
Monday, September 30, 2013

moving on

Why ask me to move on
from where I've been
for the last 30 years
because it makes sense to you
some people are flighty
changing lovers like socks
as soon as a new pair is on
they forget about the old ones
others are victims of eternity
they rail against the storms
of time, of insincerity, of doubt
not because they can
they have no choice
They don't jump
from the runaway train
abandoned by others
who stay true
only when convenient
they find true love
only in their best interest
and yet you ask me to risk
all that I believe
for something not worth
the least of my possessions
don't ask me
to condemn lovers
who ride the winds
of passion they can't control
I will read the stars at night
and take their counsel
tomorrow or the next day
love will come again
from some unforeseen direction
and for not the first time
I will not forget you
but see through your façade
and remember true love
can exist because only one
feels it understands it and gives it
and perhaps one day
I too will move on
but likely I will not

The brief merger of E-hologram and hologram theory: Planck Scale-Length and Time at the begining of the E-hologram universe

Planck Scale-length and time

We have looked at the fact that below Planck length and time, space ceases to exist and we are looking at the singularity.

Planck Length L(p)=hG/2pic^3)1/2 of 1.6x10-35 meters or (Gh/c^3)1/2=4x10-35m.  I prefer the former for obvious reasons, since pi in inherent only in the E-Hologram Universe. 

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.  Let us digress on this.  If you draw a circle and it is 7 meters from one side to the other, it will be 22 meters around.  This strange relationship leads to an infinite series in numbers.  We can ignore, for the present time the evidence that 22/7 is greater than pi since we are dealing with infinite series and not exact numbers.

22/7=((3*7)+1)/7.  This gives the same result as 3+1/7.  Hence, the true infinite series is 1/7.  One length for seven circumferences.  One chance in seven.

H=Planck’s constant (joule-seconds); G=gravitational constant

Planck Time is derived by solving for the speed of light; dividing Planck length (meters) by c (meters/second) which yields 5.4x10^-44 seconds.  Wonderfully, you can go the other way; you can start with Planck time, multiply times the speed of light and get to length.

Hence, the transition from the singularity to the singularity at planck length time as discussed above.  Using the discussion previous, you have the singularity; then you have a critical mass of thought (Roughly 2x10^32 which corresponds very well to Planck length in terms of being a mirror image, but the numbers used are so arbitrary, that they might well work better as the mirror image of Planck time; e.g. we only used human intelligence and we only used 1 billion lives per civilization, only 14 billion years, in other words, too many assumptions for the numbers to achieve relevance).  Time achieves linearity at the speed of light, but we can move at whatever speed we want.  At this point you have everything concentrated at the first point of time 5.4x10^-44 seconds (solving for seconds is merely a relative solution).

All times have separated without dimension forced apart by what we’ll call awareness.  Gravity, the tendency of the times to come back together, asserts itself for the first time.  The forces are so great, the attraction and dispersion forces, that time is forced to seek new dimensions.  Time has quantized.

Everything begins to accelerate at the speed of light and you achieve a distance of 4x10-35m, this is everything in 2 dimensions built from the single dimension, point time.  For a brief moment (time has just begun to exist) E-hologram theory and hologram theory merge mathematically.

As time applies itself to this length, you add the third dimension and the length drops to 1.6x10-35.  This is everything in 3 dimensions.  Everything has fallen together, imploded, but in 3 dimensions, the time factor remains largely the same, we are still at all matter showing 5.4x10^-44 seconds, but time is about to allow the expansion to continue in 3 dimensions.  And…bang. 

And all time is concentrated at this one infinitely small sphere, expanding outward so quickly that the actual clock time of each quantum does not change, but we are turning into a universe of time and space.

Planck mass (solving for grams) is (ch/2piG)1/2 and using e=mc^2 means that you have 2 billion joules in the smallest particle of matter or that the energy at the beginning of creation was sufficient to not only create all of the energy in the universe, but also to be concentrated at the rate of 2 billion joules for every fundamental particle and there is a lot of particle in every atom.

Traditional theories predict this.  That is they say that at these very small areas something E-H theory predicts will happen.  To understand this, let’s look at the method of calculating gravity: F(gravity)=G(m1*m2/d^2) where G is 6.67x10^-11.  It’s a weak force, of course, but as m1 and m2 go up in size (to planet or black hole size) it becomes interesting.  There is, however, another way to create a black hole hidden in this very simple equation.  There  is a way to get to the singularity.  Where is it?  D=distance.  As the distance goes to infinitely small the Force of gravity increases to the level where a black hole would exist. 

In an accelerator the distances are artificially brought to zero as particles collide at near light speeds.  This is why temporary black holes can exist during these collisions.  What happens to them?  The particles begin to separate and the force of gravity drops back to very small levels or they re-expand into some type of space.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

delays in living and dying

What is waiting to live
except not being alive
Day after day,
week after  week
then month after month
until it is year after year
life starts next year
it starts next month
it starts tomorrow
or it already started
and tomorrow it ends
so the price of waiting
to live is to be dead
how long is too long to wait
for confirmation
of the thing you already have
if we can't speed up living
perhaps we should put off dying
if I ask you to wait for it
to wait for me to live
and if all you do is wait
death has already arrived
why don't I ask you to wait
why don't I tell you
what you want to hear
I can call you darling
and you can call me death

The creation of Matter and energy and space from time

The creation of Matter and energy and space from time

The fundamental issue

The key difference underlying Einstein’s interpretation (extrapolated) of Hologram theory is that without time, everything happens at once.  This leads to the theory that there is a singularity without dimension or time which is observed.  It can then be inferred that within the singularity everything happens at once.

Traditional Hologram theory starts outside of the singularity.  It presumes “space-time”, the Einstein crutch that is accepted without explanation.   It then adds an incredibly complex two dimensional film, which exists because time-space is assumed even though it is the most fundamental, and therefore unbelievable, part of the universe.  T-H merely says, ok space time is two dimensions, not three. 

In Einstein Hologram theory, you eliminate the two dimensional film because space-time is not presumed.  It is contra-indicated.  In place of an incredibly complex two dimensional film, you have a singularity without dimension and without time.  In place of film, you have something more like a database, but one that exists without dimension or time.  Like all data bases, everything happens at once being stored on the data-base.

Both have similarities, but the results of E-H theory are unique.  It is friendly to infinite series.  Infinite series exist around us and we accept them more or less blindly, like “space-time” even though infinite series defy space-time.  Since there is no space-time, you can have infinite series since there is nothing for them to defy.

Hologram theory allows for you to envision reading the past, present and future since everything is on film.  The mechanism, however, is unclear.

Einstein Hologram theory allows for you to concentrate everything in a point.  You not only have the past present and future, but you have an infinitely concentrated past, present and future.  Not only is history allowed to be concentrated, but all thought, all time and all space.  As you go towards infinitely small concentrations, you approach an infinite series.  But with E-H theory, you are coming out of the singularity, not going in.  The mechanism is clear to envision the past and the future.  You need only follow unwinding time to its source.  Since time and dimensions are only illusions, we find that we are actually at the source, no matter how far we are from the original “big bang”.  This is also observed, black holes, which can be presumed to all go back to the same singularity no matter how for their “time coordinates” appear to separate them.

