
Sunday, August 27, 2017

climate change and mind change

Houston is suffering from climate change.  whether you believe the visible evidence or not, you are seeing at least localized climate change.  This looks just like the computer graphics generated for this city.
Claimate change is real.  It wasnt just a meteor that killed the dinosaurs, it was also the related climate change.  Meteors and pollution affect the climate.   How much?  depends, but only an idiot cannot watch the news and realize how important the climate is.  Only an idiot wouldn't understand how important the climate is anyway, we live in the climate.
So the question is not warming or cooling, it's do we realize how important the climate is.
And a more localized question is does the president have the courage to change him mind and acknowledge how important the climate is, how important climate change is (colder or hotter) and if he doesn't whether his supporters will finally realize how important it is for him to lead in this regard.
Nature has a way of making whatever point needs to be made, time to wake up and listen.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

AuT and entanglement

I am the most frustrated theoretical physicist in the world.  This is for more reasons than  you might think.  But for purposes of this article, this is because I have figured out the fundamental structure of space-time, but there is a mosterous beauracratic machine which refuses to acknowledge that I have done this because (1) I did it from a basement (and I look like I'm working from a basemetn) and (2) I wipe away all of the Pre-Aut nonsense meaning that I am the only one that's right and everyone else is wrong.
This wasn't intentional, it just happens to be how things happened.
As I read what is written and as I write what new, particuarly as to this whole grant thing, it is painfully clear that I will howl alone in the wilderness for some time to come.
It is, of course, gratifying to see readers from all over the world.  When I see one reader occasionally download huge swaths of posts (why not just buy the book?) undoubtedly to purloin my work, that too has a bitter gratification.  But would it kill the theoretical physicists reading this in say Botswana to say, "By George, I think he's got it."
However, I do have it which is something.  This next grant proposal will be a bit more studied and grounded in Book 4 and explained by books 1-3, perhaps it will find a crack in the wall of ignorance that has always plagued cutting edge science.
Here's another snippet from Book 4 and largely rewritten for the proposal.
Qunatum entanglement has a slightly different origin and explanation which we can revisit from a prior diagram.

In this diagram it can be seen that F-series building necessarily results in some entanglement with other states.

That picture above shows how states are necessarily entangled, but what happens to cause them to separate.  To see this, you have to look at velocity and higher state compression.

AA2 shows one of these bundles of otherwise entangled solutions being booted out.  At the ct2 level it is easy to visualize, but at higher states the degree of entanglement and the amount of history included are much greater.

The idea is that like almost all accurate observations, AuT presupposes the result and explains it.

What this tells us is that if you do a ratio between sin(y) for pi=0 to sin(y) for pi=1 you get the 1:64 ratio and when you get the perfection of this ratio for 1:64 you are working with 32/27 and these numbers through alternating algorithmic and anti algorithmic manipulation yields 2f(n)^2^n and for n-4, this yields the equation e-mc^2 and fo n=5 it yields the minimum size of an observed black hole as predicted.

When Einstein figured out e=mc^2 the basics for energy adding mass and the ratios were in place.  Moreover Lorentz and others had established many of the underlying principles.  Does that render relativity (general or special) less important?  Not at all.  That is why Einstein is great, standing on the shoulder of giants another giant was able to look over a very tall mountain.  A superior understanding of the fundamental nature of light was understood.    Imagine what AuT does, it puts relativity, light speed and e=mc^2 into perspective.
What is that?  What's the word I'm looking for in AuT?
how silly is everything and why shouldn't the universe treat me a little better if it gave me this and why shouldn't you put some comments up about this theory.

AuT-the grant

So, I haven't completely stepped away from AuT because I'm trying to get feedback on this grant that is supposed to be missing something.  It's probably just missing references to things that don't exist, but as part of the exercise, I'm rewriting the grant to include book 4.  Since I'm encapsulating books 1-4 into a very short document it cuts to the quick and is helping to focus on some "roughed out" ideas such as the weak force which is sort of glossed over in light of the strong force which is much easier to nail down because of its application and scale.  The weak force has some aberrational elements, but nothing I can't handle.
Both the strong and the weak force seem to be transitional states in the precense of the ct4-ct5 transition and related to the "proximity" of black holes even though they are far away.  Exactly how they function relative to one another and the nucleus, a compaction of quantum ct4 states, is still unclear.
Hence, in writing the grant application, I added this 'explanation' or perhaps excuse that is worth repeating:

THE young model

            However, AuT is a very young model.  While it represents 4 years of development; less than a year ago AuT still was working with very rough versions of the details.  A year ago, it said the models were like intersecting spirals instead of the -1^x driver and its progeny; looking at effects, such as capacitance equations to attempt to find expansion and contraction characteristics.  Reading this paper, it’s easy to say, the numbers for derivation of pi and sin functions were there all along, why not just apply them?  It’s a valid criticism, but when you are working completely unfunded it’s hard to drop your day job and start making spreadsheets.  Even so, the basic parameters were there, and still are there, and the theory only requires times to fulfil its predictive and exploitive ends.  Book 2 was a very rough attempt at determining force and range from information arm and it is extensively rewritten, but without a secretary to make the changes, it remains obscure to the public.  Millions, if not billions, are begin spent looking for evidence of particles that don’t even exist except as manifestations of information change which can be examined from information obtained, but more importantly, can be determined from a more fully developed model of AuT.

