
Sunday, January 7, 2018

AuT-real world evidence of inflection points at ion level-Review-particles that warp

There are 109 of 157 pages which are the new summary.

They are seeing AuT but they cannot see it.
Book 6 is begun (as indicated in the prior posts) and we'regoing to be putting in little quotes from book 6 along with the portions of book 5 discussed herein.
The idea of going to zero space between the next lower state is the idea of full internal sharing, consequently no velocity and all history/aging/time.
since everything is moving constantly in the universe, this is not possible, but if all the sharing is at the outer limits of the information arms, the two extremes, by virtue of the solutions only changing polarity at those points, then you have stable, nearly still higher ct states.

Since the laws of thermodynamics in aut are an effect and not a cause, you can have positive or negative movement.  In fact, were these anomalies not observed, the inflection at the end of the universe expansion phase leading to contraction (calculated at 20 billion years) would be questioned.  The great thing about AuT is that it is not complicated in theory, only in application.  What this means is that it almost can't be wrong because it is fundamental.
Indeed, this post (from page 11 of Book 5 below-where does the universe begin) will finally skip past the preamble and get to the meat of AuT as published in book 5.
What matter here, however,is that if these scientists used AuT to examine their findings, they would have vast insights into how inflection points occur at the ion transition state level instead of just wasting their time.
The section of book 5 discussed below lays the foundation for these opposite results.

This article is a bit messier to discuss, but becomes so frigging obviously a support of AuT that I just throw my hands up and ask, what do I have to do to get my theory in front of these people!!!!!
Ok, I just beat my head against a wall for an hour, back to the discussion.
What this article is about is wave particle duality.  You can call it by some fancy name, but its what they are talking about.
They are bemoaning the fact that fields act in a particulate fashion that is hard to track, just like the other article bemoans the fact that you get different thermodynamic features from different AuT states (they don't call them AuT states because they haven't read my book, but it is what they are saying anyway in the first article).  Anyway, AuT requires AuT substitution for movement and that is navigating through billiard balls for all intents and purposes giving the very effect which baffles these people.
Back to beating my head against he wall and while I do, I share with you the first part of the section beginning a page 11 of book 5.

Where does the universe begin?

          So where does the universe begin?  Part of that question goes beyond AuT, because AUT requires a pre-dimensional environment where durable solutions may be maintained.  Since Time (discussed below in detail) and dimension do not exist initially in this environment, at least as we experience them, it is called g-space to differentiate it from what we experience where ct1 substitutions are possible giving rise to the first dimension and providing the first of the two steps necessary to have time.  It’s important to see how we get from g-space to o-space.
          For our purposes Creation of our universe begins in g-space which from our perspective is a dimensionless, time independent environment where x, the single variable for the algorithm does not exist.
To get a feel for this, we've created the idea that god lives here which is not the worst way to describe it.
          It is a stepwise process.
          God, the omnipotent, is a wise god so he starts to count: “-1,1,-1,1…”
          Now you're asking yourself, that isn't how I count, why should god count that way?  The reason is that starting a zero (technically nothing since zero has a different meaning than nothing), the next step is "not zero" then not not -1 (-1^2) and so on.  The truth is that the initial count looks a lot like -1,1,-1,1 and so on, and god doesn't get bored with that.
          Being a all-knowing god he remembers his count -1, ok 1.  Then, ok what's between -1 and 1? 2.  Once this process of using the separation to get to the next solution occurs, it is preserved.  The count becomes (in addition to -1,1) "0,-1,1,-2, 3,- 4..." which is called fpluspix.
In this way, once you go from -1 to 1,
Then you look at the distance between them to get -2
 This process is repeated -2 to 3, 3 to -4, etc
 This process yields fpluspix, but it is just the way that god counts.
 This same methodology is used to get from fpluspix to f(x)^2^x which is necessary to give rise to o-space once you move from one place to two and this is seen in the sin equation mathematics taught in book 2 and book 4.
          We end up with a couple of different counts, but the one which gets us from g-space to o-space looks like this:

Table 1

Table 2

          Tables 1 and 2 represent the first, non-dimensional, big bangs.

According To Tyson, Dark Matter, Dark energy are the "complete" mystery.   It is soooooooooooooooooo frustrating, since both are not only well defined in AuT; but used in order to get other results (take a look at page 81 in book 5, but it really appears in more detail all the way back to EHT, published in 2012).  Frustrating?  I'm more frustrated than he is and I don't know how frustrated he is.

Dark Matter, the missing gravity of the universe, is found in the ct states that we foolishly don't associate with gravity, including space, especially space which is essentially made up of the solution to gravity, something which has been pointed out since EHT in 2012, but something which is covered mathematically in the first pages of book 5 and to some extent is covered above, although later posts with more of this will cover how it is disclosed in book 5 (as opposed to the more detailed discussions in prior books) in more detail.

Much of this is covered by reference to prior books, of course, otherwise book 5 would need to include large chunks of the prior books. The references look like this:

Pp13-17 of book 1 cover this initially. P78-83 covering wave particle duality go to this.  P111-115 cover the creation of historical perspective which should be read in conjunction with book 4 which covers how time and x interact to create what we call the dimension of time, somewhat incorrectly.
PP10-33 of book 3 talk about how quantum phenomena occur as a result.  69-108 of book 3 go into this in more detail.
Book 4 p. 175 (2nd edition)
Book 2, p11-14 (2nd edition) -The range of forces is explained

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