It is unclear how you start with a big bang from a two dimensional film.  It is not clear how you start a big bang from anything, but you can picture what existed and how it is experienced as an explosion, coming from the singularity.  What exists the moment before the big bang is the transition from everything in a singularity to everything existing in time and everything necessarily starts with at least one dimension.

No dimension, time without dimension which is essentially one dimensional time, time with a second dimension-planck length time with pi as its defining characteristic, an infinite series reflecting the singularity form which it comes; then a third dimension so that a pi-driven sphere exists with the entire universe as we experience it concentrated within a planck-length sphere.

Time continues to unwind.  The pressure created from the linear time resulting from the creation of time is a function of having literally everything (space, energy and time) existing in a planck length sphere.  You still have no space, no matter and no energy as we experience it.  However, since time now exists, everything can “change” since change requires time.

First space is created.  This is merely dimension plus time, the single dimension.  Then certain quantum accumulations of quantum time begin to share coordinates along a single vector and the internal clock time component is unchanging or nearly unchanging.  This “appears” two dimensional (dimensions do not actually exist so it can only be an appearance) to the new space based universe.  This movement along a single vector is light energy (let there be light, as it were) which is a portion of the space created and is experienced as an explosion of energy.  Over time, accumulations of energy begin to experience time as well as dimension and these become what we experience as matter.

Instead of accepting space-time, E-H theory provides a mechanism for building space-time.  Also you have a method of deconstructing space time (black holes).

You are stuck with most of the limitations of space-time in traditional hologram theory.  You do have a two dimensional framework, but the fact that you have two dimensions means you have to accept time as a given and space as a given.  There is no reason for this (there is no reason for a singularity where everything happens at once either).  With E-H theory, you can consolidate gravity in with other fields by solving all fields for time.  Space is just a component of time and therefore does not figure in this independently.

And now we form our circle, 22/7, pi, an infinite series that we accept blindly, back to the point of creation.  The database gives coordinates and allows for both clock time and dimension is the intelligence that gives time its linearity.  This is all of the thought in our universe concentrated in a single spot without time or dimension which therefore goes towards infinity in terms of size, the calculation has been shown, reflected in doubling the amount of intelligence as the size is halved all the way down to Planck length.  It is both a database and a collection of brains.  It is the snake eating its own tail. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dark matter and vibrating strings and dark energy vs winding time

String theory would have vibrating strings form things, but ignores the fact that they must exist on this bizzare fabric of time.  String Hologram theory (the nom de plume) of all Hologram theories other than E-H theory could explain this by having the two dimensional source for the projection under S-H-T be projected onto time (vs glass as is the case with traditional holograms).

Alas, this is easily replaced in E-H-theory by eliminating the string...or does it?  The answer is yes and no because working theories must have equivalents in E-H-Theory and vice-versa.  In this case, the unwinding of time creates a string of sorts, and all dimensional objects (matter, space and energy) must have a linear aspect reflected by the unwinding of time.  Further, if time is rewound in high gravity, such as black holes, you would expect an "anti-string" which suggests, for example, anti-matter although this is not necessarily the case; but if you look at the entry suggesting it is possible that anti-protons and positrons form the neutrons we experience (thereby explaining the big-bang antimatter anomally) it is "seductive".  But we are talking about time and strings equivalents.

Likewise, dark energy, so hideously unapparent in other expansion theories may be eliminated by having the unwinding of time provide the impetus for the unwinding of the universe.  That is the pressure that we do not actively observe, we do observe.  It is time.  Time itself is driving the expansion of the universe just as gravity is the tendency of time to rewind.

Let's look at this at a more basic level:
1) Anti-matter is differently "charged" but otherwise matter.  Matter and anti-matter combine and cease to exist, leaving in their place large amounts of energy in traditional space.  In E-H-T there is the question of how two times cancel each other out, and why, if energy is the result, do we see what we now know to be time that has given up all by one vector in place of the other three vectors (2 of direction and one of age) in such a combination.

2)  Anti matter is seen as affecting gravity (the tendency to return to the singularity) and the weak atomic force (which is an aspect of time not yet explored and which will be saved for later other than to mention the following-it keeps neutrons and protons together so it is a reflection of time vectors being made to have the same coordinates and the same coordinate changes.  With electromagnitism it makes atoms possible.  With Gravity, it allows masses to coallesce together and hence all of these forces are the forces which allow separate time vectors to match up and change at the same rate).  On the other hand, Quarks which make up neutrons and protons (and hence their anti-forms) interact via the strong atomic force and electromagnetism, the weak atomic force and gravity.

3) Dark Matter doesn't react to anything other than gravity and that only in theory since we have no reason to know that it is affected and every reason to believe it doesn't. That is, dark matter doesn't really exist except that we need them to have enuogh gravity to desribe our spins.

4) Bosons are the mechanisms of exchange in traditional physics.  They are an observed anomally in high energy situations (particle accelerators)   All of these "forces" are exchanged by bosons in non-time models. As seen earlier, the so-called Higgs boson is the gravity carier and is contra-indicated (thankfully) in E-H-Theory. We can assume that the other "bosons" are also "bosos" in E-H theory although they must have their equivalents since they are "observed" in super-coliders.  Keep in mind that "observation" in o-space is practical, but no more relevant than Newtonian observations which are also critical to our day to day activities, but not for fundamental physics except that the fundamental concepts must give rise to what is observed in particle colliders and newtonian observations.

Even if it was determined (contrary to math, in my estimation) that there was no connection between time and matter, space and energy; unwinding time could still provide the impetus for the universe expanding.

If we accept that awareness hypothesis which is bizarre, but not without mathematical support, for the universe, then you also may have a finite time meaning at some point gravity (the tendency of time to rewind) will one day replace time when the awareness period has run its course and perhaps rewinding time far in advance of the actual last days of thought, if not the last days of concentrated thought.

More on this later.

Research from my day

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The creation of space, energy and matter in e-h theory: Fundamental Particle theory-what are they seeing at the Cern?

