
Sunday, December 14, 2014

nlt-over investment in the higgs boson-the birth of NON-LINEAR INFORMATION THEORY

The higgs boson does not exist for obvious reasons, although the tendency of time in one coordinate change models provides an analogous feature.
However, our your love, of the Higgs boson blinds you to the alternatives.  You interpret your data to try to find it ignoring the truth that threaten to overwhelm you like a child playing in the waves at the beach you see it coming, but you think you know its power, its strength; but it is only an illusion, the true power behind the observations being more than the swimmer can handle.
Particularly when there is a financial commitment which is proved irrelevant by virtue of logic.
The large Haydron Collider is the culmination of superstition.  It represents the same investment that was made in a major religion without the potential positive elements.
The LHC is designed to find things which are theorized.  The problem is that it was built around defective theories.  A theory which is uncertain, isn't much.  Hence NLT isn't worth any more than string theory.  The difference is that NLT is intuitively correct and supported by observation and only has one person working on it, the originator, me.
This problem leads to another problem.  The scientists, indeed the governments of the world, have invested so much money chasing a ghost, they are going to have a hard time saying, oh wait, this under qualified yahoo has beaten us all to the prize.  He is going to make us refocus our energies in the right direction.  Worse still, NLT (of as you will see NLIT-Inlit) renders all of our endeavors rather pointless.  Its not my fault, I still get up every morning, but I now know (theoretically) that what we all knew anyway (intuitively) that life being defined ultimately by death (it is defined by what it is not, permanent) is irrelevant.  And yet, the permanence of NLIT means that life is more permanent than anyone ever thought, because if there is NLT, than NLIT is something which is permanent, every second, every quantum moment, existing over and over again into eternity which has a meaning, but one which requires that we look at what exists "before" time is linear which is a conundrum to our understanding of everything since it requires time be viewed as something which is linearity which is merely one force of many, that there may be an infinite number of times, of linearities which are not separate, but all parts of the same thing.
String theory and its ilk have thousands of people working on it, billions spent every year on it and is not intuitively correct.  The reason is that it works backwards.  It takes data and assumptions and tries to get back to somewhere where there is an explanation.  This is like watching a movie on a screen and wondering what it would look like from the side.  Is there some way to see it in three dimensions?  The answer is no, it is a two dimensional film.  Likewise, particle physicists are looking to support their particles.  Yes, they take strings, vibration and the like, but they are trying to get back to their particles.  They cannot accept, or at least they've failed so far, to recognize that the particles are not what they appear.  The tangibility of the universe, what forces them to hold tightly to their higgs boson, is only the result of predestination, a universe where particles result from the quantum presentation of everything that has already happened.  There is nothing more structurally solid than predestination.  It is solid because it already happened.
Concentration, exponential concentration in particular, explains why gravity is weak compared to other forces.  Instead of looking a particles colliding, we need to look at what is being concentrated.  This is the challenge for the future, not trying to find things that don't exist, but trying to understand what is being concentrated and how it changes at each level of concentration based on our view.  We know it isn't mass, we know it isn't dimension, it is something different and something which manifests itself differently.  We can say that it is information, because it matches binary information theory; but that leaves the question of what is information in a universe where everything has already happened.  The reflection of the predestination events in forms as diverse as space, energy, matter, black holes and higher ct states, the ability of those to be interchanged (albeit predictably)  makes information something greater than just bits, it requires more of an understanding of the non-linear, non-dimensional, environment that exists.
There are particles which represent different features of non linear...information (gagging on my need to change my documentation) but it is difficult to path these into perspective given the fact that the particles do not exactly exist.
As long as most physicists are stuck looking at the manifestations of non-linear information (NON LINEAR INFORMATION THEORY will be the name of the second edition of NLT to get away from NLT although they are the same thing) they will fail to find what they are looking for, because they are looking for something that does not exist.
Put that in your LHC and smoke it.
And, of course, it will be slowed, because no one likes a show off.

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