
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

luxury without you

having learned what happiness is 
having learned how to deny it
for a myriad of reasons 
some good and some not
I find myself in a condition of perpetual melancholy 
always wondering why
I don't allow myself joy and fulfillment
sacrifice without reward
loyalty instead of happiness
morality in place of fulfillment
I lay on my hammock 
on this most perfect of weather days 
I am struck with the serenity
which accompanies the emptiness 
of this modest but complete luxury 
absent the ineffable joy of your company
I wonder why you would ever think of me 
living the life of luxury without you.

Monday, September 29, 2014

NLT 2nd edition non-linear time theory-The pitch

So I'm working on my grant proposals.  First I have to whittle NLT from 150 pages down to 15.  10%.  Not so tough, since it may be 90% nonsense, but which 90 percent?
But there's also the pitch.  Now, you've seen the pitch, but it's up to me to put it together.  So with you as my audience, with the governments of the world as my audience, I will put together the pitch.

I am grouchy because I have provided a compelling argument but the intelligentsia will throw every imaginable roadblock in my way while failing to even fully read my work.   Indeed that isn't the only reason I'm grouchy, but its a compelling reason.

You will have the opportunity to review my attempts to calm myself as this is slowly put together over the days to come just as you were able to follow the formation of the book, with all its wrong turns and duplicity which is only now just 'beginning' to fade in favor of a more lucid, come consistent work.

Anyway, open for comment,

Non Linear Time Theory provides an intuitive approach to space, matter and force.  NLT provides intuitive answers to what have been mysteries in prior theories. The list includes (1) the origin of space time, (2) the origin of quantum phenomena, (3) quantum time giving rise to quantum gravity, (4) the unified field relationship of gravity to other forces, (5) the origin of force, (6) the transitions of time dimensional coordinates to the different force and dimensional states we experience, (7) explanations of why we experience clock time and (8) why it disappears at the speed of light, (9) the exponential growth of clock time concentration and (10) the reasons for the perception of speed, (11) an explanation of why we can predict clock time 5, (12) wave-particle duality, (13) the successor of standard clock time that allow us to have self-awareness, (14) the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter gravitational forces. 

I did this, not some physicist, not some government think tank, not some successful grant applicant.  It was me.  In September of 2012 the concept occurred to me.  A year later, almost to the day, in 2013 I published The Einstein Hologram Universe which loosely embodied the ideas.  Working just in my free time, withing one year I had a conceptually complete theory predictive of the 14 items above and more.  I predicted not only the compression of black holes but what they represented, namely a time with an additional coordinate changing simultaneously.  Compare the comparatively idiotic approach and unsolvable paradox present in pre-non linear time physics.

While Non Linear time suggest that anti-gravity is unlikely, I happen to be your best bet for building a floating car, faster than light time travel and freezing things in a suspended state.
I have done all of this unfunded and in my spare time.  I'm not saying that I will produce a floating car or a transporter or that my math solutions when given enough time to put them together will immediately change the world, but I am so far ahead of everyone else, that it makes sense to allow me to continue to move forward and if there are floating cars and transporters in the future, my work will be attached to them.  At least that is how I interpret my theories against the background of the nonsense of the predecessor theories.

So endith the first draft of the pitch.

The Zeno-Socrates dialogs new chapter 4 for my ukrainian readers

So here is the completed new chapter.  The book itself is heavily edited although I find a word or two to change every time I go through it again, I feel it is essentially ready to publish except for designing a cover.  I do very much plan to go over the dialog itself again.  There is much to do to make the work as faithful to non-linear time as possible.  I cannot make it faithful to the history which I do not know.  Quite frankly, the end still makes me uncomfortable as time travel appears possible after a fashion, but only at the risk of having it limited by its having already occurred.  

You don't need a pep talk from me. You know you are smart enough and talented enough to do anything.  That is the answer to what is being human.
Mature enough?   Well, that comes with time and work.
I'll share my story.  I put off writing to make a living and while I it caused me to lose a great deal of time, I am writing now, despite everything and am proud of what I have written.  I had to mature a bit although perhaps I matured too long, turning from wine into vinegar perhaps.  But even vinegar is desirable when you want a salad.
I stayed true to what I believed at my core even if I occasionally had to subvert it to the practical.  I must say that I've subverted to the practical a little too much.
So, always try to spend a little time living your dream and not worrying about what anyone else is thinking about you.
Remember that ever adversity holds the kernel of opportunity.  It is what you do with the kernel that makes you great.  If life hands you some time and disappointment, invest it wisely.
 At the height of my problems (and this was only a couple of years ago) you would think that I would have nothing good to say about it (other than I recovered); but in fact it was only when I had hit the bottom and faced the worst terror of my life that I was able to focus on what was important to me; I set aside my fear, picked up my pen and I'm getting ready to publish my 5th book this week.  And that is not the greatest opportunity I seized although it is the one that I held onto.
So embrace the horror which is life, watch for the kernel of hope and opportunity within tragedy, which is, in fact, nothing more than needing to have the trivial crap in life peeled away to see what is important.  But you're just trying to get through this to see the chapter 4, so.




Socrates, as I live and breath!”

Socrates wheels about on a dusty road, seeing Mercurio sitting on a half pillar which has fallen and broken. Someone had pushed it off the trail to form an oversized but apparently comfortable seat on which Mercurio sat resting. Socrates' heart skipped a beat, but he quickly caught his breath. “Why if it isn’t the messenger of Hell and Death. You’ve no message for me, I hope.”

Ha, ha. I am rather surprised to see you here and I have no message to deliver today for or about you. I had some scrolls which were bought from a friend of yours, in point of fact. And what brings you to this place?”

Why I happen to be here to study under Zeno of this fine city.”

“A noble undertaking for a recognized scholar. I heard you had some sort of dust up.”

“Just a misunderstanding among friends.”

"Truly, I heard someone saying you were involved in something they were calling a ziggurat scheme?"

"Really? I have no idea how these rumors get started.  I came here for the ocean breezes and to study philosophy.  You should come with me. It is an extremely curious thing."  

"Oh I would love to, but I'm going back to Athens right away."  

"Oh, you do get around"  Thinking, "Would you consider carrying a message and some scrolls for me?"  

Most assuredly. Anything to help a friend.”

It might help we with a bit of discomfort.”

An uncomfortable business arrangement?”

In business, uncomfortable events become comfortable once the fee is paid.”

