
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

nltit-the movies part 2

First, understand that NLTIT is a meeting point.  Tonight we'll talk abou the meeting of the religious and scientist, both of whom agree in the predestination predicted in NLTIT which we'll call NLT because anything else takes too long to type.
So lets talk about this.  Pick one.  Either one.  Well, the scientists are the easy ones so we lets start with the other ones.
The world created by an all-knowing all powerful god.  This, but the way, is not much of a stretch if you accept NLT, but you have to read the Einstein Hologram Universe or the rest of this blog if you need the details.
If you accept the god concept, then such a god would necessarily have the power not only to decide what will happen but to determine it.  The point is therefore made.  The ability to determine the future means that the future is pre-ordained for all intents and purposes.
Now let's reject god.  But let's assume that mathematics, the so called "natural sciences" allow that there is sufficient predictability so that we know what can happen on at least some level.  If we can know what will happen even a short time in advance and even in a very limited quantum environment then the universe is predestined.  If there is absolute prediction, then there is absolute predestination.  If there is predestination then everything effectively happens at once because you can know what has happened and you can tell what's going to happen next then linearity must be illusory.
This requires a more complicated analysis.
It is, however, incumbent under either theory that linearity is illusory because in the first case, everything is controlled and therefore predestined and in the other everything is predictable and therefore predestined.  While linearity is possible in either case, it remains unlikely that we have actual burning.  NLT instead provides a foundation for apparent movement with an environment which is Einsteinian, where god does not play dice and where in the absence of linearity everything happens at once.
So we're back to the movie, but now we are cracking the second part of this movie, although we will not reach it until we get to the third part of this blog.  If something is recorded, fixing a linear environment non-linearly then when it goes non-linear it is playing back.
Just as the addition of additional data can result in vastly different effects (movement-multiple frames, sound, color, etc) so to can additional changing coordinates (exponentially concentrated time coordinates changing at once) show up as different effect.  This is why we can see the effect of exponentially, without having the clear ability to tie it to any one feature of existence (space, energy, matter, gravity) because we do not now clearly how information is displayed or how it can be displayed with changing concentrations.  What we do know is that the amount of information change at any one moment (the amount of "time") is conserved.
I've got other stuff to do, please do not move till I get back.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

NLTIT-the movie analogy

So knowing that information as used here (not the kind we are used to thinking of) might be the wrong word, before I get to publishing, it seems likely that another word should be used.  But for now the question is how does it change as it compresses.
we can think of the comparison of a black and white movie going towards a cd quality color movie.  It actually works better than other analogies.  Imagine, for example that you had only seen silent movies your whole life and suddenly were confronted by a "talkie."  But we're getting ahead of our selves.
t2-silent movie
t5-we could say this is a 3d film, but that is actually just a color movie with effect.   This is the black hole of movies, so it means something more than going from color to some hokey, not so special effect.  /It's about quantum steps of conveying information.
It is about recording life in its various forms leading up to real life.  A photograph locks in a moment, a singled quantum of time.  A black a white movie takes the event and adds to it  a series of events.  it is worth noting that what we are doing in such a case is...going from linearity (everything happening) to a situation where everything is frozen. We have one photo or a series of photos.  The amount of information is greater, but it could also be broken down into individual frames.
The freezing into a frame is the dramatic first step.  Something dramatic has happened, a series of linear events have become non-linear and we're just increasing the number at one time.  Having multiple frozen events together makes no real difference; but the initial transition is recording information.
The first real difference is adding some additional dimension, some increase in information.  This would be sound.  Now we're running into a problem which we will resolve shortly.
Color.  It looks so different, but is just one step closer to what was originally "captured" and "non-lineared" from a linear environment.
If we use, for this analogy, analog film, we run into problems because we are not dealing with quantum phenomena.  But if we use the digital analogy, then something different begins to happen.  Each step in the process involves another layer of  information quantized in individual bits.
Each step of complexity doesn't change the original linear scene that was captured.  However the number of components that are shown at once changes to enhance the view and take us closer and closer to the original.  The "information" has not changed in type, only the simultaneous display.
Now, we are looking at the capture in going from linear to non-linear, but when we play the movie we are going linear again.
It is a playback of what has happened already.  We can know what the photo will hold, you know what the movie will hold.  It is a recording, all events are predestined.  We are never surprised to see the same ending in the movie and yet we expect a different outcome to be possible in life.
We expect that having more layers displayed would result in just more of the same as a single layer, a photograph, but instead we have added movement, sound, color and perhaps, in the next layer, something totally unexpected.
The change in the movie is not exponential, it is not 2^n.  Any one aspect might be a jump greater or less than exponential.  The one expected difference between the actual universe and the universe of digitized film lies in expecting a mathematical progression of the type "observed".  But the addition of different information yields strangely inconsistent results.  Mass/energy/gravity are seen as interchangeable, but the quantum progression does not appear to involve any one of these items increasing exponentially.
Instead some other element of the information must be changing and the display by adding elements does not correspond to the known elements of progression.  The progression of the movie has unexpected results (movement, sound, color, etc) just as we have unexpected transitions in the universe (gravity, photons, waves, matter, black holes, space).  We end up with a multiple quantum increase in mass associated with a single addition to n in the bits of time-information because we assume that exponential changes in information only change the way known information is displayed.  The movie analogy suggests something different, that the addition of additional quantum layers, additional simultaneous changing coordinates will give completely unexpected results..
And there you have it.  We are not dealing with Non-linear information, we are not dealing with non linear time, instead we appear to be dealing with Non-linear time information and the theory just has to be Non-linear time information theory.  Just what you'd expect.
I have to work on this name thing a little more.

