
Monday, April 30, 2018

AuT-The list Audio

Well, the correct version of AuT Book 3, 3rd edition was briefly available for kindle but since I'm a moron I resubmitted the correct file and therefore took it out of publication.  Better luck tomorrow.
This means the wrong copy (although largely the same) will be ready first, but will be corrected shortly.
For now, if you can buy the 8 dollar one, you need to buy that but if you wait till the 3 dollar one is available then you get the same book for 5 dollars less, although you could call it support for the morons of the world, unfortunately not a charity yet.

I did put "non-linear time theory" in the title which is silly, but for whatever reason it doesn't hurt anything.
I know what you're thinking, if I'm a moron, how did I figure out the super-symmetry below thermodynamics in the universe when no one else could?  Sometimes it takes a moron is all I can tell you.

I've started on 3 additional videos which I will ultimately combine into an audio book and publish on kindle.  These video slides, including supporting text will be in book 3 when it is available tomorrow.
The list of mysteries explained which are a part of book 3 (and already part of book 5) and what those explanations are, is going to be a part of the print/kindle book when its available tomorrow (briefly was available tonight until I had a brain spasm).    The dictated part will take a week to grind out if I have the time.  I don't expect to be able to see tomorrow, but maybe I'll crank out another slide or two tonight.

I dictated the introduction today even though its a little rough, what isn't rough.  I really think that I need to re-dictate the introduction to the over-view book because the editing and dictation reflected it was my first crack at the software, but I'm not sure when.  I'd sort of need to get it scripted which I can do pretty easily I think.

It is important to either read the books or see at least the overview of the theory available online:

The Science of Nostradamus and Book 3

         Whether you are right or wrong, believing with a non-faith-based foundation, in predestination changes the way you look at things, and people.
          It has made me less human.  I recognize this.
          I have not stopped feeling, but I see myself more in a current than I might otherwise, and I see everyone else, everything else, trapped in that same current.

So begins the introduction to book 3, ready at last.

As I develop this, I feel more an more of the currents of time around us all.  This is a rough draft, hardly worth reading, but the first edited edition will come at some point, perhaps.

I have mentioned that book 3 was not ready before, but now it is.  Or at least it will be.  I need to post the most recent updates on Kindle, I published two versions, one slightly out of date, but I will fix that tomorrow.

If you order the kindle version before Wednesday-don't order the one below.

Order this one, but you may want to wait because it is priced at 7.99 by accident.  Along with book 1 and 2 this has the most up to date information, although not all the information.

The List-revisited for Book 3 (3rd edition-not ready yet, but probably this week)

New Posts will take the information from Book 5's the list and update it.
The introduction for the first slide is set out below, an introductory slide showing how even AuT which is perfect in its way, must evolve.
That last post was actually one of the slideshow, and was written after this one, but I thought it was worth posting first given its subject matter.

I often wonder why I was shown this insight.  Perhaps it has to do with the built in irony of the system, a way of telling me that just as we see the secret of the universe, that the end is here or at least close. 
It needn't be for some reasons, but for others there isn't much we can do.
I often point out that AuT provides for our stupidity as a race even while allowing individual stupidity.
Mustard Gas was colorless and odorless and took hours to take effect so it could kill more efficiently and limit the effectiveness of gas masks.   We have replaced that with ultrasonic missiles carrying nuclear warheads whose true power is not fully appreciated because we are too dumb to extrapolate what is mathematically obvious and instead look at old videos of much smaller bombs and say, like that but bigger.
Irony is funny from a distance, the head of the EPA doesn't care about the environment.  With all those bombs we have no prepared plan for dealing with "death from space" despite its near certainty mathematically.
I talk about how our mundane little attempts at space are a reflection of the underlying super symmetry.  In this respect,we can look at how much history is destroyed to launch a spaceship. I am not talking about the non-durable human kind, but that locked up in rocks.  We have to separate that out and eliminate the old history in the rocks and build a new history in the missile.  This is important because it is an example of how non-durable our version of time,that we rely on so much, is.  It proves as much as anything else how wrong our notions of thermodynamics are. Well,were if you include me.
Of course, if the end is near then it isn't like there is anything we could do about it anyway.  If we were, somehow, a challenge to super-symmetry it could send as many asteroids as it wanted, erupt super volcanoes, solar flares, could just release us to kill ourselves.

1.      Slideshow 4 The List:

Mysteries of the universe explained with this theory; from the big bang to wave particle duality (from book 5)
Explanations for many phenomena come forward to “prove” the validity of the theory.  AuT explains why there is a strong and weak force and what they represent in the same way that magnetism is explained.
However, the explanationws, while complete, can be confusing.  An example comes with electromagnetism.