One of the shortcomings of any nascent fundamental theory of the universe, is that until it is complete it has its mysteries.  While E-H-Theory allows a solution for many problems of physics, it does not fully bridge the gap between the singularity and what we experience.  There are several theories, but only the most preliminary conclusions can even be theorized.
It is theorized that time is quantum time at Planck lengths, below that size it is expected that dimensions cease to exist and that time becomes fully wound, i.e. you are looking at the singularity.
The idea that you can run particles together at high speeds to split them is not unexpected.  What is unexpected is that you end up with a multitude of particles of the types indicated and this is a simplification of string theory, albeit an equivalent in E-H-theory.  The equivalence is that unwinding time is essentially a moving (vibrating) string, a string of time.
Under the most likely scenario (shown the transition of time to dimension shown by relatively velocities-i.e. as you approach the speed of light your time goes down and your change in dimensional coordinates goes up) time extends coordinates to tendencies embodied within the time to give the appearance of location and these location coordinates join at several levels through electromagnetic, atomic and gravitational forces.  The joining of these coordinates give the appearance of dimension, creating matter.
When the particles are accelerated (their dimensional coordinates changing quickly thereby taking the "net time" available to the particles and changing them so that the change in time within the particles gets closer to zero until two are put together cancelling the particle dimensional change and increasing the time change immediately in the particles.
This change manifests itself as these particles, mesons, bosons, etc.  The question of "why" time manifests itself this way is best observed by going backwards and creating space, then energy, then matter so that when you go back again you see a logic to it.
So let's go back to the big bang for a moment, the ultimate atom smasher (or anti-atom smasher if you will).
You have to look at the prior blog to more fully understand this, but for the sake of saving you a moment, the universe we experience is based on time coordinates changing or x=dt1, dt2,2t3,dt4 where dt1 is clock time and the other three are the dimensions we experience.  Note that this is something of a crutch since there are not 3 dimensions, only time so we're really just looking a pure time coordinates and assigning them (more or less randomly) 3 dimensional qualities.  In another scenario, we define these as dt1 through dt4 and dt5 (spin-which should be definable with the dt2-dt4).  We can even add dt6-dt8 for dimensional matter (non-motive qualities discussed below), but we're going to just use dt2-dt4 for this discussion and still create the entire universe.
x=space, energy or matter depending on how the quantum of time is being used, i.e. which coordinates are changing at what rate and how many planck length times are coordinating their movement (d2-d4 are changing at the same rate for a sufficiently large group of planck length times to show up as matter).
The next thing we want to look at is how large this rate of change is.  When we transition from the zero state (where everything is happening at once-Einstein's singularity) to o-space (the illusion that we live in) we get a very large rate change (keeping in mind that this same rate change is infinity in the singularity since everything happens at once).  How do we know the rate change is fast?  Well for matter and energy we have the equation e=mc^2 and c is a big number so c^2 is a bigger number.  This is a rate change that is a function of dt1.  Dt1, however, is also superfluous since we're really just looking at dt2-dt4 and the "d" is dt1 but that must wait for a later discussion because we're not ready to get rid of that crutch yet.
So we're at the big bang, there is nothing and suddenly dt1 goes to twice the speed of light and planck length changes begin in a conversion of dt1 to dt2,dt3 and dt4.
Freeze everything at this point and look at it.  the entire universe is a planck length sphere.  All time, matter and energy as we experience it are trapped in this one "almost point".   dt1=something and dt2-dt4 have jumped from zero to planck length, perhaps all the same perhaps differently.  Spin (dt5 if you need to distinguish it from the other dt(s) which you don't) is all the same because time is unwinding the same way at the same time in the same space and we are still at plank length.  If spin was equally balanced you might have everything collapse back (see the discussions of gravity) and you don't have anything cancelling it and the repelling forces created are enormous.  (note you can have spins in different directions but let's play with this model for the moment).  The energy concentration is enormous all the energy in the universe plus all the potential matter*c^2 in plank length.  Don't stick your finger in there!
In order to achieve separation dt2-dt4 begin to change rapidly.   The "rate" of change being a function of time squared.  dt1 is near zero for all of the quantum times because all of the "time" is going towards changing dt2-dt4; huge rates of spin and the beginning of huge rates of movement which we would call an explosion, in this case el bang grande'.
At this point things are happening (within the singularity) rapidly, but we can see them slowly.  First, certain changes are just creating space, by far the vast majority.  Perhaps for these dt1-4 are all changing at the same rate, but I'll save the difference between space, energy and time for later.  This is Einstein's Space-time but we now know it to just be time creating the illusion of space.
Otherwise, dt1 is at or near zero and dt2-4 begin to change at rates which define movement from the planck sphere outward not as space but as energy which may be nothing more than dt2-4 changing at slightly different rates (using the c^2 amount of change possible, this allows for near infinite variety, but at this point with dt1 at or near zero, it all looks like energy.
Suddenly a percentage of the time begins to change dt1 at a slower rate than dt2-4.  Potential Mass is being formed in this high energy crucible.  As dt1 begins to change we experience electrons where clock time is changing at last but at a "relatively" low rate.  Spin is all negative.  As the rate of dt1 increases, you have protons being created (whether directly or through fundamental particles is not particularly important for the moment, but will be shortly).  Somehow these result in opposite "spin" or charge. 
There are "motive" and "non-motive" dimensional coordinates.  The motive changes are those which move the particle, those which change the time coordinates.  The non-motive changes are those which form the particles themselves.  These are changes where multiple plank length time changes have combined to achieve atomic size (or pre-atomic quark size) conglomerations.  Below these accumulated particles are those which define space which have no non-motive elements or where the non-motive elements have not combined to form particles.  The theories that find spontaneous generation of matter (quantum theory) suggest that the change in time coordinates may begin to align for this purpose or perhaps come out of alignment for this purpose.
But the reasons for spin and non-motive dimensional coordinates will have to wait for a later blog since the universe has been born.
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unwinding time, anti matter compared to vibrating strings and the creation of fundamental particles

In the world of equivalents between string theory and E-H theory lies the vibrating string theory of matter which uses harmonics to create matter from nothing (except these mysterious strings).
However, the strings need not be as mysterious with E-H theory since the unwinding of time may just as easily be viewed as the vibrating of time; vibrations require time being by nature the frequency of movement.
Time has no linearity in the singularity, but once it becomes linear, the idea of vibration allows for the dimensional structure.  That is unwinding time would necessarily include creating dimension which in turn is a vibration.  It need not have specific harmonics, but the beauty of the equivalent is that you have linearity of time created at the point of creation and this linearity has an energy equivalent that expresses itself in three dimensional coordinates which change to create the appearance of movement.  The total energy of time is conserved so that if the coordinates change quickly enough, the time coordinate (the one that is measured by clocks) slows.  The more dimensional coordinates, the more time can change.  For example, positive and negative forces could easily be represented by such time coordinates where the vibration (coordinate change) is about a fixed point to create spin.  The greater this spin, the less "clock time" the particle has but there is an attraction of particles of opposite spin.  The spins cancel each other out when they are combined to create neutrons so that neutrons represent time where the spin part of the coordinate change have stopped and time coordinates only change relative to the zero coordinates represented by the singularity.
The precursor to a black hole, the neutron star, is a collection of these which have increased in density to the point where very few (or none) of the "pairs" are allowed to spin independently.
Now the question becomes how do quantum changes in time coordinate changes lead to different fundamental particles and to the larger atoms.  Moreover, why do some time coordinate changes lead to "empty space" being defined by the time (or by a separate type of time if that is possible) and how do other time coordinate changes lead to the creation of energy (we already know that the absorption of energy, that is the change of time from clock time to vector time leads to the movement from energy to matter).
The answer to this lies at the Planck length of time, that is the transition between coiled time, and time which has created dimension.  As we have seen, at one point in time, theoretically, all time had no dimension (14 billion years ago) and some event (perhaps critical mass of awareness-a very circular thing reflected in our universe by the infinite series pi) led to at least some amount of time becoming linear, the coordinates for all time changing from 0,0,0,0 to some form of 1,0,0,1 (the first 1 being the first movement of clock time and the second 1 being the first movement along a vector); then 1,0,1,1; then 1,1,1,1 at the planck length to create the previously discussed planck spheres of time and the continued linear change of time lead to all of these quantum times exploding outward with energy reflected by massive changing in the last 2 numbers while the first number (clock time) changed relatively slowly due to the speed with which the energy moved.  However, clock time began to play havoc on this primordial energy leading to matter where the clock time coordinate began changing at a slower rate.
What may be missing from this coordinate time lies in the prior discussion of spin.  it is possible that coordinate changes of spin are separate so that you have a set of quantum time coordinates that look something like this: 1,3,5,1 (1); 1,3,5,1(-1); 1, 3, 5,1, (0) representing a set of quantum time coordinates with spin to generate what we perceive as electromagnetic qualities.  Since we know that electromagnetic can be generated on a macro level (just fly a kite in a thunderstorm or turn on a lamp) we might instead want to look at the "change" in coordinates which might appear like this:
dt1=1, dt2=3, dt3=5, dt4=1 for the first set and dt1=1, dt2=3, dt3=5, dt4=(-1) for the second set.  The third set (the non-charge version) might only be possible where you combine the two sets to cancel out the positive or negative change in time.  That is where all the time was initially created, you had a highly charged planck length ball of all quantum time experiencing coordinate changes.  They would have acted to repel one another based on charge dynamics aside from being very crowded and infinitely dense (or nearly infinitely dense).  The rapid change in time coordinates which would result might include many positive and negative changes as the particles sought some sort of explosive equilibrium.  dt1 (clock time) may have even oscillated back and forth and the existence of dark matter indicates this is still possible (it might be invisible because its clock time is moving negatively and not positively).
It also needs to be remembered that the change in time coordinates is observed to have a conservation element, but if "anti-matter" is merely where dt1=(-1) (matter with a clock time component which changes negatively instead of at zero of at a positive rate) then it becomes fairly self evident how this can be created (in small amounts) in supercolliders where we have very high dt2,dt3,dt4 and almost zero dt1 based on the acceleration of the particles so that dt1 being near zero at these speeds it may be made to change positively or negatively (at least in theory).  The ramifications of having anti-time as a part of anti matter are academically interesting. This has to wait for a later post, however.
The real next step is a step back.  This is the creation of space, then energy then matter from time which will be the subject of the next post.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Matter and Anitmatter anomally in Einstein Hologram Theory-one of three