nlit-beginning again

The idea of determining the quality and transitions of exponential growth as information manifests itself in different forms is the next big challenge of NLT/NLIT.  In this sense "information" is no more what we perceive as "information" than "time" in Non-linear time theory is what is traditionally thought of as time.
What we call "change" and "linearity" are illusory terms.  Therefore we start off with a linear view of time which is illusory.
We talk of all things having "their own time" in traditional physics.  But in NLT we know that time is only the ability to observe illusory time from the vantage point of an additional coordinate change happening simultaneously and in concert with at least one other coordinate which therefore gives rise to the illusion.
We had to invent the idea of "time orbits" which now perhaps I'll have to call "informational orbits" which allow independent movement at a rate and in a concentration and in "at least general" direction with other points to allow the shared viewpoint.  The best example being a planet headed in the exact opposite direction of ours.  Everyone would experience the same time if it were going in a collision orbit to our earth, but the real "opposite" direction would be towards non-linearity at the same rate that we move away from non-linearity.  It is not, however, an acceleration we experience (the result of acceleration is an increase in gravity) but is instead a velocity, a constant rate of change with the amount of "acceleration away from non-linearity" gravity remaining more or less constant.
Likewise, increasing the rate of change in one direction, increases perceived gravity and because we are stuck at a constant overall rate change results in a decrease of the perceived rate of change that we call time.
This concept works so much better as a math than as a logical model because the math is simple while the logic fails: d(total)=dx,dy,dz+dt.  As any combination of these points change at an accelerated rate, the other must decrease.  However, any point must be represented as P(x,y,z,t)d(total).  Traditionally, and practically, we view "t" as different, independent of the other two.  But an examination of states and "blind acceptance" of information theory (nlit) where the is exponential growth in information 2^n we run into some problems because this suggests that t is not independent of x,y, and z) because the Point can result from the change of a quantity of points.
In the next post, we will discuss the alternatives:
1) time is independent, but only one coordinate change can happen at once in t1, 2 in t2, etc
2) time is not independent, it is only a function of the number of changes at once
3) there are a fixed set of dimensions and other changes (time and ct5 for example) happen without increasing the number of dimensions
40 there are no fixed number of dimensions and each increase in time concentration results in the addition of a dimension.
For now, however, it is enough to start again.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Chistmas eve eve

What is this holiday
this holiday of light
in the darkness
of the winter solstice
Is it Mr Magoo on TV
silly commedies
playing on the fictions
the holiday mythologies
instead of the realities
of the rest of the year
or the horror stories
of the Halloweens
or is it the love stories
reminding us of what
love should be like
this time of year
perhaps not condemning us
not the sad songs
not even the happiness
nor the redemption of scrooge
just a gentle reminder
that there are things to aspire to
each of the stories
has a trial
that may or may not overcome
the story lies not in the love
at the very end
but the struggle to get there
as important it is to find love
it is also important not to give up
on the long road towards you

The whale lawyer comes to life (partially) in New York

what a fun case!  the whale lawyer indeed!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

christmas poem

cold air bites my cheeks
holiday bulbs light my walks
i remember every year without you
what do i get you for christmas
to make up for all the holidays
we missed and all of those
we've spent separated
what jewel sparkles
as hot as your kisses
what sweater is as warm
as being embraced in your bed
the bite of pine needles in the air
the taste of hot apples
and buttered rum
how sweet and bitter
is every moment with you in it
a gift to be received
and one which i would wish
never had to be set aside
not even for the necessities
of the coming new year
oh gift of christmas future
will you never come
will the night we share
keep me waiting another moment
I cannot wait to unwrap you

paine-the growth of men

Tom Paine rose above his lower middle class beginnings as the result of many factors.  chief perhaps is the basic education that allowed him to take advantage of opportunities that were presented as a result of history and his intellect.
In his biography which I am reading, it refers to something in which many of us can share,
"a rigorous course of self improvement followed by personal reinvention inspired by most powerful transformation (cf Greeks) of thought in human history."
The parenthetical is not because Common Sense and its ilk were not earth shattering, but only because it is largely reinvention and not origin as are so many things.
How do we reinvent ourselves?
In Paine's case, it probably involved more risk than "pain".  Shipping to sea as a privateer to get seed money, a life without tackle to clear; clearing the raffle and raising the shears to wax literary.
How much more simple life would be if it were all risk and no pain.
But we must take our medicines.  We must decide where the end of risk is too great and so must we to pain.  Paine wore through pain, of a lesser degree, an acceptable pain to Paine, an acceptable risk to himself without so much to others.

Friday, December 19, 2014

up early

It is all darkness
there is a special life
walking by private trees
rarely seen birds complain
unhappy with my presence
worry not angry birds
my disabilities wake me
refusing me rest
along with my thoughts
one if not the other
disturb the living escape
while you sleep on
moving gingerly
over unseen paths
prowl night dark streets
even the coming dawn
hides behind walls from me
only at the end
will I possibly see
with coming dawn
the arrival of barristas
is that owl i hear
far in the distance
finally home bound
from hunting house pets
even as i finish
Soon the roads will fill
the air filled with noise
others looking for something
in the light of day
which they can hold
but for now
shrouded in darkness
they belong to me alone

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

thomas paine-epitaph to a pet bird
When  eight years of age, the following epitaph to his pet bird:

Here lies the body of John Crow,
Who once was high but now is low:
Ye brother Crows take warning all,
For as you rise, so must you fall.

missed life

how can I tell you how much I hate you
for not accepting me the first time
My heart reached out for yours
how can I explain
looking through tear blurred eyes
that I love you enough
not to share your bed
when you pretend to love me
enough to sleep with me
how do I explain to our dead children
why we are not together tonight.
what would make them understand
how much i love them
for embodying what we are together
how do I calm the madness
I suffer when we are apart
the pain together knowing
we are not the one person
i know we were meant to be
 how do I defeat morality
to do what is right
who has to suffer
so that I can trap happiness
that crushed lightning bug
in the illusion of a jar
whose life do I sacrifice
to mend our broken hearts
 how many pages to you
will be enough to bridge
the gulf of missed nights
that separate us from our child
that we cannot comfort
how can I not hate you
for creating a world with you
and without you
for giving me the cancer
that eats me alive
leaving a rotted corpse
a mockery of  who I want to be
foul love that pretends
to be joy all the while
waiting to bury jealous knives
in unsuspecting lovers
and hammers of distance
to break porcelain veneers
where are there words
to express how desperate
it is for me to be apart
from you and the life we missed

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

nlt and the einstein papers online one of 2

The fight over unified fields, so easily mastered by NLIT (NLT), is a long lasting one.  Unification of the fields was difficult only because of the failure of prior theories to recognize that all aspects of the universe required unification, your welcome.  It certainly would have been better for everyone if a PhD with a better attitude had discovered it.  But no, it was me; the dissertation leading up to it was largely informal.  However, the development was not.
The key lies only in the elimination of time in equations and the consequent revelation that dimension is a function of the linearity of time.  There is no substitute, there is only the introduction of non-linearity. This is the presumption, by Einstein, that everything can happen at once which necessarily means that everything happens without the separation of time and dimension.  Solving to eliminate time, then, is also solving to eliminate dimension.
As this was done, it became apparent that a coordinate system had to be substituted for a system based on the false perception of time as a separate axis (its just one of four similar coordinates changing together) and dimension as true separation instead of what it is (coordinate changes).