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Notes on the Misty May Treanor Speech on life

I have pages and pages of notes.
I am tired and cranky.  Very few would want to be around me.  I have sweated, I have put off showers, I have traveled, I have lost sleep, I have lost what is important to me.  I have sacrificed things of great value for things that make my life less fulfilling.  I am tired, I am angry, I am cranky.
I'm not a newspaper reporter, but I'll share the wisdom as I interpreted it from a 3 time gold medalist volleyball player who referred to her speech as a therapy session.
How to deal with nervousness:  Look at nervousness as your body telling you that you is ready for the challenge; excited and ready to go.  It is not a disability but something to learn to channel.
On the loss of her mom:  The time together was too short.  It is important to learn how to console yourself and how to get over bad things as opposed to merely morning the loss.
On Dating:  Don't lose yourself.  What is important to you and your independent life is more important than yielding to someone else, even someone very strong.
On Preparation: Long practice is necessary, but so is learning how to take time off to recover and enjoy life.  Understand that your priorities will shift in life.
On weakness in competition:   Make up a weakness one day with the strength of another-don't concentrate of what is weak one day, but instead concentrate on what is strong that day.
On Goals: Be the change the world needs, not just for yourself.  It is easier to go through hardship like therapy if you have a goal in mind.  Don't think "why me" but "how can I move on."
Learn to take a deep breath when life challenges you.  Look at frustrations as an opportunity to better yourself.  Challenge yourself.
On loyalty.Recognize the sacrifices those at the top have to make to create a relationship.  Be willing to make those sacrifices yourself.  Go above an beyond and you'll get it back. Make sure your life is not just about taking. Don't expect more for yourself, expect to give more.  Accept your past but recognizing it is behind you.  Go after things and people  you can be loyal to.  Give back.  make things better by sticking together.  Stay to give time for all the fans.  Treat others as you want to be treated.  Assume you will run into those people again.  Respect others by doing the right thing for others.  Negotiate with the idea of helping those who have less negotiating power.
On Struggle: use struggle to achieve greatness or do the impossible.  Recognize in bad things (poor living conditions of others and death of mother) to put things in perspective.
Always try to bring a little more to the table than what is absolutely necessary.
mentally prepare-visualize and relax.  Prepare the best you can and then accept what happens.   Use a routine to keep mentally level.  Visualize yourself doing the difficult tasks; play the visualization of you doing the individual actions correctly, succeeding/winning.  Organize and use time management recognizing that what you do off the court follows you onto the court.

thyroid care

Thursday, September 25, 2014

NLT 2nd edition updates on Zeno-socrates dialogs pitch

I finished the edits for publication of the Zeno-Socrates dialogs.  It's hard to imagine why no one complains about all the typos.  Its 37 pages long in book form.  I'm thinking about adding a chapter explaining why Socrates has come to Elia to study with Zeno by way a chance meeting with Mercurios a friend from Athens.  I have to admit the story has its moments, although I think another edit or two might be in order.  "Fancy meeting you here, Socrates.  I heard you had some sort of dust up in Athens?"  "Just a misunderstanding among friends."  "Truly, I heard someone saying you were involved in something they were calling a ziggurat scheme?" "Really?  I have no idea how these rumors get started.  I came here for the ocean breezes and to study philosophy.  You should come with me."  "Oh I would love to, but I'm going back to Athens."  "Oh, you do get around"  Thinking, "Would you consider carrying a message and some scrolls for me?"  Something like that.
My concept for the teaser line is:
Zeno and Parmenides are two older, well known philosophers, living quietly in Elia in ancient Greece whose work is so ground breaking their names and some of their work will survive for 2500 years.  Hilarity ensues when a young Socrates causes their work to be published and everyone is arrested for sedition against the gods.  A rip roaring, laugh filled trial in ancient Athens to see which form of death the trio may face seems to be inevitable.
So what do you think?  No one ever comments on anything here, so who knows what you think.
I expect for all of you who have read it on this blog to log onto Amazon and write glowing reports of the story when it is published (probably next week).  Especially you Eurasians should already be posting glowing posts about Non-linear time theory as the new relativity.  I made a dedication to my loyal fans in the Ukraine in the copy of ZSD to be published.
I'm thinking about adding the Whale lawyer (then it will be a collection of short stories) which would make it large enough to have a regular binder.

And how about Non Linear Time?
While Non Linear time suggest that anti-gravity is unlikely, I happen to be your best bet for building a floating car, faster than light time travel and freezing things in a suspended state.
I'm considering changing my allegiance and selling my development of the ideas to the highest bidder and I can tell you that I'm not too impressed with the reactions so far from the European or US Physical societies.  They wouldn't recognize the next Parmenides if he came up and kicked them in the organizational crotch.
So I'm expecting to see some proposals in response to this.  I'll relocate if the right deal is put forward, but I won't abandon my sarcasm.  In case you don't think you can handle the freight, my main ideas have to do with developing technical methods for investigation of temporary higher and lower concentration states and working on the concept of negative dimensional characteristics of force and conservation of clock time change along with solutions of such things as the field equation and irrational number (yes irrational numbers should be capable of solution under Non-linear time theory) in order to approach those practical items, however unlikely that appears as a result based on my initial inquiries.  I am sure the second edition of NLT will be full of surprises as will this blog.
I have some very complicated things I would like to write, but I swam 3200 yards tonight and walked that stupid dog and it's hard to concentrate.  My eyes are also killing me which is like when your eyes bother you but worse.
I thought about making things right and the concept seemed to boil down to either lying about how I feel or being more honest both of which might lead to the same place.  In the end, I decided with all of my flaws, my constancy is worth more than some made up disposition.  We must concentrate on the good things in our lives if we know the good and bad will both exist into some version of eternity, even as I wind things up in this go round.

nlt 2nd edition Do I have to do everything-NLT vs Non linear series

non-linear series analysis or non linear time series is one of those concepts which would predate Non-linear time were it not to have its roots buried in the late 1930's and early 1940's if not 2500 years ago.  The use of the phrase "non-linear time" is common only to the more recent analysis by me, of course, so I have to take some credit for the confusion this will cause when and if someone decides that NLT is good for something other than taking up space on the internet.
Of course, the model already answers so many questions (the partial list is on the book jacket and one of these blogs) that it has merit as a starting point even though it is far from an ending point.
Still these two things are different but similar.
One, non-linear series, is a well developed theory that, for lack of a better understanding, I'll say focuses on the "non-time dependent" aspects of a system (chemical, economic, etc).  I invite someone who has actually studied non-linear series to give the accurate description, I will merely take this little snippet and expound on it mercilessly as I do with everything else.  Later, time permitting, I will will delve more deeply into this area of confusion.
Non-linear time theory, on the other hand, says that everything in our universe is time dependent and therefore a discussion of the two would seem irrelevant, but it is not.  Eventually the two will meet somewhere and, after all, NLS, when applied to time, any series with linearity is equally apt for study, is really dealing just with standard clock time.  SCT from our point of reference is linear (all times from our point of reference are linear with possible exceptions (CT0 to be sure, but perhaps CT5 and 6).
The point is that certain aspects of a linear system are not time dependent.  You can take your name for example.  In your life it may not change, so it would appear time independent.  Of course, it does change, not just with age (sometimes growing shorter or longer, Bernard on the birth certificate to Bernie and then perhaps to Mr. Johnson with a shortcut to BJ during those pesky college years).
Now you are saying, "just get to the point" or more likely you have moved on to something relevant to your lives; but the point is hidden here.  NLT recognizes that time changes are important to every system from the perspective of NLT; while NLS recognizes that from a practical perspective the study of the irrelevance of quantum time fluctuations in favor of the more practical study of time as a given system has great merit.
It is a meeting point of two systems and where the systems meet there is much to be learned, just as two people meeting while traveling in different directions in a desert (emotional or sandy) can be expected to take a moment to exchange information for better or for worse.
Of course the people who study NLS are better trained classically than me and are dealing with a system far more developed than NLT (dependent of my limited free time until someone smart decides to take it up) so it seems like an NLS guy should take a shot at the differentiation; if not, perhaps, taking a few shots at the theory itself which has yet to be proved rugged enough to withstand full scrutiny.
A willingness to accept a lot of punishment is something shared by theories and by people in the desert.  And with that thought, I ask, "do I have to do everything?"