At first  AuT viewed it as an intermediary photon state.  This is consistent entirely with pre-AuT physics.  However, the wave-particle duality provides an interesting alternative and gravity also rears its elegantly coifed head.
GRAVITY: Originally Gravity was looked at from the positive/negative fpix solution, one grows the other shrinks the universe.
However, now it appears that gravity is the filling or unfilling (anti-gravity/dark energy) of the CT2 (one-dimensional) information arms with the zero-dimensional ct1 solutions.  This gives both the toward and away from dimension required and is consistent with other forces, while providing a difference.
Once you accept this, then EM can no longer be the transitional state of filling out or transitional photons.  Instead it is the more logical transitional wave states, filling out the ct3 information arms.
Hence AuT has to adapt to its own logic.

          In this way, AUT goes farther.  It explains why there is a geometry and how it comes into existence, not based on false force concepts, but based on a single variable algorithm. 
          While AuT isn't finished, fundamentally, it is laid out in terms of equations and operations. 

Sunday, April 29, 2018

A precise on the relationship of gravity to other forces at last

This post is on gravity, but AuT does something interesting, it gives a universe which never runs out of energy.  After I set this out, I am going to include the abreviated version just to show how some of my notes are made:

AuT eliminates entropy and makes it at least possible to create engines that do not run out of anything, unlimited resources of dimension, energy and even time.   Certainly time is in abundance although it is absolute time, the time of math solutions so that in theory the aging that occurs can be corrected, just as it can be stopped and speeded up.
Self determination is an illusion, but perhaps it is durable enough to allow us to change the universe, however inconsistent with predestination this may seem to you earthlings.
For some reason the solution to the algorithm gave me the ability to see what lies beneath and why not if not for some reason?

Here is how it was originally written (to show the typos when I type this stuff fast):
"Autin eliminagting entrophy/makes it at least possible nt to rn out of anyth8ng
certainly time is in abandance, although it is absolute time.  self deetermination is an illusion but a durable one
"indeed why des the universe give me the aibility to see what lies beneath if not for some reason"

And of course the reason the universe gave me this insight might be derived by how it was given to me.  It took everything that I thought was important to me, it caused me to  figure out what was really important,and when I realized it was you, it took that away from me too.  And so...

And now to the meat of this post.
d. The relationship of gravity to other forces
Gravity appears to occur the same way as other forces, but because you begin with a non-dimensional state (ct1 space) its creation and destruction (loading and unloading of ct2 arms) is seen as going dimensional.
While gravitational ct1-ct2 compression goes to a more compressed state, it actually increases dimension, unlike the other forces which create or destroy higher compression because of how gravity combines to create the first fold, the first dimensional fold.
Like the other forces, when ct1 is released, space expands and when ct1 compresses photons are given a dimension.  Because of the dimensional aspect, it can be seen two different ways, one expanding into a first dimension and one contracting into a first f(x) compression state.
Gravity is derived directly by fpluspix, while other forces are derived by the preserved solution of f(x)^2^x generating the difference in how the two are perceived and the length at which they are experienced (due to the non-dimensional nature of gravity’s derivation as ct0-ct1) despite the common origin.
Gravity is shown as the post -1^x fpluspix positive or minus of -1,1,-2,3,-4 type movement
Book 4 p. 175 (2nd edition)
Book 2, p11-14 (2nd edition) -The range of forces is explained

