
Monday, January 29, 2018

The missing 27 and AuT as a superior tool

Non linear time theory keeps getting orders which is somewhat frustrating.  I have tried to take that out of the market as a theory which is years out of date and of more theoretical, than practical value.
If you are ordering a book, I'd go for book 5 if you only order one, books 2 and 5 if you're only ordering two, and you should order 6 too, are all 6 if you don't want to miss anything, but what do I know (other than the super symmetry underlying the universe).

So where do we find our little 22 resurfacing, if anywhere?
27 is 3^3 just as 32 is 2^(2^2)
In terms of n this is (n+1)^((2^n)-1) for n=2
There is an opposite ratio just as there is the primary (f(n)^2^n) there is 3^3 which would allow for f(n)^3^n in some limited circumstances.
These derivative features lead us to assume that the derivation of 256 is no mere coincidence of mathematics, and is related to the growth of information from 27 to 256.
We will continue with this analysis in future posts.

For the moment, however we need to point out why AuT is superior as a tool for examining scientific results and this article on "mysteries" is a good place to start.  Now I know many of you think I am a metaphorical tool, but you have to understand the hardships I work under, the failure of physics to fall over itself to congratulate me and like issues that contribute to my contrary and unlikable nature.  It isn't that I am spoiled, just disappointed.  If I am a tool, I am a superior tool, at least if I'm right.

Scientists have discovered the origins of the most mysterious particles in the universe

This is an interesting article, as usual with AuT more interesting because of what it doesn't say.
AuT allows that features of different particles tell more about their existence than what we otherwise observe in pre-AuT physics concerning origins.

Let us parse some of these features.
A dimensional element (particle and energy are no longer accurate terms for what we observe) have these features:
1) Compression state-more matterish, more energyish and if energy, then wave or photon
      a) if it exhibits mass that indicates a higher state of compression
      b) force features-since different forces arise from different ct states, a gravity based particle might be either energy or matter-ish but if it has ct5 elements (strong/weak forces) then it has to be a black hole derivative.
      c) Break down features-only ct4 can bread down to ct3 etc
2) Speed-ct1 substitution, the higher the more it tends towards the energy spectrum, even for elements with mass; always a trade off
When these "mystery particles or transition states are examined in the light of AuT their true nature and their source can be better determined and understood.

And, for those of you not ordering out of date versions of the theory, book 6 is live on kindle!

AuT book 6 update

Without over-editing the last 200 pages, I was able to get book 6 down under 300 pages, close enough to make it publishable.  Certainly by page 50 the editing is largely cursory, by page 150 even the formatting is cursory; but those last 200 pages are half historical review and half conceptual framework for the final theory and bear subsequent discussion in light of their limited role.
The meat of the book is in the first 50 pages, much of which is covered in the summary being posted here. 
Book 6 will be ready to order, probably by February 1.
The forward sets out what is accomplished and what this book represents.  A slightly new cover design is used (below) to represent this watermark.
I have said many times that upon this publication or that I will take a well deserved break from the fairly constant development of this work.  I don't believe I should say that today, but I can say that you no longer have to look to Spirals in Amber for any of the theoretical work in AuT.  Other than a potentially important deletion of some critical concept, all of Spirals has been incorporated into the 6 books of AuT.
Having said that, and I have to laugh a little about this, the last 240 pages of "A spiral in Amber" were not included in the edits of "Sprials in Amber."  A cursory glance indicates that not much is lost in that omission, but time will tell.

Here is the forward from AUT Book 6, Dimension, Time and Logic

Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT) is the most fundamental view of the universe in existence. It appears counter-intuitive.  When understood is so predictive and consistent, it overcomes the problems of intuition and provides a detailed explanation of the underlying super symmetry in our universe.   
Book 1 contains the definitions that are new to AuT, Book 2 has the most extensive summary of the entire theory, Book 3 introduces supersymmetry as the framework for the universe we experience; Book 4 describes the transition from non-dimensional phenomena to space time; and Book 5 contains the detail solutions showing how the AuT list is answered, the list of otherwise unexplained universal phenomena explained by AuT.
This book, Algorithm Universe Theory Book 6 has the edited and most up to date version of the summary explaining time and the origin of geometry as well as the remaining, largely unedited notes showing how spiral phenomena led to AuT. 

The publication of book 6, ends a seminal undertaking.  Even though not edited much for the last 200 pages and perhaps only fully edited in the first 60 pages in the first edition, is the end of the rewrite of Spirals in Amber and an accomplishment by being the first essentially complete definition of Super Symmetry.

There remains a great deal of work defining relationships, extending the theory further and additional reconciling and corrections, but the underlying super symmetry of the universe is defined no in the 6 books of Algorithm Universe Theory.

While even today, there are notations that improve the discussion of super-symmetry, in book 6, it is time to publish the first draft.

Here's a little gem from page 48 of book 6.
1.     Observed phenomena make it possible that only the outer shell of the combined compressed states makes this exchange.  That is spatial ct1 exchange only occurs at the outer levels of the atmosphere and as you get closer to the planet, the ct1 exchanges are those within the atmosphere exchanging with one another.  While a little hard to grasp, the lack of true movement makes it possible for planets and solar systems and galaxies and the entire universe to appear to change position based only on the outermost layers exchanging with the purer solutions/forms of ct1.

