
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Book 8-99 words

Here's a section from page 22 of book 8 that really sums everything up in a paragraph (99 words) that is pretty much impossible to ignore and that gives the entire basis of AuT from which all the more complicated findings arise.  Indeed, it was mostly the recognition of this feature that led to the entire theory although things like co-existing dimensional states and time as an effect required a more studied analysis and the ideas of underlying change.  Also the "moron" sentence should be left off of any decent discussion since it represents 11 words in a false argument that is unnecessary given the underlying logic.

         What makes AuT compression and decompression so obvious is known interchangeability.  We know the numerator for pi is 4 (for us).  We know that matter comes from energy and black holes from matter and that there is “wave particle duality”.  If we put these dimensional features together, we see that counting backwards, we must have 3 other states for the numerator (1-space, 2-photons, 3 waves, 4-mass (known dimension 4-4/3+4/5 (etc)), 5-black holes, etc) and that space must be the same stuff as the particle part of the waves.  Even a moron can see this obvious feature of the universe.

Plus another 36 words to give the specifics:

E=mc^2 provides a ratio that only needs slight tweaking to tie in to the other sources, tweaking via the equation f(n)^2^n (technically 2*f(n) or where f(n) is as is defined in the early books of spirals.

Friday, March 30, 2018

an audience of one

Will you care if I die
of a broken heart
by you or myself
I dragged my body
through 2500 yards
wondering where you were
I dreamt of you
in my sickness
i could not be sure
if it was real or not
the dream
not your absence
perhaps it is not the heart
but the stomach
that will kill me
for i cannot eat
what new thing
how is it that i
who bends time and space
cannot control you
who visit me
in my dreams
i wonder
if my physics
will ever be recognized
and why it does not matter
it has always been
for an audience of one

Book 8 and a post closer to g-space

The next few posts will largely be related to putting up chapters in book 8 which is due to go to publication in 11 days.
Every once in a while it is a good idea to probe into g-space.
The 256:27 contains the 27 which in our math is 3^3 which suggests a relationship of -1^n and fpluspix which would be 3,9,27 and so on and which could feed any number of aspects of this early equation that occurs without direct impact on our dimension but could be a significant background feature.
Just to give an example of how this can be viewed, we will use 3 as the primary feature, but understanding that this is only a single potential feature and that 27 would make more sense, but work according to the same basic procedures.
So how would this work with fpluspix using 3:
-3,-1,1,-1;5,1,-1,1,-7... yielding (at least in this example:
-3,5,-7 as results but with background spacing (which could also be separated by increasing numbers of spaces.
The results observed indicate that most likely the -3 is generated continually at the beginning and that the other results are generated sequentially.  This suggestion is that you have -3 generating 5 which then generates -7.
This would mean that you have -3(1),-1,1,-1;-3(2),5(1);1,-1,1;-3(3),5(2),-7(1);-1,... byway of example where 5(1) results from-3(1) using the fpluspix solution.  The limit as spacing approaches 1 suggested indicates that there might be another set of numbers between -3(2) and 5(1) just by way of example.
What best generates the repetitive off set universe we observe is a determination worth exploring.
It is worth noting that obvious or at least direct effects of the intervening -1^n results are not observed in the basic math model of AuT but is suggested in the "memory" features of AuT solutions.

Time vs Change

Book 8 is a supplement to book 7 and continues a discussion of the relationship of the search for the Higgs Boson and the Standard Model of the universe with Algorithm Universe theory.  Unfortunately, as a theory, it suggests the near uselessness of colliders.
One thing that observation suggests (requires) is that time and change are different.  Time is a feature between waves and black holes
Time is the transfer of information between quantum moments in “change” using wave forms of sufficient density to carry this information.  Knowing what time is/isn't we can why it disappears at the two extremes and why there is wave particle duality.
CT3 waves and ct2 particles interact in a time free environment so they look like they exist together and not apart although they are distinct at quantum instances.  Time disappears at the free ct3 state because of the number of ct1 and 2 changes which do not carry information compared to the aligned (carrier arm alignment) ct3 states that make up ct3-4 transition states such as protons.  Likewise, at ct4, the neutron, the ct3 carriers collapse into the neutrons and at ct5 they are completely eliminated.   While important to us, this “time” is irrelevant to the operation of the universe which is a little hard to take.
Real change occurs in a time free environment that governs things on either side of time as we experience it and we use the fudge factor (the speed of light) to reconcile this initial rate change (256:27) where pre-dimensional changes convert to one dimensional ratios. 
It is logical if we exist in 3 dimensions, blackholes in 4 and waves in a pre-dimensional state that there must be 5,4,3,2,1 dimensional states and our math actually shows that in the pi-derivations of curvature (the 256:1 -256:27 actually) is derived using sine-1 and 1.  In the pre-dimensional math real super symmetry and quantum change is obvious and measurable.
There is no time in 1d or 2d, since time is a 3 dimensional phenomena; but the subsequent states of compression, yielding comparative ratios of this potential of this plus or minus, can give different relative rates of change which look like forces over a series of quantum time changes. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Another way of seeing time as an effect: relative speeds

I am going to talk about perspective
do not think i have lost it
this is your thing
i adopt it to protect you
my thing, well we will see
perhaps if we share more
time, secrets who knows
but it has to be your thing
and if i end up on the desert island
at the end of the day
do not think you will be forgiven
but for now
there is not time,
except that time we figured out
you who knew all along
and i who finally learned it
that i will share
but not what we have
what we had
till death

Let us look at another way of showing how perspective misdirected physics.

