, the weaker country (whether apparent or not) must begin the process of enslavement to the more powerful, the degree of enslavement being anywhere from abjection to extinction.

On the article scientists must learn Chinese

The US was the lead manufacturer, now they are in a major recession; embracing the horror of exporting manufacturing

We have seen this historically in the USA.  At the beginning of WWII the USA was in the midst of a terrible recession, Germany's was even worse. But both had a manufacturing base.

While the rest of the world would supply natural resources and while Japan with its technologies, such as metallurgy; played a major role in the war, in the end the war was between Germany and the United States.
Tiny Germany with its terrible recession, almost conquered the world because it had manufacturing ability.  Indeed if their morality had been more far sighted, dominating their conquests instead of including them, the war may have been different.  Perhaps we would also have a different view of what might have been manufacturing wisdom if the Nazis had not turned it into evil.

But morality is only one aspect of power, because those in power determine what is and what is not moral.  If we want our morality to be the future, we must have be the  manufacturer in any coming economic collapse.

And are we moral? China also went into Iraq. China spends money to rebuild while USA sends missiles.  This is the message that was set out in China's weaponized economy and World War C.  Which method is liable to work in favor of the United States.  Which country kills more people, which is more directly involved in the manipulation of other countries?

The way to avoid war is intelligence.  It has to start somewhere, it is an asset that may be as important as all the other weapons of war in the right hands.  It is the answer to how to apply it as well as the answer to the issues themselves.  It is an art form that has not been developed yet.

It is likely that the next world war will not come from a time of plenty, but will come from a time of limited resources.  It is also likely that it will not involve shooting, at least not directly, but will result in the shifting of the reserve currency.  If we do not take back our manufacturing, if we do not learn ow to deal with the natural transition, how to prevent it, how it occurred in the past, the next war which is certainly coming will be one where we will not even be a participant and if we are not a participant, we will be a victim.
The horror is around the corner and your government is embracing it.

Friday, August 22, 2014


I am exhausted.
It isn't the 3200 yards I swam
or the fast pace
and it was a particularly fast pace
In addition to the amazing amount of work
some done, some not
the incredible pressure
especially from that undone
then there is the darkness
while you can see me
you are invisible to me
you think i don't see you
that i don't know who you are
or what you are doing
and you are right 
and you are wrong
because we are connected
you who are invisible to me
are part of me
and i know the parts of me
and the other people
the ones who appear and vanish
and all that their interaction 
does to change
and complicate my life
they are the shadows
you cannot escape with me
we are both trapped here
and for reasons inexplicable
I went out today
the hottest, most humid day of the year
and cut the grossly overgrown grass
with an under powered mower
perhaps that was the reason
the idea that if I didn't 
then perhaps the office 
would disappear under a forest
of uncut grass
or perhaps it was personal
the need to approach death
to burn myself 
peace or destruction
but neither resulted
by the end of the venture
I was soaking wet
gasping from the heat
weak from the exertion
70% of the grass was mowed
piles of cut, partially mulched grass
like harvested hay
making a loop around the building
and the 30% 
that will have to wait
because it was just that hot
and now it is night
and now it is hot
and now I am alone
and now I have swam
and done everything
possible to exhaust myself
to dull my emotions
and yet my demons
which used to be your demons too
will not give me peace