What is most interesting about this article, is that it recognizes the existence of dimensions which are actually "manifolds" of one plus dimension over what is perceived.  It is possible to arrive at similar destinations based on different starting places.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

nlt-over investment in the higgs boson-the birth of NON-LINEAR INFORMATION THEORY

The higgs boson does not exist for obvious reasons, although the tendency of time in one coordinate change models provides an analogous feature.
However, our your love, of the Higgs boson blinds you to the alternatives.  You interpret your data to try to find it ignoring the truth that threaten to overwhelm you like a child playing in the waves at the beach you see it coming, but you think you know its power, its strength; but it is only an illusion, the true power behind the observations being more than the swimmer can handle.
Particularly when there is a financial commitment which is proved irrelevant by virtue of logic.
The large Haydron Collider is the culmination of superstition.  It represents the same investment that was made in a major religion without the potential positive elements.
The LHC is designed to find things which are theorized.  The problem is that it was built around defective theories.  A theory which is uncertain, isn't much.  Hence NLT isn't worth any more than string theory.  The difference is that NLT is intuitively correct and supported by observation and only has one person working on it, the originator, me.
This problem leads to another problem.  The scientists, indeed the governments of the world, have invested so much money chasing a ghost, they are going to have a hard time saying, oh wait, this under qualified yahoo has beaten us all to the prize.  He is going to make us refocus our energies in the right direction.  Worse still, NLT (of as you will see NLIT-Inlit) renders all of our endeavors rather pointless.  Its not my fault, I still get up every morning, but I now know (theoretically) that what we all knew anyway (intuitively) that life being defined ultimately by death (it is defined by what it is not, permanent) is irrelevant.  And yet, the permanence of NLIT means that life is more permanent than anyone ever thought, because if there is NLT, than NLIT is something which is permanent, every second, every quantum moment, existing over and over again into eternity which has a meaning, but one which requires that we look at what exists "before" time is linear which is a conundrum to our understanding of everything since it requires time be viewed as something which is linearity which is merely one force of many, that there may be an infinite number of times, of linearities which are not separate, but all parts of the same thing.
String theory and its ilk have thousands of people working on it, billions spent every year on it and is not intuitively correct.  The reason is that it works backwards.  It takes data and assumptions and tries to get back to somewhere where there is an explanation.  This is like watching a movie on a screen and wondering what it would look like from the side.  Is there some way to see it in three dimensions?  The answer is no, it is a two dimensional film.  Likewise, particle physicists are looking to support their particles.  Yes, they take strings, vibration and the like, but they are trying to get back to their particles.  They cannot accept, or at least they've failed so far, to recognize that the particles are not what they appear.  The tangibility of the universe, what forces them to hold tightly to their higgs boson, is only the result of predestination, a universe where particles result from the quantum presentation of everything that has already happened.  There is nothing more structurally solid than predestination.  It is solid because it already happened.
Concentration, exponential concentration in particular, explains why gravity is weak compared to other forces.  Instead of looking a particles colliding, we need to look at what is being concentrated.  This is the challenge for the future, not trying to find things that don't exist, but trying to understand what is being concentrated and how it changes at each level of concentration based on our view.  We know it isn't mass, we know it isn't dimension, it is something different and something which manifests itself differently.  We can say that it is information, because it matches binary information theory; but that leaves the question of what is information in a universe where everything has already happened.  The reflection of the predestination events in forms as diverse as space, energy, matter, black holes and higher ct states, the ability of those to be interchanged (albeit predictably)  makes information something greater than just bits, it requires more of an understanding of the non-linear, non-dimensional, environment that exists.
There are particles which represent different features of non linear...information (gagging on my need to change my documentation) but it is difficult to path these into perspective given the fact that the particles do not exactly exist.
As long as most physicists are stuck looking at the manifestations of non-linear information (NON LINEAR INFORMATION THEORY will be the name of the second edition of NLT to get away from NLT although they are the same thing) they will fail to find what they are looking for, because they are looking for something that does not exist.
Put that in your LHC and smoke it.
And, of course, it will be slowed, because no one likes a show off.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Waiting for life to act rightly

OPEC decision means 'pain train' for U.S. oil industry
The good for the masses
is occasionally to worst for me
it is a test of sorts
what is life offering
and what is it just teasing
for what we have
is only on a short term loan
the interest is paid every day
in fading vision and weary bone
you have been weird mystery 
and hard to interpret today 
if you want my opinion
you who are both life
and the interest due
i am not allowed to complain
because only i hold the wheel
and the course i steer
could be to a safer harbor
or i can steer for the open 
or maintain a course
which only holds out
a shipwreck on the rocks
to which i hold my course
nothing left but floatsom
no certainty, no you

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

nlt-symetry in a nlt environment

Physics is the application of intelligence to symmetry.  The idea that symmetry requires information is entirely consistent with NLT which combines information theory of bits to observed phenomena.  This combination was not intentional, I backed into it by stepping into a pile of exponential theory someone had dumped in my path.
The traditional view of each particle having 3 equations of force along each axis is an anathema to NLT.  First, there are clearly 4 paths, and none of them is a separate time path.  Second, there is no clear axis at the quantum level, the change itself is the axis and the number of dimensional directions is not limited to 3 since there are 4 changes possible with each particle.
All change derives from a single quantum point.  Separation is not relevant.  We want to accept as finite the existence of points in space affected by vectors in three directions acting on each point. However, non-linearity tells us that the use of three dimensions is a fiction and that change is not along lines and our knowledge of the universe tells us that we exist in curving paterns where linearity is only localized in concentrations of 4 dimensional clusters of matter trapped in gravity wells.
For this reason, space appears intangible, though it is more solid than matter.  However, we, trapped in our exploding linearities, see it not, though we see the more exploded CT5 states as black because from our relativistic view points, these even less organized systems appear even more compact.
The gift of non-linear time, is also what makes it hardest to understand.  All concentration exists at non-linearity and therefore the closer to non-linearity you get, the more concentrated things are.  And yet because we conceive of the forces which drag us back to linearity, gravity, strong and weak forces, electromagnetism and their ilk (whatever their ilk happen to be in super atoms (multiple ct5 states) as concentrating features instead of what they are, the counter effects of a loss in concentration, we are as so many Alice in Wonderlands, confusidlier and confusidlier, hoisted by our inability to be dogmatic about relativity or in the less confusing words of Carroll,  "Read the directions and directly you will be pointed in the right direction."