The first edition is published, but the mysteries of the universe remain.

This entry will attempt to address one of these "alleged" anomalies.

The problem is phrased as: "Where is the anti-matter that non-E-H-Theory predicts should be in our universe."

Anti matter is the mirror image of matter.  Electrons have positrons with equal mass but opposite charge; same with protons and anti-protons.  Neutrons would exist allegedly with anti-neutrons the former being made of electrons and protons, the later with the anti-versions.

Anti matter is believed to exist because it is observable in super-colliders.  In fact, they can be captured in magnetic fields since they are charged.  They can't be produced in quantity because we cannot (in non E-H theory) generate the energy to make them.

The theory of the big bang is that matter and anti-matter were made in approximately equal amounts in the big bang (non-e-h theory mind you) and that less than 1% of the excess of matter survived.  The matter/anti-matter explosion of the 99% resulted in the enormous background radiation we experience today (IBM scientists, I believe, discovered it by accident in trying to determine signal interference from satellites.)

We have a different explosion under E-H Theory.  The explosion is not matter and anti-matter but merely the conversion of time to energy..  Now we know that the energy created of turning matter into energy is enormous (a function of the speed of light squared!) because of the equation: e=mc^2.

In E-H Theory; anti-matter is not defined as clearly as it is in the near Newtonian (actually this would be "Franklinian-for Benjamin Franklin who coined positive and negative charge in electricity perhaps) concept of traditional big-bang theory.  While we can accept the brilliance of Newton and Franklin; we cannot assume that they had enough underlying theory to base our concept of the universe on their determinations 200 years or more before now.

So how do we define the dearth of charge of one type while the existence of the charge of the other (i.e we have electrons and protons abounding, but not their counter-parts.

One explanation would be that all of the anti-protons and positrons formed into neutrons.  That would be a satisfying explanation that would account for the lost mass.  That, however, allows us to use traditional theory to define the discrepancy and we don't want to be lazy.

Hence, we must look to how energy and matter are formed from time.  But it is late and the secrets of the universe will wait till tomorrow.  In the interim, please feel free to read the book and see what answers are suggested.

In the wake of success

The country dies of indolence
Having engaged in successful wars for 200 of its 210 years arguing for peace through strength
Many of them are justified in the affairs of man, to the extent that any war is justified but just as many wars were fought for the glory of a man, for revenge, for a false cause. The false cause is often hidden behind a glorious cause which hides petty nature of men, yield a false justification for history.
We sit on our castle of past strength, wasting away by enslaving the rest of our world, but those we enslave weaken us by doing our work.  Like all masters, we will, soon enough, find ourselves the slaves.
I have finished my efforts for the moment.  I have staved off the wolves of disease, want and credit.  For the greater glory of man, books have been written.  I should, should I not, have earned a rest.  Then I and the country could die, indolent together.
Weak countries were designed for rest.  Weak people make a strong country weak.
We act like those on food stamps are the weak of our country.  But it is not those who starve in the streets who are weak, but those who sit in power who do nothing to strengthen the hungry.  It is those who live in mansions who are indolent because they choose and then think they are better than those who wallow in poverty because they have no choice.
So should I rest and enjoy a moment's peace.  Having done so much, should I say it is enough for now.  Peace is an illusion without a purpose to it.  We are not designed for peace, we chose excess as a false god.  The spirit of man of is to survive.  A man or country that no longer realizes this is no longer a country or a man.  The farther one looks into the future, the less peace there is.  But if you look far enough into the future, what do you see?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A life of fun and tragedy

Here is something fun for your evening, so do not interpret it sadly as you might othewise do.  For tonight is mellow.  A long swim on a warm summer evening, a day filled with challenges and triumphs and perhaps an insurrmountable problem or two, but a day nonetheless, and the spinning world promises another both similar and completely different tomorrow.  And now for the main attraction.

How sad it must be
not to be manic
and depressive
as certain as the masks
of theater show
one happy one sad
we go out of our way
to attend the theater
in its primal and modern form
yet we decry sadness
and search in vain for joy
those who are so imbalanced
that they go from reckless highs
to bottomless lows
they experience life fully
they can look back
and see in their lives
love, hate, loneliness
annoyance with others
everything and nothing
oblivion and ecstacy
do  you remember it
that you had with me
in short they are action
they are the actors in life
and their lives are theater
and how sad and lucky they are
how much they experience
what great works they leave
floating in their wakes
like the floatsum seen
bobbing over a shipwreck

rest for the wicked

rest well though you betray me
for sleep is too precious
to be reserved for the innocent
and loyalty too hard a taskmaster
for those who are weak at heart

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The cold war summit with China

That neither the president or congress is aware that we have already lost a cold war with China is the best evidence we can get for political reform.

We cannot trust the information out of China because of the teachings of the art of war.  To win this type of war, it requires that you exercise subterfuge.  The most basic is that you must appear weak when you are strong.  To believe that the weaknesses of China are real is not necessarily incorrect, but it is reckless.

The problem with any view of China is that it ignores the problem.  The problem is that if you export any aspect of production to a potential rival (or enemy if you must) then you are not just beholden to your rival for that aspect of production, but to the extent that it is critical, you are at their mercy. 

The United States has outsourced essentially all miniaturized assembly, especially in high tech product.  In addition to being at the mercy of our enemies for the actual production, the technological advances tied to this assembly are completely lost.  the US has lost the ability to innovate in this area, because none of the work is being done.