COORDINATES WITHOUT DIMENSION: All x,y and z can exist with CT1 alone even though dimensional characteristics don’t exist.  This is shown by the appearance of less than 3 dimensional features throughout space.  This includes such disparate features as photonic light and black holes which could possibly be on either side of our clock time space.
This indicates that rather than CT1 representing a change in only one dimension, it must represent something else.  One presumption is that only one dimension can change at a time with CT1, that two can change with CT2, etc.  This explanation seems to match observation, but there are many elements of non-linear time yet to discuss.
          There are zero states, positive and negative states possible.
Where t1 through t4=0 until its time goes non-linear, actually it has more to do with the change in time coordinates. Time of every type is zero (change of coordinates goes to zero) until it goes nonlinear so you have some zero function.  T(d1 * F1) t=0 as d1 and f1=0.  There is a quantum element at work.  CT1 allows changes in one coordinate at a time.  CT2 allows changes in two and the change is at a rate which is exponentially slower for the sum of the coordinate changes, CT3, allows 3 and exponentially slower resulting changes.  
     Time is CT1 which are changes in time without linearity, instead just a collection of coordinates, split across several versions of d and F.  One example is (t-1)/t(d1,f1)dt as only “coordinates changes” reflect non-linearity and our ability to perceive the universe, otherwise it is all happening at once.  This indicates that linearity is the removal and not addition of a feature, you isolate one type of time over others.
     IF only the changes are visible, what does it mean that one isolated point has a past and a future set of points associated with it.  It means, apparently, that change itself is an illusion.
          While a very direct lineage is shown in the equations, this is only suggested and is not theoretical in the sense of being tied to some firm foundation and hence in the majority of the writing I maintain Dimensional characteristics separate from Force characteristics.  Unlike Wince's work which is not in the same category of NLT, even though results of multi-dimensional analysis necessarily yield common points of reference, NLT force can come from negative dimensional states.  Until Wince can abandon his space time for a completely non-linear environment he is digging on the same side of the barrier between linear and non-linear universes that everyone else is.
          The equations of NLT are t-1/t as t approaches 1; t-2/t as t approaches 2 along with compression functions to reduce the size of time as it goes negative.  An alternative is 1-t as t approaches 1.  Both have their advantages and both serve merely as conceptual points of reference, not necessarily specific to the equation.
          The next step in defining the equation for the analysis is 1/t-1 as t approaches 1.  This creates a universal paradox which is expected in NLT and observed, such as our inability to accelerate to the speed of light.  It also requires that dimensional points change into something completely different, theorized to be forces.
          Even though we talk of CT1 as one dimensional change, we assume that it can have coordinates x,y,z although they do not change its location relative to other times, they can define it anywhere within the matrix allowing space and photons to move within the matrix of illusory space even though they do not have all the dimensional characteristics of ct3 and ct4.  This same concept allows positive and negative time to occupy the same spatial coordinates (x,y and z) even though they change in opposite directions.