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rules for Examining what you are doing with life 2

Having restated the laws of physics, I am enjoying being finished and simultaneously worrying about the mistakes and the problems with premature publication.
So I found this old post (unposted) and decided to dust it off, dress it up and send it on its way.
These were the rules I was giving for deciding what to do in life.
1) Why am I doing this?
2) Am I choosing to do this?
3) How do I reward myself for what I do until I get the ultimate payoff?

I could say a lot about these rules, and I think I will, but not tonight.  Instead I will add a few other rules:
1) What if what I'm doing gets me farther from the payoff
2) What am I willing to sacrifice to continue things as they are
3) What will it mean later if I do or don't do something
4) If it means worrying or hurting someone you love, is it really worth the cost of inaction?

And  the historical quote to add to the concept of planning your life, from a greek philosopher (where did they get all this stuff?)
"If one does not know to which port he is sailing, no wind is favorable."  Seneca

I think when it was told to me, it was, "No wind is a bad wind if you don't know which port you are sailing to."  Both mean something similar, but not the same.  One the message of the pessimist, the other the optimist.

I will give a nod here to the Yom Kippur holiday.  The day is to apologize and ask forgiveness for the sins against god.  I know the prayers ask for forgiveness against man, but that appears to be a modern afterthought.  The rule is to apologize to those you have wronged and, if possible, make things right.  A noble sentiment.  Oddly, the rule says to do it before Yom Kippur, which happens to start Friday at sundown.  Again, it seems like the universe is serving me a softball, and I wonder why I am singled out for such treatment.

I am sorry, but how to make it right?  I think forgiveness before Friday is a two way street, but we have to be thankful for what we have to give and not what we hope to receive.

In a nod to Non-linear time theory and Steely Dan, I suppose given the chance I'd probably do the same thing again, in fact NLT theory demands that just that will happen.  What a world, what a sad excuse for a person.

So far things going very badly trying to a physicist to review the book, but its time will come or perhaps not.  "Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan." John F. Kennedy

1000 posts

Well, yesterday, with no fanfare whatsoever I posted the 1,000th post in this blog after swimming 2,500 yards.  I figured there was only one a day, perhaps less, on average.  That led me to think that  I have been at this for approximately 3 years, .  But on closer examination I find the first post to be dated July 30, 2012 and to begin with this quote: "The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."  There was a prior blog to this one which still exists somewhere out there.  I have not logged onto it for a very long time.  I suspect that it started less than 60 days before this one so I have apparently posted 1000 blogs in 800 days.  While I have accomplished much in that time in terms of publication, I have actually moved backwards in terms of personal satisfaction.  Such is the life of man.
I decided to send to a couple of "societies" (the cabal) requests for a "book review".  For this purpose I singled out the US and European Math and Physics Societies (random selections from the group from each) and based loosely on those mentioned in a prior blog.
I do this with much trepidation.  This is, after all, a first edition text which admittedly has incomplete math (I ask to be excused since a complete definition of the math of the universe is quite an undertaking for free) and it is merely a very long (way too long-150 page, 38,000 word) first draft of a grant application.  I expect my feelings will be hurt, in other words.  Ahh, but we've talked about fear and how it limits us artificially.  I have proven that to act fearlessly is to accomplish much and I have shown cowardice when courage was called for in the most important circumstances, of course.
Anyway, I started with 4 and none of them in Asia, sadly.  I will continue this process given time and I will tell you all about it and your only way to avoid hearing about it is to not read this blog.
There have been two replies so far.  One from Europe-suitably polite, directing me to the person who does those reviews (or some sort of reviews) who is a professor in Madrid.  I will reserve comments on traveling to Spain for the moment, but the significance is not lost.  The other from the Physical society of the US which directed me to their submission process for papers for publication which includes paying a substantial amount of money, thereby missing completely the concept (getting a book review) which I assume is my fault for wording my request un-clearly and ignoring my somewhat impoverished condition.
The difference in the European vs US approach (mainly being tied to money compared to science) makes me long for the old country (in my case a cold barren place, not the Spanish coast where I should have come from or the Greek coast where my heart seems drawn).
I am close to the coast today, there are puffy clouds from gulf which don't portend rain, but only moderating the ever present heat of summer which is gone today.  I know the inland waters before me, call me to cross over, but I only look at them and weep.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The purpose and the song

2500 yards swimming tonight.  Not my normal workout, but it was cool tonight and I had to walk that stupid dog.  The lifeguards were good enough to let me do my warm down after everyone had left and even turned the lights off so I could swim in the near darkness which is a relief to my eyes.
So what is Non-linear time theory, have you figured out the riddle yet?  And it is a riddle, albeit a very long, drawn out riddle.
I don't write this to post my entire life online which is what you would like to think
my life is a little more complicated than this.
I don't ask anyone to read this blog, although it would be nice if somebody would buy a copy or two of my latest book and possibly read it.  And it is gratifying that someone reads this blog.
The next thing I'm planning, which should happen pretty quickly, is to publish the Zeno-Socrates Dialogs which seems to be a popular short story.  Why don't those of you who seem so anxious to read it, just wait and buy it when I publish it?  Don't worry, I won't take anything down.  I learned the value of leaving the blog in place when I found that series of posts which were the subject of the "flash of genius" post some few days back.
I do expect to finish the things I have started, maybe even you.  But no, I can't think about that.
Somewhere out there is a purpose, unless all of this is meaningless, in which case the sociopaths win. If this is not my entire life, it is not the important part.
I realize now why the book will not sell to those of you who read this blog.  It isn't because you have read most of it here already.  No, you are waiting to buy it till after I post myself singing that darned song.  What a mistake that was.  I should have posted it and then threatened to take it down if you didn't buy enough copies.  Ah well, what's done is done.  Soon enough, soon enough.

Non-linear Time Theory

I've decided to set an impossible number of these books that need to be sold this week or I sing the song I wrote and post it.  It's not a very good song and I can't sing so you had better go out and buy a copy.
For those of you who don't plan on accepting a copy if its given to you, fear not because I'm setting the bar high enough so I can sing my song.  Now, how to make anyone listen to it...

This is how the kindle cover ended up.

This is the actual book.  Instead of a picture of me, I used a picture of the cover of the Einstein Hologram Universe.  I know what you're thinking, why waste such a good picture on such a book.  One more thing which is hard to explain.

Monday, September 22, 2014

NLT book jacket

For better or worse, it's published.
The quantum mechanics successor to the Einstein Hologram Universe
Be the first one, perhaps the only one, in your country to buy a copy.

