
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

AuT and the support of Lamaitre 1 of 2

Every once in a while I get 40 or 100 hits from one person and I say to myself, "Ahhh, someone gets it (and is stealing my ideas instead of buying a book)."  It is usually from some other country, but occasionally it looks like the USA.  Physics thieves come in all denominations.
Bitter?  Of course, I am bitter.
Leave it to a small, bitter little man to come up with a theory which undermines not only all prior physics, but all of petty little men's achievements.  I don't relish in this, conceptually, I merely observe it.  I am so bitter, success holds nothing for me; the clarity of my insights only renders the success at finding them less meaningful.

Physics is not about little men, occasionally we just make their way into the mix of giants, rendering their successes in the way that meat was rendered in Chicago according to Sinclair's 'The Jungle.'
And yet, they are too "good" not to provide me with little gems; even as I spit mathematics on their works.

And I accuse them of waste.  The money they throw at their predicted nonsenses based on their patched together theories as they cling to the flotsam of their past heroes, too nearsighted to recognize my genius or the faults of their own teachers.  Of course, my favorite target is the Higgs Boson, that little bit of physics nonsense that means less than nothing because they are looking for things that don't exist, trying to break existence into something that will give our useless sparks of life meaning.  In truth, the best selection for the limited "success" they have in finding nothing is that they break transitions states up into one big piece with little pieces too small to have recognizable weight or into predecessor states that have different dimensional characteristics or even none at all.
And they write their books which are practical, but absurd.

Speaking of books, I realized that in the notes that I have put together for "the list" I have the core of book 5 laid out already.  The "highlight" of book 5 is to take the AuT list, organize it and provide a discussion of how each item is answer.  For the moment, this is down to 17 items plus sub-categories and take up maybe 26 of 65 pages of the core portion of book 5 which will probably weigh in at 300 pages.  If it does it will be 50% bigger than book 4 and perhaps 3 times book 1 and it is expected that the last 150 pages will only have cursory editing in the first edition.

Nevertheless, I have decided and undertaken to edit those first sections and publish a largely unedited version of the book 5 thereby eliminating the need to continue publishing Spirals 2nd.  I believe that may leave parts of spirals 1rst and 2nd to contend with, but not very much of it.

Book 5 will contain little gems like these:

Sample Gem 1:
Time doesn't actually repeat, instead you have time echos.

Sample Gem 2:
I originally predicted that the number of places reflected the number of dimensions we experience.  While this is indirectly true, after determining the true nature of time and the absence of positional relativity in supersymmetry, it now seems likely that there is a different reason, place relativity.
So why 3 dimensions with four ct states?
Likely dimension arises from comparison and therefore the "in between" of  CT states.
1:2, 2:3 and 3:4 the spaces make the four experienced dimensions.  likewise ct4:ct5 would have a fifth
None of these are separate vectors nor is time, there are merely relative points of perspective giving rise to lines a----b which defines vector based dimensions.
Since these comparative states are always in flux, the dimensions blend together into the 3d matrix we experience.  that variation gives rise to spatial dimension and time actually becomes fixed elements within that changing comparative feature grouping.

In a prior post, I described some drawings and I have now completed that section in book 5 and there are evolving drawings.  I include one here to give some perspective to that prior post.

It looks a little like a tennis court where the players are boxes.

Where was I?  Oh yes, Einstein and Lemaitre were both rejected when their theories were proposed.  Perhaps, the correct title for this post would be, Fools you see and fools you be, which is perhaps in the first instance referring to you and the second to me, but no matter for purposes of this post.

After an initial snubbing, Lemaitre went looking for Einstein at a convention to get the great master to consider his work, something which is not open to me, unfortunately.  Einstein agreed with Lemaitre, but before his outright acceptance, his theory was right to reject Lemaitre, even though Lemaitre had seen beyond Einstein.  
Only AuT  correctly combines the two theories (by coincident, not by design); Einstein just didn’t understand why lamda, the cosmological constant was right and why it grew and waned. George Lemaitre understood the non-static nature of the universe, but he wound back too far and failed to realize that the entire universe could build from a point and not be static in size, a mistake he shared with Einstein himself despite their different views.
Nevertheless, quite a bit of support can come from Lemaitre's trials and tribs:

Quotes from Lemaitre

1) Once you realize that the Bible does not purport to be a textbook of science, the old controversy between religion and science vanishes.  
     AuT, of course, renders this nonsensical for reasons among which are the elimination of man made religion's reliance on faith.  Lemaitre can be forgiven as a man of faith for any ignorance attributed to him, I cannot.

2) This highly unstable atom would divide in smaller and smaller atoms by a kind of super-radioactive process.
This gives an alternate type of view of the algorithm and its method of information growth, but if you stand on your head, look in a mirror and talk backwards you can actually see a lot of  AuT super symmetry in this quote.

You'll need books 1-4 to properly follow book 5, so order them soon and order them often (or don't).

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