Eventually, it will be everywhere, but you saw it first.  This is the cover photo used for book 6.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

AuT summary part quatre

Oh dark and dreary morning
i peer through your gloom
and nothing new is coming

i reach deep into my mind
and find no future revelation
no glorious afterlife to covet

darkness follows blackness
cold follows wet
alone after loneliness

Yet you tell me
it can be fixed
life can transcend

anger, wait
regret, later
but not death

eventually the sun
enslaved freedom
drunken happiness

That is worth waiting for?
Sunday comes with rain and silence
God is quiet

Religious commentary
We are apes, we are incomplete, wicked, fallible.  That being said, if you hold people to some artificial standard of decency you should do it in a non-hypocritical manner or you should be willing to be called a hypocrite.
Since religion is shown by AuT to be nonsense, at least at the level of faith; perhaps the hypocrisy of the religious right can be used to end their stranglehold of the minds of those who take their enriched leader's superior knowledge of god on faith.  It's not the worst of ideas.

Philosophy, disproving the value human endeavors for example, is inherent in the theory.  It is not disproving god, just a recognition of a non-random system that eliminates free will and hence the requirement of following a set of rules dictated by enslaving religious doctrine.  
Freedom from external guilt and regret, still enslaved to that which you cannot surrender.
This part quatre is very short and may be a little confusing because when it was pasted, it changed the numbering from sub-numbers to primary numbers.  These things cannot be helped.  I have arrived at page 50 and from this point forward, my goal is to delete more than I add.  I hope to go from 385 pages down to perhaps 300 with the idea that it can be dropped further with time.  It's already down to 349 and wreckless deletions should bring it down to the point where a very rough draft of book 6 can be printed completing the transition from spirals to AuT.
It is possible given the breakthroughs in books 1-5 and the clarity in the first portions of book 6 that all of the rest of book 6 could simply be deleted.  However, there are, hidden in this section, interesting observations on the transitions between states and net effects, like the whole intersecting spiral illusion that for so long misdirected AuT, while necessarily taking it to the place where we find ourselves today.
So, I have to read through and understand a paragraph and then modify or delete it.  A slow and painful process because of repetition and the desire not to destroy something which might be important later.. AuT survives and thrives because of small things that happened along the way, just so.

We're going in the first 10 or 12 pages of the summary, but this is from page 40 and is worth thinking about, one of those interesting asides that keep me from deleting the rest of book 6:

An argument can be made that from our point of view, there are two separate universes.  One is the "true" universe which has a clock based on the quantum changes in a single variable.
The second universe is the relativistic universe that we call space time and it is a shadow of the first universe.
The division between these two can be understood as follows:
          In the first universe the entire universe changes with each click of x.  This is a single variable controlling the entire universe and is the case.

          In the second universe, there is the illusion of separation of time, but from our perspective, it is a durable solution.

Around page 45, I get into the mathematical details of this discussion.

What do I hear from the physics community to my new reality?  Perhaps I should ask, 'my TRUE reality?'

If the need for an extensive irony was not required before this next step is taken, before the admission that I have cracked the code to the universe, then it might be that the world of physics is too stunned to respond.  Equally likely it is too self-serving, that result contains irony. 
 Look at me, mr. personality.

Here is today's post, quatre.

3.  All of these solutions grow from the prior solution.  -1 to 1, the first results of fpluspix.
4.  The next solution is f(x)^2^x where f(x) is 2 times the Fibonacci number for x where the effect of the ratio of 1:f(x)^2^x is to introduce place and therefore compression and dimension into the universe.

5.  Space is the source for the derivation of photons (x=2) and as you follow this upward for x=4 you get the scale equation w(wave energy)=f(4)^2^4 which is e=mc^2 in terms of scale.  The next scale increase (f5)^2^5 happens to be the minimum observed size of a black hole.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A break from changing the paradigm of reality

Soon I will prove the arrow to apple using speed of light to show ct1 state sharing and exchange and why paradox doesn't arise in quantum environment.

But first, the fourth chapter of "The science of nostradamus" in celebration of reaching chapter 16 in the first edit of the 45,000 (now) word text.
This is just the first edit of a very rough group of chapters in several stories which form this book.