How we deal with time

Time is a nothing.
You can say that since it is loosely tied to the quantum moments in the universe (x) that it is something, but it is not.
X doesn't dilate,gravity and velocity are irrelevant to it
History is different for x, but history is why we care about time.
There is much talk in pre-AuT physics about what happens to time when you change the point of reference repeatedly, but not enough talk centers around history.
The ability to run clocks at similar times anywhere within the middle space of the universe and to be able to correct for relative velocities (absolute velocities under AuT since there is not real velocity in super symmetry anymore than pictures in a movie film strip have velocity) leads to the superficial analysis that time is something consistent, but it doesn't even exist except for what we loosely call matter and what AuT calls the electron bundle, the ct3-ct4 transition.
I accidentally wrote a book about this, Notes from Venus.  (are you really plugging one of my books here?).
The idea behind that book is that Venus spins very slowly, maybe in a different direction. That is why it is so hot.
It's the lack of a magnetic field, generated by a liquid iron core spinning.  The clouds (remember nuclear winter) would otherwise keep Venus too cold for life, rather than too hot.  Or maybe not.
The book is about giving Venus a boost.
So lets talk about this time transition and what it means to us and why it is so important to us.
1) History is preserved from one value of x to the next in the ct4-ct4T.
2) The speed of transition depends on how much ct1 is trapped within the system relative to how much is being released from the system.
3) We experience history in the general sense at 790,000 mph so the rate of ct1 emissions are tied to that rate as well as the maximum rate of 1:256 embodied in the first dimension, the ratio of ct1 release to ct2 compression
4) There is a quantum maximum dilution rate tied directly to the sum(2-4)2f(n)^2^n and therefor discretely quantum in nature making time a quantum state (4.29x10^24 ct1 increments at the ct3-ct4 interface, but at the ct4-ct5 interface (molecular time, as it were) this number increases to 1.46x10^63 and a planck analysis yields something in the middle 1x10^42 changes per second which would yield the "second" value as 2/3 of the way to the maximum rate of exchange possible)
5) How these numbers are reconciled is something of a mystery, but part of it may be tied to the diffuse nature of the electron cloud in the ct5 information arm arena.  The proton-electron-neutron interaction along ct5 information arms gives rise to a diffuse history cloud and a diffuse ct1-ct2 exchange cloud the changes the atomic result into a regional result.
6) Interestingly, the average of this result is (24+63/2) between 43.5 (10^43.5) which is right where (hand grenade distance anyway)  planck says it should be.   This is as likely to be a coincidence as an actual feature, but it is worth thinking about since there is not enough information in an atomic cloud to pass on significant history, but in the larger grouping of information, much of the cloud is compressed out of existence into neutrons.  It would be worth looking at the 1:1 to 1:5 ratio of protons to neutrons in stable atomic structures in arriving at this average but it is complicated by the conceptual result that the higher compression states of ct5 eliminate history at the ct5 neutron star level and therefore the type of change that we refer to as time.
7) The point is that real time can be reconciled with the ratio time that AuT requires.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

An example of velocity and time in math

This is an area where I haven't finished my inquiry, indeed where it has only just begun,but the idea of how all this ties in together in an example, our place in the universe, maximum exchange rates and velocity.  This is largely preliminary, but it is conceptual and worth considering.

Before I get into the example there are some things about time and the related history that need to be considered.  Time is not a dimension.

Time is created whenever the ct3-ct4 threshold is created by virtue of loading ct4 information arms.  YOu can, therefore, have a timeless entity in the stream of changing dimensional moments and then introduce time.

this is sort of the tree thing, when a tree falls in an abandoned forest does it make a sound?  Yes and no.  It creates the vibration but without an ear to hear it the vibration has a different effect.  such is the case of time.
Imagine a clock which could work in the absence of the ct3 ct4 interface.  it would not have a history but it would change at a speed consistent with whatever ct states it existed in.  I could not exist in ct4 or 5 because those cannot exist without the 3-4 interface.

We add dimensions to things with fewer dimension to satisfy our perspective andwe assign time to  things that do  not have it for the same reason.

and if there is no real time then why does every second i spend apart  from you seem like an eternity?

An Example of velocity and time in Math:

An example is in order, however rough it has to be, just to layout some of the groundwork for how a clearer example would look.
Let’s take a case of 2^n and examine it in real time.
Assumptions have to be made and we’ll pick a second as 10^42 changes in x as applied to ct1 meaning that 1) As ct1 states separate from ct2 at the rate of 1:256 the translation at the ct4 level equals one second when the number of transitions at the ct4 level is at a steady state, where the number of ct1 states being separated from ct4 states are approximately equal to the number being re-entrapped.  This in turn defines a place in the universe which I’m going to guess is a place where every 10^42 changes in x a change in one of the ct4 states change.
You can ask, “Guess?” and the answer I give is that I think this can be figured out more or less precisely to see if my gut instinct on this is correct, but I’m not doing it for this example.
At the ct4 level, at least, we are going to say that there are 2^4 entrapped ct1 states for ever every ct4 and within those 2^3 for every ct3, 2^2 for every ct2 for that the total entrapped ct1 states are sum(n from 2-4)[2^n*2f(n)^2^n]dn which is a surprisingly easy number to calculate but this number is for each neutron.  The idea being that for a particular thing to be moving at 790,000 mph (our “rest speed” moving around the galaxy) there is a calculable amount of ct1 being lost from the overall mass of the planet which does not change much although in a particle accelerator there is some serious rewinding of localized particles, presumably our actions in building the accelerator are merely to allow this to happen and similar occasional but less striking changes when we accelerate the occasional object to nearly equal to our rest speed, I don’t believe an object of any molecular size has ever been accelerated past the rest speed although we’ve gotten close.