the fickle muse

we must fear the day
when women rule
the day when women
the warriors make
for minds of men differ
or so I am told
men compartmentalize
their many foibles
any one must grow large
to burst from its confines
so that all the wisdom
and all the foolishness
all the concentration
is finally shared with
all the little compartments
one thought strong
enough to break free
ah, but women do not
their thoughts share
their mind entire
women conduct war
with all their brains

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

love abides

Passion is fleeting
it is a fleet burning
sails aflame,
magazines explode

There is passion
in your tight form
in your words
the turn of your face

How can I describe you
jealous thoughts
silence me
lest anyone else see

the perfect curves
the Grecian face
the parted lips
the gentle touch

it does not end
when effort is spent
and bodies lie twined
breathless gasping

still there it is
the flames reflected
in those flashing eyes
never extinguished

And it draws me to you
inexorably again and again
threatening my life
overwhelming caution

but fleeting still
yet something keeps us
sustains us together
comforts our separation

what is it that we share
that survives the flames
the cold nights apart
only love abides

Monday, December 8, 2014

Everything is nothing compared to you.

The reason we love so deeply
though we love apart
lies in what we know

how often have i
loving so deeply
fallen in love at first sight

and you are used to it
to so many different people
loving you at first sight

but we are different
because you can trust my love
because of our time together

i am like your first gay lover
because you know i support you
whether you love me or not

i did not even mean to do it
to make you love me
though you warned me

how fickle you are
how you love all your lovers
and only the act binds us together

the act which is so special between us
we control time with it
the world passes unnoticed

only when we are together
apart it drags, sped only by knowing
days separated are lost forever

there is nothing to fill that void
so i fill it with poetry
reaching with words for your body

for to me you are everything
i don't exist, i am nothing' and
everything is nothing compared to you

Saturday, December 6, 2014

nlt-second law of thermodynamics-not

NLT says that the amount of entropy in the universe does not increase.
We know that stars burn fuel, but this does not mean that net entropy increases. The problem is that we have not yet learned the lesson of relativity.
While stars are all dying, the amount of CT5, a more organized state, is increasing.  The most organized, most energy intense state of the universe is the one that precedes any linearity.  The cabal has us thinking that energy is what we see consumed by stars.  But Non-linearity tells us that the expenditure of energy is an illusion.  Increasing clock times, especially ct6 show us that our universe builds towards that highest of energy non-linearity states.
So where does a universe go?  We can only guess what things mean in a linear fashion in non-linearity.
Exploding black holes are merely black holes which have lost "critical mass" and they would explode into matter and lower time states as they lose the critical mass necessary to remain as matter.
A nuclear reaction is similar.  Critical mass indicates a combination of matter, but it actually represents a scenario where there is a dispersed enough concentration as a result of conversion of matter to energy at an ever increasing rate so that the amount of mass loses its critical (10^16) mass necessary to remain stable.
The old universe ideas of quantum fluctuations leading to a universe of irregularities requires the acceptance of the random and therefor it is unlikely, actually it is impossible in a non-linear environment..
By the way, today my continued work was hampered by the presence of bureaucratic irregularities.  I could mourn such an outcome but that would be idiotic.  It would be assuming I should feel bad about predestination.  Still, if the world will have the quantum moments that are worth living for, we have to act whether it is predetermined or, well it is, so that's that.

Friday, December 5, 2014

NLT forward

I'm now well under way with the second edition of NLT.  I'll probably be in a position to publish it by the end of the year, but if you are looking for a Christmas present...well it wouldn't make much of a present anyway.  If you wait long enough maybe you'll be able to buy a float car because someone else buys it.

I'm going to share some of the second edition. 
I think perhaps any technology that gets far enough to develop NLT would fail because to continue working on it after you begin to believe it is only possible if your neurosis outweigh you intelligence.  Lucky for you that I have lots of neurosis, not much intellect.

 Soon to be out of print First Edition

The second edition of this work was planned even as the first edition was being published.  Likewise, a third edition is in the works even as the second edition gets ready for print.
One problem with NLT is the name.  Sadly, there is another NLT theory which has almost nothing to do with this one.  However, few terms are as descriptive as NLT.
Non linear time theory sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for string hologram theory.  
NLT discloses a universe vastly different from anything we experience.
It eliminates traditional views of space and time, envisioning an environment where those limitations do not apply.  This is vastly different from an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time.  This environment is one where time and distance have no existence.  It is as if those two critical elements of our perception, space-time, were created for no reason other than our ability to perceive them.  It suggests that we exist in the non-linear space and that our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are only illusion.  It requires that every moment exists simultaneously with every other moment that every quantum point exists with every other quantum point.
It suggests that our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are but an illusion.  We do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.

The theory is as much a terror as a triumph.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

flashes of genius-the undelivered speech

I started this paper but had to stop it.
Flashes of Genius: Improvisations That Move Human
Awareness to Higher Planes of Enlightenment and Creativity

Point of insight-3 that have to do with the creation of the universe, reality itself:

  1. Parmenides-taken to land of gods- travels "beyond the beaten paths of mortal men" to receive a revelation from an unnamed goddess (generally thought to be Persephone or Dike) on the nature of reality:
    1. object is to find a unity of all things
    2. illusion vs reality
  2. Newton with apple falling on his head
  3. Einstein: One of the key insights in developing his special theory of relativity came to Albert Einstein while talking to his friend Michele Besso:I started the conversation with him in the following way: "Recently I have been working on a difficult problem, today I come here to do battle against that problem with you" We discussed every aspect of this problem. Then suddenly I understood where the key to this problem lay. Next day I came back to him again and said to him without even saying hello, "thank you. I've completely solved the problem"
However, Einstein also said that the whole idea of special relativity did not come to him as a sudden, single thought, like a eureka moment: "Actually, I was led to it by steps arising from the individual laws derived from experience.
  1. my story

Way to preserver
  1. poetry-when writing was in its infancy
  2. Widespread acceptance
  3. self publishing

What was required
  1. insight-starts vague
  2. work to refine it
  3. inspiration followed by perspiration
NLT"-the "flash of genius" post.
So where does NLT get it start?  Apparently in a couple of posts:

SOLUTIONS IN NLT/EHT: It has been postulated that NLT can explain a universe without real dimension.  The list of “pre-NLT mysteries” of the universe solved by NLT are listed in previous entries.  So when did this revolutionary approach to Quantum Mechanics get its start:
The development of NLT has occurred relatively quickly after the first entry on September 1, 2012.  That reference was only a discussion of hologram theory.  It was not conception, it was only a discussion of an interesting concept.