1.      Before the ice age 1

          The perpetual spring sunshine washed over the four travelers walking in a line.  There was no road, although the trail was more pronounced because of the increasing traffic.  If things did not change, wheeled vehicles which had been discussed around communal cooking fires would expand these paths.  The prototype with two solid wheels, a cart dragged by men sat in the central market.
They could see the low walls and the huts within the breastworks of the new city.  Already they were at the fields where the trees had been pulled from the ground by long ropes pulled by much of the population to plant the first true farms. 
There were 2,000 people living within the walls, the first superpower of the primitive world even though the walls were nothing more than dirt thrown up and felled trees stacked between the gaps.
          Of the small group moving afoot, two could be recognized as modern men, one was a Neanderthal.  Following in the rear was a female, more human than not.  “Marrr,” The leader said looking back, “What do you see?”
          “I see the fire and then snow.  It no change,” Marrr said with a combination of grunts and hand signals.  His concern, however, was clear.
          “How can there be nothing beyond the snow,” the woman asked.
Marrr grunted.  He did not have the same ability to speak at the others, but like many of his kind, he could see the future.  In a cruel irony, those who saw the future had almost no ability to pronounce words and the lack of words prevented them from explaining how it was done, but the only half man who could speak and see in the future explained that it was like a stream coming out of the future but from all directions at once, like remembering history, but it was the future, confused with the past.  It was useful to prevent surprises, but lately there had been this strange new vision, nothing but snow.
          It had not snowed in many years and the winters had always been mild in the memories of the occupants of Plaent, the name of the new city. 
This disturbing vision of constant snow bothered Nord who led the city.  They were coming up to the law mud walls.  The city was the only one known to the new men who until now had always lived in small camp like communities, often migrating with herds. 
A few generations back, one of Nord’s ancestors had proven that by loosening the soils and spreading the most edible portions of the grains and the least edible parts of the trees that the food yields could be increased and kept close to the community, storing food in clay huts, reduced the amount of grazing required in the winter.  This supplemented the meat from hunting and the winter feed allowed for animals to be kept in the pens year-round.  It was a time of great excitement and hope, but then came this new, terrifying vision.
There was more free time to worry about new things, like the terrifying vision; but there was also talk of a new idea, “experimenting” to improve the mud records that were used increasingly.   One of the visions was of huge volumes of writing tablets in high shelves in clay huts like the crops, storing words like food till it became too numerous to describe.
One man talked about building taller buildings and already they had added moveable gates where the walls met the paths.
But all of the happy ideas, were eclipsed by the talk of snow, at least for the four travelers.
“The idea,” Nord had argued, “Is to visit the witch who lives by the volcano.   She can see further into the future or she can help Marrr see further and we can see what lies beyond this snow.”
The small group was returning to the city from attempting to recruit the powerful, black haired hunter,  Horenz, who stood almost six feet tall.  He had been to the great mountain that smoked where the witch lived.  He was the only one who had ever traveled so far, having gone in pursuit of raiders who had taken his wife.  He had caught them at last, killed them everyone, but his wife was dead. 
Afterwards, Nord had attempted to talk Horenz into returning to the city to take another wife, but he had refused.
The woman stopped to pull a sharp stone from her bare foot.  They all were barefoot, although some were beginning to wear animal skins on their feet.
“How will we live if this happens?” The had asked Horenz.  Skella was Horenz’s dead wife’s sister.  It was felt she could convince him.  “Crops do not grow in snow.” 
“I do not care if you live.  All I want is to live alone.  Even if you see the witch and the fire, it will not stop the snow, if the snow is coming.”
It was disappointing to come back with Horenz who might have guided them past dangers only he knew.  As they approached, a curious crowd opened the wooden gate to the city and came out to meet the small group.  Others stood looking out over the waist high wall.
It would be disappointing for the people behind the walls and terrifying for the group that would travel to the mountains.  Horenz was one of the strongest hunters of them all, yet when he had returned he had been thin and wasted.

AuT-a parsing of time part one

I could dwell on news events today or on my personal problems which I bother you with.  I thought about a piece wondering about why they have a museum to the holocaust, but not to the dark ages and the post christian eras of rome when jews were denied to right to build new temples.  It seems like there is a missed museum opportunity.
At different points in time the dominate religions have been polytheism, theocracy or the devine king, christianity, islam and even arguably darwinism as a catch all for science.  Hebrew, for some reason, has never caught on being more of the religion of the cast away.
AuT offers a different version of god, although not so very different from every form that god has had. God in this case is a quasi-god, un-anthromorphised.  It is an underlying concept more than a force which guides the universe in a very real sense, but according to a rule which looks entirely logical to us but which could be altered by shifting mathematical solutions or redefining the underlying math.  Indeed, if AuT is taken up as a study, as it certainly will be when sufficient irony is applied to the problem (i.e. after I'm dead or they find someone else to give credit for the discovery) we may one day become gods.  But that is another story.

I have a bit of scientific artistry to deal with, which appears with sufficient specificity in Book 5 to be worth reading and in book 6 will be even better preserved for posterity, assuming my broken heart and tattered eyes take me that far.  Book 6 is already such a singular work that I wonder that I shouldn't publish it with only the first 30 or 40 pages edited (out of 400).  Time will tell.  For you, however, my loyal and unloyal readers, the magic will be revealed.

This is the first part of a two or three part post only because I am lazy, impatient and unpleasant.  As I write this, I am waiting for the sun to come up.  It is dark, quiet, and I am alone.  Those things add a dark light to my morning and from the darkness light will come.