We are going to speak of faster speeds, but it is important to note that we all have approximately the same time because we have a common baseline, movement through space on the surface of a spinning sphere.  The small speeds we add to that by driving or even jet flight are relatively small by comparison.
To understand this,  ignoring the speed of the galaxy itself, we revolve around the center of the galaxy at 792,000 km/hr.  The rotation of the earth is puny by comparison (1600 km/hr) and 107,000 km/hr around the sun is similarly less, but not inconsequential.   Hence, time dilation has modest relative effects at everyday speeds and even the fastest man made object at 724,000 km/hr (other than particles accelerated) is less than this baseline speed reducing the effects.
Certainly time changes as AuT has deetermined it, even among different molecules.
This is a common feature of other aspects of AuT, such as compression.  We see scale results but not exact results because intermediary  states and incomplete transitions and clouds of other states and mixed transition (eg mass into wave energy, photons and space) means that the exact nature of the interactions hides the precision,  but the scales can be seen.
Let's look at the compression example of black holes:
The alternative scale is actually suggested by black holes where certain aspects of time go non-linear. Black holes may also be seen as the next progression in “compression”. Planck mass m(p)=(hc/g)^1/2 is 2.18x10-8kg. approximately 3 solar masses are the size of black hole star collapse. A solar mass is 2x10^30 kg; so 6x10^30kg is the approximate size of a black hole star.
Understanding that a neutron is 1.67x10^-24kg.  It is possible to get from this that the maximum size of a black hole might be of a factor (6*1.67)^(30+24) which is higher than predicted, a scale of 54 compared to the predicted magnitude of 38.  That neutron stars have a mass of a scale of approx. 10^27 indicates that a middle ground between the measured black hole and the predicted Chandrasekhar limit for a neutron star is very close to the predicted sweet spot for an AuT Black Hole.  Note that the black hole and the neutron star are essentially the same, at least in terms of scale.
The question becomes whether the additional mass for a black hole is a function of other compression features (e.g. the rest of a galaxy) surrounding the black hole, a change in the equation or a function of the minimum quantum of matter involved in the compression cycle.

A proton cycling in a collider moves near the speed of light.  It essentially has no time, its electron cloud has been stripped off and its sharing only the occasional electron...and yet we can time it at any point.    Moreover we can say where it happens to be in the collider at say 5:00 pm.
It has no time, and yet we use our time to calculate its speed (velocity per time period), its location and whether it can have a beer or not.  Well, its too small to have a beer, but the rest of it applies.
Indeed the uncertainty principle for M. Proton is reduced as it approaches the speed of light because we are reducing the dimensions.
  This same perspective thing is why we can look at non-dimensional space and one dimensional photons and two dimensional waves and see them as having 3 dimensions.  We are applying our perspective, our clock time even though they do not have it.

This analysis indicates several things.  One, that time is just an effect we use to measure things from our perspective and therefore irrelevant to the underlying symmetry of the universe.
It also tells us that all these things that do not look like matter to us are just what AuT has said all along, the same stuff as us with fewer dimensions.
Our fast proton friend is loosing its dimension by elongating.  This doesn't mean dimension and time are the same, it loses time because information isn't being exchanged by electrons, it losses dimension because the 3rd dimension is breaking down to allow more spatial exchange.

Together, this shows why change is such a poor measurement or definition of standard clock time, because by our standards the proton near the speed of light is changing really fast, but (1) no electron cloud exchange to speak of so it has no history or time as we define (pre-aut) it and (2) Mr. P really isn't changing any faster than any other point at a quantum level, there is only a relative slowing of net results.

Indeed the only real randomness introduced into this is the 27 in the 256:27 ratio that kicks things off and maybe this pre-dimensional ratio is what is necessary in order to have sufficient change in the pre-dimensional state to the first dimensional state to make the universe work in the way we experience it (.e.g  there are 256:26, 25, 2, 1 ratios out there with different geometries which just don't work to make us what we are).

One last look at how perspective works is to discuss what this proton cycling in collider moving near the speed of light experiences. It essentially has no time, its electron cloud has been stripped, sharing only the occasional electron bundle which, to keep up must have its own larger and larger cloud of other states so that all the particles involved are in a great state of breakdown, hence the greater speed observed even though on a quantum level everything is changing one change at a time.
The speed actually reduces the uncertainty. Why? Because the dimensions r being reduced. Mr. P has no time, yet we use our time to calculate its speed (velocity per our time), its location. This same perspective thing is why we can look at non-dimensional space and one dimensional photons and two dimensional waves and see them as having 3 dimensions. We are applying our perspective, our hist. clock even though they do not have it. 
wave particle duality obvious (exchanges without time), the big bang (net + vs - results), ditto quantum gravity, etc.
The example can be seen by taking the first 4 points in "space"-3,5,-7,9,etc. The -3 lasts for 3 counts, the 5 for 5, etc. you have -/+/-/+;ditto,ditto,+,+,-,+;ditto;+/-/-/+. Its slightly more complicated because they are sequentially generated. high values of x you get 256:27 (pi-1:1) compression then 1:1.68x10^6, (pi1:pi2,etc if aligned, otherwise not. 
In the real world, it looks like this:
-;-/+,-/+/-;+/+/-/+;and ignoring the next point which would otherwise be added +/+/-/+
The net result is that pre-AuT physics is spending billions of dollars on colliders to look at shadows and isn't looking for the right results, at least according to AuT.

P.S. there is no pride in this, the smartest robot in the room is not entitled to pride, its still just a robot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The flaws of other physics exposed by AuT

Of course I cannot sleep
It occurs to me
half blind and old
that i have figured out
the true nature of space
and the lesser nature of time
it is not triumph
that keeps me awake
it is partly you
it is always you
mainly it is the mare
that rides at night
naked reality
it speaks to me

A detailed study of Higgs and the standard model was undertaken.  there was limited expectation that I would be proven wrong, that woudl have required that I be insane.  Insanity alone would have  been isolation.   these last posts have garnered over 1 hundred hits in a day, they are right; much as I hoped otherwise.  Genius is nothing in AuT, nor is joy or sadness.  That is what I add to science.  Oblivion.

Unlike Higgsian theory, super symmetry is not coming up with enough particles to fill out some false theory.  Super symmetry is a theory, completely laid out in AuT, that goes below the level of thermodynamics.
Pre-AuT is stuck on two false gods, 3 or 4 dimensions and time, particles that are convertible to non quantum fields, a single dimensional time frame for things we know have less dimensions around us, a false science that builds things of no value to study things and search for things that dont exist.  A world where true randomness hints at a purpose for our actions.
Time, previously the most mysterious, is the easiest to deal with since we observe time as an interim phenomena which we are able to align with dimensional change far after the true dimensionless changes in the single variable only by using a correction factor, the speed of light which is the 1:256 substitution rate of change represented by space for ct1 solutions giving results aligned on a carrier arm of ct2.
Dimension is inherent in all of our mathematics and is even crucial in Higgs approach to going form massless to mass but for reasons of extreme prejudice towards our observations we ignore the 0,1, 2  and 4 dimensional states that surround us, even when confronted by 4 and 5 dimensional states, one of which we observe, as black holes, the other which is likely present at the center of the universe and nowhere else unless there are multiple centers which would mean the universe is so much bigger than we could possibly imagine, somewhere a ct6, even a 7 or a 200.
While it is difficult in the extreme to imagine that we exist as a series of linear, alternating solutions between increasingly larger quantum separations between positive and negative solutions aligned along a single dimension, the evidence of that is overwhelming.
That these changes occur independent of what we call time is even more confusing.
The slight difference between simulation and algorithm is worth ignoring for now.  What is evident is that AuT only goes slightly beyond the reality that we experience and a rich non-dimensional world exists which holds the algorithm that powers our universe.  We will not begin to see it until we get past the false fronts of 3d space and clock time that blind us to the reality around us.
And then you can join me
insanity and oblivion await
and me with open arms
sleepless as death
no wonder
the skull smile

book 8 is still planned in its first edition by 4-11.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Another vignette on dimension and time (done)