AuT The list video and the thorny problem of time

This is the 4th video in the works (no audio yet).  It covers "the list" of items which were mysteries before AuT but are mysteries no-longer.
They are no longer mysteries although the details remain largely shrouded behind, shall we say a lack of funding instead of a lack of intellect?
Anyway, the video of "The List"

AUT defines how dimension is created, why there is gravity, even what time is and why it dilates.
It is up to better minds than mine to figure out the details of the process.
Indeed, there are a number of potential paths to cross and as the sole path crosser at this point in time it is up to me alone to look at these issues which when finally resolved may have profound practical implications.
There are so many paths to explore and perhaps someone not so intellectually challenged will be able to narrow them down with intellect alone.

Here is a little vignette from book 3 on the thorny problems of dimension and time

Prior theories had problems defining why gravity and the other forces differed.
AuT provides that these are math results and hence field theories will not show those results.
Gravity is the tendency of ct0 (-1 and 1) to change into a state with more differentiation (fpix) and the tendency of that state to fold.
The sin using -1 and 1 derivations of pi (to correspond with the ct0 -1 and 1 solutions) indicate that the result is folding of ct1 to trap ct0 states between them at the maximum rate of 256:27 or perhaps even that precise rate.  The amount of ct0 in the universe can be infinite since it is not tied to dimension or time giving rise to large values for folding.
          The effect of ct0 folding is to create fpix ct1 solutions.  AT this point, predictions can be made concerning the amount of information in the universe and how it is performing with a little more specificity.
The basic choices are that every time x changes another ct1 (as -3) is created.  This is the model that is chosen because its easy to work with.
A similar mode would be to say that every “3” changes a -3 is created.
Another way of looking at this is to say that a single ct3 is created an every time that x changes it remembers the original -3 and that after a time (3 changes?) it adds a 5 and so on.
The exact methodology should be capable of determination.
Since these are both offset and of opposite charge (periodically the same) a situation is created where  positive and negative pairs exist, with or without intervening same value states.
Intervention is so fundamental to the model for gravity and dark energy that intervening same pairs matched with other pairs is almost necessary.  There is no fundamental limit here, but there appears to be a practical limit.
-3-3-3-3,5,5,5,5 is one way the pairing could occur.
Another is-3,5,5,-7 and so on.
Another way is that -A,x,y,z,,+B could occur where the positive or negative value of x,y,z can change between A (a minus value) and B (a plus value).
The “trapping” of the intervening states takes on a very different function depending on which model is used and this can control the number of “trapped” states involved.
Looking at ct2, there are 256 sets which can be viewed as 128 positive (B) and 128 negative (A) with or without trapped ct1 states of dissimilar charge and potentially with ct0 solutions trapped between them.  This is the gravity transition.
After this transition the numbers of A and B states grow exponentially (according to 2f(n)^2^n and the trapping of states becomes more prevalent.
How this occurs at the ct1-ct2 (space to photon) stage has a lot to do with how gravity is generated and how anti-gravity (dark energy) will later be released.
Because the process goes on constantly and in both directions, long periods of net gravity can exist, although over time there should be shifts, the amount of gravity we experience today should be different from what was experienced 1 million years ago at a noticeable transition.
Because the values of fpluspix are very large, however, these are not necessarily as large as they might otherwise be.  We experience them as fixed because the changes in time (as wave information) are relatively fixed from one value of x to the next.
There are ct1 transitions within the matrix and there are ct1 transitions that take them out of the ct2 matrix.
Past the gravity field, there is more transitional material but only at the ct3-ct4 level is the compression high enough to allow the types of internal exchange that give rise to the perception of time.
Why is this possible at 3 dimensions?  The reason is because these lesser transitions occur in the “trapped” information within the ct3-ct4 matrix which includes the ct3-ct2 matrix and ct2-ct1 matrix (and to the extent it exists the ct1-ct0 matrix) all of which differ substantially, but where the ct2-ct1 and ct1-ct0 are substantially different in derivation; thereby creating the differentiation between gravity and other “forces” reflecting higher ct state arm loading and unloading.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Video 1-Final as of 4.27.18 Reposted!

Ok, there is the final as of whatever date.
Not sure what happened there but haven't seen an error message like that in a while.  The hand of god and all that.