Time can be envisioned as the non-substitution state.  This can defined by virtue of its features, the features of time:.
1) Histwa': history must be partially preserved-so it must relate to undestroyed higher ct state
2) Aging- history degrades so it must be a form for higher ct state aging over time
3. Velocity offsets other versions of time, time is velocity in part
4.F-series building: The present is built from the past
5.  fpluspix: Time vibrates compression
We will begin with these 4 features of time.  Arguably they incorporate all the features of time.  Super symmetry allows us to avoid the romantic traps of  lost time, insufficient time, lengths of time, the end of time and other self centered aspects that before AuT, the ultimate in self centeredness, born from self-pity, relegated all prior physics to some dusty shelf.
 History finds itself in a strange role in AuT.  History does, of necessity, come from F-series type building, the building of the present from the "ruins" of the past, combining prior sates to get to the new state.  Time, it seems, as we define it, allows us to look backwards.  In a quantum universe, the ability to experience the universe almost requires this.  If the present is not built from the past, how in a true quantum universe, could we look back.  The alternative would be to accept some pre-AuT version of time which is absurd.  The idea of building from nothing was an attractive early version of AuT that still applies to history, even while the building of the universe from F-series transactions is largely a ct1-ct2 phenomena and not one of origin although I can be forgiven for the mistake given the fact that "time" as we experience it began that way or was begat that way, the building of the future from the past is an imperfect f-series transaction. 
We see history degrade and for that matter we degrade.  If you were to look at me, you would say, he has degraded quite a bit, indeed he is more degraded than not.  If you were to look into my mind, you would say he has morally degraded to a frightening extent.  What would I see if I looked into your mind?  Where was I?  Oh yes, history fades, things get older.  Information does not age, only the results change.  We know from AuT that this means Time must have a complex structure (f-series building) and that this complex structure must break down internally, but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves or I'll have to change my upside down triangle. 
Velocity offsets time.   How does something as different from time as velocity change it?  That question, of course, is pure pre-AuT nonsense.  Ct1 exchange is velocity.  You will, very shortly, see my solution to the Zeno paradox, yes, yes, you pointed that out to me when you read early versions of the work.  Go ahead, say the Nobel prize is yours, I'd have a hard time arguing that it shouldn't go to you and Parmenides; but you were, after all, pointing out that i had (arguably) come to the solution of that paradox independently.  Perhaps, I should put that solution in here now, since this paragraph provides the solution indirectly. No, that is not the type of person I am and if you look even superficially, you will see it here.  Feel free to point it out, it has been distributed to an audience already, is inherent in the published volumes of AuT and where was I?  Oh yes, if time is ct1 substitution, and history is built from higher state compression sharing, then doesn't that bring us to the next item in the triangle?
We know the present is built from the past because of how we experience the present and how we can manipulate the present to get the next stage.  Pre-AuT physics came up with the goofy idea that time was a dimension, despite the fact that Einstein showed that we each have our own time. We do, of course, each have our own time and our own dimension for that matter, but this is because of how it is built and that time and dimension dissipate outward.  From our absurdly self centered compressed selves, as we move away from each other, we introduce space (look backwards for the paradox answer) and that means we give up the sharing of time and introduce a lack of dimension between us.  Under the influence of high gravity states (or more accuarate high compression environments like the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, etc) the distances and compressed states are recycled as the present is continually recycled and this gives history it's echo-y quality.
Time therefore vibrates in a compressed environment and time doesn't really exist out side of a compressed environment.  The compression is offset by the vibration action of the information arms, allowing the build up but also allowing its destruction as the individual solutions along the information arm go from positive to negative and back again, or more likely from negative to positive, although that chicken and egg have very little non-theoretical relevance at our stage of things.
So there you have it, time defined by its features, part one.
I am Ozymandias, king of kings;
look at my works and despair.
(altered slightly from the original)

The first 5 books

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

AuT summary part trois

In book 6 today i showed how the zeno Achilles paradox is no paradox at all in AuT.  It was gratifying.
A lot of the information below has been edited in book 6 and I'm only on page 20 of perhaps 3 or 4 hundred pages.  I'm close enough to the truth, the most specific truth, however, that I'm trying to be careful.
I had a nightmare about genius, while I was awake.  I'm not sleeping well right now; waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Where does genius come from?

AuT shows that you can find genius under a rock, that it came come from the slimy things that creep in your nightmares, from me.

And yet, horrible as i am, you know you want me, you want to see what will come next.
Is it my science you want to see or my destruction?  You hold me in contempt because I am contemptible, I look through you because you are invisible in the bright light of my science.  I should be bigger, but the world slowly grinds me between wheat stones, like the bug in your breakfast cereal; so I am small and I use the victory that you gave to me to lord over you for the sake of pettiness, my pretty.

Aut proved that velocity was a form of time, a lower ct state substitution.
We know that velocity is not a dimension, so only a dimwit would hold that time is a dimension now.
Indeed, knowing the interaction of velocity and time, it is so painfully obvious that time cannot be a dimension that it is more incredible than not that I had to invent this conceptually, but that is because I know how to use pain, indeed it may well be that I create pain for the purpose of using the power that is in it.  Evil, the opposite of good, but with the best of intentions.

You disagree with me, because you want to cling to your neon gods, instead of the real god that speaks through me.

I was going through some music I like. I think its important to determine whether your musical tastes and mine are compatible. Of course, if my physics is right, I'd argue that makes my music right.  I'll have to think on the logic of that one.

On to the post in question., Summary part 3:
This feature of relative change, instead of absolute change is what allows a single change in a single variable to be experienced as if all the other changes are operating on separate, independent variations.
At the ct0 and ct1 states, all there is potential for positive and negative results and in the case of fpluspix, the ability to achieve inflection point life spans on the scale that we see with big bangs and big contractions, currently around 20 billion years apart.  The specifics of this are set out in book 5.
2.  To get from positive and negative results to observed curvature you must compare results for different values of the numerator of pi which gives rise to “place” as one state is compressed to the next.
Table B-Fossilized origins of dimension
Table B shows the derivation of sin.
The derivations are complicated as the amount of information increase, so the ratio expected is only found in the ctpi0-ctpi1 transition.  The calculations reflected in Table B require a recalculation of pi and sin for each increase in information.  Since there is no dimension from ct0 to ct1 (dimension begins with the move from ct1 to ct2) you can use the first point solution (for 1) to get a solution and when this ratio is modified (by changing the variable value) to go from -1 to 1 (ctpi-1 to ctpi1) you get a ratio of 32/27/8.  This is the .148148 ratio solution highlighted or y=256/27 in the equation 2*y/(pi0^(2n+1) which yields mirror image results for pi=1 and -1, the -1 to 1 in Figure A.  Put another way, dimensional curvature of the universe originates from the application of fpluspix from which is derived the simple compression function 2f(n)^2^n which comes from the simple equation: 256/27/(-1)=negative of 256/27/1.
The 8 is separated for the inquiry since “whole numbers” come as -8 and 8 if 32/27 is used.  This is discussed at some length in books 2 and 4.
The compression required (256:27) to get from ct1 to ct2 is derived just as to get to fpluspix you preserved the distance between -1 and 1, then 1 to -2 and so on (book 5). 