Anyway, books 1-4 cover what needs to be covered to have an understanding of the theory and to see the outlines of the model.  It remains to do second editions of book 2 and 4.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Publication update

Happily Book 4, First Edition is now live!
Available in kindle and hard copy

The next few posts will include some of the grant summary information.

1.   Project summary


AuT has been developed over four years.  It it the subject of several books/papers, the latest is Algorithm Universe Theory Book 4. The list of AuT explained phenomena is as long as the list of phenomena.  It explains how dimension and space time arise from a non-dimensional framework; what the big bang was; when the universe will stop expanding and why; what forces are and why their range is limited in some cases and not in others; it explains what dark energy is and dark matter; it explains anti-matter and gravity and explains why there is not as much anti-matter as there is matter and why there is more dark energy than energy and ties all of these together with a relatively simple model; among the litany set out in the prior volumes.  It replaces entropy with super symmetry while redefining what symmetry is.  It provides proofs both mathematically and based on observation of observed phenomena. To say it is the equivalent of relativity is to underplay the importance which is a very difficult statement to make since it is built on the work of Einstein.  More importantly it is built on the work of Parmenides and provides a mathematical framework for the philosophical groundbreaking work which was begun 2500 years ago.

AuT-ready to order on Monday?

This should be available by Monday, perhaps sooner.  The paperback \copy should be available in the same time frame.  This has some very minor edits, nothing of scientific interest.

This is the final book in the first series, altough there is roughly half the content that still remains available only in the final spirals edition.  Also, the second edition of this book will have some needed clarification as to the second half.  There is other editing that will probably be done, but it does not require the type of editing that book 2 requires which is the next target for publication.

One day, this will be required reading, but I'll be dead then and for now I have to rely on my limited readership so please share what you can about this especially in the scientific community.


It is important to understand the basic concepts of Books 1-3 before reading book 4 as there are assumptions regarding the nomenclature which is covered in Books 1-3, particularly Book 1.  The list of AuT explained phenomena is as long as the list of phenomena.  It explains how dimension and space time arise from a non-dimensional framework; what the big bang was; when the universe will stop expanding and why; what forces are and why their range is limited in some cases and not in others; it explains what dark energy is and dark matter; it explains anti-matter and gravity and explains why there is not as much anti-matter as there is matter and why there is more dark energy than energy and ties all of these together with a relatively simple model; among the litany set out in the prior volumes.  It replaces entropy with super symmetry while redefining what symmetry is.  It provides proofs both mathematically and based on observation of observed phenomena. To say it is the equivalent of relativity is to underplay the importance which is a very difficult statement to make since it is built on the work of Einstein.  More importantly it is built on the work of Parmenides and provides a mathematical framework for the philosophical groundbreaking work which was begun 2500 years ago.

And here is the old litany I referred to:

AUT provides intuitive answers to what are mysteries of prior models.  It is worth generating a partial list.  Aut provides: (1) a specific model, which is not a field theory, that defines the relationship of gravity to other forces; (2) the origin of space time, (3) the origin and cause of quantum phenomena, (4) algorithms in a non-space environment giving rise to quantum points and the appearance of linearity giving rise to quantum gravity and space-time, (5) the origin of speed and force as relative changes between different compression or clock time states, (6) why information transitions to time, dimensional features and manifestations of force, (7) an explanation of how we experience clock time in a quantum environment; (8) why time dilates relative to velocities and relative to gravity, (9) the reason for exponential growth of information states and the exact growth rates (10) the makeup of black holes and higher compression states  (11) the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter and gravitational forces, (12) the reasons for the expansion and contraction of the universe and the role that successive big bangs, as opposed to one, play in the process of converging infinite series; (13) an explanation of dark energy expanding the universe, (14) the origin of randomness and coincidence, (15) the method that history and velocity is experienced in a quantum state universe, (16) a way of eliminating (real as opposed to illusory) entropy from the universe, (17) what light speed represents, and why history fades, and (18) why we have at least apparent (if not real) self-determination in a narrow range, the middle range, of time states and that the control is based on slowing down one directional change of one-point relative to another.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

AuT Publication-post submission

The book has now been submitted for publication.  Only the first 70 pages are fully edited.  However, for a first edition this is enough.  Indeed, the remaining 100 pages could have been left off in their entirety, but I believe that in the second edition much of that will be included.  Even so, almost 100 pages were eliminated to get to this more compact version, some of which may be added back in the second edition.
Why publish now?
The reason is that the missing part of prior publications in included in this edition.
The basic processes behind compression have been uncovered, at least in a broad sense the factors leading to and away from compression have been set out.
This is staggering in its importance, if I'm right.
This book closes the circle both in theory and metaphorically.
Excerpts of it appear throughout this blog, but the book itself contains and organzation and clarity and edits, at least in the first 70 pages that go very far.  With the other books, especially book 1 but book 2 in part and book 3 in total it is very much the book to read.
I'm in the middle of the book 2 extensive edits and then I"ll probably go back to book 4 and finish it, but for now the theory finally has all the pieces I set out to assemble in 2013 even though I may not have realized it then.
It will have some rough patches in the printing, but its an important enough book, literally the new physics to go ahead and publish in its current form.  I hope if you read it you enjoy it.