On September 2, 2012 under "plumbing the depths" this post appeared:

This is a holiday break from the war with china and the term limits arguments that will come up later.  See the earlier posts if you want to follow that part of the blog
This examines some of the questions raised by current theories of the universe.  This one, supported by some of the writings of Einstein, Hawkins (The Universe in a nutshell) and others, is not a finished model, so I take the liberty of assigning certain features to it which may or may not be consistent with the model.
One of those "assigned features" is that everything has already happened.  Time is just a method of allowing someone to "walk around" the universe and see what is happening at any point in time, just as in a laser-hologram you can walk around in one direction and see a banana peeled and then go in the opposite direction and watch it closed back.  Hence, one question of the hologram universe is whether it is possible to go around it and see in them the past and go in another direction and see the future.
We have seen that the past is visible and easily visited, at least on a macro scale.  You do this every time you look into the night sky; starring eons into the past of galaxies and stars.  Even when you see sunlight you are looking a short time in the past.
Light is the speed limit of the universe, at least in the dimensions that we live in, and it is also a way to walk around the hologram for distant objects.  The fact that it does not, at least the way we have observed light so far, allow us to look at near objects in the distant past or any objects in the future raises the question of whether there is another way to look at light so this would be possible or to find the source of light or of the projection of the universe so that we could go walking around it.  This would give us the perspective of the hypothetical "god" which presumably created the universe and who could, by walking around it, on a micro level, see the beginning and the end.
This is not science fiction if the hologram universe allows for this type of view and if it is merely a projection of something that already exists and but for the artifice of time has already happened.  In fact, there is little reason to believe in the bubble theory that there are not an infinite number of universes, each with an infinite number of ways of things happening being viewed by whoever created them with interest or without interest just as some of us look into the sky with great interest and some out of boredom; why some see the full moon and are filled with romantic thoughts and others are merely aggravated that it is not dark enough to sleep.
In a future blog, perhaps we will discuss who is viewing these holograms.  Are they exhibits in some god museum or are we merely the bubbles formed while some great being beyond the scope of our comprehension bubbles water for tea?

Then, on 11/8/12 this was written under the title: the "biblical relevance of hologram theory":
"In the beginning there a was a great void, which was hot and dense being filled with everything that would ever happen.
Then there was light which was the beginning of time.  In a logical progression everything that was already there is a three dimensional framework moving outward from a central location was provided a surface on which to be displayed which was time.
This is the explanation of why time fits so poorly with the other dimensions.  It is because the other dimensions are painted, or etched onto time.
Time expands in only one direction which explains why the universe where everything had already happened had to begin expanding.
Obviously on some level things may go in either direction and time is a fairly constant surface on which to paint events which have already happened so that at any given moment in time, everything is painted at once...or etched.  Everything is actually etched.  You etch in time, you don't paint in time.
Time need only move at one speed, probably the speed of light, as the universe gets bigger.  Sometimes we feel like time is expanding faster or slower, but it is only a layer of material, an intangible material which we cannot feel and we cannot see but which may be the only material of relevance to someone watching the process of taking everything that has happened being etched onto the fabric of space and time...but it isn't etched on space, space is just something that is defined by things and things are etched only on time, there is no other surface.
The only question is how many times there are, how many universal fabrics.  Each would receive everything that has already happened and everything that will happen.
If Einstein were here would he still say that time exists so that everything doesn't happen at once or would he instead say that everything has already happened and that time is a surface on which it is displayed in a linear fashion?"

The highlighted part above is the first peek, the first gasp, the beginning of NLT.  So what we see here is the "germ of an idea" turning into a question over 2 months and 7 days.  Then it turns into a full fledged theory over the following 2 years.  The blog includes coffee and non-coffee, affection and betrayal, poems and prognostication, love and loss, emotional and physical blindness, all over 24 months.  And there on October 8, 2012 captured like a photograph is the moment of genius.  It is the apple falling onto Newton, Einstein picturing himself falling (like the apple) and, of course, it is Archimedes shouting Eureka  as his bathwater spills over the floor of a Greek bath house, of course it is.

Now some of you may be questioning the brilliance of Non-linear time theory and who knows, perhaps you are correct.  However, that is a mere technicality.  It either is brilliant or it is not.  But either way, the flash is there, it is either a flash of genius or irrelevance.

So what is my story...

warandpeace: if time is money then is money time

All platitudes aside, there are some unique ideas in all of this.
The idea is that if time and money are not interchangeable to some extent then why would anyone be allowed to charge for their time.  Our society recognizes that some persons have time of greater cash value than anothers, but this does not mean that ones time is less valuable.  This apparent inconsistency is further complicated by the idea in another platitude, "you have to make hay while the sun shines."  What this means is that time can change value based on the circumstances as well as the skill level and use of the time the later two being circumstances themselves I suppose.
Some time appears to be valueless, some time is of incalculable value.
Each moment must be evaluated on its on merits.  One who seeks to whitewash different times ignores the difference between the time spent sleeping and the time spent writing a symphony.   One may be more valuable than the other, but both have value.
For some one connection between their time and the value is easier to tell.  The hourly worker.  But sometimes the lack of time reflects a higher cost (and sometimes lower).  This is where uncertainty may be critical.
If I force you to do work you would not have to do but for my force, are you only entitled to what I think you should pay or what you have forced me to accept.
The idea that one person can unilaterally put a price on time of another is absured.  Even the hourly worker occasionally takes some of his time to scratch his/her neck; to think of things other than the work at hand.
The idea is that there are two aspects of time that have value.  One is the experience of existence, of incalculable value, but still subject to calculation if, in fact, time is money (and therefore money is time).  The other is the price we put on certain acts we perform which we exchange for money or which, in some cases, are taken for us without compensation or, for the rare few moment, are not given at all, but are merely preserved on a page.

nlt-where do you draw the 4th dimension (of 5)