This 256 is a solution to f(x)^2^x for 2 places and is preserved as the ratio from which compression is derived, presumably with certain permutations just as the initial permutations occurred through remembered results of the prior solution.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The last slave ship and the oracle

Tonight was supposed to be about continuing physics inquiries, but this is worth a bit of diversion.
The first item on the agenda deals with the last slave ship to North America, the Clotilda, which may have been found due to the strong north winds which blew cold weather to the south and drained the Mobile river.

The article is worth a long look, because it sets out many of the players of this strange pre-civil war opera, 55 years after the importation of slaves was criminalized, but while slavery was still in vogue in parts of the United States.
In the book, Three empires on the Nile (spoiler alert) it is pointed out that today (as I write this) in Sudan a child slave may be purchased for 35.00 so the inhumanity of man is affirmed.  But even so this story at the end of slavery (the Cotilda was built in 1855, burned in 1860 and the civil war ended 1865, do the math) is worth knowing.
In short, scoundrels plotted to kidnap and smuggle africans into the United States, planning to sell them in Mobile.  Having been discovered at the end of their undertaking, they unceremoniously dumped the human cargo in an area which would be become known as Africatown (at the foot of the bridge that crosses the Mobile river, burned the boat to conceal the evidence and then bragged of their undertaking to the point where everyone knew who did it and what the did although nothing was ever done about it.
Anyway, this isn't a done deal, proof wise, but well worth the read.

Now while I'd like to work a bit on that story (above); given the fact that a reporter is on it, I'll give him a chance to finish since I'm pretty busy with other things.

Oracles figure heavily in the book I'm currently writing (The Science of Nostradamus) and it is worth nothing that they appear often in the bible, something which I discovered in reading about the temple of Solomon in a book about Justinian (Justinian's Flea) also well worth the read.  I originally thought and hoped the section I remembered was about Justinian's temple (church in modern parlance) but it turns out it is an old testament issue, but one of great import to my story none-the-less.
The "oracle" appears to be an area of the temple in these translations,
although other portions of the bible talk about speaking as an oracle

and indeed the Jews are referred in place of the oracle as a body in certain passages.