I suppose I"ll spend quite a bit of time recovering, writing fiction, some of which I hope to publish here, but I didn't realize book 4 would come so quickly after I finsihed book 3 so who knows?
I hope my next post will include a picture of the next book and notice it is available.  It may start in hard copy format and be a few days before its available on kindle, but I will work to that end.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Aut Book 4 pre publication

So "a version" of book 4 will be sent to the publisher this month.
I've gotten to around page 50 and while the entire book is 160 pages long, it is worthwhile to get one part of it published, the key paragraphs at the beginning, the ones that round out books 1-3.
So by the end of this month, a mere seven days from today, the 23rd of August 2017, I will submit it for publication.
There is a great deal of clarification.  I have deleted entire sections of the original based on the new math models and the inherent explanations of force and range.  The effect of transitional states on force alone would be the subject of a book were I have to have more time and my full vision.
As it is, I have headaches from the time I put into this and, of course, a great deal of my time has to be put into money.
While I continue to be surprised by the lack of commentary, I have had massive information dumps lately from this blog.  It woudl be as well to wait for the books, but these represent acknowledgement of the importance of what is being written.
There is a lot of science I could put in this blog this morning, but something needs to be saved for the book and seven days is not forever to wait.
I am drinking my half cup of coffee having woken up at 5 am, walked the dog by 6, and started this post that I would have written last night were I not exhausted.  Even if I stopped today, I could publish, but I badly want to get through another 30 pages.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but I often have to consider between deleting information which appears out of date now or preserving it with some sort of disclaimer.
A good example comes from the interplay of dimesional features (-1 driven) and F-series features (f(N) driven) at the ct0-ct1 interface.  These two overlap here and both the tendency towards and away from compression, gravity, quantum phenomena, and information growth occur at this place.  The relationship between the F-series and dimensional features arises here, or at least immediately thereafter based on the common threat at this point.  There is a beautiful moment here where f(n) and -1 intersect and depart from one another that creates the entire universe in a magnficient, but very minor transition based on the model of converging and diverging infinite series that has so long been at the core of AuT, and even intersecting spiral models of AuT.
It is the point where god's hand touches Adam's at the cistine chapel.  I've seen that by the way, walking through with a child; not realizing that one day I would write the metaphorical equivalent, although I'm not saying that my work is comparable, being mainly a technical undertaking.
It's worth looking at this, the famous gap, because this moment in AuT has a gap in it.  The transition between these two is uneven, they do not quite join and yet the gap, 0', is where everything springs from.  One can imagine the artist, being so much closer to Parminides, seeing the failure of geometry at that point and realizing in his art that there was something so much more important between o space and g space and displaying it so cleverly, hidden in plain site.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Aut and the Shift from non-dimensional to dimension to information based compression

It continues to boggle my mind that I don't get more comments.  Its like everyone is afraid to say that I have sent the emperor out with no clothes.  That is, of course, like something that I would do personally, so who knows.

This next post takes the information from the prior posts and lays it out in a simplfied fashion.  What it doesn't do is talk about how we can, presumably without a great deal of complexity, build those floating cars (or antimatter bombs if you would); but we'll get ot that in due time, although I'm a bit leery to cover something so destructive in a blog.  I like the idea of building floating cars, but knowing that a wreck in one might destroy the planet gives one pause.  Still, the theory looks good on paper and the process not overly complicated under the right circumstances (which don't occur on earth, thankfully).

For now, let's stick with the interesting theoretical ramifications.

Chapter 10 The shift from dimension to information

          So the suggestion, from observation of higher states, is that alignment occurs with negative to positive to start the compression based on the first linear solution changes which are not based on F-series, but are instead based on -1^n broadly.  The tendency of these to move together is gravity at the ct0-ct1 interface (when there is positive and negative) and when there is negative to negative it forms dark energy or antigravity.  These form a transitional f(n) state in the exponential equation which is brought out by a logarithmic function and acts as the f-series while the dual states of positive and negative provide an information based exponential arm system built on the first positive negative system because of positive and negative alignment as a requirement to compression.
       Mu mesons decay according to relativistic features based on their speed.  This should match the AuT methodology.  Pre-AuT math does not know how to deal with these transient Ct2 states, but AuT explains it perfectly and explains not only how they come to exist but how they transition to space.
          There remains a big question to address.  This question is the shift between quantum phenomena tied to -1^x plus 2x(-1)^x-1 to one tied to f(n)^2^(n^2).
          Higher state phenomena suggest that combinations above ct2 function by combining positive and negative results. Referring to Figure 2, you see ct1 states established as pairs and the pairs of pairs grouped together in subsequent ct states.
          Combining positive carrier results based on the -1^x pehnomena with negatives accomplishes two things. One: it  builds instability into the system which can become unstable as the underlying particles shift polarity forcing them apart.  This is necessary to get the compression/decompression features we observe.  (Note that two positives being interrupted as one turns negative could also achieve this function, but in that case it would not yield the observed phenomena).  Two: the other is that it gives a two state (positive and negative) system which allows the 2^n shift in ct state building which is present in all higher ct compression shifts beyond the ct0 to ct1 shift discussed in chapter 8.
          The shift is a ratio
          So the effective ratio is:
          This can also be written:
          n^(f(n))/((n+1)^(2+1)) for n=2
At the next change, this shifts back to an unraised function while the density increases:
          This in turn shifts according to the vibrational format to the first true informational format f(n)^(2^n).
          While the mathematics is somewhat challenging, the result, not cause, is that the positive and negative aspects of competing spirals are allowed to exist as quantum space-time informational results even though the underlying mathematics is tied to a converging offset infinite series (-1^x plus 2x(-1)^x-1) which does not have positive and negative matched features, but instead has unmatched features.

