
Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Matter and Anitmatter anomally in Einstein Hologram Theory-one of three

The first edition is published, but the mysteries of the universe remain.

This entry will attempt to address one of these "alleged" anomalies.

The problem is phrased as: "Where is the anti-matter that non-E-H-Theory predicts should be in our universe."

Anti matter is the mirror image of matter.  Electrons have positrons with equal mass but opposite charge; same with protons and anti-protons.  Neutrons would exist allegedly with anti-neutrons the former being made of electrons and protons, the later with the anti-versions.

Anti matter is believed to exist because it is observable in super-colliders.  In fact, they can be captured in magnetic fields since they are charged.  They can't be produced in quantity because we cannot (in non E-H theory) generate the energy to make them.

The theory of the big bang is that matter and anti-matter were made in approximately equal amounts in the big bang (non-e-h theory mind you) and that less than 1% of the excess of matter survived.  The matter/anti-matter explosion of the 99% resulted in the enormous background radiation we experience today (IBM scientists, I believe, discovered it by accident in trying to determine signal interference from satellites.)

We have a different explosion under E-H Theory.  The explosion is not matter and anti-matter but merely the conversion of time to energy..  Now we know that the energy created of turning matter into energy is enormous (a function of the speed of light squared!) because of the equation: e=mc^2.

In E-H Theory; anti-matter is not defined as clearly as it is in the near Newtonian (actually this would be "Franklinian-for Benjamin Franklin who coined positive and negative charge in electricity perhaps) concept of traditional big-bang theory.  While we can accept the brilliance of Newton and Franklin; we cannot assume that they had enough underlying theory to base our concept of the universe on their determinations 200 years or more before now.

So how do we define the dearth of charge of one type while the existence of the charge of the other (i.e we have electrons and protons abounding, but not their counter-parts.

One explanation would be that all of the anti-protons and positrons formed into neutrons.  That would be a satisfying explanation that would account for the lost mass.  That, however, allows us to use traditional theory to define the discrepancy and we don't want to be lazy.

Hence, we must look to how energy and matter are formed from time.  But it is late and the secrets of the universe will wait till tomorrow.  In the interim, please feel free to read the book and see what answers are suggested.

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