Now you rightly ask, why do you, someone who claims to have ruined the concept of a faith based god, care about the bible.  The reason is because the bible is one of the oldest historical documents known to man; not in itself, but in what it absorbs.  Observe:
40,000 years ago the first anatomically modern humans came on the scene, roughly lining up with the ice age although fire had been used for 600,000 years before today.  Neanderthals were around 400,000 years ago and were, for all intents and purposes modern humans and made tools and built shelters.
Sculputre dates from 38,000 years ago, at least.
There is evidence of burials almost immediate to the appearance of modern men and neadrathals (50,000 years ago), and by 9130 there were clear sites of religious usage (Bobekli Tepe)
Stonehenge was apparently finished in an early form in 3100 BCE.
While clearly stealing from the Sumarians, the historical record is nonetheless worth considering.
The Sumerians in 3500 BCE first left a religious record although there were certainly elements of religion that predate these records.  500 years before this there were, at a minimum "myths," in Egypt which were recorded and it is certain that for some period before these were written there was some record.  The Sumerian's work made it into the modern Bible at least in parts and probably via works at least attributed to moses.
By 2635 Pyramids were being built and written Egyptian religions date from 2494.
The greek (Minoan) muti-god version arose around 2200.
Around 1450-1250 Moses came up with the 10 commandments, 800 years after the greek pantheon, setting the groundwork for modern monotheism (western version).  King David, 1,000 BC, at least 250 years far down the line of descent, apparently left a few written fragments (10th century BC)  This conceptually means that in addition to the original stone tables (circa 1400 BCE) there were records being preserved from 2100 years earlier in some oral/written form certainly possible by collectors in egypt who would have had the wealth and resources to acquire written knowledge and perhaps relied on sumarians to some extent as their clerks.
It is worth nothing that a civilization arose in 5000 bc in theTigrisEuphrates valley, they invented writing in 3600 and within 100 years had left evidence of religious writing.  By 3000 bce they were using gold in manufacturing (jewelry at least), literature existed at least by 2500 bce, the written predecessor of the bible as laws existed by 2350 bce, the 2500 to 2800 sumerian king Gilgamesh was written up in the first great literary work between2150 adn 1400 (quite a spread that); the first version of the 10 commandments, the code of hammurabi appears in 1772 bce; roughly 300 years before it is adopted by Moses. It is worth nothing that 1120 the creation story is written while moses has a version 300 - 100 years earlier and these largely appear to be overlapping conceptually.
Given the way the records were subsequently reduced to writing, either may be the chicken or the egg although the Sumarians (many of whom probably ended up as jews) and the sumarians probably have a leg up.
Now if you get out your map, the egyptians were, of course, in egypt and the Sumarians were far across the now desert in Iraq.  Not a long trek in a car 21 hours and 1800 kilometers from the center of Sumarian civilization to the Nile, but an insane distance back then.  However, there are several factors at work 5000 years ago.   First, there was probably a lot more water, the euphrates (sumarian's water) was probably in rough contact with the nile (which had several ancient canals communicating by way of the persian gulf to the red sea.
You are correctly thinking (if you are very good in geography or looking at google maps) that this is a much longer distance around Saudi Arabian peninsula but while that was probably the ancient equivalent of sailing across the atlantic, given the number of possible stops along the coastline (presumably a more fertile coastline), the calm waters,  it seems unlikely that both the overland route and the coastal route were not regular trading routes.  The Egyptians had sailing ships by 3400 (probably the first) and to think they were not sailing around to Sumaria given the favorably sailing conditions is to limit the scope of their imagination and courage to a degree which makes little sense.  Indeed, rowing craft were undoubtedly making the trip at an even earlier date.
In addition, due to the improved conditions of arable (plow ready) land at that time, the two civilizations probably touched one way or another.
One can well imagine Moses studying writing with Sumarian Tutors or having sumarians who were accountants for the people who accompanied him by way of escape (the jewish version) or by being chased out of town (the egyptian version).  Indeed, sumarians escaping poverty or war almost certainly ended up in the slums of egypt and vice versa for the sumarian slums and those places were where the purges occurred.
But to get back on the subject at hand,
Parmenides was born in 515 BC and his ideas are both Jewish and non-religious in the senses that he saw a beginning from a single item, whether influenced by monotheism or not, it rings true to quantum issues.  He clearly wrestled with existence and pre-existence (which he could not grasp and perhaps rightly so because what happens at ct0 and before still has some existence, despite being independent of linear existence as we experience it.  Clearly Zeno (490 BCE (25 years the junior of Parmenides)) and he took P's work and came to the conclusion that the many are one, clearly an AuT concept as the Muse pointed out to at the beginning of my inquiries; appropriately "proof by contradiction."  AuT, absurd as it appears on its face, is rendered logical once thermodynamics is defined in terms of a result and not a force; finally removing the contradictions by showing our observation of the universe is that of actors in a film and not the actors themselves who in this case are in the underlying super-symmetry.
Both the arrow and the Achilles/Tortoise paradoxes force the examination not only of quantum nature of things but also require that we view both time, velocity and history a little differently although knowing that velocity is merely a subset of time allows the substitution of distance in the way we observe it.
The idea that you have to split distance continually is ruined when distance is quantum and beyond that distance reflects no dimension at all except for the reflection of information in various stages of compression or decompression allowing for the reality which is inconsistent with true dimension meaning that for all intents and purposes, Zeno and probably Parmenides had figured out that some feature like AuT governed the universe below the level of observation (thermodynamics) but they did not have the mathematical observations to zero in on it.
 It wasn't until 283-246 (200 years after P and Z) that King Ptolemy brought together rabbis to generate a Greek version (language) of the bible which we rely upon today in large part; converting a largely oral tradition to one in writing.  The idea was that 72 rabbis were gathered together for this process (the idea that they were in separate rooms and came up with identical versions is widely circulated, but its much more likely that their works were edited together meaning some stories almost certainly originated from a single source. But the access to the unitary god in the unitary concepts of Parmenides are of interest.
Anyway, that is a subject for another night, this is merely to entertain you and draw things from the muse together in a way that is both enlightening and perhaps entertaining.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Editing the 32/27 question