          For the underlying mathematics, the "top" arm is longer than the bottom arm.  Items 1 might be made of a single Fpluspix result, but by the 2 results, there are more than one Fpluspix so that you can have positive, negative and presumably, long periods of neutral results, which supports the original analysis and observations that the intersecting spiral model observed is at least partially valid despite the build out from non-spiral phenomena.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

what part

what part
does god play
in a hologram universe

where there is nothing
for him to demand of you
that you don't already have to do

what part
does my love for you
play in physical universe

free of self determination
all of our hopes and dreams
designed far in advance

is out our job
to entertain the creator
who knows the films ending

are we all that is left
after some greater power
has left everyone else on the cutting room floor

perhaps that makes our love
something even more important
the part of the film the universe kept

does it really matter
if we chose to love each other
or if we are forced to love each other

my love for you
denies my free will
willingly denied so i can love you

what part then love
should we play for each other
and what part should we play for god

let god fill his own demands
the great director cuts his own scenes
let you and i direct our own love our own future

what part then poetry
that i write to you that i wrote to you
not to seduce you but to acknowledge you

the house i never painted
to whom i gave the only gift i had
i opened the doors separating fiction from the divine

only so you could look in
only to satisfy your whimsy
for you were never serious enough

what part did my love play for you
who toyed with my emotions no less callously
than the universe treats it illusory sentient inhabitants

you accept as your due
this little gift, a clearer vision of the universe
than anyone else ever gave with any line of mathematics

what part physics
instead you ask what part poetry and music
give me something more than truth, give me beauty and art

for there is little enough
that anyone can give in the form of truth
that holds the same power as emotion on poor flesh

what part of my heart
is enough to satisfy you
since my mind is not enough

how much can i torture my readers
who would like me to stick to the point
but who have to wade through my pleas to you

wonder why i bother
in the face of such callous disregard
of everything that is beleived important by my readers

who believe in clarity
which perhaps you already have
so that all you want in proof of that part which is love

Models and Theory: More nonsense by the person who figured out how the universe works

AuT is a model, not a theory.  AuM might be a better way to put it.
Why?  Because the idea of an information based universe, "we are in a computer program" and other pre-AuT nonsense was already out there.  Theories are like opinions.  Anyone can come up with a theory and everyone has many of them.
What makes AuT important is that it has a model which is supportable and predictable for the universe.
Models, however, are different.  They take time to build.  If you put them together correctly, they are elegant and beautiful, or sometimes scary, but usually reflect the intention of intelligent design.  That is why AuT is so much more than anything else, because it shows more of the intelligent design.
Without effort, it answers questions raised by prior orbservations, it eliminates falacies.  There are many clever ways of describing theories and testing them, but the one test that you arrive back at every time, is whether the theory is durable in the face of observed results.  AuT is unsurpassed in that regard.
First, it goes all the way back to g-space.  Of course, any theory that does not fully describe g-space is inadequate and AuT is inadequate.  But most accepted theories start at the big bang and have, at best, rough ideas of what preceded the most recent big bang.  In that regard, AuT blows right through the big bang, space time itself.
It has long been understood that matter and energy are exchangable, but there is no prior model that shows energy to be interchangeable with space or to describe space with such particularity that its role in expansion and contraction, in positive and negative, in matter and antimater, gravity and dark energy are answered with total clarity, even to the point of explaining why the two exist and on what mathematical structure they rely.
Force, one of the holdouts of prior theories, what drives the reactions and the universe itself is eliminated in favor of a system which is unified, both delivering and rendering irrelevant the idea of a unified field theory.  That UFT is replaced with a symmetry that is so basic that even entropy is eliminated from the system of thermodynamics.  Indeed, thermodynamics is eliminated except as an effect, not a cause.
One of the recent features to come into play is the one that involves inflection points generated not by intersecting spirals, but by shifts between positive and negative underlying carrier states represented as ct1 carriers with lifespans built around the underlying building blocks to pi.
In a soon to be published (or perhaps never to be published) book 4, I will show how part of the cycle between expansion and contraction can be tied to logarithmic and anti-logarithmic cycles.  This allows the equation which has f(n) in the exponential to have that part drawn out into the form in which we experience it.  It is not a state secret.  For those of you who are impatient, you can look at the math already laid out in the prior posts which, comparing different ct states, in effect, give an equation log(b)x/y at the transition from ct1 to ct2; at the dimensional interface.  Knowing that it is a trivial matter to apply my equations.  The basic math has already been shown in prior posts, but the specifics are now complete something to look forward to.
What is nice about that is that the plot of logx/y appears as ripping non-dimensional space apart to create dimension, just as one would expect.  There is a great graphic that appears in google when you do that.
While there is a slight hesitation when looking at x and y as both being built from  information (albeit in different stages of compression (see also the question of transition sates allowing for greater complexity)) x and y have always represented numbers and hence are always the same thing in concept.  As mentioned in the parenthetical, transition states (mesons seem to reflect these) mean that a great deal of depth is possible in the comparison of even early ct states, although stable forms appear to predominate, at least in mass clusters where we live.
I'll provide a link to that graphic, and the specific math when I get around to the primary post, this is just sort of a morning rambling.
The point is that AuT now has finished with the modeling part, that was complete when the one missing element was disclosed. This was not a work of genius since the missing element appears in book 1, but its application had to be worked out.  That also was not a work of genius since the ratio of ct1 sin to ct0 sin was merely a matter of applying basic AuT concepts to existing mathematics, but the result being so supportive of the overall model was gratifying and, if AuT allowed for genius, which it doesn't, the basic model originating in 2012 in EHT and presented with the new vibrational model in 2017 would be a work of  genius.  Not patting myself on the back, just pointing out the obvious..
The goal of figuring out the last pieces, basically just perfecting a finished model, will come eventually.  The current goal is to have a version of book 4 published before the end of the month.  I could, in fact publish it this weekend, but I will endeavor, free time permitting, to go through at least the first half of the book in its entirety (I'm at page 25 or 30) before I publish a draft of this 160 page work.
Many of you do not share this work, others do.  It is obvious to you, if you think about it, that the reason you do not praise my work is because you are jealous, you need not be.  Whatever transient genius I have is illusory as are your reasons for jealousy.  You should be screaming about this work, because if you could have Einstein come and give a lecture on relativity you would not hesitate to do it; and yet you have the opportunity to something so much bigger than that and you are letting it slide through your fingers like sands through an hourglass.  Should I say it?  Sure, why not. "Such are the days of our lives."