Non Linear Time Theory provides an intuitive approach to space, matter and force.  NLT provides intuitive answers to what have been mysteries in prior theories. The list includes (1) the origin of space time, (2) the origin of quantum phenomena, (3) quantum time giving rise to quantum gravity, (4) the unified field relationship of gravity to other forces, (5) the origin of force, (6) the transitions of time dimensional coordinates to the different force and dimensional states we experience, (7) explanations of why we experience clock time and (8) why it disappears at the speed of light, (9) the exponential growth of clock time concentration and (10) the reasons for the perception of speed, (11) an explanation of why we can predict clock time 5, (12) wave-particle duality, (13) the successor of standard clock time that allow us to have self-awareness, (14) the origins of what we have previously thought of as dark matter gravitational forces. 


First let me state that Non linear time theory is what it sets out to be.  It is an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time.  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for string hologram theory.  It is partially developed.  The book was written originally to be a 15 page grant application for the purpose of finishing it.
It is mathematically incomplete, but intuitively correct.
It undermines self-determination, it either discloses or creates a universe so vastly different from anything we experience subject to one flaw, the flaw being what appears to be what we see with our own eyes.  However, it casts doubt over what we see.
It is, perhaps more than any other theory of physics consistent with some type of religion while differentiating itself from any religious doctrine.  It questions space and time, envisioning of necessity an environment where those limitations do not apply.  This is vastly different from an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time.  This environment is one where time and distance have no existence.  It is as if those two critical elements of our perception, space-time, were created for no reason other than our ability to perceive them.  Worse still, it suggests that space-time is illusory.  It suggests that we exist in the non-linear space and that our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are only illusion.  It almost requires that every moment exists simultaneously with every other moment, that every quantum point exists with every other quantum point.
It suggests that our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are but an illusion.  We do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.
The theory is as much a terror as a triumph.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

NLT-Unified field theory-prizes and pretenders

So, I read that anyone who comes up with a legitimate unified field theory would be remembered with Heisenberg and win the nobel prize.  That, of course, is a bunch of hooey, and I'm going to explain that.  But it did get me thinking, someone must have explained unified field theory, someone must have come up with a solution.  That is, someone besides me.   If they used my methodology, whether from me or developed some other way, that would be gratifying.  If not, then I have written a book that means nothing, but does it really mean nothing?  Before I answer that, it is worth debunking the whole concept of a unified field; except for my theory, which at best would be complex to carry out, of course.

In order for NLT to work, for any unified field theory to work, you need something more than clever mathematics or the ability to match one set of equations to another.  In order for a unified field theory to have merit, you have to be able to convert matter or energy into gravity or you have to be able to go the other way.

That doesn't mean that it has to be easy or cheap.  But to claim a unified field exists without the ability to convert between fields is denying the existence of unity.

You can't have a unified field theory just by having good math and saving the web site:

This is an example of the over complicated analysis that makes no sense and is really little more than a compilation of the misdirected mathematics to date.  Now I haven't even looked closely at UTOM very closely.  I don't need to.  If he was so smart, he'd be flying an anti-gravity machine about my house thumbing his nose at me.

Now you might be asking, do I think that I can build such a device?  If I didn't I wouldn't be saying that I had a unified field theory.  Now that being said, if you asked if I was building something like that, the answer would be no.  In truth, it was too early for me to be thinking about that.  The math isn't fully developed yet, it's a conceptual theory, that's all.

What makes me think that the UTOM is nonsense?  The telltale sign is the use of nonsense particles that appears to be a symptom of all traditional physics theories.

Why?  Because if you can come up with things like "higgs bosons" to give mass instead of a simple intuitive process then what you're really doing is coming up with is patches and calling them different particles with the necessary features to make it work, everything from gravity to mass to magic.  And yes, magic particles is what they're doing, sorcerer's stones.

Just because you understand what time coordinates are and what it means when they change doesn't mean that you know how to change them.

However, Einstein did not know how to change matter to energy.  He may have understood vaguely about radioactive materials, he may have understood that concentrations of these materials started chain reactions, but there was no certainty.

So now it falls on me to determine how the change of concentrations, an alterations of coordinates can be effectuated to lead to a conversion of gravity to non-linearity.  A complete elimination of the initial manifestation of non-linearity while still affecting a linear universe.  This sounds incredibly difficult because it would involve the elimination of space.

When I thought that black holes were non-linear time, it seemed like the secret lay there.  When black holes became CT5 instead, it became clear that the answer lay in the other direction and hence the elimination of gravity involves the elimination of space.  That is possible, but we don't see it because non-linearity is coordinates not changing and that is invisible to us.  But at least I know what it is.
So traditional physicists and UTOM especially, keep making up particles, keep thinking you're on to something.  If anyone creates an anti-gravity device, it will be using Non-linear time, irregardless of what your website says.

An equally technical description comes from other examinations of these theories.

This article is more accurate, merely saying it hasn't been solved and the reason is that these other attempts are doomed to be clever failures is that they remain mired in an outdated view of the universe.

It became a question to me, who would I submit a unified field theory to?  Well, these guys have: reviewed this type of theory: American Mathematical Society and the European Mathematical Society in the Zentralblatt fur Mathematik?  Many others come to mind, but I'm not sure that I know where I should start.  Perhaps the right answer is that I shouldn't look for anyone, I should wait for them to come to me.
Or perhaps it is a horror movie.  I have to build the machine to make time non-linear, something that would make space disappear. Perhaps that is how it works.

Or maybe I should go through social networking?  Who can say.

But let's talk about something different.  Yes, Non linear time theory has its penumbra of potential brilliance, whether its real or not remains to be seen.  Yes it adds certain nightmarish zen to the universe.  But what is this book (formatted to 150 pages) about non-linear time theory.  It is really about a new theory of quantum mechanics?  Or is it possible that the entire project, the creation of this new way of looking at the universe is actually something else?  Is it just possible that something as involved and in this whole undertaking and if so what is it?  What is all that stuff in the posts leading up to the theory of non-linear time theory?  Am i mad, obsessed, or is is something more basic?  And why go through this much trouble when it would be so simple to do something else?  Why do some people solve things that are not complex, and others just make them worse?  And what does this have to do with the question at hand?
What do people say is the most powerful force in the universe, that is those people who know nothing about physics?
Ok there is that.  Is it all a function of some predestined universe, the result of a god who enjoys toying with the occupants?  One who enjoys those who would presuppose they had some control in the face of so many facts indicating just the opposite?  Or is it something more human?  What is the meaning of all the innuendo and who would solve the problems of the universe for no reason other than what is suggested by that?
Or perhaps it is not something as Machiavellian as that, that is too weird even for me.  Perhaps it is just about physics.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

NLT, work, duty and love

We were wrong, you and I.
You kill your enemies.
You accept your religion as superior to mine
you condemn me for my beliefs
you sacrifice for work
work gives us purpose
I sacrifice for duty
duty makes us responsible
and were we all wrong
The answer is the lesson of NLT
Death is tangible to me and you
we dish it out, and it is given to us
but it is life that is change
death is the end of change
life is change,
it can be good
it can be terrible
it must be dramatic
or it doesn't matter
if we use time for nothing
then what happens at the end
change makes up our existence
and if we sacrifice happiness and love
for religion, duty or work
it makes us noble
but it doesn't make our life as meaningful
or perhaps it does
we'll only know when we reach the end
and are forced to realize
that every moment
that we kill, that we live, that we love, that we hate
if it happens all at once
happens over and over forever
and so we must make sure each moment
has duty, has purpose, has love
i wish i could give that to you.
the duty, the purpose,
mostly, of course, the love