In a world where technology is tied to miniaturization, we are at the mercy of China in particular for all of technology.

The US educational opportunities are consequently limited in these areas, its ability to produce its own technology is degraded, eventually to nothing and its standard of living will ultimately suffer accordingly.

This is a textbook example of the process and successes associated with the art of war.


Monday, September 16, 2013

differences between e-hologram theory and hologram theory 2 of 3

One of the nice differences between E-Hologram theory and Hologram theory lies in the clear delineation of O-space (what we experience) and G-space (what existed before, and theoretically continues to exist). (You can click on the first 3 paragraphs to link to books by the author).

Sadly, E-Hologram answers that question succinctly and the grants of $175,000 towards that inquiry were lost since the theory became available before I even thought about grants (much less applying for them [picture me hitting my forehead with my palm]).  I find myself in the same position as Wikipaedia, giving away everything for whatever love and affection flows back my way, although if you click on this section, you link to the books on Amazon.  Shameless.

Even more sadly, the explanation of the beginning (and end) of the universe is somewhat incomplete.  We can go back to Planck length time which is what we'd call the "beginning" of the universe.  Here all times for all quantum sized tendencies fit into a "time bubble" which has the first dimensional qualities because time has simultaneously begun to "unwind" for everything that makes up our universe (dimension in all its forms, space, matter, energy).  While one might say it is the point we begin to "exit" from the singularity, where "space time" is created, this would be wrong.  The singularity did not cease to exist since black holes show the tendency to go back to it and all in the same space, even minor gravitational attractions do the same.  This planck length time contains all the potential for all dimension "to be experienced" not created.  According to Einstein, until something better comes along we'll use his contribution, "everything happens at once" in the singularity and the uncoiling of time which we experience is merely the linear display.

The best analogy in the book is that the singularity is a data-base.  It is more comparable to the hard drive of a computer than anything else.  Or perhaps it can be thought of as a  brain with a very very good memory since that also appears to be a rational (as opposed to religious) derivation possible.  While the chicken and egg question is clearly answered (chickens gradually came to exist from the eggs of the predecessors which themselves formed over eons); a different type of circularity is required for the loading of the hard drive and that is covered earlier.

What the uncoiling of time represents is that the drive once filled began to display the contents in terms of coordinates.  One interesting point of diversion is that this occurred when the hard drive reached a critical mass of awareness based on the events which transpired in the hard drive and that the linearity began. While many may chose to disregard this as an attempt to bring religion into science it is by no means the case.  I disregard religion in this discussion except for logical equivalents to what we experience.

To explain this non-religious accumulation of awareness into a god-like process several things are helpful.  First, we function in this way. We "experience" time and dimension based on our brains being loaded to perceive these things.  We have circles based on infinite series that anyone with a protractor can draw which are just as inexplicable as this Origin theory.  E-H theory essentially proves that dimension does not exist except by virtue of time (hence eliminating space-time in favor of time). Now this doesn't solve every question.  The peeled onion of existence remains until we can explain how a non-dimensional, everything happening at once singularity can exist.

One more entry to go to explain the differences.  Sure, I can do that.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

a lovers arguments

My lover argued her
and then described her massage
and I have seen enough internet porn
to know where all of that leads

My lover argued her
and then she left me for weeks
neither word nor letter
to give me peace

My lover argued her
and then she gave her plans
to go with her ex lover
on a trip far away

My lover argued her
and then she was gone
forever and a day
and yet she is my lover still

My lover argued her love
and then I understood
that when you lose love
then the rest is nothing

comparison of Hologram and e-hologram theories one of 3

As I begin on the second edition of the Einstein Hologram Universe, I have the luxury of not needing to make a complete write up available and there is time to examine some of the minutia of existing and novel concepts.

While there are sections concerning equivalents between E-H Theory and Hologram theory, a detailed examination of the differences has not been done.

This is the first of a series of entries to begin this process.  It is not as detailed as it should be, but will be developed over 3 separate entries.

The main difference, in fact the fundamental difference is the treatment of time in the two theories.  The treatment of time succinctly has been relegated to non-universe examinations which will be addressed later in a separate set of entries.  You can click on the picture below to link to books by the author including the e-hologram universe.

In Hologram and other post-relativity (post Einstein) theories, the focus is on space-time which uses our perception as a canvas much as Newtonian science did and therefore is unduly restrictive. This prevents the elimination (before E-H theory) of space.

Space time sees three dimensions (without explaining how they exist) and time as a fourth dimension.  In e-hologram theory, the irrelevance of dimensions other than time is foundational.  Generally, this means that you could travel along any of the 4 dimensions and get the same effect (i.e. time plus 3) and we happen to be traveling along the dimension we call time.  This concept works fairly well with E-H theory since "awareness" time could go along any of the four, but it poorly explains what we experience outside of a mathematical model.

In order for hologram theory to function (as opposed to e-hologram theory); you are stuck with space and time.  This incorrectly (theoretically incorrectly) forces the math to look for dimensions.  Thus in hologram theory, you have to have a projection onto three dimension from a two dimensional framework and time is taken for granted (always a mistake).  This means you are not really explaining anything, you're just eliminating one variable and forcing it to appear somewhere else. Less this seem like an attack on Hologram theory, it isn't. E-H theory is called E-H theory as a theoretical and poorly developed outgrowth from Hologram theory.  Nor is it an attach on Einstein's space time.  Instead it take the strengths of Einstein's non-hologram theory comments on time and hologram's projection mathematics and combines them to come up with something less than a projection and the elimination of a greater number of variables without completely explaining how time causes those variables to exist. For a more complete discussion of this you can see the first edition of The Einstein Hologram Theory.

Likewise, because space (dimension) continues to be forced on the examiner in hologram theory, you have all these different black holes which can be divided (theoretically one can split from another), they can be temporary, and they can be spread out going to some mysterious and poorly defined location.  The idea that black holes go to the same place, is not entirely new.  The idea of traveling from one spot in the universe to another by going through a black hole dates almost back to the modeling of black holes themselves (even though with space time it would tear you to pieces).  But this has never been defined in understandable terms.  The ideas were mainly couched in terms of misunderstood quasars where the idea was that black holes would empty you out of a quasar at some location.  Likewise, traditional mathematics (as opposed to science fiction) held that you might go to a different dimension, perhaps one where the dinosaurs were not wiped out (by a meteor or otherwise) and they became the dominate life form; or perhaps one where you were born to rich parents instead of poor ones, perhaps to your misfortune.

However, all of these concepts accepted "space-time" as a given and even if you traveled through a black hole without being ripped to pieces you would go to some "dimensional" environment.  E-H theory scoffs at that just like you might scoff at E-H theory.  All black holes "go" to the same place because they are just a re-winding of time coordinates for the applicable matter/space/energy involved.  In fact, this is observed recently (and after e-h theory I'm happy to point out).  We see black holes that "reject" 90% or more of the material that comes in, ejecting them as energy.  This is similar to the theory of how light is "slowed" by absorbtion and re-emission as a dimensional re-setting which is described in E-H theory first edition.  When science shows what is inherent in a theory, it is always gratifying, but more importantly in justifies a deeper examination of the theory.