Thursday, August 17, 2017

AuT forward


It is important to understand the basic concepts of Books 1-3 before reading book 4 as there are assumptions regarding the nomenclature which is covered in Books 1-3, particularly Book 1.  The list of AuT explained phenomena is as long as the list of phenomena.  It explains how dimension and space time arise from a non-dimensional framework; what the big bang was; when the universe will stop expanding and why; what forces are and why their range is limited in some cases and not in others; it explains what dark energy is and dark matter; it explains anti-matter and gravity and explains why there is not as much anti-matter as there is matter and why there is more dark energy than energy and ties all of these together with a relatively simple model; among the litany set out in the prior volumes.  It replaces entropy with super symmetry while redefining what symmetry is.  It provides proofs both mathematically and based on observation of observed phenomena. To say it is the equivalent of relativity is to underplay the importance which is a very difficult statement to make since it is built on the work of Einstein.  More importantly it is built on the work of Parmenides and provides a mathematical framework for the philosophical groundbreaking work which was begun 2500 years ago.

And here is the old litany I referred to:

AUT provides intuitive answers to what are mysteries of prior models.  It is worth generating a partial list.  Aut provides: (1) a specific model, which is not a field theory, that defines the relationship of gravity to other forces; (2) the origin of space time, (3) the origin and cause of quantum phenomena, (4) algorithms in a non-space environment giving rise to quantum points and the appearance of linearity giving rise to quantum gravity and space-time, (5) the origin of speed and force as relative changes between different compression or clock time states, (6) why information transitions to time, dimensional features and manifestations of force, (7) an explanation of how we experience clock time in a quantum environment; (8) why time dilates relative to velocities and relative to gravity, (9) the reason for exponential growth of information states and the exact growth rates (10) the makeup of black holes and higher compression states  (11) the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter and gravitational forces, (12) the reasons for the expansion and contraction of the universe and the role that successive big bangs, as opposed to one, play in the process of converging infinite series; (13) an explanation of dark energy expanding the universe, (14) the origin of randomness and coincidence, (15) the method that history and velocity is experienced in a quantum state universe, (16) a way of eliminating (real as opposed to illusory) entropy from the universe, (17) what light speed represents, and why history fades, and (18) why we have at least apparent (if not real) self-determination in a narrow range, the middle range, of time states and that the control is based on slowing down one directional change of one-point relative to another.

Really, you really did that?  Come on, you didn't really do that did you?

AuT-answering the question; What's the matter, where's all the antimatter?

Chapter 6 Notes on Primary Equations

            While the basic algorithms do not change, compression upon information concentration and increased place and dimension ensures that the solution will get more complicated past the basic solutions for the ct0 and ct1 carrier states.  The initial solutions giving rise to the 64 ct2 carrier/information arms the 2^2 part of the f(2)^(2^2) equation do not require an examination of the effect of curvature when y increases in the sin equations and the evolving values which occur once the matrix is complicated past the initial ct1 carrier.  The first carrier is in a ct1 environment where these effects are marginalized, allowing a simple proof giving rise to the ct2 carrier in the ct1 environment (64).
            The original reason theorized for the existence of more matter than antimatter is because the solutions define more positive carrier states because ct2 and higher ct states have only positive solutions for curvature.  A closer examination indicates that a more likely reason is that the net expansion or contraction state of the ct1-ct2 carriers is mostly positive at this point of time (net universal expansion) and that as the universe slows, even less antimatter will be present.  However, when the universe starts to contract, the amount of anti-matter/dark energy will begin to increase with a maximum defined by the inflectio point where the next big bang occurs.
            F(pluspix) is the derivative feature of 0’ that gives the state (+/-) to all subsequent ct states.  F(x) is the Fibonnaci number portion of the solution.  The lifespan or length of any state, via the carrier state which is a combination of the F(x) for life and the F(pluspix) for state (+/-) and the information arm length, at least for the initial ct1-ct2 carrier; can vary greatly depending on the F-series solution to the underlying ct1 states which is the way that durability is maintained.  In addition, the curvature results show that the manipulation of this feature (see the relative sin functions) for degrees.  Since it is a quantum universe, the fractional ct states seen with sin series greater than one are not considered accurate or as accurate as the the f(pluspix) function.
            The plus or minus length of ct0 durable solutions leads to ct1 durable solutions of lengths defined by F(x) which forms the carrier/information arms defined by 2^n and initially based on the more complex 1/0’2n+1 solutions for ct 2 which in turn forms carriers for the next higher ct states which can only be populated with exponentially higher quantities by definition as set out in Figure 3 which quantities are defined by the equation f(n)^(2^n).  
            If the sum of ct1 carriers are 5000, still very short, then it would take 5000 changes of x before there would be a state (+/-) change.  If -7000 it would also take 7000 changes of x but it would be a negative or antimatter state for that period. 