Since ct3 creatures only see the page, the question arises how would we perceive the fourth dimension from their page and how do we draw the 4th dimension on the pages of our physics.  That is, under traditional (i.e. wrong) physics we have a separate type of dimension, standard clock time.  But since we don't really, how do we draw this 4th dimension which we previously defined as movement but which isn't.
To best understand this, let us look at the poor energy creature (non-existence as far as I know) living in a three coordinate change world, seeing only in two dimensions (but existing in 3).
We know that you can portray 3 dimensions on a page.  Every hack nobel prize winning physicist has drawn the two primary coordinates with a third going off at an angle from the meeting point (that's the singularity in NLT, funny how everyone gets that part right.  Of course, the portrayal in NLT is of coordinate changes which means this third angular line could go off from the two dimensional grid at any point (the 3,3; 3,5, 3.5,1zillion points, for example; anywhere where a third coordinate change happens simultaneously).  The poor 3 coordinate creature however, has never experienced life off the page, so he is unable to easily draw it.
So too, the stone age nobel prize winning mathematician, can't easily see where this goes.  Worse still while I could draw what I'm about to say, I don't even know how to draw on this stupid blog, so you don't get to see it perfectly except in words.  However, it is easy enough to draw in our dimension once we know it exists, just as the energy creature could draw the third on his paper.
In order to explain this I will provide a new paragraph:
First imagine a holographic view of a sheet of paper floating in the front of the lecture hall.  On this sheet of paper is drawn the standard 3 dimensional graph.  If you want to challenge yourself, you can have the third dimension going off at the 3,3 meeting point of the two perpendicular axis.  This is floating, so we can just drop a line downward from the hologram and we have the ability to plot a point in a four coordinate change universe of the type we live in.  This would be easy for a black hole creature since it would see a "page" as three dimensional.
It is important to remember that the nobel prize is not as important in NLT since the award of it (or the holding back) has already been done.  I've already received mine (thank you very much) or didn't (darn you, physics cabal) and therefore the pleasure/humiliation I have to suffer has already been experienced and will be forever.  Let us be thankful for the pleasure.
Change, while important from the standpoint of "perceived" (vs actual) manipulation of the universe by "perceived (vs actual) self aware ct4 creatures; is only an illusion in nlt.  This is why when graphing points in nlt, you always start from the meeting point of the number of coordinates that are changing at once (3,3), (3,3,1), (3,3,1,4) etc and move to the next quantum point.(3,3,1), 3,3,1,1), (3,3,1,4,1), etc.  You can change within the fixed number of coordinates (eg 3,3 to 3,4) or (3,3,1 to 3,4,2) by way of example; but the consequences of either is not greatly different because of how clock times work, but if you haven't read the book, that's  a little much for this early in the morning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Turning my back on peace

I made a decision which affected my Thanksgiving holiday to beat my plowsheers and pruning hooks into swords.  It is important when one undertakes an adversarial role to pull ones mind from the diversions of peace and focus them on the enemy.  I do not use that word lightly.  It is not an enemy I made, but instead one that that made its corporate mind up against me.  I am baffled to be its selected target, but it is time to place my natural timidity aside and so I have begun to spend my time on other undertakings.  The process towards the floating car you are hoping to get from me has come to an end for a time, or at least is hampered, except to the extent that the war will direct me to come up with weapons of intellect in place of those brutal ones of metal and words.
I cannot ask anyone to support me in this undertaking who does not want to, anymore than I can truly be upset that no country has built me a laboratory in some dormant volcano.  But I have to harden myself against those who will not support me just as I must harden myself against those feelings of compassion and peace which are anathema to the warrior.
So do not ask of me what you would not ask of someone else who is at war, for it is not in me to do everything and not everything at once.

Monday, December 1, 2014

NLT-antigravity, the new Jetson and Richard Feyman one of more than one

I don't know that I should care about the results of my endeavors.  I will end up dying on a desert sea and my indifferent readers are as faithless as my fickle lovers.
And yet, the only chance you have of a "jeston car" will come from this work, from me.  You know the absence of a hidden, fully equipped (jacuzzi?) cave laboratory will slow this process but you do nothing
But you don't care to be inconvenienced, to have to worry about anything.  You want it handed to you.  You want to know, how is it possible?  How happy it would make me to hold this from you, to deny you the pleasure of getting something for nothing, the only price of admission a look into my tortured soul.  But you don't even care for that, it is merely something to go through before you get to the explanation.
First, understand it is probably not possible.  But there is a theory.  To start with, let's talk a little about how we solve equations for non-linearity.
The gravity of bodies is governed by the inverse square of distance and the product of mass
g(m1*m2)/r^2.  G is a constant, the gravitational one.
We know in NLT that distance (r) is a function of changing time coordinates relative to one another and relative to a standing singularity.  We know that mass is solved for compressed time coordinates and is visible only when they change.  These can all be reduced to changing coordinates and the gravity extends from the initial change of one coordinate at a time, but gravity does not increase no matter how much coordination is present because there is no added time, just compression.
Hence both the top of the equation and the bottom of the gravity equation are governed by NLT concepts of changing time coordinates and compression.  We also know that the gravity of the two masses dates back to the non-linearity of the initial movement from non-linearity.  The initial change of one coordinate from non-lineairity to linearity carries forward no matter how many states of compression follow, no matter how much the time coordinates change.  Equally importantly, there is only movement from the singularity in response to change.  If the coordinates ceased to change, no matter where in the universe, the coordinates would be in the singularity, without gravity and while memory of space might remain, the fact that particles do not go non-linear and then linear again (at least not that I've observed yet) it means that this process is unnatural except at infinitely dense time compression when linearity loops back to non-linearity, a c^infinity type of compression.

A body reacts to a force by changing its velocity over time inversly to its mass, the more mass, the slower the change.  Velocity is a function of time being the change of coordinates over time.  It is an absolute being a function change for non-linearity.

The feature of this combination of gravitational "force" to mass means that the rate of change from non-linearity remains constant, while the rate of change relative to other compression states varies.
Gravity can be said, therefore to decrease over distance, but is a constant regardless of the amount of change.

If we can figure out a way to either "borrow" the change from non-linearity from the future, or store it up from the past, using the interrelation of the other features, we may be able to have a temporary non-linearity (non-gravity) substituted for a future increase in non-linearity.  To say that such a product would be easy from a position of creatures who have no understanding of the environment of the non-linear environment is a bit naive, but there is one person in this blog who does have an understanding of it.

Floating by borrowing from further gravity or increasing non linearity and  then releasing it later and over "time".
Because one fundament of NLT is that we exist in the singularity and that change in coordinates is not actual  but is, instead, pre-ordained, illusory change, who is to say that we are not pre-ordained to have this ability to change.  Well that was poorly put.  Who is to say that I am not pre-ordained.