Before I point out that the connection between AuT f-series functions and pi features (fpluspix) have to be determined by looking backwards because there are too many ways to create a phantom looking forward from pi I want to take a moment to talk about relationships, trust and being there.
It is a good thing to have friends, from someone who doesn't have many that can be relied upon, I am good at saying that.  I have not spent my life in making friends, although I strive to take time for anyone who needs me to listen and to some extent I have made my way in this world by listening.  But I relish in conflicts, even while I despise them.  Perhaps I say that I allow conflict to arise when I know better and then try to reconcile them to serve all the various masters that I have created through the creation of expectations.  You, after all, expected me to solve the mysteries of space time, the universe itself, which was relatively easy for me by comparison to unwinding things, however easily it would be for you, or so you say.
My gift is genius, if I am right, and I have not gift of interpersonal and no gift at all if I'm wrong.  Ah well, the french have a phrase for it, I'm sure.
It is good to have lovers, in some ways the more the better, but in most ways just one really good lover is better..  I could spend considerable time in discussing this, but health issues aside, someone you can plow the field with and never get tired of what you're doing (planting?) is worth more than a series of meaningless dehumanizing fantasies, not that there is anything wrong with notching your bedpost if that's you're thing and your honest about it.
Being honest is something worth taking a moment to discuss, but I'm not going to wax eloquent, trust equals honesty.  If you lie constantly like certain politicians we know, you cannot be trusted and if your actions belay (the naval use of the term) your stated intentions, the same result occurs despite what intentions you may have.  I am a human of good intentions, but deep emotional commitments and petty selfishnesses that derail my train of thought.  Oo, I like that, "derail my train of thought..."  Where was I, before I derailed myself selfishly.  Ah yes, good intentions, bad results.
Selflessness I ask of no one, but moderated.
Reliance is a matter of degrees, not relationships. A fireman (fireperson?) can be relied upon to risk his life for total strangers, to get up in the middle of the night, to leave his/her family.  Policepersons and to a greater extent soldiers can be relied upon to die to carry out orders or to protect people based on where they are as opposed to because of a relationship.  Or perhaps that is a special relationship.
And yet, the closer we are, the more we love, the more reliance we put on our lovers.  How strong we have to be when they are not there for us, but it is your responsibility to decide how much of your life to put in the hands of others as much as it others, perhaps more, that what they are willing to sacrifice for you. It is not for me to judge the fireman person, the soldier or the hero, instead it is for me to judge myself.
This is a blog.  The entire theory is a work in progress, so there are mistakes.   Einstein took 10 years for relativity, at most I'm six years into this, realistically 2013 being the publication date of EHT, I'm only 5 years into it and even that work was largely just a discussion of two ideas, very different from AuT.   And all Einstein had to do was show relativity and time features which AuT was left to prove.  He did not provide a unified field theory, although he tried. Already, in half the time as it were, I eliminated Thermodynamics completely and redefined velocity and time in terms of history based on Fibonacci and information arm constructs redefining the fabric by showing it isn't fabric at all.
All well and good, better than well and good actually, but not perfect.
In this case, I couched my conclusions well and these are little more than the most vague inquiries into the relationship between compression states and the way they are determined here is at best a very rough approximation of the way the algorithm works.  For each change do you add another version of the prior number so instead of -1 you have -2?  How soon do you add one number to the other?
The suggested model, where ever state remains with the building of each subsequent state quickly becomes really complicated and I tried fly my waxed Greek wings toward the sun and the feathers melted off, its an honest mistake.  I need more support to do the type of calculations that would build even those first bundles and while the shortcut had seductive results, in the end there were too many different ways to get to the result I wanted,  I found unacceptable math errors in the simplified spreadsheets, the numbers that worked so well were the result of a strange coincidence in the math.
There is still that hint that the accuracy is hidden there, but the error lies in the complexity of even the first calculations.
big bangs (very small ones) sum diff
-1 diff betw Pattern
1 results abs diff
-1 0 -1
4 -5 -3 3
-5 9 -1 14 -2
7 -12 -2 -21 5
-4 11 3 23 1
9 -13 -5 -24 10
-11 20 -2 33 -1
6 -17 5 -37 5
-13 19 -7 36 -8
8 -21 5 -40 0
-8 16 0 37 -8
17 -25 -9 -41 9
-10 27 7 52 -1
19 -29 -9 -56 18
-12 31 7 60 6
21 -33 -9 -64 27
-23 44 -2 77 4
14 -37 9 -81 18
-25 39 -11 76 -7
16 -41 9 -80 9
-27 43 -11 84 -18
18 -45 9 -88 0
-29 47 -11 92 -29
20 -49 9 -96 -9
-31 51 -11 100 -40
33 -64 -2 -115 -7
-22 55 11 119 -29
35 -57 -13 -112 6
-24 59 11 116 -18
37 -61 -13 -120 19
-26 63 11 124 -7

This is one outcome of a nearly infinite number of ways of combining the information where by manipulation the 27th result is 33 and 32 result is 26 and certain resonances are the same, but it means almost nothing I now understand. 
There are clear messages in the transitions, but they are imperfect.
For example we know we can go backwards from f(x)^2^x=256 to the 256:27 ratio and back from there to a vibration effect of fpluspix and one step further back to -1^x, but the exact mathematical mechanism of "remembered result yields implied equation" remains to be fully defined.
I would argue (unfortunately somewhat waste of timeish) that I've already done everything that matters, leaving only for the janitor physicists to come behind me and sweep up the equations that fill in the blank, but to the extent I don't get there first, you can make what false arguments you will as to the relative importance of the various actors.
I cannot rely on history yet to come, although I would like to; and you cannot rely on me, much as I would like you to try.  I'm only human after all.  But whether you are ready to admit it or not, so are you.
And what does it mean to be human?  Is it this:

or is it this"

No it is more than both of these, the poets can define it differently, and if they all disagree, they can all be right.
Stay close to me and you will be run over when my train of thought derails, maybe I can make it worth your while, but I'm only a math solution after all.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The 32:27 question

The summary is written, but I am editing it as I go over and make the changes that are necessary in order to clarify it.
That being said, this relationship must predate me with all the mathematicians in the world, so maybe you'd point this out, a reply, a link it would not take long.
On to the post:
In the summary presentation in the prior two posts we reached this analysis:
"The derivations are complicated as the amount of information increase, so the ratio expected is only found in the ctpi0-ctpi1 transition.  The calculations reflected in Table B require a recalculation of pi and sin for each increase in information.  Since there is no dimension from ct0 to ct1 (dimension begins with the move from ct1 to ct2) you can use the first point solution (for 1) to get a solution and when this ratio is modified (by changing the variable value) to go from -1 to 1 (ctpi-1 to ctpi1) you get a ratio of 32/27/8.  This is the .148148 ratio solution highlighted or y=256/27 in the equation 2*y/(pi0^(2n+1) which yields mirror image results for pi=1 and -1, the -1 to 1 in Figure A.  Put another way, dimensional curvature of the universe originates from the application of fpluspix from which is derived the simple compression function 2f(n)^2^n which comes from the simple equation: 256/27/(-1)=negative of 256/27/1.
"The 8 is separated for the inquiry since “whole numbers” come as -8 and 8 if 32/27 is used.  This is discussed at some length in books 2 and 4.
Presumably, the double negative -43, -16 shown below results in “adding a place” going from 1 to 11 in terms of F-series numbers.
Patterns often appear just because you're looking at the same thing from different directions, but you'll see this one is pretty weird.
     The possibility of coincidence occurs, math error, and irrelevance; but AuT is self proving mathematically.  There is more reason to expect that the result that is expected occurs and look for the reason which will show why the first transition occurs and how it effect the subsequent transitions.
Independently, the examination of why this occurs and why it can be expected to create place, e.g. by the impossibility of a double result or by the very existence of the double result marking the two places is a piece of writing which is worthy of study.

