
Sunday, September 8, 2013

More recycled poetry celebrating E-Hologram theory and recycling

As I cut out the poetry from publication document (who wants to read poetry why physics?) I am struck by how often you find artists in mathematicians.  I suspect someone has already done a paper on that, so I will not wax eloquent on it.

Instead I will take out these old poems and try to do something with them for you and soon enough the publication date will catch up with the poetry, but, alas, not contain it.

 Poem: with one hour to live, how do I handle all the time on my hands
 Time is static
I have one hour left to live
who can I call to tell goodbye
I have one day to live
who can I ask for forgiveness
I have one week to live
How can I explain my life
I have one month to live
who can I help to go on
I have six months to live
who can I comfort
I have one year to live
what can I finish
I have two years to live
how can I help mankind
be better after I am gone
I have my whole life ahead of me
however long it is
How do I want to spend it
How can I make it richer
Who do I befriend
and how can I share with them
why do I waste the minutes
the hours and the days
when they aren't spent well
and how do I protect those
who I have wronged
in the short time left
how do I better those
who will be here after me
how do I love those
who are ready to love me
we all live and only live
from one minute to the next
with only one minute left
how do I handle
all the time on my hands
We live our lives over and over again
People and moments are irrelevant
You have a finite amount of time
your actions are preordained
you can do whatever you want with it
but you've already done it
this means you life is without meaning
but it also means you can act
fearlessly and without regard for consequences
because you've already acted that way
the time you've spent
happened all at once
with every other time spent
all of your grand desires
all of your heroes great sacrifices
all of your sages wisdom
is meaningless in the grand design
everything you find beautiful
will fade in time
while being preserved forever
in a singular moment
which is not a moment
because it has no time or dimension
just everything you are
everything everyone is
past, present and future
so the question is whether
you want the still image of your life
to contain something beautiful
or whether you will be content
knowing that you have no control
to allow the painting of eternity
to contain a portrait of your life
devoid of great thinking and ideas
devoid of great passion and love
to be devoid of us together


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