This first part is from my writer's blog on Facebook

1.      Another vignette on time and dimension

To understand this you have to accept a few things that are all recognized as science. 1) Time slows down as velocity approaches the speed of light 2) Time slows down as gravity increases and 3) science associates the creation of mass with the addition of dimension. The first two are easily observed,the third is correct for all the wrong reasons.
What does this tell us about time?
Time is not the same as change and it is not some fourth dimension contrary to everything you will read everywhere else. So is Greg crazy? Probably, but beside the point.
What it tells us is that time exists between two dimensional states (waves) and four dimensional states, black holes. IN my books I explain the zero-4 dimensional states that have nothing to do with time as a 4th dimension.
To understand time you can ask some questions: Why does time disappear outside of this narrow range and what does it tell us about what time is?
Time is information carried from one quantum instant (for the whole universe) to the next by packets of wave information, what I'll call electron bundles for lack of a better term which are carried between more dense wave forms, namely protons bundles. For general purposes these can be considered as electrons and protons, but the process by which those are defined is a little complicated.
The math and the details on this can be found in the books I have written on algorithm Universe Theory (this is a writer's blog after all) but let me explain this and perhaps my next post will have to do with one of my romance novels.
Let me give you the logic, here:
1) At the speed of light, there is a breakdown of the third dimension of mass so electron mass states cease to exist. This is a gradual process which is why you have velocity time dilation.
2) At high gravity electron bundles collapse into neutrons and hence you lose the exchange necessary for carrying information between protons.
That, for the first time outside of my books and blogs, is the true nature of time.
Change, confused by most physicists with time, is even weirder, because that requires that the universe exist as quantum time states, everything in the universe being frozen for each state, but that is for another post.
Just fyi, if you have amazon unlimited books 1 and 7 (the only fully up-to-date books in the AUT series) are free. The first edition of book 8 will be published in April, probably around the 11th and If you want to stop by for a signed copy, that's a good idea since one day they might be worth something and I'm likely as not to give you at least a rare totally out of date copy if you're a friend of mine.
This theory has a number of really cool and frightening aspects to it, some you will like, some you will not; but the logic and math behind it are fairly hard to disregard.
The true nature of space and dimension are a part of this book series in sort of a scary way.
If you don't want to read the science horror, there will be a lot about the other books, the third book in the romance theory is also looking so-so for an April publication date.

This is not found on the facebook post:

If electron bundles are time as we experience it shouldn't time as black holes experience it be clear.  The answer is, of course, we can see it around us, for our world is a ct4 bundle carrying history with it.
The more solid, the more stable the compression state, that of rock for example, the better the preservation of history although even that is not important.  We might look at the internet as a source of safety for information, but that disappears almost immediately upon a power failure, so it is an illusory permanence.
The same is true of dimension, it should be clear in both directions and it is.
At the fringes of the universe where the changes is fpluspix solutions is rapid (based on x, not time which doesn't exist there) it is just a line of solutions constantly changing and while dimensional aspects may appear, they are quickly replaced so that time based ct3 solutions are unlikely.  In the middle there is a very slow changing universe which regionally is shown by long living black holes which survive because the ct4 solutions that must align to make them can last for very long periods of time.  Similarly, ct6 solutions would need even longer to be maintained and hence could be found, if they exist at the center of the universe.
This may be the reason why black holes do not exist alone, they would not have the substitution density to survive.

And yet, the carrying of information is all wiped out, at best almost all wiped clean, during high compression states, although there are some things that might survive from one compression state to the next, if someone tried hard enough.  It is by far harder than anyone could try here.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

AuT vs Higgs and Vacuum energy (done)

One of the great things about AuT is that it remains strong in the face of criticism, because it is read all over the world, but not widely read and is rejected conceptually not because of any logical flaw, but because it is so darned conclusive in undermining the absurdly self centered views of the universe which make us think we think, add uncertainty to a certain universe, and make us add dimension to non-dimensional and lesser dimensional states just because we cannot imagine that what we see isn't what things are despite the fact that the mathematics of Higgs and his "gang of physicists" that would sideline the true nature of reality use the exact same concept to define what mass is, namely adding a dimension to a 2 dimensional object.

It sounds crazy and it is, but then AuT sounds crazy and it isn't.
That doesn't mean it is widely accepted, it just makes sense.