AuT-Summary part duex

Here is a piece from "The Science of Nostradamus" which should be published in some form in February.
Our brains have huge amounts of processing power.  There are a billion specialized cells working off electric currents, one of the manifestations of  the alternating cycles of information.
Why would it be unusual for them to read the tides (incoming and outgoing) of history as it combines and breaks up to ascertain what is coming up if the patterns are there to begin with.
Yes, but if we can see them in advance, could we not change them?

You should go with me to get something to eat.  Strange, you have the opportunity to take the person who has figured out how the universe works (and you know why) and yet you don't take the opportunity to take me out to eat.
I know, you cay "i cannot, i have to write down my notes.
the movement of history..."

This little piece is a bothersome piece about the movement of time. I need to do some math on this, the 27:256 type.  I want to see if we could get to where we need to be using the method of averaging discussed in book 5 and set out in an earlier blog, although even then I don not believe that I went out even close to 27 places.  That is what I have to do, but even then it is a very complex mathematical averaging, especially if the prior states remain in place.  Anyway...

Velocity only goes in one direction in that there is no “anti-velocity.”  You can reduce velocity but you either move or you don't and AuT requires some movement,a change with each change in x, but relative changes can go in either direction, compression vs decompression.
High ct changes only move in one direction, only compression vs decompression change and this is a high ct result based on low ct variations.  
As long a ct changes of any size only moves in one direction, time only moves in one direction.  The compression vs decompression allows entropy can go in either direction, but that doesn't change ct substitution.  
Ct1 exchange is matched ct1 addition with ct1 subtraction in all cases so compression and decompression are how the rate change happens.
History builds from prior states, but these prior states separate from their attachments to be free to make the combinations and allow history to fall apart.

While you have information building it is building along a set path of addition inbalanced with subtraction of information but whatever “history” exists at a quantum moment reflects what is being added and not what is coming out which is potential, but not actual history which must be preserved in the present quantum compression moment to be appreciated.

And finally, the subject of this post, sorry the figures are not included, but they are mostly included in book 5 (they will be all there in book 6):

Figure showing the source of vibrational effects in the universe (fpluspix).
Importantly, as will be seen later, up to this point there is no dimension.  It is worth mentioning why this is so important.  This allows the universe to differentiate change rates.  In this case, this allows 27 changes to occur before a single ct2 change experiences time which gives the 27:256 ratio the effect of 1:256 for those of us in a dimensional environment. 
If there are 27 changes for a single ct2 movement it would insert an enormous level of complexity into the solutions of o-space.
This feature of relative change, instead of absolute change is what allows a single change in a single variable to be experienced as if all the other changes are operating on separate, independent variations.

At the ct0 and ct1 states, all there is potential for positive and negative results and in the case of fpluspix, the ability to achieve inflection point life spans on the scale that we see with big bangs and big contractions, currently around 20 billion years apart.  The specifics of this are set out in book 5...of course there are 5 books.

Friday, January 19, 2018

AuT-Summary Presentation: Part 1

I put together an article (two parts now) which is a summary presentation that covers this entire technology in summary. It is worth saying that the more the concept is understood, the shorter the explanation gets and this one is pretty short, although it's being presented in parts, only because I'm a difficult person with a difficult life.  This is 11 pages for this part, the other part is already published in this blog.

Time, the great enemy which isn't why you thought it was.
Time is over for me, all the grand plans I have, I'm too old to pursue them.
And yet,I figured out what time was.  I figured out the verybasis of the universe, i've become famous, if not now then in the future.  Or maybe that isn't true, you should be able to tell me.
The problem with lying is that no one can believe you when you need to offer future performance.
We have that problem at the highest level of government and at the lowest level of human interaction.
Inside the tense, profane White House meeting on immigration - Washington Post shared via
No one cares about my problems, but this example of the chickens coming home to roost is worth thinking about when you ask, "is honesty really important?"  Imagine what value trust could play in the current shut down crisis.

1) Dimension is defined by a series of related formula which are memorialized in the definition of pi:
Table A-Fossilized Origins of Space

Looking at the spreadsheet above you see a derivation of pi.  Note this is pi for 4, but pi for a numerator of 1, 2, 3 or 54 works the same way.  If you ignore the numerator, you can get pi0 which is important in the derivation of higher compression states of information as set out below. 
fpluspix is a numerator independent denominator ratio generator.
First you have -1^x, this is a feature of ct0.  It's important so watch for it later.
The next number of import is fpluspix which is a feature of ct1, you know it as space.   It is as simple as adding 2x(-1)^(x-1) to -1^x but it is an important transition since it defines the length of state changes and provides the first way in which the universe differentiates change.
Figure showing the source of vibrational effects in the universe (fpluspix).
Importantly, as will be seen later, up to this point there is no dimension.  It is worth mentioning why this is so important.  This allows the universe to differentiate change rates.  In this case, this allows 22 changes to occur before a single ct2 change experiences time which gives the 22:256 ratio the effect of 1:256 for those of us in a dimensional environment. 
This feature of relative change, instead of absolute change is what allows a single change in a single variable to be experienced as if all the other changes are operating on separate, independent variations.

At the ct0 and ct1 states, all there is potential for positive and negative results and in the case of fpluspix, the ability to achieve inflection point life spans on the scale that we see with big bangs and big contractions, currently around 20 billion years apart.  The specifics of this are set out in book 5.