
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

nlt-symetry in a nlt environment

Physics is the application of intelligence to symmetry.  The idea that symmetry requires information is entirely consistent with NLT which combines information theory of bits to observed phenomena.  This combination was not intentional, I backed into it by stepping into a pile of exponential theory someone had dumped in my path.
The traditional view of each particle having 3 equations of force along each axis is an anathema to NLT.  First, there are clearly 4 paths, and none of them is a separate time path.  Second, there is no clear axis at the quantum level, the change itself is the axis and the number of dimensional directions is not limited to 3 since there are 4 changes possible with each particle.
All change derives from a single quantum point.  Separation is not relevant.  We want to accept as finite the existence of points in space affected by vectors in three directions acting on each point. However, non-linearity tells us that the use of three dimensions is a fiction and that change is not along lines and our knowledge of the universe tells us that we exist in curving paterns where linearity is only localized in concentrations of 4 dimensional clusters of matter trapped in gravity wells.
For this reason, space appears intangible, though it is more solid than matter.  However, we, trapped in our exploding linearities, see it not, though we see the more exploded CT5 states as black because from our relativistic view points, these even less organized systems appear even more compact.
The gift of non-linear time, is also what makes it hardest to understand.  All concentration exists at non-linearity and therefore the closer to non-linearity you get, the more concentrated things are.  And yet because we conceive of the forces which drag us back to linearity, gravity, strong and weak forces, electromagnetism and their ilk (whatever their ilk happen to be in super atoms (multiple ct5 states) as concentrating features instead of what they are, the counter effects of a loss in concentration, we are as so many Alice in Wonderlands, confusidlier and confusidlier, hoisted by our inability to be dogmatic about relativity or in the less confusing words of Carroll,  "Read the directions and directly you will be pointed in the right direction."

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