            The current universe is using up all the negative states in expansion via the breakdown of higher states into space.  At the inflection point when compression states begin to outnumber decompression states, we will begin to build an anit-matter universe.

on being chosen

There are a lot of unhappy physicists who read this now and some pretty unhappy ones who will have to read it later; part of a required course on AuT.  Some will mistakenly feel jealous, what did that clown do to deserve the honor of figuring out how the universe works, to come up with the theory.  He is vain, undisciplined, to some extent his education, while including advanced calculous and physics, inadequate to the task.  Hell, he wasn't even smart, but he pontificates to the point of exhaustion of his readers.
Irony is built into the universe, deriving from infinite converging series which from a logical perspective are the origin of irony, and the first thing given to Zeno from parminides.  Indeed, the history books will bury my work in those who steal it, those who perfect it, unfairly, but the universe will correctly say that it originated 2500 years ago in a concrete form, perhaps I will be listed as the thief who stole the work, a modern prometheus who will be treated the same way.  That is, after all, what this post is about.  Or maybe the universe will give the credit to the Greek Muse who gave me the work of Zeno and Parminides which filled in so many blanks with so few words.  That would be ironic too, perhaps less inappropriate than some other choices, the Muse was the true Prometheus, in that scenario, I merely a co-conspirator.  Such is the future to which I will be subject.
Indeed, having put the theory out there in the concrete form in this blog, the universe is largely done with me on this issue and need not treat me well with recognition, wealth or anything else.  It did not see the need to pamper me to get me to this point, providing no grants or great wealth from which to build my theory or pay for research or assistance from others.  If anything just the opposite, it took whatever it gave me back and left me to build AuT from the Ashes of life, nothing but the muse and a few thousand years of civilization, little enough for the part I played.  If you could see some of the meals I was forced to eat, my near blindness, the cruelty that was necessary to point me towards this work you would only get a glimpse of the horrors the universe had in store over the trillions of years and even higher values of x necessary to get us to these last few posts; and yes, its trillions, the big bang being definitively proved by AuT to be nothing more than one of many transitional events.
Einstein, Newton, Parminides and even Leo di Bionacci could at least bask in their cleverness.  AuT forces me to admit that I am not clever.  I am a few clogs and levers in an infinitely diverging and converging mathematical model whose claims to conceit and fame are as ludicrous as allowing me the dubious honor of sharing the theory of everything, the real one hawkins, not your brilliantly written, but incorrect one.
Maybe if I was a nicer person, my work would receive a wider acceptance in my lifetime, but perhaps it takes a rejection of other works, which, admittedly, I relied on heavily for mine which originates as a combination of Einstein's and Hawkins work.  Perhaps the universe knew it needed a bruised, battered, half blind clown to make the next major advance in physics.  It has one, and you have AuT.  I wonder, even now, having completed this work except for applying the concepts more specifically to the math, putting together the pieces of mathematical machinery which will prevent a premature jumping of states, and better defining the math of transitional states, the work of countless scientists who are nothing more than minions to my work, itself  a minion of that greater machine.  I wonder if the universe will even let me publish book 4, so far written and edited already that it itself something much more than these poor blog posts.
When I originally penned this work, even EHT, it seemed likely that it was a work with only a dark side.  It did, after all, to me, kill my gods and provide at best a very poor replacement.
So far its has largely been received with derision.  My favorite is one magazine's editor quote, "it didn't add to science" or some such nonsense.  One day, hopefully that editor will have the opportunity to eat those words, but the universe doesn't really care whether I benefit or not.
Indeed, perhaps my personality is one which has to be punished and plushed in equal parts for the cogs and levers to turn in just the right way; but having turned, what remains?
And you can think what you want of me and my theory because if my theory says anything, it says we are immune from your thoughts and criticisms because if it wants, you will have faith in it one day and if it determines otherwise you will not.  And do what I will the statutes of the future or the gutters of today will embrace me with equal certainty.
It does, however have a bright side for some others.  It will be possible to build a car that floats, at least in theory.  It will not be Fred McMurray's jalopy filled with flubber, it will use the most dangerous of fuels, but also the cheapest.  It will be the world of the Jetson's tightly packaged and dangerous, a car wreck destroying city blocks, cities, entire worlds perhaps, so many cogs and levers changed because the universe dictated they would change long, long ago.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

AuT The New Collosus

So this has come up some in the news.  While not part of the original statue which was made but not erected years before (in parts, it took several years to finish it) this was a poem used to raise money for the pedestal which is heavier and larger in terms of total size than the statue itself.