Friday, September 19, 2014

NLT Bah and humbug to higgs bosons and holograms
I will publish next week and there will yet be a surprise or two for you, loyal reader, or disloyal reader.
What a humbug. What a bunch of hooey.  I wonder if this is how Parminides felt, or Newton or Einstein?  As if they had not rediscovered something, but as if they had figured everything out.
No, it wouldn't be Einstein or Newton.  Perhaps more like Einstein, because of his sense of predestination, but his theories left room for human thought as an independent thing.  He saw himself as a thinker and not just some vessel from which time would play its tricks on some apes whose life span was too short for them to matter.
Perhaps like Parminides then, the one who saw between the spaces that we live in.
LIke Einstein, I will provide the springboard to extend that lifespan, but it will come at a price.   The price is the meaninglessness of the existence of so many because they are too stupid to put aside their personal prejudices in favor of what is offered, a type of freedom greater than anything they knew before.  But not like Einstein, for he had the secret of the Wizard of Oz, and no one will recognize what I pull from my bag.

It will be worse for me.  Parminides and Newton were given a pass because the disciplines where they were experts were not invented.
Not so with me.  I am scorned.  And why?  Because my invention, my insight is any less than theirs?  Indeed not.  I have unified the fields, what Einstein died trying to do.  I have gone deeper into the physic of the universe than anyone before me.  I have explained what has been searched for in vain, and have given equation to that which was seen but unexplained.
I have given a type of hope to mankind, while taking all hope away.  I have traversed far before the big bang, have determined the source of your gods, have stripped them naked to some extent, and given you gods more powerful than your ancestors and oppressing religious leaders ever imagined, I have given you life after death and striped even your death of any meaning.
But I will be ignored first by the physicist, then by their example, by everyone else.  I will be the subject of ridicule like the economist, who will point at my wisdom, at my solutions and insights and will say, "there lies a layman.  He has done nothing for us.  We knew this all along, we were merely too private to say as much.  We will give him no grant, not acknowledgement, no prize money, no recognition.  We will ignore him because he is not one of us, for all his education, for his physics classes, his advanced calculus, his years of self study, his maturity, his brilliance, we will call that nothing, because he lacks the paper that we hold, he has not wasted the time we have wasted, we cannot admit he has bested us, so we will best him with oblivion."
And them, with all of their super colliders, their advanced degrees, their governments and brilliant co-workers, with all their "money"; rubbing their high tech sticks together, seeing what they want in the smoke, while missing the flame.  I scoff at you, I ridicule you.  You have wasted your time.  It is I who have solved the puzzle, I who have taken the next step, explained your unknowns, unified your forces. That was me.
And yet, I was nothing, the greek gave it to me.  Yes, you who share my special hell with me, the one of my own making .  It was you who proved I could manipulate the stream of time, You made me believe that I was somehow special, but it was not me, was it VT, it was you.  The muse.  I am but a man, as incapable of self direction as the rest of the drones with all their excesses and prejudices against me.  Their contempt is aimed in the wrong way, for am I not nothing, isn't that what you taught me?  That unless I seize control, I am less than nothing, and only in that abandonment and pain is the truth evident.  I am nothing, the blind man, the mad prophet.
Bah I say, bah to you, bah to the physicists.  Bah even to me.  All but my relative handful of readers are but a humbug.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

China, misapplied funds and my lack of capability and embracing the horror

EU seeks billions of euros to revive economy - Eyewitness News shared via

Oh it is irritating.  I identify this problem, I come up with the solutions; and instead of funding my research for almost nothing, they blow billions on projects where all the manufacturing will be sent to asia further strengthening the economic enemies (economic warfare being the end result if not the intention) and weakening through the export of even more technology and money all because I am considered too unqualified.
It is very frustrating.  Sometimes I can almost scream with my frustration at the stupidity of those around me.  And yet am I not a part of the problem.

And yet this is not the most frustrating thing in my life.
Today I told the story of the two times that I achieved enlightenment.  Yes, not just once but twice. I did it to try to save someone else's life.  Part of my obligation, part of the chains that bind me.   And so tonight, I will write the story for you.  I will spare you the details, but it is not a kindness, but a reservation of what is too personal.
  The first time as a teenager the second time as an adult.  Both times I was confronted with feelings that the world was an overwhelming thing, that it would be better not to "suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fate."
What is enlightenment then?  What happened to me on both occasions.
The first time I was young and one day I merely woke up happy.  I embraced the horror that was the world I lived in and from that point was able to enjoy it more than anyone who was happy to begin with, who was spared the pain, who did not have to embrace the horror.
The second time, I faced the horror as an adult, the same feelings of being overwhelmed.  This time it was not so easy to move on, because the horror never went totally away, even now I wait for the last whisps of the problems to leave me free to pursue my dreams again.  But even at the very bottom, at the depths of my problems, the same thing happened.  It was made visible by someone who saved my life in every way, but teaching me what I learned on my own the first time.  That is, that you must embrace the horror, not let it kill you, but let it teach you to do what is important.  And so I did, and so I was able to attend to all my problems, to rise even stronger from them, even better off than I was before.  And yet, I have not pursued what is most important, I have been saved and I have been enlightened, but I have turned my life on the enlightenment even while I embrace the horror.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The last girl in the world

If you really love someone and they leave you, you have to write a country song about it. (g-c-d)

I went walking tonight.
I thought about how
I couldn't find anyone else attractive
And I wondered to myself

What happened to me
when you left me
that the whole world turned
empty and died like that

So I go downtown
and I walk around
all the people actin like zombies
the women and alcohol
want to eat my brain
but I'm all alone
and I finally see
your'te the final girl
in the world

I am trying to forget you
like I know you don't want
I know you would like
to make me cry

So I surround heart
with barb wire and steel
and try to catch sleep at night
the end of the world keeps me up

And I go downtown
its so late at night
the people walk like zombies
I break the seal
and I drink it straight
but i'm all alone
and i finally see
you're the last girl
in the world

I try to move on
but the phone won't ring
so i take to the streets
and I look for someone else

i look for help above
cause I can't find love
all the other girls
touch feels ice cold

And I go downtown
its so late at night
the people look like zombies
they walk so stiff
and I cannot live
and i'm all alone
and i finally see
you're the last girl
in the world

I feel like I'm alone
and I know you
wouldn't have me
if I was the only man alive

I try to find
something to live for
in the wasteland left
after you left me

And I go downtown
is so late at night
people look like zombies
they weave as they walk
and I cannot live
if I'm all alone
and I finally see
you're the only girl
in the world

the women and alcohol
want to eat my brain
I break the glass
and I drink it straight
The last girl in the world
you're the last girl
the last girl in the world
to me-e-e-e