I will have to continue this discussion later; for more on this, you may want to compare the book to this treatise or just wait for the next blog entry on this subject.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The case for morality in the einstein hologram universe

The E-H-U theory corollary that linearity is caused by thought in an uncomfortable circular argument provides a basis for morality that is profound.

If the good and evil of the universe result from our thoughts, and their existence all at once (without separating time or dimension) in the singularity; then the good or bad you think; therefore the good and bad that you do; that which you are sincere about most particularly, affects those around you, those who existed before you, those who come after you. 

And this is not an earthly concern.  The moral love and compassion affect the alien in a galaxy that without E-H-U theory you could never hope to reach.  And yet in E-H-U theory, you reach it constantly.  If you don't know how, you have to read it.

Early in the discussion, I discussed the creation of a device that would allow delving into the singularity to allow reaching across the "non-existent" void that separates us.  I even said that if 20 physicists commented on the theory from 20 different countries I would provide the foundation for this.  Much of that appears in the book now, but not all of it.

In truth, the physicist contest is over, no one having won.  It would seem that we are not ready for these types of secrets unless we understand the potential power of our hate as well as our compassion.

Can we expect a more benevolent universe when we are evolved for survival and where we have never risen above the need to take from one another, from avarice, from genocide?  And what good
would the power to change the universe, to traverse it instantly since the space is but an illusion, if we set its parameters with our consciousness and if our consciousness is unconscionable.

There is, it seems, a moral imperative in the Einstein Hologram Universe.  We must both master it to survive, and master ourselves to make it worthwhile.  And if this theory were possible, the most unlikely of circular arguments, "Time is linear because those of us who live in linear time think it is" and if the linearity results from the concentrated consciousness of all intelligence, past present and future concentrated in a singularity without space or time then does this not suggest a moral imperative.

It suggests that all of the intelligence in the universe is what we perceive as god, we represent the smallest fraction of this concentrated intelligence, diluted by our past, our future and the past, present and future of intelligences within time that we can only consider as statistical probabilities.  But the very linearity of time in this example, suggest they exist, that they co-exist; at least in the singularity where they necessarily all come together.

So when you consider your obligations to your neighbor, your friends, you lover, even yourself; remember that the universe requires a certain amount of  hostility to exist, we are able to consider these esoteric ideas because our ancestors wielded spears, stones, guns and missiles.  But for all of that and for the continued need for that, what does the morality of a shared consciousness require of us.

E-hologram theory: Morality and the evil of the universe

E-hologram theory only has two tenants.  1) That there is a singularity where time and dimension do not exist and the other is that time gives the appearance of existence outside of the singularity, including dimension.
There are several theoretical corollaries such as the quantum nature of time.  

One of the less likely theories, which is nevertheless heavily supported by physics, is that time is given linearity by the intelligence in the universe.    While this type of circular argument does not make sense in a Newtonian universe, our universe is far from Newtonian.  In addition, in our universe, we are beset with infinite series.  Pi, the most obvious infinite series defines circularity in a very real sense and this may well be a reflection of the underlying space.  

The most logical thing imaginable is that the singularity and the application of time within the singularity would be reflected in the projection that time creates as an illusion of our space.

The formulation of the quantity of intelligence available in a singularity without time and dimension approaches the infinite and even within o-space the concentration of past, present and future intelligence is impressive (see the math calculation for the amount of intelligence attributable to civilized life in Einstein Hologram Universe Theory.

The universe is a cruel place.  And this likely is a reflection of the mixed nature of intelligence and a suggestion as to why morality is so important.  If the thoughts of every intelligence in the universe is reflected in our space as a result of its concentration in the singularity (our space without linear time or dimension, or a place where "everything happens at once" in the words of Einstein) the what better way to assure a cruel and inhumane result in the universe than by by having equal amounts of cruelty in the underlying intelligence.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

God's intelligence: Mathematical Derivation allowed by e-hologram theory

As promised, below is the excerpt from Einstein Hologram Theory covering the derivation of the intelligence of god as expressed in O-space according to E-H-Theory.

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Chapter 7:  The mathematical derivation of the intelligence of god: 

Let’s put this in numerical format, just for fun.  We don’t want to be too serious. 

Intelligence arose (unless you are a creationist) perhaps 1 billion years ago on earth.  There are a septillion stars (1x10^24). says 500 “civilizations” in our galaxy alone.  I am going to assume we are an average galaxy. Clearly some galaxies will be difficult to live in because they are colliding, etc. but this is just an exercise, not a mathematical proof.

Some sources say ( there 125 billion galaxies so the number ends up being: 62,500 billion civilizations (6.25x10^13), not to mention lesser life forms, statistically.  Please do not substitute anything here, because it does not really matter.  It is just to show how the theoretical model works.  Now apply E-H-theory to these numbers.  Intelligent apes (us) pretty much started 1 million years ago. 

Now that you have some numbers, here is the math (just to get us to today, mind you): 1 million years remembering that galaxies have been forming and creating planets for 14 billion years you end up with slightly different numbers: 62,500 billion x1 million years=6.25x10^15 years of intelligent civilizations and then adding an average, let us say just 1 billion “aliens/people” (we are not even including the intelligence of the lesser species) =6.25x10^24 intelligence years all crammed into an instance (no time, no dimension in e-hologram theory) and this is the “mathematical argument” in favour of intelligence giving rise to the linearity of time which in turn gives rise to an o-space universe which allows that intelligence to exist. 

This also allows for a theoretical measure of the intelligence of god as defined by e-hologram concepts.  Please do not be offended, he created the math, not me. 

For the sake of coming up with a number, it will be defined in terms of human intelligence processes per second, and the number above is intelligence years.  There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.  Keep in mind that all the intelligence in the universe, past present and future would make this god-like (not necessarily god) awareness in this theoretical and circular model.  You end up with this strange number: 2x10^32 (rounded up from 1.97) human intelligences per second (once the linearity of time is established).  This leaves 2x10^8 human intelligence/seconds (hi/s) for every star in the universe or around 1x10^29 hi/s for every civilization or 1x10^20 hi/s for each person (averaging 1 billion people as we did per civilization).  God is watching you indeed!  Well, at least in one offshoot of E-Hologram Theory.  If you were expecting infinite intelligence, you can find it as an offshoot of this model in the next chapter.

This assumes that everything can exist without time.  This fundamental premise of e-hologram theory was directly alluded to by Einstein, so blame him, not me.

Likewise, it Is open as to whether g-space is fundamental or if g-space just one more layer of non-dimensional timeless onion allowing for a type of “Super g-space”,  “Other versions of g-space” and other types of infinite series.  These are better explained if there are only dimensions created by time and therefore we can get to a singularity g-space where time and space are not relevant inquiries and where we do not have to force our logic system on a type of existence where it has no meaning.

So, to answer the question, “Who or what made O-space” the answer is “we did”, at least partially and potentially, in e-hologram theory.

Please hold all your scoffing till the end; this is covered in detail in the book.

The Einstein Hologram Universe-links to Amazon

This book should not be confused with other "hologram universe" books.  While this theory derives broadly from a reading of those, this theory goes back to Einstein's ideas on a hologram universe which were not fully formed since he did not have access to the later inforamtion which was developed by others to define a "hologram concept for the universe".