Does any of that mean anything?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And speaking of the new Collosus, how about my theory?  Pretty cool, to have figured out how the universe works. So?
Well inherent in this is a way in theory to generate high relative amounts of anti-matter which is critical to that car I want to build.  The interesting thing about this is that AuT indicates the "fuel" for this is space.  That's downright weird, right?  Well, space and my brain (what many would say is a redundant addition, ha ha).
Anyway, before we start talking about how we're going to make all that anti-matter, let's look at the summary process in a couple of posts

Chapter 5 Primary Equations

Figure 7
            Figure 7 shows the creation of carrier-information arms from lower ct states based on common solutions at a quantum moment.
            The Solution is additive in AuT based on F(x) so we can presume that the common solution at Z changes according to -3, -3+5, 2-7, -5+9 for example.   This shows the first four solutions, but you could take the 50th solution 2.83x10^127 in place of any of the others or the 49th-7.24x123 as part of a common solution.  Each solution has (at least) three parts.  One part is the solution order, the value of x which is the same for every solution.  The second part is the F(pix) number which defines it as a positive or negative solution and also defines its place in the overall solution order.  The third solution is the combined value for any value of x which includes all of the other states with which it is solved (see Figure 1 for how these are combined graphically).
            While we are used to math which has a single sum, underlying solutions survive in AuT so that the solution are chains of solutions like the very simple ct1 chains shown in Figure 1.
-1^n/2n+1! Derives from an evolving pi definition and an evolving linearity deriving from the sum 2*y/[pi(x)^2n+1].  Pi(x) refers to pi for different values of the “place” in the F-series (1,11,111,1111,etc representing one, two, three and four places).
            Pi(x) is defined as f(pluspix) Pi= N+(from 2 to max x)N/F(pix)] as defined in more detail below.
          So the equation looks something like this: Sum(0-n)sum(0-pix)[2F(n)^(n^2)/[pix]^2n+1] where F(n) is the Fibonacci number for any value of n and where n is defined by the possible amount of compression of information for value of x balanced against how much is positive and how much is negative.
            Each ct state has a life based on this sum which is related to several solutions all of which are derived form 0’ which presents itself mathematically as -1^x and less particularly the solutions are derived from the value of pi for any value of x.  The method of summation is related to the two prior results being summed along with the effect of each new ct0 states as a possible source number.  All preserved solutions of 0’ form part of the underlying gravitational matrix which is tied to solution order and the combination of prior results to get a current result.

            The initial ct1 solutions as positive or negative, that is the part related directly to f(pix) supports ct2 dimensional features establishing (1) their length of survival, (2) their positive or negative state; or put another way, their matter verse antimatter states and (3) the resulting compressive or decompressive features when combined in higher ct states.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

AuT and what is wrong with everyone but me-and maybe you

I am sorry that i pontificate, but I really enjoy pontificating, you can't deny me a little enjoyment, but I apologize.  Well, I guess I'll pontificate anyway.
I read these articles and I ask myself, why doens't nbc news know what they are talking about.
It is hard to have all of the answers and to not have the audience.  I am surrounded by idiots.
I have more or less definitively answered all of these questions and yes, the equation needs some work, figuring the right way to handle the integration from x=0 to max x using fpix is a bit complex especially given the survival of historical information from prior states, but the basic idea is essentially done.

1) what is matter.
2) why is gravity weird
3) why is time in only one direction
4) where did all the antimatter go-well took care of that today and yesterday
5) the grey zone between solid and liquid-that one's not something i've addressed but I will
6) unified field theory-definitely been there and done that, by showing what fields are and that they aren't what pre aut physics say there are
7) how did life come to exist-also covered, but why is it so dumb?  Obviously stupidity is built into the system in the illusion of entropy but shouldn't the physics community send me a flower arrangement?

I will work on this further as time allows, but fo tonight I just want to point out that this article is stuck with looking at the non-existent higgs boson and most of the physicists who read this will reject it because they are praying to an idol that isn't even there.

If you buy books 1-3 and read the last 10 posts, you'll know 10 times more than the person who wrote this post and hopefully this month I'll publish at least a version of book 4.  Unless i decide to pull my hair out instead.

AuT-flying cars and negative gravity

I did say that if there were flying cars in the future, that my theory would be attached to them, so let's get down to brass tacks and get a flying car built.  There is a better drawing than this in the book showing this process, but everything comes out pretty well in the description and you can follow the general rules and making a flying car.

Chapter 3B Flying cars (its not really called flying cars in book 4)