AuT has a very strong alternative to vacuum density, or it is the underlying symmetry for what is called vacuum density.  What this tells us is that space is something.  The easiest and most logical answer is that space is the same thing as everything else, just in a less compressed form and it is also separation which in this case is solution order.   The difference is that in AuT space is not nothing, it is the same as everything else.
What happens to the uncertainty principle that precise knowledge of both position and speed cannot be determined?   It is replaced with a time independent dimension generating formula where position and speed are quantum results so that while mathematically beyond calculation remain determinable for any quantum points and which can be approximated regionally based on mathematically specific criteria.
While superficially similar, these are vastly different results.
Let’s look at the example in the class:
Uncertainty in speed of electrons =speed of light if size of atom = 10^-12m is replaced with ct exchange rates for each state and in directions (compression/decompression) related to each quantum result for each quantum point based on the fpluspix solution for each. Keep in mind that these are sequential solutions so the rate change is extremely high in the aggregate, but locationally rather slow compared to individual quantum changes in x.  Likewise the size is replaced with the sum of all of the different quantum states meaning that the overall solution is in terms of a single variable x for a group of changes which may be reduced to one and distance is defined by the quantum sum of the different states translated into dimensional characteristcs and separated by solution order.
Likewise the “energy” in the system potential (actual=potential in AuT) is the change for any value of x reflected in ratios of the solutions.
So how does this compare with Higgs.
Higgs has a scaler field that fills space.  AuT has information which is zero dimensional but provides a change mechanism to separate the results of successive solutions, the initial ones changing very fast, later ones, even though only separated by 2 degrees each, at very slow relative speeds and our universal perspective occurs in the middle.  Complicating this process is the compression as aligned solutions (presumably positive aligned with negative) leads to compression and each compression state adds a dimension based on the ratio of the results to the prior results.
Why AuT and not Higgs?  The reason is that Higgs fails for the same reasons that Parmenides suggested 2500 years ago.  You have to be able to split things to infinity which is an absurd result (not that there isn’t an absurdity at the beginning of the AuT universe, but that absurdity is not governed by our logic.
In addition, Higgs acknowledges that his mass comes from adding dimension to non-mass objects, but fails to note the logic inherent in the math giving rise to the dimension.  This is the 4/fpluspix solution for three dimensional space which almost requires that there be a 3, 2 and 1 dimensional numerator solution which AuT shows and explains as giving rise to the 256:27 ratio (for -1 to 1 for the sin equation) which is the first compression state for ct1 to ct2.
These ratios provide a mechanism whereby math solutions can be changed to both dimension and force and explain everything from gravity (the net amount of compression compared to decompression fpluspix results in a system) to black holes, the 4/fpluspix solution where the numerator is equal to 5.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

AuT explains stupidity

I managed to do 2500 yards, 1000 yards im.
 It wasn't the easiest thing that I've done
now i cannot remember it
was it easy.
where is the calm that follows exercise
did i really do it at all
is my grip that tenuous
no, the tired muscles do not lie
not like me
I sit thinking
cold when the sun is behind the clouds
warm when it comes out
I am not calm.
I sit in the sun on the deck
overlooking the wood
 my mind is troubled
with things i want to say to you
unspecific things
vapours of speech
promises of sex, love and betrayal
the sun warms my cold heart
chilled with the cold water
or the evil
i swim in both
at one time or another
perhaps one of those
is why i see so deeply
i don't know which
What would i do
if i could but seduce you
with my thoughts
that would make things right

Aut describes a universe based on the underlying mathematics.
It says why we exist where we do and why forces are what they are.
Randomness is an illusion formed by the periodic transition of compression to decompression at the pluspix level.
Exactly why and how that effect allows us to live and breath and think is because transition of this type give rise to the effects of force and entropy that living and breathing come from.
It doesn't stop us from being effects or that the illusion of self determination is just an illusion.
It is a little hard to understand why I was able to figure out this underlying process even though the mathematics is thousands of years old and the fundamental issues were raised 2500 years ago.  Indeed modern science is not only blinded by its own prejudices of observational data, but also by the sheer amount of wrong theory that has been piled on top of itself until they cannot accept something underlying, simple and like the true nature of time, undeniable by their own standards.
Why me?  I was driven by heartbreak, that most powerful derivative of love to do something to preserve something else in itself an inconsistency worthy of whatever else happens.  Something the particular randomness we suffer makes powerful or is powerful because of how it is made.  I do not know because it is too black for me to look there.
But what of stupidity?  I'm not just talking about the stupidity of the failure to recognize AuT.  I'm talking about the stupidity of determining that, for example, Trump was the best leader of the United States from the other 100 million or so candidates or the stupidity to still trust him; not that he will not be a good leader, however unlikely that is, but that he can be trusted when he rarely speaks truthfully.
The reason we are so stupid is that there is an underlying mathematics that makes us stupid.

AuT and the standard model 2 of 2

As long as SM is using the collision of accelerated particles as its standard it is going to continue to be a waste of time in a true quantum universe since at quantum instances acceleration is irrelevant.  Velocity in quantum moments is just ct1,2 and free ct3 exchange vs ct3 change along information arms.  It is only a ratio.  It has nothing to do with the beginning of the universe, it is the confusion of time, our recognition of change, with true change which is quantum and at the level of super-symmetry.  What SM calls super symmetry is the comparison of different time/3d states.  Super symmetry in AuT is the underlying math that gives rise to illusory features that allow us to have cognizance.

SM shies away from gravity which is not warranted in a model without paradox. AuT shows gravity as part of the underlying supersymmetry based on the compression or decompression ct1 solutions making up ct2.

AuT is specific in its predictions. The SM is much more vague.
This chart shows how AuT generates positive or negative state photons from fpluspix solutions.

The idea that the SM model is predictive is unclear.
Does SM explain the origin of Newtonian physics?  Under AuT all forces are effects so that they become predictive where most of the changes are stable in the narrow framework of space where we exist between very fast changes and very slow ones. 
Does SM explain Wave particle duality?  It doesn't, although AuT easily explains as a pre-time state transition between ct2 and ct3 states.
SM predicts some of what is seen in a collider experiment, but if it is predictive of the collider results what about the unobserved phenomena predicted?  How does the theory deal with the imperfection of angular measurements?  AuT deals with this which can be taken care of by quantizing space.
 How does the SM theory deal with co-existence of 1,2 and 3 dimensional phenomena?  AuT deals with the co-existence of these phenomena by showing they exist and our 3d perspective leads us to think they have dimensions that are absent (e.g. in space).
What is the underlying basis for the AuT theory, e.g why does the universe build dimensions?  How does the theory explain space?  AuT explains this using the same mathematics that we observe.  In AuT space is explained as a pre-dimensional building block for the dimensions as ct2-5.
How does the SM theory deal with time dilation other than just recognizing it?  AuT shows that our view of time is the problem with time dilation.  Time dilation is the result of what time really is, ct1,2 and free ct3 states vrs ct3 states aligned as ct4 carrier arms.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Colliders and the illusion of speed (done)

I putting off reading comments because while I know some will be helpful, I think there may be some mean ones also.
I'm also applying for low percentage work out of town although I don't see why I should be worse than anyone else for these jobs which are certainly meant for someone smarter than me.  They ask for publications in the legal field, I wonder if my romance-porn series about a female attorney who fucks too much would qualify? 

Book 1 in the series

Book 2

Book 3 is probably going to come out around the same time (4/11?) as the 8th book (currently 45 pages) in the Algorithm series.

And yes, I'd love to tell you about the jobs, but for the fact that even applying is a waste of my time, although it wouldn't be for you.