It takes a moment for the audio to start.
Go ask your mother.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The electron-proton conundrum

I am not post this drawing because it isn't necessary to the post and you can see it on the videos although they may change slightly between the current and final version.  I think Inow only have two more to put finish the video and the first video will be complete.   My hope is that it will happen tomorrow.   I have one outlined and the other should not be too long to outline since i am trying to be general and then get more specific in the detailed videos which are posted but without audio.
This post gives the info for the audio so that you can see the way I go about this analysis.

This is a fairly complicated analysis and it bothers me not a little because it is an attempt to deal with the electron weight problem which at best is off by a factor of 20, but there are ways to approach that issue and the way it is dealt with below, althoughoff by 20x gives a great deal of weight to the electron and explains the weight in terms of theseparation of the proton and electron which is observed, even creating a type of "anti-compression" force in that the extra weight is what prevents the compression which is an amazing concept that fits extremely well into AUT, provides a mechanism for compression vs non-compression and is reasonable in the sense that it allows a way of viewing electrons and protons in a way that allows us to use them as semi-stable states.  It does not perfectly distinguish the other information arm loading possibility, but it does show a mechanism for this unique compression ratio which if imperfect, at least can be used for further consideration.

Where are you when I need you?

Without further ado...

The drawing on the left shows the relative compression between the ct3 wave and the ct4 neutron.

          The drawing on the right shows what it might look like if an electron was compressed with a proton into a neutron based on the different filed information arms between each.
          Equal: The “in each if equal” shows what balanced information arms look like, in ct4 each would have 6.25x10^14 ct3 states or (6.25x10^14*16=1x10^16). 
          The ratio of the electron as 1 to the proton as 15 is 1:15 and this ratio drops (e.g. to 9:7=.77778) as the electron gets bigger. 
          To get to the 1:1836 when you use the relative mass of the two, the difference may be explained by the “electron bundle”.  Using mass, the electron is 1:1836 of a proton.   
          At the 1:15 ratio, this suggests there is 122 times the information in the “bundle” vs the electron itself. 
          If the information arms build, however, the first arm would only hold 10ct3 states and the last would hold 1x10^16th. 
          Unequal arms have 10:10^15 at 1:15 (one arm for the electron to 15 arms for the proton) which doesn’t work.  The second ratio doesn’t work any better than the Equal measure.
          However, if you look at electron as 7 arms filled and the proton as 9 arms filled, the numbers begin to align better.
           If each arm builds there is a ratio of 1:100 at 7:9 and 1:10,000 at 6 arms to 10 either set making a complete neutron. (7:9 is 7 arms for the electron to 9 arms for the proton, for example).
          Averaging these (7:9 and 6:10) you get 1:5100 which is, at least along the scale of 1:1838, but still unsatisfying.
          So how do we reconcile these and improve AuT as a model?

1.      Eliminating trapped states to get compression:

          A better analysis occurs if you look at what is happening as you go from 7:9 to 8:8, a matched set.
          Looking at the drawing above you can see the representation of loose states to those within a bundle.
          To get the electron weight up from 1:100 to 1:1800 you would need 18 times the amount of information in the bundle vs the electron itself.  This can be treated as momentum or other features of the mass of the electron, but the point is that there is a lot more of this “trapped” information than actual electron information.  You could take into account the inadequacy of mass as a way of comparing the two, you can arguably change the 18 to 16 but that is unsatisfying.
          A better view is to try to understand what the difference is between 18 times and 16 times the number of intervening lower ct states
          The electron in this case is being viewed as the uneven c3-ct4 state at 7 arms, the proton being the uneven ct3-ct4 at 9 arms.
          The electron bundle (electron cloud) of trapped lower states is 18 times the electron itself so that there are more than 2^n times the stable information lower states trapped between the proton and electron.  If the 18 times is reduced to 16 times, then the separated electron/proton pair can collapse into a Neutron. 
          Put another way, 2^n lower ct states can be between stable next higher ct states which is a satisfying if largely forced result.  It is satisfying because if accurate it can be used to predict how lower and higher states work in terms of intervening lower states.
          The logic of the 7:9 ratio is the only “unequal” balance between a collapsed electron and collapsed neutron.  It is actually a nice place to hold these two.  As you “squish” the 2 times lower states out, you bring the two halves together and eliminate time.  The elimination of ct1 states leads to time dilation as discussed later.
          This allows that the unstable 2x part of electron bundle to be squeezed out when a neutron is formed.  An alternative is that it is compressed into or trapped into the final neutron.