Monday, September 15, 2014

NLT-The next step: Part 72 THINGS TO ADD LATER

I passed page 50 in the final edit of NLT.  I came across this post and decided to review it.  I am looking at 30-40 pages to the end.  Of course, I wonder what will happen if I decide to include any of this.
Do I really want to slow this process down?
I walked this evening, the humidity and heat were back, the air so thick you could not breath it, the walk a gasping, watery, thing.  I thought about what an unusual work this was going to be.  I've been rearranging some few chapters, most of it is organized well enough, but what chapter to lead with and what chapter to end with.  What is the note I want to strike with the reader.
What is the message I am trying to send to you.
This was originally set aside as part 29, the parts being chapters and approximately 2/3 of the chapters being posted.
There is still more groundwork to lay before covering the details of time orbits, the relationship of this to something else, I am not sure what, I'm not even sure why I wrote it anymore, all I know is the inspiration for it, the spark behind it, what burned to ashes, what has not yet rose from the ashes.  You know too, of course.
There is even more to cover before getting to the place where all of these concepts are brought together to get a more comprehensive view of the universe than the one I have typed so far.  This is a strange collection of orphan chapters, waiting to be adopted by the book and by discovering them at this late date, I am faced with the question of whether to include them or leave them to grow up on their own, alone and seeking some place, some person, where they belong.
Time is limited.
Some things that are not in the book yet.  I wonder...
INTELLIGENT DESIGN:  A logical creator would design a universe to function according to logical rules.  While we worry about how long this would take, NLT envisions that the creator would have infinite time, infinite intelligence relative to what we experience just based on our view of linearity.  There are forces we do not even understand that are suggested by Standard Clock Time and the mysteries of CT5.
  This is similar conceptually to our designing a puzzle or the "random" nature of natural selection which is following the rules of organization that seem to control outcomes in our universe.
Infinite intelligence is discussed in The Einstein Hologram Universe and is the result of concentrating all thought without dimensional or time separation.
Another element to infinite intelligence is CT5.  This environment seen in Black Holes with concentrations of 10^32 of matter clock time (CT4) is the same environment that was described pre-dating the origin of the universe where spatial and clock time separation go towards zero.  Just as matter is a concentration of energy (really CT3 changes being the same) so Black holes, spread out though they are, are very likely the next state of matter.  Just as we can manipulate energy, so too could a CT5 consciousness potentially manipulate CT4 in ways that we cannot fully understand.
Just as large quantities of energy coalesce into matter which in limited quantities coalesces into human minds; so too is it likely that such a concentration occurs on the scale of black holes to create super-matter (CT5) and even super-brains.  A simple example is that our minds can only hold one thought at a time, whereas a CT5 brain might be able to hold two (or more).

Time orbits are different from orbits defined by space time.  They are relatively speaking shapeless and time specific to the type of Clock time(s) which have gone linear to form them.
The best model to describe these presented so far is that of a database where each point is defined in terms of three (or more) coordinates.
CT1 has a series of defined points (P1, P2, etc) joined in a time orbit with a compression of 10^2 where compression is the amount of coordinated coordinate change, i.e. coordinates changing together at a scale of 10^2.  While not seen, these gravity affect orbits represent sufficient concentrations of Points of data to form space as we see it.  Uncoordinated Points would not appear as space since they would not change in concert with a set display that would make sense to a spinning universe (they'd randomly appear and disappear).  Gravity is the force represented by the orbit.
CT2 is the next time orbit.  The points previously concentrated "up to" 10^4 have now reached the critical mass of time concentration for perception of the universe.  We cannot measure the size of the particles at this concentration, but we know them as quantum photons and they show up in our studies of the forces of both photon energy and as a part of the signature of wave form energies which is easily explained by both the common origin of the two types, the fact that one is merely a concentration of the other with a different time orbit, and the fact that it is likely within the matrix of wave form energies both CT1 and CT2 time states exit. We cannot see the effect of time, but it can be measured and utilized more than space. Photonic energy is associated with this orbit or clock time for theoretical purposes.
CT3 can be seen as 10^8 concentration and concentration as coordinated coordinate change.  Combinations of this type are theorized to form electromagnetic features.  A greater degree of manipulation is possible for these using CT4.  At 10^8^4^2 concentration, these are more easily manipulated using quantum and non-quantum analysis and quantum properties are difficult to detect.
CT4 represents coordinated coordinate change at the rate of 10^16 and quantum elements are hidden by the amount of concentration as matter.  The forces created are considered to be nuclear forces only because those forces are present holding molecules together.  If only one force at at time is created we may have a concentration energy "excited and resting state" situation between strong and weak nuclear forces.  The alternative would be two separate concentration states with non-exponential change which is not expected, but equally likely.
CT5, black hole space 10^36.  This represents a theoretic space where black holes exist and presumably where they might even group together, their matrix being filled as we observe with CT1-CT4 elements, including us.

Therefore we can define time orbits by their increasingly similar changes in coordinates where each orbit has coordinate change 1/scale closer than the prior orbit and where the similarity of the change is more fixed, that is it takes more positive entropy to separate them and more negative entropy to keep them together.
Hence two photons are loosely joined, but still have a 1/4 concentration defined as common coordinate change.  The much higher concentration of 1/16 (the difference between coordinate changes) for matter over energy (presumably it is 1/16+8+4+2) is why we have a more difficult time "penetrating" or separating or even changing coordinates for matter using positive entropy or "energy".
Again, this takes us to an additional inference that all Points in all clock times change relative to one another with consistency initially.  If these closer changes happen slower, which is to be believed based on conservation concepts (the conservation of time states-which in turn is indicated by logic-smaller changes would happen more often to get to a larger time change) then we can follow this inference with yet another.  As we go up in time orbit (the higher number clock times) these changes are closer together for similar clock time points while in between these changes some more rapidly changing lower clock times exist (CT3,CT2 and CT1 existing within each other like the Russian dolls and all of them existing within CT4 Points.

There is more than one way to skin a Sequential Time Orbit.  The initial discussion looked at these as growing orbits which is supported by the concept of negative entropy.  There is another way which is supported by the concept of gravity being "the tendency of time to go non linear" and the interpretation of black holes that results.  This second method, however, will allow for the same type of findings as we have in CT5 analysis.
This second method is very similar to the first but it assumes the transition from NLT (CT0) to CT1 is a much larger event in the time continuum and the subsequent moves are transitions back to non-linearity which is a central theme in defining gravity in particular and force (potentially) in general to the tendency of time states to go non-linear.
One can thereby envision the move from CT0 to CT1 to be a transition as far from NLT as can be found in our universe.  This would mean the subsequent transitions and concentrations were lower orbits from the highest orbit returning Time steadily to NLT ending, as far as we can tell, at CT5 and black holes which may or may not represent a return to non-linearity.
It is possible that black holes do in fact return to non-linearity but that we cannot observe the final step in the process because of the linearity of our time perspective prevents it just as there is not enough force to take matter to light speed and thereby transition to energy.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

