
Sunday, March 25, 2018

AuT vs Higgs and Vacuum energy (done)

One of the great things about AuT is that it remains strong in the face of criticism, because it is read all over the world, but not widely read and is rejected conceptually not because of any logical flaw, but because it is so darned conclusive in undermining the absurdly self centered views of the universe which make us think we think, add uncertainty to a certain universe, and make us add dimension to non-dimensional and lesser dimensional states just because we cannot imagine that what we see isn't what things are despite the fact that the mathematics of Higgs and his "gang of physicists" that would sideline the true nature of reality use the exact same concept to define what mass is, namely adding a dimension to a 2 dimensional object.

It sounds crazy and it is, but then AuT sounds crazy and it isn't.
That doesn't mean it is widely accepted, it just makes sense.

AuT has a very strong alternative to vacuum density, or it is the underlying symmetry for what is called vacuum density.  What this tells us is that space is something.  The easiest and most logical answer is that space is the same thing as everything else, just in a less compressed form and it is also separation which in this case is solution order.   The difference is that in AuT space is not nothing, it is the same as everything else.
What happens to the uncertainty principle that precise knowledge of both position and speed cannot be determined?   It is replaced with a time independent dimension generating formula where position and speed are quantum results so that while mathematically beyond calculation remain determinable for any quantum points and which can be approximated regionally based on mathematically specific criteria.
While superficially similar, these are vastly different results.
Let’s look at the example in the class:
Uncertainty in speed of electrons =speed of light if size of atom = 10^-12m is replaced with ct exchange rates for each state and in directions (compression/decompression) related to each quantum result for each quantum point based on the fpluspix solution for each. Keep in mind that these are sequential solutions so the rate change is extremely high in the aggregate, but locationally rather slow compared to individual quantum changes in x.  Likewise the size is replaced with the sum of all of the different quantum states meaning that the overall solution is in terms of a single variable x for a group of changes which may be reduced to one and distance is defined by the quantum sum of the different states translated into dimensional characteristcs and separated by solution order.
Likewise the “energy” in the system potential (actual=potential in AuT) is the change for any value of x reflected in ratios of the solutions.
So how does this compare with Higgs.
Higgs has a scaler field that fills space.  AuT has information which is zero dimensional but provides a change mechanism to separate the results of successive solutions, the initial ones changing very fast, later ones, even though only separated by 2 degrees each, at very slow relative speeds and our universal perspective occurs in the middle.  Complicating this process is the compression as aligned solutions (presumably positive aligned with negative) leads to compression and each compression state adds a dimension based on the ratio of the results to the prior results.
Why AuT and not Higgs?  The reason is that Higgs fails for the same reasons that Parmenides suggested 2500 years ago.  You have to be able to split things to infinity which is an absurd result (not that there isn’t an absurdity at the beginning of the AuT universe, but that absurdity is not governed by our logic.
In addition, Higgs acknowledges that his mass comes from adding dimension to non-mass objects, but fails to note the logic inherent in the math giving rise to the dimension.  This is the 4/fpluspix solution for three dimensional space which almost requires that there be a 3, 2 and 1 dimensional numerator solution which AuT shows and explains as giving rise to the 256:27 ratio (for -1 to 1 for the sin equation) which is the first compression state for ct1 to ct2.
These ratios provide a mechanism whereby math solutions can be changed to both dimension and force and explain everything from gravity (the net amount of compression compared to decompression fpluspix results in a system) to black holes, the 4/fpluspix solution where the numerator is equal to 5.

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