Why isn't speed important?
In a collider particles are accelerated to the speed of light what is missing.
Part of what is missing in neutral current in the sense this can cover not just neutrinos, but also space, but more important is that quantum instances do not involve speed so that the interactions are still interactions; but they are sums of different results which are not impacts.

1) The AuT definition of a photon is different from a SM definition of a photon.  This is certainly the case because AuT explains wave particle duality in terms of a photon existing as a complete ct1 to ct2 transition state with its own carrier arms capable of being filled.  Alternatively, in SM the photon and the wave are two parts of the same thing so that a single filled out wave ct2-ct3 information arm set comprised of thousands of photons is what is being considered.
Even so, the amount of information in each of these waves is far less than a single information arm, far less than an electron.  How do you make this transition?  One way is the same as with the electron, you add the probability cloud which is assumed to be made up of the transitioning lesser states, other ct3 states that are present.
Actual Higgs collider results:
A) So lets talk about a higgs boson, having mass, changing to 2 ct1 photons which individually must be nearly invisible and from an informational standpoint would be far less than a HB.  There are many ways to address this.  So what are we looking at around 125 GeV?  This in AuT would be a mass of some intermediate ct3-ct4 transition state that is capable of repetition given the forces applied.
B) Another transition is one that yields charged particles which are consistent, an electron and a positron, what might be two sides of a single carrier arm, the positive and negative side, or a single carrier arm that is either in the compression mode (positive?) or decompression mode (negative?).  This raises the very real and important question of what gives different compression state transitions their positive or negative aspects.  While it is not an active feature, since it exists in quantum instances, it appears active over a history and for this reason the compression mode/decompression mode is a good candidate.
Again in this "experiment" what we appear to be doing is colliding two protons and creating all kinds of transitional states as the two ct3-ct4 states are broken into their component parts through the introduction of massive numbers of intermediary states, mainly ct1-ct2-c3 interactions seen as velocity and discussed in the prior post as primarily ct3 free plus cloud vrs ct3 bundled with lesser clouds of lower states.  Muons are a part of this.
There are three clear peaks, one of which is at 125GeV which is interesting because what are the other two?  None are considered "Higgs" in AuT but they are considered a standard size transitional state.  In a perfect world there would be one one for each possible information arm shown, but some of the arms, 1 and 15 would be the proton itself and the electron so the intermediate group would be something else.  It also appears likely that what is being looked at is not this type of information arm at all, but instead they are looking at ct2-ct3 transitions that have little to do with what are remaining solid ct3-ct4 information arm units that are not part of the experiment.
The question to ask is "where are the very large remnants (if any) of the proton collision in this test.
Is the Higgs "the last piece?"  Aren't there a number of unknown features and missing theoretical particles in SM?  Is there a list of the large range of phenomna the standard model predicts with veryhigh accuracy?
REally lots of questions:
1) Dark matter is a theoretical construct right? Dark energy/anti-gravity is observed as the "force" pushing the universe apart, but dark matter is something that scientists want to see so they are looking for it, right? 
2) The Higgs particle and these intermediary particles are part of a pretty big pond (?) of particles making up a proton (lots of gluons). Where are the very large remnants (if any) of the proton collision in this test? how are those filtered out? Are only high energy bits of the test ejected into the cameras? 
AS to the photons, are these subject to wave particle duality? That is, are these individual photons or waves made up of photons (assuming definitionally a photon is one dimensional and a wave 2)? 
For that matter, has anyone looked at the dimensional characteristics of these results, of the different fundamental particles? 
3) Is the Higgs really "the last piece?" Aren't there a number of unknown features and missing theoretical particles in SM? 
4) Is there a list of the "large range of phenomena" the standard model "predicts with very high accuracy?" 
There is apparently no knowledge of what this HB concept decays into.
Electron and anti-electron colliders being considered.
Neutral Currents: (1973)
Mechanism-should be applied to electroweak theory which is flawed from an AuT perspective.
leftover massless spin zero particle which is part of the theory.
The whole idea of any theory is you make it, then you look for what you need to prove it.
AuT focuses on fundamental mathematical concepts and clear observations.  That is the reason that time and dimension are so clearly portrayed in AuT while they are almost side concepts in the Standard Model.  It is sort of weird how they are used in SM. For example, rather than look at the problem with pi, they just stick it in there and say, sin, cos, dimension what have you.  At the same time, they don't hesitate to say that adding additional dimensions of movement give rise to mass while they deny that the different dimensional states exist side by side because people are so prejudiced by their perspective.  This is why Time in AuT is shared information over quantum states via information bundles (electron bundles) while Time in the SM is change/a dimension even though it clearly only exists between ct2 and ct5.  
Anyway, you heard it first here from the porn writer physicist.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

