
Monday, January 22, 2018

Editing the 32/27 question

Before I point out that the connection between AuT f-series functions and pi features (fpluspix) have to be determined by looking backwards because there are too many ways to create a phantom looking forward from pi I want to take a moment to talk about relationships, trust and being there.
It is a good thing to have friends, from someone who doesn't have many that can be relied upon, I am good at saying that.  I have not spent my life in making friends, although I strive to take time for anyone who needs me to listen and to some extent I have made my way in this world by listening.  But I relish in conflicts, even while I despise them.  Perhaps I say that I allow conflict to arise when I know better and then try to reconcile them to serve all the various masters that I have created through the creation of expectations.  You, after all, expected me to solve the mysteries of space time, the universe itself, which was relatively easy for me by comparison to unwinding things, however easily it would be for you, or so you say.
My gift is genius, if I am right, and I have not gift of interpersonal and no gift at all if I'm wrong.  Ah well, the french have a phrase for it, I'm sure.
It is good to have lovers, in some ways the more the better, but in most ways just one really good lover is better..  I could spend considerable time in discussing this, but health issues aside, someone you can plow the field with and never get tired of what you're doing (planting?) is worth more than a series of meaningless dehumanizing fantasies, not that there is anything wrong with notching your bedpost if that's you're thing and your honest about it.
Being honest is something worth taking a moment to discuss, but I'm not going to wax eloquent, trust equals honesty.  If you lie constantly like certain politicians we know, you cannot be trusted and if your actions belay (the naval use of the term) your stated intentions, the same result occurs despite what intentions you may have.  I am a human of good intentions, but deep emotional commitments and petty selfishnesses that derail my train of thought.  Oo, I like that, "derail my train of thought..."  Where was I, before I derailed myself selfishly.  Ah yes, good intentions, bad results.
Selflessness I ask of no one, but moderated.
Reliance is a matter of degrees, not relationships. A fireman (fireperson?) can be relied upon to risk his life for total strangers, to get up in the middle of the night, to leave his/her family.  Policepersons and to a greater extent soldiers can be relied upon to die to carry out orders or to protect people based on where they are as opposed to because of a relationship.  Or perhaps that is a special relationship.
And yet, the closer we are, the more we love, the more reliance we put on our lovers.  How strong we have to be when they are not there for us, but it is your responsibility to decide how much of your life to put in the hands of others as much as it others, perhaps more, that what they are willing to sacrifice for you. It is not for me to judge the fireman person, the soldier or the hero, instead it is for me to judge myself.
This is a blog.  The entire theory is a work in progress, so there are mistakes.   Einstein took 10 years for relativity, at most I'm six years into this, realistically 2013 being the publication date of EHT, I'm only 5 years into it and even that work was largely just a discussion of two ideas, very different from AuT.   And all Einstein had to do was show relativity and time features which AuT was left to prove.  He did not provide a unified field theory, although he tried. Already, in half the time as it were, I eliminated Thermodynamics completely and redefined velocity and time in terms of history based on Fibonacci and information arm constructs redefining the fabric by showing it isn't fabric at all.
All well and good, better than well and good actually, but not perfect.
In this case, I couched my conclusions well and these are little more than the most vague inquiries into the relationship between compression states and the way they are determined here is at best a very rough approximation of the way the algorithm works.  For each change do you add another version of the prior number so instead of -1 you have -2?  How soon do you add one number to the other?
The suggested model, where ever state remains with the building of each subsequent state quickly becomes really complicated and I tried fly my waxed Greek wings toward the sun and the feathers melted off, its an honest mistake.  I need more support to do the type of calculations that would build even those first bundles and while the shortcut had seductive results, in the end there were too many different ways to get to the result I wanted,  I found unacceptable math errors in the simplified spreadsheets, the numbers that worked so well were the result of a strange coincidence in the math.
There is still that hint that the accuracy is hidden there, but the error lies in the complexity of even the first calculations.
big bangs (very small ones) sum diff
-1 diff betw Pattern
1 results abs diff
-1 0 -1
4 -5 -3 3
-5 9 -1 14 -2
7 -12 -2 -21 5
-4 11 3 23 1
9 -13 -5 -24 10
-11 20 -2 33 -1
6 -17 5 -37 5
-13 19 -7 36 -8
8 -21 5 -40 0
-8 16 0 37 -8
17 -25 -9 -41 9
-10 27 7 52 -1
19 -29 -9 -56 18
-12 31 7 60 6
21 -33 -9 -64 27
-23 44 -2 77 4
14 -37 9 -81 18
-25 39 -11 76 -7
16 -41 9 -80 9
-27 43 -11 84 -18
18 -45 9 -88 0
-29 47 -11 92 -29
20 -49 9 -96 -9
-31 51 -11 100 -40
33 -64 -2 -115 -7
-22 55 11 119 -29
35 -57 -13 -112 6
-24 59 11 116 -18
37 -61 -13 -120 19
-26 63 11 124 -7

This is one outcome of a nearly infinite number of ways of combining the information where by manipulation the 27th result is 33 and 32 result is 26 and certain resonances are the same, but it means almost nothing I now understand. 
There are clear messages in the transitions, but they are imperfect.
For example we know we can go backwards from f(x)^2^x=256 to the 256:27 ratio and back from there to a vibration effect of fpluspix and one step further back to -1^x, but the exact mathematical mechanism of "remembered result yields implied equation" remains to be fully defined.
I would argue (unfortunately somewhat waste of timeish) that I've already done everything that matters, leaving only for the janitor physicists to come behind me and sweep up the equations that fill in the blank, but to the extent I don't get there first, you can make what false arguments you will as to the relative importance of the various actors.
I cannot rely on history yet to come, although I would like to; and you cannot rely on me, much as I would like you to try.  I'm only human after all.  But whether you are ready to admit it or not, so are you.
And what does it mean to be human?  Is it this:

or is it this"

No it is more than both of these, the poets can define it differently, and if they all disagree, they can all be right.
Stay close to me and you will be run over when my train of thought derails, maybe I can make it worth your while, but I'm only a math solution after all.

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