Friday, November 28, 2014

NLT-A peak into the land of god 8 of 10 why don't the numbers line up perfectly part cat

NLT is all about solving problems.  It is also about internal consistency.
We've eleminated the Higgs Boson.  But we still have this whole question about reality.  Oh how irritating it is to have to handle these issues without a secret cave laboratory!
Anyway, you are sitting there thinking this whole NLT doesn't work because it explains other situations, black holes, gravity and such, but what have I done for reality lately,the boring day to day life you have to live because you are not mad like I am.  Well, there's an explanation for that.

The question that NLT will answer today (without the cave) is why NLT makes your trees and flowers possible even though time remains non-linear.  We live in a universe of quantum phenomena, but we keep find them as waves when we look closely.  Yes we call the waves strings, well I don't but some people do,  But they're still both quantum phenomena and non-quantum phenomena...or aren't they?
The reasons why large systems have quantum aspects that disappear is because of...exponential compression and the transitions they represent.   That is, these are quantum phenomena, they are quantum items of compression, but on close examination, if you look close enough one quantum system breaks down into the prior system.  As long as compression remains the quantum elements exist, but as you get to small enough states, as you divide them, you see the previous time state, that is once the compression level is small enough, you loose sufficient concentration to remain stable.

And so the end game is to figure out how to generate a state where it is sufficiently non-linear to overcome gravity, a negative gravity state so your cars will float like the Jestons.  It will definitely happen faster if I get the the cave.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

NLT and the end of popular fiction

At last the next paper on NLT is finished.  The holiday season will be spent putting into the second edition.  It is good that this is available in advance of the 4th when it is due to be delivered.  There will be more on that including more in the series that have been started.
For now, however, I plan to just relax and write something fun, perhaps I'll publish the whale lawyer.  And there is other work which has been ignored and I have to deal with those things.

Why is it that now all I want to do is write poetry?

The Science Behind "Interstellar" Revealed - Chinatopix shared via

NLT promises features of interstellar travel far in excess of those represented by wormholes, but the promise may not be recognized and it firmly establishes that a wormhole doesn't exist, at least not in the form provided by science fiction.
NLT does provide a permanency that can be either threatening or comforting depending on how you view life in general and your own life in particular.  While there is hope for life, the greatest recognition of hope comes to those who have the greatest courage and, to a lesser extent, the greatest recklessness in living life.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

kayak the vanishing Colorado

. i want to go before it's too late.  The secret of climate change is that it is uncertain.  This is not only the story of discovery, beauty and thirst, but it is the story of the uncertainty of rainfall.
We spend all of our time worrying about global warming.  And it may kill us all.  But global cooling would almost certainly kill us all.  And the one thing we can be certain of is that we will experience both global warming and global cooling eventually.  That we will all die and all we can do is to live rightly because even death is an illusion and life is an illusion and it is within the power of each of us, powerless as we are, to decide how we do them.

Record Drought Reveals Stunning Changes Along Colorado River

NLT-A peak into the land of god 7 of 10 why don't the numbers line up perfectly part tres

There are few clues why we do not see simple transitions of linearity between clock time states.
First let's look at the history.
We cannot look for just patterns because photons and space have no real comparison, nor do photons and waves. Only at the transition of energy to matter do we begin to see quantum effects clearly.
While the equation e=mc^2 (ct3 to ct4) is familiar enough, the equation energy=photons*c (ct2 to ct3) is not well known, nor would it be easily understood if it was observed.
The much more complicated transition space=photon*c^1/2 (ct1 to ct2) is not only unknown but impossible to fully comprehend based on observations since we do not see transitions of this type.  And then we have Non-linearity to linearity.  Since the fractions can go infinitely in either direction c^ infinity or c^1/infinity non-linearity appears less as a starting point and more as an intermediary state of force that we only perceive as a starting point because we do not understand transitions or linearity.
We suppose that quantum gravity is a critical place because quantum gravity seems to be largely consistent from non-linearity forward.  However, we may also look at linearity and non-linearity as merely transitional states among the many others that we perceive and understand better but which are not terminal in either direction.
Therefore, we can take the initial linearity as a base equation and gravity as a measure of quantum change and transition.  We should be able to identify a feature of gravity that corresponds to 2^n transitions, but we should look for something that is more irrational.
What we are seeing here is a potential failure of quantum theory once we get beyond non-linearity.  It also contains the only possibility for true randomness, because consistency is built into the non-linear/linear transition.
In such a case, even linearity becomes little more than the force by negative ct(0).  All of our conceits must give way.  Even Non-linearity becomes nothing more than a time orbit, the very existence of time itself is only one step back,  Where it goes back to is unknown, but go back further it must in which case all of CT states are merely extension of this pre-linear foundation and perhaps, in that foundation, lies the fundamental particle which can be traced using exponential notation.

We are looking at light speed as a standard for scale, but we also know that scale doesn't work very well in any of the transitions, although there are reasons to believe that transitional speed in relevant to the inquiry. Let's look at the scale errors in the universe.  Will use what we most closely observe, the smallest such particle that is stable alone (at least for an extended time) being an electron which is at the scale of 10^-20 vrs that "accepted" Planck length of 10^-8. We are working with very rough numbers because exactitude would require abandoning mass entirely in favor of changing clock times and their effects.  This error is 10^12.

The next "error" is the electron (to allow a common scale) to BH which should be 10^32 (at most) and is instead 10^62 ( margin of error of 10^30; 3 times the error.  However using planck length as the common scale, the margin of error for the two examples below (from the prior post) are 10^46 to 10^42 which are, shockingly, the same as the scale of error (at least using the average) as the scale of error for the plank length to electron mass error.

Is this some coincidence or some sort of "scale" error that follows all transitions.  For example, is the Planck lengths to electron error of 10^12 a standard error of transition that would be found in moving from electron down to photons?  From Photons down to space?
Does it carry forward for the larger transitions?  And what would such a large factor represent?  A measurement correction, god bridging some space?

Remember too that this factor of 10^12 is NOT just 10 followed by 12 zeros.  No it is an exponential function x^n.   We assume that it is 2^n, but it need not be.  If Non-linearity is not an end point, then what else might fail in this intersection of information theory and quantum theory.  Let's look at the problems with coincidence.