When you go behind the String theory hologram universe and get back to basic Einstein Concepts, the theories open up and become more dynamic and go further into the singularity from which our universe springs.  It is no longer the hologram universe, but it becomes the Einstein Hologram Universe which is not a hologram at all!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cover-Einstein Hologram Universe-now available

The actual (or near actual) cover

I did see where it was available electronically on Amazon, just search Einstein and Hologram; it is the only one that came up.

Ah now the seventh day has come to me and I can rest.

Please send any comments if you read the book, especially any information you would suggest for the second edition.

The Einstein Hologram Universe-Now available (amazon/kindle)

The E-Hologram Universe book is published.  It will be available in hard copy or by electronic download from Amazon/Kindle within 1-2 days.  How exciting!

Fundamental physics springs from time more than any other feature.  Space, dimension and the contents- mass and energy, and gravitational attraction are directly linked to time at a fundamental level.  The evidence set out within the discussion of the Einstein Hologram Universe (E-H-U) empirically shows that space and its contents must stem primarily from time, and at least mathematically from a "singularity" which exists without dimension or time as we experience it.
If you are looking for Einstein's hidden secrets, the secrets of the universe and unified field theory, you have come to the right place.
Leave it to the theoretical physicists to prove that religion, the occult and fortune telling are legitimate sciences.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Draft Cover-The Einstein Hologram Universe First Edition

Well, after all that, when reformatted it comes out closer to 220 pages.  We'll see when all that is said and done.  for now, I want to share the draft cover page for your enjoyment.

The mathematical formula for determing the intelligence of god in E-Hologram Theory

I am saving this post for some time in the near future when the book is published, but just as a teaser, I wanted to mention that  I stumbled upon the formula for determining the intelligence of god in E-H-Theory and thought I'd mention it.  For those of you who follow this blog (and lord knows it's hard to figure out why you do) I am giving you a heads up so that  you can get your calculators out and see how close you can get to my estimation.

You'll have to read a lot of the prior entries to understand and do a little internet research, but all things being equal you should get within rock throwing distance (at least a rock thrown on a galactic scale).

The answer (well my answer) will be posted shortly, but I think just posing the question given the theory suggests the answer and my derivation is just one of many.  Those of you who think in terms of an infinite intelligence will not be disappointed since this is covered in the chapter following, but it's nice to see the actual derivation which yields a number.

I look forward to seeing your ideas on this subject and my derivation will be posted in terms of human intelligence/second (just to give you a hint on how it is derived) as soon as the book is published.

Monday, September 9, 2013

the wet scientist

the rain falls lubricating my despair
the warm wet breeze
forces the mosquitos
to fight their way to me
but i am much too sad
to deny them their repast
the storm seems to blow away
the clouds behind which
the secrets of creation peak
and though i see clearly
to the very heart of time
my heart is not into grasping it
it slips through my hands
like the rain drops
dripping off my nose
for what does it mean
to control creation
to seize the power
at the heart of the universe
if there is no one there
to whom you can offer the moon

evidence of unwinding time-the publication date nears for e-hologram universe

The e-hologram universe is now roaring to it's publication date.
On what a load off of my mind to be waiting for others
To no longer slave to finish a chapter
to know that all of the secrets of the universe are put to bed
The rotation of universe, the spiral galaxies
rotation of matter about an axis and about each other
Time and space, god and prophets and physicists
all and all wrapped into a neat bundle of 150 pages more or less
Page after page of reconciling math and theory
A unified field theory that perhaps even Newton could embrace
Well perhaps no one would be happy embracing it
But there it is or there it will be at long last and worth the wait

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Notes on e-hologram the book-to be published this week!!

Here is the draft teaser and the back of the book.

Do you want one book that answers the secrets of the universe?
Do you want to see what unified field theory looks like?
Do you want to read Einstein's hidden secrets?
Do you wonder what the purpose of life is?  Do you want to know if there is a god?  Where he comes from?  what he expects from you?
Do you want this in terms of physics and do you want physics to explain the meta-physical?

You have come to the right place.
This book provides all the answers you want including some to questions you haven't thought to ask yet.

roughing it by mark twain chapter 54

I like to think some of my work is cutting edge.  Occasionally, I see where someone has written something far in the past which captures much of what I attempted to accomplish less successfully in current times.

It turns out Mark Twain hit on the main concepts in China's Weaponized Economy around 200 years before me.  Some people are just lucky I guess.  His vehicle was humor and what he took for weakness turns out to be strength, but since it's out of copyright, it's worth sharing.