NLT-the next step 58-the predecessor of you and NLT

This is just miserable.
I am not talking about the problems with NLT
tonight was a swim night. a real swimmer was there. aggravated by his speed and youth but I took deep breaths and continued my warmup at a slightly only accelerated pace. a thunderstorm foiled my workout the swimmer couldn't ruin before I got to see how long he could last, his college age, high school trained heart against my ancient, overtaxed, but so far always reliable remnant. swimming is lonely exercise although if you are lucky you can see bodies you like beside you and there is comraderie with a team but that hasn't been possible with my schedule, my age except for occasional saturdays.  The summer filled with its empty pool nights, is now giving way to the fall and a pool filled with mostly young people, all of whom I can swim into the ground, except the occasional trained swimmer.
 it is lonely tonight also. but not every night will be like this. nights filled with people noise and passion await as surely as the future copies the past.
NLT takes nothing for granted.  It is certainly not the only theory that does so, but it is more complete.  It rejects the absurdity of the multiple dimensional infinite possibility universe; but not completely.  If the universe is the barely passing grade of some uber 3rd grader, it seems likely that there is a class; at least from our perspective whch is meaningless outside of this universe.
While it will strikes the unimaginative as odd, NLT is suggested by all observed phenomena.  This means we are less than a projection of linearity onto a non linear framework.  We are not the showing of the video; instead we are the video in a dormant state.  We are the bits of data on the database, not runnning some algorithm, but instead complete in our dormance, unless we can manipulate the program.  While you might scoff at the idea which is internally inconsistent of a single slide changing the outcome of the film; in this case we are dealing with something far more complex; and we can only aspire to be the computer program which outgrows the system and takes over the matrix.  This would require the ability to change a predetermined universe which is impossible from a logical standpoint, but it also assume that mathematics as we understand them are finite rules which are not subject to manipulation.  NLT suggests that alternatives may be available since time is the only constant.
Let me point out the inconsistency in our ability to manipulate the universe and then show how that can be changed.
First, we have discussed previously that based on the given set of rules (physics and its spawn chemistry and the the grandchild biology) which given the absence of randomness (we assume randomness but randomness is only present as an illusion on the scale of high compression states which have been organized into "self aware units" and physics and math dictate that what we perceive as randomness is only an illusion unless there is a set of dice in the universe which is clearly not shown in any fully developed theory.  Note that the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle and its ilk suggest randomness, but in the examination, it can be seen that when all factors are taken into account, it is merely a predetermined manipulation of trillions of individual time quanta.
What is considered randomness and manipulation is only another word for inadequate mathematical computer power and a focus away from the important consideration of the fundamental nature of the universe (i.e. any theory other than Non-linear time theory).
However, our consciousness of the true nature of the universe (which dates back at least 2500 years, apparently); the illusory nature of reality, the lack of a "rational explanation" to existence leaves a window open.  If we cannot trust mathematics and physics, if they are only a manifestation of the apparent, but not necessarily actual linearity of a non-linear universe, than we cannot be certain that our ideas of predestination are accurate.  That is, while everything happens at once in Non-linear time, our collective intelligence (past present and future unseparated by time and space-a einstein hologram universe concept) migth have the power to effect linearity in ways that we cannot understand without more exploration of this conceptually.
Traditionalist utilize god as a tool for taking the pre-universe and turning it into our otherwise inexplicable universe.  As is shown in the predecessor to NLT laid out in the Einstein Hologram universe the idea of a traditionalist type god is possible under the basic concepts of non-linearity, but this does not take us to the pre-universe environment that creates a non-linear universe.  That is, god-like compression of universal intelligence creates an amusing circular argument of creation, a snake eathing itself by ingesting its own tail, but some environment must exist which allows for the creation of the snake.
The idea is that for us to accept any type of universe exists (that is for us to accept our own existence as anything other than an illusion) requires an explanation of why and how.  To accept space time with all of its contents as something we have to accept is immature.  It is no different than accepting a god as the creator without an explanation of how god came to be or what environment he exists in.  Previously I spoke to the "futility" of life if we are predestined, and in truth, the only true path is one that allows us to look past our preconceived notions of predestination.  Our ultimate scientific purpose is to determine the basis of our predestination and to look for a way to manipulate it.  All of our other actions are just amusement to the thrid grader who created our universe (or our god or gods if you insist).
There is no reason to deny the existence of a god, or even a pantheon, but to do so requires an explanation of where these superior beings come from.  NLT only takes us one step closer to that environment by explaining where our environment comes from, it goes no further, but may be a tool for doing so.
While NLT begins with Non-linearity, the true question from the standpoint of origin lies in discovering the environment of non-linearity.  Only then can we attempt to find out how it exists.
The idea that there is any way to explain the universe, existence, your consciousness is absurd and yet is a goal of science.  The reason is that there can be no legitimate explanation because any explanation almost necessarily has to be based on some predecessor which is inexplicable.  I.E. we are only a projection, but where is the film stored, what is a non-time, non-dimensional universe like?
We do, of course, have models in traditional math of limited dimension, but in this case NLT suggests that the key is the number of dimensional coordinates that can "change" at one time, not the number of coordinates that exist which make up the "true dimensional analysis".
So those of you who would argue that a predestined, non-linear universe, where every moment of existence can exist at once with its past and future together are ignoring reality in favor of experience.  But our near complete misunderstanding of pre-destination both in our universe and in the predecessor if one exists (which our point of reference exists must exist) means that even something as fundamental as predestination, as NLT, may lie on a foundation as hard to imagine for us as the falacy of existence must have been before Parminides 2500 years ago.
Wait for it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NLT the next step 57 The empty spaces and parameters of the expanding uinverse