AuT as symmetry breaking and x vrs time 2 of 2

We have discussed time, let us talk about SM and dimension.
Dimensional changes are interpreted  in AuT as additional places changing together.  Acceleration is the exchange of ct1 with ct2 at a set rate.  This translate to the same relative set rate between ct2 and ct3.  Time is not a factor in this transition and it is viewed as lightspeeed whenever a ttransition is time independent.
The rate change of ct3 between ct3-ct4  transitions in place of ct3 bundle (electron) exchanges is velocity which is largely the (ct3bundle/unbundledct3)*c dilation effect.
The larger speed of unbundledct3 (not part of a ct4 information arm) is because of the increased "clouds" of ct2 and ct1 around each which go to 1 as it compresses to information arm parameters.
The unbundled ct3 exchanges in question are the ones that are shared with protons and when they are reduced as the limit approaches 1, the exchanges are ct3bundles with ct4 information arm protons.
Under Newtons laws momentum exists at our place in the universe.  This means that ct3 free changes in place of ct3bundle changes continue in space until something happens to limit this rate or put another way, when the ct3bundle to ct3free exchange changes we see this as something coming off of or going onto the ct4 carrier arm and that is what we call a force acting on the mass.
Gravity time dilation is a slightly different effect but largely related because it also has to do with a reduction in ct2 and ct1 states as well as the reduction in free ct3 states as ct3-ct4 transitional states first go to ct4 neutron states and then compress further to eliminate adjoining ct3-ct4 transition states as they progress to neutron stars as ct4-ct5 transitional states and ultimately to ct5 states.  There wold, therefore, be a different type of time defined by ct4 free states relative to ch4-ct5 transitional state having ct5 information arm characteristics.
Where it becomes counter-intuitive is where scientists build a super colider and accelerate a proton because the underlying symmetry solution says that the changes resulting in free ct3 for bundled ct4 should occur at the observed rate for the observed time.
The actual speed is irrelevant because from one quantum instant to the next there is a change at a set quantum rate at the ct1-ct2 level from which all other levels derive, because of "symmetry building" (the AuT version of symmetry breaking) and therefore only the net results from the two give the illusions of change between quantum states.
Increasing place in AuT is more consistent with observations and a little simpler in terms of modeling.  Nevertheless, in SM the idea that spin and degrees of freedom being increased leading to the phenomena known as mass is very satisfying.
In AuT the degrees of freedom are the 1,2 and 3 dimensions represented by the one, ten and hundreds place.  They only change in one direction except relative to one another which is why gravity connects all points, the ct1 connection changing together relative to ct2.
There are a plethra of intermediary states possible in AuT but they are limited by the possible changes in the information arms over time.  In SM there are a limited number based on projected models, but there are heavy W and light W states which are better explained as ct3 partial arms in a state of building or breakdown.
For whatever reason, SM completely ignores the ct3 vs ct3 bundled transitions of time even while measuring speed  as a version of time.
Actual velocity is shown by ct1 transition vs ct3-ct4 transition, but these transitions appear to happen in a time free environment, where bundled ct3 states, those with information arm attributes, are distinguished from free ct3 states which are the true representative exchanges occurring as they do along with the ct1 transitions which are measured as external velocity and as vibration within the ct3-ct4 matrix.  Nevertheless, the memory of ct1 exchanges is preserved only in the ct3bundle exchanges apparently.
I still don't understand why no one sees the connection between these packet states (of information capable wave packets) proton groups and history with what is called time (as opposed to the change in the underlying symmetry) you can see clearly that it would be an appropriate line of inquiry, especially since the more elegant "unbroken" underlying symmetries of lower information states would suggest a more elegant change vehicle (i.e. a quantum unit change as opposed to a variable time).
Under  SMM:: The new symmetry has less symmetry than the underlying dynamics.  Less in one dimension, more change in multiple dimensions at once.
The reason-the vacuum is "asymmetric" with respect to the symmetry of the dynamics.
Breaking as opposed to changing or building is a problem of semantics, but otherwise shows the transition as the limit approaches a single change between compression levels.
In AuT the symmetries are maintained since one level is built  on top of (or more particularly "out of")  the other.
While SM misses most of AuT, it has AuT properties that are important for superconductivity
I previously discussed the similarities of dimension that under SM dimension results from the more degrees of freedom, consistent with place and the addition of resulting dimensions at each higher ct state.  The terminology of SM, tying spin to the idea of dimensional freedom, is a little awkward, but the idea of these dimensional features giving mass is a common feature of AuT and SM although they arrive at the same point generally from different directions; AuT being supported by the underlying geometry and SM approximating results without recognizing the underlying super-symmetry except as a broken element, instead of as a necessary building block.
Bose Condensation-Condensing of a microscopically large number of spinless particles into a single quantum state-what carries the current in the superconductor, is the SM idea of compression.  This is associated with symmetry breaking in these systems and with the underlying symmetry giving rise to different compression states in AuT.
This Higgs idea is correct to the extent it recognizes that there are different symmetries, incorrect in failing to realize that they exist together in every respect and that only observational prejudices allow us to ignore that space is pre-dimensional, but still the same stuff as the other higher ct states.
Goldstone said-Nambru stuck close to realistic superconductors with fermionic spins-goldstone instead said basic phenomena were result of what could be described from spin zero fields.  This is not the worst analogy, but where it fails is that it allows "fields" in a "vacuum" when what AuT shows is that the vacuum is intermediary solutions which interchange with the solutions of slightly higher ct1-ct2 information arm state for electromagnetic fields and ct2-ct3 states for wave type fields.
The result of composite particles is a confused way of breaking up the ct2-ct4 states which are otherwise separated by virtue of the fill state of the various component information arms.
The Mexican hat field that breaks the symmetry by having a zero energy place for the mass to sit is worth more consideration in light of the other mass-field equations in order to better understand the interaction of f-series compression states; but the idea of eliminating the underlying symmetry is inconsistent with observations if you accept space as a quantum state because space never ceases to exist and never ceases to interact and exchange with the higher ct states.
SM takes this further with the idea of Massless vs Massive particles which is really nothing more than the recognition in AuT of building along the ct4 information arm matrix which leads to the Massive AuT particles exchanging in the thousands place in mathematical f-series solutions.
In SM the massless particle in nature is easy to produce since it has no energy use involved.  This is a matter in AuT which is not viewed the same because energy is an effect and not a cause in AuT.
In AuT the idea of "ease of production" is not relevant since any mathematical result is as easy as any other mathematical result.
Because we live in a stable place in the universe we experience just the right amount of entropy, but that will certainly vary as the universe changes from net decompression to net compression.
Breaking symmetry gave degree of freedom allowing mass in three different states of spin by adding dimension in SM, which is the equivalent of the limit as ct1 and ct2 intervening states between ct3 goes to 1 to allow ct3 states to align along ct4 type mathematical information arm solutions (2f(4)^2^4) without excessive intervening ct1 or 2 states which allows ct3bundles to carry time between ct3-ct4 information arms giving rise to the illusion of time through the preservation of prior quantum state results over time in 4 dimensional environments.  One can see both the similarities of different spin states to different "places" in the AuT solutions; but the SM perspective fails to see the existence of the intervening states as having a role in how much ct3 bundle sharing occurs or that this is the "broken symmetry" version of "change in x, the single variable" which AuT more clearly defines as time through a specific ct3-ct4/4 dimensional information exchange between quantum time solutions.
The overlaps of the two solutions are important in order to clarify how the standard model arises from an AuT analysis.