Chapter 54

Of course there was a large Chinese population in Virginia--it is the case with every town and city on the Pacific coast. They are a harmless race when white men either let them alone or treat them no worse than dogs; in fact they are almost entirely harmless anyhow, for they seldom think of resenting the vilest insults or the cruelest injuries. They are quiet, peaceable, tractable, free from drunkenness, and they are as industrious as the day is long. A disorderly Chinaman is rare, and a lazy one does not exist. So long as a Chinaman has strength to use his hands he needs no support from anybody; white men often complain of want of work, but a Chinaman offers no such complaint; he always manages to find something to do. He is a great convenience to everybody--even to the worst class of white men, for he bears the most of their sins, suffering fines for their petty thefts, imprisonment for their robberies, and death for their murders. Any white man can swear a Chinaman's life away in the courts, but no Chinaman can testify against a white man. Ours is the "land of the free"--nobody denies that--nobody challenges it. [Maybe it is because we won't let other people testify.] As I write, news comes that in broad daylight in San Francisco, some boys have stoned an inoffensive Chinaman to death, and that although a large crowd witnessed the shameful deed, no one interfered.
There are seventy thousand (and possibly one hundred thousand) Chinamen on the Pacific coast. There were about a thousand in Virginia. They were penned into a "Chinese quarter"--a thing which they do not particularly object to, as they are fond of herding together. Their buildings were of wood; usually only one story high, and set thickly together along streets scarcely wide enough for a wagon to pass through. Their quarter was a little removed from the rest of the town. The chief employment of Chinamen in towns is to wash clothing. They always send a bill, like this below, pinned to the clothes. It is mere ceremony, for it does not enlighten the customer much. Their price for washing was $2.50 per dozen--rather cheaper than white people could afford to wash for at that time. A very common sign on the Chinese houses was: "See Yup, Washer and Ironer"; "Hong Wo, Washer"; "Sam Sing & Ah Hop, Washing." The house servants, cooks, etc., in California and Nevada, were chiefly Chinamen. There were few white servants and no Chinawomen so employed. Chinamen make good house servants, being quick, obedient, patient, quick to learn and tirelessly industrious. They do not need to be taught a thing twice, as a general thing. They are imitative. If a Chinaman were to see his master break up a centre table, in a passion, and kindle a fire with it, that Chinaman would be likely to resort to the furniture for fuel forever afterward.
All Chinamen can read, write and cipher with easy facility--pity but all our petted voters could. In California they rent little patches of ground and do a deal of gardening. They will raise surprising crops of vegetables on a sand pile. They waste nothing. What is rubbish to a Christian, a Chinaman carefully preserves and makes useful in one way or another. He gathers up all the old oyster and sardine cans that white people throw away, and procures marketable tin and solder from them by melting. He gathers up old bones and turns them into manure. In California he gets a living out of old mining claims that white men have abandoned as exhausted and worthless--and then the officers come down on him once a month with an exorbitant swindle to which the legislature has given the broad, general name of "foreign" mining tax, but it is usually inflicted on no foreigners but Chinamen. This swindle has in some cases been repeated once or twice on the same victim in the course of the same month--but the public treasury was no additionally enriched by it, probably.
Chinamen hold their dead in great reverence--they worship their departed ancestors, in fact. Hence, in China, a man's front yard, back yard, or any other part of his premises, is made his family burying ground, in order that he may visit the graves at any and all times. Therefore that huge empire is one mighty cemetery; it is ridged and wringled from its centre to its circumference with graves--and inasmuch as every foot of ground must be made to do its utmost, in China, lest the swarming population suffer for food, the very graves are cultivated and yield a harvest, custom holding this to be no dishonor to the dead. Since the departed are held in such worshipful reverence, a Chinaman cannot bear that any indignity be offered the places where they sleep. Mr. Burlingame said that herein lay China's bitter opposition to railroads; a road could not be built anywhere in the empire without disturbing the graves of their ancestors or friends.
A Chinaman hardly believes he could enjoy the hereafter except his body lay in his beloved China; also, he desires to receive, himself, after death, that worship with which he has honored his dead that preceded him. Therefore, if he visits a foreign country, he makes arrangements to have his bones returned to China in case he dies; if he hires to go to a foreign country on a labor contract, there is always a stipulation that his body shall be taken back to China if he dies; if the government sells a gang of Coolies to a foreigner for the usual five-year term, it is specified in the contract that their bodies shall be restored to China in case of death. On the Pacific coast the Chinamen all belong to one or another of several great companies or organizations, and these companies keep track of their members, register their names, and ship their bodies home when they die. The See Yup Company is held to be the largest of these. The Ning Yeong Company is next, and numbers eighteen thousand members on the coast. Its headquarters are at San Francisco, where it has a costly temple, several great officers (one of whom keeps regal state in seclusion and cannot be approached by common humanity), and a numerous priesthood. In it I was shown a register of its members, with the dead and the date of their shipment to China duly marked. Every ship that sails from San Francisco carries away a heavy freight of Chinese corpses--or did, at least, until the legislature, with an ingenious refinement of Christian cruelty, forbade the shipments, as a neat underhanded way of deterring Chinese immigration. The bill was offered, whether it passed or not. It is my impression that it passed. There was another bill--it became a law--compelling every incoming Chinaman to be vaccinated on the wharf and pay a duly appointed quack (no decent doctor would defile himself with such legalized robbery) ten dollars for it. As few importers of Chinese would want to go to an expense like that, the law-makers thought this would be another heavy blow to Chinese immigration.
What the Chinese quarter of Virginia was like--or, indeed, what the Chinese quarter of any Pacific coast town was and is like--may be gathered from this item which I printed in the Enterprise while reporting for that paper:
CHINATOWN.--Accompanied by a fellow reporter, we made a trip through our Chinese quarter the other night. The Chinese have built their portion of the city to suit themselves; and as they keep neither carriages nor wagons, their streets are not wide enough, as a general thing, to admit of the passage of vehicles. At ten o'clock at night the Chinaman may be seen in all his glory. In every little cooped-up, dingy cavern of a hut, faint with the odor of burning Josh-lights and with nothing to see the gloom by save the sickly, guttering tallow candle, were two or three yellow, long-tailed vagabonds, coiled up on a sort of short truckle-bed, smoking opium, motionless and with their lustreless eyes turned inward from excess of satisfaction--or rather the recent smoker looks thus, immediately after having passed the pipe to his neighbor--for opium-smoking is a comfortless operation, and requires constant attention. A lamp sits on the bed, the length of the long pipe-stem from the smoker's mouth; he puts a pellet of opium on the end of a wire, sets it on fire, and plasters it into the pipe much as a Christian would fill a hole with putty; then he applies the bowl to the lamp and proceeds to smoke--and the stewing and frying of the drug and the gurgling of the juices in the stem would well-nigh turn the stomach of a statue. John likes it, though; it soothes him, he takes about two dozen whiffs, and then rolls over to dream, Heaven only knows what, for we could not imagine by looking at the soggy creature. Possibly in his visions he travels far away from the gross world and his regular washing, and feast on succulent rats and birds'-nests in Paradise.
Mr. Ah Sing keeps a general grocery and provision store at No. 13 Wang street. He lavished his hospitality upon our party in the friendliest way. He had various kinds of colored and colorless wines and brandies, with unpronouncable names, imported from China in little crockery jugs, and which he offered to us in dainty little miniature wash-basins of porcelain. He offered us a mess of birds'-nests; also, small, neat sausages, of which we could have swallowed several yards if we had chosen to try, but we suspected that each link contained the corpse of a mouse, and therefore refrained. Mr. Sing had in his store a thousand articles of merchandise, curious to behold, impossible to imagine the uses of, and beyond our ability to describe.
His ducks, however, and his eggs, we could understand; the former were split open and flattened out like codfish, and came from China in that shape, and the latter were plastered over with some kind of paste which kept them fresh and palatable through the long voyage.
We found Mr. Hong Wo, No. 37 Chow-chow street, making up a lottery scheme--in fact we found a dozen others occupied in the same way in various parts of the quarter, for about every third Chinaman runs a lottery, and the balance of the tribe "buck" at it. "Tom," who speaks faultless English, and used to be chief and only cook to the Territorial Enterprise, when the establishment kept bachelor's hall two years ago, said that "Sometime Chinaman buy ticket one dollar hap, ketch um two tree hundred, sometime no ketch um anything; lottery like one man fight um seventy--may-be he whip, may-be he get whip heself, welly good."
However, the percentage being sixty-nine against him, the chances are, as a general thing, that "he get whip heself." We could not see that these lotteries differed in any respect from our own, save that the figures being Chinese, no ignorant white man might ever hope to succeed in telling "t'other from which;" the manner of drawing is similar to ours.
Mr. See Yup keeps a fancy store on Live Fox street. He sold us fans of white feathers, gorgeously ornamented; perfumery that smelled like Limburger cheese, Chinese pens, and watch-charms made of a stone unscratchable with steel instruments, yet polished and tinted like the inner coat of a sea-shell. As tokens of his esteem, See Yup presented the party with gaudy plumes made of gold tinsel and trimmed with peacocks' feathers.
We ate chow-chow with chop-sticks in the celestial restaurants; our comrade chided the moon-eyed damsels in front of the houses for their want of feminine reserve; we received protecting Josh-lights from our hosts and "dickered" for a pagan God or two. Finally, we were impressed with the genius of a Chinese book-keeper; he figured up his accounts on a machine like a gridiron with buttons strung on its bars; the different rows represented units, tens, hundreds and thousands. He fingered them with incredible rapidity--in fact, he pushed them from place to place as fast as a musical professor's fingers travel over the keys of a piano.
They are a kindly disposed, well-meaning race, and are respected and well treated by the upper classes, all over the Pacific coast. No Californian gentleman or lady ever abuses or oppresses a Chinaman, under any circumstances, an explanation that seems to be much needed in the East. Only the scum of the population do it--they and their children; they, and, naturally and consistently, the policemen and politicians, likewise, for these are the dust-licking pimps and slaves of the scum, there as well as elsewhere in America.