3^n where n changes yields-0-1, 1-3,2-9,3-37, 4-111, n-etc
compared to 2^2 yielding     0-1, 1-2,2-4,3-8,  4-16,n-etc
Originally the numbers for 3 seem very far off, but if you ignore planck length and instead concentrate on a single building block (CT1, for example) if you back out all the prior states you get 111-37-9-3=62 or 10^62.  That happens to match up fairly well with what you might expect in terms of transitional size.
For the energy equation (which Einstein measured at 10^16) you would use 37-9-3=25
Still not very satisfying. So let's look at something different.  We know that the transition between photons and wave energy is difficult to imagine.  A 1^n is always going to be 1.  1^whatever=1
a 2 transition we know, as well as a 3.
a 4 transition grows very fast indeed, and is somewhat off the common scale.
But if we approach a number without arriving we get to a different type of scale.
In order to look at this, let's assume we use the next lower scale:
1 phase change=1 (1-0)
2 phase change=3-1=2
3 phase change=9-3=6
4 phase change=37-9=28
Let's combine the two, the next higher plus the next lower of higher change
CT(3)scale(8)+scale2(9)=17 (close to the observed 10^16 scale)
CT(4)scale(16)+scale2(27)=43 (not so far off from the plank scale, but surprisingly close if you include the CT3 state (17+43=60) for the electron weight to the observed electron size.
These patterns are meaningless, however, even though there are reasons (negative times giving rise to energies,etc) to look for them unless you can find some reason for such a pattern.
The complexity of the analysis, however, should not detract for the fact that patterns may be intentional or accidental and the explanations for the transitions that we know must reflect those that are more subtle and based on the change in informational states.
We are down to three more points of inquiry...but first

Here is the set of equations and observations that we used in trying to select a proper scale:
What is seen is that much of this matter remains in orbit, increasing the gravity of the black hole (CT5) until a second unit of black hole is created (2x10^32 would be the starting point, but not the ending point.
The largest black hole is approximate 17billion times as large as the sun.
The smallest black hole is 6.3 suns.  So we can say that a "hydrogen black hole" is 6.3 suns, a "helium black hole" is 12.6 suns.  These very rough numbers can be worked backwards to get the size of fundamental units of other items (10^32 into 6.3 suns would tell you the size of the smallest particle of matter under this theory although that very rough number doesn't work any better than Planck Mass works for the smallest fundamental particle of matter).
Roughly, this yields the following analysis: 2x10^33g as the weight of the sun, 1.26x10^34g for a hydrogen black hole (hbh).  HBH^1/32=11.6 grams.
This suggests that a fundamental particle of matter would be 11 grams (that’s a lot since an electron is 9x10^-28 grams and a proton 1.6x10^-24grams).  We can make this worse.  Using an electron as the minimum size (as opposed to any of the other quark particles) this suggests a conversion rate of 2^64 which implies an intermediary stage or a jump in quantum size of compression 2^16 (2^4) jumping to 2^64 (2^6).  This progression of 0,1,2,3,4,6 has some frightening characteristics.  For example 0+1+2=3; 1+3=4;2+4=6 suggesting the next progression would be 3+6=9.  There is no basis for a non linear progression that comes to mind, but this would still be a patterned progression and if it turns out to be accurate, it would be worth additional study. 
Using Plank Mass (PM)  you get a conversion rate of 10^38 (sun) vs 10^-8 (Plank mass which is 10^46th and which is probably outside the astronomic margins of error for 10^32.  However PM has been calculated using magnetic flux as 2.5x10^-4g  This yields a factor of 10^42.  For electrons the scale appears way off 10^-28 to 10^34 which is 62, very close to the 10^64 integer jumping 2^6.
So you have PM which, while far from perfect, is at least a little closer.
The deviation for matter minimum size to Planck minimum size is smaller (10^20) than the electron minimum particle to black hole prediction-(off by 10^29) but both show predictions wildly off from observations.
For electrons to BH you have 10^62 and for protons or neutrons it would be 10^58 in terms of a pure mass scale.  The “obvious” question is what is half way in size between a black hole and an electron where you have the so called “missing link” of matter.  We can find some candidates.  One possibility would be a black hole with no acretion disk, no populated event horizon.  While such a "point" would have some "size" (fundamental particle size for a black hole just as we have the different types of fundamental particles for matter) it would be very hard to see.  Unfortunately, it woudl also likely be at the center of several solar systems (from collapsed stars of a size 1/2 the size of 3.6 suns).  Now these solar systems would be hard to see since they are dark so we cannot rule this out completely.  There are more important aspects, however, that we should look harder at.  Fundamental particle size is variable.  From Plank Mass to electron to proton to neutron to quark and, god forbid we go off on this tangent, strings (see the article above for a more thorough discussion of going in for harmonics vs something more).  The concept of orbits allowing the formation of several intermediary stages of matter and the concept that we have "massless" formations (EMF and Photons, not to mention space, but we mentioned it) and then "jump" to mass at the matter to energy transition indicates that mass is the wrong "scalar" for tracking change.
Since we know that an electron is a scale smaller than planck length of 10^-20 we can say that a lot more goes into the analysis of minimum particle size than a little math error.
We end up with some choices.   First you can reject Non-linear time entirely, but that requires a rejection of Einstein and I’m not ready for that.  Another is that you skip states or have intermeidate unobserved states which seems to work fairly well (10^-28 to 10^34 is a scale change of 10^62 which is very close (in terms of galactic hand grenades) to 10^64 which would be two states larger than matter (2^4 to 2^6).  The next higher state suggested (10^512) would take a whole mess of black holes to reach, but so would the next linear state of 2^6.  The final and best choice relates actual observation to mathematical calculation.  We find these discrepancies for plank length vs fundamental length of particles observed.  There are different ways to calculate plank length and different ways to define mass.  It means that the reliance on the electron scale or Planck Mass scale is unwarranted.

NLT and Berkley Square

This movie has as good a description of NLT as most scientific texts I have seen (1933).  I hate to misquote it, but it has a beautiful description of the constancy of time.
The movie is basically about an Engish scientist who goes back in time to have sex with a cousin and then falls in love with someone else.  What a very strange premise for a movie, but one which I think should be remade.
However, the description of NLT:
He describes to a modern (1933 modern) a description of non-linearity:
Imagine a man on a river who passes a tree.  After he passes, the tree is still there.  Imagine sitting in a field of clover nearby.  The clover remains.
Then imagine flying over it all in an airplane.  You can see the tree and the man in the clover.
Of course, to really show non-linearity the man in the plane would have to see the other person in the two different positions, but it is still a wonderfully strange movie.
It shows the most interesting discussion of how people from different times with different expressions would interact, but from a starnge perspective, post revolutionary and quoting Lincoln is the 1787 range.  It is quite amusing in its use of expressions.
Amusingly the counterpart from 150 years before changed places with the character from the future, but the story of his presence is only shown through a few words of a maid and the occasion comment from someone else.