AuT as symmetry breaking and x vs time 1 of 2

Symmetry Breaking
What SM calls "breaking symmetry" is the idea that there are different symmetries at different dimensional levels.  AuT has a similar concept, more properly called "building symmetries" instead of breaking, but that is largely semantics.
Here is a mathematical example of how the two compare:
SM has Lagrange LQCD=Sum(over q) of QDq(the Dirac equation) -1/4GuVG^uv (Maxwell's equation in a vacuum).  This can then be normalized with a Higgs Field.
AuT has a non-similar arrangement but with similar results:
               AuT= Ordered Sum(ct1-independent)+sum(ct2 version of sum of ordered ct1)+sum(ct3 version of ct2+ordered ct1)+Sum(ct4 version of ct3+ct2+ordered ct1) yields a solution translated into a current state of the universe based on the order of the solution where each state is a built symmetry of the prior state according to either 2f(n)^2^n or some predecessor function.
                These vastly different approaches yield similar results, the Lagrange field being an approximation at a given location for the  broader result in AuT.  AuT can be summarized in a local environment, but it is a complicated analysis because the values of ct1 are varying, albeit at a very slow rate in the middle range where we live  No attempt has been made to determine how many changes of x lead to a change in the average ct1 state, but the power of entropy should provide a fairly good measurement from which this may be obtained, it is certainly a huge number.
           The next issue is how many changes occur in a pre-time environment before standard clock time is significantly affected.  This brings us to the second aspect of the building symmetries which is the different measure of time which is a subset of the ordered sum above and comes from this solution: QT(n)approx=Sum(ct4 version of ct3+ct2+ordered ct1)approx.=Sum(over 10 information arms of ct4 version of ct3) for a given ct3-ct4 state set in question.   It is worth noting that this subset for a given ct3-ct4 transition state gives a quantum time state for the ct3-ct4 transitions states in question.  This is a quantum of time.  These do not change in a vacuum, of course (there is no vacuum in AuT) instead they are separated by ordered, slowly changing ct1,ct2 and ct3 state clouds which affect the changes between and the makeup of two successive QT(n)=quantum time for a given value of x=n.  That being said, however, the actual history involved in the movement of the clock time is a function of the ct4-ct3 transition states.

Monday, March 19, 2018


there is no way to compartmentalize you
you are everything there is to me
I stood in a graveyard listening to the rabbi
talk about life and time
knowing he did not know what he was talking about
that all the bodies and stones disolved around me
but there was a truth in the idea of how we live our lives
whether we do what makes life full or not
it is not for me or anyone else to compartmenalize someone
we do it with our jails when we can
we do it with our statitistics
our politics
our proposals
and our failings
but i cannot do it to you
what this is is the very opposite
but you have to understand what you showed me
and how it has changed me
i see time differently from everyone else
it is so terribly obvious once you break it down
once you see what dimensions are
where we live
the middle space in the universe
the only place we can live
everything is less tangible to me
at first i could not see it
then i saw how the dimensions worked in the middle
how close points could be separated as long as they were
on a dimensional edge
how you and i could be so close
so much one person together
and how the middle separate us
I know it is easy for you to see through the reality
to the illusion
but it was you who allowed me to get where i am
and i must be able to not compartmentalize you
for while any piece can be separated
everything cannot be
and you are everything

Sunday, March 18, 2018

AuT and the standard model 1 of (done)

It/is late.  I am outdoors in the wilderness. The ground is cold, all around me is darkness. The wind blows, it sucks whatever warmth I have.  Iam underdressedfor this  late night, but there is nothing to be done for it.  i will live or die i will sty healhy or this wet cold will overtake me with some viral nightmare.  I chehck my watch.  Time seems to stqand still.  an hour longer and i can get away from this, it will be at least that long if I don.t lie to myself.  I have something to write with, but no light.  I record my thoughts as well as I can, there is no moon, only star light.  The stars are bright out here so far away from everything else.  In an hour, if Iam lucky I will find my tent and the warm bag and I will be warm if uncomfortable on the hard ground.  It is too cold for mosquitos, that is what reallly is cold comfort.
It is so quiet, the wind russles the woods.

The problems (comparing AuT) with the standard model begin immediately:
The SM-beginss with Force carriers and Matter particles
1) What do the carriers carry them through?  We can say :space: but what does that tell us.  The SM begins by talking in circles.
2)  How do they carry them?  Over time?
And what are matter particles since we no  they are energy and now we are back to force carriers again.  It is a theory which creates more riddles than it answers.
Before moving any futher we have to stop and from a logical standpoint make a comparison.  The mind rails against our existence as a simulation and in the broader definition, in the greater sense an algorithm is a simulation.  What are the differences?
But what of the more narrow definition?  There are no rule changes possible in AuT.  While a goal would be to disprove this, gravity, electro-mag to a lesser extent and observation say that all change is at the same time, tied togehter for for all quantum points in the univese.  A simulation suggests a more complex underlying framework.  An algorithm does require a god like mind to hold it, but it does not require a complex underlying framework or computer.  It only requires a massive memory (for each point in what is now essentially an infinite number of points from our perspective) and the ability to count one number at a time and to apply the solution to each point sequentially.  The very concept of existence is still abhored logically, but not as badly.  The idea of a more complicated godlike thing exists but it is less all knowing, it is merely the ability to count, to calculate, to remember.
AuT does require a complex beginning, too complex for o-space logic; but its much better, fits observations better, and is exponentially more simple that SM.  But more importantly everything in it builds from simple to complex and this suggests it can be followed backwards to a sufficiently simple origin to have some internal logic.  The grand info theory of the carrier arms is simple binary, the f-series is self generating, fpluspix builds from -1^n and those of you who have read the books know that -1^n has a relatively good explanation in o-space logic.
So what do we is reconcile SM with AuT because it is absurd to require the the opposite; but all proofs that are complete should work in both directions.
Lets look at the first idea:
   Force carriers vs ration solutions (force as a result of solutions to the algorithm).
   Necessarily you have to get to the same point which is why you see so much of one theory in the other, the idea of building dimensions, for example.  That is beside the point.
   With both you have nothing but math to work from.
   AuT departs at this point.  Instead of force carriers, force results from ratios of one solution set to another and time does not exist as such but is instead a result just as force is.  So first we eliminate time and then dimension in favor of solution order and then the relative solution orders give rise to dimension and force.  Indeed, both AuT and SM agree that the difference between non-mass and mass is the addition of the third dimension but only AuT realizes that both exist together, that we see dimension in the lower states only because we impose our third dimension on the two dimensional objects because we put perspecitve over vision.
While it is tempting to try to reconcile the two theories through semantics, the problems with SM run deeper than perspective.
Time vs change-SM uses a resulting measure which varies according to Lorentz just as forces vary depending on the particles involved.  AuT uses true change which occurs both in time environments and those where time is not relevant.
Dimension vs ratio: SM is stuck in 3 dimensions and attempts ineffectually to force other states into 3 dimensions with results that vary from the bizarre to science fiction.  AuT on the other hand recognizes that force and matter result from relative solution density and the ratio between these as well as the gradual transitions along carrier arms necessarily present and only within a narrow region of space.  The gradual transitions are as intervening states align and disalign both as discreet steps and intemediatry steps along information arms.  in this way, the true quantum nature of things eliminates carrier particlels and force in favor of quantum states existing sequentially based on the allignment and un-alignment of 1 dimensional solutions based on pre-dimensional solutions.
And, of course, there is more...

