
Saturday, March 24, 2018

AuT explains stupidity

I managed to do 2500 yards, 1000 yards im.
 It wasn't the easiest thing that I've done
now i cannot remember it
was it easy.
where is the calm that follows exercise
did i really do it at all
is my grip that tenuous
no, the tired muscles do not lie
not like me
I sit thinking
cold when the sun is behind the clouds
warm when it comes out
I am not calm.
I sit in the sun on the deck
overlooking the wood
 my mind is troubled
with things i want to say to you
unspecific things
vapours of speech
promises of sex, love and betrayal
the sun warms my cold heart
chilled with the cold water
or the evil
i swim in both
at one time or another
perhaps one of those
is why i see so deeply
i don't know which
What would i do
if i could but seduce you
with my thoughts
that would make things right

Aut describes a universe based on the underlying mathematics.
It says why we exist where we do and why forces are what they are.
Randomness is an illusion formed by the periodic transition of compression to decompression at the pluspix level.
Exactly why and how that effect allows us to live and breath and think is because transition of this type give rise to the effects of force and entropy that living and breathing come from.
It doesn't stop us from being effects or that the illusion of self determination is just an illusion.
It is a little hard to understand why I was able to figure out this underlying process even though the mathematics is thousands of years old and the fundamental issues were raised 2500 years ago.  Indeed modern science is not only blinded by its own prejudices of observational data, but also by the sheer amount of wrong theory that has been piled on top of itself until they cannot accept something underlying, simple and like the true nature of time, undeniable by their own standards.
Why me?  I was driven by heartbreak, that most powerful derivative of love to do something to preserve something else in itself an inconsistency worthy of whatever else happens.  Something the particular randomness we suffer makes powerful or is powerful because of how it is made.  I do not know because it is too black for me to look there.
But what of stupidity?  I'm not just talking about the stupidity of the failure to recognize AuT.  I'm talking about the stupidity of determining that, for example, Trump was the best leader of the United States from the other 100 million or so candidates or the stupidity to still trust him; not that he will not be a good leader, however unlikely that is, but that he can be trusted when he rarely speaks truthfully.
The reason we are so stupid is that there is an underlying mathematics that makes us stupid.

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