
Sunday, January 28, 2018

AuT summary part quatre

Oh dark and dreary morning
i peer through your gloom
and nothing new is coming

i reach deep into my mind
and find no future revelation
no glorious afterlife to covet

darkness follows blackness
cold follows wet
alone after loneliness

Yet you tell me
it can be fixed
life can transcend

anger, wait
regret, later
but not death

eventually the sun
enslaved freedom
drunken happiness

That is worth waiting for?
Sunday comes with rain and silence
God is quiet

Religious commentary
We are apes, we are incomplete, wicked, fallible.  That being said, if you hold people to some artificial standard of decency you should do it in a non-hypocritical manner or you should be willing to be called a hypocrite.
Since religion is shown by AuT to be nonsense, at least at the level of faith; perhaps the hypocrisy of the religious right can be used to end their stranglehold of the minds of those who take their enriched leader's superior knowledge of god on faith.  It's not the worst of ideas.

Philosophy, disproving the value human endeavors for example, is inherent in the theory.  It is not disproving god, just a recognition of a non-random system that eliminates free will and hence the requirement of following a set of rules dictated by enslaving religious doctrine.  
Freedom from external guilt and regret, still enslaved to that which you cannot surrender.
This part quatre is very short and may be a little confusing because when it was pasted, it changed the numbering from sub-numbers to primary numbers.  These things cannot be helped.  I have arrived at page 50 and from this point forward, my goal is to delete more than I add.  I hope to go from 385 pages down to perhaps 300 with the idea that it can be dropped further with time.  It's already down to 349 and wreckless deletions should bring it down to the point where a very rough draft of book 6 can be printed completing the transition from spirals to AuT.
It is possible given the breakthroughs in books 1-5 and the clarity in the first portions of book 6 that all of the rest of book 6 could simply be deleted.  However, there are, hidden in this section, interesting observations on the transitions between states and net effects, like the whole intersecting spiral illusion that for so long misdirected AuT, while necessarily taking it to the place where we find ourselves today.
So, I have to read through and understand a paragraph and then modify or delete it.  A slow and painful process because of repetition and the desire not to destroy something which might be important later.. AuT survives and thrives because of small things that happened along the way, just so.

We're going in the first 10 or 12 pages of the summary, but this is from page 40 and is worth thinking about, one of those interesting asides that keep me from deleting the rest of book 6:

An argument can be made that from our point of view, there are two separate universes.  One is the "true" universe which has a clock based on the quantum changes in a single variable.
The second universe is the relativistic universe that we call space time and it is a shadow of the first universe.
The division between these two can be understood as follows:
          In the first universe the entire universe changes with each click of x.  This is a single variable controlling the entire universe and is the case.

          In the second universe, there is the illusion of separation of time, but from our perspective, it is a durable solution.

Around page 45, I get into the mathematical details of this discussion.

What do I hear from the physics community to my new reality?  Perhaps I should ask, 'my TRUE reality?'

If the need for an extensive irony was not required before this next step is taken, before the admission that I have cracked the code to the universe, then it might be that the world of physics is too stunned to respond.  Equally likely it is too self-serving, that result contains irony. 
 Look at me, mr. personality.

Here is today's post, quatre.

3.  All of these solutions grow from the prior solution.  -1 to 1, the first results of fpluspix.
4.  The next solution is f(x)^2^x where f(x) is 2 times the Fibonacci number for x where the effect of the ratio of 1:f(x)^2^x is to introduce place and therefore compression and dimension into the universe.

5.  Space is the source for the derivation of photons (x=2) and as you follow this upward for x=4 you get the scale equation w(wave energy)=f(4)^2^4 which is e=mc^2 in terms of scale.  The next scale increase (f5)^2^5 happens to be the minimum observed size of a black hole.

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