NLT-god and dice and population growth

I'm sitting out in the heat, the last great heat of the summer of 2014 I hope.  I am not looking forward to the cold.  What little keeps me going these days is supported by the fact that I can go from this oppressive heat into a cold pool for an hour or so.  Whether I can stand that another winter is somewhat in doubt and at the end of that is nothing.  
After 3500 yards, my hair, what there is of it, has the consistency of dried out straw.  I'm dehydrated from the activity inside, but my skin feels almost like it has been composted for several decades, what you'd expect from a mummy that had been exposed to moisture.
I thought about how I'd describe how my life could be described now.  It is such a romantic, yet tragic story it should be written.  I have written it out in outline form, but I only have half of it, so much is missing; approximately half.
It ends, "And now every day I wonder if the day before it was not too late."
But its more of a statement for me to read and not a story and if it is ever written it will only be because I write it without the sadness overwhelming the joy of being alive. 
You have to embrace the horror of life to enjoy it.  I learned that lesson not once but twice.  The first time as a child who woke up happy one day after a life of disappointment.  The second time the world was ending, and I embraced what was important to me and therefore you have Non-linear time and I learned how to be happy in the face of everything falling apart.  
I thought the heat was going to kill me after swimming.  I was tired, it was so hot the dog collapsed over and over on the grass headed back, the humidity would accept none of my sweat and my clothes were soaked, holding in more of the heat.  How nice it would have been to wear nothing, but instead I was immersed in a wet heat, and there was nothing pleasant about it except the suffering and the life that allowed it.
So now I'm asked to to embrace the horror again, and I wonder if I can.  As we get older, the horror is much more intense, the finality closer, and strangely, when I thought I was too old to feel it, the pain worse, the sense of loss greater, the sense of responsibility heavier.
But that is the lesson of happiness, the willing to embrace the horror with it.

This post is about why happiness doesn't have to be conditioned on other things, why we don't have to cling to traditional constructs.  It is about life with happiness, the sacrifice of happiness for something else.  
That is not part of NLT although I've been trying to get rid of this quotation for a while and this gives me an opportunity.

You believe in the God who plays dice, and I in complete law and order in a world which objectively exists, and which I, in a wildly speculative way, am trying to capture. I hope that someone will discover a more realistic way, or rather a more tangible basis than it has been my lot to find. Even the great initial success of the Quantum Theory does not make me believe in the fundamental dice-game, although I am well aware that our younger colleagues interpret this as a consequence of senility. No doubt the day will come when we will see whose instinctive attitude was the correct one.” – Albert Einstein, 1944

Note that this was written in the middle, well sort of towards the end, of WWII.  June 6, 1944 was D-day.  July 16, 1945 was the first full scale explosion of a nuclear bomb.  By May 8 of the following year the war ended in Europe.  No atomic bomb had been dropped on an enemy at this point in time.

I suppose there is a part 2 to this, but I'm not sure if I can do it, if I can embrace the horror again.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

NLT the next thing 71: NLT and science fiction

Its hard to work well when you don't get more than 3 hours sleep at a time.  Fortunately, this is all written.  It's a little more than cutting and pasting (if I was using scissors I'd probably cut myself or glue myself to a wall) but not so much that I cannot do it.
Today is a day off.  I did my community service which was working alone in an attic space most of the time.  The heat, dust and close quarters made it feel like the inside of a coffin, but a spacious coffin and though the morning an uncomfortable one, the job I had was as technical a one as I get on a normal day, and it was finished.
Silence is harder than speaking.  Speaking may seem pointless.  But there is more than points to be made.  There is the decision, to say nothing or to speak.  Perhaps the more noble thing involves silence, certainly the more mysterious, perhaps even the less painful.
It is better to let the mind wander to things, Greek ruins, fallen civilizations, the beginning of things and their ends.  And to speak of it.  It is the easier thing, perhaps not the most sincere, or the nicest.
or the most kind or the most appropriate, but it is easier than staying quiet.
I see the end of the world, I don't blab about it, but I know its there and don't mind mentioning it every once in a while, it is not what bothers me the most, death being inevitable is not the most important thing.
But what if you know what's important and ignore it?  This morning at 4:00 am I thought about who I lived my life for.  I might advise everyone to live their lives for themselves given physics, but that doesn't appear to be the key to contentment (maybe its the key to happiness).  In my worst time, it was the surrender of self that seems to have saved me.  That has happened twice.  But that doesn't mean giving up happiness, it means accepting it.  And what happens if you don't do that?

The exponential equation for the factor for clock time is 2^n as n moves from 0 to some unknown endpoint (apparently in discrete, quantum whole numbers at least at the lower quantum time states). If you accept the logarithmic functions as an integral part as suggested by the multiple appearances of other non-rational numbers (pi, e in particular) then you get the impression that the universe is designed around attempting to get somewhere but never arriving. As used here, the universe is the bigger universe, not just our system of CT5 elements, but the CT5 universe and the CT6 universe where the scale of compression makes even black wholes and our universe appear tiny.
Why the exponential of 2? An intuitive answer should always be suggested by NLT or it is no better than the other physics theories which allow counter-intuitive thinking and blind acceptance of phenomena just because it is convenient or necessary to the theory. This doesn't mean that NLT does not have similar failings, the only way to aovid that would be to explain what E-hologram theory describes as G-space and I'm not ready for that yet.
One step towards an explanation is that it is that each additional simultaneous coordinate change is a two part change, another is that you have the changes in terms of twos, the original change and the new change, at least after the initial change.
Another step is that you start with no elements, non-linearity. You add one going in two directions, towards linearity and away from linearity. You add another in two directions, one linear the other non-linear; but the first changing coordinate does not disappear, it remains changeable so you have exponential concentration to get from one to the other using a factor of 2.
This discussion of the source of exponential growth of the concentration of coordinated time changes, called compression, sounds like a minor issue. But in NLT, you cannot accept anything like you can in traditional physics because NLT is not based on a universe with preset rules, it is based on a universe where everything has happened at once and everything must have an intuitive basis.
Compression has some unexpected consequences that non-NLT physicists have struggled with but which become clear with NLT. We know that compression in NLT is the state of matching coordinate set changes so that they change at the same rate and in the same direction. We also know that there are coordinate sets other than the locational coordinates x, y and z. Two of these are the CT4 coordinate set known as spin and the CT5 coordinate  which is not even as clear as spin but results, in concentrations at the scale of 10^32.
Quantum entanglement can be envisioned as the matching in terms of compression of coordinate sets other than the locational coordinate sets so they change together. Hence, knowing what these coordinates are, for the first time, we can better match them and better understand how a change in one which we can manipulate (pushing on one side of a wagon affects the other side as it were) the other.
Now we're going to talk about how to create a transporter, science fiction and non-linear time.  This is not meant to imply that anything like a transporter is possible, only that quantum entanglement would provide a mechanism for moving elements from one place in the linear universe to another.
At almost any point in the universe, and the more compressed the area the better, you can match the "change" in spatial coordinates (x,y and z), to other points that will be changing (moving in the same direction at the same rate).  Aligning two coordinates in two points along a line, the two dimensional movement, is also possible. The third coordinate change rate can be the same, but alignment of those along a line would be impossible. However, imagine if you could coordinate the fourth, fifth, and perhaps additional dimensional elements represented by CT4 and CT5.  This would require the clock times in excess of the initial 3 were linear, but we exist with the fourth (spin) dimension and we are able to create temporary black holes thereby allowing, at least termporarily, localized CT5 states.  
It is believed that if we accept quantum entanglement, then entangling involves some entangling of dimensional characteristics, at least CT1-CT4.  It may involve aligning quantum time points along a line losing linear alignment of only a single coordinate which could otherwise remain compressed to the extent that the change occur in some of the same particulars, even though proximity was lost, like two dancers whose movements continue to be synchronized as they move apart and stop touching. 
 The idea of quantum entanglement is that the other coordinates remain matched so that a change in one particle clock time would be related to another through these higher time states.
Now imagine that you get a better understanding of the this matching and the time coordinates that do not depend on quantum change within just the three dimensions, that you add the dimensions of CT4, CT5 and perhaps other Clock time states. If this were possible, you could potentially determine what is happening in that other location and potentially you could either mimic or exchange the particle states by allignment from a distance using the clock time relationship although presumably you'd have to do it for small quantities at a time. If you could change enough coordinates in this fashion, you could either duplicate what exists in one location with another or exchange what is in one location with another, a replicator or a transporter or perhaps just a single quantum point which changed in concert with another far away allowing for some determination of what the quantum particle far away is experiencing; like two dancers who have danced too far apart, but remain engaged.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

