
Sunday, September 22, 2013

In the wake of success

The country dies of indolence
Having engaged in successful wars for 200 of its 210 years arguing for peace through strength
Many of them are justified in the affairs of man, to the extent that any war is justified but just as many wars were fought for the glory of a man, for revenge, for a false cause. The false cause is often hidden behind a glorious cause which hides petty nature of men, yield a false justification for history.
We sit on our castle of past strength, wasting away by enslaving the rest of our world, but those we enslave weaken us by doing our work.  Like all masters, we will, soon enough, find ourselves the slaves.
I have finished my efforts for the moment.  I have staved off the wolves of disease, want and credit.  For the greater glory of man, books have been written.  I should, should I not, have earned a rest.  Then I and the country could die, indolent together.
Weak countries were designed for rest.  Weak people make a strong country weak.
We act like those on food stamps are the weak of our country.  But it is not those who starve in the streets who are weak, but those who sit in power who do nothing to strengthen the hungry.  It is those who live in mansions who are indolent because they choose and then think they are better than those who wallow in poverty because they have no choice.
So should I rest and enjoy a moment's peace.  Having done so much, should I say it is enough for now.  Peace is an illusion without a purpose to it.  We are not designed for peace, we chose excess as a false god.  The spirit of man of is to survive.  A man or country that no longer realizes this is no longer a country or a man.  The farther one looks into the future, the less peace there is.  But if you look far enough into the future, what do you see?

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