Solutions are additive in AuT based on F(x) so we can presume that the common solutionat Z changes according to -3, -3+5, 2-7, -5+9 for example.   This shows the first four solutions, but you could take the 50th solution 2.83x10^127 in place of any of the others or the 49th-7.24x123 as part of a common solution.
So each ct state has a life based on this sum which is related to several solutions based on -1^x and less particularly to the value of pi for any value of x.  The method of summation is related to the two prior results being summed along with the effect of each new ct0 states as a possible source number.
These solutions provide the ct0 and ct1 carrier states which support ct2 dimensional features establishing (1) their length of survivall, (2) their matter vers antimatter states and the resulting compressive or decompressive features when combined in higher ct states.
The reason there is more matter than antimatter is because the solutions define more positive ct1 carrier sates (64 information arms) than negative carrier states.
F(pluspix) is the derivative feature of 0’ that gives the state to all subsequent ct states.  However, the degree of length can vary greatly depending on how this feature is manipulated as shown in the relative sin functions for degrees.  Since it is a quantum universe, the fractional ctstates seen with sin series greater than one are not considered accurate or as accurate as the the f(pluspix) function.
The plus or minus length of ct0 leasds to ct1 of lengths defined by the carrier sums for ct 2.  If the sum of ct1 carriers are 5000, still very very short, then it would take 5000 changes o fx before there would be a change.  If -7000 it would also take 7000 changes of x but it would be a negative or antimatter state for that period of time.   So you can make a state that opposes gravity at any degree and for any length of time you want in tehory.
The carrier for positive states generates gravity for each change in x as a movement over the carrier for its defined length.  Each carrier for negative states generates negative gravity and antimatter.
What is obvious from this is that it is possible to generate negative gravity within a net ct positive environment and that not only is space not a problem, but that space can be used to give either the positive or negative carrier states required.
The Solution is additive in AuT based on F(x) so we can presume that the common solution at Z changes according to -3, -3+5, 2-7, -5+9 for example.   This shows the first four solutions, but you could take the 50th solution 2.83x10^127 in place of any of the others or the 49th-7.24x123 as part of a common solution.
The math isn't all that complicated.
-1^n/2n+1! Derives from an evolving pi definition of 2*y/[pi(x)^2n+1]
Pi(x) is defined as f(pluspix) Pi= N+(from 2 to max x)N/F(pix)] as defined in more detail below.

So the equation that defines the whole universe looks something like this: sum(0-x)Sum(0-[pix]])[2F(n)^(n^2)/[pix]^2n+1] where F(n) is the Fibonacci number for any value of n and where n is defined by the possible amount of compression of information for value of x balanced against how much is positive and how much is negative.

Interested?  I'm looking for a partner to help me make a floating car for a friend of mine, but if you're a country, maybe you'd rather have floating tanks.  Please send small unmarked bills in the amount of say, $100 million dollars and a return address so I can tell you when I finished.
Book 4 is coming soon.

AuT-The counter for change and antimatter

What's a matter?  Anti-matter?
We live in a universe where there is more matter than anti-matter.  Pre-AuT mathematics is at a loss for such results.  Of course, AuT has no such problems and predicts this result.
The creation of standard clock time and space time effect this result so it makes sense that what we're looking for is the dimensional application of f(x).
Looking at the figure below, it is seen that the first carrier state, the ones that will ultimately control the length of time between compression and decompression and between matter and antimatter only come from the first to dimensional states.
The sin solution for pi(0) and for pi(1) both have inflection points that change over time.
It is suggested, at least in o-space mathematics, that one controls the movement between compression and decompression and the other controls the difference between positive and negative spirals, matter vs anti-matter based on whether this carrier is positive or negative.
This alternating features appears to be lost at higher ct states so there are no other features alternating other than the compression vs decompression, defining whether particles and the universe as a whole are tending towards expansion or contraction. The other alternating feature changes the nature of the particles within the expanding or contracting matrix.

The counter between inflection points is based on the f(pluspix) equation which grows longer which each value of x.  The change is based on the movement along quantum lengths until the inflection point represented by the solution of f(pluspix) less the number of changes of x along the carrier (information arm) changes from positive to negative and changes from positive to negative changing the result from compressive to decompressive.
            A net expansive universe would have positive results and this may reflect why there is more matter than anti-matter which suggests that the amount of anti-matter would begin to increase with a compressing universe till it is greater than the amount of matter.

            While this changes at one rate for pi, for sin ratios it changes at an exponentially slower rate.  The amount of stability in the system can, therefore, be whatever is required depending on which feature is tied to the carrier.  In this case, it is suggested that the carrier is governed by what has always been suggested as the underling carrier, the solution for positive vs negative in the first time-dimension based carrier, the 64 in ct1 states which last as positive or negative in accordance with the point of transition when the state changes between positive and negative, matter and anti-matter.

Monday, August 14, 2017

hidden pieces

i look so hard
for a little hidden piece
to find you 
to bring you into my life
to give me understanding
and peace
where are you
are you so hard to find
because you are so small
or is it something else
and what will you give me
if ever i find you
is there some peace
some small comfort
as small as you
but more filling
what are these things
that keep me from finding you
are they bigger than you
do you hide behind them
are they more important
do i miss you because i think of them instead
oh bad little piece of my life
that leaves all the other pieces
lost and alone
no matter how much i know
until i know you
i will be ignorant
no matter what joy i find
without that one missing piece
i will not know true happiness
sometimes you are close
i can reach out and touch you
i can almost 
but not completely hold you
i glimpse what you hold for me
i glimpse what i need from you
completion and contentment
a finish to things
or at least a place to finish them
where are you tonight
hidden from me
by my own blindness
why is it
that you seem so much bigger
more important
than all the other pieces
and why are they nothing
without you
the only thing i want 
is to find
the hidden pieces

i feel a bit of a ghost here.   as if i have walked into an empty classroom which i suppose i have.  on my blog (, i have been making notes and incorporating them into the 4th book.  The new material is much more extensive than i planned originally.  There is the determination of where the range of force comes from, there is the derivation of space proven, but with a twist, proven by way of creation of the first of the dimensional information arms, but in space, not as a part of the dimensional characteristic itself.