Friday, March 16, 2018

Outliers (done)

I think it is necessary to have a high degree of exclusion to recognize errors, whether its the shape of the earth or the underlying symmetry of the universe.
I get ridiculed, but when I ask simple questions "why can't waves be two dimensional" they scorn me.  At the same moment, in the same breath, they use a two dimensional surface to represent a massless object and add a third dimension to give it mass.  In other words, they use AuT constant while ignoring that they are doing it!
In some cases, these are the most brilliant minds in the world.
Another good example is time.  I point out that time disappears when you go to two dimensions (and the resulting light speed, which we know isn't speed at all) and it disappears when you have gravity that eliminates ct3 exchange (or severely limits it) at gravitational black holes.  This is their science, not mine.  And yet faced with this, they do not say, "by greg, george, you're absolutely right, time is an effect and not dimension."  Instead they say, you don't understand, when I do very much.  They say "time is change" when Einstein pointed out that everyone had their own time, defying a common source of change.  Indeed the counter below the level of time is change in the universe, but that is decidedly not what we call time.
Why am I the cast away?  Because I'm an outlier.  Had existence not cast me aside in every respect, wealth, position, love, and brilliance; I would not have the insight to see through the self delusions that keep supporters of absurd politicians supporting them, for example; indeed this reflects the consistency, the near but imperfect redundancy that AuT forces on the universe at this central place.
This post embodies concepts which alone are irrefutable evidence of AuT once viewed without prejudice.  Indeed there is an exercise here for anyone who doesn't realize what has been done in the 7 books of AuT which only takes 10 minutes.  Let's do it.
Say that nothing you've ever learned is sacred.
Then look at the universe in this way for 10 minutes:
1) Dimensionless space, and each of the 4 dimension exist together, we see the lower dimensions dimension-ally because we observe them from a 3 dimensional point of reference and ct5 (4 dimensional black holes) disappear because we cannot see the 5th dimension.  Think about how mathematically this can be represented by place (1 place of 0 dimension, 2 for 2, etc).  Then look at the underlying math and ask, it this model not built into the very definition of pi itself, which otherwise is not even a real number?
2) Step 2: Think about where time appears and disappears; and ask if there is anything so special about it that it has to be a dimension.  When you conclude the obvious, ask yourself if there is any problem with a single quantum change giving rise to quantum frames that hold the universe one at a time.
These two things alone open up everything else.
Its weird, but it is so incredibly obvious, that it has to be right, because only the structure of redundancy in the interwoven sequential universes is strong enough to blind everyone to what is so obvious once you release your prejudices.
So what am I?
I am the bit of nothing in the universe that has been shredded by the system, cast out from the stream of unity, left naked under the rain, watching the stars peak out between thunderstorms, alone, saying I don't fit in, why not?  And then realizing that because I am cast out, I can see the foolishness within.
And what are you?  You are the one watching the mad man, naked in the rain, trying to decide whether he is mad or whether you are.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A comment on geometry and the 1:15 pairing (done)

The math model replaces time with change  and dimension with place and solution order.  The theory deals with what lies beneath the illusion of self-awareness and things like time, dimension, and charge are effects at that level; quarks are models above that level.  It is a proposed solution to the idea that we live in a simulation. 
The longer version deals with Newton, Lorentz, Maxwell and Higgs fields as do the books and they accept non-3 dimensional space for their proofs as you know.  The books include a solution to Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise; but your observations are all valid up to a point and I thank you for them.
Since it is short, I will share the paradox solution from book 6:
This is the solution to the Zeno Achilles Paradox which shows, by way of example, how this works.
As two ct3-ct4 states, Achilles and Turtle, shift position, A does not go to the half way point of T.  Instead the number of ct1 solutions between the two decreases to bring them together.  The perceived movement is illusory.  This idea can be expanded to see what happens if an arrow is fired into a target or if a neutron star collapses into a black hole.
Where our brains begin to hurt is when we think about Achilles passing the turtle because solution order suggests the two cannot pass, but they can change position due to the extra dimensions that define their separation in a two or three dimensional environment.
     Solutions can be on opposite edges of the universe and at the same time be closer together in solution order than those points in between them.  Indeed, that is required by this analysis.

          That is one reason why our existence can only occur in the middle solution space and not at the edges or center or the universe.  This is indirectly related to the rate of change at the different locations (middle, edge and center).  Existence in the middle allows our physics to support life where it would not at the other extremes.

In old physics you can imagine two people trying to walk parallel to each other in a straight line on the Earth. To them if the Earth seems flat they should never meet. However, as can be seen on a map, because the Earth is not flat the lines of longitude get closer and closer until they meet at the North Pole. If they believe the Earth is flat that could seem to them to be the result of an attractive force acting on them drawing them together.

The issue here is entirely different.  The problem with Pre-aut analysis is that you are trying to force reality into a 3 dimensional framework.  There is overwhelming evidence that space is something (it's there, it must be something).  It has no features we associate with dimension because we don't look right.  There is good  evid. that we experience 3 dimensions and that black holes experience 4 (that's why it shrinks to a point, its  stretched out in a 4th dimension).  There's fair evidence that time is an effect operating between light speeds (changes in one or two dimensions) and black holes (changes in 4 dimensions).  So we have this zero dimensional stuff, 3-d and 4-d stuff.  So we're missing 2 dimensional growth.  Obviously the wave-particle things suggests itself.  We have great evidence that when you go between waves (suggested 2d) and mass (3d) you have an enormous increase/decrease in volume; highly suggestive of a dimensional change.  The same is true for a wave to particle transition (line vs page discussion).  There is also a model for the transitions that fits (2f(n))^(2^n) which is logically based on geometry and fits observed scales.   We see what we want to see, reality screams look!

The focus on time and "empty space" is source of most of the errors in the theories of quantum mechanics even though they all accept at a base level the idea of fewer dimensions, they just fail to recognize that these exist together.