Thankful and disgusted; slides 6 (revisited) and 7

Non-linear time theory was an early version of the project that became Algorithm Universe Theory.
Books 1,2, 7 and 8 took enormous strides.  Book 3 was a little weak but will arise from this video undertaking as a famously illuminating work (NOT YET).  Books 4-6 have tons of worthwhile information, if a little out of date. 
So, Why do people keep ordering Non Linear Time Theory?  I suppose when I publish Book 3 I'll have to call it NLT and add it as the second edition of that just so that when people order that ridiculously out of date book they will get some of the right stuff.
I pulled a print copy of the book out so I can try to find what on earth people are looking for there that they cannot find here.

Anyway, we're here to finish the videos and in truth I am thankful for any and all book orders.   Perhaps I will be able to afford a can of beans tonight.  Please, if you order books, 1-8 (not 3) should be ordered and keep an eye on this blog for before you know it book 3 will be ready and much improved even over the other books in terms of the slideshow presentations.

The first 100 pages (now a total of 235 and bound to get longer) of Book 3 are going to be heavily edited (are already heavily edited to page 37) to support 4 different slide shows that are not being put together:
1) The overview-soon to be complete
2) Compression-the same as the overview with more detail
3) Time Dilation
4) The List-the entire A-S list of things that are mysteries which are solved by AuT from the origin of the big bang to black holes.  While those of you who read these will know the answers and you can find them already published (although a little out of date) in Book 5.

The next post, already written, will cover in a much clearer edit the electron-proton conundrum.

Slide 7 audio:

I have moved on, but here is the last of the support for Video 6, slightly amended from earlier posts.

Main Hypothesis.  Space and Mass are the same thing, and this is only logical.
Space and subsequently dimension including its forms as photons, waves, mass and black holes (inter alia) arise from consecutive compression states which in turn represent mathematical results of a single variable algorithm.
The proton and electron are two transitional states to the stable ct4 state.
           The features of this algorithm assume some aspects of offset F-series intersecting spiral algorithms when it is subject to compression.  The offset is defined by an evolving definition of pi and based on the fundamental (f(pix)) features present in the derivation of pi in light of the observed relationship between F-series compression (1,11,111) and information theory (Fseries(n))^2^n.  The infinite expansion of the f-series is offset by compression.
          Draft hypothesis: The universe is an information based system based on a self-generating single variable algorithm of the following rough form: Sum(x=1 to infinity) Fseries/Information interaction (defined by each element changing (with x) but also the sum of all (changing) elements begin added in the prior two quantum embodiments to form the current quantum state of the universe) where each of the embodiments are offset from each prior embodiment by a definition of pi changing based on an infinite converging series restricted and modified regionally by the value of x, the single variable.
          Curvature is relative change between compression states, folding and the consequent trapping of lower states within higher states of compression.  In uncompressed quantum states there is no relative change, no curvature, no dimension. 
          Change occurs in a dimension free environment, but it manifests itself as dimension much as information is stored in one way and projected in another.  This is much like Hologram theory it occurs in a dimensionless environment, but occurs based on the order of movement.
          As you read/listen to this section, you need to be thinking, "oh but the universe is so rich and beautiful and we are so spiritual that even were there an equation it would have to be impossibly complex" which is total bullshit.  I'm not complaining about spirituality, by the way.  I'm merely expressing the opinion of AuT, not to be completely confused with my opinion since I have a hard time believing this myself. I merely observe that it fits too well to be ignored. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Algorithm Universe Theory: Updated Video(s)

I deleted all but the Most recent version of the AUT initial Video updated 4/25/18.  There appear to be some long pauses and a minor amount of repetition in the posted video, not present on the original, but I believe it is bearable and I'll try to look into these features in the final which should be the next one posted.  At that point in time, I expect to work towards a presentation.  Some of the slides may change slightly just as a few slides have been added.
I tried to go back to the older posts and redirect these, but if you saved a link to the old video, well, you might come up empty.

There are 12 slides and I think I am getting better at narrowing down the narration to under 5 minutes.
Its currently about 30 minutes long.  There are 4 slides that have no video yet.  That means 20 minutes or less will be added to the slide show.
1)   There is a graphic (7) on all the information arms, probably a pretty short video given the compression video I'll be producing (see below).
2) There is a graphic (8) on the electron-neutron conundrum, maybe a little longer, but also covered in more detail in the compression video.
3) There is a graphic on the universe as a string (9) which will be a little longer, but not too long.
4) There is a "second" graphic of the release of lower time states (11).  This could be a little longer, but it doesn't add too much to video 10 so it should be short.
I could put all of that information in here, but there is enough already in this blog and the books that are supported that it appears unnecessary.
I am guessing that the final will be 40 minutes more or less, 2.5 minutes per remaining slide.