RC-The mercenary army protecting rome vs the mercenary economy supplying the United States

I am really tired.  I'm not sure what the deal is.
Maybe it is the heat
Maybe it is the swimming, the steady build up of exhaustion
or perhaps just old age, the steady build up of death
or Juggling too many flaming projects
trying to turn all the tumblers
before they turn to ash or set me on fire
perhaps it is all of these things
the ashes of my life, the flames extinguished
I was up at 2:00 in the morning.
If only I could tell you why
it would make you cringe and laugh
we share our worlds with so many small things
So I didn't sleep but I managed to make a passable day of it,
I dealt with the seeming endless problem with wasps
And the problem with heat and the fierce sun
and I worked and spent as much time as possible writing
but today would have been a swimming day under other circumstances.
I could have gone, I wasn't willing to go.
Even those of us facing the inevitable decline if we give just a moments hesitation
hesitate and decline
Or perhaps it is my sense of the inevitable doom
which I am apparently too smart to miss and too dumb to be heard
something even you could not make me forget forever
how I envy the immortal.

In the decline and fall of the roman empire this idea of a country losing its spark through a long peaceful prosperity is raised and ties in directly with the failure of reserve currencies which has been discussed.
In that book the idea presented is that the minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished, and even the military spirit evaporated and while personal valor remained the country no longer possessed that public courage which is nourished by "the love of independence, the sense of national honor, the presence of danger and the habit of command."  If true, perhaps we owe more to the terrorists than we have to fear from them.  For in trying to harm us, and harming us in fact, they build both our sense of national honor and present a clear and present danger that might be absent otherwise.
However, we still have the problem of exporting our technology and wealth.
The discussion in the decline and fall continues.  The outsourcing there was the military.  The country no longer willing to defend itself, hired its armies who would have no national honor, at least none to rome.  And we here in the US, by my reckoning have outsourced our manufacturing, we have lost the public courage to provide for ourselves, our Radio Shacks having no creative...creators, goes bankrupt, the society that should support it throwing away everything rather than repairing it if it requires the least bit of technology, each abandoned cell phone, computer, alarm clock and hand towel surrendering a little more of our freedom, weakening us a little further in the face of our enemies.   Today, we hold out our reserve currency, backed with nothing more than reputation; and when the reputation is gone, we will have nothing, but what we have squandered and when the creative come out of the next generation and look for a place to find the little electronic pieces they need to rebuild our empire, they will find closed and abandoned buildings with broken signs that once said radio shack.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NLT-the next thing- 70: 911 terrorist edition- roaring mice and Higss bosons

Hawking: 'God Particle' Could Wipe Out the Universe - Discovery News shared via

There is no God particle according to NLT theory, but NLT has something which is better.  Before we get to that, let me mention that the perceived Higgs Boson is according to NLT theory an impression of something different.  This is because regular physics requires mass, spin and charge; but NLT defines these features with time coordinates.  The argument can be made that this is mere semantics; but it is more than semantics.  It is a different perspective; the difference between clinging to space time and releasing it completely.
This is not the only case.  The wave particle duality is inexplicable except in NLT where it is easily explained.  Physicist who fail to learn about NLT see things because they expect them instead of what is really there.  Hawkins should demand his money back.

But this is not about why Steven Hawkins should have won his bet, that is covered in a blog published long ago and you can find it if you search long enough.  Instead this is about something far grander than the Higgs Boson.

As I write this it is not 9-11; but I may not make it that far or perhaps the internet won't.

Super Dupe Fission and Fusion:

If black holes represent CT5 than the question of what the formation process or potential deformation process entails is worth considering.  The existence of small, temporary black holes in certain earthly environments (perceived if not actual in atom smashers) render this more than a study of outer space phenomena.

The idea here is that the CT4 to CT5 state is a kind of "super fusion" and the reversal of the process would be a "super fission".  We exist in a "super atom" (not a super molecule necessarily) and each of the black holes are fundamental particles in this system.

If a weapon could be made it would be exponentially more powerful that the fusion or fission bombs we imagine, the energy which radiates from Black Holes may well reflect the forces of this reaction.  Imagine a power source which was able to tap into this reaction, a power source able to provide exponentially greater power.  While illusory to the ignorant physicist, it is clear to the physicist of NLT.

While it is seductive to think in terms of all of clock time forces co-existing, this model indicates something different.  Instead this indicates that a "system" exists for each clock time.  The "size" of the system is a good question to ask, not because of any "real size" but an apparent size.  It is predicted that the size of the system for a given clock time is related to the extent of compression.  It is also predicted that the content of the system changes the way that the specific clock time interacts.  To put this in perspective, look at the so-called fundamental particles.  While they can all be explained away in terms of being nothing more than clock time, they all appear somewhat different.

To put this in perspective, every black hole should, to remain stable, reflect a compression factor of at least 10^32.  But what about those black holes that appear to have higher compression?  What about those black holes that have bigger systems around them that interact with them?

It is predictable that smaller systems (CT1 being the smallest linear system, at least in the most basic rendition of NLT) there were be fewer permutations which would explain the smaller number of fundamental particles that matter shows as compared to black holes.

And speaking of black wholes and making losing bets I have done some strange things lately.  I built a meditation room at my office which worked out surprisingly well.  It is a place that is dark and comfortable where I can burn a pine scented candle and listen to the long voiceless tracks on you tube and rest my dying eyes.  Every day since I started, I add little touches to the room, making it more empty and more comfortable.  But I cannot relax as I want to.  There are the demands on my time and my mind goes to those paths that I should not have taken, the dead things I left in my tracks.  The peace is shattered.  I know I should let those things go and relax, but I cling to them, their lifeless arms reaching out to grab the shreds of my dignity.  You left us, they say, and they ask, "for what?".  I don't answer, but I know; a life of regret, of being alone.  And the room is designed for being alone, and for finding peace, but the peace eludes me.