
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The mathematical formula for determing the intelligence of god in E-Hologram Theory

I am saving this post for some time in the near future when the book is published, but just as a teaser, I wanted to mention that  I stumbled upon the formula for determining the intelligence of god in E-H-Theory and thought I'd mention it.  For those of you who follow this blog (and lord knows it's hard to figure out why you do) I am giving you a heads up so that  you can get your calculators out and see how close you can get to my estimation.

You'll have to read a lot of the prior entries to understand and do a little internet research, but all things being equal you should get within rock throwing distance (at least a rock thrown on a galactic scale).

The answer (well my answer) will be posted shortly, but I think just posing the question given the theory suggests the answer and my derivation is just one of many.  Those of you who think in terms of an infinite intelligence will not be disappointed since this is covered in the chapter following, but it's nice to see the actual derivation which yields a number.

I look forward to seeing your ideas on this subject and my derivation will be posted in terms of human intelligence/second (just to give you a hint on how it is derived) as soon as the book is published.

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