Even though there is no audio (yet), the compression and dilation videos are nice by themselves even though they are just drafts.

Time Dilation

Information Arms, the solution to the electron/proton cunnundrum with a dash of time dilation

In solving for The electron, it becomes much easier to show how the electron bundle is affected during gravity and during velocity.
It also becomes likely that an electron is a 7 arm ct4 transitional state and a Proton is a 9 arm ct4 transitional state.  A neutron is merely a 16 arm ct4 state.
There are two versions of the previous slide and I go back and forth between them  One shows the same number of states on each information arm, the other shows a steady increase; these alternatives are possible for each of the ct states.  That is you can either increase them steadily using the f(x) function or spread them out  no matter what the value of x, a feature of the fibonacci number, I suppose, in conjunction with 2^x.
The two slideshows below cover how this affects (1) compression and (2) time dilation.
There is no Audio to these yet, although I will add that as soon as I finish the current video.

I figured out time dilation in AuT, I think and normalized it with Lorentz.  I figured out what the structure of the electron and proton are and how that works with the neutron.  I figured out what time was.   That is pretty worthwhile conceptually.  Very strange.
I suppose with predestination as a key component, looking for some sort of recognition is absurd.  If it is destined to come, it will.  I have to overcome every physicist in the world to get my ideas accepted, not much of a  challenge, lol.  The sad thing is that I expect to be successful, to prove we have no more control over our little place in the universe than a rock.

Anyway, enough happy stuff, here are the two powerpoint presentations, I made preliminary movies, I have now fought the good fight with google and they are available at these links and under Algorithm Universe Theory on Youtube.  Certainly with my newfound recording expertise, they will be available avec audio next week sometime.

Time Dilation

And here are the slides, although maybe a little harder to read than with the youtube vids


Time Dilation

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Audio for slide 5 and a lot of new information

Compression and decompression of information in the universe allows space to become mass and mass to have velocity.  It not only allows the universe to compress prior to a big-bang event; but it also leads to the movement away from a compressed state giving rise to features like force, velocity and time in the universe.
This chart lays out the basic scale of compression and decompression witnessed and how it corresponds to place and dimension.

There is an awful lot going on in the next slide.  So much so that I decided to take a serious look at updating book 3 to bring it in line with the most recent advances in AuT and the slide show before I tackle the one that deals with this deceptively simple drawing:

1) Information arms reflect alignment without so much intervening underlying un-aligned lower information states to prevent alignment.
2. An information arm can be defined as: a) aligned states of the "next lower information state" (nlis) b) a "specific low number" (SLN) of intervening "second lower information states" (2lis).
3) The result of information arms is the f-series compression of the next lower information state (nlis)
4) Each information arm holds up to 2f(n) of the next lower information state.
5) The number of information arms is 2^n
6) The intervening next lower information states and all "even lower information states" are folded within the information arm.

The example above shows the information arms for ct2.  There are 2^2 information arms or 4 information arms.  Each of these information arms can hold 2f(n) or 4 of the next lower information state represented by the next lower arm.  The first arm can hold 4ct1 states, the second arm 4*4=16 of the ct1 states (or 4 of the ct2 first arms states) and so on to give 256.  It remains possible that these information states are spread out equally over the information arms, but the electron-proton model for ct4 neutrons indicates that it is less likely and that the electron, by way of example, has the lower order number of ct3 wave states while the remaining proton arms have multiples of these higher states in the preferred analysis.

Ct2 states exhibit charge.  One mechanism for this charge is shown here in the form of unbalanced alignment between the underlying ct1 states.  In this example, an anti-photon would be unbalanced with the opposite charge.

And last, but certainly not least, here is the updated information in Book 3, third edition (unpublished) bringing book 3 into alignment with the first slide.

1.      Slide 1 A thermodynamic free universe

AuT is non-traditional information theory but traditional information theory has features that speak to AuT.