Sometimes it is very hard to get past the fading vision
As I walked tonight, I saw sparks
originally I thought they might be fireflies
I do love fireflies, but they kill them
and they kill bees with mosquito sprays
and earlier, I was unbalanced by dizziness
only barely did the treatment help
The mental pain was so intense today,
that by late afternoon, late in the day
when I had done all that I thought possible
I thought it was necessary to try something
but psychotropic pain killers do not work for me
and in the end I only felt worse
but the nausea prevented me from lying down
Still I walked tonight,
although I could not find a song that fit
a hot breeze, a windy silences
I sweated in the humidity
and when I threw my clothes off
and jumped in the pool
even after swimming 3000 yards last night
I could only paddle back and forth
a parody of a real person.

The empty spaces and the parameters of the expanding universe.
Why are time quantum coordinate changes linear?  Perhaps no question preys more on the mind of an expanding universe than this one.  We expect, indeed we insist on a universe where one event, one quantum of time precedes the next.
However linearity is irrelevant in a NLT universe.  You live in this moment in perception anyway, with a past and a present.  But past and present are different from what Einstein insisted and NLT proves is in fact the case.
It is equally that we are living disparate moments as in linear moments.
It is equally likely that instead of living linear moments, that we only live single moments with no real linearity at all.  The appearance of linearity is even less than what we imagine it to be.  We are not a projection of linearity, we only perceive a past and present that would be linear if everything did not happen at once.
The important thing for NLT Transporter designers, is whether we have quantum coordinate changes that are non-linear.  At least one theory of NLT expansion recognizes this and therefore justifies an attempt to design of such a device, a transporter (which will probably be used to deliver bombs instantly to where they will be exploded if I know people) and that is the steady state model that says that NLT-Space is created through the process of converting Linear matter/energy/space (in that order) into NLT.  In fact, this appears to be visible in deep gravity wells (black holes primarily if not exclusively) which then go linear outside of gravity wells as is discussed in earlier entries.
While you can argue that the discussion of linear moments only being an illusion renders such an analysis irrelevant, if, as we have shown, the illusion allows for the manipulation of time (moving stones or converting matter to energy are but two examples of this being done under the framework of NLT) then by having the ability to ignore true linearity, our ability at manipulation is exponentially greater; better still we've already done it, we just don't know in this moment of history and future, that we have done it yet.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Focus on your own problems.  That is a recipe for nothing.  

PLANCK LENGTH AND SOLAR SCALES: The first issue I'd like to address is the Planck length issue of getting from 10^38 to the correct, theoretical scale of 10^30.  First, Planck lengths are a theoretical construct with quantum support.  The 30 factor should be right and since Planck is minimum distance in space based primarily on light’s role as a speed limit in terms of coordinate change (under NLT).  How can both be right?
This is fairly easy.  The reason both can be right is that Planck length is tied to a specific measurement (meters).  That is, Planck length accepts dimension, it is not a pure scale measurement.  Planck Length (in NLT), says “once time goes non-linear, dimensional changes reflect this linearity (coordinate change) in ‘meters’ on a scale of 10^38.”  Therefore, the factor of 6 is a difference in the chosen “measurement”, meters.  This doesn’t mean that meters, millimeters (factor of 3 different) or kilometers (factor of 9) is more or less correct than any other unit.
The “true scale” has nothing to do with dimension between the first discrete matters nor with the size of solar mass to get to a collapse in concentration without other factors. 
This might include a possible mistake in the solution of the maximum size of star necessary to get to concentration levels predicted by NLT.

I'm willing to make a modest wager as to the accuracy of the concentration predictions in NLT both in terms of spatial concentration (10^2,10^4, 10^8) and mass concentration (10^32) which is why I keep these scales within this paper.