
Thursday, August 17, 2017

on being chosen

There are a lot of unhappy physicists who read this now and some pretty unhappy ones who will have to read it later; part of a required course on AuT.  Some will mistakenly feel jealous, what did that clown do to deserve the honor of figuring out how the universe works, to come up with the theory.  He is vain, undisciplined, to some extent his education, while including advanced calculous and physics, inadequate to the task.  Hell, he wasn't even smart, but he pontificates to the point of exhaustion of his readers.
Irony is built into the universe, deriving from infinite converging series which from a logical perspective are the origin of irony, and the first thing given to Zeno from parminides.  Indeed, the history books will bury my work in those who steal it, those who perfect it, unfairly, but the universe will correctly say that it originated 2500 years ago in a concrete form, perhaps I will be listed as the thief who stole the work, a modern prometheus who will be treated the same way.  That is, after all, what this post is about.  Or maybe the universe will give the credit to the Greek Muse who gave me the work of Zeno and Parminides which filled in so many blanks with so few words.  That would be ironic too, perhaps less inappropriate than some other choices, the Muse was the true Prometheus, in that scenario, I merely a co-conspirator.  Such is the future to which I will be subject.
Indeed, having put the theory out there in the concrete form in this blog, the universe is largely done with me on this issue and need not treat me well with recognition, wealth or anything else.  It did not see the need to pamper me to get me to this point, providing no grants or great wealth from which to build my theory or pay for research or assistance from others.  If anything just the opposite, it took whatever it gave me back and left me to build AuT from the Ashes of life, nothing but the muse and a few thousand years of civilization, little enough for the part I played.  If you could see some of the meals I was forced to eat, my near blindness, the cruelty that was necessary to point me towards this work you would only get a glimpse of the horrors the universe had in store over the trillions of years and even higher values of x necessary to get us to these last few posts; and yes, its trillions, the big bang being definitively proved by AuT to be nothing more than one of many transitional events.
Einstein, Newton, Parminides and even Leo di Bionacci could at least bask in their cleverness.  AuT forces me to admit that I am not clever.  I am a few clogs and levers in an infinitely diverging and converging mathematical model whose claims to conceit and fame are as ludicrous as allowing me the dubious honor of sharing the theory of everything, the real one hawkins, not your brilliantly written, but incorrect one.
Maybe if I was a nicer person, my work would receive a wider acceptance in my lifetime, but perhaps it takes a rejection of other works, which, admittedly, I relied on heavily for mine which originates as a combination of Einstein's and Hawkins work.  Perhaps the universe knew it needed a bruised, battered, half blind clown to make the next major advance in physics.  It has one, and you have AuT.  I wonder, even now, having completed this work except for applying the concepts more specifically to the math, putting together the pieces of mathematical machinery which will prevent a premature jumping of states, and better defining the math of transitional states, the work of countless scientists who are nothing more than minions to my work, itself  a minion of that greater machine.  I wonder if the universe will even let me publish book 4, so far written and edited already that it itself something much more than these poor blog posts.
When I originally penned this work, even EHT, it seemed likely that it was a work with only a dark side.  It did, after all, to me, kill my gods and provide at best a very poor replacement.
So far its has largely been received with derision.  My favorite is one magazine's editor quote, "it didn't add to science" or some such nonsense.  One day, hopefully that editor will have the opportunity to eat those words, but the universe doesn't really care whether I benefit or not.
Indeed, perhaps my personality is one which has to be punished and plushed in equal parts for the cogs and levers to turn in just the right way; but having turned, what remains?
And you can think what you want of me and my theory because if my theory says anything, it says we are immune from your thoughts and criticisms because if it wants, you will have faith in it one day and if it determines otherwise you will not.  And do what I will the statutes of the future or the gutters of today will embrace me with equal certainty.
It does, however have a bright side for some others.  It will be possible to build a car that floats, at least in theory.  It will not be Fred McMurray's jalopy filled with flubber, it will use the most dangerous of fuels, but also the cheapest.  It will be the world of the Jetson's tightly packaged and dangerous, a car wreck destroying city blocks, cities, entire worlds perhaps, so many cogs and levers changed because the universe dictated they would change long, long ago.

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