1.          There is no “size” in AuT because dimension is an effect and not a property.  Measurable dimension appears only after space is folded to make what we would call 1 dimensional photonic compression or ct2 (ct1 is space).
2.          3 dimensions only exist in the presence of ct4 compression, the existence of ct4 information arms.
3.          CT states are balanced states of compression and unstable transitional states bridge the gaps between ct states.
4.          The standard model of quarks and the like, is not part of AuT and, while not politically correct, is considered ridiculous by comparison.
5.          Neutrons, for example, are a stable ct4 state.  The electron-proton pair are a largely stable transitional state being effectively a ct3 cloud between partially and fully populated ct4 arms.
6.          Molecules, for example, are largely stable ct4-ct5 transition states tied to the effects of ct4 in the presence of ct5 taking on a ct5 level of compression while maintaining their ct4 properties in terms of ct3 exchange rates.
7.          Trying to use “mass” to determine concentration is confusing because photons are said to have a rest mass of zero.  Likewise, electrons as seen from a pre-AuT analysis have substantial momentum that is a part of the overall mass of what is called the electron cloud or bundle associated with the proton.
8.          Rest mass is not a thing since at any quantum moment, all features of the universe are unmoving.  Mass and momentum are features of time and time is an effect of changes within the electron cloud in the ct3-ct4 transition.  Mass and momentum and time are as inaccurate as saying “space is empty.”  Space is neither volume nor empty, but merely is a math solution providing both a positive or negative value of a determined number of changes in x and a solution order.
9.          All forms of force and mass and dimension are merely different states of space although space also has predecessor elements
10.     All elements change at the same rate, the quantum change of x and all change together.  However, because many of the changes do not change the positive or negative value (only getting closer to the change in value), there are inflection points that we would perceive as change only when that number of changes corresponding to the fpix value occurs and then suddenly and all at once.
11.     Nevertheless, the exchange rate at which space and Photons interact can be tied to light speed at a maximum rate of 1:256. 
12.     The expanding Velocity of light appears to be tied to the release of ct1 states from ct2 states at this rate.  A contracting velocity of light appears to be tied to the compression of ct1 states into ct2 states.
13.     Changes over multiple values of x are non-quantum results and express comparative positions and states and requires removing or injecting ct1 changes into a compressed information states to arrive at the next quantum result.
14.     Force: Photons (ct2) may be electromagnetic stable ct2 states, but modeling indicates that EM force is the loading or unloading of ct1 states onto ct2 information arms over values of x at the scales of time changes.
15.      It is misleading to think of time and x as directly related.  X can change without generating time or a change in time.  However, once time exists, it is affected by localized changes in ct1 which gives rise to time dilation which is dealt with specifically in the next slide show and in later chapters of this book.
16.     Force: Stars increase ct4 compression as part of the transition from ct4 to ct5 states.  An increase in sharing of ct4 states along ct5 carrier arms is perceived as fusion.  The ct5 strong force state can be created only in the presence of ct5 carrier arms compression.
17.     Force: The weak force can be viewed as the force presented by ct4 carrier arm population or depopulation. This strong and weak force result distinguishes AuT from the Standard Model.  Since the SM of quarks and other non-quantum features assigns to these forces (strong and weak) a non-carrier arm feature, the Standard Model is considered in error.
18.     Force: Fusion and Fission can occur with ct4 states alone, but molecular (as opposed to atomic) features can only exist in the presence of ct5 carrier arm solutions.  Neutrons can form in the presence of ct4 solutions only, atoms of more than proton or neutron require a ct5 carrier arm solution.
19.     Dimension: Ct1 (space) is predicted to increase in quantity based on the change in the value of x, one extra ct1 state for each change in x.  It remains possible that space increases at a slower pace.  CT1 is considered to have a minimum value of -3, although a minimum value of 1 is just as likely.
20.     Dimension: F-series exponential compression is reflected not with more space but with a higher number of coordinates changing at once (1,11,111,etc.).  Compression increases the entrapment of ct1 states and thereby eliminates velocity.  When higher ct states decompress, ct1 states are released with increases in velocities over multiple quantum solutions. 
21.     The Spirals idea that was initially carried over of substitution ct1 states is abandoned in the new view of compressed space in AuT.
22.     Einstein already proved that neutrons were interchangeable with energy.  There are lingual mistakes, for example, the “destruction” of information which doesn’t happen.  In a single variable universe of the type we inhabit, if you destroy anything, it’s the amount of compression or decompression. 
23.     Electrons do not move at the speed of light in a vacuum because for electrons, a ct3-ct4 transition state, to move at all they most move based on a release of ct1 from ct2 states.  An electron, in terms of place, looks like this: 1234 and velocity would change on a quantum level from this 1234 to a 1233 type transition meaning that very little “area” of the electron is subject to rendering velocity at any point in time since only the ct2 states can yield velocity while the ct3 states (the 2 place) can only break down to ct2 and not directly to velocity.